iiswdr br- iitt js i t innwnll i i i thb acton preb press naa mam slf jfro reait fcaidrtorg a question of credit nr son ahmo imuuimw prafeasar hlchol- m just then nnint th plae of retjettar at aaatarn wats oouefe leeaavj reflectively into the flush ed face of lb tm whs stood before him doreen myers graduate of th wuou un nth school why you are mr wonder iii of tha aariae of unltarairy lecture i v th laanhare that hue rears ass a aeries on american litera ture of th hlnttmbth century donas lav tbr chumlnfl tmll but i didnt dream you would mnmbr ma i nmr know before a high aehool senior who ranked first amuura ecor of teacher and ehib women whats thief scowling at the tabulated ab3eof paper ah had laid before him the ftrl explained after flnlitilm high aehool aha had taken a years work at a state normal school in a town where an aunt lived she was then at home a year on account of her mothers 111 health that year i did correspondence work enough so i ean tain my life ear- tnoate in a year here all but one credit for that x must tske one more subject than is usually allowed rve permission to do it as that card shows yes but lllaa myers you hare credit hare for the aeries of lectures you did with me that gives you one and to pun it down let me see the last half of the school year of 10m30 but professor nicholson i did not oh yes you did you covered your self with lory ive always used you as an example of whst can be done in child a early year by a careful super vision of his or her reading- no i am sorry to not have you in english this semester but it1 arrange for next there you are ive added that credit to your card and you will not need to take the course in psychology that you asked per mission to take professor nicholson rou have for gotten i did not oh i know child i ve a good mind to give you two credits for you know my teacher tn high martha 8mlth doreen s roommate and an old friend stood althe girl a side she now interrupted doreento whisper for lands sake don t argue with him he ts giving yeu an extra credit you don t understand began doreen only to have her hit with various addi tions put into her hand by the smiling professor you thought you wfre too much of a little gtrl to qualify well yoorjre mistaken i expect you to make extra good here so i can keep on pralalns my aonder girl with a firm grasp on her arm martha pushed her friend along as they left the hall martha said now or the bookshop then comes dinner and we must dress for the getaoqualnted meet ing of the evening and to think you dldnt give in that crrdltl the girls were hurrying touards llu bookshop suddenly doreen stood still the light falling through the leaves overhead dappled her eager fac- und ler ashgold hair with a mosaic of light and shade martha i did not make a credit on that course the professor has for gotten that 1 did not write the theme that would have determined my stand tng- well he must have marked u any way doreen shook her head the don t dft things that ww in s unlvrrslj ex tension class how did you come to take the olass doreen explained how she had been urged to do it by her english teeclter who knew she excelled tn english you know daddy is a newspaper man in our small city and mother was a teacher i grew up with a book tn my hand and a good book my teacher had always uved in our town and knew us all he la the dick streeter whom i was asking you about the one who was here last year readlng for a degree hes coming back this year yes to both dick arrives tonight and he has offered to help me with the extra subject 1 must take to bush this year he recommended course tn ele nwnuo psychology oh slow it doreen pu 11 imr no time for fun quick as you are to learn tvu the handsome and studious streeter that youe found alth professor nichol sons help a credit you have lost then renounce extra work and have a good time b that tlmq the girls were st the bookshop the aubjet of the credit was not again referred to by martha once they war at the boarding house doreen doreen tat us ant out on th verandah a raw nunuta tad nlan your aitra weak ha preposad i win tire yeu two half houra each week w win clean up whatever la not plain in tha work you hare cone over and take a look at tha lessons just ahead yon know i supplied la thai subject an last yea- so i cam be aa stern and exacting as doctor barnes himself doreen laughed gayly the lively com panionship the talk of future festivi ties and professor nicholsons praise had gone to her head she waa not going th wasta precious houra on psychology what is it doreen asked tha young man dick it la something wonderful ill not have to make an extra credit she told of her interview with professor nicholson h the light was bright enough an the veranda to show pusxled expression on streeters face you dont know the professor english literature la his hobby and he loves to ride it because you responded so wonderfully to his teaching and that because of tha reading you had done with your parenta he has used you aa a sort of an example he has forgotten that you didnt write for a credit after the course it waa an affirmative not a question doreen tossed her bead but he says i have one dick martha thinks he gave it to me because well because because you were so smart nlchol- aon might have been willing to do that but eastern states doesnt do things that way i am not sure a credit would have been granted to a high school girl there is one thing i am sure of doreen and that is you have no such credit on these books well the professor marked it on my record and gave the card his okeh act ing for the registrar ft is all right dick i am not going to bother with psychology as ill have credits innugh to finish next june pardon me for insisting doreen but know how much depends on your but marthal ton said you told aw to take it uartha was at tha top of th stairs she looked bask to aay a hoi acorn- fully oome on its dona and ita was worth it doreen aaexmded th slaps aa slowly that by th time ah waa inside tha building uamia waa halfway down tha halt their nrat morning- mis ware not on tha same floor doreen tolled up another flight or stairs awar of a sense of weariness and loss one inside tha classroom ah aat down and bant her head over a teak aat lsokint up until th teacher of th elaae was tn his place nrtunately for doreen ah waa not called upon that morning for rectta- doreen taking th una amount of work would lack a credit at oommsnee- menf yes i am to blame why dldnt you tell ma dick asked hie professor baton richard could apeak doreen aid ha did tall ma and i knew i had not written it i i am sorry she waa leaving th room when doc tor barnes held out his hand ttt her you made the amende honorable mia we drlvon i wfltnot repeat hurried through her last unpacking and into the dalncy palegreen chiffon dress that she was to wear at the gatraequalnt- ed party after dinner she and martha with a halfscore of others walked across to wynne hall where the recep tion vi to be held ii her enjoyment of the evening doreen forgot the disputed credit richard streeter appeared early in the evening and introduced doreen freely to her fellow students some or the pro fessors looked in for a brief time but among them doreen looked in vain for professor nicholson it was late in the evening when street er found an opportunity to talk to i rtauhlng then 1 11 go with you to the olflce lomortowjcall nicholson in and si e if u u is you thii k dorcon was vexed she must get her life certlflcste in june but richard did n u need to taunt her wli that a posl- tl m in the school of her home town to be scant then haw been promised her in her mothers smllntaild condition her company and her salary would help greatly at home she was sure of sradu atlng however richard roue to his feet shall we say fourthirty doreen if professor nicholson cannot sec us then ril tele phone and i she lnterurpted him impatiently x do not doubt professor nicholson s word if jou do just drop tile matter dick thank you for offering your help but i 11 not need it doreen is it right to accept a hat you know is the professor a mistake in giving ou a cedlt when ou know you did not cam it doreen too had risen the lush fad ed from her cheeks to be replaced by the pallor of anger before she could speak martha and another girl came out on the veranda to sweep he into the closing march i the next day doreen saw the teacher of the class in psychology for which she had enrolled her explanation of the matter satisfied him of course if pro fessor nicholson found an error in your credits and you do not have to take an extra class you con withdraw he said my subject would or helpful to you but sometimes it if unwise far a student to undertake more subjects than are ustmlly allowed i doreen was tempted to repeat those i words to dick a minutes reflection made her afraid that he would say pro fessor wilson thought the credit had been discovered on the school s record 1 11 just forget psychology and have a j good time she said to herself t that was easy to say as the weeks went by however doreen found the matter orten in her mind again and again she found herself thinking of richard s simple question doreen is it right 8trreter resents not having a chance to tutor vou doesnt he martha asked one cold morning in early january when i she snd doreen were on their way to class doreen was annoyed because shs found her face flushing oh lie not that and he is not exactly high brow if he ed aha made bar way out of the bidd ing far the next hour she had no recitation conscious only of a pressing need to be alone aha h attuned a mg tha path that lad from tha college grounds passing the chapel aha triad the inside door it opened under her hand and aha entered a hall that gave entrance to the auditorium at the rear doreen walked forward to the pulpit stairs dropping on her knees she mur mured a broken prayer it was marthas ntei at the word right that had shocked her into an understandtng of the situa tion after a uttletherose aat down in a pew and com with herself i am to blame fflr marthas attitude of mind carelessly aha urged me to take the credit had i refused es i slvuld have done toeaus it was not mine she would have knowr that i was notwell not a uilef ive huit her moral sense and lost dicks respect then by not taking that extra class ive lost my chance to finish here this year oh how did i ever make such a muddle or things a little later she sprang to her feet there was just one course she could follow that waa at once explain her false position to ail who were m any way concerned in it breathlug a little prayer for help she went out into the still air where snowflskes were leisurely floating eexuhward at four o clock that afternoon doreen entered tile office of the college presld ent by the telephone she had summon ed to that room both proressor nichol son and richard streeter also she had asked martha to meet her there these four were all in the room whin the entered doreen smiled crookedly help mc all of you not to make this m ctlng melodromntlc may i tell my stors at once doctor barnes turned to thi president he bowed assent at once she bigan telling first of her interview with pto- fessor nicholson i cancelled the extra class i had been allowed to join al though i i knew there could be no extra credit due me as i did not write the theme following the series of unl fverslty extension lectures i took under you professor nicholson she ended what why yes you did ynu were my star pupil that was why ou osumijd that i would have the record of those lectures here asked doctor barnes he drew the huge folio to him and after a i minutes search reported you arc right mlss myers while jour name is given as one who look the course of lectures there is no record of a thenu submitted by you that settles the matter of a credit you are to blame professor nicholson the matter was discussed for a few minutes doreen hod brought her regis tration card and a new one was made out no one spoke of the fact that myers i am not surprised that you let the matter drift if right wins in the end we may return thanks to ood that wa have won over tsmptatlon the next mlmrte ah waa out of doors with richard at her aide already ewl ught waa vetllnr th aceae in a voice hoarse with strppreaaad sobs the girl said dick you win always despise me for none of that doreen you fought the ted fight and wen it nulla impression on that frivolous roommate of yours too and doreen we will put in that needed subject next semester what can we i thought all along rve been planning for it and for your awakening there la to be a course in psychology that will be even more helpful in your work at washtana than this one would have been i am to spend my holiday vacation at- home and we shall get a good start on it then slats diary ouvn m wajuum sunday i ex p ja ifa waa out a rlde lafln th otto e a plaawwnen nearly erestad pa for gum hunt he don rent tha rjlaasamaa aat pa why he don it pa aed he neat it waa been the driver went to sleep in th back aaae just than ma awoke up what aha asd to pa whan tbuk enougu1 the teacher had been giving a lesson on modern inventions tb his class can any of you boys he said tell me of anything of importance which did not exist fifty years ago mb exclaimed one of them monday the nooeepeper yeaterdy ted the banks have a offle lotta mbnsy no noddle will bony it x supose they have net nurd about me i will xpeet a aehenel looa if the yen ao kena theta- way tuesday x ant enformed that tha os govt la to spend thirteen thousand ex 450 i t a mlnnet doorlnf the next askal yr all i hare to aay la that tmkel sam must have a lotta janaa es xtaya to by lea ereem for aame wednesday are class waa ast by the teacher did we bleeve they otto change the styles of boy it girls garments this sprlne bllstera spoke up ex repude ex sad he thot they otto be sum change in the pockets of boys pants it took time but when the point were seen evryooddlc left st all agreed it were a purty wise crack thursday janes stcnografy ex tlperlt- lhg alnt a getting no better fast she was told to rite sum thing about dsy winning a award at the cooking skool it here are tho result of the effort miss effy jones were awarded the blue ribbon 1st prlre on her bomade sweet tickles friday ma was to her dub this p pi or 1 of them and at super she sed they dlscust husbends who talk in than sleep at what to do about same to cure it she meant pa got hlsselr in bad by up at saying 1 remedy is to let them talk while nwakc just a little he sed but ma got sotta huffy about what ho sed eneyhow saturday well i dlddent hafla go to school this a m but i got no very grate benefit out of it after all i had to go down in the basement sc clcen out the femess st shovel some coal and etc all of witch led up to the teruicklst ear a nock warshen i was ever the chetf mourner at at 1 lime i even wlxht it were a aehool day but that were btfon it wert over with smile at fuel bills yes you can actually smile at fuel bills when you use old companys anthracite for no other anthracite can give you ao much heat per dollar because no other an thracite is so compact so concentrated ijt lasts snout ru7ufrw now about modhn anthracite susnincl equipment j b mackenzie son cool and coke lumber boildeni actov phone 48 s applies cntnetan the solid fuel for solid comfort oh thosl nts a school ttacher asked ihi pupils lo write a short essay and to chorfse their own subjects a unit girl t nt in the folloulng my aubjlk is ants ants is or two kinds insect und lady uncles someltniro they live in hoka and sometimes they crnwl into the sugar bolo and sometimes the hvl with lhur mar ried sisters that is all 1 know about an li x if you havent you are missing something 0 your favourite dealer can get you a variety of dned or pidded canadian fish the flavour of which la as tasty and as perfect as though you had caught them yourself and promptly popped them into the pan they can be served in various appetizing ways dried fish such as cod haddock hake culk and pollock and pickled fith such as herring mackerel and alewivea can be brought to your table as new dishes that the family will like serve canadian fun more often make any day a fish day your dealer cam secure dried or pickled fuh for you no nutter how far you live from open water with every bit of its goodness retained for you and by the way youll find it pleasingly economical department of fisheries ottawa write for free booklet dkrtmnt of flihdrlt 2j otutrg plrmie itul me tour frt j pytc flmfcln any d1 a fitl dait h runs uk dciifhtful n rturmimi a i ill ret pc- any day fish day firm crips head rirm tripb nead as lettuce dc oranges grapefruit 25c 7 fresh and juicy for naveta good size dozen 18c caimpblt i tomato juice 3 io jim 14c cootong figs pound j- oil dandee tea i lb pis 41 rt ckocolats pufl biscuits 2 pound 27c stuart t oxng marmalade economy pound 21c flavoroma pound 27c break omorn i c s 25 i dated peund 35 32 oi cwn eriand corn syrup foutt 13c l tomatoe i 5 lbs for acdc does receive an am decree nest june well what is it thro martha de- t tangerines turnips apples special manded i they wen at trie foot of the stairs that led up ro leslie hall doreen stop- ped and laid hrr hand on her friend s arm martha thck tbcurnt i had no rtaht to that credit indeed he thouflu that proressor nicholson had had for- fouen that t did not write the theme that would hate riven it to me i i had passed dick nail thinks that it was not rujht oi course that waa the weylt wear- but as lone as professor nicholson wrote it down on your card it was not r of dick streeters business perhaps it was not right in a sundayschool way but doreen it was mighty lucky for you- carrolis limited s lb ade hafiegfck j g shrifflps i rup tn 17c j apricots pound 27c noumihing ki velveeta 1 2 lb pkg mclin quick puddings 2 p ck3ci 15 17 c lattic cleanser 3 13c save paclrafe or fr to ith sunlight soap 4 ci 24c kirli t htudwata castile soap 2 cw 9 yllo laundry sop fairbanks 5 b 11c primes mcormicks clover cream sandwiches the granulated wheat cereal good humor quick cookng quaker oats f fillets x 2 pound 27 package 21 large package 20 carrolls limited mill street store open wednesday afternoon free delivery phone 158