itsromtuy iim the acton free press rxamsmm wtibvmtmr vm rtoher ft than owmus that wealthy km or old i jnwynot the- uldas whole touh turn- d thlm to fold x count not my possessions in money or in land i in nftvte planes or armies that move at my command my wealth fs much more real than any of these things 7u quality la constant and lull enjoy ment brln i i never have to worn for fear it ulll not stay when other kind of rlchc take wings and fly away this wealth consists of friendships the the greatest gift on earth and as for other treasures none can compare for worth i they are my greatest assets these friendship true and tried i that stand life it strain and turrnall the storms of time and tide that man u poor and wretched who la not blessed with friends the only sort of riches on which real joy depend through poverty and sickness throush aorrow lota and pain the real friend never chanson from year to year the same h w barker the old man ofjfle twenty years ago from the issue of the free rreas at tlmraday febraary 7th 101s the january thaw was belated some where february seems to be aiming to outdo january in cold weather the mercury deaoended to 38 below sero on monday night there is such a shortage of coal in ontario that the government ha re leased regulations announcing- that february oth loth and lithr manufac turing plants shall not burn coal except as is essential to prevent injury to the plants and all amusement places will remain closed each monday until thrijd of march the size of your heart it un t the slae of your house so much t v ii ih i tthr and that matters so much at all the premises of the ourlph light and u eat oommtsslon suffered 3 sou dam- tut mxinih n t n heat oommtsslon ages from fire newfoundland papcrn arr demanding conscription in order to conserve thr cnnl the presbyterian methodist and baptist congregations will unit for services for n r f of your npftd ao m february and march during february that maketh it great or small the friends who come in the hour they go who out of your house depart will judge it not by the style you show its all in the size of vour heart the services will be held in thr metho dlst church and in march in the pre byterian born lambert at weuesle hospital sunday february 3rd 1018 to mi and mrs norman p lambert a son died on tt un t the wealth you found that ulll make you happy it it ho ymi touch i tile lives that arc all around fnr making money is not so hard 1 to live lire well is an art ho men love you how men regard is all in the sice of y our heart last week i gave you a screed on the ancient history of queen street this johkbton at her parents home lot took me to the old days of sixty or s3 second line eaqueslng on turado seventy years or more ago vary vlvldly- fabruary rlh iblft tattle isabel johh nnd j omenta and faces and ston daughter of the late charles b johnston aged 1 years p vwch 1 orgotten for years a the old o t r freight shed a corn b frame miwln with male roor 1s1b harold r rmshaw son of and wide platform on both fronts stood thomas rsmihiw formerly of arum teufen sidings nearly opposite the stock j 36 yards the building was used not only general utilized slats diary oliver n warren monday i ed to jane she arc the 1 ft only girl i ever admired cherlsht tt loved and etc after all a she rcplide yea after all you are the only feuoa that ever made me bleeve that ralrey tall jane la hard to put l oyer on t get away with same tuesday ma had pa warr his lulgs for re riving and shipping freight but pnrt of thr ipaer tn for storing grain the groin- buyers seventy years ago were b a e vnlcklln and oeorge c tolton thr nlculns had the low store houses which many will remember stood beside the sheet metal elevator all of buildings wpt burned down about three years ago oeorge tolton stored his grain at the freight shed or sent it 7 down to his mill at glen lawson which off bout s up to itnee a tryen to nnur n match a pc of drea ou 4 hen h of flneli reported it cant he done he aed win h onuiuwl to make sure no dudaii fine ne wanted toman u taeen the bujer a u h ould secure lt mn1 have a dresa like hi rn rn 1u wood nave a area 11 strlmpj o lookt re but he dlddent do nothm j about it supoa a ere a cled in omn tedent waa why down town u meet the farmem com inn wedneaday a cloat trend of the ditur wtuuiii in lth the idea of securing the gtaln ha been alok of a hlghlfevrr ihui a m na wim before their eumpetluirs gxjl a chan e at p aa the ed ur jw hi trend tern i peraeher now the edttur repkle ed he woikldent no he are ded i n mhct th joke i boul the hearufter or urn thin like lhat tliiirsdiiv i been a ijunkdi dtupl t inuraoay j was the reau t after thai the compel 1 mebb i think to mutch ennr how a thejs sum thing the matter of me 1 all most duslded u torch school when 1 gel big then 1 dlsslded not to happened to think that ml j me hu be old to be 1 of my pep1 suw walh on ftldv mebb q latent durn a i nt u tlilnk she on lenn ho at i uat to nunc he had the misfortune later to fall hlle tin turtle last night jake bed to el hla ma sajs he is a wit and etc ana hsi repllde a sed your mother are his right arm at the shoulder a aunt her or years aga- h passed away his brother edward who at that urn was a prosperous farmer n uu second line erin near otprlnge waa in partnership with oeorge for a number of years when ha was in the milling business here the nlckjlns sold their mill to john harvey mr benjamin nleklln died and edwajrd and his son albert went into the flour milling in ouelph the tolton mill was secured by freure bros btiv later the old mill was converted into a tannery which moses smith operated but the lively grain buying of those days fifty to sixty years ago was never again seen in acton df across the o t r tracks on queen street on wie o t r property blctr the east siding there stood in those days a whitewashed cottage which was occupied for years by william watsnn and his fine family mr watson una a employee of the a t r tor jears mr and mrs watson raised three fine dnughtera in this home they made many friends in their schoolgirl days and when they grew up to womanhood were much sought after by the young men of this and other communities who were sincere and anxious in their effort to secure them to grace the homes every respectable young man in those das i naturally intended to establish eliza j the eldest was won by sam mcljim they made a happy goodlooklng pair and their llvwi together have been happy all through sam was a carpenter sorv ed his time with tlck hamilton and finally took a position with the otr brldgebulldlng gang the new farall moved to sarnla isabella won jim wtthon a baker tor her husband the settled in luran and wero in business there for many years rachel the youngest tin the bcautl ful white hair is said to have been tlu most successful in the matter of securing a husband with inrgt means no one ever told me who he was but i under stand rachels home has also been n happy one she deserved it i recall a little incident in which i figured in mr watson s home some slxt years ago you know id the early das e had no matches such as those we use with such prodigal waste today some friends of mr watson hod been j tor onto and found that a sulphur match had been invented and was put on tht market he bought a few bundles and when he came to aclan gave william one of these bunches i happened tn l hut da and william pulled off one row of tn matches and gave them to me as a great curiosity and wonderful inven tlon the matches were in little blorxa about ai inch square they were spill doun about thrct fourtrii their length and easll spill oft in rows they were called telegraph matches the rapidly grew tn favor and it waa not lout before ererytoody in this section was disposing of th old- under box and steel and using telegraph matblie they were shorter and only about hnlf as thick f as the matches of today well in the course of time the girls having gone to homes or their own and the old folks having reached jipe old dge they were called to their long home and laid tenderly to rest among the poonje of the h unlet where they had lived as good neighbors and sincere friends eer since they came from the old home in good old ireland thats nil for this werk fc tjirntlt vaixey oil rr4huiction up crudi oil production in hit turner valley forty miles south of calgary alberta has increased from a dally flow of s 000 barrels carl in 1037 to the present potential output of betwetn 20 000 and 28 000 barrels dally which lias been reduced by proration to nbou 10 000 bnrrrss dally proration was in troduced early in september and llmlia the floa of producing wells tb about 35 per cent f capacity more than thirty uclls are now in production compared with onl four- irrthertnhe in036 nnd drilling is undi r way at twenty two more wells output of crude oil from turner vallej in 1031 averaged 3 840 barrtls a day drilling for oil and gas in turner val ii dates back to 1013 but no develop ments of importance occurred until late in 1924 when gas with a content of one imperial gnllon of naphtha per thousand ruble feet wan obtained in n well drilled in the upxr part or the umtslvlllt tie tuern then and 1030 more than 150 wells were drilled for naphtha in a large percentage of which commercul yields were builned in june 1030 i weli drllli d on the west flank toward the southern rnd of the field reached the top of t hi ptodilrll v e limestom horizon at a depth of 6 301 feet and obtained a rude nil teld of 850 barrels dnil at n d plh of 6 828 feet the success of this wtl lid to exti uv drilling in this portion of the field with results as noted above oil is now moving b tank car from calgary to reflnenien in moose jaw and hegina und as the available suppl in creases it will probably move still fartlur i asl to replace imported petroleum frank le- dad what do ou rill a man who drives a ear- dad tt all depends on horn close he comes to me my boy jlooks that matter toontlnued from pag 8u irresponsible monopolist natu of im personal corporations often as callous to its own shareholders as to its em ployees which govern ua against our will and unlike governments too often refuse to accept responsibilities for their own mistakes in his closing chapter he suggests that since or if these corpora tions cannot be adequately controlled by governments peril it us the best thing to do would be to amend tlie constitution nnd tfive thrni on n basis of responsibil ity the real powers of government they tell us tlwt business can do nl- most anything 1 government will only tit it alone the self appraisal mlghi in mod i ik d if we give tin m a few rial jobs w 1th dut it s instead of prl ik if s as n spnr pa 230 this w t f rnr w mild prove i ht pan anlnonini of cnpltalism but perhaps tne corporations might surprise us of course it would mean the junking of di morrncy and tlie adoption of italian fascism or corporatism with a ven giance but it might work but if the governments cannot now induce the corporations to accipt responsibilities as well aw privileges what chance is there hint the will accept the responsibilities if we really did turn the government over to them neerthelcns it does get to iht heart of things and is a must book for tlfwho want to understand the basic and ixilltlcnl problems on the n rth ami rlrau continent i this new amfrica 1 his n w amerltn is hardly an nrdtred iinoutit of tlu civilian const r vat ion corn but for the m mt part a compilation of com nit nls on the c c c of oltlrtra and men imploded rliap- plalns and teachers and extracts from camp ihwkpamrh int hiding a whole chapter of xn iiia wrltt n by enrolleest the value of lilt bo k is ill the fort that it does lmxirt tht spirit of tlu tnurpruu which canada would do well to emulate if instead of leaving our oung men bttweiu 18 and 25 to utter frustration we had recruited tin tn t ccally from tht families on rtliif suit them to camps for young nun only set them to work on schtnns of forest and soil con servallon building roads and trails through national and provincial kirks combined the4 valu iblt a tlvltlts with a compreht imlve edutullonnl program directed by first class educators we would have bten creating economic wealth and saving it for the future in stead of men i dissipating it in relief and above all t would have betn sav ing manhood and di vi loping a high plr4t of nnl jiotrlotlsm among youth insltiwl of t voting tht undcrstnndablt criticism that we were lndifterent to the japan sucduces move houm legitimate unlatlons of youth and what would it not have meant to tel in an effort to regulate the motion physical health of our young men f lurp industry the name office of j ln 32 i ut ja wlans shorter programs and lsai whn wy failed to develop a jytsce army cho of for specino w gupsiura sound econ- mut thmtfw prit9rmim mn ttc tt u till not too latb to do methmg lumg u afuf beforei the next war if there 1 time let r wun openito and mwliwll our political leaders saturate ihemselvtji in the spirit of this new amerlen a ediths i haven t the fact to sinn a man like that dorotliy no dear and jou haven t the face to make it mnti start nt ru like that either ou hqrltks home oftloe officials decided to fix a limit of three hours and a half with a flexible provision permitting up to four hours hi tht country and in small thi litres the proposal to extend from a week to to days the durntcn of a prngnim met with the approval of tbo i rodim rr the free press says sea surrenders tenyear secret of lyiisninir h plane petition was the result tlon was keener than ever in the eounv of time honetr old time friend oeurgr tuluin go i western fever disposed of his mill about i right it took all night till 8 thirty this a m on the wa to schoo for what elsy wd to soak in to jakes hed saturda i wuht the new deel or congrew or sum tuxtdle would pass a law that theys got to be a time in between when the ion grass gtoeo winter wind blocs this is a hollido but just the same x gotta arur up erly cleen the fumeaa 4ug thr slnders out to the ash ullr it tuff if v u al mr tor us purr labrrtng men yf picobac pipe tobacco for a mild cool smoke a 10 ytar old nnster was cleared up wlirn the sea nurrttiderrd wrwleagr it i british columbia alrwov airliner hkh crashed in a dense f g in 1928 carry uuf mvelt uev tilt- l deiau captain m lirrvold rf the wuug boat ztuembo la wh wn dtsplamng n if iht wrrtkugc whuh wiu bt ught to tht- surfocr bv lua net while a le fishing oil rrt townarnd woh hr la holding rv algnat floxf and a partially rotted para hutr burn ir covered mn u ilia the enplanes undrrcarrutgr are also hwtt that means a big saving in money for you lwft i think what this wen- 1 oil dcrf ul offer will mean in enjoyment through out tne whole year for yourtalfandyour fam ily magazines of your own choice and this newspaper packed with stories time ly articles helpful departments ana color- ful illustrations now is your chance group ft 14 tore lyr to lyr- antrtailhhhmhthjir cmmta mipzlh lyr rosas ga lyr- puhttlrmwcahw wumsnta lyr- bassrktsbiy la cslhirtlcalsrtis hsss manilsi lyr svnymbjibm ism stow sons- lyr osatasifsrlmilm assrksifnhrjfflmr lyr croup dnmwkfcisishlbo qtrsistey lyr- g passy mtpikh lyr nossillislwboy- if d asksi sty- lyr d to lyr- this offer fully guar- anteed ah renewals jwm be extended take your or 1 choice one magazine from group 1 and orw magazine frem group 2 and this newspaper offer no 1 three magazines from groupl and this newspaper muggs and skeeter