stow fwmww vijtrvv it sxn two the acton free press thursday october 18th 1034 if acton jfta ilrraa published every thunday at acton ontario subscription rates xoo per year in advance united states socdditionl single copies jc both old and new addrcuesvihould be evca when change ol address it remeited cancellationswe find that moat of our sub scribers prefer not to have their subscription interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration while sub scriptions will not be carried in arrears over an extended period yet unless we are notified to cancel we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued remittances should be made by registered letter money order or cheque advertising rateslega notices sc per line for first insertion he per line for each subsequent insertion readers ioc per line for each insertion if- is- black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as com ing attractions such as concerts entertainments church society or organisation meetings etc- iocper mini mum charge 25c reports of meetings field gladly inserted free in afemoriam notices 50c and ioc per line extra for poems birth carriage and death notices free small advertisements ic per word minimum charge asc cash if booked j5c also ioc extra when applications are addressed to this office display advertising ratea vary according to apace contracted for alchough every precaution will be taken to avoid xxxoivihe p r pn hrrting in it rolumnn on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by tbe advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the free press its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such advertisement g arlof dills editor telephones editorial and business office residence 74 creamery butter output higher production of creamery butter in canada during august 1934 amounted to 29988626 pounds and showed an increase of 85 per cent compared with 2743620jounds produced in august 1933 pro- duction were registered in seven provinces two showed declines the cumulative production of creamery butter for the eight months ended august 31st 1934 amounted to 165349196 pounds compar ed with 155210376 pounds during the corresponding period of last year and showsa gain of 65 per cent the stfnday school lesson v foh sunday october 21st and the tine a master of persistence the difference between successful people failures is very largely a matter of persistence first peary polar expedition in 1902 made a record but it did not reach the pole the second expedition in 1 906 bettered the previous record jlbut was still a failure if admiral peary had stop ped with his two excursions- into the far north some one else would be known as the discoverer of the north pole instead of stopping he went again and in the year 1909 edison failed innumerable times in perfecting the electric lfght and the talking machine if he had stopped because of failure he wouldhave died unknown failed have you well that is nothing you are in the best company as far as that goes the important question is areyou going to stop there the christian at prayer golden- text continuing steadfastly in prayer romans 12 12 lesson texi matt 6 515 eph 3 1421 verses printed matt 6 515 study also gen 18 2333 ex 32 31 32 neh 1 411 dan 6 10 luke 18 114 john 17 126 1 thes 5 17 time of matt 6 551 midsum mer a d 28 place horns of hat- tin exposition- l where to pray 5 6 if they pray to be beard of men they will have their full reward in mens canadians are not broke the easy flotation of a provincial loan a few week ago the alacrity with which the stock in the central bank was oversubscribed and the an nouncement that the 250000000 refunding loan of the dominion had been oversubscribed by 33000- 000 led one to believe that investors have unbounded faith in their country in spite of all politicians may say another deduction can also be made that plenty of canadians have capital for investment when the investment that appeals is offered the interest rates offered on all of these offerings were not nearly as attractive as previously and yet the dis position of the issue was seemingly quite easy an other financial announcement of the week is to the effect that after next month the banks will only allow two per cent on savings accounts the man with money to invest can no longer afford to be content with the returns offered by these safe investments it would seem also that banks have nq need to encourage depositors to pile up accounts in the savings department evidently finding some difficulty to reinvest the money lixretuttranbrdeqllateainountt it would seem that more money will be diverted to the promotion of industry or agriculture un doubtedly lower rates for these activities on borrow ings would be an incentive to great activity and a real help brotherly the gesture of eastern canada in supplying food stuffs and clothing to western canada where con ditions have nptbeenas bright as have been ex- periencedhere is oiiethatwiludo much to bridge the miles interveningand unite east and west in a brothexly spirit of helpfulness time was and is yet that much of the prosperity of eastern canada is dependent on the progress and advancement of the west if the market is good in western canada we here in the east share in large measure in supply ing the needs of the west it is therefore only- fitting that we should also share when the days of adversity are upon sections of the west it is a duty and a debt that we owe let us all share in whatever way we caijjn some of the means provided for help for the west it is a brotherly gestrire thanks a number of free press readers have been very kind in their remarks concerning the editorials so often of late we have been told that was a good editorial on i always read the editorial columns to all of you we would like to say thanks your encouragement is appreciated more than we can express these editorials are just the editors- opinion on various subjects some of the opinions are right and some are wrong some we would and do recall when we see them from a dif ferent viewpoint the editorials with which some fully agree are directly opposed to the viewpoint of others it would not do if we all had the samexutlook on life but the editorial viewpoint given in these columns is just the sincere view of the editor we appreciate the thanks of thoselwho agree and we respect the views of those who disagree and hope that through this exchangeof opinion will develop the greatest good to all mens hearingfind god their father will not hear many a man who prays in public has far more thought of what the audience will think of his prayers than of how they will affect god to be seen oi men is the hypocrites motto to he heard of god is the true believers aim our lord hereby his words does not condemn all public prayer cf john 6 11 what he does condemn is that kind of praying m public the aim of which is to attract the notice and admiration of men the choicest place of prayer is in the inner chamber with the door shut shut in with the father the world jhiif nut tricrp nrp tlmps whpn public the sweetest prayers a true child of god can offer is thy will be done ho one has a right to offer it who is not making gods will the absolute law of his life we can ourselves answer this pray er in so far as we do odds will in every thing we should desire that gods will should be done regarding us in us by us and in everyone else and toy every one else tho time is coming when gods will will be done on earth as per fectly as it is now done in- heaven it is right to pray for temporal- things our daily bread we should seek from god so much food as we need for the present moment we should live a day at a time v 11 the only one who- can properly ask god to forgive him his slris is the one who is forgiving those who sin against him for one who is not for giving others tooffer this prayer is for him to ask god to damn him god in his infinite wisdom may torlng us hearing them they will be rewarded byinto the place of temptation for our machine that buys wew math suk sfockwjga amjheafoe3icketa yes ive found it and im not joking every weekbrings me more interest than 1000 in good bonds would bring jmy snowbird washer saves it for me on laundry bills j highest good but any one who has a realization of his own weakness will cry to god bring us not into temptation this prayef is utterly opposed to that selfconfident spirit that rushes into places of unnecessary temptation of 1 1 cor 10 12 there- is not only abstract i evil from which we need to hfve god deliver us tout there is a person who is the incarnation of evil th2 evil one r v and the wisestandsjtrongest of us need to look to godto deliver us from him and guard us against his wiles cf 1 peter 5 8 eph 6 11 12 the only way we can overcome his power and wiles is fay prayer looking to the future now that acton will within a few months be into y m c a work it is perhaps well to have a little study of the y m c a and its work through out the world dr best of the national council has kindly supplied considerable material in this connection and we have had a brief perusual of some bf it the thing that struck us the most forcibly in glancing over the booklets and various books was the diversified work that is undertaken under y m c a auspices it would seem that whatever the need of the community seemed to be there they m c a tried to fit in and always with the thought in mind of christian development weare all of course generally acquainted with the operation of the y m c a in this section of canada but in mar- tandam a little village on the southern tip of india jthe y al c a work centres around a rural con struction centre here the natives are helped in raising and marketing productstftiat can be grown in this section school fees and courses are paid for in products and this former unknown spot hasbe- come quite a centre for shipping these products another book tells of the jerusalem y m j a and others of the y m c a international thfil more one peruses these books and gets to know ofp this world wide work in the development of the young people of uhe world the more pride is felt that acton will shortly foe able to take a share in this great movement as dr best pointed out the building is only the shell it will be the means of making the work possible and all will be glad o see its completion but the greatest things are yet to come when the y m c a and the program actually get working and joing good in the young life of the community as the plan unfolds we will regret wfiat we have editorial n0fls milton golf club property is to be sold by the mortgage sale route bidding might be more brisk next spring for such a piece of land the reduction in interest rates on savings ac counts by the banks to come into effectjiextmonth is news that doesnt mean anything to a lot of folks with potatoes weighing from 2y to 3 lbs each exhibited in the free press window this district is not laggingn producing tie big varieties of irish fruit if angle parking forautos on one side of mill street were adopted it would be much- more orderly and convenient than the present rather haphazard method a group of county councillors went on a fishing trip to wiarton last week varied reports as to success are given but the water is no doubt warmer now than it will be in december the temperance forces are bestirring themselves in various towns and villages toward the adoption of local option the new freer sale of liquor is on trial and its not elevating the standing of any of communities missed but rejoice in the opportunity of the future and the sharing in this great work the enumerators for the dominion election act are now putting the names on the voters lists that makes three times this year that voters will be called upon to see that their names are registered for voting according to the attorneygeneral halton does not require the full time services of a police magis- queer isnt it that up to a month or so ago prayer is an imperative duty dan 6 10 but it is a bad sign when a man prays more in public than he does in private the prayer that we offer in our inner closet and the prayer we offer anywhere should be to our father he is in fee secret place while god is everywhere it is in the secret place that he especially mani fests himself god is never so real to the soul who truly knows him as in the secret place where we are alone with god this father god to whom we pray the god and father of our lord and saviour jesus christ is the father whoseeth in secret but he rewards openly the recompense which god gives openly to the prayer that is offered in secret is the bestowing upon us of what we ask matt 7 7 1 john 5 14 15 and oftentimes by be stowing far more than we ask eph 3 20 h how to pray 1 8 rjotonly is it important ttrknow where to pray but also how to pray in praying we should not use vain repeti tions the greek word translated use vain repetitions means literally to babble or to stutter and strikingly sets forth the multiplying of words for the mere sake of words this does not forbid the repetition that comes from intense earnestness matt 26 14 such repetition is meaningful it does con demn the use of words for the mere sake of multiplying words that is meaning less there is no need of using many words in speaking to god because your father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask him neverthe less he would have lis utter to him the desire of our heart that we also may realize our need and who it is that supplies it hi the disciples model prayer 9- 15 to show them just how to pray our lord now gave his disciples a model prayer the very words with which he prefaced it showed that it was not in tended to be used as a mere form of prayer but was given to set forth the true manner of prayer he says after thes manner therefore pray ye but it is a prayer that we may well repeat not that we are always to use these words but we arc to pray according to this plan the characteristics of this model prayer arc first it is offered to otjr father in heaven second that it 6eeks first of all gods glory gods kingdom and gods will god and his interests are to be put first ir all our prayer third it is brief but at the same time comprehensive fourth it is to the point definite and direct fifth it is humble the expression of one who realizes his own proneness to sin our lord did not prayer this way for he had no sin the true lords prayer is found in john 17 the only one who has a right 1 to offer the prayer that jesus here teaches his disciples is the one who has the right to call god father ie the one who has received jesus as his own saviour and lord jno 1 12 gal 3 2fl bo 8 14 the rest of men are children of the devil 1 john 5 19 3 10 john 8 44 eph 2 3 in our prayer god is to be addressed as father the thought of the fatherhood of god lies at the very foundation of the christian doctrine of prayer god s everywhere but the chief place of his manifestation is in heaven cf ips 115 3 is g6 1 john 10 28 acts 1 9 mark 1 11 john 12 28 that is where he is in the fullest sense we are to pray for the coming of gods kingdom and gods kingdom will only come when the king comes rev 11 15 one of iv hbw to know when you pray that god has heard your prayer and granted what y0uask 1 john 5 14 15 can we know absolutely when we pray that god has heard our prayer and granted the very thing we ask we can how by praying according to the will of god but can we know gods will we can how 1 by his word when he promises a thing e g jas 1 57 we know that is his will 2 by the holy spirit telling us romans 8 26 27 the spirit of the living god is the essence and fundamental centre of ail truth and hence cannot lie an efficacious household remedy douglas egyptian liniment brings im mediate relief to lame back and mus cular rheumatism also relieves inflam mation burns sores corns and warts the wonderful new snow- bird model g its gentler faster smoother than any other washer i have ever seen it is smart asa streamlined car the porcelain tub is always bright and colorful the nickel trimming shining it runs without vibra tion or noise washes clothes snowy white in a jiffy snowbird gmbdel priced low vill prove a money saving proposition to you also ha gentle washing saves clothes easy terms amotint to less than average laundry bill the washer is soon paid for and keeps on saving money ask for a snowbird model g to be left at yourhome for one week no obligation phone or call w f mooney acton ont f waste to pay more risk to pay less mere extravagance unneceuary waits to pay more than our low pric simply because our itoclu represent the finest the freshest the most desirtkbta of everything but nothing leu is safe not wheri its a question of food yoa live by what you eat use of the lowgrade is dangerous and bound to prove false economy in a nutshell we have for you she very best for the rery least investigate 3 trate we had hree halton must be getting better and better maybe there are other things we dont need if we really knew about them that depressed feeling is largely liver wake up your liver bile without calomel tcyim feeling punk aim ply because your utot iant pourins it dnily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowela difteatinn and elimination xo both ham pored and your entire ayatem ia beitiff poisoned what you need la a ilyer siimulant some- thins that ffoea farther thiinanka mlneruvl wator oil laxative candy or chewing uiiiti or roiirhnuo which only move the bowels icnorins tbo ral oauso of troublr your liver take carters llttlo liver pflla purely vege table no harsh calomel iiinrcury hufa dure aak for them by name refuse tubatitutca 3fio at all drucsista 63 salada tea rib brown pkg 30c l8s5ivy soda biscuits 0 patersont 2 1lb phgs asc eaiifirst or domestic shortening iib pi 11c imperial coconut finger biscuits 1lb bag quick or regular style quaker oats pv eagle brand blueberries sl connor brothers rl sr s 1111 i 10c 22c 10c 25c 35c ho powdered ammonia 5 pto- 25c carrolls own cleanser 3 tins 13c sgggabgsssssaseas herring 2 tins xxx fine thin soap chips 5lb box ca quality flfst i economy always lis afaassffrssffmsvarar9 bargains in fresh fruits and vegetables ontario cooking onions 10 lbs for 15c bananas 25 30c doz sweet potatoes 31b 10c grapefruit oranges 3 for 21c 45c dozen cranberries citrons celery and other seasonable fraite and vegetables mill street phone 158 actbi3feil