wht tfan sixtysecond year no 42 acton ontario thursday april 15th j7 kight homcpriiu pages five cent council and hockey club re arrange division of receipts threeteam grouping weather made iean year taxi bylaw passed plans for coronation day at uie fortnightly session of acton council on monday evening councillors el mcmulao jones gibbons and uuon being present and reeve mocutcheon presiding mr george ingles was preacit regard ing uucl bylaw for acton the executive of the hockey club were present to dlscusa the deficit of the hockey club of this year mr uumley pointed out that under the present per centage arrangemenu lt was difficult to finance the hockey club mr mcdonald iso addressed the council pointing out the advantages of the rink and thati the hockey club had during the years carried the burden of the rink finances he felt that now that the hockey club was in need of finances that it was only fair that uvoy should receive assistance and more favorable division of gate receipts mr mason felt that lie could not favor taking any funds from the taxes to meet the deficit mr jones also vafl of the same opinion he recalled that the club had threatened to take the same to gait but this was contradicted and he felt the arena had hot been treated fairly mr uiddleton explained the trouble of running the club this year ho maintained they had desired to play the playoff game in acton but weather re ports had not been favorable and it would haw coat 75 if they had not gone to gait after encaging the arena there he recalled the conference with the council and reviewed the proceed ings he asked if uie council would consider fifty per cent split or the gate receipts and make it retroactive for the present season they all regretted the necessity of taking the game to gait but felt thut nothing else could luxve been dona under the circumstances mr mason expressed his appreciation onnmi easter thank offering meeting on monday evening uie young wo uwnfl auxiliary held their easter tlmn offering service in the class room of knox church mrs ben nle lionorary president welcomed the speaker of the evening mrs stewart of toronto in threefold way nrst as president of toronto lresbytcrlal ccondly as former pastors wife and thirdly as the first leader at the organ ization of the mrs stewart in her usual happy man ner brought message of cheer and en couragement to the young people of to day the need for women to be up and doing was stresaed very strongly that they by their prayer could do much to bring about the peace of the world at uie close of the address miss laura wiles and mist emma robinson spoke in appreciation of the joy of having mrs stewart as tht guest spaker the devotional humbers were taken by misses marjorte near margaret brown mrs cooper and mrs ander son musical numbers were given by mls hunts and some of her pupils who will compete at the musical festival solos by lois dawklns and ethel frank lin also the double trio misses wllma mcmillan and elizabeth orr sang duett and mrs geo musselle gave reading the sunday school orchestra contributed to the musical part of the program rev ii bennle closed with prayer many friends joined with the members at this uielr thank offering service visit to the premier back fifty where kurminjr tiocti on in hik way itut ith just onn liack confcekhion and an unpaved itoad mrdamcrae made secretary of library board one killed in highway crash here on saturday brown reelected chairman balnea of prvslon dies of at annual meeting on monday injuries before reaching hos pital truck is demolished othkils ikkca kkrious injury wi missed tlle poultry last week the ontario and quebec editors of weekly newspapers assembled lu london for their annual convention while both days of tile event lire very interesting to newspaper editors we doubt if our readers would bo interested in such subjects as special columns for newspapers editorial subjects or commercial prlnung etc which are quite items in the interest of weekly newspapers mwin at luncheon we were addressed by mr harold donahue of the london district organiser of uie home im advertlslng and sales club and in the provment plan who will address meet evenlng dr shlrwood fox prmldcnt of ln thc tow tomorrow night the university of western ontario was interested in this plan builders tile guest speaker these arc subjeou merchant citizens and all interested 111 for an article in many of uiesc events improvements at the evening banquet the winner of tlie trophy for the best editorial page was announced und again editor hugh templln of thu fergus newsrecord captured tlie award any one who knows tliat full page each week of edi torial matter will realize tlutt it is hard one to compete against and mr templins marks were well in advance of ail competitors well just say here what weve neglected to kay this week in tlic editorial columns congratulations new grader is ipurichased road at the umiuul meeting of acton free library board hrld on monday evening mr brown was reelected chair motor fatality occurred on the mull of the board and mr mac highway just west of acton oil satur rue secretary to succeed clerk ii ty evening and lyniic bui tics of prua farmcr tlie duties of treasurer will ton buffered such severe injuries that be carried on by mr farmer he died while being taken to the hospital authorisation of the payment of thr ouelph quarterly rental of uie library quarters uainest with uumstedlcr both was given ums west on the high imrcliuse of tuo of the coronation wyy ubout night truck number of tlie hlustruted london news by ernc sclbuortllp ot actilli for the ubrary was authorized wus alpcara umt thn it was decided that no delegate wouu frjnt of th truck clrttm buc uuj be tent to the annual ubrary conven ktm tju dr by lion which is this year being held in uttlllca und ulmasl copuiy wrec mission band presented first program band of uu april ottawa another motion e0 tlic next meeting the maclilnc ixulnes had ills lieod badly crushed broken arm and otiier of the hoard for monday june 1h at lniurit he wui uncoiucious when taken from the wreckage und never re gained consciousness he died wiillo three sessions of esquesing council held meeting the held their regular meeting at the liome of mr and mrs mcphall on thursday evening of last week with quite large crowd attend ing tlu prjldent melvin mccullough occupied the chair the roll call was answered by proverb and the bus ineifi matlrdell wlott arthur mckeown was then called on to mr templln on an honor well mcr rlted but convention item in which many readers will be interested was visit to premier hepburns farm on saturday morning motor drive to st thomas and about hx mlleii on the highway from uiat city and then up conecimion line apparently the hon mc queston does not travel umt line so much as the premier av any rate punk and all as the second line can be it had nothing on that last mile or so to the hepburn farm but all the fine farmi are riot on expenditure may be increased by 3000 the esquesing council held an emer gent meeting on friday afurnoon april 2nd ut the call of the reeve deputy hoblnson councillors wilson may and edwin harrop were present reeve george currlc pre sided mocd by ii may seconded by nobhison that thls council acept the tender of adams ltd for grader as per specifications of the rool 00 pm tllose present ut ul meeting were im george havill ueeve mccutcheoa un lipltal in ouelpll and mesjjs urown and dills ii rt john liunstedler tlie other passenger tlie secretary for tlie meeting was yjim in tlic wrecked car escaped with minor injuries arid ernest segsworth the literary societies visu ousiy injurcd the truck driven by the preston hum had tlio top completely torn off wlieels on one side were smashed and it was thrown into tlie ditch the acton truck had tlie platform broken but was not as badly damaged tlie broken machine was taken into mcxsaacs garage mass of little but scrap haines was an employee of groohs cooler limited preston and one of tlie machines was in tlie car when it was wrecked he was nineteen years of age and flumstedler is sixteen years old chief mcpherson and traffic officer bert howell investigated tlie accident dr mcnlven will conduct an in hlbhvfuyn nne comfortable form suptrlnllnttau lor the price ol u0 orinicniir done in obcratlntf the uam but quetlond this metljod of rulilim monoy he wondered if the funs to take the chair for the folloulns uell couldnt rake llw llclt ruuler than in rendered program piano duett by the taxcii m1 anna jacltion und dorothy mr graham pointed out that the club church humorous recitation by miss did not uo behind on tlie gait name nellie webb readlnu by jlss donaldu but made 150 on thu name mcphall murlcalectlon by messrs mr mcdonald pointed out tlie pur norman wright jack noble and waller poic of tlie rink uus as benefit the coukc reading by biu crofts hovunn town ajul it had certainly proven such swtor then nave very interesting and tlie council was all appreciative of detailed account of trip to hamilton tlie elforts of the boys and tlie officers which number of the club boys had and there was no point of dlscuslon taken miss jean barbour nave two only the plan or taklnjr tlie funds fron wellrendered piano colos and arthur the council sources mckeoun explained the important feat members of the council were wullnu ures or the judiilnc competition individually to donate 35 toward the lunrh was served and card name fund rather than take it out of tana ni danclnb were enjoyed by all tlan tlie club asked lr chunue or the division or the gate receipts would bo considered for another year thc club had no intention of usklrur the council to finance the club and there was no doubt that the funds could be cured the following resolution brought about very satisfactory ad justment of the matter rockalong institute homu and plenty of good buildings urt up ymt concession line tlie osluva strike made it impossible for mr hep burn to be home he had come back from the south earlier to hae been present on this visit but public afxairt came first and his job of premier of ontario claimed his attention he had deputized hon duncan marshall to wel come his vlsltirr and show them about hisfurm and the minister of auriculture uos quite familiar with his subject it seems that premier hepburns grandfather had farmed during his life time 1000 acre mitchell had in herited about tuo hundred acres and had since extended his holdings until they were now 800 acres tlie farm homestead wu the one on which he premier hod been born and the grand fathers home uas nearer the highway s200 for old grader subject to the approval of the department of hlgh ays carried moied by wilson jconded by may that we petition the depart ment of hiuhwojs to raise our road ex penditures for road maintenance 3000 and ue request hint subsidy be paid on that increase tills increase has been found necessary on account of the un usual winter and spring conditions and the clerk be authorized to send copy to the department carried mined by edwin harrop seconded by wilson that this council accept the tender of floyd dowries of 180 per hour moied by robinson seconded by edwin harrop that this council do now adjourn to meet on monday april 12th the itockalong institute held its april meeting at the home of mrs cole with the vicepresident mrs plank in the chair few business matters were dls cussed then the meeting was taken over by mrs wm mcnabb the program con cner the program consisted of the follow ing numbers taikon the motto east west home is best by mrs wm mcnabb report of tlie girls confer paid bank interest on said loan for mce by uie delegate mrs velt cur next season the division of gate receipts rent events by mrs dennis solo by mr shall be fifty per cent to the hockey velt talk on child welfare by club and fifty per cent to the counzil mrs fred mcwullams the guest speaker carried and an instrumental number by mrs mr iwmlry expressed appreciation of boucher there wan home made the action of council and the constdera candy contest judged by mrs bouch hon the club hud received it was also and mrs mcwullams the prlise considered advisable to hae the arena beautiful cana illy donated by mrs moved by gibbons seconded by mason that the sum of one hundred dollars be loaned to the acton hockey club to offset deficit repayment to be made out of funds to be received dur the 103738 season council to be re at 30 or at the call of the reeve and uas now rwned by mitchell hep carried burn tlie name uas originally pro nounced heeouni t1c counc hcd anolhcr the horse stable had thirtylive head at of horses and they were nearly nil per cherons andiifilhlan of course there was the special team of blacks that won prlkas at several fairs but the majority were just farm horses ten teams uore committee have representative of the hockey club tin its jienonnel this latter mi mention was matle by the coun cil chairman kerr on behalf of the huyne was awarded to mrs wm mc nubb hie hoste refreshment enjoyed it and her uvlstiints jrved and an noun nhat was uis decided to cloe the public uihtles commission suggested activities the purchase of j5 uater metres each other eommunity jeiir until all wuter ber vices uere sup plied 100 metres were needed but was only considered necssary to pur cham pam of these each yvar there were at present iti services that ure not metnti mr wilson painted out tile difficulties expirlenred with tile present shortage of metres 325 servicer are now usltifj nietus and uuutaif die metre are in uood working eonjitlon council uureed to leave the matter the discretion of the commission and fuvoied the purrlnise of 25 metres this vxar and were unanimously in favor of uippnrting the commlssiiin in stopping tlu abux of water waste of the inlnc eivii by bij ln uie school fire at mieton iliinu threatened one of the oldest bushiest blorks in milton on tueday lieu ipirks ioi tieurm mil re gulled tlui crorery mere oeeuplrd by muidletou the three nc ou netl by llmuiul sjer mul hcupletl by mnlitr sllm business dre shop run mrs ited durnaii unil ayti three ad inlng sttre trrupied bv chunibers bukey inhims butcher shop und ltuluht tullor biuliuss were ull of flume con as reoueste mr wilson ported structlon and only the fact that the wind that seven atrinus of colored lights were vius blowing from the oppoilte dlrertiini available for coronution deroratlous in prevented serious confluiirutltm the streets the quirk retponse of the local fire movd by mason avondedi by gibbons that the council cull meet ing of all orjanlatlnns fir wrdiusdav april 2tst ut eight oclock and that litktitse of thin be inserted 111 tiik fwkh 1icm tluw regulating taxiealk in cuicliidrd on pitue euiht ihluude and the ruct thut the lire tutlmi uas directly across the strst from the ulje wm also instrumental in prevent ing the tire from spreading tlu dumuui the warehouse situated at tlie rear of hie grocrry store was ti tlmutril ut 2000 tlu imlldings wen fully cove ced by insuruiuv harnessed and paraded about the yard and it looked like the show ring at local fall fair weve all heard of the success of the crop of onions from this farm there special storaiic house in ulilch the onion and potato crop is kept until marketed the onion crop last ear was about 35000 busheels weve forgotten the figures on jiotutoes another build ing ls used tor chopping the grain etc fed on the farm last year fire des troyed an implement shed on the farm and among other things in it the tractor wus lost the uondrr is lljat other building close by were not also lost another building conlulned the ikwis they were yorkshires the sweet cream from the herd of cuttle is marketed but ull the shimmed milk is fed to the lions there wen about fort of them untt new rumlly of yoikshlns hud been ad ded that mornitn plus are plis on an txwijs farm und these wen pretty healthy loounr int rorlj head of cattle were stabled itf he cattle barn holsteiiu and ptille angus urv the breeds and cross breed uf these two is the stock beliik raled atioultr calf hud been udtletl to thr herd thut morning farm life goes on evtn the owner has the busj tusv of eouthirtlni the ullulrs of slate we almost neklerted to tell ou thu the shetland my und burro that were uifts to ivter hepburn were also umonii the exhibits and we met 111 ii copps whom the premier backs as tlie best munuger against ull comers we could tell im iilwiut some of the ehupi who parutled with tile ilhel ntl pony tu but you would scarcely believe tluit ulitfirs could be such bojh unleui jou saw them out on holiday tlwre are upiiaiently no jnniltry on the farm at least they werent in evidence that day after the tour of the bulldiuuuand continued on pag five wednesduy evening april 7th deputy reeve robinson councillor wilson and may were present reeve george currle presided at the meeting moved by wilson seconded by ii may that leave be granted to ln troduce bylaw to increase our road expenditure 3000 00 for the year 1037 and that the said bylaw be now read first time carried moved by robinson seconded by wllkin that dylaw 878 having been read llrstjlme be iuiw read second and third times und pas ed und that the corjxrutc seal be at tached thereto carried moved by robinson seconded wilson thut this council do now adjourn to meet momlui apll 12th ut 30 in or ut the call of the reeve carried tin council held their reguiir unmth ll meeting on montlt afternoon de putyreeve robinson councillors wllon ii may and edwin harrop were present reeve george currle presided at the meeting the iunu were reatl minutes of the lut und confirmed moved by edwin hurrnp sec uided by wilson that the treasurer pi coiunued tm page five arm chlsiiftl in vrinki mttle kenneth mann son of mr and mrs alex min hud the misfortune ti have his left arm badly crushed when it was euligh lu the wrlnuer of the wushhu macmie he urm wen lnoiiilt the iiachlne above the elbow befon it wus released breaking bone in the forearm and badly biulsing und rushing the urm kenneth is but two vturi old und the uccldent occurretl hlle he plu uihiui the home on monday the little cluip wus rmovej to the hospital in ouelph where an xruy wm taken and he is making fuvofuble prociess fortunately the elbow hua not hu injuied very enjoyable time wm spent at ko kossagawcya on tuesday evening april cth wlien members of greenock literary society were guests of uloomsbury society it was not only an evening of educa tlonal and social entertainment but auo reunlon several of tlie pretty brides of twenty and twentyfive years ago uere girls from greenock vicinity und few of tiieir oung men not wanting to be outdone came down into isfassr gaweya for wives and number of theie charming matrons of today are daugh ters or the district and it was with great deal of pleasure that uie presld tonight ent mr mansell nellbi welcomed tlunn ilorn in gait lynne baines lived and then families and friends back is practically all his life in preston rc tlie old school liuie celvlng ills elementary education at the when routine business uas completed preston public school where he won an mr eluood johnston president of tlie entrance scholarship and hii secondary orteno sarp look tile chair and euicauonal thcgail collegiate inltl peslded while tliat literary gave tlie tute he wus employed with the grooh follouintr wellrendered program cur cooler preston as refriceratlon rent events by mr lome wardlaw mechanic member of knox presby solo my tol was sung by miss terian church preston the young man ulanchc mckjnnon sjieech by mr ei ns also member of the sunday llott puttenon folluued by musical schcol class young peoples christian number by mrs basil johnston and mr endeavor and the young mens niblc eluood johnston debate resolved class he marked his 20th birthday that reading broadens the mind more april 1st than travelling was upheld on the of surviving are his parents mr and llrmutivc side by messrs art mckeown mrs bert bilnes preston one sister and jack allan and the negative side audrey or preston tuo brothers walter by miss ruby mcpherson and mr ross ond harry preston his grandparents patterson piano solo by miss jean and mrs balnea oau tlie funerul barbour was followed by two humorous was held in preston on tuesday recitations calebs courtship given by miss jean mann and an impersona tion of school boys first recitation pageant presented by mr aithir mckeown solo tlio fairy painters by miss marion leslie tlie womens missionary society of the juutiei for the debate were miss united church held their easter thank jean barbour of hllsburg professor offering meeting in the church on bell or the oic guelph and mr hursday evening april 8th cameron kltching of rockwood and at members from tile presbyterian baptist this time professor bell gave short ond anglican churches were guests and talk and announced the judges decision were welcomed by the president mrs of uell con lifted debate in favor of bert mowat uho alsocflnducifid tho the negative side recitation by mr devotional period mrs thetford jack allan uas followvd by very amus oircred prayer mrs switzer read the ing play entitled friday for luck minutes of uie march meeting ulth miss marion leslie and messrs delightful leature was thcslnglng will johnston calvin aitken and gor or the junior choir from the public dim leslie taking parts in lt school conducted by miss hunt and lunch uas served and after the soclaj uirls duett which uere appreciated hour was spent mr chas mcvkeown mrs mowat introduced the guest leader of gresnwood society in his speaker mrs foreman who gave cupable mannir thanked hloomsbhry splendid talk on the kings business member for tuc pleasant evening en requires haste rev and mrs foro jod together and in closing referred man have recently moved to balllnafad to the liomes and friendships umt had und acton were very fortunate been founded beiueenthe two commun in having mrs foreman address the lt meeting vote of thanks was tendered jjpg foreman by mrs johnston kast weeks answeit an easter pageant mornings uithj the master wus beautifully presented tin unswer to last ueiks puiude mm by nine members avsisted by was cobble hill und the llrst correct choir of members singing solution olenel on saturday afternoon eojier hjmns mrs kennedy and was from mururet somerujie uho will mrs held sang beautiful duett lecelve the uuartl of bf or chocolutes and mrs gardiner solo the this weeks pinvle will be found on school loom wiu deconited with cut puce ethgt und it will take some de flowen ami planls to resemble gaixletl eipherliik lit the uiuwer we wlll was very attractive kiw little loncrr to gel in jtur wil rev iiremaji closet tile utloii tlie llrst answ er opetifkl after meeting 1th pruver l30pm on saturday will receive two 11w united church mission made lb first public appearance jcasoii on wednesday evening hth tlie occasion jau1 an hnportant one combining as it did the jcastcr tliank offering and graduation service for seven members of uie baby band mlsi minnie nelson lnuler of the buby bund introduced the utue gradu ates who uere officially welcomed by the mission band leadern mrs emery and mrs macrac roudly displaying their diplomas the little onc4 sung jesus loves mc this know be fore passbig under the arch formed by representatives of tlie mlssiou band who then leathered round them singing thu welcome song the eastey story was beautirully told by mrs mttcraeand ull joined in sing ing rejoice tlie lord is king in preparation for the offering sixteen members of uie band presented an acrostic our tliank offering each one reciting verse corresponding with the letter he carried highlight of tlie program was solo by betty gibson who appeared in hindu girls costume and sang mi de lightfully sunbeams tlie nmullcr members of the group pleuscd everyone with tiieir iltue chorus praise him praise him all ye little children slvort play saying and doing wan presented by krma wllderspln aiid george elliott with sound effects by marjorle bilton george was juite at home in tlie part of little boy who learned tliat one must help to answer ones own prayers piano solo by ethel franklin uho ls secretary of tlie mission band was enjoyed by all present tlie closing number on tlie program uus missionary exercise tlie shining or uie light betty mooney may spires marjorle bilton eileen fryer regale spires and jann agar in appropriate ostumes repretented the people of am earchina japaiiparkeyrlndia and the american indians mabel harris jean harris eth franklin winnie daw kins francs lamb and mnrjorle allen represented missionaries who carried the light of the gospel to the nations of uie world each one lighted candle from uie light at uie foot of the cross and in turn gave of her light to one of the countries represented before and after the bearing oi tlie light verses describing the light of uie saviours love uere recited by lois daw kins and joyce aiklns who were gowned alike in long white robes each wore coldfn croun ond carried flours concluding the exercise the band song fur round uie world thy cliildren sing their song mr broun wlio as sunday school superintendent ls beloved by all the children spoke few words in appre ciation of the mission band and its leaders and closed the meeting with benediction lois dawklns wlvo is president or the band made very able cluurman and the many interested friends who attend ed thoroughly enjoyed tlie program pre sented by the children rev waldie on tuesday evening lost week rev wuldle ma of aruiur was invested with the decree of bachelor of divinity tlie investure took place in knox col lege toronto mr and mrs donald waldie and mr alex waldie or acton uere present at the ceremony length of ma1umage passenger have uine to say good bje to ny wife porter dont know sir how long have you been married ttiull udmlvston tickets for the gregory all or reel received iheat ut the iiiii pit iv office before 30 on saturday have ui injual chance in lu ll in this wetls uward scout mothers meet knox thank offering coming events ol mrclini car iharifcd oljic kim women held their easter thank offering hi tin tlasrooin of the church on friday after noon here wus gotul uttenduiice of the ladles ol the conn teut ion after ire usurer and secretarys leports linen the annual tjullljng was ur lo by miss eloke alkln was verj much enjoved mrs umt lead the scripture mlvi own nilsmouury home an llvs sybil bennett ill uddress the acton women conservative ciub in the missionary society hal on april 22ri at 30 pm the uf ulll held their annual dance in the town hall acton on thurdiy april 22nd raimhuw oichrstia admission jic tav includ he rfiulur monthl nieetltii if tli scout mothers ausdhury uas held at the the home of mrs john kentner on un monday evenlnu after the business ilad rauued bteu dl cussed an interesting pruyruhi son wi illnwetl mrs lluvsard ave reading eiitllleti ourselvs mrs dissu reaulb and su have nne entitled ieelle lljplws mrs lurlough iuve helpful und inspiring acton town hal en lvuuy apiil 23rd evans conducted address of th fullnvs of the spirit gwnl wirful evening fir ull mr hughes he annual li ausplres assnciatioii me und euchre under arlou ubrulproiirrs uill held in the chlsholm and mrs tlower contest mrs hull being the ulu fjuotlng teverul passuga of scripture cleaver mp end mr lliii ulukebwk ner tile group of lui srvd lnarlng tut her subject mwi anderson mpp will hoih prjnt cktod or lunch und slul half hour uus en as always very helpful und inter elustra lutirli nrixric und enurtuinnieiit thetv will be no utlmulou eharje jovtl tstlug lu her utidit