r i 01 tyr m jilv the agto fftee press iv nuts hn lertjanto maid la heudarnw la wo i louiaebat vuwnt it vudtlnc wttn mlahna to v hamilton tus waakv mr ia ihanma brooks ef itaraoto apart tuuams-t- uki kfcihlmd osok f ivirotito li holldayta with mmds in anton mr h r kuott andtattur and mv juiw muatt jledtjd in qontwr uua jtr v b ftumlay joan and dofcbte are houdaylnt at thair laummareogajy at broote um ueanly of braiukm uah u iajunf atlmuboataet raara and m and thalma hardy of rin an houdavtag at mr and im j h amui- ura iv j ueflunin aid ida dorothy urfrjetano vlaiuvv at port dowkaad blmeoe star hugh tbbibud of tha itavu nainitssord nada a brlaf call on lb mat ruu on wodnaaday uui midoilt eihghtholm of ohat hamavant the weekend at the home ol mr and lira a j thomas ur and ura ttad mcdonald and family dower avenue visited in oalt yaurdazattcronjnd evening hub olam thomas of ixmg bland n v la holidaying at the homo of her parents ur and un a j thomas ur and ura george agnew and was june of lindaay arevlatttng with rela uvea and friends in acton and vicinity vise uay jolly who haa apent the past six weeks with relatives here left for her lionui in port william on mon day george wallace gtqtetes shop 123 yonge st ohhmu krrfebirls voterelist 193z rowrismr or hjusaoawkta oocntt or ha1tom captures goijpjritfcb mrs bduu a following an fflnaaor the past two months u hiram nahar paaaedawny o ba at the name on uui street la hereby given hat i have saotlobjl bat ported op at myjxrjoa oamraenvule on the jothday of ktouoa eomnllad witb oeollojwjlof the votera lists act and that ported op at my jottloe jane 1mt the 4let of pereona entitled to vote in the amid municipality at mun icipal mentions and that such hat re- majnathara for tnarjeetlon v and i hereby cajlan all votera to take to have any errora or otnlaaloha oorreetad aeeordlnfftb law the laat day for anneal oelna the aiat day of july 10j7 dated at oampbellvllle thu loth day of june 10j7 13 oha8 p nourish clerk mr p leatberland of markdale whv wfll auooeeottomr h v parmera law practlae here waaln acton on wed- laaday mlm m j porhea of the nnr lng ataff of the royal ottawa bahu torlum la vlalunff at the borne of mr r n brown mr oeorae a swltaer auoceaafully paased the examlnatlona of london nor- mal school andrecelves an intrun first clasalcertlfleate mr and mrs alex tees who have been spending the past year or so in scotland returned to acton on monday acton frlands are aad to welcome them voters lfslv1937 municipality op tdk village of acton in thk county- of iialton mr and mrm wm oochrmne of wind sor tuid vluxlae okiuwuw at brtvmptoii liited t ur arid ura j xsmj ot4i4rt such list ranatnt there f or lnspac- aindfty notice u heretnr given chat i have efcmpltod- with- eeot3on 0 of the votr tit act and that i have pasted up at my office at acton ootarta on the 13th day of july- 1937 the list of all persons entitled- to vote in the said municipality for me of parliament for members of the taedslatrve assembly of the pro vince and for municipal elections and uon and i hereby call upon all voters to take mmedate pro to have any errors or omtssjonsttrrectd aooordlns to law the last day for appeal bains the 2nd day of ausnit 1037 h n parmar 3a clerk of the village of acton dr and mrs a b lyon of ulster pa uuaat the home of ur and mnroa duls ura alloc uacphersoh returned with then to ulster for a few visit mrs oarwodd of lasntlng mch and daughter mrs hamilton of port huron and three grandchudren spent the week end with their cousins mr and mrs r i davidson ur and mr a ib ouslck of oalt j t j campbell va erin miss cynthia joyce mr pred and frank joyce of milton were bunday visitors with mr and mrs w j rcld mr and mrs iiulsmackerible of ixironlo announce the eruragement of their eldest daughter betty to mr norman harold held eldest son of ur ana urs w j held of acton ontario the marriage will take place quietly on july 38th mr oeorge wallace acton ontario withes to announce the ensageinent of his only sister christen to allan p dawson baa of hamilton only son ut th late s ami mis j u dass niagara palls ontario the marriage mill take place the end oouly collection of debts what better proof or satisfactory results and absolute integrity can you have than our record of 47 years con tinuous handling of collections kelly aiken tk osthntars okanobvillaf ontajuo etatamlehaal itm na caneetlastna charge far oar 3e in heralityflfthyear this bona haa been sadly afflleted reeently both mr and ura puher have ttm 111 and mr nahar 1 still confined to hu bed and in a precarious condition ura usher wea betore marrlasa janet mobaohern a dauahter ot the lata amua and blan mcbwhem and vuira in krln township following their mar rlage they farmed in fain and until thair inurement to acton a few years she das lived her entire life in thla district one eon alvln who resides on the homestead remai to c the father in truactlme of sorrow and one sister ura u b atkinson acton to all of these sympathy o many friends la extended the funerex was held on monday afternoon from the funeral home ot johnstone rimtley and waa largely attended mra naher waa ajnember of the presbyterian church and the service waa conducted tjy herpaator revil l bennle interment was in pslrvlew cemetery the palltwarera were messrs a jatchle a tteaaell f cleave w ridley wm liainprlie and j b smiui floral tributes included offerings from mrs atkinson jessie and eloise mr ronald mceachern and family oeorge and jeanette mcdonald mr and mrs r fisher mrs angus mceachern rxrjiff ill vmiisi oait a cjulet waddlnli waitgolamnlasd at at paula pretbyterhk church auelph on sauirday atteiiworinat sm by th rar a johnston bjl wften 6ure bdltb datvlttef of mr qeorge ooz and the late ura cox became the bride of ter ence pathckiaon of mr and- mra r ofshaa both of oortph jorraerly of aoton given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of pink chiffon wlui aocenorlesto match and a corsage of rosea the bride and groom were attended by mr and ura a buumah btbthertnlaw and sister of the room the young couple are well known in buelph and have been the reolpenta of beautiful presents from their fellow workers of the auelph spinning mills and their many friends f i hot weather specials i 2oo3oo i pbpspkcting oppobtijnitiks toe yukon while prospecting hss been carried on in other parts of the yukon with some success no deposits of extent or rich ness comparable to those of the klon dike area have teep found discovered in 1896 the klondike recorded a peak output in 1900 of 1077553 line ounces valded at 122375000 and was at that time the chief source of canadas gold all bf it being produced from placers recent geological work by the depart ment of mines and resources indicates a number of areas that are worthy of careful attention bv prospectors one of these is close o the town ot whltehorse and comprises some 5000 square miles bounded for the moat part by tealln and big salmon rivers and quiet laoke the southern part oftbe area can be reachedrrom whltehorse by direct water rotitev navigable by steamers but as yet ctt bandx sommevllxk playing sensational ftolf over a home town bourse o ross bandy boriuner- vultvhw jsmdon out annexed his fourth ontario amateur golf utle when he defeated john rowswell a virtually uhknown from toronto 0 and 9 row- well played sensational golf to e nuh of london in the semi finals but the large gallery and the sparkling play of andy were too much for him in the final round he is a nephew of ada mackensle of toronto canadas first lady of golf milton takts the locals on saturday continued from page one eay hit by pitcher walters stole third and came home an a wild throw to the plate lindsay counted on a bad peg to third guthrie was hit by pitched ball and anderson hit into a double play they- were held scoreless in the next three frames and collected one moretn the ninth p watcrhouse went out and toletakanrade- beautiful catch to retire n morton terry hit one that went for three bases and came home on clements wild throw bus morton singled and walters struck out to end the game the following is the box score mhitorr abrhpoab w clement rf 4 3 3 3 0 0 b brush c 4 4701 burlington mr lloyd i dingle- has tendered his resignation as high school irultbet ir and mrs w a boilldn have re turned home from a two weeks holiday after attending medical oonventlons at atlantic olty and ottawa edgar- dauphin who leprwwtnteat the burlington high school at the corona- uon arrived home from england on thursday lost edgar reports a most interesting and delightful trip a new industry wilt locate in town within uie next few days mr d l tones of watcrdown hss leased the groun4 floor of the virtue motors build ing on brant street mr tones will take possession at once and the mach inery will be installed as rapidly as pos sible a car belonging to the mclntynr mqtors port credit was struck by a on r freight train on the highway crossing at the brunt inn on tuesday rooming about 430 fortunately the driver es caped serious injury but the car was somewhat wrecked it was a stolen car relict accounts for june amounted to o407o this amount is 1560 less than year ago all workable men in the town are working but unfortunately the town has a number to look after who cannot work the relief officer states that july will still show a further dc- craase oazette medico preselect dr kenneth a- mackejude of halifax n 5 iabow who wes chosen presl- ddtew ofecans4n m asaoctsttui formvsi39 at the medical convention held in ottawar- dr mac- ktnslt la profasaor of medicine at dal- unfnlty hie own alma mafr gregory theatre studay jtjlt tath srlent babr1ers hlah adventure- in thrilling oon quaat of canadian bocklea itar- rlng richard arlen and uui pal mer comedy uavle uknla buly dlsnej ooct a the north chapter 13 ot roaring west satukdav july 17u slnnkr take all my aer drama itatiuig mar- garet lindsay and bruce cabuf comedy happy heels novel ties krmsl inventions doseos plrarf cradle of civilisation vtox news monday july ltth molntain- jusrnce fiecrets the mountains have guarded for centuries starring oeorge brrnt novelty dexter ity oartaun phlaw with a- fwdle dnpires hour of olory corqnatton films twpay e than are any others worthy of particular attention are the creeks running into north pork river from the east and those entering the valley on the west from the mountains southwest- of big salmon river although this area is one of the most parta of the yukon moaupf it u unprospected now that it hjawecelv- ed the attention of geologists who have worked out the main features anectlng its mineral possibilities it can be pros pected with greater assurance of success than before noylor cf 6 0 1 esurd 3b 5 3 4 kl clement cf 5 33 london p 0 13 there la no regular aeryjee poling boat toletiin as v small power boats and canoes can be a clement 3b used to reach many sections of the area j- brush lb 4 traila are few but packhorses may be taken to any part of it placer gold has been tadira in the area for morathan fifty yearn and pro duction amounting to more than aijooo- 000 is reported there has been no lode gold production although jtilcre has been some lode prospecting and quarta veins said to carry gold have teen staked sil ver and lead showings have been staked also but in no ease has sufficient work been done tor indicate their value an examination of the goldbearing creeks haa shown that the tributaries to the main valleys which run west and south west with prominent protective spurs on their south aides are more hfrl to 6 3 3 atoriwauty pahiitml permanent waves regular 300 and 500 no schoolgirls permanents 150 thla offer ts good until jtjy 27th thm shop wnj be closxd txrgidro mnut two witatfl tw atjocst m mley 44444w phone 156 i ni i cbuntet check books rc any style ant quanttit the lowesttbicks obtainablb wop sittxrn vtt ttm canada western northland terry lb r morton 3b 5 walters if 3 gordon p 3 outhrle rf anderson o w watcrhouse cf p weterhouse 3b jaftitianert p n morton rf 45 19 10 27 10 attton abrhfoai 0 2 2 10 1 1 canadas lu1venbubo fleeet puned in the nhity pv fr iren- e rations the umenburv fleet com- prlslns slxlyntne vessel in 1936 was slightly larger jhan it had been in the year before but fewer of the schooners ensaired in che salt fishing whlchhas long been the tiadhlonal enterprise nrf t deepa craft bas s3 6 0 27 10 i j score by lnnuujs r h e acton 101 130 001 0 0 milton 660 oil 03310 10 i tins weeks games thursdayacton at oeorsetown saturday burllnffton at acton mil ton at gortretowri wednesday july 31st burunffton ai muton rfeoriretown at acton league standing p w l milton 0 6 1 acton 8 3 5 burllrsyum 8 3 5 oedrgetonn 9 3 fl the above goes not include traznes played with hulsburs or brampton pc ms 375 375 c333 gaumont offers m outboor pdubrion cpltusllhg the onlversal foodness lnded by for cowboys and indians oaumout goes on record with the flret western fiirn ever to be made outside of houywotkj silent barriers screen epic singing the exploits of the heroic builders of the canadian pacific and dealing with such typically american pioneer subjects as pathfinders todlan giiidsa foresc fires muskegs tssrroom brawls and the like p cbdonersare larger richard arlen la the hard riding recst- lesa american hero with la1u pallnerias siren osulex as the feounlne thlstnova scotia seaports of late years there has ben more snd more of a trend toward fresh fishing an the part of the lunen burg vessel or in other words a trend toward more fishing for thelresh fish trade rather than concentration almost wholly upon making catches ar use in the trade in dried fish whlje fewer lunenburg vessels went ssjt luhlng hut year and their total catch decreased their avsrage catch was higher prom the froseqwlt- ing trip the spring trls and the unimer trip alike the landings showed an increase asihooner all told the three trips to the oanav yielded the fleet about 7965000 pounds of cod a decrease of approximately 376000 pounds com pared with 1835 most of the prcducuon was credited to the summer trip wher 35 vcsscels brought ashore abiwa w pound or a ihue more than was ed by 88 ressels in the correspond ing trip of 1945 y another atlantic coast fleet of impor tance though perhaps less well- known than the lunenburg fleet is based in the oaraquet district of northweatern new brunswtct wtthl3l vessels in 1936 it 1 bigger in numbers than the uuteoburg onp of deepsea craft but most of the firb chief injured ortfeory theatre prtday night aoton toanorrow canada has perhaps tlaryest fishing grounds in the world and her list of food antoinette oihracea rtaariy iiirty different auent dr unrerlsed figures place the 1936 barrierst i the feature attraction v nshertea catch at 980000000 pounds with a landed mate of more than le one of the hundred persons treated at- the hnsps ter iriljules 7recelved when n exploskin shatlereoaarmontreai garage while firemen re flghung a stnailhlasa in the buuduaa3fas chief christopher carmort abovew whose aim andaraoulderwere smsihejlvy falling masonry half burled undertne shower of brlcka chief canon was puled out and rushed to the ospltsfl wbare his condmnn was reposwas- orltical he suflsred a broken rlkrit arm a fractured skull stnd a torn car canada s western northland a companion publication to canadas eastern arctic published in 1934 has just been issued by the lands parks and fvtrcsts branch of the department of mines and bureaus a most informa tive and interesting even fascinating booklet it deals with the hlstory7 re sources population and administration of the rnamlond portion of the north west territories and the more soutti- westerly islands of the arctic archi pelago these two reports bring up to date and correlate available information relating to canadas northland canadas arctic passeaalona are geo graphically divided by nature into two parts the western arctic reached from the pacific ocean and down the mac- kerude river and the eastern arctic to which access is gained from the atlantic ocean and hudson bay brought about by the everwidening search for minerals and by the use of aircraft as a means of transportation and exploration impres sions of the northwest territories nave undergone considerable change within the past twenty years once regarded as being almost inaccessible many areas are today within a few hours flying umetif a number of cities and towns in western canada in spite of the northern latl tude the territories are not entirely regions of perpetual ice and snow the winter is long and cold but in the short summer the temperatures are high and the long periods of sunlight- promote rapid growth of vegetation in many parts of the mackensle valley vegetables are grown for local consumption and the soc barren lands yield a pro fusion of wild flowers and mosses since the aeventeenth century the ter ritories have been an important produc er of furs and have contributed upwards of 27000000 in furs since 1933 having in mind the need of conserving the game and furbearing animals as a means of livelihood for the indians and eskimos the canadian oovernmen has set aside large areas as native game preserves while the fur trade isj still a chief ln- dtjurtxy the future o the northwest ter- rltoxles lies also in the development of its mineral resources previous to 1929 the most important m development was the dlsppvery of oil on the macken sle river near norman trtenln 1030 came the rouitole of pitch- blendesilver deposits from which radium is obtained at great bear lake and in 1936 a promising guld irlke wiu made st oordon lake j canadas western northland brings out many internet tug facts regartlrar- thei populataon white and native the indus j tries instluitlons traiisportatlons and jbomunlcmuons climate mammals and f1 tprde qsh flora forests geology and j waterpowers it contains 53 lllustra- uons and gives the latest information available concerning canadas western arctic possessions copies may be had upon application to the director of the lands parks aradforeau branch de partment of mines and resources ot tawa choke meats these prices good friday and saturday only jewel shortening special 13c it 77 2 fresh sausage tbs for dumarts weiners per tb pea meal bacon per lb select side bacon in piece per tb 29c 22c 35c 28c 2 tbs freshly ground qpc hamburg steak for oo shoulder roast veal q per lb ioc boneless rolled veat fronts per lb stewing veal bone per tb 20c t5c special york brand choice quality peas 1 lovell bros phone 178 quality and cleanliness our motto prompt delivery his mjstaju zsoplorfr omn jraudo tha wgrkl appuaanf worti why ittaaaniyoa wantadatorcman to think wright a patterson president of the western newspaper- union touches on a very vital subject when he says the circulation of large city newspapers in rural communities develops among the people of these communities the city buying habit the effective advertising of the big stores attracts business away from the home town and in time the home town as a market place has passed out of the picture when it does the local newspaper tsburicd in the same grave considered from this standpoint the regional or local paper is even more important to the town or city in which it is published than it is to the owner or publisher jthcroi- no getting around the fact that flic trade of a town or city follows the circulation of the local newspaper just as civilization fol lows the hag your town or city is not going to advance very far unless your local newspaper blazes the way and your local news paper is not going to be the sort of newspaper necessary to gain and maintain a complete coverage in the logical trade rad7usof jcour town 4 city unless it has the wholehearted support otyour merchants and business men aggressive business men in many of the small cities of the country are coming to understand and appreciate the im portance of the home newspaper and the day is not far dis tant when local chamber of commerce will make one of their main objectives an annulwrivc for increased newspaper cir culation in the logical trade radius of their respective com munities a 9sc want the trade advertise j