vv ok- a 1 thpbs tobrtraay 2 193 jawobjd fob the dog t 5fve never known a dog to fake affection for a nrespnt gain a falsedisplay ot ldvetomake borne little favor to attain ive never seen a prince or spot that seemed tp be what lie was not but 1 nave known a dog to fight with all his strength to shield his i frlendr ahbywheth wr or whe rlgt- to stfcfcwith him untothe end andi have renown a dog to lick the hand of him that nen would kick and i have known a dog to bear starvations pangs from day to day with hlmikha had been glad to share his bread and meat along the way no dog however niean or rude is guitlty or ingratitude- i the dog is listed with the jjumb no voice has he to speak his creed his messages to humans come by faithful conduct and by ideed he shows as seldom mortals do a highifileai of rbeing true t the sunday school -lesson- sunday february 2 the acton free press page seven tyvento years ago from the issue of the free press thursday february 291912 of spring must be coming the boysare playing marbles sunday was the warniest day since the advent of 1912 the mercury rose to 40 degrees ufr donald robertson reports seeing the first crow thisraspririg on his farm in nassagaiveya on friday the roads were badly blocked for several days last week j the hockey match on saturday night between glenwiriams and acton resulted in a draw witha score of lll the lce-j- the dedth of her brother just as was very s and slushy j mr jas symohi has taken over the johnstone hardware business and is now welcoming the customers of the store mr synions father the late charles symon was in business here for many years and sold out to messrs jcjjrlstle henderson about forty years ago ujxra the initiative of mr n f moore leader of the methodist church cnoir gathering of local and neighboring choirs will be held in the methodist church next monday evening the choirs of knox baptist and st albans churches j cl might be strengthened jestjs raises lazarus from thej dka3d golden text i am the resurrection and the life he that bellevethlon me though he die yetshafl he live john u 25 r lesson textjho il- 3244 read jno 11 112 ii tlmerjanuary 30 a d eiaeei- bethariy exposition i jesus wept 3236 martha having received froih jesus the consolation she sought waited ao longer but hurried to mary with the glsdrraessage the master is here and riijueth thee withput a word mary rjs quickly and hurtles to jesus vs 3- 31 and fails doyen art his feet mary has been at jesus feet before vlu 10 39 then she was at his feet for in struction now she was there for comfort and help a it is those who in times j of prosperity know how to sit- at his feet to learn who in times of sorrow knew how to find comfort and deliverance in the same place the day will shortly jtome when mary will be at his teet again in worship marys cry at jesus feeos a deeply significant one lord if thou hadst been here my brother had not died there seems to be almost reproach in it hut she still calls him lord it is ponder more than re proach mary was in great perplexity fcommand we too can know our prayers are heard before we see the thing we ak ivjnrf 54 15 we too can take a- position when th6 -father- hearcth us always l jno t3 22 jnol5 7 he tliat was dead came forth a phjtin calm unvarnished statement of a won- i derfirf fact the story bears the marks of itsgenuineness in every line who is he that by a word thus raises the dead only those who wont- see can question truly this is the christ the son op cop andinow man must do his part they could loose lazarus from his graveclothes so jesus did not do that but bade therii do it jesus alone caii raise the x we must look to him to do that but when he has done that we havo our part to do in bringing them into full liberty there are many in our churches to whom jesils lias given life but we have- hot done our part in loosing- them from their graveclothes f ihcj fnutvim rnf 3pwi the iad ys last word wcroan witness inenglishpourt he is caled a polished gentleman thty must have lookecl at his boots mistakes that become habits should work with him in assisting others intp newness of life cancer is largely a prevent- able disease if people correctly informed we oftentimes are when our loved ones are taken away it was an impenetrable mystery to this gentlehearted woman why jesus had not come and- saved he knew itwas that he might do something vastly better than they sought they sought a brother saved from death he woutdglye them a brotmfttium phant over death it was because he loved them that he had not come until lazarus was dead- vs 46 it was also thait god might be glorified v 4 and that the faith of the di3i christ acton and the methodist choirs of en has many loving reasons for his dealings with us when we can see none at all martha had uttered the same words at her meeting with jesus iv 21 evidently they had often said it to one another during those four days but georgetown rockwood ebenezer eden mills slloam andjrewsorrs i corners have been invited the baptist church held its anniver sary last sunday arid mondayseloquent sermons were preached on sunday by rev professor keirsteadm a d d of mcmaster university toronto on monday evening a tea and enter tamment undvthe auspicesof the choirl m i the protectiou from cancer to the the hopeful side of cancer was never known jtftyyearsjagq because thenthe- people and the medical profession were lgriorant- the people uninformed of the importance of being examined the jhoment they were warned and the medical profession st ig of the proper treatment even in caswof oper able and curable cancer the first uniformly successful cures of cancer were due to the rapid develop ment of modern surgery and practically all operations which were successful in he cure of cancer today were conceived and executed successfully before 1900 and should be associated with the names of billroth of vienna halsted of johns hopkins and kraske and wertheim of germany then came the discovery of the x-rays- and radium which have been success ullyempl6yed- chleflylin the past fifteen years by 1900 many members of the med ical profession throughout the world knew from their records that the majority of cases of cancer cured by surgery were in the very early stage to increase the number of individuals who seek aid of tlje medical profession in the very early stages depended uprm getting a message to them containing the correct information about the earlie it j signs and symptoms of local conditions which could be easily seen or felt which a high school girl reading over a letter she had written asked an older sister in the ropm how do you spell accommodation when the answer vtfas given she inserted a second m- addj ing with a laugh t always get that worpj wrong the older istiexldid not think this a laughing matter shp answered gravely this is the last time i should ever say that if i were m your place something in hor tone stung the- pride of the younger girl at first resentful she goon began tfi ask- herself why she should go on indefinitely misgpeinng a wordta suchfrequont use that night in her room she sat down at her writing desk and covered several sheets of fools cap with the word accommodation- she has never misspelled it since there are grammatical errors that same of us make almost daily though we have been corrected times without number itsmeyi between you and i and like blunders give an illiterate effect to your speech and it does not make any difference that they are the result of carelessness that you really know better z jl in juniors footsteps the need of concentration i i hear my son hat owed you for a a modest gift which you can focus suit for three years on the job in hand and hold there with- jjftiiior ies sir have you called to out allpwing it tqjivavcr will accompllih settle the accpunj i mere than a great gift which defies customer n6 id like to suit myself concentration mahy geniuses never are on the same termjii iheaid of because their ability has never been broken tq harness it flits here sore stjbsecvt land flies there and absolutely refuses j 6 be hampered by considerihgthe needs mrsknigg with magdzlneit says of tjie hour twjungrpepple- wh6iearh ner6 that a south searlsland wife isnt the art of concentratiorr will find you supposed to talk until her husband speaks haitejabillty enough to make a success first r i without concentration nowever ability knagg til bet ipme of those hus- of the highest order daes hot insure a bands are fools enough to do it i living r time tables at acton of course you are bound to make some mistakes but there is no excuse for con tinuing to make the same mistakes qvei and over if you find in any especial case that making a mistake has become a habit it is time to take yourself in hand tracked by tiw uwardsburt pxse50c ton sybfl omiwstjutmam for nourishfflent dellctod flavor and low cost crown brand corn syrup urecoftnljwl as the most healthful food 1y foremost djetitiani edwatjdsburg crown brand corn symjp tht canada starch co limited montreal 8f torn copy ofgta4a klx rccfpmt 1 wirtfkw itc for malllns namk i addrksa- nadian n going east dally except sunday 1007 am- daily c 2jj8 pjn daily- except sunday jjtxmm sunday only n 1- 800 pjn the chicago flier that passes- through here at 930 eastbounds stops at george- town at 942 p m goto west dally except sunday 740 ajn daily except sunday 908 ajn dally excfcpt sunday 228 pm daily except sunday b40pjia- sunday only 845 iajn sunday only 1035 pjn eastbound dajly daily daily daily daily saturdays sundays and holidays only 1000im westboljnd 700a jii 9j5 am 200 pm 530 pjn 800 pjn dally daily dally dally 910 am 110 pm 410 pjn 730 pjn martha had not fallen at jesus feet mignt bethe local condition preceding when she said it jesus had given martha a good deal he gave words of wondrous cancer cr the early stage of cancer itelf by 1913 we had found out that promise and hope but he gave mary th only way to gct tne essentia facts jesus i people was through the press o1930dem- wos largely attended and an excellent thy and his tears vs 3335 programme-iistened-tor- the-program- l- t nm gladhedidan i am glad qutues tz me was given by the methodist ladies john noticed it that when long years dnstrated tnat ina correctly in- quartette the baptist male quartette had p and john was writing down i formed m regard tq cancer run a rlsk misses bertie smith emma burt nelli j what he recalled of the words and acts ca ta seve per cent instead williams margaret thompson lottie or tsuy the holy spirit shispbred e per cent wn fhe risk and hazel mason mrs dr holmes and t that dovm toojohn jesus weptj the lgnorant and uninformed the messrs d m henderson and leonardihs 4 15 16 marys sorrow was no i cnandes of a cure of c ta the en worden to be long in duration a few minutes group is more than sixty byncxt fall the canadian northern an would give way t5 th ignorant gr0 it is less than ten railway will have an electric line com- j sorrow moreover was pcr cent ileiedbetween torontoand guelph married i fpundgdiupon a mistake nevertheless briefly what is it that every one j it was real and jesus entered into it and sh2uld know for pro against i made it his own true love doesnt- ask c fjrst cancer never begins as somervillehamblyat the meth- hcw much foun there is ta sorrow cancer but alwavs asa local chance r 2 oth simply weeps- with those spt which t tot- ccir wsf the somerville son of mrs thomas som- wiio weep in- all our afflicitions jejib lndlvit sce an examination at this crvllle acton tamissjjlllian hamblyijsamicted isae3jal haivcyrii always protcctedfrtmicanrerr j cannot- but think that in jesus groans jm the external canee the warning is vs 33 38 there was something more j de and when thespot is in the i than sympathy the word translated nkln or in the llning of the mouln tlnc dally- saturday 1010 pm saturdays sundays and- holidays only 1110 an saturday only 1210 am acton phone 58 tait optical c0 110 wyndham street guelph cfjjapanee at douglas egyptian liniment should b ncd means very in every household stops bleeding at was jcslis y once cauterizes wounds and prevents botod poisoning keeps away inflamma tion and prud fleshy j desolated so many homes and had n rnn 11 pcrsin will know it before it is cancel- at death that i wnen it is a smai i beneath the great masterpiece of the devil heb 2 skin the lump may bi so dce buried 14 which had through the centuries j tnat it not e unt it cells have hcroforcr if any- dared enter the home of those he loved ne notices a spot on the skin or the economicalmenus fojr a week 5 bul je5us himsou wlu shortly llnlng of the moutn and kcek1 exam t piave an awful fight with this monster i an conqucirrrfm tile -jews- sunday breakfast grapefruit rice coffee mils peted jesus tears partly aright i mhj t was not only love for him luncheon or supper pork rnnriortehos i krlspies toast and butter sandwiches cake tea milk dinner roast pork wltn hedpotatoestgravjvorciun t ed carrots and peas waldorf salad rolls and butter jelly sunshine cake bever age mon breakfast grape e g toast and jelly coffee milk luncheon or supper roast beef mashed potatoes 8raxy cabbage salad bread and butter inter- but tht caused jesus to weep there are many today who rqgard tears- as a sign of weakness but they may be a sign of moral the only perfect man j wept an inability to weep marks an incompleteness of -characf- if tfcazarusre f what a wonderful interplay of tht natural and the supernatural mans work and gods work there is in the inatin and treatment at once no one ttnoutd die of cancer- of the skin or mouth when any one feels a lump any where the first tiling to do it to have it examined by a competent doctor who will decide qctwccn nn tr irrnritntlmv ir removal when the cancer is internal the i nsist upon branded trade- marked sirid advertised merchan dise do not accept a substitute for what you name long experience lias shown that snoods which- are widely and steadily advertised in the newspapers are the ones that are worthy of your faith its wise to use the most reliable and effective service available for your difficult collections that is what r iceiljl and aifewt tinr peh sistent collectotts of okangeville ontario offer you send your list or single note or account to them today warnings are different it may be an unusual discharge from one of the inlets for outlets of the body irrespective of the character of the discharge the warning may be pain or an unnatural feeling of any kind or a change in the normai functions of the body the difficulty is not that the individual dees not know of the very first symptoms great works of christ jesus is about to perform one of his most stupendous miracles call back to life a man who has been four days dead but what man j but that he dees not know that these can do man must do he alone can first and insignificant symptoms may be and he- will raise the doad but man can and man must take away the stone the first warning of a dangerous con dition and for that reason an examln- t sunshine cake tea milk dinner potato salad sliced cold pork- creamed carrots and peas bread and butter chocolate pudding beverage i tuesday breakfast oranges corn flakes milk toast coffee milk luncheon or supper goulash fruit salad whole wheat bread and butter teamiik din ner hamburg patties- boiled potatoes i on wdv whom jesut wlsheto crerfmedoniensr bread and butter clioco- j gct at and rajcr btrra to us late pudding beverage j take away the stone what is the wednesday brfeakfast orangrs hot stc7le that- lies against the door of the cereal toast and butter milk luncwbrr bttve wherein your dead friends lie take or supper goulash scalloped potatoes itaway how little jesus was under- raw carrot saldd bread and butter jellied stood they fancy he just wants to get fruit tea vnllk dinner bacon and eggs i arld see his dead friend even scalloped potatoes celery whole wheat martha to whom he had just declared bread and butter apple sauce cake i am tne resurrection and the life beverage forgets and protests against moving the thursdaybreakfast suced oranges stone he hath been dead four days pep bran flakes toast and butter cflee as if it made any difference to the onv milk luncheon or supper new england nipotcnt sen of god the rcsurrec- bolled dinner with corned beef ceery tlon and tht life how long a man had i against cancer of the cervix bread and butter peaches cookies teabcn dead why the time is comlng milk dinner siced corned beef hashed when he shallspeak the word and thoe worms in children if they be not brown potatoes shredded lettuce bread who have been dead four thousand years attended to cause conculslons and often and buter cornstarch pudding bever age friday sliced oranges eggs tast and butter coffee mik luncheon or supper vegetable salad baked potatoes bread and butter cornstarch pudding tea knew the father hnid heard him tor milk dinner creamed salmon with pas he had heard him always not one tho minister on toast pineapple sauce spice cake- prayer did jesus ever offer that the shoddie beverage fitmtr did no i hear him and give him by the way he remarked after a saturday breakfast grapefruit corn the very thing he asked some tnink while i was sorry to see your husband flakes toast and butter coffee milk he did net get what he asked some leave the church last sunday right inj luncheon or supper creamed potatoes i think he did not get what he asked in the middle of my sermon i trust nothing fried eggs buttered peas lettuce bread thegarden of gethsemane but the was seriously th matter with him there is many a man dead to trespasses ation should be sought at once the two most important statements which should reach every individual in this country today are select a family physician for yourseif and yur family before illness comes not after see the family physician bnee a year no matter how jvell you fel second every woman who has borne children shcud go to the physician who took care cf her at that time for a pelvic examination or if this physician is net available select on equally good or a better cne for this periodic exam- inatirn which is the greatest protection shall come ferh ch 5 28 29 jesus death mother graves worm bixtermlni knew the prayer was heard before there at it will protect the children from these was any visible tken of an answer aril lstrcssing afflictions he returned thanks before the answer was given he knev it was his h smoothing down the minister here is a message to all shoppers of both sexes and varying incomes motleritiiewspaper advertising does you a great service it permits ydtttohrcept have never tested what others have believed in and accepted you also may buy with confidence called mrs mae- and butter spice cake milk dinner l chops with baked creamed potatoes stewed tomatoes celery bran muffins and butter pineapple cake beverage bibe plainly declares that ho did heb oh no sir replied mrs mapshod- 5 7 there was absolutely unbroken diei it was nothing very serious but communion between him and the father vu see the poor man does have a tcr- and he did everything at the fathers rible habit of walking in his sleep advertisers must be and re main honest if they want to be suc cessful in business today their announcements bear their names and signatures they tell the truth to protect themselves as well as tor- safeguard you a newspaper advertisement is a publicly printed bond between ad vertising merchants and the buying public it is the strongest guarantee for goods of honest quality at fair and i competitive prices thrifty shoppers will buy ad vertised goods and refuse to accept any substitutes have your eyees examined by p e robinson r 0 eyesight specialist who will be at dr buchan- a offic every o thursday afternoon next visits lhjirsday march 3rd- eyes examined glasses h fitted phonedr buchaiiananyl time for an appointment prices reasonable j savage co watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario ii wyodham st subscriptions for all magazines taken at the free press office w w- v