a v vu 4x2 jr- v i w l is ijjtw styfourth year no acton ontario thursday july 7th 1038 eight homeprint pgw five cent se seventyfifth anniversary reunion at bloomsbury k cmim attended mvi enjoyed 41m dy original cart t baudhw s5b new uchtenow iihtalled kvftwnoot hab- tubtrbat oakb r m swsjotrflfth anniversary lawfwil on dnrornlm day waa quite an mat it to asttmatad that i boo attend- jrtn tba day and enjoyed the ra- i inmanatty we have reoeived some iavraateta from a former pupil of the mhttd b hlhunal we believe he pots it u only a femur pupil could has eantht the spirit of reunton and ire ttv hl impressions tike a treat magnet wloh powerful drtwlns force number 0 bloomsbury ohool maaaataweya drew men and women bays and trie from all parts of the dominion and united states to celebrate ita aeventynrth anniversary with an old boys and ftirls teunlon on mday july let ib the mornlnc it seemed almost a eertamty the affair would have to be poaltmmed until a later date however the wea man looked down with pity trst eye and noted the wonderful ar- tanaanu and understood the hard warkh entailed and showed compassion lajsmve the old boys and btrla a break 1m tain eeamd and the weloome sun r4ftvt the clouds remlndlne one of the 4eft eonc theres a atlver lining i the dark cloud ahmhu etc whaaa dsllcntful thrill it save me to be bee ftin at he dear old school and have the pleasure of meeting ao many of ray oldtime friends shaking hands and havtnc a chat kept everybody present busy what mixed reelings must have raoaoj ttmmfli the mmds of young and old humor and pathos both had their share at eld mends smiled and tears rolled down their cheeks tha parade- was a wonderful attrac hon and sxceptlonauy good and each entry du he a lot of credit for the very attractive display in each class a mamiet to due the two boys hi the bran sacks imitating the mule the laushs they caused with young and old couldn t be estimated the races wan very good rt reminded tte writer so ranch of years gone by when he used to capture the red ribbon fsry year for asven or eight years steady at the school fairs but i was quit willing to stand back and let some one else do the naming so many humorous things happened which i am fotng to pass on a dear cad asjiiilsnan who had long whiskers and moustache told me confidentially he never dreamed i was a writer that if he lives to celebrate uhe next reunion at number a he la determined to get his whiskers off it seems there waa a prize for the mystery man on the grounds a chocolate bar had to be purchased from j a little theres always a cjuch nu t there and when a person thought they recognised ttietr man they had to ap preach him armed with the cnocolale bar not a crow bar and put turn under first communion of newlyconfirmed at s ajbans at a beautiful service at s 30 on sun day morning last the newtfconflrmed members received their first communion in the presence of a large congregation the girls wore their confirmation dresses end veils and at the conclusion of the service after the singing of olorta in excelsls they were all presented with their certificates of confirmation and first communion the rector briefly ad dressed them at the offertory welcoming them into the full communion of the fellowehlp and urged them to let lord s day past without being preeont in the lords house at the lords ser vice which he apoke of as the meeting place of earth and heaven he referred to tho mystery of the real presence of christ in the holy eucharist of the body and blood which are verily and indeed taken and received by tht faithful the very person and ufe of christ himself given to those who have identified them selves with the aacrlfloe the new communicants are robert ftootltt douglas smith joseph taylor oeorge taylor mrs ware mrs e clif ford mrs vanwyck mrs e rvjoutt beatrice taylor dorothy fvtolltt mar- aaret scrlven mary cutts marie bnm- elle irene fryer evelyn atkinson bea trice woods dora wood florence salt and alice gibbons two of the candidates who were oon- nrmed and received their first com munion on the same days had also been baptised as infants on the tame day n number of years ago july wedding of acton couple in toronto at a quiet and pretty wedding on friday afternoon at five o clock mis belle stephenson of acton became the bride of mr john bastcrbrook also of acton the weeding service ivas in kingsway united omirch and the offici ating mlnuter wu rev o w barker a former paitor of nfi tnghiunh in acton the bride was becomingly attired in a draw of flowered georgette in pastel colore with navy blue taffeta sash a picture hat of white baku with navy blue taffeta trimming and navy blue accessorlm mm j alan bull wu matron of honor she wore a whit tahiti cloth wit with navy trimming and large white stiffened straw hat with white accessories dr j alan bull of lornb scots in camp at niagaraonlake under lieut col a m pltcgerqld of orangevllle the lame soou regiment of peel dufferln and halton moved into camp at fort niagara on monday aome 3s0 officer and men making the trip in command of the unit vera lieut ool nthgerald ueutool louis keene oakvllle auoclate commander major r w lent brampton aecond in com- mand major brnaat oeraon brampton copt c t bharpe oakvllle major h a peacock milton and major e m wanabrough bhelboume company com mander the regiment will be in camp until the end or this week and will undergo train ing in u and antigas operations arms practice administration and signalling training will be directed by officers of the canadian permanent forces civic o flirts is of the three counties have beer weston was groomsman following the vuj to inspect the regiment in camp ceremony br bull entertained the wed lhr omccn ln command ding party at dinner at the old mill mr and mm easterbrook will be at i home to their friends at 80 grenadier i mr wm brackln submitted a sulk rood toronto until the fifteenth f f onb headed out in june and measur- september w 4h feet in length lakeside iode honor brides of the month tuesday evening the lakeside chapter of the lojjjb and friends honored two members mrs m j mkjelroy nee miss margaret ley whose marriage cook place recently and mus clara lants who will bjr married this month the gathering very suitably took the form of a picnic in the acton park evidencing the esteem in which these members are held and to convey their good wishes mrs mcblroy wss presented with a silver flower basket and silver water jug miss uuit was presented with a pyrex and silver casserole and a silver flower basket the tables were father mare elaborate than picnic tables and carried decora tkms of roses and centred with a decor ated wedding coke of course gomes nnd contests were a feature of the gather lug and a splendid social time enjoyed honoring the brides tills bt the reason my gentleman friend aald no more whiskers next time a pretty tlrl about twenty years of age railed up tb him and whispered you dear old soul i have a warrant for your arrest arroome with me the poor old man almost tost his beax- fnssl a warrant for my arreari rldlcu fcmal z hare been a quiet lawabiding oltlsen for almost eighty years and now you speak of arresting a harmless soul ttfcs me the pretty girl quickly ex plained the situation she whispered ln fell ear be a wood sport and confess you suw the mystery man i want to win the prtte its beauty please tell me true are you or are you not the wanted manr your awful long whiskers and walking cane make you look auaptelous i twsi sure you are just a young fellow lhwjlhswil mil acting a part the old genueman thought the episode bad cone far enough and confessed he attended the school way back m the avssnuss came all the way from the west and concluded rm as genuine as the paper on the wall my whiskers are real i need my cane to hold me up and in case any more like you come to bother anotaher humorcu item i overheard csuiaad quite a laugh n 111 put it on you poor- old soul i hardly knew you yon are eo thin i are you sure you gd ttf to eat the poor old boy al moat lost his balance as he answered his oldtame lady friend i feet hot too bad tout my woman atat much of a cook but lti ao use complaining now a period never to be forgotten was the oellghtful lunch r was one big happy family fiandwtches salmon cheese plekjs and every kind of lovely cake and auoh delightful coffee the flavor was dsmcsoua those helping to serve deserve a lot of credit the service was excep tionally tfood and carried out without any may the beautiful school cake tasted jimllj as food as it looked and that tx to be sdsesed at oqatlavad on pag five all the acton pupils pass the entrance exams thirteen were recommended twelve receive honor standing the results of the entrance examine lions in halton have been released this week and of the twenty six candidates of acton school etery one was success ful with twelve of the class securing honors thirteen of the pupils were re comemended on the wort of the year and thirteen wrote the examination st b the department oongratulatlons from friends and parents go to miss m z bennett the principal and her stall and the successful candidates with just one exception for over twenty years this record or one hundred per cent the following ium from the hartley suooeb has characterised the entrance staox will be perused with lntret by rr wooihiie to orseuve fiftieth anniversary dig plans have been mnde for the flf tleth anniversary of wooddde school 6 s mo 10 ekin to bo held next monday ut hie school grounds fiifnds from for find nenr will gather in re union and in response to the invitations that been sent out lhe program of sport commences at one o clock in the evening a jrond frarden party and concert is to be tho feature with russ cr t ah tun and his canadian mountaineers as the headline attraction it will be a grand gathering at woodslde on july 11th and friend will meet friend n re union we are told that everyone will be welcome and if an invitation wruin t reci ived the weloorm will be just as cordial because in the number sent out mime one was bound to be overlooked the vcnt are all on standard time acton wins again 74 from oakville pile up five rum in flrav innings oft lefty osborne v medermott held lamia better now in third place in the league gordon hm 10 strikeouts milton iibrf on 8aturdat bloomsbury school nassagaweya where lhr scvrnty fifth anniversary was ofeaerved on dominion day with big crowds and pine outlnn two smashes dominion day on same corner young and queen street corner in acton scene of two accident mr and mi john agnews golden wedding pskss readers and all of us join in wish tug for this couple many more happy years together monday of this week mr and mrs john j agnew celebrated their gulden wedding married on june 27lh 16b8 by rev septimus jones they lived at acton commendation dora wood rono ontsvrto until 1903 when the urge to br o ida msrjaiie nelson oiga d rl inez i come west caused the family to come to margaret manitoba settling at argue where farm examinations at acton to dora wood goes the homoc of taking the hlghesj standing of any of the pupils of acton school the following is the list of candidates who were successful pasjied fttth honors on teachers re molscllan evelyn atkinson samervtlrr dora hansen tom atkinson passed on recommendation alice glbblns oeorge taylor john mohugh alice russell honors on written examination sam uel brunelle kenneth hasaard glad a mcallan passed on written examination chaa allen loma dunn sydney fields ken neth fryer evelyn kentner margaret laby mary marao florence salt har old simpson kathleen weadge pupils of neighboring schools who a rote at acton and were successful o dorene aklns rhea burgees mabel burkholder dorothy johnson wyznan little hoisorarlayai mccutcneon cejvtn mclntyre isabelle mcleod eva ritchie we regret htat ae are unable to pub lish a list of the pupils from the neigh boring rural schools who acre passed on teachers recommendations but we hope i to be able to publish thear names later lng was followed until mr agnew sot a position ln the cnr shops at trans cona about six years ao he retired and since then mr and mrs agnew havr resided in hartney mrs agnea formerly mary e conner was born at stouftvlue ontario for number of years she was active ln salva hon army work and when married had reached the rank of captain during her residence ln acton she took an active part ln sunday school work teaching a class of high school glrla mr agnew was born at acton for sixteen years he managed a department in the storey glove factory in his carl jeers be was interested in lacrosse and baseball he celebrated his mth birth da on april ujth last over 100 friends called at their honu on east roila ay street on monday alter ixon the rooms were tastefully decor uted lth beautiful blooms te gifts of mr and mrs c ingram mr and mrs w b mulr mr and mrs a 3 bjam son and misses ellzbeth and grace juckson mrs r c jackson received the gurats at the door briet sefion of council in naagaa e a asslstlrjg at srrvlng aere mrs bjorn son miss alberta turnbull and mlaii niwsagaveya tnwnshlp council met on- aracr jakm3n a arddln jul 4th members all present the reeve beauufuu decorated b mrs in prtrfdln centred the table the glfta in minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the correspondence deejt alth the following accounts were then ordered paid road superintendents vouchers tl 610 42 relief officers vouchers 7 11 miscellaneous accounts 3s s4 council then adjourned to meet on august 2nd at 7 90 p jn united s s picnic at edgcwood park a glorious hummer ttflrrnoon and mothers and dads aunt nellim and uncle dicks nnd of course all tht children uccepted the invitation and participated ln the united sunday school picnic at edgewoori park yesterday afternoon swimming games races and contests made a live ly bfurnoan for all the following win the prize winners olrls under 5 jam elliott christina laumb barbara vincent olrls 5 and 6 muriel burns h other boyd josephine prior boys 7 and 8 years laoxne simpson freddie kentner james dills olrls 7 and 8 years shirley elliott joyce lamb josephine boyd boys 9 iind 10 retnrte spires clay ton fryer earl carnrlte olrls 9 and 10 may nlcol kathleen loutltt shlrlc kentner boys 11 and 12 david dills donald evans gerald carnrlte girls u and 12 betty ymooney bea trice lambert lots fryer boys 13 14 and 15 lronsrd lambert harold simpson girls 13 14 and 15- wlnnlfred daw kins lois dawklns young laodles ovr 15 wlnnlfred daw kins marlon nlcol i 100 yard dash leonard lambert i david dills discus throwing giru huztl wilson discus throwing boys mr irigles the acton nine won an important came from oakvllle last night impor- uint for both teams since s win meant lor oakvllle being tied with million for first place and a win for acton made third plnrf by a close mnrgln actons five run had in the first innings was the on thing thnt decided the battle on lb ml lli siurbd off tht first for oak villi with n hit to short and wan safe wilson followed with one to second but morkry nnd carter both breesed out it looked bnd wihji post wnlkrvl to load the baser but d wlbum filed out u right field guthrie drew n walk in actons half bus morum bunted a lutft one and bill waterhuuse ditto and the bases were loaded an overthrow ut third scored ou lhr i and morton and norm mortons have l bagger bniught in the other rin i ner williams single scored norm mor ion andcrmm f mined crlpus hit one to the roce track for two baen and wiiilamh ninimd home from first that one sent osborne to tlxi showers five runs and one out mddrrmott uk over pluchlng duties mooney and oordon i were thrown on on hits to shortstop an error by bus morton left lyons safe on first and hti stole the second sack mcdirmotl hit nuft and i von nc red gulbrulth biinul nnd won saf but ii wilson hit into a doubli play mihik to n morton gilthrl wita out on tils hit to second bus mortons hit whs fielded by the pit i ther waurhousc m id a file lhrre base clout but norm morum whiffed in ttu uilrd mar key 5 fly wiut knthi red in by witu rhouae but curlrr n hlh i ne uiis lost in tin nun by crlppn and went for three basis pont breeaed out mid d wilson was hit on the arm lyons alno fanned wllllum filed cut ti irfl field in the i actmi half anderson a hit was gathered in at second and crtpps filed to left field hillmer walked and suile second in the fourth medermott was out on hi hit to the pitcher but hillmer went to third oalbralth tanned and then acton ave tho visitors a tally when they threw the ball around and hillmer came in from third h wilson filed out to water house in acton s fourth mooney filed out and gordon fanned outhries hit past first went for two bases and bus morton walked waterhouse fouled out markcy fanned in the fifth and carter filed out to crtpps post walked and d wilson fouled out to bobby anderson norm morton fouled out to oalbralth i masters wet pavements and a speed that was too high involved four cars in accidents ut young and queen streets on domin ion day morning occupants eecaped a i thou t serious injury in any or the crashes although mrs klenen oshawa was thrown with such force that her tiead shattered the windshield of the cur tlu flint mishap occurred about nine o clock william j woodward of bow manvltle was driving west leonard howe of guclph was eastbound the woodwurd car tl appears struck head on the aid of tlu howe machine and was not seriously damaged the car driven by howe had repairs required es tlmated at lloo about on hour or ao later george w klenen of oshawa westbound was in volved in a collision with a cor driven by dr j h butemon of oeorgetown who was returning to georgetown from guclph the oshawa car hit headon the left side of dr batcmon s cur the front of the oshawa car was smashed but the bumper took a lot of the force of the impact dr batemana car was more seriously damaged with the front axle bent and the body and front damaged j second and carter walked post walked mrs klcneji suffered a cut knee and tn 1mj i 77 was stunned when her bead shattered the windshield mrs bateman susualned knox picnic to stanley park at erin yesterday it was ideal for a plenlo and the scholars and teachers of knox mmday school suontf with s number of members of the congregation and friends had an ideal time at the park ln erin it has been some time since they visited this park and everyone was de- lie h ted st the new f s ell 1 ties that were available there the needs of an ages are provided for you have boating both motor and row boat and all the swim ming you like and if you want to sit to i he shade a magnificent grove of maples nre ready to take you ln and then if you are of the strenuous nature a good ball grounds nnd nil kinds of amusement that yoti have to operate for yourself unless you are riding on a donkey and even then there is a lot of hard work a splendid picnic and a delightful lunch made an ideal afternoon for everyone and some even stayed later for the dance hall almost a bell room and gave an exhibition of old time doftblng so ended a viry enjoyable and strenous day and another picnic was over snd history wss made the following marked the sporting events htrslgm races boys up to 6 years ronald ryder prank le spelvogel olrls up to a helen johnston dnnnn anderson boys 7 b jimmie splelvogel memurn blow girls 7e betty masters margaret anderson buys 0 10 jock kentner bobby flood glrla 0 10 thelins lappln elinor ftou bovs 11 u jack bruce lloyd robln- im n girl i u margaret somervllle i lies mrcrllan boys 13 14 jack kentner donald ross girls 13 14- violet weaver gladys molelun boys unrr fl jack kentner harold robertson glrla under 1 margaret somervide violet weaver boys over 1 oordon billon kenneth blow olrls oftrjjtmtttuvrawson audrey chalmers fancy it teachers race margaret brown audrey chalmers managers and session oeorge somer vllle ujuu brownlow shoe race margaret mcphall ines mclellan tinv race victor masters ruth race mrs homer jack on injured hand other occupants were not injured beyond a bad shaking up the oshawa car was able to proceed on lti journey after the one fender was bent back from the wheel chief mcpheraon of acton investigated williams drove a nice one through i second nnd andersons hit to third was iafc williams advancing to third an uerson stole second crlppn funned mooney s hit to second scoring the two runs oordon fanned in the sixth lyons bunted and stole second hillmer funned medermott and oalbralth both did the same in acton s half guthrie hit to first and was out but bus morton was safe on one to shortstop norm morton hit into s double play oalbralth to port to carter oordon who had been going great weakened a bit in the saventh h wu at c falnlm cent on annrt markey hit a nlc one owr a- m ppus ar en- titled to a free baircut or share at any to load the bases d wilson walked to tln a n ad obtained a bring in a run lyon hit and carter was check ltom tas f out when forced off third in the muddle bd married ladles vllle mm splelvogel threa- legged race margaret mcphall and inez mclellan eddie russell and vic masters throwing buseball vic masters kentner null driving mrs splelvogel mrs dessu result and mrs fred denny prunut scumble everybody cebtain bisks rural hydro interrupted by broken pole service to users of rural hydro east of acton was interrupted on sunday as the ne type balloon race mrs fred mt of a pole being broken by an un eluded a bouquet of rosea from mr agnew many dishes from friends purse of money from the family framed mottoes and boxes of candy both mr and mrs agnew are in good health they have two children living robert j agnew of vancouver and mrs r c jackson of hartney there arc four gxmndchlldrlrn kentner mr i harts teacher tuid officers shoe dr cullih balloon race girls or 12 lois daw kins s miming race girls marjory kel sin wlnnlfred dun kins s mirtlng race bo faldney fields t r- lamb finding the mysterj lan and the mystery woman made a lot of inquiry and a lot of fun also and all the games made hearty appetites but e en these hillmer filed out to mooney and the ball game was over the league standing is p w l milton b 0 3 osvkvllle 8 6 3 acton 8 4 4 georgetown 9 4 3 hespelcr 8 3 8 i milton ore the rivals in the park here on saturday and it will be a tussle a loss for the county tbwneri will tumble them out of first place and a win for acton will roll them pretty close to the top you can bet both teams aul be why he asked an older pupil do you need a check before you go into the barbers room thats easy amid the other scorn fully its ao that theyll know you when you come out rrport automobile aocldmt tu crash i to f lhclr bum rav- occurr same time alr mldnuht or j i to tot coming events t dcnll 1 sffsmaatga ofl crt uf other ttraii uadsr this hsdlsg chstgcd i ctali pr lis with stiniabuai charge iw tar inoui ceatest of jgc its an sac acre appeased when the picnic lunch scene of the crash was spread justice ass done and happy the line carries 13 000 volts and sup- end satisfied the evening found super- piles oeorgetown with power a new lntendent a t brown and his workers pole was put in on sunday forumate- wtth everyone home again without mis- 1 the wires were not broken in the hap i crash one in acton until the 20th so if you saturday and the- broken pole was op- t 3 n n to the topnotcher poslte mr r n browns farm just on t a urday in acton the outskirts of acton the marks indicate that the car went across the ditch and the pole as sphn- twelve cars are tered b the impact of the body of the derailed on cpr car the pole was snapped off at the base further marks show the course of the car as it came up the bank and barely missed a second pole before rej gaining the highway and leaving the near milton twelve cpr freight cars aere de ailed early yesterday near mlhon and knox vwa lawn social a mr and mrs alex manns york house thurs day july 14th st 8 so p m admission isc woodside fiftieth anniversary on monday an afternoon of vport a grand evening program with russ creightbn and his canadian mountaineers come every body a roup 4 of the duke of orvunshlre although no one was injured and the chapter i ode are holduig a derailed cars remained upright cjr tea at hill hall the home of mrs peter officials were forced to reroute trains a smith on tuesday sxternoon july nos 30 and 31 via ouelph junction and hamilton a delay of 30 minutes ln each case resulted lath from 3 30 to 7 00 pjn lucky gale prise and ireverml varied attractloos lerybody welcome ife itr i