sji as rhbactpn prbb prbs3 mtnuuuf rami imt mm artnti 3rt pm wtsuiw s atw u nammm aimajiaakajhjltl bus w eofewaha aseseeo swse w awabaala mntea eotlfttt4 advibttsino atsoa hllo ud la vartoii mlum kmdlm klv it lubllllj t cd k2is by the noll error brr to lh whol occni o luch lvrtlnt a arlot cllls tvllto tsxeniones- kdltoilal nd duiinr offlc fttildmr morja eneounraacnt for rt1ry a lower tax rate for the yer will come as welcome news to all ratepayers and council has done well to arrive at thia improved state it required several hours of calculating to reach the decision as most citizens are aware debenture payments this year are nearly 4000 less than last year and an even lower rate was hoped for relief and hospital bills have however been the highest in the municipalitys history a note on a loan for the cemetery board required payment this year and other items seemed to mount up until it appeared that even a one mill reduction would not be possible the mill saving is welcome and the prospects tor a decreasing rather than an increasing rate for the future are indeed encouraging the friendly station it has indeed been a matter of satisfaction to hear the many kindly comments on the performance of acton school pupils on the radio to all of the performers it was an entirely new experience and yet we learn that to listeners there appeared no in dication of nervousness some had heard the school children several times but after all the practice that had been necessary to secure good standing ut the festival it was a privilege indeed for many to hear what is being accomplished in school work in even the smaller communities station cfkb has indeed a friendly attitude to many of the smaller centres and this is the second broadcast which acton has been privileged to put over this station it is a broad policy that makes many warm friends for the station throughout the countryside we wonder sometimes if there isnt more of a truly canadian side to its work than there is n others which are supposed to represent canada and which its citizens largely maintain we have always found its officials most cordial and friendly especially mr locksley the musical director and mr boddington with whom perhaps we have had closer association and the radio audience of saturday night whom we have heard comment mentioned frequently that informal few minutes at the close when mr boddington allowed trie children to say hello over the radio the per formers were at ease at all times and we gather that in the minds of many cfrb is regarded as the friendly radio station and mr boddington the per- oniscation of that friendly spirit which makes folks quite at home even when performing before the urge radio audience that this station reaches equivocally to it own bailiwick where it ought to remain until it day of extinction canadian as whole are trying to- be ateady and not aoee a lot of these newfangled doctrines but often patience i sorely tried by the petty wrangling of politicians and the attention given to the things that matter only in a political campaign while prob lems of moment are left untackled the saskatche wan vote la a challenge it his to be proven that the voters did the right thing in turning down aberhart and his quack cures its no timo for playing politics but a time for leadership w are prfe we drove along a busy city street on saturday wiipntt for inmn limn iih werlrer behind a slow moving car equipped with an amplifying device the man at the microphone on the machine was drumming up a crowd to attend n fascist meeting re wa maujo to the police and a protest against their actions the outfit ambled down the street bellowing out its message and no one inter fered as long as we saw it in a country that is this week calling attention to the privileges that the signing of magna carta has given through over seven centuries all kinds of thought have freedom of expression all sorts of isms havo the right to lawful assembly and dis cussion of their pet theories in the british empire wo enjoy these rights secured bnck in i j is when king john unwillingly signed the great charter perhaps today we would term hisrergn one of the many isms but progress has been niude and in the british way the people make their own choice re garding their particular form of government vfe in canada can openly discuss our govern ments and have the power to overthrow them when it is considered advisablo by the majority such a privilege is not possible in the lands were fascism communism or naziism rules guard well the pri vileges we enjoy and make sure the change you would have is for the better making canada a better place in which to live and work a series of uuen from dkilnffulshed cuuduiwon viui problem alyecmnff th future welfare of canada baeelally wrutsn far oamuluui waaaly n assoelatlaii aa others see us the globe and mail had the following editorial comment to make on the occasion of the visit of weekly newspaper editors in toronto and incidental ly one of the editors of this great city daily accom panied the group all through the trip in northern ontario when a convention of weekly newspapers as sembles such as that held in toronto yesterday the city becomes aware of a public force which was un known not many years ago by getting together exchanging ideas and planning improvements pub ushers of weeklies throughout the country have established for themselves ah impoctajit and endur ing place within the realm of the fourth estate the development has led to political independence which supported by a high degree of editorial intelligence has made them a power tor good government and community leadership at the same time the close contact they are able to maintain with their readers enables them to interpret public opinion with mani fest accuracy collectively the weeklies picture canadian life more truly than any other medium it is acknowledged that the weekly paper is close ly read it is neighborly and friendly occupying a place in community life which is not othecwise filled the publishers for this reason have a serious re sponsibility in giving direction to thought that they are observing this so admirably must be gratify ing to the readers as well as themselves dear mr editor x hardly real that i am oampaumt to offer you suggestions ai to matters of poltoy however tn vlaw 4f vour daftntta taqwatrawogi a i wh might possibly be fruitful and that u that the proas at canada in it editorial polloy do something ooiutruouffl towards the welding of the provinces into a mnro closely knit deration tn enclosed dipping from the adltor- lal column or the windsor star dotbd july 9lst indicates to a certain extant the tendency of certain member of the press to foment a bitter feeling between different sections of the country and tn certain periods tills feeling has been very evident suggestions for tlw west tito kast will do morn limn imply tymiuithlse with tho weal in llu liillnrn hour of trouble fltm lk of the prntrtrn do lutl need u worry about whul the eat will do htup will bejjlyei the west this year just iu lutautnnre has been ren dered in other years of drought tttftkitchmvtui especially luu breil stricken ihbt mimuier 1 1037 ttvitr- mii luut hut frlxleu the miut until they ere worthiest evoti for feed in ikime iuith the farmem will lone eomplrtely even being out the ciut of ihelr ami the dlsiuler ltt imtru tlmn a local catastrophe it ji of national anient pir with an lmkverlihed west tho purchasing power of the prairies is curtailed nie cfcst will rally to tho old of the west oenerou contributions will be made from this part of the dominion to our neighbors in that part newspapers in the west are hoping national taftks attract visitofts from all over the world reservations fox accommodation dur ing the 1038 season already received at jasper national park alberta indicate that the fame of canadas national parks u vacation areas is known all over th4 world borne holiday seekers will come from such fardistant continents and countries as africa australia and india many from the british isles will visit the national parka during the coming sum mer others will come from bermnda ceylon cuba prance the hawaiian islands the netlierlanaa and new zea land while nearly every country of the globe will be represented in tho annual i trek to these great national playgrounds i the greatest tour lal invasion will be from 1 the united suitc ai thut nrtghbortiiif country is in a specially favorable poal- aon to enjoy the recreational areas of i cji ada the easy uccesstblllly of the nailmial pr its ut cuimdu arid the provision of cilent hotel arid bungalow ramp ar- commodutlun augmented by- well-equip- ontario may well be proud of its weekly papers motor clunpgrouna aru ir re- it is doubtful that a higher standard of service maintained anywhere editorial notes social credit theories arent believed by all the western provinces mr aberhart will soon be doubtfulhimself we found that going under ground or being on the air can both give a sort of sinking feeling we prefer ceping on the level no tine to play politics in a ront page editorial the other morning the globe and mail made the following comment on the saskatchewan election saskatchewans election results cannot be con sidered a tribute to federal government policies or even those of the provincial government they are a tribute to the canadianism of electors who stood sturdily between the rest of the country and the crackpot theories threatening national disunity the credit goes to the men and women who rose out of eighryears of bitter adversity to proclaim their faith in sound economic prinicplcs while gilded sophistry dangled munificence before theft eyes this from people half of whom have been on relief is a significant demonstration premier aberharts effort to capitalize their suf fering to his own glory received the contempt it deserved aberhartistn has boen kicked back un- and these are the times when most everyone longs for the dear old schooldays that always pro vided a long summer holtdmy and when we do reflect on the privileges we enjoy brought to our attention through magna carta week it does create a reeling of contentment doesnt it arrears of dog taxes in trafalgar are reported as 500000 imagine half a million surely this town ship that pays such a huge proportion of haltons taxes has not gone to the dogs as completely as these figures indicate haltons member of parliament mr hughes cleaver was credited by the minister of finance in sponsoring the governments new housing legisla tion the plan is working well in burlington where it has been tried out sponsible for the wldeipread popularity of the parka with one exception gla cier nutloruu park in erltish columbia all units of the national park system miy be reached by nil highway in addition nearly all the parks arc served euher directly or with the assistance of motor road connection by the canadian national or canadian pacific railway- one of the finest weeklies in ontario won high honor when the bowmanville statesman was award ed thetrophy for the best editorial page in any- weekly newspaper in ontario and quebec it was a well merit ted awrd for teorgc james is giving a service to his community in his fearless editorial comment that can only be helpful in the upbuilding of that district the boss daughter prof robert e rogers of the afassa- fhosetu insututc of technology who in trie spring of 1037 told his student that the secret of aucoau was to marry the boss daughter now admits that the for mula is not infallible it seemed all right in the spring of 39 but that fall something happened to disturb the status quo in the spring of 1929- when a young mans fancy light ly turned to thoughts of material ad vancement he oould feel that marriage with the boss daughter would insure his future even in 1090 he might feel reasonably sure that pap- inlaw would cooperate to keep him out of the bread line but thereafter the ambitious young man contemplating matrimony was properly wary of a gal with relatives there waa always the possibility as prof rogers now notca thai he might suddenly have to support them along with her the orphan girl with a hb became- the- preferred- ma trtmonlal rlaa other things being equal she probably has always been and always will be today the young man who mants to climb to the top would reflect long and earnestly before assuming the liability of an employer tlrtnerpmonhangtng over him like aword of damocles mould always be the haunting fear that the old gmt might die and the soninlaw in herit the business that would condemn httn for life uj flllmsj the government questionnaires report and statistical wan and wondering how to raise the money to pay his taaaahlcago dally news i and while we are on the auujwl wf would make this sugitenuon ui ihree or four ncwsjiuprrn in the prairie provinces it u tlint they be a little less malicious in their constant atuicks on the some of tho assaults made on on tario have been particularly bitter in fact a few day ago one mani toba paper had an editorial asking the east ta help the west and or the wry same day it had another editorial bitterly assaulting the east thats hardly cricket if you want a constructive policy i feel quite certain that a well thought out program which would tend towards closing the gaps between the various sections of the country would be most beneficial yours sincerely w r oaufbexju president ford motor oo of canada windsor ontario ytin into ltt mn of xil-wulrli- iiitf uvit it hot alulty nhivt uunt put up with it iiny lunger i timiuy cihkmm the modern tm- veiiicnl eleclrii miitfe youve ulwuys w unlii i youll find itmsy to own on the 1iydiio thrift pluu and think of the joy of cooking oils tut crai tltrijty electric wuy the euse of preparing varied delirious meals with perfect results every time i talbots hardware reids electric simon hardwarb let hydro do the drudgery for bigger business advertise pamwl quadruplets olrbratr twentythird birthday the famed keys quadruplets who visited the dionne i the four sisters are si tending baylor university and quintuplet two years ago recently celebrated their consented to pose for the photographer tn celebration af twentythird birthday at their home in hollls osua their blruida sailing to newfoundland in homemade craft after nine years of sdversity tn canada phillip ounond is sailing back to newfoundland in his crude but sturdy 31 foot boar lydla p a carpenter by trade osmond built he ltdla f from salvaged bits of wood and equipped it with an nglne he purchased fur ave j dollars accompanying him are his four children the adventurous party are shown as they headed out of the turunto harbor on the stsrt of their voyage hch they hope to complete in about is days k- 1 1 r