w rwtmi itou hfdhmar lath imf the acton free press moissvsn 0othat butlf wajvm ata jrujmaar 60 a the gumjob lift ffmfluni svt5ttrie lej moped eorractly abhuw buttou an aihme 3mr awarhesd troop and knew too oouia uhjt fwm tfealr atrlda vnou u sraaa mata gok the ersdlt juno tunuh in uuir pride to band mn tht aide line mni playing xtttf but that m many a ma a ion fir road from now i law hltn only yesterday ob wtmdreneliad city atreeu whan seorchlni pamumnt aweherad and blistered atratnins fast r wouldnt 1st them count him out although he mlfht be down he wasnt waartns khaki just a suit of utt brown at light or him and many mora the grandstand rote to sheer hew waa something novel to be wen dutonse a year hud ona sweet llpstleked maiden fingertips war canadian sehool journal chronicles of ginger farm i tjua tald aearl there musta feean hvuill teams aoo af tha fm praia af thoraday saaaaaaker mlh 111 a factory for the manufacture of rub- bar motor urea haa been eatabllaliad in oafcvula mr hlorley petut lecturer in bee keeping for aevan or elant yeara at qu ontario agricultural collage ouelph and secretary of the ontario beekeepers aaaoelatlon haa resigned and wu go into business for hlmaeir at oeorsatawn mr w howard of nakiagaweya who haa earned an enviable reputation for prlaatafclng horseflesh la again making a auseaiaful round of the fain be won aettoraj prtau at toronto and tt london st albana church held harvest fes tival services -on- sunday rev a c mackintosh of at jamaa ouelpn wai the apeolal apeaker the new organ wai i other from uaad for the tint and played by mr jaa cdunta book banthem mr n l mcmillan druggist at the corner of ellsworth avenue and vaughan stoadr toronto waa held up by maaked automobile bandlta on sunday evening and robbed of iis the police pronounce this as one of the moat daring robberies ever perpetrated in toronto oorp oeorge w oook of tha lmth battalion la now in prance on monday evening ma w t prick er who returned from handera last weak waa aooorded a roualng civic recep tion our radio la tn workjnr order again attar having been out of eonunlsalon about two rnontha thought it only needed new baxtehea but whan we eame to fix it ur we found an the tubes were burnt out which wasnt aogood which ever way you look at it however a radio like a car or the telephone once you get used it baomes one of the necessities or life without it it seemed we never knew the right tune of day or whether it woa going to rain or turn hot or become cold not only tha it we dldnt have a chance to near mr iiowe tall us all about what goes onjn the back kitchen of the globe and mall we might not ever know anything about it and of course we have to hear oolonel drew tell or his wanderings through europe and the united states and we like to listen to mr hepburns easy as surance as he tells us what his govern ment hss done tor ontario during the last few years yes we listen to them all good bad and indifferent and we m confess w sometimes feetblghtly dlsay and the more we listen the more we disagree with that old adage figures cannot lie we are more inclined to think that figures can be nelated and turned and juggled ohoictb andtsueri conse quences ira nations lip oolden text choose ye this day whom ye will aervj josh 34 16 leaaon text deuteronomy ii au jbs3 time 157s bo place eastern bank of the jordan opposite ollgal exposition l obedlence loves claim on a drateru heart a 0 makbied xbtbdqbgrawbhaw at the home of the brides parents on wednesday september nth ion by rev w a rose b a robert w dredge son or nathan dredge to kelllc parkinson only daughter of john orewshaw all of bsquealng died trotter at oloversvllle n y on saturday september lbih ion chris topher trotter son of the late william trotter of acton aged 0 yean routed now arranged for stallion inspectors stalllan ownsn washing inapeeuaaad- vlsad la oet in tench immadaltely with oeeuuy agricultural gu- piessil ta arrange far free insaaetlm the route of stallion inspectors by counties in the three provincial districts la now arranged by the stallion enrol ment board in each county stallion owners should communicate with their agricultural representative at once for further details regarding times and places of inspection within the county states l e oneill live stock director of the ontario department 6y agricul ture and secretary of the ontario stal lion enrolment board mr onelll points out that no person an lawfully stand travel or offer for use or sale any stallion unless the same is pure bred and until such stallion has been raiment issued all stallions which were last inspected previous to the fall of ibm require in spection at this time this inspection u free however owners of stallions that require inspection and do not present them at this tune wui be charged a fee of 10 for special inspection at a istex date therefore it behooves every stal lion owner to get in touch with the agricultural representative of his county immediately any stallion which has never been in- apected either because tt is a colt just coming into service or a matured horse just imported into this prwrtnee requires inspection mr oneill slates he advisee every owner of a stallion ahlo has not received the ln rjort of the stallion enrolment board to write for a report to the live stuck branch around to prove whatever the speaker may want to prove at the moment ir respective of party we also often recall the wise words or our immortal bard in his lines the devil can cite scripture for his purpose ftly in this case it isnt scripture we hoar quoted but section this that or the the provincial public ac- so you see r are quite glad to have our radio working again our only fear is that the tubes may blow out again a radio is a sensitive instrument and how any radio can receive and give out some of the things we hear ulthoul burning up is absolutel beyond our comprrhen- slon but there it is but we have other privileges too koi only do we have the radio to listen to but we also havle had the pleasure of having k heart to heart talk with one of the candidates for this riding we were very pleased to see the gentleman in question and after a friendly chat fot about halfarihour you knoa ho friendly these aspiring candidates csn be then partner and he talked out to the waiting cor talking all the a neither of them wanting to aosle a minute of the time at their disposal to get back to the subject of radio again we were doing a little experi menting on the dial one night and were surprised to pick up what sounded tike a telephone cameraatlon between tao police stations tn the states night after night ne were able to do the some thing and were completely mystified until looking through the last issue of mac leans magazine thts is what i found- two way radios for police and then the item explained that patrol cars in schenectady are equipped with radio sets c can talktoe nth opposite sides of the tea n through the medium of the headquartera station the explanation sounds very simple but ttoesnl it seem almost uncanny to be able to listen in on calls like that one description of a wanted man last night mas rather funny the message said watch for and gave the nam tall fair complexion blue eyes needs a shave i how many havp been to the exhibition this year i wonder no one went from this house we thought in view of the utranule paralysis scare the exhibition iua a good place to keep away from the very sound of the word paralysis with young children and yet i wonder tf we do not get unnecessarily alarmed probably the chance of a child getting paralysis is far less than the chance of his getting pneumonia the difference lies in the fact that with pneumonia we feel confident that doctors know how to stance a farewell address by moses to the israelites whom he lias now for the second time brought to the borders of the promised land in a rles of three great speeches he 1 solemnly restates the law given on8lnal adapting it to thechanged condit befo them 13 rehearses in the light of their moral application the outstanding events of their wilderness wanderings and 3 makes the fact of jehovah s ralthfulness in the past the basis of an appeal for their obedience to him in the future a plea for their recognition of his right ful claim on their enure devotion ood had delivered them guided until pro vided for their necessities preserved and protected them through 0 the weafand tear of desert ufa cf ch 8 4 numb u bglven them the law and a civil code directed their statecraft cf ch 31 in short out of a rabble of weak and querulous slaves ho had made a strong hardy nation truly ills children he had blended deliverance with judg ment loving kindness with discipline whenever the danger threatening them had been from without he had protected them when it sprang from their own stubborn rebellious heerta he had re strained them his loving care had been about them his patlon e and mercy had never failed he hod dealt thus with them that they might become strong ne to go in and possess thp land all that he asked in return was that they love andlobey him acknoalldgelllm an their ruhr and not turn aside to idols if they continued stesdfast uie would in dure as a nauan prolong their days moses sets before them the picture of the past that it may serve as an impulse for the future ii a land which drlnketh rain or heaven 1013 canaan was splendidly adapted to train up a spiritual people and foster in them a sense of complete dependence on aod it was a land of varied topography of hills and plains grassy pastures gardens and orchards whose fertility depended wholly on the rainfall the nrst and latter rains the former came at autumn seedume the latter in the spring of the year when the barley heads ere swelling the amaslng productiv ity of the soil 60 to 100 fold cf oen vuut 13 61 was directly due to these seasonal rulnv for tits- only river of any considerable importance the jor dan flowed so swiftly and precipitously to the dead sea as to be jut little use for irrigation all uils was in strlkng cpn- trast to conditions in erypt where the sole source of fertility was the overflow of the nile this inundation lasts for a short time and oovers only a ribbon of land adjacent to its banks water for the rest of the year must be stored t menu hints ft ft hw ul natci mikm pimikiii umm ul hot mbau picnics the technique of plcnicunu adytuum with the tlmei in other dftyv nd wlche were all that wu catuuured neocuary in the way of food but with modern picnicker an auentlal of it uc- cemfu day imnu lo be the capacity ot the hoitmu to provide hot meat and vefubw with the utmost unconcern anenwll4nt mjiat for a picnic of tills kind u iamb which can do served oold the book of pculeronomy is lrisw jjlicei or can be prepared beforehand ditched and distributed through irriga tion chjwnets controlled by pressure of the foot it a hard and toilsome labor but condluons were fixed the river iiever falls to overflow everything de pends on human industry and effort in canaan there wm no such surety con ditions were variable everything de pended on the ltlegtving rains which area given y ood for ttir land was under his special providential care v 13 rfcus faith in the power of ood over natural processes to make them serve his moral purpose nd prayer to ood for rain and fertility became an integral part of ttsfcrew eonsciousneu this attitude is reflected tiiroughout the joe 7- 23 amos 4 7 acu 14 hi jas 3 if the were obedient to jehoah the land a ould flow for them with milk and honey 11 the were disobedient he w ould shut up the heavens v 17 and tne land would become sterile and and put into jars the following is tnrp recipe canned mcndo uamb for canned lamb use freah meat re move the mwrrrom oib uonea aim cut in convenient slices for packing in jars parboil meat will bone 15 to 30 minute as meat that is not parboiled shrink about seventeen per cent hi the jar re- imove the bones gristle andconnectlve tissues whloh are not fit forfood pock meat in the jar add the parboiled liquid filling the jar if possible any fata or oils from the meat should be melted and inured over the contents of the jar as this assists in keeping the products put on rubbers ndjust covers partially seal eteriluce 3 hours in hot water bath or ateam cooker or 3 a hraira it vpniinrii tifty prtjlrt nr 14 hours at lo pounds steam pressure re move from cooker and tighten tops jars containing meat should not be allowed toi cool while inverted oa the fat will harden ob the bottom rather than t the top of the jar picnic salad to ftcrvc hot with vegetables warm up a jar of canned lamb use three vacuum w l before each one of us u set dally hourly the choice lit has made ua free agenta and omnir cholccliang the issues of life or death this li true of thi nation no inu than the individual the throne of tht elenuu in established in rtghteous- li sa sooner or later obedlrnce will manifest itself in willbeing and dilm- liig disobedience in humiliation and destruction in the gift of salvation through his son jcaus christ our lord oods moral uw found its culmination and fulfillment acceptance or rejection of tills gift is the supremo choice to which we are summoned john j 1113 10 2 cor e 2 according lo whether accept or reject this free gift so ahall we be judged john 3 18 within the scope of this impartial and tiioscap- able law hen all that vf terrible in the ebalof perdition and all that la sublime bottfas ana for canned lamb on for potatoes and rtrrrtor carrots anneu or otbar vegetables used ih this way warm tfumlojunah can be served to add further variety and make tha picnic even more homelike the following aalad u auggeabbd 1 small cabbage 1 onion 1 tart apple 1 green sweet pepper 1 ripe tomato chop cabbage and onion pepper and ijple very fine keening pepper anil apple separate add the following dreuitif bi cabbage and onion drbbaincl ii cup vinegar tfa tpiutponn salt n tnaimn inuatnrd 5 tiibcsooti sugar 3 eggs 3 tablnaikmins butter nit nugarand mustard together add beaten eggs and stir into boiling vinegar and cook until it thickens then add butter nnd remove from the hent beat until cohalstency of ennrm and then add the dressing to the cabbage nnd anion nnd mix thoroughly put awiy co cool when cool odd the pepper and apple and stir thoroughly oamlsh with tomato mix oltaft bile is thire much graft in the army he iqlusurc fixed jonth0bayoneteare j- suffered six years with constipation for six years 1 suffered with constipation mid i decided to try alxblun i have boon catinff it once a day for about four years and it linn certainly done the work mrs llrmun rut roil add rem on requtmt tents prove that kpiiokkh ali tiran la hufe and cituctivo for cor recting common coiuctipation within the body auilnan ab sorbs twice its weight in water and irently cxcrclacs and demises the intent i ties it nltto furnishes vitamin 1 to tone the intestines and iron for the blood justreattwo tablespoon full dally cither as a cereal with milk or cream or in cooked dishes three times dully in sovore cases youll flnd thin food far better than hablt- forming pills and drugs aixbran is sold by all grocers made by kellogg in london notice to stallion owners the regular fall impeotlon of stallions in the province of ontario commences sept 27th the agricultural representative in each oounty is arranging the route of the stallion inspectors in hs county ijtalhrin ownors should communicate with their agricultural representative by sapt 30th for further details regarding time and places of inspection within tho county this inspection is froo at other times it costs teh dollars ontario department of agriculture hon duncan marshall jflafttsr james nrairuumn dtpuly tllnlttir i at present fetrrn commoility prccs t cp rggffnfg a costs lss today than iirt 1933 k zaetmsm in uwprlwef steal turn nmsuhsufj a slight inmmsa la iha cost of mats mann hat n aetasllr costs you rajlstivy to buy lub itoll or tit lap roofing today than u did in 1033 isookstthasasfloursi rvlwhst it cost you n comntnhltlos so buy itlbitiill or 1itavlau mo tins in 1033 ss compared to today coat af 100 scj it roofing 1031 1017 rimf id ibs lis lbs whl fl hft hu 6 flbu oata 14 irii 0 h7fi liu hurley 11 fi bu sb bu juconlloss mlbs ulbs bo dont put off gattlng a nw roof to protact your crops and livestock oet on of canadas xw two beat rooting values mlbrall anal tltalao rmflast easy topot on right over your old roof thay ssra money by cutting upkeep oot um ftatltxlidld hails 144 on die heed positively seals th nail hole a anw screw nail that holds like a bulldog jamesway poultry quipmknt no matter how large or your hock there la jexneaway equipment of every roar naede as ajaaibslarssysn ultry tunisiag to suit you iuaiuon ami typa iscuj basuretrogetthegenulnates i product and hay no regrets there are many nnsaoceeaful imitator i sand ridge and rafter tlrfssww ateasuramanta for free cost tao prastaei fartmafar attached to your seed drill enables you to sow fartulsar with your fall whaai jjr eastern steel products the ac ton good- will club icearrlfbl betislaraa do that the fruitfulness of canaan flhtancl in many cases pment it but as not primarily a result of natural with paralysis they are still more or less conations but of the divine messina awalnf in the daxk let us hope the i seen in lts present stale since ood time u not far distant when the a hy departed from it u u said there is no and wherefore orchis dread disease and more desolate and barren pot ol ground ways to suoceeafully combat it will belanyahetr under heaien comm4 fcnowfcdfe to ihe medical pro- ni the oreat alternatives 26j2 fesslon r israels a hole future was to be deter- the ahools in this district are still i mined b her attitude towards jehovah ordered closed the first time there was sams up all the srfunenu for an extension to the houdays the young- and against obedience in terms of a sters here were wud with delight the blessing and a curse promises rtctoo second week they were not quite so hll- prosprruj moral supremacy and con- ontario de- arlous and no going on their third tlnuunce if the aere faithful penal- partrnent of agriculture toronto i week the are beginning to yet slightly ties lovtrthroa destruction and death panicky at the thought of how hard if they were faithless icf chs 2830 lalndky hint they will have to work once they reauj he loounanded that when they had et started however the schools are crossed jordan and come to oeraxtm and get ttanaflr marks lair after a piece of being kent closed because public opinion qal they should make public avowal of embroidery i completed may be taken strong in favor of their doing so their choice so that eer after these out before- the article is squeeasd through although there has only been one case two mounlainpesks visible from most in warm water bj rubbing gently with a wported at present some people think of palestine would always be associated wece of cotton wool moistened with the children- would be just ss weu at in their minds with enjoyment of or methylated spirit school bur if school started and other failure to enjo ood blessing- in rela- unen table mats edged with lace or ca developed what a hue and crj tlon lo obedience to his la icf josh eroehet require special carein ironing would be arler all tt is better a jjm the whole miner as now tha mats should be pinned in the cor- to aafe than sorry i suppose and always turned on the matter of ract shape to the ironing sheet when obedience the results a hether for at placing the pins close together where good or ul were the effect of dhlnelr the lace jotna the unsn i igrjn like it appointed spiritual laws functioning in iron with tha point of the iron and the natural world obedience to his fceap tha mat pinned out flit tha lace laj lighthouse np good for nog says moral uw la oods first demand noth- wltadry embroidered organdy matai lsghthouse he shine whulng can tike lu place pr obedience alaium be uuu ua uia wr side tear ua ha blow not bel be u and f he u jj oftnat a thick underfert jcome just tha same no gsbd love to ood which u the law of hi sales and subscription campaign twenty 20 valuable prizes given away free to the buying public of acton and surrounding district feature votes beginning friday and continuing until close of competition 1 cash sales and paymentof current accounts contracted after jiily 1st 1937 double votes ayment of old accounts contracted prior to july lxt 1937 500 volts for each 100 five times oritrlnal schedule 3 payment of old accounts over one year old 1000 votes for each 100 ten times orislnsl schedule 4 cash in advance payments when the cistofntr pays ahead for merchandise to be delivered after the contest tl6vottfortarh 8100 five times original schedule 5 subscriptions each yevr renewal each year arrears each year new five times original schedule arrears or over each year three years 5000 vote 15000 vote 25000 vote 30000 vote ten times original schedule for further information write or phone club headquarters tae acton free press rjl c manager t r