wrjhbdjiy xoawr 4u 10m the actonfreepress -ram- uuuuuuutummumuuu qjijr jffro 100 ldrt tnry the order of the crimsdn canine hobhtcta tknlfih 0 1carxlyk keefe the prmlu of her fattims friends which iha overheard inadvertently carried an irony that was uu3e abort of bitter- new the group or elderly gentlemen were on the ttrrooe resunff from their afternoon or ffolf tho voice founded as distinct to her as thouah she had bean down there beside them tho man wen going over the afternoon game holo by hole after the fashion of golfers the world over 1 rter putt at the ninth was what gavo her her start this afternoon that was spectacular that was tho hick of the irish said keefe her rather ho always sold that when he wanted to keep from boasting about marilyn she plays a mans game sold the grave voice or mr weaver what man countered the judge most ot ub men are trying to play her game and she beats us all a little laughter followed she thinks of the other person said mr weaver she was as concerned about me when i got in the rough as if id had a chance to win she mode a poor shot on pur pose just to keep me company and just as natural about it as a child hes such a happy little thing sold the doctor best disposition i ever saw always the same always cheerful as a robin shell moke some lucky fellow happy some day at this point marilyn arose and shut the window when she sat down she did not resume her occupation of press ing finger waves into her black hair her hands fell limply into her lap and she sat looking into her mirrored blue eyes with an expression of pain all unwit tingly her fathers friends hod rubbed salt lntb raw wounds talking of some lucky fellow when the young men let her alone as though she were poison ivy praising her for that childish candor which se disliked above all else strange an it seemed the very virtues that endeared her to the older men separated her widely from tho younger ones she could make a polite answer or a considerate answer but the retorts of the younger set the bold gay witty answer was a language she could not learn she even discovered that her good golf game which she had polished by doggedly sticking to it in all weathers was a sort of social suicide to her the- young fellows disliked to have her beat them as much as tho older ones liked it when she did have a chance to play with young men it seemed that slu could not throw u triune awj she could use a brassic nhe could flounder in ever hazard on the course und still she would win the next daj at church ttimc things kept going through tier mind she wished she were reiul on thi lnsldi of the group nn other ynuiui peoplt seemwl to be after chuixli jerr wloknam came up to apeuk to marilyn jim personified that which aim niont admired lit wua the heart of the crowd now as he approached her with clettn itenrss a thrill of cxclicnunt stirred marilyn cxwid he tx going u inviu her somewhere could he be going to ask her for a date at lost through the crowded vestibule he reached tin spot where marilyn sumki with her father after greeting him mr keefe turned aside to talk u somebody jerrj smiled down at 1urllyu he was a full head taller than slit he was not handsome but lu hud a pleasant fice a kind mouth and guldbrtwii eves that twinkled when hi smiled he made a few commrnonplact remarks then lit said 1 want to ask you oomcthliik marilyn felt her lieurt jump liapplb a faint flush of pleasure colored her cheeks sim tried not to look too eager it would be just like iter to let him know how pleased she was this uiu one of the times a gtr should use a light touch end she realized with dlsma that slu could not rjiakc u runny remark if her life depended an it i w been thinking m would lx tht ver one ut need yr our prunur cuisa down at lied dok wi i had tivuut grttutk unvom d j tulabu kwh iiuwa tht bli ahow up unit stum tutu tlu don t and wlun the in uu halt tin tlmvjllie ihtii pnpttttil and tht ik gliuirns ait muii dt vr lit tit nutuits bright lot ilw dtatrt uu btwt will wu uki tht ua fcuiulm fiklhntj be- gliui down tin u at tiihrt i willie jrm wiu sktuuig tlit color slouh draincti out of tin jtirl s tiux lit did not want her for herwr at ill just somebody u utuji m ilie nilv mi bun co tochool disappoint rm nt our hum d tier she tniutrrrrt all her st if con trol to keep he expression from i hang ing and her voice from iiuavrrtntf h anawtrvd ateodlh i don t txuew i care to nice of you to ak tlunk u orjr nvomrtifiidtxl jiir good shoes rob young and old b a eachun actim with his crinkly grin no is a word that isnt in my bright lexicon i as sume that you need time to think it over marilyn had very little to say on the way home she sold to herself that she hod no idea of teaching at red dog after dinner she felt restless she tried to read but could not become in terested she wished that somebody would come or that the telephone would ring she sat down at her desk to write a letter but sat staring out the window she wan bothered by the thought chat perhaps she should go to bed dag sup pose they were counting an her sup pose tho little ones had no teacher that day she had been through rod dog a mining settlement of pointless shacks and treeless streets a forlorn spot to have to live in 1 guess ill go for a rldo dad sold marilyn suddenly without looking up from his mngaslne keefe murmured that it was all right the girl did not head her car at once for red dog she did not yet admit that she was going ere she did not want to please jerry wlckham who would not take no for an answer she took the road for the country club the country was lovely in the languor of august over the green fields and hills hung a faint veil of blue which gave the landscape a look of peace marilyn turn ed the roadster abruptly at a crossroads and a little later came out at red dog she had no difficulty in locating the sunday school at the end of a straggly street at the top of a knob stood the public school building and on its little porch children were gathering the ntreet was a sort of double affair an if one road had been used until tht rub were too deep and then another hud been made both had deep wheel tracks now marilyn drove carefully to tht echool apparently only the children hod ar rived for the doors were shut chil dren of various colors and shades and nearly all ages up to about fifteen stood about most of them at a llttlt distance whispering and smiling it was evident that they guessed that she was to be a new teacher the tiling that most im pressed marilyn was uie cleonllnfbs of ttie children some of them were wear ing odd looking garments but all were clean another car came laboring up tlu hill rattling with iimmu tin und giving off ataccau bung from ita exhaust it mode u jerk stop benlde marilyn sleek road ter and out piled al of tin young folk uf tlu church who lulled marilyn like a comrade clost quartern in that rolls- rough n marked one oh said marilyn oontrluh why dldn t i aik somebod to come with me i in ver ttuiutchi but then i dldn t know i wa coming myself until i got here 1 knew j cm wen coming stated jirr cooll 1 lilurd you wtre going to join the red dog crew suld one of tlu girls tlie order of tin ciinuuin conine amended jerry with u joyous laugh 1 dub tlu knlglu said u boj and tapped her shoulder with u roll of sun- l din facliool pupers you art now ont of the red dog kiughtp days correctrdatiother girl wt don l come at nlgflt that makes 11 dog duvu that won t do ihimt one laughed it wuh all er joll marilyn it it that iht uus oik of thia group at last with out rvcwrtuuuna it put her in a mood of blceued huppuiefia tluit boded well for hm succeed of her class ai aln had supposed jerry was tlie upertnlindct hi conducted the open- lug exercises and after that marilyn look iur prlmnr claa uiu a dlflertiil j room iiht ted ultnl in slnguig one or two beginners songs tiiut she reniem bervd and reud and explained uie pic ture story on tht r itaflets but long betn tlnu lor dlsnikuuil the un tots were reatless a few of the nion t id- peraiiallliee ttood out among them ein on this first tia one wius n uttw rosebud girl wlii brown ruigletn ull orr litr licud out ua ii lltlu blond bo wiiosk sober tuci m up wltii uitelhgruca when marilyn talked alugrtlier tlinx were clteu und bj their wudt ring attention tlu new teat her suapected uiat not all of them understood english well she need- id sonuuuilgfor thea- hauds to do but tht x w u no equipment ol at kind tjie tried to tell them about a sandbox and wthout an idea what such equipment might cost promised them one tor th next sunda when the school wim disndssed mart ini jonud tli other uat hers on the porch just a uunuu folks till 1 toek up sakl jer rvoclung up to put the big padlock ui it hasp tu maxlbn he said dtd you mean that about one of us going in your car i hope you dkt interrupted another boy 1 held that bis bum on m lap till i was paralysed maruyn was oppressed by the old in- sbtuty to say something ofcrvsr sbsi said simply of course x did and x hops sotnehody will go back with ma well be on our way then sold the driver or the oilier car ail aboard thats going aboard i give us a shore jerry a faint trembling of wtelteraent stirred marilyn when she saw that jerry was to be the one to ride with her the other five plied merrily into the old car jerry shoved it and it started its rickety journey down the rough hill jerry turned toward her and to the girls surprise he seemed bsshful are jou sure its all right with you he asked marilyn tried to think of something to put him at his eano will you drive she asked will i laughed jerry enthusiastic ally hi opened the door for marilyn and going u round the car stepped over the other door and into the drivers sent ive dreamed of driving a bus like this he sat for a moment looking at the instrument board ho ran his hand lovingly over the wheel marilyn felt her potsc return the two chatted along with complete lack 6f self- connclousncss marilyn was making plans for hor clans she told jerry she was going to get a book of primary songs id like to have wooden beads and paper and crayons and kindergarten scissors and modeling clay and ive already promised them a sandbox im going to ask dad and doctor dunn and some of my other cronies co contribute the fjmdn they always do what i say and i thlnsf t earr got something from the library about methods i feel at borne with you he sold because talking with you is just like thinking tree and natural i mean t dont have to utrtve to impress you be cause you never show off i get so tired of wisecracking something lln marilyns heart seemed to rise and stag jerry once started pursued his sub ject whatever you do you do well you take things in earnest your golf tor instance people arcn t good players by accident you stick to things till you get there that a why i was so anxious far you to have that class of little anai i think its important how you start em i ve been jrftunytng things around or months trying to get that class for you oh said marilyn in a deluge of happiness i thought you just wonted anybody who would come every week 1 said declared jerry that i thought they deserved the butt there li mb wise with sratbtv early in the jtth century edward young an omguih poet wrote these lines be wise with speed a fool at forty is a fool indeed youngs dwclve simple words sum up very neatly what many safety experts have been trying to put across all during the twentieth century we know that excesgjve speed is al ways dangerous but we must also realise that any speed if combined with a foolish viola tion of the traffic law or a reckless flout ing of the rules of common sense may be just as dangerous here are the principal driving errors committed by motorists in 103v which were tho cause of 245 fatalities and 4 618 accident speed too font for rood or traffic con ditions on wrong side of road did not have the right of way cutting in pann ing standing street car passing on curve or- hill passing on wrong nlde failed to signal car ran away no driver drove off roadway canadian coal production up coal production hi canada during tht first quarter of 1038 totalled 4 080 706 tans an increase of four per cent over uu tonnagt produced a year ago out put during tlie ui ret months consisted of 2 701 d61 tons of bituminous coal 200 005 urns of subbituminous and 1 080 742 totu of lignite novu scotia operators n ported an out put of i 6fia 008 tons or 18 per ct nt above uu production during january bruan and march 1037 alberta s output amounted to 1 002 500 urns com pared with 1 04 380 tons a ytar ago a declitn of four nt r rent was recorded ui brlluh columbia s output wht n 402 507 i oils were mined during tin same period a year ago 418 01 j tons were produced askatelu wan s output was seven per rtnt lower at 30 007 tons production tnim ntw brunswick mines totalled 85 0o tons compared with 15 347 tons in tht tlrsl quart r of 1037 increasing use op maps in canada each year canadians are making more unn of maps according to the hydro- graphic and map service department of mines and resources ottawa in addi tion to legal plans and hydrographlc charts thin organisation distributed more than on- hundred thousand maps during the fiscal year 103738 and reports a marked increase n requests from other dominion and provincial government oepartments corporations boards of trade mining interest water power en gineers tourist agencies sportsmen and mnny others for mops of arras hi all parts of the dominion for both business and pleasure with thearrlval of sum mer and trie resumption of outdoor ac tivity on a widespread scale the work of meetliik thr demands for maps for al most every conceivable purpose reaches lanic proportions in the orderly development of a coun try no rich in natural resources as can- udji tht lmxirtanre of maps cannot be overestimated those available range from general maps of the whole of canada and the various provinces to de tailed maps or comparatively small areas maps of many of the northern areas mostly modi from air photographs are of trreat anhlstanre to prospectors and foronti rs and are largely used by them e tailed topofcraphlc maps of industrial areus ossbtt in their further dt velopment and an of particular talut as banc mans on whl h information of all sorts may be shown or from which statistics ooncem- inff netlu ment population rural develop ment and school facilities may be com piled ma of porlk ular interest to tourists luid sportsmt n include the treneral maps tor ruilwa travel detailed maps of the nutlouul and provincial parks and many otht r mapr of particularly attractive dis tricts among those may be mentioned the saint john bros d or lakes lake rotfiahrnol and evansellnt country in the east qunbec cjty district the laurcn- tlan highlands and the eastern town- shtn of quebec tlie rldcau lakes mus- koka lakes bay of qulnte rainy lake and tht qu tico districts of ontario the national parks uf tlie prairie provinces and numt rnus portions uf british colum bia continuous education essential following la on editorial appearing in the june issue of the canadian public headta journal br dr oordon bates general director of the health league of canada in view of the importance of pas teurisation of milk as a means of reduc ing the incidence of mllkborno disease it is surprising that its general applica tion has been so slow pastrurlbatlon is a supremely important factor in the pre servation or health bdt if the public rail to realise its importance it is for tlie name reason that people have been slow to accept the other proved facts or pre ventive medicine parents fall to have their children protected against small pox and diphtheria and there are thou- fandn of deaths as a result the real fault however is not that of tho parents no normal pnrcnt would tall to utilize tvery possible preventive but where tho health authority falls to emphasize tht importance of npoclflc preventives in such a way that knowledge becomes widespread parents though they arc more interested than anyone else fall to net scientific knowledge locked up in laboratory files or in tho minds or text books of oonscleltlous scientific workers in useless knowledge is of value only when it is applied this is true with reference to pas teurisation bt milk a vast amount of information has been compiled concern ing the vatue of pasteurization tlie value of pasteurisation an a means of eliminating mllkborno tuberculosis typhoid fever undulant fever and other infections and reducing infant mortal ly has been absolutely proved equally well known is the fact that jminteurlzntlon has no material effect on the nutritive value of milk these facts have been discussed repeatedly by health officers and phynlclnns and in this rtoutj there is no need for education medical as sociations and public health workers all over the world have endorsed pasteurisa tion as an essential measure in all pro trams for tlie conservation of health and the reduction of mortality rates if medicine and public health opinion i has not sufficiently impressed the public to count the immediate adoption of cam- i pulsory pasteurization everywhere tlie fault lien in the fnthire of tlie publ c health authorities to reallw the necen sity of inu nnlve and continuous programs of public health education if this h neglected not only will thr application of general pasteurization fall but health programs irt nerally will fall short of suet cess recently tile government of ontario has introduced a compulsory pasteuriza tion law in spite of uhe fact that an educational program has been in pro gress in the province for se eral years it was expected that the bill woum meet considerable opposition especially from rural memhen opposition did develop at the second reading of the bin ttie government then arranged for a num ber or physician whose opinion was con sidered authoritative to meet the com mittee on agriculture the physicians reviewed the established facts with the result ttmt the rural members who had previously opposed the bill without ex ception reversed their position the blu was reported to the house unanimously and was passed without opposition trus won a remarkable demonstration of rapid public health education from which public health authorities might well learn a lesson it is of interest that the members of tho committee on agricul ture recommended that the government tarry onut oontlnuoun program of educa tion througliout the province in order that all the people especially in rural areas ma rcalla the significance f pasteurisation and take adrantaga of ttt benefluj as rapidly as possible awll- orgonlind canadian educational program to etftfiltttftj if pasteurisation is faoon to become generally effective to canada the final winneb tlie local minister and his wife wer discussing two exparlshloners who wet in the news ay sold the minister knew them both as boys one was a clever hand some fellow the other was a steady hard worker the clever lad was left behind in the race of life but uie hard worker well lies died and left sixty thousand pounds to hbt widow its ft great moral ves replledhu wife alth a smu ic ui i heard tin ly tills morning that the cuvlt one is going- to marry ths widow nrw mauritania near launching stage tin m w cunnrdwhlte star liner maurctanla rapidly bearing com pletion at the shipyards of birkenhead england wan luujirhed an boheduud on july 2hlh tlie new ott an giant in seen in process of cnnstrucunn whin comphted she will tie 7a0 feet long and have a gross tonnage of approximate lj 33 000 tons making her nllghtly larger than her famous predertshor whlh for no many yearn held the blue riband of the atlantic tomatoes 3 dehcwih flavor outdoor slicing quality lbs for 10c grapefruit deliliuu flavor 23c lemons loaded with juice oq nice btzt per dozen oiwv onions 5 s 10c potatoes home gron new 71 cookers j a 2 ttis good bize iuc bananas golden eikm delicious nice size per dozen 23c oranges set and juir nice size special price 19c carrolls binter no 1 grade special carrolls 2 poundi 25c 3 7oi botti1 25c baking powder crrollpu 16 ti 17c five roses flour 7lb b 31 pork nd beans aylmt j tlnl 0 good cocoa 2 poundi 25c asromon sticky fly coils 3 for 5c fly go fly spray ti 20c wihon poliomd fly pdl 3 plfi 25c ltniqn gam sandwich biscuits aylmsr swsst mixed pickles hlm whik win cld or mlt vinegar 2 i4h- boi 25c to ssl jim or jslly guims parowax iib pck 10e ccrto crystals 2 pk 25c sltit jf rubbers 5c guarantatd gutt frvtt jn do 99c 1 1 3 cornflakes 2 15c ginger snaps 3 poundi 25c eagle milk eosmrtt shartanlng or domestic 2 pi- 25c airlnwr selm pack rim cherries 2 tim 25c for mayonnsln t8c baby foods by hcln 2 tin 2 n 2h tint 19c silver ribbon cholc tomatoes bsrctsy craomatf mushrooms i tin 15c t kih viu or old enjlllh cheese pound pck 16c carrol i i braakomom coffee 25c nw clovst honey 2 b tm 28c b pi 54c thrift soap flakes usmiwcwlirj calay soap o 5e lifebuoy soap ou 7e limits mill street store closed wednesday afternoons free delivery phonb us-