8aa 1 trriiu i the acton free press mdsttsm 8tyr rt vtae rmjnrt rmory the humblest of tuem all prjmilla holton i ii ituv vom wu drtvttff him mad homer roberts dmijstd at bt trudged dawn to the stars jean cowry tola to the bhlvcart ml r wtfuwiu ite war not hit handicap ko it tu the i hopelessness of hi own future at twan- 1 ty buried already in this small town he lacked the chance at any real tmreer instead ha would have to carry tha bur- dana of tha whole town on hi trtttt a his father had done until the load broke hit eptrtt having reached tha store homer glanced longingly at the rival grocery across the street rivera being a trant er here had atarted hla itore on a oaah basis it worked too if about time i topped gasing at the debit aide or my book seared of folks i am jwt a jean aald homer a jaw settled thu young man had nevr realised how muoh he cared tor jean until that last night they were together down cy tha lake gating at a natural tone face ithey had mcowid it long ago and often eaitie to itudy it strong profile hiafe the kind of man rd uka u be homer had told jean ealf-eon- troued and aoenir jean had amllad mat isnt every thing wwl thanf oettlng on with people around yuu eounta more she tugged at his arm ok homer it youd only let some u ui grandnaas that la tnslds of you out flhe had run awtftly away beforo he oould answer well in a month ho would be home again and she was going to be disappointed tn him homer was unloosing the cash ragu- ter when a sudden determination stop ped him short i will do ltt he spoke aloud well forget family custom weve got to be on a paying basis a few minutes later he had tacked up a nea lylattfered sign srmxotlv oaflh basis he turned to see mr rudgers bust ling in with her usual monday morning lut slir rattled it off quickly charge it and mind youre prompt homtr sure but say did you see thu hrr instinctive surprise on following ma pointed nnjtur changed to inligni- to i writ sflo si the yaa your fsiikr has tru cd us i iont vend mv ordn 11 that i the case she urn nut of the store and serosa the street bouncing into the cash store before homer oould speak he grinned ruefully real ising how her telephone would buss with the news su11 he never dreamed the town would take him so literally pot a week scarce ly a soul came or telephoned an order only mrs seals a widow who had just come to town gave dally orders ttiey a err small enough but ahe always paid no ahe replied on friday whrn homer was urging her to try some early vegetables not today 1 haven v the monr that doesnt matter homer flushed that sign wont work hero shcjeaned across the counter twill too if you 11 only be more friendly and less scarrd you can win he w aa too discouraged to go home that night but sat for a long time star- lng at the figures how many of ihtwe people hla fattier had befriended and this waa their gratitude he was eurlng dinially ahead of him until the outer hx r banged anc in brown ho owrd the bank anm tt hm homer you it iv uuk of the toi evn if yuu did hair to rlte cut jour omn ideas horn goes it ocne 1 guoaa i never dreamed of a bovx but look at theae debu i broan acorn led at the figures roberta dont vou cat late atth an adding machine otnt afford one cmn too obme gat the old one we dont use at the bank- and look here rve been through this its a hard pull but vou can do it a joke or two gets you more than steady alienee he arose heail3 wnaca your hobbyt homer shook hla head need one no matter if lit a rotten aa na nahing the muling machine itejprd aa did the admce about joking nevertheless in june on thr d tut day before jemii a re turn deapair conquered homer he locat ed up and atajled out to take mr beala some iolaaett ahe had refused to buy unhln- niteivd through the collage cverhansina- the taacfcwood road he stopped his motor to let the peace engulf him and auddenly he began to alng wh kl you leave grand opera a gu1 in oenuu oonrronted him im vtol ihelbj onlj counselor from the y v nmp here arent you the ator- keeper hotaer nodded and amlhsd at tne airl 9he ejed him coollv no doubt vou coultt bihtt u bruising all our nouy girls into this quiet flhe sighed well im about to make it worse we need a song leader tor sunday after noons ho paytout we n promise our at t atph good shoes pok totono and old oarrastly ntawj r d rachun arton you dont have to buy my votes here was a hobby all right jean oould play for tha singing tool flure he drawled finally ill come sundays we had planned to buy our stuff from you anyway laughed the girl homer was more silent than ever when he drove into mrs beala yard he haul ed the heavy sack down the cellar way while she expostulated vou ahouldnt but we do need them i hows the store going i hope you arent paying any attention to the silly gossip going around town homer assured mrs heals that he was not bothered by any neighborhood talk without giving her remark much thought the light of gratitude in her eyas liad taken away hla own blues june passed quickly enough with stock invoicing during the daya and hla aong practicing at night trade waa slowly returning even though he had begun to carry several of tha oustomera ao- oounta again ura brown had been giving homer her orders and they were big bast of all jean wu coming home the man who hung around tha store evenings kept teasing htm about that he had put them to work on hie shelves oettng ready for jeanl they chaf fed no sir junior rivers piped up hes getting ready for camp trade then he turned to the side door as his father appeared at the other itore en trance he was too lata come home junior barked mr rivera rivers still sore about your adding machine asked marsh hardy a regular frequenter of the store sure another interrupted my wife says homer hasnt got his growth yet but hes made some improvement on this place and ahe prefers to trade here oh uie truth is and homer knew that this comment held pith a 1a aone about the browns trading here spread inti word that the bank la going busted he is explained hardy dont believe a word of it homer exploded and to his utter amassment he realised that the men were listening alien live to hla remark he had notic ed more and more lately thl marked respect for his comments he had never dreamed that atich a almple job as his would call for so much atablliry and atrength not for worlds would he have talked about the source of it all when he had been down by the lake thinking his mind turned to other amalltown men bf history he remembered the humbleat of them all jesua he had come out of nasareui had he disliked the carpenter a trade at first fvrhaps surely he had conquered any dislike he might have had for it before going into hla greater ministry he wanted hie follower to do their utmost wherever they mlght be he never allowrd selfish am bition to apoll his aervloe it was more hla understanding of other uvea which had enabled him to perceive their needs homer realised more and more how im- imrtstnt that was having faith in friend ly fellowahlp why it made common living an adventure even his drat experience as camp aong leader was that jean had arrived in time to help out tne gtrla energy left him limp even so try the wnlatllrig farmer urged jean as ahe atruck the chords homer aent up a silent prayer to hla maker before he conquered hla panic berure tne end he sang well enough to leave shrieks of delight behind him jean mentioned his aucceas on their my home you ve changed homer im almoat afraid f u youre oure auch a man now you re quite a maid yourself jean whrn he finally went home homer waa at 111 thrilled by the warmth of their mutual understanding he looked up at the porch to sew joseph brown with tua father they both looked so subdued that homer sens ed a crut hope the bank hasn t burned dovnl he joked brown race darkened banks about i to go boated j what homer exclaimed blankly rivers has spread tha ida until now i the whole town believes him just this i week when special notes must be met people are likely to withdraw their aav- tne rivera has ma av right but whj aa neither man anawered the question homer remembered that rivers waa jealoua ot him of that ad ding machine mr robert was speaking old- fashioned friendliness can cure most scarea homer nodded aa he remem- bered the infantile paralysis panic which mr roberts had driven out just by re- storing the faith of each customer who came into the store in those daya everyone traded with roberta now homerraallawd his tarn hsd come to carry che burdens of the town on has back as on might carry a pounded sol dler from ko mans land into tha dua out of safety be wtnosd rivers must despise me he met hla fathers steady ing eyes above the droop of the banker shoulder ah7homer drawled that banks going to stay open tomorrows mon day and were starting bargains at the etore ha did not atay awake that night planning but he wae down to the store early enough to put up hla signs before anyone was stirring floap aalea for women rakes for tha menja round of sods pop for any who happened by in the evening homer was counting stock at the bank entrano when junior rivers rushed in whlttakera he groanad its peace ful here breakfast at borne is just jaw- jawpawlng j whats the trouble that adding maohlne no its be cause people like you and dad get sore homer could not forget those words or the hurt of the man who felt so alone as he hurried through his morning sales what he really did was to launch a cam paign of trust for the bank hla self- appointed task of lifting people from gossipy pessimism grew monotonous kb one thanked him or seemed to have a change of heart by noon he waa weakening at his ledger when he was irving to concentrate on figures rather than people his real inspiration came a rasping the small adding maohlne in his arms he strode over to rivers store flay dont you want to use this for monthly accounts dont need it myself before evening leaving a dumbfounded man homer roeparted feeling as hoarse as though he had given a apsecb at the white house folks cams in a body and homer dealt out the pop joseph browns always been square with us hasnt he ha wu saying busy eonsumlng free pop through the straws tha man agreed well yes joasph waa square ha had never failed yet ustwnlng tt them earry on tha conversation he had started homer wondered if all important actions look their beginnings from just such small groups aa this one of the men sat upright whats rivers toting your adding machine over here for homer said nothing but nodded to the newcomer and motioned him a place on i the stops the grocer however strode directly into the store where homer tol- i lowed him to the drak rivera apotr thanks he marched swiftly out as usual word had failed homer when he needed them moat he stood at the doorway scrau hlnff his head lb was going to be slow a farmer was eyeing young roberta qulxslrally oolng to make frlenda with him eh chip on uie old block hum- tr no more wiui aiild a week later when it wo clear that the bank would not full homer neltlior received nor expect ed a vote of thanlu he did know hu town better and he was powerfully ucaiy he admitted thnt much to jcun when they werr down by the lake roat- hiir but i am so proud of you ahe whla- pered with hrr head against hla shouldor he held her quietly hla eyes on the stars he had no illusions about the future now smalltown problems like this last one would all many of his daya only a steady hold on friendliness could keep him ahead of the despair and drudgery he must meet like his father before him he too would be carrying the town in the store ledger and in his own heart the cancer crusade fighting the great eaeurge knewhsdgea oawaalgn to 1 wilb wipe out lwaaa rear and negtse -by- j w 0 meoullough up d ph the doctor and the cancvr patient the visit to the doctor la a critical moment for tha cancer patient an early via it and a correct diagnosis is likely to save a life a lata visit and a correct diagnosis spells tragedy borne of the tytw ftf mmw i nlng tha hnhfcnra office are a lump in the breast or u hard unhealing sore of the tongue the patient may have persistent pain in the stomach in a long bona or blood from one of the orifices of the body he may have a pigmented mole white spots in the mouth or an unhealed sore on the up or finally he may not have a single sign of cancer and yet cancer may exist in him when a diagnosis of plain cancer t made by uie doctor there must be no hesitation as to the proper procedure it will not do to say to the patient oome back in a month in a suspect ed case of cancer there must be no delay in dlagnofltls procedures the case cancer or it la not cancer if cancer delay is dangerous borne cancers of the tongue nresst and uteres reach an incurable stage in a few weeks conse quently treatment cannot with safety be delayed come patients in apparent good health are found by the doctor to have advanc ed oanoer as long as the growth is well- nourished and does not interfere with any body function it may give no sign of its existence progressive loss of strength anaemia and loss of weight in persons of middle life may be the only symptoms of internal cancer such as that of the stomach often such cases are treated as pernicious anaemia no age is immune from cancer cancer in children la frequently overlooked until the condition is obvious ttieae marks must not be taken aa re flecting on the ability of the doctor borne errors are due to lack of experi ence must or made not from lack of i knowledire but rather becauae of lack of complete examination dlagnoala of dlacase la difficult and judgment fallac ious according u aa old an authority an hippocrates the family doctor has die beat opjxtr- itinlty of miltitf ur unrcr com in it uli dent hume 1 the real ouixmil i he lnunter the rxponrnt mid tin- i hlcf herald of dlaeaar prevrnuon mind ful of thla fact he should bo on llv alert for the earliest maiilfniiuttluiia or malignant disease no hncohraokmknt clerk my aalur 1a not what it should 1m employer but do you think vu could live on it u it were tin plywood jutiuicatloh kproductlon of plywood in canada and the united states has be prac tically doubled during tha past five years as a result or improvement in wood gluee and the consequent extension of tha uses of plywood testa of water- resistant gluee carried out at tho forest products laboratories of the department of mines and reenuroes at ottawa reveal that when sections of plywood assembled with auch adiiealvee were submerged in cold running water for fourteen hours there was no apparent deterioration of the bond by using thla wstsrrasutant bond plywood may be used for the con truotlon of walls houses railway freight cars concrete forms or any purpom necessitating exposure to atmospheric only it neeined more like a secret ad- vrnture at last jean was beside hpn he had friends he had most of all lho knowledge of that other smalltown man who had realised and revealed the way to moke life grow to be abundant and immortal fsfv delicious j sx pineapples 2 19c bananas cabbage 3 lbs golden yellow oa lovely green heads jk firm ripe for fauc per tb c oranges navels delicious sweet medium lance per dozen 25c condition for interior dseoratlon ro tary cut yellow blroh from eastern can ada and doiiglaa fir from british colum bia are two of the most popular ply- woods because of tlielr natural beauty unusual grain and the eaae with which they take commercial stain to obtain the thin strips of wood or piles a jog 1 strlpiied of its hark and soaked and steamed until it is softened it is then pnit into n machine like n turning lath and ant revolving sgslnst a long knife whue science la overcoming many of tho difficulties experienced in the use of plywoods in construction and other trades plywood is by no means a product of our modern age centuries ago in fact 1400 years before the christian era thin sheets of wood were used for decoration but how these veneern were held together remains a mystery mod em plywood is made by glueing to gether thin sheets or piles of wood with the grain or alternate piles ab right angle wood assembled in this manner is of nearly equal strength parallel to and across the grain of the outer piles this equalisation of strength permit the use of plywood for boxes end crates in place of the heavier atrlps of sawn wood resulting in reduction of weight and a savtng ofc transportation coats iiimiiiikjno ht bjtrnasu clokn to hciiool bv train frm plunder in northern ontario cornea this story of a hltchhlklns st bernard dou whkh berwne a regular passerikfi on the c n it train bolwiii flail d i ra mid 1 4 iteliie clifht nillen down the iiih- ihe bill it bernard huviiuf discover rd lliat ttchool car no j wtm tlnuiid at iji hrlnr mitdi- a luiblt of lukliiif tin train tl of klundrrn very day o that he mlkht join ihr hlldmi in hlr piny at rettfia why 1wt ti static alwuvn miitf llimjhur it can t talk heck the hydro thrift pisn dais ii lielow end seeder year self how eeiy it li fa own the elec tric rings youve slwsy wsnledt this sttrsrtlve plsn i every wnmani opportunity to good bye to kltrhen drudgery anil rook ing failures to atari enjoying a itremlnew life of liaiinr meal sml better living tmfay h thrift pian okesit easy to own an elaotrto rang ta cleaner cooler mora moderh you will bod it fast gookihoand thrittv to operate it anda cooking lailuraa giv ing you perfect rzsutrs very time it anturw better flavour because healthtul food values are retained it is sater it banishes drudoery talbots hardware reids electric symon hardware let hydro do the drudgery hydro thrift plan the hydra cesnmls- slan will tvafce an allew- snee el fls an every bs- tasuuan te he agojud n tnslallauen at tha atrvles r the east af the range a heastj deww rysseftt ww lattal a sunga with the balansw arranged an haay teres and payable en tha hydro areeont hpaoiar cfiraaus only lurlng tajiga campaign for bigger business- ad verise potatoes 5 new niiesue 1a ns for 1c tomatoes 21c hothouie delicious per tb carrots cucumbers lettuce etc sale carrolls limited cherries aylmer rd pitted g no 1 tl 29 natures best n i 4 ac red pwd cherry week aylti pi cherries 8 i in- ssc llbwtv bj cherries mi 10c jam win pii it j25c dallclovt viiug slli biscuits 2 25 old colony p oobc maple syrup u 23 cksttsu csnsdisa gcsmy caemsf cheese sprse v4 pw 16 e d s-i- abololl pure dams6n jam t 23 s mclarenta quits olives 2 6 bou 25 hawes lo oil foliili i 14c 83c lifebuoy csvwoik sosp c 7 c woodburvs 2 ca 15c ammonia ho- po- pi 5 c ivory soap 2 tmf- 19c ivory soap fl akis l rm jtc clovat li fncy pink salmon 2 15 corn flakes 2 15 siu ribbon chok tomatoes 219 mcconckk ltnmy ciomi sod biscuits 2 25 dwgsoe wirjswec ce vssi pineapple 10- kkuml pomrf jellies 2i mcui soup on pi 10c eil m4 blucbnit n t ti 11c carrolls limited mill street stobb closed wkunbbu afternoons free delivery phonb ib