aftton ontario thimsoftv vmrwhnaxt bight homeprint paget five cents the thirteenth anniversary of united church splendid music by choir and ssiobiu and addiwaea by rev finlay matheaon a beautiful autumnday prevailed and good ooeujreiratlons ugr attendance at the thirteenth aflhjversary of ttw united ohureli lost bunday it was the nlnelyeeond anniversary of the original ohuroh in acton mr muserva baritone sotolst of tor onto assisted urn choir at the morning aerivde hl rendering of two very ap propriate solos added greatly to the spirit and enjoyment of the service the choirs anthems wore well rendered thou orownest the yeare and sing to the lordi the epeclal speaker woe rev plnlay matheaon b a of burlington chairman of hmlton presbytery of fhe united ohuroh w subjeot at the morning nrrleeww the mesaac of jeremiah itvasimulonthe third verse of t uurtynm ohaptetot jeremiah vmrt have toved thee with an evorlaetuuj lore therefore with loving ictadneu have i drawn thee c after giving an outline of the serlp- turoramtlne or the text mrmatheson pointed out how frultleu had been jere miah oborte to turn the people from to jadea would not listen to his warn- thga tut harmed him a traitor measur ed in tanns of the world jeremiah life failure but hie woe a call to lost thursday afternoon a couple of gravel trucks went in the ditch off the highway between the sixth and seventh alwaye brines doom but good brings iii the speaker pointed out the similarity between the lives of jeaus and jeremiah one want over jerusalem and one ovev zlon the book of jeremiah don not teach so much religion but it presents a great personality at the evening senloe the congrega tion of knox presbyterian church st alban church and the baptist ohuroh joined in the anniversary occasion and rev mr brllunter of st moons as- slsted in the eewloe mrs beatty was the soloist and her rendering of the solo the holy city waa appreciated the choir anthems at thui aeitlob were the lord is in ills holy temple blocks abjhrhart halting the legislative program pawed bylhe government of premier wullnnu aberhart in spccliil session limit -oov- crnor j c bowen above announced that assent to three or the social credit administrations most drastic mouurcs would be withheld until further stgnl- noancsthoreonbe re his es- oellency the oovcrnorooneral of can- the bills were deelgncd to give the oovernment control over banks and newspapers county buildings improved halton council visits peel c council approve biir levy for heavy tranaporti bylawn ptuwcd at tuesdays souion agreement with geonretown for main tenance of connecting links resolution of peterborough county council i turned down honpttal account of nearly 1500 passed branded traitor two trucks ditched machine was being towed just why they abould leave the road on thla level stretch la not known provincial offlcen oliver and oookman who investigated preferred a charge of reckleaa driving against the operator which waa schedul ed for police court in acton till after noon the ground la rather iwampy where the truck went off and it took some time to set them out of the ditch trucks crash on middle road loaded transport in change of clifford a black of ouelph collided with two empty trucks parked on the and saviour thy chll- middle highway near the oakvlllc ln- flren keep dr b j nelson presided torsectlan sunday and caused extensive at the console of the organ damage the consequent traffic ueup mr mothesons evening subject was provincial office r ray mason some the ieove of qod it was based on mttle time to straighten out tlie trucks property or e v breckon of alders ho i were in charge of fred utmon of aldershnt and walter c rusk of nelson jjo one was injured the text found in the sixteenth verse of the third chapter of john god ma loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever belleveth in him should not perish but have ever lasting life do you ask what love is queried the speaker if you do not know i cannot tell you he said certainly love means favor kindness goodwill but carload from acton to west a splendid carload of vegeuibjes can- l tied goods and provisions was shipped for stone beach sask to help relieve thla area that ha been stricken by i drought it was almost full and left the to know love is by demonstrating in an others life we have seen the demon stration of love in the life of jesus god gave us jesus because he loved us and jesus gave his life because he loved these demonstrations were given that we might understand his love for us the core of the gospel is in the text and the secret of the gospel is in the love of qod love compelled qod to give us jeaus he couldnt leave us in sin be cause of love for us it is ou compelling the kingdom is mode up of those who believe in hlra and no others con find a pace in the kingdom mr matheaon termed the goodygoody a weakling but to be hol is to live as qod would he liked the motto of the salvation army saved to serve the soul thai is quickened by love wants to serve he liked the type uf christian who was so glad he is saved that hi wanted to save others during the day a special annlverar- oflering was received and met with gen- erous response by the congregation cnr depot for its destination on monday afternoon the town and district were moat generous in proidlng these needed articles championships j awarded to the plowmen at the banquet concluding the international event in fergutf chomplonshlpn awarded ut thr 24th international plowing mutch which con cluded in fergus on friday night last were awarded at tlie banquet in uu arena there chat evening as follows best plowed land in sod walking kaik aindi twor rrr the years work fred timber stuuitwiir best plowed lund in stubble massey- authorisation was given the secretary haxrjs t john cup ton ohsweken to pay the prise mone at u meeting of ronald murqius sunderland d tran acton fair directors last eenlng in claremunt j alton rockwoud common with other fairs gate receipt beat plowed lund sod or atubblc bos wexa4owiuu yerat acton to make under 30 ears of age hon john fa a balanced budget ten per nt will be martin trophy perr eb breslau daducted from pruw winners andwlthl best work wtthaiaglcvploa bu unuai this slight reduction the board will bel6 years of age in stubbie klwania able to start next years operations- with troph ronald marquis sunderland a clean sheet in many fairs this deduc- kelly mluen nixon trophy for boy lies is usual every year standing highest in three44 conuxu- ii was generally felt that in view of tton ronald martjuu sunderland j the handicaps that all fairs had faced beat plow land in stubble malkng this year the event was most suooaostul i plows royal bank of canada shield t and all the board were enthusiastic with and trophy k d ora rockwood the financial- report and the final out- best finish in sod by an indian bo i come plana were made far improve- leslie capton ohsweken menu that could be carried into effect j j duffus mp trophy boys over next year ii poaatble the ground where 13 year and under is william jeffre the cattle are tiuortored wlu be levelled teoswater o paacett tora max arm- and improved the widening and jm- strong st morts halton county council in sokhlon last tuesdny met in milton and then drove to brnmpton where they mnde a tour of inspection of the house of renign in compnny with i number or memborh from iwl county council conwldcrablc improvements and alterations had been done just recefitly in and around the buildings at the house of refuge par ticularly in bringing the plumbing up to date and thouluofhaltoncouncll -was- to sec just what improvement ha been made council expressed chemselvcs as well satisfied with the work done improvements were also very much in evidence in the county buildings at milton the court room in which the council meetings are held had been treauslto a muaa needed coat of paint also the judges chambers where paint ing had not been done it had been clean ed and the whole appearance of the county buildings was a greater credit to the county than had been possible for a number of years it was approxim ately twenty years ago that the court room and judges chambers were lan painted council met in milton again at 3 00 p m to resume their regular business with the warden in the chair and the new clerk mr deans of georgetown offici ating tm county clerk two gentlemen representing the affili ated railway workmens association ad dressed the council asking the support of the council ifl seeing that justice is done towards railway employees as compared with truck drivers mr w j meagher contended that trucks should be made to pay adequate charges towards the damage done by heavy transports on the roada mr robinson do you feel that truck licenses should not be decreased in price mr meagher i think they should be increased mr roblnsoh it ts my opinion that the men who are using the roods ore paying for them mr shepherd the second speaker con tended thai it was in the interests of tht taxpayers that heavy transport truckt should be more heavily taxed there ia only one way to reach u decision and that ts place all figures on the table and have some economic expert dojide wheth er truck or railway transportation in in the interests of the taxpayer mr ourrle- was quite emphatic in hlft assertion thut u good many roods in tin county hud been ruined through heavy truck traffic mr hull thought tin time had comi when it would be expedient for the council to interview the minister at highways with a request that some action be taken to protect our roads and high ways it was later moved by mr currle seconded bj mr blair at this council endorse the petition of the affiliated railwayman s organization of ontario curried reports of the standing committees were read and later considered in com mittee of the whole with mr oordon in the chair but there was very little business arising from any of them moved by mr currle seconded by mr mccutcheon that the reports as con sidered and amended in committee of the whole be hereb adopted carried four bylaws were passed nos 702 703 1h and 705 703 u bylaw to designate certuin omnt road of thr count of halton or through highways 704 a bjuiw to prowdr for the rat of interest to be charged on overdue count rate ond uuv to tirode for pament of a dlteoum tin prtpajmeut of rates 1 thut ltiuttst ol u rote of 5 on an motleys not paid an which muiic ore puoble l e dectunbrr 20th j that a discount of 4 be allowed if nhhics be paid prior to december 20fi 70 j a blou to repeal blaw 7ti in i rrvaxd to taking oer oount roods concluded on page eight the ymca schedule is now announced memberahip now organized into rouph and hours arranged fntmtidoinlroonr judging from result to dnte the y m c a will bo the community centre thl season for acton and the district in dications are for an increased member ship but with the new social room and thc f l dielrmvbbed adolr hitler last year when after he had invited german nrttsut lo return to oermany and make pictures alie announced uiol on her next trip to biiropn nhe would not vttlt nail land maitu ni diktricii olarnnioith hollywood motion pit ture lor who him lieen lhanded a traitor by jul ilia sin it heia anlljiwlsh week ly der htueimer bec4tuse she has taken out hei first amcrioan cltlzaitislilp papers year there is ample accommodation the following is the schedule that has been arranged by secretary oeorgr o emery the new recreation and club room is open each day 4 to 8 and 7 to 10 the junior and senior boys and airls have the use of it an the following schedule junior a boys thursday 4 to 5 30 junior b boys monday 4 to 5 30 junior olrls tuesday and friday afternoons before and after gym class junior night friday 7 00 to8 30 for all junior boys and olrl senior olrls tuesday and friday evenings following gym class senior boys monday and thursday after gym class j the room is open each evening for i senior members it is planned to hold stoien drill returned within week on tuesday of lost week a new electric drill valued at 00 00 was stolen from i the acton machine shops the machine i had only been used a couple of times and was stolen between 0 30 and 8 30 in the evening entrance to the premises was gained by breaking a window and loosening a catch on the inside a senior shuffleboard tournament each chief mcpherson and provincial con- i stables oliver and oookman were called in to investigate on sunday the police went to cooksvllle where sectlonmen had found a drill in a ditch beside the rail- way tracks tlie machine proved to be zt scouts 20 years ago there ptssea through town last thurs day a young man of about 94 year of age he had lived here up to 20 yearn ago he spent ft half hour here last thursday after noticing the ymca building on mill street to see who he could meet and ask a- fewquestions hbout hut boyhood lionie we met him on mill street nnd he nccosted us with how long has this y m o a ben built three or four years we answered does h p moore still nin tiir vnn pnrss no arlof diih thfre wricintuy other questions con cerning many propltw and things and then we nnuttf well who are you i am ohcn said he w jour father hairy obhmi yes then you nmnt be tommy oshcu yesi inn antl w a you w answered by asking were ytni u u jmy the following a ctmnui boy s out in thewe days 20 years ago at the mention of scouts wo wrrn utogulwd and tommys hlitory fmm lhen to now was recounted i jnlitftl tlie army 17 years ago he said artillery ilti was not in uniform so we asked his rank 1 am a master ounncr and station at prcsont is kingston will you retire on pension at the end if ao years 1 can if i wish but 1 am hoping to the borrowing power increased for esquesing aiiorla honit coupon reduction in accepted by council relief account only llflm ksipirslng township ctmncll held their rrgrrlar inoulhly meeting on tueaday itrierikkin octolwr lath drliutyrenve n a robinson councillors w a wilson v ll may and edwin harrop wen pre- seiit itcrvo george currle presided at the miellhg comimiulcullnns were road from tho ontario municipal board qejrge e el- holt and mrs ethel smethurst the treasurer waa by motion author- hthubi k elliott advertising re lax sale in the ontario uantte 21 0a county office supply company supplies 14 m hydro- ruc trie power com mis sion brampum lights at the council cliamber 10 bo m i board of hydro commissioners georgetown street lights at olen williams 71 fto j h smith wpoil for oounou chamber 8uti 0 80 complete 35 years at which time i shall p telephone company services be in the early rtftlea good tlflie to c austin 1 regutered lamb btcp out and sit down when if i attain kuled by dogs 16 00 nc rank i hope to i can retire with a a n stark valuer 2 00 pension of about 1180 a month moved by edwin harrop seconded by at the time of our meeting master w a wilson thatthe treasurer pay ounner oshca was on a tour of lnspec- j the road sheett as presented by the tun of all the artillery centres between road supertntendent 11310 30 j-oar- kingston and snmla had just com- rled thursday from 8 to 10 a mans bridge club is also being formed jml men interested in such a club arc invited to a meeting at the y tonight at 8 30 gym scheduub monday 4 30 to 5 30 junior a boys 7 00 to 8 00 boy scouts 8 00 to 0 30 older boys and young men tuesday 4 30 to s 30 junior olrls 7 30 to 8 3ff senior olrls and ladles 8 30 to 10 00 badminton club wednesda 2 00 to 5 30 open for budmlnton 7 00 to 8 00 older boys and young men 8 00 to 0 30 mens night thunda a 30 to 5 30 junior b carload went boys 7 00 ui 8 00 senior bojs 8 00 to 10 00 badminton club friday 30 to ft 30 junior girls the one stolen from acton serial num bers were identified and ll has been re turned to the owner ports of it were broken indicating that it had been used no arrests have yet been made but it would appear that trunfilents on the tniln passing through here were guilty the shop bt next lhe rullwuy tracks moved by edwin harrop seconded by c h may that the treasurer pay the relief accounts as presented by the pie ted an inspection at guelph and was un his way to toronto and hamilton in his youth tommy was a clean ordirly wellbehaved scout and we were relief officer f 1 10 si carried bad to meet him and learn of his su cess j moved by w a wilson seconded by as a soldier previously wo have boon i edwin harrop that the treasurer and cjjally pleased to meet such boys aj itoy i reeve make application to the ontario linlwn tooney williams max bell i municipal board to increase the town- hink tooney williams kennedy bojs they were then now they are men good upstanding men from camimiellviiiljs 7 30 ship borrowing powers to 02 000 00 carried t i moved by c h may seconded by ed- i win harrop that the treasurer be j editors note the above article is authorised to cash coupon due on al- i contributed by a resident of acton who berta bond accepting the reduction of j met the young man and is deeply in- interest due october 1st 1937 from j teres ted in thi progress of alums young 22 50 u 11 25 re rallwuy bonus fund folks j v carried bylaw no 88v granting permission jitiikk nrtu u tne a treasurer to borrow m dukn uhalh to 80i of ule r toi 1 of mejain hall the current yea and in accordance with the order made by thr municipal board mrlvln hall who removed with his wus read as required and passed and the a full carload of fruit and vegetables porents to wlngham a couple of months j blanks filled in with the sum of eleven to 8 30 senior girls and ladles 8 30 to wul loaded ut canipbellvlllc station on ago died very suddenly on mondaj the thousand dollars til 000 00 and that 10 00 badminton club saturdaj 1 30 to 2 30 junior a and b boh 300 u ft 00 open for budmln- on 7 00 to 9 30 badminton inited church w m s the tneettrurof ttir b -mission- orj socle t of the united church waa hcjd on thursday afternoon in the school room of the church the presid ent mrs mowat was in charge and after the opening hymn and prayer she welcomed the georgetown auxlliaj business of interest was dealt with and reporta from the various secretaries were given a very special feature wos the beautiful tribute in memory of two be loved members w ho recently pasted away toy mrs g h brown for mrs jos moore who was a charier member and tor mrs hmstreet by miss hawthorne mrs a t brown offered prayer for the bereaved families members of the georgetow n society mrs overend mrs hutton and mrs tuesdoy of this week a splendid re sponse wos made b the farmers ind merchant of the community the con signment li now on its way to kanda har saskatchewan favorable comment wua made upon the excellent quality of the produce a conservative estimate volued the carload at four hundred dol lar the local fofces both protestant und catholic showed a fine spirit of co operation flftecnyeurold lad was assisting carl the sea of the corporation be attached 1 bondl to deliver fruit from a truck he moved by n a robinson seconded had helped take some boxes off ut a by c ii may that this council do now store in ooqertch and remained in the adjourn to meet monday november 8th truck under the tarpaulin at l 30 pm or at the coll of the reeve when bondl colled at petries store corrled 1 saltford to deliver the next order he found melvln lying on the platform of five injured in accident here sunday toronto car does double somcr- ttault on highway driver seriouhly injuied k1 f pomtengerft wi re injured w hen u r driven b tunlty code of toronto freure conducted the decotlonal exercistsi jnirrsaulled on tlie highway two miles and progrum mrs mcdermld ecrelor rst of acton on sunda afternoon and of tlie halton jfresb terlol for the mis- hinded in a fivefoot ditch upside down alunao monthly and worlds prlend code the driver of the car surterro pokr urging ull to slibacrttie or renew from roncusslon and buck injuries hl llulr aubariptlons u these mogozuiea xr keiint til 13 wos cut about tile face mrt voniiolter und mrs burns rendered und htod b fllng glua mrs cade and a beautiful duett und mri wright mr and mrs butler relatives also of t4e vehicle lifeless there was only an interval of about ten minutes bciwten i deliveries en route to saltford a suburb the lad was apparently seized with a fatal i heart actack it was raining heavily at the time he tarpaulin hiding the- youth from the view of the driver and paasersby i as the truck drove through the streets i of the town i the driver aayi he hesitated to take the boy along when he left wlngham i knowing the youth to be subject to epileptic seizures but that he finally yielded to the youth s pleadings they had delivered fruit and vegrtablca at many aures the boy handing the crotx from the truck platform to llu drlv r mrlvin was the son of mr and mrs a wkstkunvikomotlon fob actontan announcement was made last weci by general motors in oahawa of the re opening of the regina plant of the com pany there which has been closed for some years at the same time mr j b hlgham oeneral plant manager mad announcement of appointments to the regina plant mr harold m reed son of mr and mrs j h reed acton has been appointed chief inspector in the regina plant and he and mrs reed and woluue left oo tuesday for the new home in the west tlie announcement of appolnanenu in the onhawa times gives the information that harold has been with the company for ten years acton friends are pleased george hall who were residents of am a jrarn of hu promotion and wih mr clothing or the west the ladles of the united church met at tlie home of mrs s j reld on wed nesday afternoon and packed ave boles of worm clothing and bedding lo be shipped m sairskmrwan four quiiu were in luded in these bales and the value of the boles was estimated at 1300 toronto suffered miimr cuts ond bruises near i id i the glana in the cor was brok en und the top budi crushed in rrt una lel o doc tor happened to be on the highwu and was soon giving nnsi aid code was taken to ouelph proving of the race track is still going on in coocluding president a a dills xpreseed his appreciation of the splen did cooperation that had been given by officers and directors in making the year so eminently auacmtful best plowed land in jointer clou sod by resident of durham northum berland ontario or victoria count d j tran cloremont special award by v maasey to miss mobde ntckiln of arise as only plow- woouui entered euchre party by scout mothers on tueaday evening the scout mothers auxlisary held on enjoyable euchre party in the parish hall prtees were won by h wilson mrs r l davidson and mrs collier the quik which had been made by a group of the scout mothers was drawn for and was won by mr robert wallace cameron street piano aoio mrs mowat introduced the guest i npeaaer mrs jolllffe of llmehouse who with rev mr jolllffe had spent thlrt eon in the province of szecliweii in china an interesting address on con- duons ui pioneer dujs ond tdo among a huapual and utvr removei by the peopl ther was greatl enjojed mrtulftiot u the pn puen mrs morrow tn her kindly way on i pillion of the oeneral hospital in behalf of the acton auxlllar thanked twunu whcrp hli condition was later mr jolliffe and the oeorgetown society reporu1 satisfactory a very tasty lunch was served and a soclol half hour was enjoyed jon the highway at crcwaons corners about 3 30 on sunday afternoon the no answers c travelling et and was appor- rntl so for out on the edge of the for the first time since the conteathhway that there was danger of strtk- was started some months ago there were ln guard rail protecting another road no solution vast week to the puzzle the railway creasing it would ap- puem mr coles points our that chii is p the driver swung sharply to avoid probably accounted fix by the fact that this and the machine went out of coo the printed poem contained two crrrs f according to witnesses it sozner- the one waa a mistake by the sulior vaulted twiceon the highway and land ondth other a printers error tr tn the dnxn on the opposite side of ccrrect answer was hitler there u tiie rood with the wheels in the air therefore no prise award for last week portunately cars coming in the opposite this weeks poem 1 oo page five its hrection hod sufficient distance to stop quite lengthy but not so difficult if you aua oni the one m achate waa involved know your history traffic officer howell investigated until two months ago when they remov ed to wlngham oeneruj sympathy is extended from friends here in their reaviment the furi ml was held in wlngham ksterda morning nd o service in til albans church here y rjtr rd after iumn which was largely attended mel vln was u member of st albans sunday iit hool und the first acton troop of bo scouts the troop attended the vervlfe und a group acted as pallbearers interment was modr in poirvlew ceme tery ind mrs reed continued succtj tn the new home and work in the weil a nice point hon wtiat were you in the army dad dad battery sergeantma jor son hoi high or low tanslon dad farm womens club j the monthly meeting of the farm women s club was held at the home o i mrs henry bayers the roll call was answered by a canadian bird or plo- er a splendid report was given for the mccungs of the year after the kauajness part the following program aa enjoyed piano duett bv 1 misses jessie and mabel mcoregor read ing mrs j j stewart then followed jn impromptu program which demon strated that all could take port if the necessity arose the contest was won by miss velma murray the consolation go ing to mrs brownlow a social hah hour was spent to ooncluding wheq the ladles enjoyed mrs flayers wonderful pumpkin plea coming events annuuacrotalt of mta cewt crria t ofhr trnit ttmdm ikis hlianj sr chsrfrd m c pr lla with njambusa cbsrgc u uy vuemmarmoi o fc i pot luck supper monday october 25 th in united church acton auo- pares ladies aid admission 39c supper 6 to g travelogue beauufuj england id be presented thursday october 3gth tn the parish hall by lome v johnston f repraaentative of hrmlng bros hamil ton admission lie grand mlutory ball tn acton town i hah friday october 39th under aua- pioe c oompony the lorn vou i club canadian orchatr of toronto j nowjty dances admlsason ue 4