fmotm the wiipiress thtnibdayaoonst a7 1bs3 8s st j i jttkuxk- v- vaibasajsassllttsv r vvt jnjflnisaijisaibnjjhflhk hbbimmil8svlkiibmli mm ipifflppifjiipp m n t te homep 1 hf arlou jffm prpaa i member canidtsn weekv nwpaper association member ontarioquebec division c w n a themttoii free press la published erery thursday evening at the frcefrcm building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is xoo per year in advance postage la charged additions tp offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label- advertising rates for small unclaaai- fied advertisements and in other columns the rates will be found at head ofcohmjn dis play advertising rates on application g a dills editor and proprietor y telephones editorial and business oaos 174 residence 11 o rogers opinion of weekly nwpaierb will rogers the great american humoristphil osopher recerttly wrote the new yoxr times concern iig a convention afweekly newspaper publishers being held near his home here is whi the rnairi whose every word- is eagerly sought aftjfby thou sands of admirers has to say about such as the likes v i v- j of us we have a great bvnch around 4ts the national editorial association composed of editors hi srhallerto wris and weekly publications- they are just eating their wayardtmd the country having a gbbd time and getting a lot of pleasure outof itl and giving wery one that meets em a closeup of jtist aibput as representative gang of americahsns- would be possible to band together intelligent wellreaandnot national advertising controls their pages they are not conceited enough to think they mould public opinion they just go along arid service their community with the most indispensable article- that it has and yet their real power is greater than all your metropolitan dailies combined any person that doesnt read at least one wellwritten country newspaper is not truly informed jedtf mbfcrt canaaiansaite nativeborn although large numbers from foreign lands have been attracted to canada during the lifetime of present citizens the recent dominion census discloses the fact that 7776 per cent of the population of canada was born in the dominion those born in british countries outside of canada account for 1141 per cent and foreignborn represenf1083 per cent the census gave canada a total population of 1037686 in 1931 ascompared with 8787949 in 1921 an increase in 10 years of 1588837 or 18q7 per cent during the previous ten years the increase had been almost the same in number but the percentage was 2195 according to the census of 1931 the percent age of persons born in the united states and now living in canada was 332 which equals abuul on settling down usiness summary published b the bank of montreal there is a note of optimism that has been missing from past issues for some time the chief factor for this greater buoyancy is of course the imperial conference which has just ended so successfully other factors which make the future seem brighterare the outlpok for good crops in the prairie provinces while prices are low the cost of- production of this years crops wiir also be low canada has shared too in the stimula tion resulting from the success of the lausanne conference and from the announcement of the british conversion loan in the process of liquidation canada already has proceeded far capital struc tures have been reorganized inventories written down losses absorbed and stocks both wholesale and retail reduced practically to a handtomouth supply thus putting business in position for a sharp recovery when the turn comes meanwhile no change of moment in the general business situation can be recorded shipping has a fair degree of activity exports of grain from montreal have been large latterly and are now about 2000000 bushels in excess of last season while shipments of live stock to great britain are continuously larger than for several years past the fall in the pound sterling and the rise in the american dollar are stimulating imports of coal from great britain these having increased to 413069 tons to june 30 a gain of 58035 tons over last year the bane of business is still the low level of commodity prices taking prices of 502 commodities in it926 as 100 the dominion bureau of chronicles of written specially foe the free plea try gwendoline f clarke a few thtautes ago i was in the garden seriously considering whether i should come in and write or go but to the hen- house and wringeach chicken by the hecky tip to the present i have neiyct yefrheen able to make myself kill a hen or chicken of any description but i think i might manage it qilte- successfully if an order ibr- a dozen isnibkens caiufe in at a like this afternoon when i found beautitui fipp tomatoes in the garden with the middle completely eaten putiv npw i ask you what would you do put wire fencing round but we have as far as possible only we cant fence the whole farm with chicken wire anyway i hardly thjnk it would do goodi dont believe anything hut a concrete wall would ever keep my chick- ens out and that isnt all the other st ross fabqwtab prittayywen the new kid witch moved in acrostthe crick made the base ball team all rite and mebbywe will let iiim fllay on the flit bait skqwd to biit fer a kid wftch has ohewn as mutch lickerish as he domes to of done why he knows very very little attpiit spitting v sawwiay aht emmy is makeing her will todpy be- cuz- she has een chose on the jury fer next weak and she says sum times a jury gets hung but she is patryot- tlck wulnolre- fuse her countries call sunday matt cling wont hardly speak to nobuddy on the st now days becuzs a feellow over in monroe county sewed him for five thousand dammages the uther day munday ant emmy says ralf white bandry fer 2 yrs at the state university and then kep- on beting a ole batchelerl teusday 1 of the lodge wimerl wanted mrs hix to take a chance on a rarlle but she refused- bacuzshe all ways ben afrade of enny thing that shoots and are arms and ect wensdayant emmy is home frum the jury agen and has tore up the will she says angeline turner seems to be getting old becuz she has stayed marryed ioherlast husbend a year now thirsday russ crunch says he just nacherly is unlucky just as he got rid of the hives hemcther law drops ti for a visit stand on your own feet day a pedlar came in and left the garden t gate mvltrngry-open- asresultourf entire herd of cows with one exception accepted the invitation and ran into the garden- for a little while they had a regular royal time knocking down fences tramping potatoes arid tomatces chawing the tops off my carrots and beets- and completely destroying one corner of my flower bed eventually we got them cut i might add ihlitt- not buy anything at all from the travelling salesman in fact his exit was rather more hurried than is customary with these enterprjsing gentlemen since i came into the house my wrath against chickens has somewhat subsided because i dont believe it is possible to stay bltdtempered whin a 16xely little humming bird keeps hovering from flower to flower immediately outside the sun- room door its plumage is exactly like the humming birds we saw last year so t am hoping the same pair have come again to raise a family this year they are such beautiful little things i never get tired of watching them on the opposite door of the room the childrens pet pigen is clinging to the screen door almost begging to ccme in butat- that i rather drkw the line andon the window sill there axe five little sparrows busily eating up the grain which has been put there for the pigeons personal consump tion poor plgeiei am afraid he locks rather like a battle scarred warrior as peterpup got after him before he could fly and as a result he is minus a few tail feathers aftd those which are there are ragged and loose i think i mentioned last wcekthat partner was threatening to thresh last thursday the threat became a reality whoever and whatever your parents are learn to stand on your own feei one cannot imagine a greater misfortune for a young person than to feel sure his teachers in school will pass him no matter how poor his work because of his family standing in the community if he knows that when he is ready to take a position his fathers influence will be enough to secure him one that only makes a bad matter worse the only safe way is to act even whan yoii have wealth and family connection back of you as though you had to depend on yourself you cannot be a success until ycu have learned o stand on your own feet ifci wriusalajo toronto fer excmlltnt recipe traoincuon name onljt iojjs broihfleld reports his introduc tion to hollywood he was summoned into the sanctum of one of the princes of celluloid the great executive ross fr6ma dsskat the far end of the throne room arid extendeda magnanimous hand gcod mornlnk he said i ent goink take motph of your time ycu got a great rebutatlon but ve vant you should goto vbrk here like an elz you know de- novel bitnitz ve know de pig- turebitznitz you do vat de suberviseis tellink you t frankly ve hat hifnd you for de falue of your nam- mr brum- berg his little helpers joei hear your father is a successful hcultry man jim yes joe does he hatch his own chicks jim no he uses an incubator for that the mystery solved mom young mr jone sent- a bunch of roces last flight i think theres something up pop ill say there itjjt i saw him com ing out of the pawnshop yesterday with out his overcoat by eating the healthful economical natural energy food sh r e d d e d 12 big biscuits in every box made in canada by canadians of canadian wheat 0 the third of the total foreighrborn population number of those born in the united states was given as 344574 statistics reports the index at the end of june as 6676 compared with 677 in may 1932 and 719 in june 1931 all indications would seem to point that a settling basis of business conditions has been reached andagradualjmpmverneat maylibe expected frara tmd there was i stranded high and dry withcut provisions on the previous day i had been helping at a neighbors threshing and while i was there down came a regular deluge the threshing machine on its way cut churned up mud ours the building after a month of deliberations the imperial con ference was brought to a close on saturday and many of the delegates returned to their homes with twelve trade agreements signed the way to greater markets within the empire has been opened suc cess has crowned the month of negotiations freer channels of trade will be opened up and fair com petition assured throughout the session many have waited hardly able to conceive that the days of outlandish protection would be possibly ended by those whose faith had been pinned on this method 6f bringing greater prosperity to individual nations one headline we noticed claimed that canadas slogan in 1894 ottawa conferencebecomes fact our own recollection of political history does not go back to this early date the nearest comparison which we can recall was the dunning budget of about three years ago it isrpraiseworthy to note- now the change of attitude sone is the canada first policy no more djo we herir of the greasing the skids with new zealand butter canada like every other nation in the world has found that we must give and jake buy and sell the erechonof-fatsur- mountable tariff barriers to trade does not bring prosperity to the people of that country the other now editorial notes actons period of daylight saving ends on sep tember 4 the evenings will then shorten up with a leap most everyone seems quite willing to believe that everyone will benefit from the deliberations of the imperial conference what canada gets as a result of the imperial conference should not be overemphasized we ought to be just as proud of what we give hon g howard ferguson is back to onta again one begins to wonder whether his appoint ment was hgh commissioner to london or chief patroller of the atlantic one newspaper heading we noticed read triumph for bennett canada and the empire that me first glorification doesnt sound nearly as large as if the neading had read triumph for the empire canada and bennett chap must also liveand the empire conference has made a fine gesture to the rest of the world to open the avenues of trade it matters little whether it was in 1894 or in 1930 or any other year that the principle of empire trade was inaugurated its adoption- in 1932 seems to point the way to increased trade activities and great er confidence in the future just when that confid ence is most heeded the feeling of distrust and selfishness is giving way to one of confidence and recognition of the rights of others true we may not see immediate financial returns from the delibera tions that have just closed but a general bringing of prices to a level on which- they provide a legitimate return for the producer and the realization of the stability of the prices will bring about a confidence that will soon bring its measure of fair financial returns the conference is ended the foundation is laid for the upbuilding of trade it is the duty not only of nations bift of individuals to raise the structure that willmaintain confidence preference is not a thing to hide behind it demands a standard to strive for and maintain it demands fair and trust worthy treatment in all undertakings between in dividuals or nations only on such principles can real progress be made two ontario justices have now been appointed tocle u th u h errqtrrry h-rr-to-be- sincerely hoped that no further inroadsron the health of ontario justices will be incurredinthiswoxkaf clearing up a matter pfjpublic interest when it is finished there are still some other matters that the publifc would like some light upon concerning hydro power purchases lell up at shelbiirne the postmasters job has been handled in about the same way that it was in simcoi- the only difference seems tftat one occurred under liberal regime and this latter offence is under con servative control lt is said the shelburne case is in nmyrespecjs worse than the simcpe affair yet we do not hear the mail and empire or other con- servafive organs comirrg to the rescue with a plea for fairness as was the case in simcpe bll the way through each lane broke- through a culvert at the road gate went gaily on churning up more and more mud and making deeper and deeper ruts so that i was obliged to leave the cor at our neighbors f 6r the simple reason that i couldnt get it home in the night there was more rain but thanks be to the telephone and the rural merchants i was able to get provisions in time and with the help of a neighbor our thresh ing dinner was cooked- eaten and pre sumably digested in spite of the fact that i was badly hindered by my festered finger which provided me with all kinds of torture as soon as it was possible to navigate the ruts with the optimist i took my finger into the doctor and he did things to it which are better not described tojday there are definite signs of improvement the pain has gone from my arm and so now with the threshing done and everything we feel there is once more corn in egypt and that we are free to snatch an odd half- hour when iwe can to read mark learn and inwardly digest press reports of the winding up of the imperial conference i wonder dare we hope for some definite improvement no sane person would think of expecting immediate beneficial results but if onty we can see some indication of which way the wind is blowing and by that indication get new courage to carry on until such time as we are able to derive some personal benefit from the improved conditlonst even that would be something the globe says it is all over except the return to prosperity but prosperity is behind locked doors and we stul have to find the open sesame to reach it the only thing we can do at present is to adopt the policy mr asqulth advocated years agc walt and see it is really excellent advic the trouble is too many of us want to see without waiting we grumble and growl if the contents of a surprise packet are not immediately re- vealettto us inftcad of enjoying to the full the thrill of anticipation anticipa tion is better than realization so we are often tld so we had better make the best of the pretty wrappings on our government surprise packet then we wont be so taken up with what it may cntaln ravings 1 t- th time is com tin walrus said to talk of many things- of cinnamon and scaling wa of jars and rubber rings c a n n i n g s u p p l i e s as summer displays her abundant fruits takd a tip from the squirrels store away loa in the homecanned way our range of supplies is cpmplete everything of the finest make carrolls your headquarters and buy now at the follbwing saving prices note our feature prices on foods too special prices effective till september 1 s limited carrolls rich old cheese pound 21c carrolls sliced breakfast bacon pound 18c pur clovtr new honey no 5 pall 39 for pickle keens english mustard tin 48c for your shoos nugget 2 tint 23c superior soap surprise 10 bars 45c for safe srious suda rinso mall 3 pk 25c soap elajcea princess 2 pkgi 29c special crown or corona fruit e a few more regular prices posts bran flakes 2 pkgs 25c kelloggs pep bran 2 pk 25c quaker puffed wheat 2 pk 25c nevilles devilled lobster 3 tin 25c connor tomato and herring tin 14c maconochirvi kippered herring large tin 19c beaver fancy lobster tin 15c nahirea beit cherry jabs95109 special to fit ao standard jars zinc rings 19 special to fit all standard jai cuss tops 17 m dozen i pickle spice 17 special first quality jar special carrolta finest new mixed fruits supply minerals jam 40oz jar 25c received a nicely printed sample of art work the other day in the mail the front page was labelled the openy door and the photograph below showed the door closed the next page fnvfted us to draw up a chair and select stock from the sample table the photograph showed only one chairin the room and two men standing beside tne sample table making a selection weve been arying to figure out just what tp expect when we accpt the invitation the greatest valufi of a plentiful supply of fruits and vegetables in the homilies lin tho mlneralls they supply without which it is impassible to build- sound tceth and strong boneand- enjoy general gokl hsolth tho- most important of these minerals are calcium phosphorus iron lpddhe magnesium and sodium these as well as most of the vitamlnes are liberally supplied by fresh fruits and such vegetables as the tomato bean pea and tht raspberry -specia1- king oscar sardines 2 tins 27 -special- the sandwich cheese chateau y 13 5- rspeciai- keuogga crbper cornflakes 3pkgs22 -special- x crown brand or beehive corn syrup 5lb pail 3l amm quality first economy always bananas per tt 7c a cookingotylqns 0 iwltos for wmj adic smbswpr if mill 7 phone 158 acton ontario as