riviau 7 thfr actdw frbb prtess ysrrerea in gommencilig saturday july 3 1 prize sugge 3piecbeijboom suite walnut chest or studio cough the acton good- will club l n a a annaaa aaaaawnaaawai p c r sales ami i subscription campaign twenty 20 valuable prizes ghren away free to the public of acton and surrounding district votes for subscriptions a pfecial iw1tationi8 bxtendkd to ih men women ftftys and girls of acton and surrounding communities to share in thla big event you can win beautiful prima far year lr urn in the next few wvwfc secure new rejjtewal and arnuiri subscriptions and re-cc-lva- vote credit on payment or subocrtpuon account the tarfeat total vote ifumti the drat choice of the grand awards the next number of vote the mound choice and so on until the grand prise are awarded thome contestant who do not hare lnihe rrandprts award will revolve a cash ootnmuulon cheque on all nbacrlpilanji aecured provtdlnjr a mlnlnium of 13660 la turned in throughout the campoixii and for cash purchases a number of club merchant are joining to oooperata in thla distribution in an effort to enoourace more local patronatti- and to stimulate cash purchase conleatanta and their supporter who patronise thaw stomal will reeotve coupon on the following- baslsj 1 one unit of 26 vote given with each 2ft cent cash purchases or in the same ratio rsr z vote will also bo allowed on paymrrit of ouutandlnf ac count 3 any club merchant will be allowed to offer additional votes t his own discretion 4 huomctiptlon vote and vote on cash purchase from club merchant ore of equal value and can bo combined on total vote elliott bros general store ladys or cents travelling bag dinnerware or breakfast set dresserware or toilet set cash commission prizes rr hkturlplliai oaly mfmlaaal mara to c to lamia in htrfaaa mini af aaaary aa an h nlm u par aaal cuk oauwa to a aanprtaa i dartar thnamllia cut- af sm m laraad ta how to get big votes be at valan omu in lit ini kmk mm carrolls ltd groceries a i unions 5c to 100 store a t brown druggist lovell bros meat market johnstone runilev home furnishings pallans ijdii and menh clothing hoot and shoes burr grocery quality groceries advertising space reserved for other merchants wishing to cooperate in the acton goodwill club w 1 talbot hardware norton motors ford sales and service b d raehlin ladies and mens wear iloota and shoes pattersons wholesale meatjharket e j hassan drugs miss k roszell milmnery and fancy goods svnioirv hard ware stoves and ranges reids electric wiring and appliances rules and regulations governing joontest 1 thla caatoal ja aaaa to w boy ar oiru man ar woman raakunj la autos ar amandine dbtrtot emalayaaa af tha acton praa iwh all ctab marthanta thaar aukjai ar than- imiaafui famlliaa in not attrlma to aaaar 1kb oantaaa thai daaa nat apply to mnmn corraapandanta r parttin eatrma atay mm aaada aa eater blank ar in wrlllnc to tiu acton ran ruts 4 vaaa aapn auut ba awpaallad at the free rssss a oaiea naaai ml iiaalailiala atastba plainly wrtlton an aaa w laaara praaw eiaili a taapaan aaaa fipaahaa la favar ml aar ana cantaatona eaanat ka tnaatama to aaatkar caalaalaah wal aaa t ajlaaaa to aadclt mta la ar dlfmut aanlaa at clak marckaau atoraa aar to bar ar aau rata ar to amapl parrhaaa eaapaaa andar paaalty af dlataalmca- 1 cantaauau aw araak aahaarlatlaaa aaa la ba laaaaa am ad ahara thay alaaaa callaatin bark m aa aatl aa aa tata cradlu wul iaatiai niek taalaalal la an aatkarajra acu ml thai maapipn aaa m bj alatlaaatr anaantoad that each maaabar ail ba i buronsibu ro money and raaall i imanlla fall to ctab llaadaaartora s tha arat ten aoatoatanta barlnr largaat n of total l an olaatax data ahalllata tha ohaaoa af tha grand rrlaa awarda la tha ardac af lha aaal ataadlnc la in ihaatant af a uafar anj af tha awarda prtaaa toaaltoal in ralaa wul ba aamrdad to aaah uatn clab aarmbar ajaa n ii tha rifht to altar ar add to tha ahara praia ik prarldlbf that tha ralaa af lha priaaj ahan aat ba l and to aabatltato any prtaa with a eaah i alalia- atom af not laaa than m par eaal af total aaah aabaoraptaaa ratama 11 final oaaat will ha aaparrl by a saaatol oawialllaa la thla aawapapar l tha hht to affair f apatlal eradlu at any tbaa darlnc tha a and to aarraci typa- raahlaal arran that amy aaaar aa any af iu aanaaarav is it a andaratoad la a and any athar aaaalaana partalalar to tha a win ha daamad by tha clab maaafar and that hbdaebtoa will aa annphf aa anal 14 la b a aa i ctab maaabara acraa a f fob iwrher information write or phone clajb headquarters ar partldaaunf in thla aaaapatltton abaaa by tha akawa oandltlaoa lat itll umvaaaa tear afta rtda naw aaaaattptlaaa it aa v maatacim hba taw u i the actanjlree press r l taylor club manager electric washer or electric or battery radio v 1 t w ldrs or gents wrist watch set of silver or silver tea service linen or bed comforter set special prize awards waakly pttor wul ba aatarad to ceaaaataaaa ura- ina in tha laraaat tatal vataa rraat waah to waak laa cwacanh ta h caah nato oaly ona asrat and aalial laaaaal praja save these coupons im rraa vatoa icr kama or cootcatanti ktaa dartac tha caaapatuaaa arbaa aaaaty vataa and baai i- tt jvmiafgltlv i3ss rrwhtwqinstsr5bsss