sg fe- mom awc j- thbv acton prbb press tmuwosav jakoahy mui mm 4l 3 auujjme oowot oh ttttmf at m totoj in oo u i own oou ob uvf tfovb jaiy w aatgpaaf to man m your brate yeesr esftttar yar park mad mutton apple and chses- ana where win yon men it rani an yta big suuntn and where aboil t write you whan yon are awayf we fetch b from mttsoornt quebec and ta address a at hoaart none koni and radyard klbllng chronicles of tl ginger farm wtsuaa i tasa rraa reset owmoun r menu hints lila tar maw aad hresl ilimiaill lev ge br batty barclay cold weather utatubbs- lvscoldl we need real food i ueatls till ezpenslrel what ahall do why not use hot mealies dlshe fllled with healthful food uke nut butter dried don be- aurprued if you neat this humble thmnlelrr at olngtr vara hai been run tela court fart la i hare dared myself wtttun the pale of the law yea tndaid and all out of sheer you see i dent uke those new license plates that we are supposed to decorate our cars wldi for 193s and- the first time x saw them t declared roost solemnly that i mould not get mlue until 1 ab solutely had to the tune went on and 6tr column flat f in wldehwattaav masters aftka rae press hay btuate caee weak cdwakd vfb ahd ouuiany by claris wwto sucox wky edward want by wane bradley walls toronto oeorfs j itaelaod price t7 the lsstmir tsars i by dannaaleus toronto uussons price auo a pmeasl ward we are entering the third and last month of this experiment ol offering in the columns of the papers essoeuum in wu wf uftauons tor 1 v dear header can anyone suggest some smn article suitable 16 send through the man is a young man age who is a bad patient in a aanftarlum where he ha bean for three years ii t not marly fond of ratling an im rather puttied as what to send i would appreciate any asf gestlon that might cheer him np lor a llwe while i wonder if any of the reader owe letters and just keep patting off writing till some other time if you do why not write them nowt letters bind friends together do any readers owe a letter to our ooramnr it to write soon r- not be tsken out on bad roads or rough lima basns cheese and tewadt thl kol t u r j ithetinlanweekirmewsnpers amo- january isth the day on which 1 knew x must fire in or take the cmsequeuce and then i couldnt getgutratjast not with any degree of comfort th lane was pretty well lull and more snow felons and i feel the opumlst needs taking care of in her old age and should seems sensible sad youti find the fol lowing dishes very rery p ldu ttmt1aijb 3 cups cooked dried unsi 2 tablespoons butter 9 tablespoons chopped onion 1 i ta nour t eup muk eg h cup chopped walnuts teaspoon pepper h teaspoon salt rub umas through a coarse- slere- uclt butter add chopped onion and cock unto yellow add flour stir until smooth then add milk stir constantly until creamy add pureed llmas egg salt and pepper iok in buttered tlmntlr molds or custard cups and place in a pan of hot water bake in a moderate oven m0 degrees p for about 10 minute turn out and serre with toma to really bad but our lane seems to collect all the snow in halton oounty just recently we hare found the fields far more narltmble than the lane proper but now the trail across the field has oiled in too so here we are and here we stay and orer in the garage stands my good friend the optimist with a colorful red and white license piste pxrasubd elation these weekly rerlewt of some of i tv irullcmnt w book dllnr wit a mottnimo olorv for bach dat ffiflrttliutar wo of webk tim u yet uluo rvudn to know how thmntof jmnnmry h widely the reviews have been uied by dcnt celebrate your triumph before the member- newspapers or whether they you have conquered hare been favorably received or not i friday january hat some editors have written with ratify- the true saint shines btltjhtesl n car ina enthusiasm others have demurred csi home on the ground that it seemed like frea urtay january tnd advertising- for the publishers but it a ntue word ln kuidnej tp0 will riake a friend sincere sunday january ssrd ood is love 1 john 4 8 maatur jaanary tith if ydu cannot have the best make the would ave been stranoe if we had re viewed these books and kept the- names of the publishers a dark secret i we have also been often esoteric in our choice of booka deliberately electing books for mention which we felt sure would riot probably btlewed in othtr ot haveprovrrb tneaday january 15th ldiab au orat1n 3 cups cooked dried umas 1 cup thin white sauce cup crated cheese cup buttered ctutnba h teaspoon salt really those blue and orange markers journals and because they fitted into the are too ridiculoua the fellow who ln- i exposition of the geneval situation we olve us each day the simple gift to see vented that color acheme must have had were treating although we know per- i our duty clear as heaven would friends among the speed fiends and road rectly well that few of the books would havens view u hogs there is no other way of looking ever be sold just because we mentioned t and yet one other gift of gifts most at it oh well i suppose one has to bow them a reviewer can take his job aerl- to the inevitable and put up with them ously or he can act primarily as a nue the five dollar reduction ln license j agent we have tried to take our- job fees is some consolation anyway i seriously 3o much by way of defence this week i fatt tnpted to sve what it ha not always been easy ln the i could do ln persuading the family to course of a busy life to uke the time to go vegrtsulan because all i have seen rea l books even less easy to go to since last monday is meat and then dear the strength to do it wedrtasday january z6th a mans religion will show in work ntjrdse eucram ills more meat we bought a quarter of beef mainly with the idea of canning some home hints the trouble of reviewing them but if i kliuc silk stockings in a flnnl clear the readers have found these articles of water to which a teaspoon of vinegar some tnterel we are satisfied and ahall has been added all trace of soap will ready for summer but oh dear i think frcl tn loves labors have not been lost be removed and silk preserved i had forgotten what a quarter of beef wc should however be glad tto hoar a simple remedy for sore throat la to directly from editors or readers whether gargle often with the following i tea they wish us to continue these dlsserta- spoon salt teaspoon powdered borax tions or not if the editors do not wish tumblerful hot water looked like and when it was brought into the house i nearly wilted i however on tuesday partner got it to use tnem or the readers to read them it will help moke your roast tender if arrange lima sauce and cheese in cul u mto rtm pieces and on wed- wc tivily tum to au re- you rub it well with vinegar before ronat- uyera in a baking dish cover top with d prepared some of the meat for j munermt form of enterprise but if in crumba and bake in a moderate oven the nd nianaged p two boilings j jy hmvtt smmii them stimulating or 350 degres f about twenty minutes fruit and uxat ovsbf orux 4 navel orange slices inch thick 4 greentipped bananas peeled 4 tomato horn 4 chops lamb or vemx place on greased broiler rack brush with melted butter salt ban- brou for 10 to 12 did you know the word lord appears ln the bible doneten quru the ttrst time pint mb a6 comnmnl the sondd the pints were taken cate dlrjctly wlul t wnmc out at 11 j p in case there are any mddra bloor alr wcsl toronto 853 time utt lnt w y criticism and suggestion would also be i the word jehovah 6855 tunes might like to know m memod here a rnv does not hesl- the word girl and reverend appear but it is cut meat into small nieces- like you u w mtnot now ymt i once chance to castigate the critic his skin the middle verse of the bible is 8tli is reasonably thick and he is not ini- verse of thehbth psalm mune to learning from his readers your the longest verse the olh verse of the verdict may largely determine his future atli chapter of esther indulgence in this strange form of pas- the shortest verse the 33th verse of time after the end of tile current month and now for a couple of reviews i you would for a stew place ln sterilised sealers with a teaspoonful of salt to a quart of meat fit on tops and sealer rings tighten and then give a quarter turn back to loosen place in canning nubutea with rack 4 inches under mod- rack in the boiler put in enough cold or eralelr high name turn oiice bene lukewarm water to i come two inches on hot platter season meat with salt above the tops of sealers and boll for three hours counting from the time the water really bolls bale out water until you can reach the sealers remove from boiler tighten rings turn upside down for halfanhour tighten rings again if there are any doubtful ones turn up side down again until you are sure there are no leaky jars and then turn right way up until cool next day put them away in the cellar with a sigh of thanks giving i particularly want to draw your at tention to water two inches above the sealers this wax a new method to me before i had always had water to the neck of the jars when i was told about this newer way i must confess i was a juice circle with alternating il dubious thinking the water was row of halved slices of oranges tor i mun g i the jars but it doeant and pepper oarnlsh with parsley stuffed ouce slice and lemon quarters serve for dinner meat course winter fruit salads take advantage of the fact that navel oranaas are now vailable and prepare some of those showy tasteful salads that may be made beat with firm slices of scedleas orangea here are two that are well worth while oramoe apple cheese salad servea 1 on individual salad plates centre a mound made of h cup cottage cheese which has bevff blended with a utile oraraf ay4pnents and slices of unpeeled red apple oarnlsh with lettuce hearts top cheese with 6 raisins centred with maraschino cherry draired dressing do anything of the kind in fact in stead of the water getting ln the pres sure of water from the extra two inches serve with any keeps the meat juices from seeping out i proved this by trying one lot the old way and one lot the new the water in the boiler with it just to the neck of the jars was greasy the water when i i had it right over the jars was as clean when x took it out as when it went in of course there are different way of oanning meat some people fry it a hide flrac but we like the way i did it because it is so nice to serve cold tn the summer as it turns out uke a jelly of course it can be heated if dealred but to resume thursday i was away but friday and saturday i was at the cutting canning boiling bones and rendering fat and putting aside what cuta we wanted to keep for roasting altogether i put down twenty- nine jars i had expected to have quite a bit of help with getting the meat ready for the jara but as hick would have it oranoe banana salad serves 6 3 oranges lettuce i bansnaa 1 tableatpootu lemon juice cup finely chopped nuta twalnuta alniandi pecans of peanuts peel ormngra and cut into wlnch goicea on lettucecovered salad plate place 3 orange slices cover with 3 lengthwise quarters of bananas sprin kled with lemon juice and rolled tn nuta mmt top with alice ot orange 0rraluwith mayorinaaw and niaraachlno cherry vartauon roll banana fingers tf rated coconut calcium foods the 11th chapter of st john the 37th chapter of isaiah and the 10th chapter of 11 kings are alike there are 3b864u3 letters in the bible 773693 words 31373 verscn 1189 chap ters and 68 books the 23rd psalm is the most beautiful chapter i all those who flatter themselves with why edward went i tlie duke of windsor may well pray to be saved from his friends an eng- llshman a former london stall corre- pondent of the new york herald tribune has written a book for p- vun txnistirujs of their own perfections ucatlon ln the united staccs he coum should fltn chaptcr of matthew not publish it in england ln th hope that the information ho on era may find us way back to his own country he xoreun ponda of anthony comes to the defence of- exking edward wcn m favor of a ro vm against the combination of clique wlfch ocrmany tfod italy mr wells and church which seems to have forced the abdication and he gets quite nasty about the whole situation at ttmu implies that just as edward vti the socalled peacemaker sought a realign ment of europe and created the triple in quit often a doctor advlaes a patient j the well gave out again and partner had to rat heavily of foods containing cal- to draw water for the cattle and then clum and the patient goes away with a daughter had accepted an invitation to worried frown upon hi face what are stay with a girl friend tn town so with the tntli fooda anyway 7 i most of the work to do myself do you there are many milk and cheese j wonder thought having a vegetarian stand high on the list so do cauli- family would be quite a bright idea flower dried ngs dried beans oranges wow t am wondering what extra work and spinach smaller quantities may be obtained form celery oarrota egg tiring beans and many other foods moue watkr name please asked the mluuut engaged in baptialng the infant day since chruitmas i have thought the next week would be fairly slsack and perhaps i would be able to get some letter written and maybe some writing done because you know when i have time i try to get a little writing on the frankly we see no reason for raking j entente contrary to the existing british over the episode of december 1938 once policy so his grandson was opposed to again and wo have promised ourselves tlle py of j government and sought that this will be the last edward book to m better relations with cen- we shall read for some time indeed european countries in this he gave there are elements ln the book which cllqtit that supported eden an oppor- are perilously close to sedition and which tunny to force him out wui not help the windsors at all spec- i j miky or may nol hftve been an ully in canada the abdication how- i important factor tn the case but wc do ever regrettable was necessary and all not nwd to dig so deep in political in- the real friends of the former king will trlgue to uncover facta which lie on the not want to make his position any more surface and if so then there is only difficult by throwing dust in the air let one ans needful the policy of the us think rather of edward viii as he british government at this time was so gave hi last farewell address to the desperately tortuous and consisted ln empire and when he reached a rare axich oexterous eff ortb to ride several elevation of nobility and sincerity and barm a once that it seems almost in to him no dlstcrvlce by attacking those credible that they should be opposed to who had equal roponalbliuies to fulfil my mona who tried to make friends and who fulfilled them with any country i we dare say that we ignore mr wells attack on the edward vh1 was trying to conciliate church because his quotations from the certain european countries which had book on marriage by leon blum for grown distrustful of britain and we the translation of which into english he gravely doubt if such a step would have is responsible and his general discus- been criticised by his ministers what a ton on marriage reveal a man whose might havehappened had his abdication standards of marriage axe it must be not have been necessary no one can tell said somewhat fluid and because his and the leas said about it the better views on the relation of religion to the but we do not believe that edward vqi state are despite their vehemence not was so foolish as to believe that he could characterised by any remarkable spirit- j defy his minister and establish a die- ual insight into the meaning ot culture uuirlal rule on the baala of bis own we menti o his defence of th personal hold on the popular lmsgtna- former king against the charge that he tion he probably did not intend to be waa a fadst this charge is in our a mere figurehead he did undoubtedly opinion of no importance whatever and take his rttyal tasks seriously and sought i might never have gained headway had it to render them efficiently but he must j when choosing tians- portatjan tar your laially your llrst thouahl is lot thalr safely there is aatu ranee ol salary tn the no lolol tn juris taootd ol orgy coach lines all coach travel iafomatloa at harold wiles phone s8 icons scrap book by r j scott swimt rof tytmji4 i rt was ttt wimt 1wt i ft hmtl cumtutt 4at womim did kof won o us 1mih tomb ovrag jlh- hams ww rnuhmmz ftt maamtuft mw tww eoarr n utjat tueaa a cutmay aao ih1u aassw trunk markim4 fit i50ui ejhwrsxrv otst 5fytemtnf er fie eoumfv fo b obtebvep flm veai- eluamim fttahioji oatiqimarrkdttft plam forfiea f1p5t msurojtei compamv m ameaica m 1752 hints on fashions by urbetii cotton is high in style for day evening or imay thinith business ijirectory dr a ntenivbn one ana thhlim tugitt areboe u ebgsl wnet dr b j nbuson tkjwtstu aa lug i beetra ttumtmt dr vm q cullbn l m c c f ml offle ream 14 aaej t4 v at aunoar br aaptfatatea wmwr btrmxrjvm rorui f afffl mr ttlsgems tat c p leatheriand b a llarruler rallellee neurr patau acton estates speedily wound up court work attended tn promptly offbe ii rhattes eslgsaee lil sueeessnr to ii n farmer kenneth m lancdon barrister aellsmar natary ofllrss aeton over t flernnoaa oafe por appointment phone aetao oeorgetowb lg offjos hours aeton ttsteaa thursday 118 p m to 4 j p at tti inge on request j dentax a j buchanan d d s deaaal oflloe tn lalshman mask roure a m until p nv bsjatttass by appotntnant oas for exlrsctlooa zxay clnsed wednesday afternoon pbosi let p w pearen d d s l d a daatal gaigs uoved to our new quarters in lbs bytnnn block phone it uul otrees vetebinabt b d young vs bvsc veterinary sargeaei offlos brnokvllle ontario phone muton iters general i we specialize in life fire health and accident automoboa windstorm plata glaa boiler fidelity bond farm insurance annuities and all general unea a inanranee ocean steaoahtp tiefcata leading cohpanlea excellent- paciuttea bebtsaeiwsuva ltjtesfsei ebvbeay uati af caaaaa far latwaaa oaryl fred l wright offlca c wlaa time tables nmnan national aailway at acton dally except sunday dally except sunday dally except sunday bund ay only daily excrpt sunday dally except sunday daur except sunday dally except sunday sunday only atajtoard 700 am 1 54 ajn 7 04 pa 40 ajn pa 7 0t pjb 13 m ajn 1137 pjn shear crttukal arvtnisua evenlsv aaaa in i t i wiu comc mion next week every saturj not been for the behaviour of men like have known the nature and strensth ot eutnto rann otmry oaxrwa ecss meat i sir oswld afoaeley who can always be i british respect for parliament the trusted to do the wrong thin and the accusation that he was a fascist la o virulence of certain english journallsta nonsensical that it need not be taken who were desperately opposed to the vrlously geramany the laat fear tears marfcrt beakle what i do for this paper tkreadbere by people vho have all the the banker in 1u issue of rebm- hlomondeky chmingworth mont- 1 but tunerm begmnlna to think it la an time in the world ary 1937 puoushed an analysis of the rmery ferclval alannaduke burplnfham unknown quanuty- and yet to say i wu i had becler sign off or you wlu i economic and social situation ln oer- accuse me of havlnsj a grouch with llletttoaliy by one who calla him ocrrnarucus sfd i have nt time when asked do any- more water please said the minister j thing for anytootty is an excuse i deteat i havent time u ah excuse that is worn u his aaslstant it isnt that t all really tv juit well he claimed that oermany had i guess its just too muh meatl tooaunued on pegs sevan not ootlon was king of a middecember fashion show held in new york suite dreasea both daytime and toi-mal- frocks play clothe and a bridal outfit were displayed all in cotton materials an evening areas is pictured here the frock is by eusabetn uawea and she called it uebestraum it is maje of sheer crinkled organdie printed ln floral stripes ln muted tones of rose and blue the dress is ln princess stviing wlh a wide flared klrt andlow out back deed- lctage the upstaptug collar suggests that the petals of a half bljwn flower wellknown designers of new york and hollywood have included m their fthowini of c tton drvaes and suits cotton petucotu- and petcoacwolpa ot organdie cambric longcloth and even of percale sheeting cotton fabrics are numerous snd more than 170 cuta of representative favbrlca are tn the market rrlsrte h such fabrics include primitive print j mannish cottons decorative fabrics new j this season for women s wear formass trlpea tnternatjonal prlnta surf and sun fabrics stub weaves sheer cottons and ribs and corda j among the evening gowns shown were a frock or striped red navy and watt dotted swlss over a dust ruffle pauleoftt of white iongcioth an evening enaenble of green cotton upholstery isavua wttto penuan embrotdered yellow javetai gray coach lines coaches leave aotoff a 6 51 11 iih x m llll x 3 13 ajn pjn castbound am jj7 vm 9 a3 p m i 57 wutbound ta stsfih e ili pjn si a 5f3 pjn d x 7u pn 9m 11ju 9 ir3 thxoufh to loodbn aatin and hot baun e