j travtmbx the acton prebpbh89 thursday ootofisr lilt 1mv wiei xjro m we md this hf that u uwa prepara- tlao mat ukjvjwi im for thl ovrtsnad ereauon ustytf ttaa world around na and ibmh skies and wabieatma stars i wu thouch one jmle wocm wa found us why ood ad maw a minion sphere and ours one tiny xumltk and lire a llttla span i cannot think for una that ood ftnan it that ood made man i mttti drink a little cold i wlaim one world enoojn for my necaasuiaa out aotneehlhgt else- aome other thine within me does none or these my tout has little u for earthly trea sure t cornea not to uble wean no silk nor wool with all our nlaythlnca and iu only pleasure the beautiful so many things my soul baa iiaucntjp dowlth- to which the man of flesh 10 fondly cunsa shall that aoul die when theae thlnca i am throush with the fleshly thlnca ood made for man an earthly habita tion the body aou in which the aoul may thu little life u but the preparation the aoul mint know and then aome day mana errors over come him the body falls the soul alone is wise and then theood that takes one small world from him gives him the skies douclas malloch bewitcittoim guests with halloween scrpmse8 by betty barclay halloween u party time and party time calls fo unusual dishes a new dish or two ith a new came or two jiju always please when food and bunco are as cood as the ones below try them if you think i am boasting uuas and bacon 2 cups cooked dried limns 4 to 6 slices bacon 3 to 4 egca cup milk salt rapper fry baron a delicate brown remove strips and cut in small pieces beat cess silently add milk limos bacon ond seasoning return to pan and cook in bacon fat stirring until set 8paohett1 with tomato- cheese sauce a favorite italian recipe lb smiglletu 1 can tomatoes wtwlcpackrdl or uunato paste 1 onion ihllcvilt 1 cup butter 1 cup grated cheese pepper and salt cook onion with tomatoes 15 minutes wih thmull i st orlcv if igingerfarmj luua m bob mobtoftb ctcb bbingb twjtat to nbt chilabktt n uauau iijj ff um twh- uooemln year the ranttm flhrina tvmple will pnwnt bob morton fihrlna charity clreuj n uapto leaf oardens erery anartvwm and erenlnr frtftnbe- itober 26th to october iwth lnoltulve it hai been announced by dr w a porter niuitrjoub potentate the elretp a heretofore will be the blkanee itiipendou oollorta acgre- f gallon anemblad each year by col bob we fei quite important from jitorton founder of the farawt 3rlna indoor clrciu in the world the bob morton circus is entirely new thu year the moat outstanding clrcu ofhl whole career he maintain fcrlnalng to toronto such worldrenown ed feature u ta kipirls from the new york hippodrome sensational broth er and miser acrobatic team who will be uren for the first time in canada at thin years shrine charity circus the flyta otarls known as the venuaexand adon- lsea or the flying trapexe who were inr ported from aermany two years ao to appear with the riwrllns bros and bar- num it bailey combined circus where they received top bllllna in 1036 and dr herman qstcrmaler and his horses direct from france and considered by experts the most beautiful and intelligent stallions in the world in all over 100 am axing and mlrth- maklnff features from every corner of the slobe have been collected by bob morton in what he justly claims is the greatest array of thrilling- acts nnd per formers ever aasemblcdunder one roof last year rameses ahrlners and their friends were hosts to 25000 orphans and underpiivllegcd children at the shrine charity circus this year according to illustrious potenate dr w a porter cooperation ts being given by many service clubs in toronto and throughout ontario and he estimates that more than 30000 needy children will be given ther annual circus treat by warm hearted ontario business men who have not forgotten what a joy the circus was to them in their childhood days tomato puate is used dilute with ia i much wutrri melt butter add freossi1 lug tiic union- tomu to aaut and graud t cherac cook slowly until cheese h melt- ed stirring constantly bull npughrtll in plenty of willed water until tender dv only lugh quality auaghrttl nuixltlous klid ecoimuutcui drain place jiutnrj apochrtu on plulur pour flu uiire over u and sprinkle additional eiitse over all tl desired note macaroni itg tuxxllts ei aliells or any ouxt form of niutaroul products nuiy lx- subsniuud or paghciil in tills recipe ewn rfkdoor w can plsinlv ie lw new ceo ladlo tower and tst our front atto will run the proposed new highway between milton and acton we are watching- the progress of each with ln- urtct the tower u nearing completion the highway well ihey b d0wd nsnctmuh alongside 1 1 road rome hm built in a dayman n thing b rlaln the serondnjnf highway wont- be cither wt shall have a grand lime keeping on on the road cowtructlon anj you may be sure i ahall treat you tc a runnlnc commentary when things get going when they haye done somcthinz a little more exciting than cut down a bit or brush perhaps there li more activity up the northern end this week i hoped to give you on ac count of my visit to the international ploughing match at fergus tout well the beat laid plans- of mice and men you know the rest im not good at scot tish spelling i wanted to go to fergus jjliher thurs day or friday and partnet was going whichever day i didnt so that someone would be at home to keep the cow from jumping feacea eteetra thursday morning son and i hod our lunches packed the optimist oiled gass ed and watered and- were nearly ready to start when along came our neighbor and sold he could go that very after noon but not friday i had a feeling that that wasrwhat he had come for ao i was right there to see that partner did not turn downthe offer on my ac count so partner and son went to the ploughing match and 1 went to on in stitute meeting andbelieve it or not they were back from fergus before i was home from the meeting so thats all i tan tell you about the ploughing match because first thins partner sold was you may as well for get about your trir it is far too cold for you to think of driving so that was that but i would like to know wli they havc to have a ploughing matrh away out tn the neararctic i under- stand there aterc five inches a snow on top of the cars on wednesday i next year i hope they will havr 11 in aome nice temperate zone like acton or milton district friday partner was awuy to u mlo- niilng and i had the place la myself and rather enjoying it because when i have only myself to cook for i dont rook while 1 was having my dinner peter set up an bwjxul howl and there ut our bans door was a whole herd of cuttle including a male of the species how to dear with them alone was quite a problem i remembered a gap hud been opened in the line fence sb that partner and near neighbors could get through to the corn held the cows had evidently fount the gap and accepted ihe invitation i could see it was going to j be some job u get them bock especially wttett h eowa- u ba every man ever woman every child h ao laim mow twwrraoaie- ck portunity of getting good and doing good each day offers aotaraectulon for using this latent as we use it it gradually increases improves becomes native to character aa we neglect it it dwindles wither and disappears awa u the stern but benign law by w we live thu makes character real and enduring- this makes progress possible this turns men into angels and virtues into good- ness james freeman clarke what of you talmfftt can you walk straight borrow a walking stick with a curved top and tell h player to put his hand on the curve and his forehead on his hand then with his eyes wide open let him walk quickly round the stick four times he must keep the slick upright and the point must remain on the liunc spot when he has done his fourth round snatch the stick from him and tell him to walk straight to the door and knock hell be surprised vo nnd how difficult it is and youll laugh to see him knock ing nt everything except the door how a hit- and- run driver feels i well you got away with it so far anyway of course youre still a bit i nervous you arc startled by doorbells your palmssweat when you pick up the morning paper your mouth gets dry when a stranger seems to stare at you for there is just a possibility that some chance paaserby saw you but your pulse is beginning to behave again bach passing day brings added safety if u will make you feel any better you may never be caught but my craven fellow youll never escape your self youll never escape the shame of having killed a i hlld and run away you will never escape the aching burning nemorythiil hired with the test you referred ctlnrdlce u counm you will ilvethe rest of your da bluffing yourself into believing that you didnt have time to think although life r es are not scheduled for mens cor- vtnlene thai anybody else would have dorr the same thing althtugh ytu dont dure tell anybody else mi tha it wasnt murder but just an arcijcnc ui ll ough imniple vd tlirms tei afc ar ureident the iys vm be trvti bu ihji bo bead cimiimircti with the nlglilji whvn you lie awake with your conscience and wlicn having fallen islerp at iitjt dreams steal into your tired brain in re- iact tluil scene of secret frliame via hajjoeen oltanoe whip i i dlbftokr 1 iwckagv oruigeflaorcd geuuii m 1 pint hot water four halt i into mold and chin chill remalnina irelatiu mixture until cold und tupy i place in bowl of ice and beat with rolor egg beater until tlutly and tiiick like whlpthft cream lur over lrni gewuii in mold cliul until nnn l oariush with gelatin cubes cut from mddluiuial firm grlutin and iiunt iserves 0 for large nuld double recipe oixu spikins fvntll i watch tlu tltiuftts vuulshi r cuite iuh tea 2 um migar t tip lerram jutee j cuya orange jukt 2 cupt elder 7 cup boiling water 2 tuarslunailo prrxv the tea by laoirtng 2 cups of bulling water over 4 teaspoons of tea let stand from 3 to 5 minutes strain dd th ssmsx nd stir until aaaulved aexuas uh jiasture to reet the visitors it would make s lung story if i told it all the fact remains i sent the visiting cows bock wlwre they belonged and t also followed them up and closed the gap after that j was glad i had not gune to fergus or anywhere else for that matter with no one at home dear know what those cows might have done keeping liorses and cattle wliere they j belong is one of ue joys if farming ut this time of the year one morning we i found two horts und a coll in our frunt field and two horses and a coll in ihe oack we are continually worrying m ciisr uur cows should break bounds und get into the ulfalfa lust week uit rows belonging to another farm got m to el ulfollu and one cow aas dead and thne badly bloated when their owner found them farmers can hi afford a lo like that i ye we worry about tlie ota luring the day and chickens at night trr- time the dog barks we think astmruiie ts robotiig tile henrooet but im thuik- lug the rooster might be nitmla an tin- lrtaiu prt of his cloumig ll direr met liiii t anl imu of hens would you lute o know about thd liack vm birds ot iie red hens one hs made such a thorough joo ot mniittng a to k liuukit tile tlt sltll hiu m-t- leathers but hid lienelf away and wa tuspefully situ rig on two eggs for about six weeks she wtls out now she isnt the blak lien b a very contented- adaptable bird but the gtey hen is elslly distinguishable among our own plymouth i rock by lier very aloof manner she perks up that hrpd of hers and struts about among those birds the nights will be hard a thousand times wu willwish ui u tliat peik up shame u mtvuji t i a child and riui iw y it x oul1 make you fee better but you vjti t do ll lbs ten mr hitandrun drivnr you didnt get away with a thing and you know ll a hard lesson young moth it nurse wliat is the lilt l tllllllull tlung or a young nit uier to learn nurse thiit other peopli have perfect children 11 very much like to know what a di raised on the hack fifty wnuld do tluit is judging by the biddies kp howhiu brmm uc fmic ut an tl bird of our ir and sr jus w w gatllra iainfcp to world- noi botl xsnbltilira not julcca and outline aaur srrvr at once whue- not on each cup of punoh float a short thear ghosta are marshmauows on which ajobun faces haw been drawn with toothpick dipped in red food eolortnc or mtlohl chocolate tne host will vanish as all lood spooks s tnls punoh without lh marahmallow abosu la dallranns and haaubful bararaae for j until i throw torn a cob at any comwwatner ju st me r came from acton iwss j raised on the back ftftjf dont tell me hens lack personsllty walw you ever seen a doff eat com peser wiu sneak up to the com stalks in the cardrn pull off a rob rip on the coyrrtnc and eat the corn jff the cob as nice as you plesse w are feedln corn ooba to the bana now and rwlcr follows me around jrlth lonxlnff ejaa xt is th ronj nlaat thine to m sum watlt ha izsdksniii bio j jlavinq hash stccial hatching ration fattinino mask wcanuno na ration hoc orowm hoo nnlthing ration ork hwihictlcai iimii calf mkal dairv ration dbal6r for- business directory dr ja monlven offle and wmiliwm ownar baiwat atanoa and aaffm wraai dr e j ngtson plijnjiaaui aad etectro therarjt the food wat 1 did you know thai the most common tyc of con- tipalion is causcil usually by insufficient huil in meals neglect of const pu- tion may bring headurhes loss of appetite and energy yon feel miserable to relieve constipation i aimer farm doc will do tbavwa would dr wm g cullen l m c q rhrslelsw and baotawa offlmhours 1 and t- m bundays by apfiotntimnt wilbur street just north of 1011 sere telephone im lkoai c p leatherland b a barrmer salhltar notary pamie acton ttatewspeedlly wminrt up court work attended to promptly telephone no it successor to h n parmer kenneth m lancdon lumster sollslta notary paatv offices acton oouil orer t snuck oaf id for appotntmenta phono aoton oeorgatown offloa hours actim tmadsy thursday 118 p m to 4j0 p am insw on ratruaat dental a j buchanan d d s offloo in lelshman hours 0 a m until 6 p m nry appointment oaa for extractions xray closed wednesday afternoon phooa 14a p w pearen d d s u d s dasttaj barawan moved to our new quarters in the symnn block phone m ulll street aatsd veterinary b d youno vs bvsc veterinary snrgwan offlce bronkvllle ontario phone muton lsflrt general i we specialize in life fire health and accident automobile winuhtorm plate glaai boiler fidelity bomb farm insurance annuities and all general lines of insurance ocean steamship tickets leading companies excellent facilities bepresentatlr rrocsetrea auaweaa- lion of canada far maaaim ontyl fred l wright office cooper block nrllco os rhoneo fluid imj time tables apian nationalrailway at acton gain kkat dully except ajnday dally ixccpt sunday dullv xr t ttunday jimiduy uiily going wart dally xnp siiitli dilly xrji asunday dally fxitpl suiulii dully i till hiilitji ijuiidu uiily standard timx 7 00 mm 9m atn fl 2q p m 7 19 p m 8 48 am i 38 pf 7 07 pm 1 1 38 a m 1 1 jj p in counter check books any style but only i best quality leave your order with the a4cron free press