mm vtfo thb acton preb prbs8 jboabdis jur7abt lt ffiljp attntt jfro prree psulafcaa keenr hhvut at law oetwts w suescwtioi hat yea ad4rs la rjtil fa wriftbiu will sat fc mw m mimh m htim ytt ua1i wt arc notifltd to cinccl wt msw um mtwrflwr vufcm um mvm emtlaat advektising ratcsoa iwllettlm and as la vsrlout column haadiagi auhoam trtrj pfacawtlm will b ukaa error th praa praai aecapti advtrtislag la hi oa tfie undtritandlaa that it will aot ba lufeu wr in any i4rtmitt pnbllthad aamail trtimflstnt li requester rataraad ta ttw pra iwu eelaaiba far itrwamlar um jeskz i entlrs coat i incn i aceatlc by the noted ttot bears ta thfe wboli space occupied by such idvrtlsmat felt 111 iuuiih7 the entire cost of encb advertuamtat i the noted error bear ta thfe who h advertlmmaflt g arlop dills kdltar telephones- edltorlal ana busimsb qre keeldeace a pml of mtmfebjil uimtit one of the most interesting and nformttlonfll- boovs published etch yesr is the annus report of municipal statistics it is issued by the bureau of municipal affairs under hon feric cross the com pilation for 1036 has just reached the free press desk and it is even more prized than its predeces sors which seemed to contain all the information that could be desired it contains less than one hun dred patges but everyjpage is filled with information cities towns villages and townships are grouped according to population por instance group a of villages are suburban and directly adjoining a city there are three group b villages that have popula tions of over 2000 in the group c are village of frarn 750 to 2000 and it is interesting to note that acton is the latest in this group with an assessed population of 1033 incidentally actons population is larger than that of 33 municipalities that are listed as towns as an example of the information obtainable from the books we will give the figures quoted for acton assessed population 1903 acreage 304 persons per acre 5 1 land assessment 120060 assessment per acre 330 buildings 612140 business 72178 total assessment 814278 per capita 400 assess ment for public school purposes 820678 tax levy figures for acton are for current ex penditures 16200 dcht charges j 0382 schools 11670 local improvement 2728 other amounts 351 a total of 41421 or 2078 per capita tax collections are listed at 00 4 per cent of the 1036 levy collected amount of current and arrears collected 42517 or 102 6 per cent of the 1036 levy tax arrears are listed at 7580 or 3 80 per capita nnd 18 3 per cent of the 1036 levy under the heading of debenture debt these figures are found general 11 014 public school 21 110 local improvements 10223 total 43247 or 21 70 per capita and 5 3 per cent of the assessed valua tion waterworks debenture debt is 06678 and other revenue debt is 2056 a total of 97734 or 4004 per capita total debt is 140981 or 70 74 per capita and 17 3 per cent of the assessed valua tion actons share of the county debt is 15 880 a current deficit of 1 396 was shown figures similar to these are obtainable in this book concerning every municipality in the provinc- of ontario they are the figures for 1036 in com panson with the figures of other centres those for acton compare most favorably it will readily bf seen why this book is valued each ear ns a reference volume another direct hit we dont for a minute suppose that it will make any difference if our voice is raised in the storm of objection against the increased radio fees but it will at least give an opportunity for getting rid of the pent up feelings which the announcement stirred up the radio commission has always had the last word anyway and usually collected all it desired incidentally we favored the forming of the com mission but we certainly had no idea it would become such an expensive government taxing unit the fee of one dollar was plenty for a radio license and at 2 50 the figure is ridiculous in our dual capacity of editor and justice of the peace wc have seen many brought into court and fined for not having secured the prescribed license and in man instances it was a stiame to take the money it is likewise a shame to charge these individuals 2 50 per year tor a lcense on the one hand we see arnved last week of the month governments handing out doles in the form of relief and collecting fees that are forcing more and more people to let go that last thread of independence and accept relief the picture is not a pleasant one or bringing a solution any nearer we have no quarrel with the tax on each addi tional receiving set anyone who can afford more than one set can easily afford the extra fee but we do object to the radio or any other increased taxation that hits directly at pocketbooks that are already strained beyond all reason editorial notes all things eventually come the janunr th iw another side in another column wc are pleased to publish a reply from nord to our editorial comment of last those who prophesied a mild winter have appar ently been buried under the snow drifts thtir silence is notable just at present the condition of mill street has not been the source for any great pride during this winter as a main thoroughfare and highway it is surely due for a little more attention umranmnoo to twmrrual hsbda golden tet sonthy aim are for- gtven mark a b uman text mark a 113 time uay or hue ax 3sb place capernaum bxpoaltion i jeeui teaching the ignorant 1 jesus had letfc capernaum and the crowds that were gathering to him there to preach in the town lying near ch 1 3138 the excitement over hi mar vellous powers became so great that ho was forced to leave the cities for quieter and more substantial ministry in sparsely settled country dlitrlota ch 1 45 after a little he returned to capernaum quietly but the report went far and wide that he was at home the presence of jesus always draws a crowd v 13 l33 45 4 4rrluxe it 1 t1w crowd came portly from curiosity largely for healing but jesus gave them first that which was far more important than healing for their bodies he gave them the word for their perishing souls jesuaf could not see a crowd in a syna gogue on the street in the homo or at a social gathering without making known to them the jlteglvlng joyhiinglng word or ood here is a lesson for us much needed today he preached the word and that alone the apostles followed his example acta 0 4 8 26 h id 14 25 2 tim 4 2 jonah 3 2 ii jesus forgiving the sinner 35 jesus sermon was interrupted by a case of dire distress brought to him by four men whose faith and earnestness would not be stopped from getting into his very presence it required four men to set the one man to christ but it is worth the most persistent effort of four to bring one to christ and it often re quires it they brought tne man to jesus because there was no one else who could help and they were confident he could and would it took much persis tence and scheming and toll to get the man to jesus but they never gave up until he was at jesus feet less earn est men would have waited for a more favorable opportunity but they had no guarantee that there would ever be any opportunity again jesus could be reach ed now i provided they were earnest enough to overcome the difficulties and they wert nothing will make men so lament lu surmounting the difficulties lying between them and jesus as a scnt of their utter need of him and faith thai he can and will help it was necessary to crcau u disturb ance and to violate the conventionalities to get the man to jesus but earnest men care more for saving men than they do for preserving ic leslotlcnl order or dt corum they got the man to jesus in a viry irregular way but thty got him there he cami in irregulur but lit went out regular jesus was pleased with their irregularis and to tutu thur meeting disturbed for such a purpose he was not concerntd about deli t ring that wjean sm and which rtesaaniw pofjibv to us awwwblljhstsjit iv jfjua healing th nek 11 is jesus simply spoke tbs word l gov unto thee etc it was done taught way all were aimaed ales they were not converted matb 11 al the scribes were not even eonvtheed why not timber scaled in british columbia amounted to 2 539 billion board feet in the first ten months of 1937 a gain of 9 3 per cent over the corresponding period of the previous year the year 1937 seems to have been a pretty god one when ontario motorists could spend 70 mill en k resardinc relief since the editor is criticized for new cars and ontario drinkers could spend 5s tor his comments in this article it is only fair that j million for liquor hanover post we should meet that criticism in these columns first building permits issued by 58 cities in canada during the hrst eleven months of 1937 totalled o2 042 087 compared with 38 043 527 reported in the ptnod january notmber 1931 what ib a mjea8ube vfehiclet according to one bylaw of the otty of new torlc a iiearse is a pleasure vehicle the reason for this rather sur prising definition is that the purpose of the bylaw was to restrict the traffle on certain residential streets and to forbid heavy vehicles to use them it was then found that the lawmakers had forgot ten that deaths would occur rather than amend the bxrlaw which reserved the streets for pleasure vehicles the city fathers chose to widen the definition in the course of the inquiry into on tarios highway transportation now pro ceeding before mr justice ohevrler it has been alleged in on brief that on tarios highways were built primarily for the usboljilcaaure vehicles the makers of this statement while using it as the basis of an argument that commercial vehicles should pay the lions share of highway maintenance and construction carefully avoid the definition or their terms in common speooh the- terms pleasure vehicle and passenger automobile are in terchangeable but if an attempt were made to establish a difference between pleasure and commercial vehicles for purposes of taxation ontario s legisla tors would quickly nnd themselves en compassed with some difficult problems for example when a man drives his car to his office in the morning it probably is a commercial vehicle it certainly is commercial when he drives it to sell an order to a customer if he then drives to the golf course the same car becomes a pleasure vehicle if a farmer drives his family to town to see a movie and on the same trip takes a few bags of potatoes in the back seat to sell to a grocer is hla car a pleasure or a commercial vehicle if his wife drives to town on a shopping expedition how is the trip to be classified there were vehicles and roads in on tarlo long before there were either rail ways or automotive vehicles in thane days no one would have selrously argued that the sole purpose of the roads was to let the young bloods of the village take their girls for buggy rides roods then as well as now were for the general good of the community serving nil classe of the population orowth of motor truffle has mad necessary the construction of more roau and mure expensive roads and the con structlon and maintenance must be paid for it wtms tuir that a largi hliaxt u tthee charges should be met by ih motor vthlles and that thtlr thari or the coals hhould ix divided proportion au to thur ui or the mads but ll must also be remembered that the roads serve the bujers of goods as well as the tilers and transporters the main ten ance wbs should not be borne entirely by the motor vehicles the operation of the gasoline tax auto abotrvalatz in a certain fauodinf n vftmbttt alex la the proprietor of what la called tor lack of a better none the tuwosiand alex oomee of m race which 1 not popu lar to germany and against whleh thr u some decree of dkltke la jhe breasts of a few people elsewhere but this handicap has been overcome through servfettto the curtometat nothing is too much trouble for alex lie wul send out for a last saturdays montreal gazette and he will deliver a packet of players a the thirteenth floor four people are kept busy his sales volume might astound a ehalnetbre man he has told us how many bottles of city dairy chocolate milk he sells and he recently installed a larger cooler for the hundreds of bottle tr carbonated drinks with which he munt begin tsth business dsy a trio of moraij3 the story of the mjecoat of one tiny variety store suggests more than one moral pint la the thought that wheft the nonjew complains against jewish competition he is admitting that he lacks the energy and resourcefulness of a race which is in commerce throughout the world it might be that if an anglo- saxon owned this newsstand he would do fairly well sitting on a stool behind the counter alex has no room tor stool second is the thought that alex needs no studied public relations program be cause he is in contact with the only portion of the public which matters to his business uistly alex a energy cheerfulness and willingness to serve to promote his own business would be a cause of envy on the part of larger retailers who have been striving these many years to in still into their employees a similar en thusiasm this effort has met with only partial success because the employee so often to unable to aew that the reward wflf to as great as if he were tt aoto owner of the business the mated word thesmodeet package imaginable la the fellow wrappvd up in himself follow s to lu alltear brime thrill to golfuodtr blo skies relax on warm ssnds for a winter vocation or longer stay there is never a dull moment and living costs are very moderete choose your own roots fares apply director via the canadian rockies vancouver end vic toria to san francisco in one or both directions full information as to aoumo rat standard farc tourist fari coach fark j oa canadian national safety for valuables the carelessness fur a rental of j will think of other valuables icrc are many small things o larc value which should have the protection of a safety deposit box following is a par uallisrul limbics whuhtan ht kept safe from fire theft and itnt or rwo a iijv probably you vthtlh wc hac omitted sermons but saving men they got whui j motlcally divides the motor vehicles they sought and much more besides ii ana wlln ness the heavier vehicle uses more gasoline per mile and contrl butes more towards hlgha maintenance no other form of motor taxation liai yet been suggested thai is not an arbi trary method of allocating the costs the oshawa dally times uus because of their faith that jesus did uhat they sought their faith could be seen v 5 true faith can always be seen it materializes in works jos 2 18 their faith was very simple il uas not a metaphysical creed it was simply the absolute confidence that jesus could and would save their friend cf luke 1 50 a 46 18 41 42 of course that logically involves faith in the proper deity of christ but those men were not theoioglcans and if questions had been propounded to them about the deity of jesus and the trinity they would have been all at sea but they did believe in jeeus with all their hearts jesus for gave the man 4 sins before he healed his palsy the need of forgiveness was sorer and deeper than that of healing and sin i must be disposed of before sickness if ue would remove misery we must flrt weather certainly favored the operation of the arena this year local hotkey clubs have thus far not had to postpone a game sthedukd for the at ton arenu which is something of a record of 11 let us make it clear that we have every admira hon for the men ho are attemptinr to earn what ever is possible to meet expendnure not covered in relief allowances it s possbu too for he tditoi to realise the amount of wages does not allo for saving a greai deal we have a erv vivid recollection of boyhood days when father was an entree in the tanners and when the wage paid e not what they are to day and when the winter lav off was worse on manv occasions figures might be quoted pleasure- canada total trndt during the twcl and luxuries were few perhaps a skating carniva cndc1 october aggregated i m4 7 s8 x0 compared cn ay the same acta 13 38 kvi once in the winter and perchance a show in the to n wllh j 5 i 1 1 ooo tn he- same period of iwb im hall certain not an automobile with new license pori amountcd 0 74 2u7 kh compared with 110 plates the piture show regular beverage room ss u yenr ago patronage etc and then relief assistance judg j men was not passed without some invcviigation many herc who rlqualn wth mr nornlll nord is one of the ones who is making a real effort j lamhcrt w1 offer kunrrntulaton on hs ttproll a highbrow ta one whose learning ha outstripped mb intelligence vincent massey arecmenti dianei mrmci k arm and nvy papers diplomas m utjes auronphs dik unicnn nji irahzjix n pap horuli gems old mill en titates he rlimrm old lite binh important 1 etten patents baptism insurance v olities pa merit records marriage automubile phi lojtraphi charters casualty plans contracts fire promissory notes court decrees life etc stamp collection curios jewellery souvenirs deeds leases will designs lodge records bank of montreal established hit i kmnk u bm tmli sttmmu mrt tttumwu modern experienced banking service tbt qmtnmt if t2q ytmn smctmfmi qprini canada lour dirigible mat ld only no dimnanticd remove sin the rreateat defect uf i modern philanthropy is that it hints lo remove the effect without touching the i caue to deatro the fruit instead of rooting up the tree it sedu to save men who are sincursed b free baths und oup- kite hens this man i new lit j was forghcn because jesus had said a j he would hale no hesitation in joylulk i proclaiming to any one my alna are all months forgiven jesus aaa so ecry belle iii jesus silencing the oainsayer ti 10 as aiaa ao in lh slonal faultfinder a i uu a high rocleslas c logical profesbur matt scrlbea rre there lo iln iut the protr lini and 1 t rlbe e 13 2 11 1 something to ment to the senate he is a keen nnd successful business man and his experience will indeed be in acquisition to thatbod crltulxe i luke 6 17 john 16 1 and they found it the real secret of thtir hostlllt oa im i john u li mai k 15 10 more crllltlam or mkitiul preachers ot the word and sru its f ood arises from that source than am other the made a ver heat and ver common char tie against jesus hi blaphrnu i h john 10 33 mark m their rraminlntf was right up to to get along and perhaps it is unfair that being recipient of relief he a- in a general ay meludeel there are certainly two sides to the queumn nords letter gie man valuable points surel there is a common sround on whleh the r p an cleetrieal deiec designed to limit after ean be improed it is apparenth not favored b j speaking to ten minutes has been installed an one and what e said last week still stand- kent hngland it consists of a large faec with a m the inquiries regrding aeton s new mdustr uie protruding tongue which when the speaker begins crtm point no n but evxj run lor ones that wc eannot answer it would hownci i marts moving after eight minutes one of the eves m seem reasonable to expect that emplcnment to lit additional workers would improve conditions n acton or n other town the matter of who th new industry shall hire rs after all the concern of out quietly wthout embarrassment may such a cf a cluon j those in charge of that industry we know of no device become the ogue and thus eliminate the 17 10 n i t n then he gu longwinded speaker monotony it is doubtful though anocher proof h heal the panted if even such would effect political speakers smith i mm1 wuhe to know that falls recordnews nd tt jeau1 utu not ckid 11- blasphemer bui 1 jru is o d winks a warning and if the speaker overruns ten u u llw knbr ttrr thf minutes the apparatus throws rhe whole room into phemera jeau demonstrated u hi darkness giving listeners an opportunity to sneak rul arcmera thathe aa duinen had poer to tortile aim b reading thrtr arrangement that allows of protection for manu facturers in acton to the detriment of labor we doubt it existence ttaa son ot man hath power on earth to i furtive loa do he perform en eel i erectrd hi an eatlinrd ciit of 223000 and used otll once hen the r100 came to canada the dominion v only dtrtatble mooring maat the huge 300foot maat at st hubert airport montreal was topped by dynamite blaaa and acrtlene tor he prior to being sent 10 the scrap heap built v 1920 by the dominion govern ment the hug oaaat had been conaatered a haamrd 10 aeroplanes unduii at the airport and was ordered remoied al the lrtt la their a view of the huge black and yellow painted toaer before it was toppled by dynamite in uss uer right the mooring mast it showaae it toppled to the ground following the mam toe pbotograpti at the upper right shows a closeup view of the maat after it bad clashed into the snow