tmcmmky nmttt wtn it ae thb apton free f rb89 ptfm mesa up eoneoetions which he called salads when he wu a boy the house where he brought that top hut and full dreu suit when he wax eighteen or twenty well john mfeorall sold it to hiram swackhamer and he moved it on to a lot where the electric hallway had its track vest of the main street crossing where that modern residence owned by j b mackenzie and occupied by the tovell 1 now from which it was moved to where the itable and shed of the old california house used to be by jack watson it is now occupied by the family of the late mao sinclair mr med rail supplanted 4t with a fine brick house with all modern improvements and it was a nice convenient homey house and john was as proud of 1c as a boy with his first pair of trousers then mr torrance beardmore came along if you want t be happy begin w new wtfe tranrumtitmt and a veranda was added here and a you i dont wait for some rapture thats future mid far begin to be joyous begin to be glad and soon youll forget that you ever zfyou want to be happy begin where you are your windows to sunlight and sweetness unbar t if dark seems the day light a candle or cheer till its steady flame brightens each heart that comes near if you want to be happy begin where you are tune up daily discords till out of their jar new harmony rises rejoicing and sweet and onward in music go ever your feet if you want to be happy begin where you are ood sets in each sky heavens joy-bring- jhgatar live bravely beneath it through cloud and toward light and under its radiance your path shall bo blight piiscilln leonard my how i enjoyod meeting friend at the acton pair it was a beautiful fall day and both mary and i were able to get there and stay all afternoon we enjoyed every minute of the time i liked the idea of having the old boys and girls register as they came in and particularly i liked the rest place and the other conveniences about the grounds for all the folks there was apparently consideration for the older ones the exhibit of horses was extra good gtavliauou in an hour r no into another irvmptttcl in u works from which it u piped to the polntrttrvr required perhaps a car of stniet comes along and a similar bourse is taken with it a ear of coal la switched 1n and dumped and a conveyor buckets it right to the furnaces o yes the good old days are gone ho shovelling coal or carrying bark or teaming acid or running extract from a 4hrailon barrel the newfangled ef- flolenby bughasgol holdor thucricern j andrew and no man has to lift or carry a thing where a machine of any sort can be taught to do it forhlm say believe it or not but now there- uvnot a horse used for teaming purposes down there i a tractor it you pjease does all that work too time has surely brought some wonderful changes well we used to drive lntothe tan nery past the old acheson house but theres mighty little driving- about there now i forgot to tell you that that old house which stood on the hill so long the house where the tobeysand the achesons and the stones lived where mr walter used to make oraeletsanot dcson james duncan thu yur nnri i a good animal oh i could go on bu that young editor covered the ground pretty thoroughly last week so i wont repeat 1 strolled up town this week and men were at work repairing and measuring on mill street i well recall when the mcadam road was laid here the roller used was a big high iron one and after the contractors finished the road it was purchased by the town it was how ever never of mttuh use because it was tod big but it certainly squeezed the road into shape when it was being built they tell me now jiat new curbs are to beput inan4 the baying aurface oar rled out to the edge i hope it will do away with all the sp ashing that oocurs ever spring when tt e water earn get away the work on tw lower two blocks was quite an improve lent but the water has laid pretty hea y by the baptist church and turn ran paras office time movev on and ta like to sec tha chap who tells me w have no improve ments it doeant se n any time since mill street was just a mud roadwify with half a doaen lamp p u on it i can recall a lot of cluing it in tt ivw hort yewra but i must gv uuk to the tan nery fttfaln why bless me the warehouse at the station isnt used any more theres no need of tt a ruilwi y switch puts the materials right in to i he tannerv trucks call rtghfav the shlpi ins room door de livering and taking a way products why some of us remember when the tannery team used tol cart down a dosen glass carboys of sulphuric acid as a load from the o t r stsjuon to the tannery my but that was a ijtckllsh john a little aplash of acid from l loosened cork and a suit of clothe wa spoiled and often a painful burn was received by the driver or his helper and the teaming of the tan bark imagine the teaming we used to see to haul the 10000 cords which was the yearly supply from the otjt freight yard to thark stacks at the tannery now presto a hi tank of add antral tram the chemkal work at actdto the engine hooka on nine tt down to the tannery places tt ad- jaeent to a pipe and valve at the tannery wall a workman comes along turns tha valve and the bit tank hi emptied by lklngnctj h fftlhnmi sun room there and an extension made to the attic and the cellar enlarged and new lawns laid out and newlmges planted and chicken pens and ruifbullt and a garage erected and sundry other improvements then after about ten years or happy life there they moved to toronto to make their home my heart went out to torrance and his wife last week when knox the only and beloved son died as a result of that dreaded infantile paralysis i couldnt get down to the funeral- or service in toronto but i know something of the heartache that loss means to a mother and father well i must close for this week some way or other i just cant continue just now with recollections of the tannery just now my memory goes hack- to the days when torrance wu a boy around town ill continue next week more winftprs j of prize awards at acton fair continued from page one itottsr smwtals high stepping horse in harness archie kfrr w o moffat single turnouwarchle kerr beit span of high steppers in harness w o moffat span of clyde or shires hewaon ds son t lady rider ml stewart j 1 clark lady driver archie kerr j h clark span of percherons or belgians w o brownrldge saddle mare or oeldlng r n bell j i clark m stewart pony race shirley oowland o arm strong archie maud best heavy horse on arounds hew- sonjs son james duncan best heavy team in harness hewaon best oolt heavy type hewaon st son h rodney cattle shorthorns bull 3 years or over wallace loaby j 6 nerrtsh bull one year and under s s el orlf fln son bull calf wol lace lasby j fl st a k norrlsh 6 e griffin st son best cow any age s e tiffin st son j 6 norrlsh wallace lasby twoyearold heifer wallace lasby s e orlffln sc son j s norrlsh oneyearold heifer 6 e orutln st son j 6 norrlsh wallace lasby calf heifer wallace lasby s b orlffln ss son j 6 norrlsh herd one bull and 4 females wal lace lasby s ie orlffln st son j 8 orrishr pen of calves s e orlffln st son j s norrlsh best baby beef n mocallum 8 e orutln st son oeo mack best male wallace lasby best female a e orlffln st son shfflep oeo 7 ffk9jfc a ship has fish trap to bring back fish alive for aquariums the research british ship discovery h installed at capetown south africa a curiouslooking object of galvanized steel it is six feet high and weighs about half a ton on the top is a miniature runnel over which a net is fixed and the entire devtciuloweredmlotheqcean down to nfhnmi nip baped-by- thls means to snare rare specimens of fish life tn the ocean depths and keep them alive for scientific study the discovery h recently cornpletrd her fourth trip to the antarctic for the in vestigation of ocean life a fifth cruise is planned for the end of this year for oceanic studies in the some waters ingenious at least a scotchman discovered a previous customers tin beside his plate in a res taurant he summoned the waitress i found this beside my plate he told her im a sportsman 111 match ye for it angus or other dreed not shorthorn bull any age j a mcallister mack s w nelles st son cow any age j a mcallister geo mack 6 w nelles si son twoyearold heifer oeo mack n mccallum oneyearold heifer oeo mock s w nelles st son heifer calf oeo mock n mtooal- lum s w nelles st son best male j a mcallister beet female oeo mack purs bred hotstetn bull 18 months or over t o dolson j s neelonds bull under ib months t o dolson 1 s neelands cow any ago t o dolson j s neelahds twoyearold heifer j s neclands t o dolson oneyearold heifer j s wilson t o dolson j s neelands heifer calf t o dolson j 8 wil son j neclands holstelnt herd t o dolaon j s neelands best male t o dolson best female t o dolson pnre- je bulj is months or over j paw ley bull under 18 months j pawley cow any age j pawley twoyearold heifer j pawley oneyearold heifer j pawley heifer calf j pawley jersey herd j pawley best male j pawley best female j pawley cattle specials best group of three dairy cows j s neclands best beef steer or heifer j a mc allister best dairy cow any age j pawjoy best holsteln animal t o poison raw two jreara and orer w clark- son a son shearling ram w olarkson 6 son ram lamb wourkiona son o wilson ewe two years and over w clarkion sz son shearling ewe w clarkaon st son c- wilson ewe lambw olarkson ss son long wooled sheep any ether breed ram two years and over jos little ram lamb james little ewe two years and overjaj little sheafilng ewe james little ewe lamb juuealltue best pbock of lonstwool sheep w olarkson st son jot little oxford downs ram two years and over j o cun ningham e barbour st sans shearling rom j c cunningham e barbour st sons ram lamb e barbour so sons j o cunningham 1 ewe two years and over e barbour st sons j c cunningham shearling ewe e barbour st sons j c cunningham ewe lamb e barbour st sons j o cunningham best ramj o cunningham best ewe e barbour st sons suffolk ram two years and over o wilson w clarkson st son shearling rani w clarkson st son c wilson ram lamb w olarkson st son o wilson ewe two years and over o wusnn w clarkson st son shearling ewe q wilson w olark son si bon ewe lamb c wilson w clarkson st son bestram wolarkson ft son best bwe o wilson downs any other breed rom two years and over j s wil son j e mcklnnon shearling ram j e mcklnnon j 3 wilson rom lamb j s wilson j e mc klnnon ewe two years and over j s wilson j e mcklnnon shearling ewe j s wilson j e mcklnnon ewe lnmt j s wilson j e mc klnnon flock of fine wool sheep j s wil son c wilson best ramj e mcklnnon best ewe j s wilson sheep specials best flock of stfccp w clorlcson st son j s wilson best pair of marketable wether lnmhs j s wilson v hogs bonr born prrvlous to september 1st 1036 j k fcatherston boar born between september 1030 und march 1st 1037 wm plnkney st son j k fcatherston boar born after march 1st 1037 t j brownrldge j k feathenrton wm plnkney son champion boor wm plnkney st son sow born previous to september 1036 j k fcatherston wm plnkndjt st son hamilton outhrle farms sow born between september 1936 and march 1037 j k feathers ton hamilton outhrle farms wm plnkney son sow born after march 1st 1037 wm plnkney st son j k featherston champion sow j k featherston pen bacon hogs hamilton outhrle farms t j brownrldge hog special pair young sows under 4 months j k featherston wm plnkney st son poultry rhode island red cock w j ajei- tnder rhode island rr hen w j alexan der sl concluded n pair hiyi sweet potatoes 6 nice size m v delicious cooken 1 m 10 onions sound and dry nice size lbs for j grapes 10c nice size golden yellow dozen peaches plums celery squash eu sale carrolls limited a fllok of a witah or tha touoh of a button summons your paraonal genii you shotild know him bettor his name la hydro ii la he who whll you alsrpt leapt tha motor humming oh the blower or oil heater so jhat you awajca to a warm eamforfabla houaa it u ha who males th toast cooks thr rasals bakaw tha oakaa runs jpa vacuum elaanar tha woahar and tha tronar and what a frland whan you aattla down in your favorite ohalr at nlaht to road or saw undar eopar light with your radio to bring tha bast in antartaihmsnt i you ratira in aaourity lowing that should mirganoy strika ha can b summonad nstancfytlightal talaphonal rropar light with your radio to bring tha bast in antartaihmsnt i knowing that should mirganoy stril what othar swnrioa can you buy at auoh low coat that doss so much and whll tha pries of practically avarything wa buy has ataadily advanced during tha past two yaam tha hydro has a ataadily lowering iha ooat of alactricity to you md in addition avsry affort is balng mads to astand tha banafita of hydro avary- whara in tha provinoa of ontario as a partnat in this graat antatpria you should taka a kan intoraat in avarything that pattains to hydro and ita efforts to lowar powar coats atill furthar hydro electric power commission firm heads nice size for mill street store closes saturday night 10j0 p m free delivery phonk 158 1 vauiwu wjlualet4tmmiazkv ij v c 3kt