w thursday ocphohea 18th j6m the acton free press page seven bit fathee i like to play closehymy fathers den when hes t work and every nowand then ask father are you there he an swers back yesi son that time i broke my rail- soad track all farto bits be stopped his work and came and wiped my tears and said boy boy i bo game i v and then he showed me how to fix it right and i took both my arms and hugged fcim tight once when id asked him if he stiil was there be called me in and rumpled my hair and said bow much alike are you and when i feel justas boys feet when they cry- i call to our big father to make sure that he is there my childish dread to cure and always just as i to you yes son our father calls and all my fret is done strickland gulllian chronicfesof ginger farm written specialty tar the free press by qwendoune f ciarkk twenty years ago from the issue of the free press thursday october 22nd 194 the brickwork pfmst p martins new residence on church street is com- pleted burlington finds it desirable now to expend another 15000 to extend the waterworks system how about our new post office we understand the officials are waiting for our citizens to decide on the site hadnt we better get busy georgetown herald in connection with donations by 5n- tarlo farmers for the british govern ment the minister of tradiand com- merce is asking- for a large donation of oats not more than 200 barrels of apples from each county are also to be donated the mock parliament conducted by the ep worth league the past two winter seasons will be reopened with an elec tion next tuesday night the methodist church was crowded by audiences last sunday assembled to hear the pastor emeritus rev j cooper antlltt m a d d preach anniver sary sermons mr william brown left a very fine sample of potatoes of the pinkeye var iety at this office the other day the six potatoes weighed 8 pounds war notes of the week on satur day british submarines sank fouroer- i am writing v weeks article totbe- accompaniment of a threshing machine yes the threshers are here and the machine is pounding away like a great heart throbbing but instead of driving blood through its arteries it is forcing grain through its separator pipes the meat a huge rump roast is siz zling away in the oven the table is set pies are cut and the kettle singing a cheery song until such time as it is needed there are twelve places set at the table and after awhile twelve dusty hungry men will wander housewares and supperwards but before they come in they will find a big tub of hot soft water waiting for them outside and the first layer of dust and dirt will be removed partner is very particular about this hot water because he says nothing is more disagreeable to men coming out of the mow than to have to paddle around in coldwaters threshing i suppose is one of those necessary evils to which farm people be come accustomed we dont like thresh ing but we do like getting it over and done with and of course we like to have a little advance notice up to thursday of this week we had received no word from the threshers thursday night i was away to a meeting it was late when i got home and after going to bed i could not sleep however the one thousand and fiftythird sheep was just going through the gap and i was just about dropping off to sleep when partner became half- awake and mumbled to me thatthe threshers would bejhere the next night and then of course like the sleepy dormouse in alice in won derland having told his story he went to sleep again but not i i didnt even bother to chase sheep any morer but lay awake wondering how on earth i was going to get readyfor threshers since i was obliged to be away all the next day however i got home about five oclock and did some baking that night we had everything arranged for saturday forenoon the neighbors were called and told we would be ready to start about slats diary by boss fabqtjbcab man cruises while on sunday the new seven in the morning and then mr british submarine e3 was sunk by german warships in the north sea with the failure of the first great ger man rush toward paris when the kaisers masses were hurled back in the battle of the maine experts predicted freely that the next great german strategic move would be made against london persian balm the creator and preserv er of beautiful complexions tonic in effect and wonderfully stimulating sate- guards and beautifies the most deltcale- lytextured skins cools and relieves ail skins flushed or irritated by weather conditions magical in results a little gentle rubbing and a youth freshness and daintiness is instantly created in valuable for softening the hands and making them flawlessly white truly the perfect toilet requisite for the woman who cares butter from canadas prairies an analysis of the operations of ap proximately 100 creameries in canadas prairie provinces manitoba saskatche wan and alberto is being undertaken by the dominion department of agri culture in cooperation with the agri culture departments of the provinces concerned creameries have been select ed in the three provinces in proportion to the total number of creameries oper ating and the total volume of butter made the primary purpose of the study is toprovide information that will assist creamery operators to increase the efficiency of their plants factors af fecting costs management policies methods of financing sales policies and other matters will be givon considera tion while the prairie provinces of canada are famous throughout the world for the quantity and quality of the wheat grown on their fertile plains they are also im portant for their production of dairy products and in 1933 contributed 105- 851200 pounds or over 32 per cent of canadas total fcutter make prairie creameries accounted for 62626200 of this production the balance being dairy butter in common with wheat butter pro duced in the prairie provinces is second to none in quality western canada creamieries scored heavily at the can adian national exhibition in toronto this year when a manitoba creamery won the silver cup for the highest scor ing creamery butter exhibited ten manitoba creameries and one from sas katchewan were- included in the first prize group for salted butter in a 1- pound box and in trie class for salted butter in a s6ipound box manitoba had 28 entries of which 27 obtained prizes his worry marget hang it man if your car has been stolen why dont you com municate with the police target im not worrying- about the car im wondering how they got the thing to gol the big reasons for hard times are bad characters and bad debts roger w baboon thresher rang up and said he wouldnt be ready to start until after dinner the neighbors had to be phoned again and those who had not got a telephone we had to go and see its after supper now the wreckage has been cleared away dishes washed table restored to its proper size all of course with the help of my big girl and boy partner with eyes reddened and bloodshot has gone out to milk his cows and i am just trying to keep awake long enough to finish this article if i dont succeed it wont be the first time i have gone to sleep at my job sometimes i sit on the chesterfield to write rough copy its a great mistake because after about halfanhour i come to my senses to find pencil and paper on the floor and myself recovering from a nice little snooze thats what happens if one is too comfortable r well its monday now and last weeks chronicle has spread itself over into this week because with the best inten tions in the world i found i simply couldnt write another word of course it is nearly as bad today because we had the threshers here until three oclock daughter wanted to stay home to help me a neighbor also phoned to offer assistance but i- thought i could manage alone i believeit- is nervousness that makes farm women think threshing is such a terrible ordeal nervousness and too much fussing i personally i am rather fond of ex perimenting and i believe the whole trouble lies in that last minute rush avoid that and the battle is half won my way may not be everybodys way but perhaps some women working alone might be interested in my ihethod and perhaps find one or two helpful hints slicing meat making and pouring tea making gravy dishing up vegetables these are the things that apparently need doing all at once which is quite impossible for one pair of hands about 1115 or 515 as the case may be i start dishing up meat cut in slices place on two platters cover with wax paper or canapar to keep meat frcm drying out and put in warm place gravy thicken in roasting pan then pour into small kettle until needed when it can be poured into tureens much more quickly tea make one pot of very strong tea and after about ten minutes pour through wire strainer into an aluminum pail or kettle add water until the right strength this way the tea never gets rank and can be poured quickly into large teapot or pitcher for serving instead of having cups and saucers on side table waiting to be filled ifput them at each place at the dining table and then just before the machine stops go round with my big pot and fill up the cups as i find men prefer tea that has cooled off a utile potatoes and other vegetables drain masn and leave tccntiincr standing on asbestos mat at the side of the stove so thats that now i must go down to the bam and help partner with the separating and then to bed and i shall not be counting sheep tonight of that i am certain i friday pa was out of yumor tonite when he cum home to supper on acot of the progress people is makelng he sed ma ast him whut was the matter and he sed that it use to be the oney thing that old ragsi was good forjsasto make paper but now days they are useing them to make segars with saterday pa issent feling so well yet today the dr told him his stumick was up set and for him to drink hot water a hf before brekfast he man- iged it for about ten minits then he give up he cuddent hold a nuther drop and cuddent eat his brekfast sunday mrs bunn was a telling pa about her sun herman wirking to lem ne fiddle and she says at the recital this afternoon his execution was very very good pa d well thats nice but ii diddent como soon enuff munday donald duglasses pa has got his- bruther frum scotland on his hands frum now on i gess his bruther says he got so sick comeing over he wont never try crossing the osliean agen teusday dutch schmlt is layed up in the hosplttlo with a big a sbrtment of bruses on acct he tryed to walk acrost the st he had the lites with him but his luck was very very poor wensday donald duglasses wife wanted her husbend to leave her play golf on acct of the xercise she wood get frum it so he let her play golf but he woodenthy her no golf balls he sod he cuddent see where they wood help in glvelng her xercise thlrsday ant emmy thinx the col- lidges now days are grate places her neace frum washington county went to collidge to study plant husbandry and before the ferst tlrm was over iheed maryed 1 of thejprofessers good roads to national parks many mothers have reason to bless mother graves worm exterminator- because it has relieved the little ones of suffering and made them healthy tourist traffic gains is automobile tourists entering canada during the period from april 1st to august 10th showed an increase of 17- 910 cars over the same period of last year one of the features of this years tourist travel is the increased number of automobiles from the united states entered under the long touring permit of sixty days altogether 268737 tourists obtained 60day permits at the leading ports of entry as compared with 250827 last year more than 71 per cent of this traffic entered through the ports of fort erie niagara falls and windsor ontario at fort erie 62 220 60day permits were issued an increase of 5520 over the corresponding period of 1933 united states cars entered for shorter stays numbered 332330 as compared with 318135 an increase of 14195 per mits issued for canadian cars leaving canada totalled 25925 as against 24793 an increase of 1132 at niagara falls 60day tourist permits issued numbered 56306 an increase of 5361 over last year automobiles inwards and out wards numbered 684653 as compared with 678298 an increase of 6355 this increase was due entirely to canadian cars whose total jumped by 14501 while the total number of united states cars dropped by 8146 at windsor 72903 of the 60day permits were issued an in- ciease of 1213 over the corresponding period 1933 vehicles of all kinds in wards totalled 389565 and those out wards numbered 382344 many tourists come to niagara falls by train the total in july reaching 12- 576 this compares with 389 persons arriving by train in july last year on sunday august 12th a single excursion comprising twelve trains from points in delaware and west virginia brought 10660 visitors while over a thousand others arrived on various tours in the afternoon three of canadas greatest national parks with an area excedihg 7000 square miles along the eastern slopes of the rocky mountains in the province of alberta every effort is being made to maintain these parks in the beauty with which nature endowed them but of course roads are essential and splendid highways have been- built both in the parks themselves and to connect with the provincial highway system which in turn connects with all the continent ah extensive program of highway improvement and further improvements in the mountain national parks of al berta havebeen recently announced highway improvement and construction plans include the completion of the motor highway from edmonton to jasper national park as an allweather route the reconstruction o the portion of the calgarybanff park highway west from cochrane into the park which will put this highway in excellent condition for motor traffic and furter construction on the new mountain highway connecting jasper national park with banff park at lake toulse i plans within the national parks in clude further highway construction in both banff and jasper parks an aero plane landing field in banff park and general improvement of facilities in these parks as well as improvement of facili ties of elk island park easfbtiedmonton and at waterton lakes park in the southwestern part of the alberta hockics including 70000 to be spent towards the completion of the new international highway connecting waterton lakes park with glacier park in montana a good part of the magnificent highway through the mountains from banff to jasper is now completed from bath ends and the entire road is expected to be finished in the next two seasons no less than 43972 automobiles passed through the gates of banff national park between april 1st and august 31st of the present year an increase of 2750 over the same period in 1933 edwarusbitim n brand the famous energyproducing sweet an easily digested food invaluable for infants growing- children and enjoyed by the whole family a product of the canada starch co limited jwjones red white grocery quality groceries tfruit vegetables at this homeowned independent market yon will find quality variety and freshness it has and always will be oar aim to serve only the best quality foods at all times and our prices are in keeping with the times phone 26 acton ont prompt deliveries bagdaddamascus bits the largest motor coach in the world has just been made and put on the road it is well over seventy feet long and has been designed for service on the road from bagdad to damascus which passes through the syrian dessert formerly the journey by road took about twenty- four days the new coach it is said will reduce this to as many hours the vehicle the motive force of which is a 385 horsepower diesel engine provides accommodation for thirtyeight passen gers and carries a crew of ten it has two storeys the sleeping bunks being upstairs help help they say the moon has an influence on the tide yes tout more on the untied take for have you stomach trouble ie e i stomach pain na headach 1hwntburn bloating gam ch fdad dlsaft by a rundown condition yon need c c b tonic tablets and at once tney win build up the syst and tho relieve you qnlcuy and permanently improve appetite digestion and general health m blood ssisassssssss you surety need c c b tonic tablet they by reason ol their tonic effects help to res strength and fibre to the blood so it will furnish nourishment to the whole body c c a b tonic tablets contain yeast iron and extract of cod lrrer three treat tonicajn one tup llfmifp nerroua debility weakness jerking jumping excitable i hi nrkv fcs tired worn out feel like fawnftwhen eyea closed and aaimw aw feettodether restless at night poor memory melancholy sfreaeed weak trembles dizzy fainting speus hands despondent wake up unrefreaeed weak trembles dizzy falntlna spells hands or rest numb lack enemy strength ambition you need c c b tonlctablets they by reason of their tonic effects help to restore nerve tissue to normal condition steady the nenes the blues make you feel full of life rigor ambition and many years younger rilluurf under wdhtr hollow cheeks flat chest scrawny neck dya- i hinntnn nepsta thlo blood c c ft b tonic tablets help to build you imiifcwv op in nay way will thereby improve your appearance regain lost pep and vitality sssksgg bloou building up the nervous system generate vitality create nerve force restore full strength pep and vigor o you can enjoy lifes pleasures to the fullest are lor sale at all drug stores go to pyour druggist today and order a supply it means the beginning of a new life for yon openlnftthe door to a brighter world and happier existence the inexpensive the ccb tonic tablets be prices are 5oc and si three 10 boxes for 250 get c c b tonic tablets at browns drug store ahead of time being on time is a very important matter being ahead of time is question able it is true tlutf order to be on time always you must make a generous allowance but it is easy to let the am bition to be ahead- of time go to absurd length some people are so afraid of missing a train that they sit for three- quarters of an hour in the station be fore the gates are open every hostess dreads the guests who arrive before she has the table set if you have an appointment for a cer tain hour take time enough to be sure you will arrive punctually if the time of other people is too precious for you to waste by coming late however your own time is too precious to waste by coming unreasonably early on time does not mean ahead of time wc never perceive our sins till we be gin to cure them cpenelon elieved often ia hot weather and occasion- ally at other times littlo stomachs turn squr and acid whenlnouoo any sign of sick stomach says mrs j alphonoua brown baydda pei i always give a babys own tablet they quickly sat things right are very easy to take and quite sa- all common ail ments of childhood including teeth ing ara promptly relieved with babys own tablets 26o a paok- age at drug stores is drwilliamr babys own tablets advertising is good for us that dusty picture of an optimist and a pessimist the optimist seeing the doughnut and the pessimist the hole is just a way of describing most of us some of us habitually look on the bright side of things others of us on the dark side always there are those who have a melancholy pleasure in faultfinding and so there are always those who look upon advertising as an economic waste and a meansby which the sale of inferior merchandise can be promoted it is quite possible to discover wrong things about advertising just as it is possible to find wrong things about water and air about books and speeches about motor cars and aeroplanes about schools and churches about canadians and scotsmen about knives and forks advertising is news and information and who shall say that it is wrong to communicate news and information it x would be a pretty dull world full- of dull people if there ceased to be a dissemination of newandinjormation v in all ages and in all countries those giving out news and information have attracted to themselves attentive audiences and this is as true today as it was 1000 2000 3000 years ago what stores are busiest is it not thosjbktores which give o6t most information about what they have to sell the public is daily spending motley probably 2 a day fop every man woman and child in the trading area covered by the circulation of our newspaper or say 2000 for every 1000 persons so you can calculate for yourself you a retailer what is spent daily in our own community for food and shelter and clothing and for all the other things d blood what jounced c c b tonic tablets healthstrength vigor tbsersseesr fljl ian natlonaijtiailways at actok- going east daily except sunday 1007 1 daily except sunday 612 jxm sunday only 834 pjm tbe chicago filer that passes through here at 935 p my eostbound stops at georgetown at 944 p m going- west daily except sunday 855 ajn daily except sunday 223 plm dally except sunday 700 jru sunday only l 1113 pjn standard time westbound pally 945 ajn daily except saturday 1145 ajn daily 215 pm saturday only 315 p dally 515 pjn dally 715 pjn daily n15 pm saturdays sundays and holidays only 105 ajn eastbotmd daily except sunday 700 ajn dally 905 ajn daily 12ju pjn dally 430 pjn daily 640 pjn daily 900 pm w t patterson r 0 tait optical co t parting optometrists of guelph ho wyndham st phone 21m quality accuracy seryleo tfllmillllluiilllinillllillllilllllllllllltllsllliuiiiiiiiiuii1c savage co f watches i diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario 21 wyndham st s i 3 luiusnlamiillllllllllllllblllttllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllll3 new business printed satamanalrlp win attract new business t take the place of the old that yon are lostnc get oar prices on prinunf the acton free press