fvafm two 2j r v v- v- 1 i h k v r w j t t vit jiffiuacton free press y 7 tgdbspay jtjly 14 193 ski gf v f y r rt bbsurtvhu1wl 8 mil j 4 ilrioawiffawhkewks m w- f llillnllhihihim iillihll ifi j th home of jf arton jfr rprrfi fev itev member csnsdlsn weekly newspaper association kfvi member ontarioquebec dirision c w n a iblished every csa building- aubacriptsdii postage is the united icriptiona are sbel a k tev tjhe acton free press is ire thursday erenins at the free ft mill street acton ontario the price is saco per 7car in advance charged additional to ofices in states the date to which snbi paid is indicated on the address 1 1- advertising ratesfor small onclasii- fied advertisejbenta and in other columns the rates will be found- at head of jcolnmux imsi play advertising rates on application g a dills editor and proprietor telephones- editorial and business oatee tm i h i r position of railway improving j a decrease in gross revenues of 39i8273in may 192 as compared with may of last year was more than offset by reduced operating expenses of the canadian national railways for the month ac cording to the monthly statement of revenues and expenses issuedrecently showing gross revenues in may of 11686354 operating expenses ofthj canadian national in may 1932 were 10954559 a reduction of 4209378 fromhe operatingexpenses figure of may 191 net revenue for may 1932 therefore showed an mcreasa over may 1931 of 29i105to reach- total of 731794 for the five months period january 1 to may 31 1932 gross revenues of 57756742 showed a decrease of 15 288654 the reduction- in operating expenses over the period almost- kept pace with this operating expenses for the 1932 period were 565699237 a reduction of 15035431 this left net revenue for the 1932 period of 1180818 a decrease of 253222 for the 1932period as against the same months of last- year rural retjideny invade ottawa rural ontario will be heard from at ottawa this week when the- monster delegation visits the capital to lay before the premier and his colleagues the needs of the farming industry crops and crop conditions crop conditions are of much concern these days and the following bulletin put forth by the bank of montreal will prove of interest in a general sum mary as at this date in the prairie provinces cool weather and hefcvy fairly general rains have promot ed good growth of all crops wheat is now heading out over the entire prairies with manitoba the furthest advanced and prospects for a good crop rare-qutte- encouraging inquebec t in dications are sthat tlie hay crop will be under average con tinued favorable weather is benefiting other drops nfirtntari6iair crops are progressingsarisfactorilyi anvh rtiirirtnif k ttir jpyy yields e in the eastern section where conditions are average in the maritime provinces favorable weather is promot- ing good growth in british columbia indications are far above average- yields of crops generally it seems to be generally admitted that acton park shou be de sig on t but ti idon just who of what is going to put it there other essentials a few days ago it was our pleasure to attend a junction held in the school grounds downat no 3 section in nelson township xdne could not help but admire the tidy ground and the flower bfids about the building and bordering the sidewalk to t r itwasjpstanordinaryiuixalschool made beautiful in its surroundings by the profuse use of flower beds there were roses and all sorts of beautiful blooms and they were not guarded from the children by fences or any unusual precaution and yet they were unharmed and developing as rapidly as in the most carefully guarded home plot what a splendid environment in which to educate children and it was quite apparent that the children appreciated the beauty and exercised care in pre- serving it we dont know what the results of ready ing writing and arithmetic are at this schoolhouse but here the children learn some other things that are just as essential to a complete education the county doing ite part the halton county council is to be congratulated on the permanent type of road work that is being done this year on the second line between acton and milton with the assurance from the provincial highway department that this joad will sometime be a provincial highway the county has gone about to put whatever expenditure is available into the work of widening the road and preparing it for the day when it will belong to the system of kings high ways the narrow portions are being widened out to the required width for highway requirements hills- are being cut down and some of the curves straightened out while this work is in progress it is necessary to travel with care over this section any present inconvenience can however- be over looked when spme hope is entertained of the road becoming linked with the splendid highway below milton to the dundas higflway the county council is doing its part well to h the day when this county wiijbetserved with a good roadway running the length of tti ccrjunty when the fills and grading have prqptryjettied w may look forward surely fo the skwndlffiieueing provincial highway ufvvt another tax needed the transient trader is getting told pretty plainly he is riot wanted these days the town of timmins passed a bylaw fixing the fee at 500 actori last week made the hawkers and pedlars fee i00 there are altogether too many of these irresponsibles securing a consignment of goods and starting out to canvass from door to door to the annoyance of housewives and usually the disadvantage and the detriment of the business houses established in the community who are paying taxes for community improvement another amendment should yet be made to the law to enable municipalities to collect a tax from the mail order houses just let the chap from the small town go into the city for orders and see how long before hewill be moved on we under stand that the legion who were selling tickets for a dance with some sort of a lucky prize feature from georgetown werestopped selling in the city of guelph yet how many schemes are put across by the cities to enticethe money from the- pockets of the residents in other communities we never did believe in high protective walls but leaned more toward the idea of free lines of trade but when others put up the walls there is onlyone thing left to do in self protection if it is good for the cities to control their business it is also good for the smallercomrnunities and an equalizing tax should be made- on the mail order institutions for the up keep of the municipalities from- which they draw their revenue it would assist in keeping down the local tax rates materially if it were made in like proportion to the local business tax or a turnover basis chronicle of7 ginger fairii written bpeckarr for tlie free frees bj gwendoljne p clabke editorial notes the railways have surely struck the bargain week end special plan with sensational offerings it would appear that gasoline would have to decrease to keep pace with their travel dfferings up to the present indications from all over the dominion seem to point to a bumper crop thats a lot to be thankful for and while prices may not be high there will be no necessity for anyone starving in a lan of plenty the simcoe reformer had a splendid special kins men edition it comprised thirtyeight pages and was complete in its mechanical and literary makeup and surely gave a welcome to the delegates who meet there in convention will be required to transport this grains the first incoming cargo to churchill from britain is expected about july 15 it is expected that a total of 4000000 bushels of grain will be shipped from churchill on hudson bay this ear to brttfsh ports at- least 16 vesselsl could toke htal to ottawa and let him loose at the imperial conference of course it would be an awful risk toe might get shut up at ottawa and we might never see our dairllng any more while we are on the subject of in ventions might i venture to suggest that better use might be made of the ones we already have take sign posts for instance their cost is almost negligible yet on side roads they are most con spicuous by their absence last wednes day was our sunday school picnic the children went by truck in the morning and i followed during the afternoon the road was strange to me and i miss ed one important turn and landed at a place at right angles to where i wanted to go ifot that it boutered me i had a nice visit with frierjtts and then went on rriy way rejoicing it only made a difference of a mere twenty miles a sign post along the road might have been of great assistance to an lgnoram- ous like myself and i might also add i bought a map the night before but it wasnt much use to me because i left it at home i the fact that railways are going through finan cial difficulties is appreciated by everyone but surely a few new planks and a decent crossing for pedes trians could be provided on mill street as it is at present the company may be liable at any time for a damage action vt a year in prison and a thousand dollar fine was the punishment handed out by united states courts to john curtis for the mental torture to which he subjected the lindberghs during the search for their babe about the same punishment as a bootlegger would get in canada once again acton public school has achieved success in having every one of the pupils who wrote the entrance- examinations successful twentynine pupils were- graduated from the acton public school this year and- miss bennett the principal and her staff are tobe congratulated upon the success which has come to be the usual thing in acton school seventeen of the pupils were passed upon the re- commendatoji of the principal several times this week i have found myself thinking about inventions not that 1 havemvented anything far from it all i have done is to think how nice it wouldbe if someone else would invent this- that dr tlie other take hens for instance why in the name of wonder cant someone invhr- or breed a species of hen that will go broody directly you give her- eggs ajid that canbe broken up by merely being deprived or the same it sounds so simple and yet no one has ever done it and so we have to go on year after year with hens that wont cluck when they ought to cluck but cluck all the time when you dont want em to the way we deal with our over- zealous hens is to shut them up in a stool rack which partner fixed up near the henhouse they are given plenty of feed and water and kept coiulisfed until such time as they have learnt to function as a respectable hen always should but this week my biddies got the laugh over me if laugh they can but if they oant then the way they look at you sideways with their bright beady eyes is just as impertinent to cut a long story short every night i shut up any hens i flnct on anest one night i shut up twelve the next night an additional six and the next night f went into the henhouse and what did i find but six more broodies i was as mad as a hornet and also perplexed be cause what to do with them i did not know as the- stock rack would not hold any more-arut- then an idea struck me i went over and counted the broodies and lo and behold there were only eleven the persistent wretches had scraped and scraped until they scraped a hole big enough for them to get under the crate it was then i thought i heard a hen laugh or if it wasnt a laugh it might certainly be called a derisive cackle ah well my biddies he who laughs loudest laughs last i blocked up the hole in the rack caught every hen that gave a cluck and like that wicked old fox i picked her up with a cry of joy and hastily popped her in it now supposing we consider potatoes wouldnt it be fine if there were- some kind of potato which the colorado beetle would find not quite to his taste you hear of a shoofly plant then why not a shoobug potato perhaps it is that no one has ever thought of it but after this i shall be looking for the results of experiments along that line why i have gone miles and miles the last two weeks just wllking up and down between the raws of potatoes pick- lng off horrible fat strlpped llttl animals and destroying their eggs another invention which should thought of is some kind of torture which might-be- anyonewhotalks depression for more than ten minutes at talking depression doesnt pay even if you have not a nickel in your pocket if you talk depression you think depression and if you think depression you act depres sion and then where are you accord ing to a famous psychologist we are sorry because we cry and when you think it out that is logic a child who fails and cries immediately feels sorry for herself because she knows if her fall was bad enough to make her cry then there is reason for sympathy the same argument applies to depression if we feel that we haye been hurt so badly that we have to make a song about it then we naturally feel all the more sorry for ourselves than perhaps is strictly necessary par better feo play bopeep with prosperity who we know is just around the corner never mind if prosperity that teasing little imp cries out bo when we- least expect him and then dodges back in high glee be hind the corner lets play his game for once we shall get plenty of fun out of it anfyway and sometime or other he will get a trifle tibo venturesome come out a little too far and then i sayrwell nab him yes and well keep him and if we could only catch him quick enough a lost mind finds itself whenthecwvar qf927 cameja prank burgess who worked oh a farm in nova scotia it was only jhe twenty- fifth year- he could tremember though he knew quite well he must bis many years older than that for a quarter of a century he had been wandering about the world as a seaman he had been to australia qujte a lot where he was fond of relating his past strange experiences hohad also visited south america and his life had not been an easy one there hadalways been something wrong with him his messmates found him a simpleminded rather strange old fellow and in their kindly way mnse allowance tor eccentric behavior from fthne to tme yes he was growing old and his hard life had left its mark on him yet he could only recollect twentyfive years for a quarter ofacentuy ago burgess lost his memory he could remember being carried ashore at gibraltar deadly ill with yellow fever but before that his life was blank he- had often tried to remember what happened to him before the attack of yellow fever from which he had to every ones surprise recover ed and when just before christrrias he had been paid off his ship a sudden notion seized him to go to nova scotia there he got some work ashore and while treefelling a tree crashed down on him where he stood and bore him senseless to the ground past and prsent alike disappeared at that moment for burgess he lay alone for tle better part of a day and when he came to himself he could not see but something stranger than that hap pened to his head it was buzzing witn memories frank burgess remernberen at last who he was and what he had been before his illness at gibraltar by some mysterious recovery of brainpower after regaining consciousness his memory had returned he went to the police station at truro and told his story to the police asking them if they would telephone to burling ton hants county where he knew bs had been as a boy they did- so and at burlington an aged woman over seventy years oid lejarned that her son frank whom she believed had died of yellow fever at gibraltar was alive- anrj was coming to see her she had parted from him when he was a young man now she met him again a man older than she was when she had seen him when he left home hprne was the sailor from the sea there is no gain as certain as that which arises from sparing what you have publius syrusi lowest frice in 15 pyears tea fresh from the gardens quality is featured in hog marketings the quality of the hog supply was probably- the best in the experience of the industry in canada at the same time there is considerable room for a more intelligent application of breeding principles and a better control in the matter of the usage of a plentiful and cheap supply of various pig feeding material it is most encouraging to note observes the twelfth annual report of the origin and quality of commercial live stock marketed in canada in 1931 issued by the dominion live stock branch that as compared with the supply of 1930 there were approximately 43000 more select bacon hogs and 210q0q more bacon hogs out of an increase in all grades amounting to 342000 head there was some increase in the number of really good sows marketed no doubt the result of the active demand for breeding stock r- this is substantiated by the fact that the entire increase ta number one sows went to stocky ardsljand the number of sows markstjealfiif packing plants was less than a yearagd there was a very mark- ed curtailment jn the movement of num ber two sows as compared with a year ago and as well the number of stags was cut down to a low point a i butcher hogs and heavy hogs showed a fairly normal increase considering the liberal volume of feed available and there was a fairly normal increase ia the number of lights and feeders market- ed as a matter of fact the supply oz that class could be considered as very moderate considering that during the greater part of the year the prospects for finished hogs were not particularly encouraging j cadesky optometrist will visit acton on monday august 8th anyone suffering from eyestrain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appointments jmay be made with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hours 9 a m till 4 p m i externally or internally it is good when applied externally by brisk rub bing dr thomas eclectrlc oil opens the pores and penetrates the tissues touching the seat of the trouble and i a relief admin istered internally it will still the irrita tion in the throat which induces cough ing and will relieve affections of the bronchial tubes and respiratory organs try if and be convinced v 4 s the low cost of ihrins i anora tliaai anrprisfcic to aadi carroll shopper start economizing crack quality 1 atuthrrees its great to save while you shop and at the same time getthebest andthatswhatcarxollahoppersdo every day the groceries theyre buying are the finest i procurable- and the prices theyre paying net the 1 immense savings special prices for july 14 to 20 3 carroll s mclarsns iirrincibhi stuffed olives 4oz jr 13c uptons rad label tea vfelb is- me clarks cookad spaghetti tin 10c nw lowpricas for ovl tine tin 44c 69c 109 hire root or gsncar beer extract btl 29c d lose f jelly powders 3 plc 15c aootjfnima buckwheat af flour k 19c -special- eagle brand condensed 2 tin ft suigspofvb sbced pineapple nor amtralta seedless raisins pound kraft kllrsun fresh mayonnaise t braniwick brand sarehnts -tin- for flies or moths flitfiypray far cleaaioc a limited 5 tins 25c 16c 23c jc- 33c sos scouring pads i 14c i dutch rusks release 19c peerless sweet mixed i pickles jar 23c special heinz tomatq i ketchup 2 large q7p bottles j -special- fancy shelled walnuts 39 halves pound i c floor wax s 49c special carrolls cleanser 2 tins 13c m l special ha rowaered ammonia 2 9 11c special mccormick butter ring pound 23 u catarac dry ginger ale co of 4 axws0c coateajts saal of o btls csutits of 1 fancy ssata clara larse prunes 3 pounds 25c special quaker irradiated package j q m i aa quality first economy at m aaffaafm i bananas per lb watermelons each 8c 49c new carrots per bunch lemons per dozen 5c 32c small surtklt oranges perdozen large sunlrist oranges per dozen 23c 45e r jhone 158 ti a si- t il acton ontai gotffjspyrsjbwge