Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1932, p. 2

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wasaffioibsis bb8iiatelgbabraqsa fee- -cr- rrhciartvvvx 2j j jl 1 mhi two fhe acton preb press aum i sc rv therhomeof membw canadian weekly newapaptr association member ontarioquebec division c w n a the acton free mess u sssus thursday- evening ntjrhe tfreetrew bajtttec mill street acton ontario the subscription price is pr emrto advance josum i u named additional to offices la the united states the date to which aobscrintiona are paid is indicated on the addreaa label advertisino rates for small onctaaal- fied advertisements and fa other columns the rates will be found at head of column dis play advertising rates on application g a dfjxs editor and proprietor telephones editorial and buslnnee oases jusldence n mi jartiiairttoihpwisattoirr during the month df january a total of- 3601 accidents irere reported to the workmens compen sation board aa compared with 423b for the same month last year the fatal caseis numbered 19a9- against 21 last january the- total benefits awarded amounted to 45353064 ofwhich 36362134 was for compensation arfar8990930 frtrreriwsfrl- during january last yeaf tie total benefits awarded amounted to 58040311 the 1930 general election the general ejection of 1930 and byelections prior tamarchm93l cost ganada 2234767 accord- 4 irig to the auditorgenerals report tabled in the house6f commons this involved th payment of 123385 chequerij0he total amounfof 1261 received by the auditbrxjenerai as deposits from candidates 14800 was forfeited by candidates who failed to receivethe irequisitehiumher of vqtes the general election cost the country half a million dol lars more than that of 1926 an increase attributable largeljltq the new double enumeration system and the increase in polling stations p if time hangs heavjl it is impossible for your life to be a success if time hangsheavily on your hands if you are fre quently bored- if you are all the time wondering wttat tcvdo with yourself if you look at the clock and wish it were an hour later than itjs7 then your attitude toward life is all wrong there are a score of fascinating possibilities for occupying every momeiurndjfthebestumiizito forvehjcujar traffic a total of 93101050 was spent on the con struction and maintenance of highways roads bridges and ferries for vehicular traffic in canada during 1930 according to an official reportjust issu ed of this total 69988233 was spent on con struction and 23102817 on maintenance the total road mileage in the dominion at theend of 1930 was way the mileage of gravel road was 71347- the pm viri ce r f f on ta rjo had44 ojl surfaced canada t65per cent miles chisss p cent of t forfth luebetrwas secondwith 13302 miles or jntish columbia was third with 4596 away it is a poor compliment to your brains wake up findout what time is meant for even if in half an hour you are going to start something you anrvetymuchtcdorthat7is no reason forwfshirig the half hour away or for wasting it the people 7 the most out of life for themselves and do most with life for others never find time hanging heavy jwutheir hands when the city complains at a recent trades meeting in toronto complaint was registered that four large printing contracts had been awarded to outside firms apparently as the renfrew mercury very aptly remarks toronto jtradesmenovejrlook3he fact that toronto printing firms not only have canvassers visit every ontario townbut givje commission to grocery clothing and whathaveyou travellers to solicit printing as a side line not only in this- province but jn the other provinces also surely other cities have a right to flgfrttmntrftrh tri snrnp wfi cut prices every printing office in our towns suffers ztfrom the sidelineprinting canvasser andsowe havejajeewjlarge prjntingplants ina few large cities growing larger and the town printeries employing less men when the full job is done and the town printshpp so forgotten by local users of printing that good craftsmen have to be dispensed with then toronto and other large city printshops will reap a harvest ageous contract should likewise be made thesubjeot of a full investigation the people who are presum ably- the owners of this great public enterprize are entitledto know the full meanin ofth pay- ments each of them may be in perfect order and in the best interests of hydro but a clean breast of the whole situation would remove all stigma from hydro that it is trying to cover up something the idea of dragging out an investigation on each par ticular amount gives the impression to the public that there is something wrong and that an inquiry will be withheld until the last possible moment both parties apparently have some cleatithg up to do and neither party has a right to hurl insults at the other until they jiave cleared themselves in the eyes of the public who at thepresewtnolnnthave little faith in any of their leaders hiding behind such charges a 7 ks- j r suggestions for fair probleriis the problems of rural fairs is a live topic and many of them were discussed at the annual conven tion in toronto last week thrpugh a great deal of effort acton has teen successful in providing a variety of attractions that have been- interesting to its patrons andt have kept the fair to highsandard every fair in the country is havingwfflculty in mak ing an interesting programme the county fair in prince edward county has run against the problem and the picton gazette- comes forward with some suggestions why not cut down on horse races which are a heavy drain on the treasury and sub- stitutenew features asks the gazette arid it sug gests that a bareback riding horserace for young men and women bicycle races and field and track sports would comprise an interesting programme- it recommends a pageant in the evening presented 4y the womens institutes of the county fiddling con test a cornhusking bee a woodcutting contest a parade of men and women in ojdtime costumes a musical competition for church choirs and rural schools acrobatics wrestling and boxing by high school students a boy scout demonstration and a dancing competition the gazette believes that ex- hbitions of carding wool lacemaking rugmaking basketweaving etc would prove popular with the ladies in its opinion adog and cat show could be staged at little cost and it would draw hundreds to the fair finally what of a baby show many of these have found their place in actons programme and proven successful there are others which might weil he considered and prove their worthy no place for part job just why the hydro probe should be made a piece meal affair is hard to understand if the mysterious payment of one or two of the sums to mr ajrd is to be made the subject of inquiry the 125000 pa supposedly for the securing of aj advant- chronicles of ginger farm wrlttem 8pebuly for the free press by- gwendoline p clarke really the dally news is getting quite exciting- these- days that is if one gets past the war news without getting cold shlvecs down bnessplne what i really refer to is news which is much nearer home that- is the -discussion- offarny problems the cut jry milk prices the probable outcome otthe jparm council wlth representatives from every county and last but not least the heated letters fohlftrr tfovft been written as anatur outcome of the hpnorable t ij keh- nedys expressed opinion e the farmer the honoftble thomas his a habit o hitting straight from the bhoulder but there are times when he alms a utile wide of the aiark hardly ny laitoer will welcome the suggestion that he has been babied or that has been giyen education good roads and hydro the general impression among farmers seems to be that the farmer pays and pays pretty highly for any advantages that come his way and then you know this prosperity yam is getting to be rather- a mythf- of course it may be true that prosperity is just ardimd the corner but the corner must be an unconsctonffi3elong way off for to look for it seems rather like hunt ing for the foot of the rainbow we may do our best to get to the corner but no matter how persistently we travel nor how fast we go the corner recedes as we advance asarjifie might almost say the con arerather like puzzle with someof therplmes leftou compare larjeoptiaiistic headllncson the- front pagemvithrtlhe market- quotations at the back and you realize you are up against a puzzle a puzzle yes butthe parts dout flttogether where then are- the missing pieces prosperity and yet eggs eighteen cents a dozen churning cream down three cents cattle market jdraggy diop in potatoes fiftysix cents top price for wheat small seeds unchanged and flats d1ar by robs farfijohar friday blisters and mo was envlted over to janes house tonlto to play an hagr and a- bout 10 a cjock thursday febrttary 11 1933 editorial notes li easter falls on march 27 this year whickts the earliest date since 1921 when it fell on the same date it will not bea as early again until 1940 prosperity we are beginning to think it is quite a- joke but a grim desperate jol dayweareaure farmprices must have reached rock i bottom but the next day they seem to have gathered momentum kicked the rock clean out df the way- and go hurtling down again either that or tihey gotlght- throu the rock like a to this furnico and rattled a round a wile and thenhe wound he clock and then he turn edout the lite and let on like he thot we was gone and flnelyfellsters and nyigot spre tui4 went home i hnder whut he thot pf thalj saterday ant fcmmy jr mawent down to see pie mrs crust wijch has lived all- by her self for a grate menny yrs ant emmy sed if it wossent for the two gold fish she surejy woodget oflly lonesura she xpecke j r qurjaymajnade me take a xtry bath this morning before i went to sun- day skool she found the touel i used last nite and she sed it wassent durty enuff for me to of tuk a real good bath fytimen is tosuspishus i think munday- ma enformed pa today that she had bough ten a new cote at a very very grate bargen and pa sed gee wlzz where am r going to get the money to pay for it and ana sed well i alnt no fourtune teller teusday pa pulled a boner tonite wneinmrs ltty blend was here she sed her dauter got her singing voice from her and pa without thinking very deep pa sed well that shud ought to be kwlte a releaf ma looked at him and the customer having coughed loudly to signify his impatience at last attrac ted the shopkeepers attention i wiint a mousetrap he said rather sharply a good one ahd please be why janes pa got- quiet fpri want tocatch- a train up and weritdownl the shopkeeper eyed almcoydly i regret sis he said that my mousetraps are not guaranteed to eaten trains over and over every job is monotonous if by that we mean doing the same task over and over- each spring and each autumn however la as fresh a miracle as if neither had ever happened befpre gimrlse is- an old story but no sunrise is exactly like j an other if your work is palling you your mind is stale- if everything seems a grind perhaps the element necessary 13 a change of attitude si theres a wealth of rich flavor fprner s wensday mr olllem had his pockets elcked- tonitewilel him and watupjsliiahelrilty r t n snow he sert tie felt sum 1- reatc in hlsjppcket but he thot it was his wife and dlddent dp nuthing about it thirsday aptemmy says its ajl rite fer gentlemln to prefer blonds if they wood oney make up there mind before they go a hed and marry a bruneett or sumjthlng douglas egyptian liniment is un- alfalfa apparenuy not worth quoting at k for s reu in muscuur all sounds like prosperity dpesnt it rheumatism lame backr7tnflamrr action tournsand fe 2 choice qualities red labd orange pekoe the 12 big biscuits meainl economy with all the bran of the vvhole wheat madm in canada with canadian wheat canadian shredded wheat company ltd diamond drill partner remarked today that we had better- hurry up and get the egg crate away ctherwlse the returns might not cover the shipping charges but there is just cne consolation it is no disgrace these days to admit one is hard up without a comfortable bank balance no farm however well managed can possibly be selfsupporting under the existing conditions what can we do there is only one thing we can do and that is economize in every way possible not so easy perhaps when we consider we have already economized up to the uttermost limit economy has a differ- ent meaplngrtodlfrerentpeople some think the only way to economize is to go without things they want others still get a few of the things they need but by dint of much scheming make every dollar give them in return one hundred per cent value and then there is false- e penny wise and pou we have parliament at ottawa is irr session and it is to be hoped tflie session will be used to settle the countrys problems rather than party differences a saving of 8000000 is estimated by the cutting of salaries and indemnities of the dominion officials its quite a tidy sum when many contribute a little to the grand total premier bennett apparently hasnt much faith in the st lawrence project when it is necessary to sign first ahd discuss the affair in parliament after it isnt the usual procedure of business milton has refused to pay the countys accounts for transients at 75 cents per night on the ground that the charge is too high after several years of free accommodation most any charge would seem cxhorbitant the hon arthur meighen who has been made a senator and appointed a member of the bennett cabinet without portfolio states that he proposes to still retain for the present at least his seat on ontario hydroelectric power commission how can the people expect nonpartisan adnwnistrationlpl hydro affairs with one commissioner a member of the ontario government another in the dominion government and the third mr maguire -wjiosa- partisanship wasi very clearly manifested in his- speech to the ontario municipal electrical associa tion last week mr meighen should resign his hydro position at once barrie examiner had a wonderfully good instance of that this week partner has- an old root pulper it is dear knows howtonanxjrears od and was secondhand when partner bought it lis usefulness was outlived several years ago but to economize partner made it do it has pnly two cutting knives left and they are in cne corner so that the roots have to be pushed shoved or in spnie way persuad ed to pass thrdugh the knives every time partner is late in for dinner 1 have visions of him mangled up in the root pulper last week he left part of his ihumb behind yesterday ii heard his step in the wood shed too early for dinner and there he was with ay terrible looking finger the doctors were away so there was nothing for if but tp fix partner with a tourniquet on his finger until such time as the doctor could ar rived when he finally arrived it required four stitches to close the wound now we do the chores between us under dif ficulties partner hindered by his awkward bandaged finger and i tamp ered by inexperience molly does her share when she is here to do it but how much time does a school girl have to help at home so that is the predicament we are in through practising economy and i have not the least doubt but what partner will still use the pulper ami go on using it until such time as- farm prices take a lift of course we arc not downhearted not a bit of it somehow some time things will change and the farmer come once more lnjo his own but in the meantime the best we can do is keep scratching as i read in the paper the other day a hen does not quit scratch ing when the worms are scarce indeed no if i know anything she scratches all the harder arid so i guess we will take a lesson from the hens and go on scratch ing too shoe on the other foot jwiferjt keeps a man guessing to find a good wife these days husband yes and after hes married his wife keeps him guessing the rest or his life carrolls breakfast bacon lb carrolls rich old cheese lb kraft velveeta pkg 15c carrolls pure peanut butter lb 18c 18c 23c 2no2tiiis sardines 2 carrolls beadyoat or shell macaroni 2- 0 ct 1lbrtin 49c rpwntrees olde english orco a jlbvtinjjc vitone 1- lb- tin 51 c lb un 10 10 carrouiold english style mincemeat aylmer sweetened applesauce libby tendermellow sauerkraut 10 eagle or bearer brand blueberries 10 aylmer choice fitted cherries 10 bimore sweet white corn 3 k oreen valley tender peas 2 15c carrolls pure bulk aylrer pork and beans 2 in 17c salada tea brown label s7c pure cocoa shelled bordeaux walnuts lb y4ib iter 10 10 ibp handcleaned whit pea beans s hccormicks is- kiss candies 10 kolarens praratostaffed olives iot jr eggo baking powder tin ioc 10 quality first economy alway day martinis shoe polish tin iq lemons special per dozen 3 bananas tbs for 25c large navel oranges co 37c or i special per dozen medium navel i oranges per dozen smatl navel oranges j special per dozen 23 5 seedless- grape- q fruit special for awioc 3 cabbage large v heads special jluc mill m phone 158 r- f kiifnimil acl ton ontai 1

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