3wg sttssi taaiic ati v- v aagiababm fbb t frbss- uhr acton tn phb fambksa inf tvarslar al aataa jdauato aad aw addraaaaa aaaauf ba givm whaa eaaaf addraaa la raajoasaa cancuxatiohs wt lad tut boat al ur as acribara orator mm la ium ikttr safcacrlstlaa la caaa v ull la raasll aaiara aaalrallaa wt icriptlaat ltt m aa sarrlaa as arraan mac aa aamato asrmd yet unlcaa we n titird t caiuel wi aasuaaa tki aawaar artakaa laa aaralea eaatlaaad advertising batesoa atohtalloa aad aa tlaa in various coluaaa hsadinia allhoafli aaarr dracaotioa will ba ukaa la am atroc tti ft praaa accpli adaarllalaf l ll a coluaaa th uadaralaadlaa ikal it will jot b itobla ito aaj arror in any adaattiiamant pubtlihad baraowdar aalaaa a prool al auch advartlaaiaant la taquaalad la rlllaa the adaattiaa aad rataraad to tka fraa fraaa kaaiaaaa eavra dilr- aiiaad by tha aaaarllaar aad wltk aack arroa o corractloaa plalalj aatad is wntlaiaraaa aajta ikat cata ii any artof aa aotad ia not cprractad br tka frna k ii liability akall aa aaeaad aocb a j tha antira coat al aook adyartlaamant aa tka apaca accaamd by tha notad arroa baara to tha whola ipaca accaplad br urh adtartiaatnaat g ablof dhls ultaa telkrilonks- edltorlal aad builnaaa oa baaldaaaa mlcrlal tonrtoto spend 300 millions canadas tourist traffic this year had a value of 300000000 d leo dolan director of the dominion tourist bureau told delegates to the sixth annual conference of tourist associations and publicity bureaus in 6tuw this represented an influx into canada of 15000000 visitors for the first nine months of the calendar year if the 1936 rate was maintained then the final figures for the year would be in the neighborhood of 19000000 persons said mr dolan dealing with the dominion branch mr dolan said that he had 75196 enquiries this year which was an increase of 42 7 per cent over i93u and of 183 3 per cent over 1935 a questionnaire sent to 42 000 tourists had resulted in nearly 4000 replies these indicated the average daily expenditure of motorists entering canada was 5 40 that of people arriving by train boat or bus was 7 02 the average stay was 13 days bowmanville statesman union or abolition a plan hat been submitted to tho dominion- provincial relations commission to unite canada jnto ibvo province tho-proposal-ls-to-unlte-the- three maritime provinces in one the three prairie provinces in one and british columbia and- the yukon in one and why not ontario and quebec inone and make the goal only four provinces it is conceded by moat everyone that canada has too many governments and this combining of the provinces would be a step in the right direction and toward the curtailment of the upkeep of all that each individual government setup means it seems that countycouncils are a deeprooted institution and are regarded as very necessary perhaps the plan of union might work here why couldnt peel and halton be combined right now the one house 61 refuge is being used by the counties childrens aid society work is carried on jointly between the two counties we favor the plnn of union in many instances and the union of provinces appeals to us as much as that of the union of counties if governmental expense is to be lessened it is necessary to have union or abolition of some of the things that go to create that expense chorlcy park closing was u step in the right direction qthers need to follow the clamor for results there is quite a significance in the close run that tim buck made for a place on the board of control in toronto in the municipl elections on monday a very short time ago he was doing time in jail for his activities with periodic frequency he bobs up in the citys activities and always among the radicals and on monday he came within a hundred or two votes of getting a place on the board of control the fellows doctrines must be gaining a follow ing in tordnto perhaps the voters are not so much impressed with him as they arc lired of the seeming tardiness of the more conservative members to get things done in toronto that impatience would seem to be growing perhaps the same can be said of other parts of the province as well commissions and investigations are quite necessary it would seem but practical results arc what an everjncrtasjng majority clamor for and are willing to ir even n tim buck or an aberhart to secure what are vour chances everybody is anxious to take a peep into the future even otherwise sano people giving heed to the claims of fortune tellers teacup readers palmists and numerous others the findings of such people arc known after the payment has been made to be of no value but an unharmful resume of what your chances are is found in an insurance statistical report which tells the fortune of a young man of 20 by the law of average first of all there is an even chance that the yomg man of 20 will live to be 69 during the las 100 years the average length of life has increased 2 years and it will continue to advance a little more of all the children born this year 75 per cent will be alive at the age of 50 25 per cent at the age of 73 the young mans sweetheart who is now 20 will outlive him by threeyears if she follows the avciugi for women chances of getting a job are better than four out of five and as an average young man there is h 50 50 dhance of attaining nn adequate lo n fairly good standard of life 2000 the chances ore ft in 10 of his marrying within the next five years the chances arc always against a man marrying a girl of his own age or older thim he is after marriage the chances of escaping divorce are four out of five although the rate is rapidly rising there is one good protection to have children only half as many children howevei will be reared as the average family of the past generation he had six today s average is three for the contemplating bachelor there is the news that he will die sooner if not married the home- environment is more healthy if happily married at 25 with a wife of 22 there are also three chances in foyr of celebrating your silver wedding anniversary brampton conservotor tub fkjnday school lesson fob runuay nixkmukr illh editohjal notes whether you realize it or not there aren t many shopping days until christmas toronto polled a record vote on the earl election date monday but the majority fmoreii returning to the new ear election schedule the hrst heuv fall of snow is a reminder that reduced speeds and more care is required if the lourncv is to he made safely canadian auvlts puvuuu reflecting the populantv of canadian apples the 1137 seasonal moemcnt of that delectable fruit to the united kingdom markets up to october 7th amounted to 33b 180 barrels and 211 45t boxes com pared with 140 33s barrels and 207 140 boxes during the previous season an increase of 140 per cent in barrels and two per cent in boxes in addition to capturing the fancv of the consumers abroad can adian apples also made a hit with the judges at the imperial fruit show held recently at birmingham i england winning high prizes for mcintosh jona than delicious newtown pippin spitzenberg wagner golden russctt northern bpv cox s orange and king varieties although canada produces a wide range of fruits the applets particularly important not only on the i score of quantity byt for the fine qualitv produced j apples have been grown in canada since the davsj of early settlement as far back as 1635 and the industry originally intended to provide apple cider and vinegar for home consumption has developed to such an extent that the value of commercial pro duction averages about ten million dollars annually the principal applegrowing areas of canada are the annapolis and cornwallis valleys in novs scotia the valley of the saint john river in new bruns wick large districts in southern quebec and ontario and the warm interior valley of british columbia canadian apple growers have harvested a bumper crop this year estimated at 5070800 barrels com- cimiattan ncuovvshrr ooldan text our tellowahlp la with the fsthrr and with itu bon jniiu chrlut i john 1 j lwion ttext 1 john t 17 novola- ttoll 31 17 lime 00 and 08 ad placea cpllraiu and palnioa expoaluon i llaolxl burn han dled altared 14 ttip clirlaunll life la an rwrlillco of coimciiiiu tiiumalilp wlfh clod jvlliia- slilp impllra 1 1 knowltidgr imlmncy wo can huvo felumalllp ont ullli aomoolio wt know kliowleiluu of ooda true iinlurv wni brmtuhl to tho world ly clirlnl hu manlkebiaiion ok tlodb lttk 1iu word- tim llfo wiut mnntftftlrd 111 a aiiv thai could bo wrtllikl b our pliyalcal aruaca our null itooa nut rail on iriullllon or hear- au ii la nut uvmiuicr of totijtiuiro tpttulnuoii or rciukiiiliiii lit who from nil itorult una willi lilt nilller llvtsl niiti nuivitl mubtiji nu it aa u mini in ilic rttnon ot jriua of nmcircui ho uot down where ur could utt nt luli dint lie mlahl ail nl us njul lift ua up lo lllmaclf jotmn wluiina una nulhorllu tlr ho luid lived with joaua lifilumlil inllnuuy tor three cara ilia own pta hud aeon him ho knew the aoutid of ilia tolci die cliuip of ilia hand he atltcs 111 wo ua chrlauana may knou llu reality of followalllp which he olid tho other dlactplcal ahnred aa ihy wulkd w th lhe maaler over the qaltll hlll- al i i ileiivd to ilia o ti i ida of luc beheld the witness of ule empty tomb and lho risen nedeemer chrlsl no kmffer walks among us in the neah bul he comes lo us by the power of his word and hu indwelling spirit and ihua we ore brought into fellowship with lhe puttier conscloua present poaaes- alon of eternal lue may be ours thrjusn our lord jesus christ the joy and blessedness of our chrtauun life depends on the desree in which we realise ulla li llowshlp xi sin the barrlor lb fvllowahlp 5 6a sin is the one thing thai ahuca iw away from fellowship with ood to walk in dnrkneaa la to sin ii la to lite according to ule slnndarda of atie world without reference to ood s will seeking our own selfish ends grieving the splrll fellowship implloa 2 like- i nesa similarity and ood is holy in him is no durkneas al all light in i this eplslle is manifestly a symbol of i truth and imltmas as the whiteness of earthly light is lhe sum of all ule i colors and hues of the spiclrum no ood as spiritual light la lhe sum of all holiness rlghteoumlias und purity ttirre ran oe no fellowship between lhe hoi ness of his light and the darkness of our sin some claim to be so conscious uf the fellowship of ood that llley cannot sin john lias a word tor such let v bl there is no place in the chrlsuan ufe for selfdecepllon we must face the fact of our sins and deal silh them if we want to have in our lives the peace and power of ood christ brings to our hearts the searchlight of his perfect purlty ii is b this measure and stan dard that we must judge our lives to walk in his light sensluaea and qulcfcena conscience the closer we keep to him the more alive we become to our wesvk- nesscs and failures obviously he who consciously leads a sinful or irreligious life cannot be living in fellowship wltlf ood ill the cleansing blood 6b sin is universal but universal pro vision has been mode for sin ich 2 2 tile blood of jenus christ cleonseth i present tense denoting continuous oc lion is conslanll keeping us clean from all sin cleansing from the gulll tf sin is b the power of tlu blood the ikiw r of lhe atoning deulh of jesus icanmiik from the power of sin li b ik rln ohrlil and hli indwelling hilimhr fron ijr rmnr- nf slats diary ouvm n wawun sunday t we where nftpolycn y that life h i aftil brtrumu or turn thing nf out vmrlelty it aauni orle long to me btit napnlyfin l rlilip ft to tha trtibbou i am tlm pntflrtotitr of nt tout mllyttn of unin monday urn are aum polrrry i d- compowhld thomellcicolly fay luve inifl the aaddeit of thryr a little to cold for ft ball a hllla to hot for nltat- inir tlte rims may not be ao hot but 1u my aentymenjj jake m muter aald it are okey doke tuwtrjuy i aupoae it are ronv for m la atart thlnklnir about chrutmu u juxm after ttuuilualven but i can not ronut the emttuhen i xpect it ore a holo lot ronoer to wuh it wna them a ncnaltimm nil w hut afltn my airllffht for holidays ant mm brut of my juctftr mrnc wednesday lite icerher nt he clnf what are a ocioatimrlan jnke hpoke right up a hcii rt nn ntinin tmxldio fifini ortoariuirla i that jnkn ha 1- hit the hull in the rye hut an the tecctur liift mil loud i aukm thrj u ketch um whulm at tinhurl ittumdnj hum of the khbi tn tlu diui nut to htloiiih labout why no nun iir ffctji ttmik into tin wumeiui hwpklk a dlliiterii up a ted he nt u t imili iui had bin tn u ko ixiddle hlrevtd it rnul ihtnu rn attt hi mnn wiui bomed uirre wudi ituult the arumlnt net tied ida i hint over to junta hoiui at col her hi iplnu t clei n the lace curtttiu at he wan nil dirty at i iird my pkmlncjw june you w purty dtrty she rrplldr yen but i am a lot purller clern i bleeve nhe known he u aort of eney on the eyea i do enpy how saturday pa enalittrd i arise up arly at when i iwt why he wd if i want to alecp longer i otto go to bed earlier but how can i when i haftn look thru the weakley ptleher ahow program red a atory about buftelo bui juat anser me that if you can who 8 fault mulllnfiham wax not great aa a sports man and he was out one day deer aalklng in scotland he made a arrles of inexplicable mbuiea and after failure ut a ery coxy mark he said to an attendant now donald who- fault was it th vt lime donald well the atag vwmn i more than a hundred yardu and it a not my fuult you mlaard him und it wonn l uu fault of tht auik for he ntood atll enough nnd it not the fault of uu gun for i km witl tta a right good int so i ii jilsi k m it to you to lhlnk it ovi r und find out ulnine fuull it wanf wnrnnnav wwjmmw iui ttth till- 1- s o aihtsitv die north roid from pt rlh scot kind la tx lullful flxdrl some tlnu ngo a largt landowner had eight young irrei sent to him from the continent these hta gardener planted in the hothouse all bul two dlid it ocemed imnpulble to rear theae foreign trees in scotland therefore orders were given for them to be throun out the two trees which hod not died struck rot and grew rapidly becoming the fore runners of the wonderful forestry of the district the rigorous scottish climate had done what the soft airs of the hothouse had failed to do the noblest christian characters have often developed tn the mant uncongenial sur round in gs i the hol place lev 16 2 we shall i see him face to face in all his infinite loe power wisdom and holiness aa brother dwells with bimther so ood in carnate w ill dwell wltfi us and w lpt ttway our tears 1 1 wr shall drink no mort from jh bltu r waters of our broktn earthly ctoteriu but qmnch our thirst ut the rher of ule icf ch 22 l wt liiivt tin aaaur met of ood himself th alpha and onurku lh b tlnnlnk christttftii if i monet orders wlllin in tloultt what to give for a clinittnss n give mnuy it ll always ac ceptable because the rriip lent can irlcct lua or her iwn present you can icml the mtmcy by mail in lhe form nf a dank of montreal money order ills le convenient ami economicalway 10 mike gifts anil to purchase diiikii by mail order when you ifu not have your own chitiiin account money orders always ihii lie obtained promptly at an of our inn hrantfua bank of montreal rsiaiiiiiiihd tai7 i tutmi ulttt m ill uintt m utlttumt m nu li ni in i lijnliof vivfri lit mlium j iu tti suutj jh utturen seuuce plod with mother dad or th children lh mot at coach is th unanl mom choice lortia vl they enjoy the per odalattentlon that means io much lo their comfort and peocvol mind while away from home all coach tratl inioriaatloa al harold wiles phone 58 controversial statue of llaif unveiled at a luikhton of newspaper men the follouiny toast wis fttrtd tlu ladies second onlv to the prts in the dissemination f news i vshl i bt url hut wt tnture that who will be haltm c ount s vi ardtn for i us has ulreadv been under cons deration bv some folks electric railas in operation in canada during 11 carried hl4 890s97 passenger an increase of 14 102 584 compared with the preceding tar automobile production in canada during th hr ten months of 1937 totalled 169 774 unirs a gain of 30 per cent oer the corresponding period of 1 93b pared with 4i15j00 in 1036 last week the bnunpton conservator entered upon its sixt fifth car of publication in the same issue announcement is made of the installation of a rotar press the years of the past have seen the conservator supplying bramton and the district withj a newspaper of the highest type in the weekly news paper field and it is quite evident that continued progress is to apply to the future congratulations are not only in order to the conservator and t messrs charters who have guidcdit so well but also to brampton on the newspaper service it receives mn u1ih b ur iojd when lit re turn r in lleitti nt his am nd com liifc tin humblest tx ik ug christian uh wullu in uw uglu i o k it rr tilled t mh uf pa no loa 130 john i 1 ma know the luu t it inuslryj power ot thi atoning bl hk 1 h ncmirrs ill tellouihip m with an ther fir thi winir asplrit uir aunif dulnr nature is in ull christiana 2 that i iiuri us f el ulmiup of eternal lift itch li tulncas r o here below und fon4utc t heaven iimr i face to f4r rc 2 it the phvslcml ut erfr ahartd in man k fail oen 3 al ia it will share lh man b redemption in this pauage wr look forward to its final state cleansed of cvrr vestige of sin the new heaven and the ntw earth of which prophet and saint have drramed tlu 6617 60 32 2 peter 3 11 isi have c rnir into brina the sra tn johns thought was the tntxl of unrest fears loneliness separa tion it represented all that hinder od thwarts the communion and fellow ship of oods children with him and with one another all the selfishness limitation pain sorrow death that makes life tragic and sorrowful these are now one lorever the are th fruit of ata and sin la no more it has no plan laa ll 9 in the olden city of i ood the new jerusalem wherein dwell the redeemed out of all the earth hr i who tabernacled among us in urn flaah who from au eternity ha torn with ood dwells with ua now continually no cloud oonceala his glory uau it 3 uia i 94 thar la no boundary about tha mount kx it lj no vtu oefor t t r of u u t tn ttrat they are trut and faithful hr tluu imix mulh ahull mht rlt ull lhlntn ending iin irar r mtnwnj oxer iu ntnesv as a nwm rliil to ll ljle earl llultf the four ton efiuesirl in statue uooxe wjw dedlrtrl l uritti i hi- thn hiirii of rumtimn liltl mnlk 1- i- sird r atntue j is nwrnvtr i fu irn i aruliir out f the orlk i il hip rommlttr in rharge ka io utt tul i trrrmon 1- ti ii ihr m kl is xrt m uh ppn 1 f the rmumuiria hoot to junior hcii n ciniiiiiii with a trteottly ractln and a plaaumt ra amlla for an audlatiea which oooalrta of asajtlah ryaocn oraajk and cmnaaa chtldna usrd t oatvnm- ovaaral of canada inaufurataa the junior mad ow a r rtn raxa fundi for tha boapttallsabon of sick and crtptalad ebildm has xmvkmcj of mm had oroaa aocastr aad bla an junior had cwas lf tram th aotool al bua f mr k a ttodd i as tna rarht -v-