fi v-3- t s v 1 tt pa0 wwm the acton jfree press thurbday atwttmbbt ltfe ihf lloyd t dingle imfvllh cawlmata faiiallen l frvruwlal heetloti burlington ontario september 131t 1037 to the people of iialton county in thla letter i wish to disease the luej of thla election from the viewpoint of the farmer but flat i will jfelvery briefly to rcrtnln statements the liberal candidate his letter appearing ouetu of september lst nounpnpers m letter which ct out my stand on the liquor question did not state as clmmed by mr blakelock that beer paiiors in ontario come into existence by agriculture in u hepburn oowrnraent mmfathc statement that the next two pr three yean would aaft rtar radical leglalatlon to eielat tha farmer ulan war before fflnee hlselecooh mr marahall ha taken ridlcal steps in retard to tha farmer but not to elm him any aaslit- anoe hu flrit act on attaining- office waa to auipend payment by the agricul tural p b on loam pro perly granted by the former ooneervatsve government to thla day no reaaon haa been riven for thla draatto action which put the business affairs of thouaanda of honeat and rkhocent farmera in a terrible condition when thla deplorable state or affairs had continued ator six months creating wldeepread dlaguat and dissatisfaction it was felt something ahotod be done to offset the bad impression exlattnff mr liarahall then announced a reduction in the rate of interest on farm loans to 4 per cent a reduction which the money marketa had justified for several months precedlnir and he also announced plans for continuing loans in cooperation with the federal oovernment at ottawa the ppucy ofloonln money to farm- era waa finally recommenced and actu ally continued for a few months then mr marshall changed his mind again and the announcement came that farm loans hod stopped absolutely and forever the following announcement was made by urmarjshall in the press or june 14th 1035 in view of the attitude or financial interest resulting in the regu- be- alon before the last election the fanner la aun the forgotten man the policy bf tha oonaermuve party is found in the following words of mr howe llberaloonaerrauve javier our policy la to stimulate the sale 4nd wider distribution of ontario farm and dairy products at fair prleea we will reopen ontario house in london england and otherselllluladd advertising agencies wherever qeeeaaary to procure for our farmera a greater measure of prosperity governmental aid will be given to im prove the standard of our farm stock dairy products and seed grain if elevted i will do all in my power to see that the above policy la carried out yours faithfully lloyd tj dinolb liberalconservative candidate royal under the hepburn administration fay reference was to tho fim- itnmber of beer parlors which came into existence durlnii the prownt odmlnlatrbtlon and my suoement word for word was as fol iowa tintor uu nepborn administra tion there haa oome into fai- treat number of beer parlora more than 1500 in tho prwlnoe ontario as to the correctnem pf thla statement ther can be no question although the henry oovmnmenl did take the necessary steps to provide for the coming into existence of the beer parlors not one beer parlor ueenae waa granted by the ilenry oor mode mf blakelock in charmels for public borrowing n the burlington knlng closed the agricultural develop- and other m board has deemed it advisable to dlsoonunuo making farm loans events following proved clearly thai this official statement by a minister of the crown was a deliberate deception these events were as follows the regular channels for public borrowing were not closed for ulthln three weecs the oovernment borrowed 20 000 000 instead of 15 000 00 origin ally asked for 2 the loans then being made were not financed out of money obtained from the regular channels for public borrow ing but were financed out of the money paid in by the farmers thems on their mortgages since blauttlmr off th form loons the millions paid in by the farmers as pay ments on their loans have gone to help the government make a budget showing wii bvvtiiimiviib ma mm u uuubuii p4iuw ll enwsl these were all granted by the mr marahal an h l nililnh mini tnltf hepburn oovernment which must take the responsibility therefor do not intend to be drawn nto any eurtroversy witji mr blakelock as to the merits of any particular beer parlo in tho county of halton if there is a con- setmiuye oovernment in power after the nex t election the licenses granted will dj ronaldcred on their merits fairly and tree from political prejudice with reference to mr blakeloe statc- niciil that i applied for a license for the kit cm an house at burlington my an wcr is twt i was instructed as solicitor to apply for a license and i dll to in carrying out instructions given m- b my client no explanation la necessary and i give none a bpeoklng at sharbot lake on may 38rd 1034 mr hepburn promised co gtretbe farmers roller if he should be returned to power at windsor an june lsui 1034 mr hepburn promised to call a special session of the legislature to deal with farm relief problems immediately miter the election the election was in june of that year btit instead of calling a special session to help the farmer mr hepburn did not call the legislature to gether until the spring of 1035 andtuen he told the farmers iliat they must stand on their own feet at westport on june 4th 1034 mr hepburn in referring to agriculture aid if we are gains to have an indus try that la sound we must widen our marketa rjllowuig the election the hepburn o closed ontario house in london fengland and also dosed the marketing agencies at mon- treal winnipeg and in the marttlmes ontario house had been opened tiy the conservative oovernment and it created huifkbu in rutland and oth p the empire which increased ontario formers annual income by 10 000 000 every farmer knows that one of his greatest problems is that of marketing tils produce at a fair price to close an agency which increased the farmers an nual income by 10000000 was an act of incredible folly in spite of preelection promises the hepburn ootcnuncnt did nothing to help tlu farmer after the election and did much to increase his problems a bonus program evolved by the former oimcruuvi oomtiuuciu to improv the trrudt of live stock was abolished o rants i tontmiut 300 000 mode b tlu pn vlous omtnuiuul lu old un luriihr vcrc muuvasl cut off at pniclliuuy the sutm turn tlu algomu tjtm 1 corporation hua uhtii u bonus of 318 000 vvh take- u tht bonus from uu iotiiut and t it all to industry win nut a fair tlh ulan just thu year kuowlntt tliut an elec tion would he held this fall the hepburn qowrnment made a reduction to the taxpar of otje mill on the tax rate this was a very spectacular gesture 1ut c must remember that the present oov ernment has increased the taxes by 40 000 000 the former conservative oov ernment collected in 1033 almost 02 000000 and the hepburn oovernment collected over 03 000000 or an increase of so per cent all revenue is collected 1 direct taxation and of this increase the farmers have paid their share is this ksepintr a promise to the farmers to reduce taxation bpraalng ar burttngton in the tall of 1034 hon tuncan marshall minister at are far more interested in that than in trying to help the farmers the hand ling of the farm loan question by the present government has been marked by a callous look of sympathy for the farm ers and oy deliberate attempts tcrdecelve them i challenge any person to name any constructive program to help the farmer-f-j- accompllsiiad by the present government in spite of the pleas made by mr hep burn for the man on the back conces- ballinafad mr j coper spent a couple of days but week visiting- his sister mrs evans at morruton mr john rogers of barrle visited lose week at the home of hu brother mr oeonre rogers mra howltt and children of fergus visited at her parents home mr and mra j e campbell and with other friends in the district mr and mrs wm landsborough and mr and mrs wm evans and family of acton were visitors during the vcek at the home of myfi 8opcr wo congratulate mr dan campbell on his success at toronto exhibition with his horses no rtunts ro aarnnvrainnfl cafliar an aauuere amateur talent wanted far ken 8amee oe4 ia amataar talent qthest apply capitol theatre guelph guelphl now hatino the toast of new york arnold oakie farmer sat berr is a days souls at sea gary cooper george raft daly at 115 1- in wednesday sept 2s j days topper the seasons scream i roly gary co youno grant bektjett tniiwitt iriliilif imsiiliiliiliiliiiiiaiiliiliiliiliisiiliilhlnliilhlittltliishlmiili insmmiiittihimniiiini theneweststyles for men women and children when visiting the acton fall fair make pollants your meeting place jual say meet me at pallants you willsee one of the finest ranges of ladies and mens readytowear and shoes in the district at prices that equal the city stores 99th anniversary churchill united church sunday september 26th rev mr brcrcly hamilton services at 11 am and 7 jo pm special anniversary music fol supper and concert monday september 27th slipper served from 6 00 to 8 00 p m acton concert orchestra full musical program mrs wm black everton and pupils j mrs charles kukneas readings adults 35c children 20c do vot miss these events j mrs a i thomas president ladles aid rev c joluffe minister a ladies suede shoes in lovely new lasts with the high cut fronts in straps and oore pumps trimmed with patent leather medium truban or high heels brown blue black green ranging in price- from ladies kid shoes high or low cut front cuban medium or high heel beautifully designed to satisfy the most par ticular specially phced at mens new fall shoes in plain or grained leather ltathcr or rubber heels blucher bl or english brogue lasts prom us 9 to ve7 295 225 to 695 mens work boots made by orcb a boot that will stand up under the most trying conditions made of solid leather bolivian and mennonlte rotan leather at regular 3 75 spec ial for pall pair week per pair 298 special offer with school childrens shoes pencil box 2 pencils 1 pen free childrens shoes we haye a range of children s shoca never before ahown in acton in price from 71- to special for men mens carhnrtt overalls and smocks black or blue sizes 3444 regu lar 2 25 special for fair week a garment mens new tall suits we lunc a nice range of mens fall suits in the new drey blue and brown shades very popjlnr for fall wear our low price will satisfy every purse m q priced from w vj up 49c o 198 165 madetomeasure clothes come in and see our range of mode to measure sampler we have the nicest range of materials for suits top cota and overcoats that we ever had 1 o 7 c priced from pll j up ladies new fautn- wearing apparel we invite the ladii5i of acton and district to come in and see our wonderful range of new pall dresses coats and hats design ed and mode in the newest styles and materials special low prices for fall fair week ibex blankets blue 124 ibex blankets in grey or white with pink borders specially priced for tf a fall fair week at per pair tmtrx don mr ote in good will coupons on all purchas pallants clothing and shoe stores cttrjurtr of flstttrm aotom paatar bar b m aaarrvavllau fub paratmare bower aw sunday september lmh 10st 11 00 a m trally day service trnlon service with the sunday school 7 00 pm evening serwlve withdrawn in order that congregation may loin in st al harvest peotlval everybody welcome rttfjtfrtan knox cbumotl aotoh bev ii u bemm1e m a mibihw manae ylllow street sunday september 10th 1937 standard time 10 00 a m t sabbath school 1100 am morning worship salt and it savour 7 00 p m tjve and ijke it first of a series on ltfes problems note l rafly day september 38th 1037 a poll communion october 3rd always welcome baitturt dtttrrl acton rev e o baxter paatarr sunday september 10th 107 10 00 a m sunday school 1 1 00 am service ot worship sub- ect jesus son of man a welcome to an unclassified small advertisements advert i rtnents under thi one cent per word mlnimim char 3c per insertion five inaertfamt far fioo if paid ch loc addltioaal if hrsed where items have to bw booked noo slflppino saturday ho 50 and irrode hogs delivered oj farmer 10 60 or sale also some little pig frank houods wantfd a housekeeper to take full chnrffe of house with no lncumberen to just fattief and son to look after reidenee close to town 11 2 phone 229 milton for rfnt a brick house all modern conven- lencrti rent reasonable immedlatb pavsrsslnn apply sunoco service station mill street acton ontario 1 for sale hand po er com cutting box two knives oood as new m hart 0 tf lot 6 fifth line barrs 52w the last roundup of goodwill votes double votes to the end of campaign greater savings and greater votes double votes to the end of campaign sharing with you the se quality lines bought to sell below to-days- market faleeai pink sal mon 227c bad seal salmon fancy red 125c uerafars corned beef quite tan 2 28 ubbjrs spaghetti meat deukhttul 1 1 o hot 1 uc fcsver ribbon tomato juice tins for 2 19c no 4 peas 110c 3 paokarea s c corn flakes 1 34page mlcaey mouse book all for 25c a paekaaea kellocr corn flakes 1 blue qlass boal all for 27c 1 tin forest cltjr baking powder 1 2 piece sherbet a ur 24c domestic shortening piling fir uc r rml colored gim jeijjes anmrud flavor 15c bassetts the original luorice allsoru pound 24c quality courtesy personal service york house sauce bottle 10c sv eet or aiustrd pickles bot 10c sliced pineapple tin 10c l v dessert pears tin 10c corn starch ch m package 10c libby pork and be ns tall tin 10c ched w vle cheese package 10c libby cooked spghettitin 10c quker choice sweet coris tin 10c lux rinsooxydol package 10c coron vtion so p box 10c mecul concessionsoffered by cluh m n ger good from fnda i7thnflsajurda imh the end cash sales aid cttrrent accounts doubms votes accounts of up to one year standdjo ftve ttvtes votes accounts of over ove year standing ten times votes voney paid for goods in advance ftve times otes fine quality brooms 129c b string all conn 725c peart or p o soiu exccutnt buy many flowers or karbol soap plrnty o loc maple leaf soap flakes uiri 1 iftr hmtmlnnler toilet paper epsom salts 5 1 24c bed rose tea 1 lb pa choice balk japan green t4sa lb for nr 25 b ii or crown syrup o lb tin 18c choice rice a rurr 7c lb oltanoes 6 iii ohapefruit j 19c uananas lie lemons 1 lc onions it lbs 24o cier hiarts 1 10c cabbage s c potatoes pit he barrs qu4lity grocery offei freh fruits vegetable and groceries willi a guarantee while they east msc peek frean biscuits regular to 40e a boot special 19c ciiimnets rfbuiit or repaiufd plostcrlnir of all kinds reasonable prices j mcmullin 11 2 phone 31r2 fob sale ar elivtrlc walnut mantel olock in perfect condition reasonable price apply mrs c w mason willow street fob rent house u rent on lake avenue 1- plece bath garage available october 1st apply to l williams kjvix avenue fob sale bell oak heater and small quebeo heater in good condition price 4 00 each john v savaoe main street notice we are prepared to buy dreased fowl delivered on tuesday or wednesday of each week we are paying 23c for orade a chickens acton creamery auction sale an auction sale of the houaehokl ooods of the estte of the late hiram fisher will be held 6n saturday after noon enimher ihth al3jkl p m oh willow street at the building at tho rear of post office acton terms caah t o ram8haw auctioneer acton fall fa1k thi secretary of acttm fall fair will be at his ufflce in the cooper block until monday night september 20th and at the fulr orpund on tueaday and wedneaday september 31st and 32nd f l wrioht secretary phones office 95 fair orounda office 30 aoavts wanted bitt puftalblr proposition to offer active mm with ambition u forge ahead line of 00 dall nrceallii temtved ter- rluirlfs cluili trrnu no risk plenty of genulni ihuiura for success inde- pendnxe sure living over 70o aatla- fted dealrm now why not you write immediately for dffor- viat ion r am ilex co 570 sl clement montfeal vix fair notk k scllo 1 children teachers and parents 111 rrmmbrr that all children a ex- hlwh alole fair ure free tho secre tary 111 be at hl office in the cooper block this saturday september lath and all entries for this children a de partment must be given on that day articles to be handed to the hall super intendent tueaday morning september f l wripht secretary oood fkices paid for hones injured cattle or anjthjnc aultabla for fox meal with injuria a phooa very promptlr aa amavf mint be aeourad oooolatklr wt5a cgjua la will coat you notrdn to una ua pboxm it tint ilmaaato mis ravartlna tha charoa tliaaaa la rtmr raaold u m eoadcooat vaxwattm 7xssl