the acton free press v thubsdaxi december 8th xos- s 5u- jjr actntt mm preab fumiehed nt thmiaday at acta oatario gubscmptioh batbsao pn year ta oaltatfltatm 9k additional single copies beth ou ad sn iddmiu should ba ina who chaaca of address u reqaesteft cahcellationswe boa that aaost of oar sub- cribcra prefer not to ha their rabacridtion tetcntnptcd iceee swfanto renu before expiration whuj enb- eendtjaao will aot b carried in arreara ever as extended isod tettelesi we arc notiaed to caaeel we unae sstubjcaer wishes e 2s should ba aude by remastered letter mooej order or cheque advertising katkslegal notices ie per line for ant insertion te per line for each snbsequeat laseruon ssstoc per unefor esch insertion if fa black face tree c per fine additional noucea qualifying aa com- initaurmction such as concert entertainments church society or organization meeting etc ice per line mini mum charge ajc reporta of meetings held ejadljvmserted free in memorism notice sue and 10c per uneteettra lor poems birth marriage and death notices free1 stnili advertisements ic per wojrd minimum charge ajc cash t booked ssc also 10c extra when applications are addressed to this office display advertising rates vary according to space contracted for although every precaution will be taken to avoid srror the free press accepts sdvertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any rror in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the rree press its liability shall not exceed such a proportion of the entire costof such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error beara to the whole spacf occupied by such advertisement g arlof sills editor telephones editorial and business office residence 74 31 jedndrw- accidents and compensation during november there were 4849 accidents re ported to the workmens compensation board as compared with 5226 during october and 3734 dur ing november a year ago the fatal accidents num bered 30 as compared with 33 during october the benefits awarded amounted to 41230959 of which 33397814 was for compensation and 7833145 for rritfaical aid the records to date this year show 5o402 accidents reported as compared with 34621 during the same period of 1933 and the benefits awarded this year to date amount to 408113621 as against 336289110 for the corresponding period of 1933 dreaming dreaming has its practical side every great achievement started as a dream the ratio between dreaming and doing must be carefully observed or trouble results back of every great achievement is a dream some folks make dreaming a substitute for effort however the word dreamer has come to one who separates himself from the practical world and lives in an atmosphere of illusion everyone has need todo some dreaming but be sure not to let dreaming take the place of action a very short time given over to dreams should provide sufficient in spiration for at least twentyfour hours canadian revenues gain canadian revenues continued in their upward trend during the month of october when customs excise and income tax collections amounted to 23- 107391 and showed a net increase ofl590129 com pared with 21517262 collected in the same month of last year revenue from customs excise and in come taxes for the first seven months of thefiscal year- totalled 185518158 and represents a gain of 22851661 compared with the corresponding period of 1933 when collections amounted to 162666497 customs duties are 9076950 higher than last year excise taxes- are up 7935860 and excise duties are greater by 4829009 income tax collections show an increase of 1070532 the sunday school lesson fob sunday december 9th why the division after reading the o h a groupings announced on saturday the fans in the smaller communities will wonder why the intermediate group was divided into a and b classes guelph with its population of 20000 inhabitants puts in a team in the b group labelled from the o a c places the size of graven- hurt hun tsville and bracebridge are put in the a group acton is in group four with thecollege team from the royal city and preston with a popu lation of over 6000 preston has since requested to be taken out of thiigroupand placed in a group the other towns in the group elora acton and fergus are of about uniform size to allow of fair competition most folks are we said still wondering why two intermediate groups were made in the o h a editorial notes crowds throng beer rooms before gait closing enforced ran a headline sounds like the descrip tion of a hog pen at swill time the christian as teacher golden text give diligence to pre sent thyself approved unto god a work man that needeth not to be ashamed handling aright the word of truth 2 tim 2 15 lesson text matt 7 2429 acts 18 2428 study also 2 tim 3 1417 time midsummer a j 28 and 58 places horns of battln and ephesua exposition i the test of the teacher in the three verses which precede that commencing our lesson we have jesus laying down the plainest sort of condi tions under which bis word is to be declared not every man that saitti unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day lord lord nave we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in that name done many- wonderful works and then will i profess unto them i never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity vs 2123 it is not calling i of god by a working man and his wife acts 18 2428 this part of our lesson presents a number of quite unusual features and chief among the noble thought it en genders one too that should be closely treasured is that scholarship alone is not the key which unlocks the trea surehouse of heavenly grace apollos an alexandrian by race was a man of notable parts large erudition and a scholarly preacher these gifts were highly valued in the days of which this passage treats and as a natural conse quence apollos possession of them ren dered his preaching very attractive to a certain class of hearers who were not so much attracted by the unadorned forthrightness of paul 1 cor 1 12 apollos however was not merely a scholar he was something which then and now was and is of very much more importance he was a man mighty in the scriptures v 24 he had been taught by word of mouth the way of the lord a man of glowing earnest ness he taught with much exactness the things concerning jesus v 25 r v he doubtless dwelt with point and force on the facts regarding- the saviours earthly life death and resur rection from the dead but the full significance of these tremendous hap- peningshotlhiself did not as yet fully beehive golden corn syrup a great energy food canadian macaroni manufac- tube invitations have been issued for the wardens thinner at the estaminet in burlington by warden george r harris of burlington there are four candidates for the mayoralty in toronto which has the bfg feature of providing an individual candidate for each of the city papers and no coalition necessary all together the annual municipal elections in acton are over for the year and now the christmas holiday season i free from the turmoil of this event as in every other contest there must be winners and losers the electors have given their decision and in british fairness the majority rules with the representatives selected for another year who will assume office in 1935 all can get settled in the routine again for the general advancement qf the community all the municipal bodies have men of experience n the posi tions and the affairs of the municipality will receive the same close attention that has kept acton in a position throughout the years when many other municipalities have been flouundering about rather helplessly there have been differences of opinion but it behooves all of us as citizens to now work together for the common welfare and advancement of acton electtoti daywas rather stormy and wintry but it in no way hindered the voters from attending their duties at the polls when over twothirds of the pos sible voters performed their duties gossipi is held responsible for the death of mrs wilson and her infant daughter wagging tongues have a lot to be accountable for in this and many other instances perhaps not quite so tragic the exports of farm implements and machinery from canada which have about doubled during the past twelve months were valued at 213000 in sep tember 1934 as compared with 124000 in septem ber 1933 gaining in favor another step in the reorganization of police courts throughout the province was made on satur day when all former appointments of justices of the peace numbering about 10000were revoked antl the appointment of about 250 justices was officially made while the new plan in the police courts is yet very much in the experimental stage it is generally- conceded that the reorganization is going to work to decided advantage under the old plan the police magistrates issued all papers in connection with the case and after hearing a good deal of what was ultimately evidence heard the case in court the culprits also had the opportunity of knowing who was handling the case and very often made it bother some for the magistrate in requesting his considera tion before the matter was presented in court in the new order the papers are made out by the justice of the peace there is then only two courses for the accused either to plead guilty to the charge or appear in court on the day set for the trial there is no backdoor hearing before court dav as it is not definitely decided whwill hold court in the mun icipality on the day appointed in the past two months acton has been visited by three different magistrates and each comes to court without any previous knowledge of the cases that are to come before him- the new plan seems to grow in favor the longer it is on trial it has closed the backdoor to the police courts hydro users in ontario consumed morepower in october as compared with the loads for each system in october 1933 increases ranging from 14 per dent at niagara to 485 per cent in northern ontario were registered while the only loss recorded is that of 91 per cent at thunder bay david williams of collingwoodt who has been mayor of that town for the past two years in addition to his duties as editor of the collingwood enterprise- buletin has retired this year while mr williams is enabled to slip out from under these heavy duties he will undoubtedly be called upon to perform citizen ship task in a number of other ways after january 1st 1935 any person found to be in possession of a pistol or revolver when its owner ship has not been recorded with the police authorities whuie liable to a fine of 50 or 30 days in jail or both this amendment to the criminal code was passed at the last session of parliament along with many others designed to discourage the carrying of firearms the editor of a metropolitan newspaper immersed in moving world events sometimes loses touch with the realities and verities qf life but the editor of a country weekly is rooted pleasantly and usefully in the very soil of his community h not only gets to know events but to know men his is a personal journalism j4is is a high and personal service his is a fine duty of community leadership thus the weekly newspaper and weekly newspaper editors are one of the most influential and benign forces in the life of this continent vancouver sun j jesus lord but doing gods will that makes us either fit for the kingdom ourselves or for teaching others its prin ciples nothing relating to the christian as teacher needs to be emphasized more strongly than this the teacher mutt be right himself must be doing godt will himself ere he can with any reason acceptance or hope of success set about the work of teaching others if a man really make jesus lord tie will- do the fathers will and the first act of compliance with the fathers will is a belief in the son whom the father hath sent john 6 28 29 even up to the judgment day there will be many who count themselves his because they have called him lord but who will discover that after all they were nai his it is plainly suggested in the scripture just quoted that one may even achieve wonders in the name of jesus who has no real knowledge of jesus himself cf 1 cor 13 2 there are many today pointing to those who have been healed through their min istry of constituting proof that god has set his seal upon their ministry but we learn from vs 22 23 that this is not conclusive proof indeed one may behold on every side teachers holding the most antagonistic positions pointing to healing and restoring as signs of gods approval but which of these an tagonistic positions is the one on which he smiles the question to no way a difficult one nor the answer other than easy to furnish it is this no amount of performed wonders proves the authenticity of ones who neither holds the doctrines nor manifests the spiritot- clirlst the sent son the lord of glory no matter what one- has done or taught in the name of christ no matter how exalted his position or loud his professions if he follow not in him self the way of the great example his work comes utterly to naught there awaits him at the coming day only the dreadful repudiation i never knew you depart from me ii building on the rock and building on the sand 2429 the only rock which will stand for eternity is christ is 26 4 r v 28 16 1 cor 3 11 we build upon him by listening to what he says and then doing it merely hearing christs sayings and not doing them will not save hearing and doing will save cf john 5 24 we build upon jesus by believing in him and weshow that we believe in him by obeying him any faith that does not lead to obedience is not faith the one who hears him and obeys him builds upon the rock testing times will come theraln will descend thefloods will come thewlnds will blow and beat upon him but he will not fall for he is founded upon the rock the one who hears but does not do may seem to be building upon the same foundation but the time of testing will show that he is a foolish man and built upon the sand the rain will descend upon him the floods will sur round him winds will blow and beat upon him and he will fall and great will be his fall the doctrine of jesus as tonished the people there is nothing more astonishing than the doctrine of jesus to the one who really understands it it is as glorious as it is astonishing the scribes the theologians of the day taught what they learned by rote from others jesus taught ao one having the authority that domes fiom a personal knowledge of the truth directly reveal ed to him by god himself cf john 7 16 12 49 14 10 24 3 34 7 46 iii a learned man taught the way understand he knew only johns bap tism i e a baptism that were merely an expression of repentance and that to remission of sin christian bap tism i e a baptis ttu set forth identification with jesus christ in his death and resurrection romans 6 3 4 gal 3 2 he did not yet understand and of course he did not know the baptism of the holy spirit as an actual personal experience he was very much in the position of many professed chris tians today he was faithful up to the point of the light he had priscilla and aquila upon hearing him realized at once that there was much for him to learn instead of criticizing his preach ing they took him into their own home and expounded unto him the way of god mofe perfectly no more sale now what about some elastic sug gested the commercial traveller who was getting an order from an aberdeen shop keeper na na said the aberdonian im for nae malr o it i couldna measure a yahd o your last consignment wloot the arned stuff snapping flour amounting to 27200 000 pounds 13480 dozen eggs 33218 pounds of egg powder 8625 pounds of milk powder 37982 pounds of salt and 878 pounds of coloring went to make the 1933 out put of canadian macaroni and kindred products in that year 1933 there were sixteen establishments in canada manu facturing macaroni spaghetti vermi celli and noodles six of there plants being located in ontario four in british columbia three in quebec two in mani toba and one in alberta the total production of these factories in 1933 amounted to 26746280 pounds with a selling value at the factory of 1223527 compared with 1932 when the output was 22278366 pounds valu ed at 1053 589 there was an increase of 4467914 pounds in the quantity and 169938 in the value in addition to the above products of the macaroni fac tories near 1000000 pounds of simlar producs were manufactured in canada at the same time by the biscuit and confectionery industry of the total canadian macaroni exports of 3872319 pounds great britain took 2 945 263 pounds the remainder going in order of purchas to new zealand jajjaa british west indies china bermuda new foundland hong kong and other coun tries allbran relieved his constipation delicious cereal brougwtnew health to mr bartholomew progressing ive en oiled in a school for door to door salesmen how many lessons have you com peted oh ive just taken the entrance ex amination we quote from his voluntary let ter i had considerable trouble with my stomach digestion was out of the question i got medicine which gave me only temporary relief then i thought of taking all- bran i started eating a cereal dishful two or three times a day it has been over a year now since i ate that first dish of bran but from that day to this i have had the pleasure of enjoying the proper functioning of the digestive organs thanks to allbran i still eat it regularly and like it better all the time lester bartholomew ad dress furnished upon request constipation is usually due to lack of bulk to exercise the intes tines and vitamin b to promote elimination allbran supplies both as well as iron for the blood the hulk in allbran is much like that of leafy vegetables cer tainly this food is more natural than taking harmful patent medi- cines two tablespoofifuls daily will usually overcome most types of constipation with each meal in chronic cases if not relieved this way see your doctor get the redandgreen package at ryour grocers madejay kellogg in london ontario fck 7s a a best wishes for your cake may it raccew thrill you it luxury chum everybody bat remember when nuking it that all that it is to be mutt be nude into it for the hope of a cake i in the nuking all the very choicest thing you need or christmas baking we have for you lowpriced scan the lilt ol fine dung jut below seedless raisins 2 lbs 23c seeded valencia raisins lb 16c fancy currants 2 lbs 29c fancy walnut meats lb 39c fancy almonds lb 49c red cake cherries fancy lb 43c candied pineapple pkg 25c neilsons cocoa stoneless delightful datesbcrisco enter he contest y 00c tin newfine simple 23 shontnlng par exctlltncc mb tin 22 monarch flour for fine result 24 ended mm ii t llowsomo athons out writ my baby boy was troubled with conntlpntion i rhvo him hnhya own tablets na dirpot- od mcforo i imd riven half tho ihc ihn ronhtipation woa rirhttkl lly relieving citnulipution dnbya own tablola nrovont mom acnoua nilmcnth developing murth cosier to tukn tlinn nriubrntinr inxativra iinrl perfectly xafti for all bttlo folk from tho wca babo to children of school ago 25o package drwllliami j babys own tablets nuts in shell bhshttwcct nw mm fruit jort rrlvd gumirtstd onchundrm par cent ood mixture lb 18c brazil lb 18c soffnto walnuts lb 21c boddtd walnuts lb 25c almonds lb 18c filberts lb 17c -candies- new chmtmoi mixture id 14c on quarltiliet and ur aylmcr choice no 2i squat tins heinz readycooked tomatoes spaghetti plum jam red rose tea r quaker oats mcdi tin wagstatfas red 39oz pectin added jar pkg ft i i pure corn dtkuf crown or beehive 2lb tin ouality first w v economy always ilimitkb good quality ontario potaiues large golden bananas 7c pk 23c doz free dejvkpy phone 168 sound dry onions 10 lbs 15c seedless grapefruit 3 for 17c new large navel oranges 40c dozen mill siet phone158 si r acton onfm axe ulp 1