Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1938, p. 6

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kimn9xsflnksikjb v laox mx the acton free press nttmbdav hovmram joth iom of interest to women i our column s 0m who 661 lunu af psrtlahlsr lataratt u w in which woman baadeara a tht fra preta may dihvh kmii wmic a mobnino glory fon eacn day of tut week thursday november 10th freedom u the gift of god to thnae who deserve it friday nynbr llth l in ever lutlnft remembrance of tfti who flav their uvea that thoj lived might have everlasting peace saturday nvembr 12th a man who thinks la usually a fool to the brother who does not think sunday nerembar 13th gove thy ememlos nnd pray fo those who despitefully use you and persecute you monday november mli fortune unties upon the man w i oes not fear her frown tuesday nvanbcr 15th anger la too costly no none mn can afford it wednaadny november ulh the man wrft has falsehood and guile had better maie curiam thnt he is tree from them niiascf nithsf elkram home hints when baking apples fill uio cores with honey and broken wain it meats it makes a delicious change ht m sugar hind cots before wearlnar new shoes put them in a warm place for about an hour this will make the leather more pliable did you know many years ago the seaman in lhe british navy had a gallon of beer a day tait the biscuits were wormy and the moat often years old and there was two meatless days par week at that sjven our convicts or now much better fed than were the heroes of the british navy in former years hints on fashi ions question what has four less a head but only one foot ahswci a bed lmphasu at the neck the neckline la a focal point of in terest this season many of the newest nnd nicest frocks concentrating all their trimming and d tail in that direction cowls lucks folds seaming piping btadlng uovtn in necklaces- nil these ore found in the region of thi neck to illustrate tills trend here is a dres from n recent fashion show the sort of divas that ant run live in throughout the day nnd always appear well and suitably d reused it is of pnbbly crept with black smde bilt that tins n jnd and gold bu kit at tht nwk there is n horizon tal drill d section the square halter- llke cut which forms the draping is seam d into two wing llkr pointed sec tlotut which extt nd out over thl arms a bit wm i chronicles f l ginger farm z written saaeially far the aetan free press gwendoline 1 clarkr liingbnnnl the hardy fishermen of canada mar ket over 60 different kinds of food fish and shellfish either fresh frozen smoked dried canned or pickled each affording a grand opportunity far thrifty dishes that have style zest and delicious flavour so nourishing too for canadian fish and shellfish give plenty of proteins minerals and precious vitamins in fact they have everything folks enjoy and need in u lunch or supper dish you can moke arrangements with your dealer to supply different kinds of deli ctous fish several times a week and the family will enjoy this tempting treat department of fisheries ottawa dlrarvrrllnt or rlshirie ottawa please tetwl nc your ree rook in t00 tempftht pith recipes ptinl utwn plainly toh and vtcctascr loap fukf 2 oipfuu 1 tkmcuh of ouukad of cooked tub siul place in a bumrvu mold cower with layer of chopped cuokad apinach msorted with tali and pepper pack layer at whole kernel com on top pout ovf thit 2 cupfuli of oatdium white sauce 1 tablcapuonful of chopped onion and blended with two iutul beaten cgai sprltcfle the top at the numikl with cracker crumb puce io a pan of hoi water tm bake to oeea o0 p fat 1 hour sme unaaoulded and ssrnithed with freah panley su ssyn r 6 av a 9 i s m day remember remember the fifth of november yes i shall remember saturday the fifth of november 1030 not for gunpowder treason and plot n the old rhyme goes but for these reasons that was the day wo started thrashing daughter came home for an overnight visit the w i olrlv con ference was hold in town and juby the jersey heifer decided it would be a good time to have a calf also the wind blew the fire smoked if i burnt wood j nd gas fumes filled the house if 1 burnt coal altogether it was a great day friday of course i was very busy baking shopping nnd preparing in gen eral for threshing the next day the machine moved in that night and the neighbors were asked for their custom ury assistance next morning around five o clock the alarm clock wakened us with noisy in sistence i promptly shut it off then i listened partner listened pnrtner listened too its raining i said and do you hear that wind mumbled grumblings from partner cant thrcah alfalfa today better wait until th thresher comes for break fast see what he says at seven o clock i was asked to phone the neighbor that w would not be threshing at lght o clock i phoned them again to say wi would lhi weatherman hnd changed his mind how the wind did blow and as n result lhe fire began to give trouble right away smoke literally btlehed forth from t very cruck nnd en vtre in the stove after n while i tried hard coal and in no time i filt just about sick trom escaping gas fumes pnrtunatelj i had n friend in to hilp m otherwise i should probnbly be run ul rig around in circles yet however all my troubles were prompt ly forgotten when partner came in and mild the a i fulfu was turning out pretty tood- a bag to the load after that tht noise of the threshing machine was like music in my ears and thi song it sang a hog to the load a bag to the loud shortly after dinner uu y stnrud to l lire h grain but did not ki t through which ninui u shall be llircshlng agiun on monday finishing the grain and then going on with the red clover how it will turn out we haven t any idea daughter was in htr element qee h t good to be home i she would exclaim someurms for no particular reason at all thtn off she would go to water uu horses or tved the hens by comparison hi r youthful cm rgy made me ftl old and wiar axur supper we went down town to shop and something tmppe nd lluii amused nu tremendously i parked my car on a stree t off main street in line withscvtxal others the car ahead of me i noticed had a hirange license plate at first i thought it must be a u marker then i realized it belonged to ontario and was one of thr new 1039 license plates prom the murk r m uttefitlon wandered to the eat i ftlt there w us something strangely familiar in its appearance i wulketj towards it looked it over and sure tiiojgh it was the optimist my hkr old dirlu optimist and as fur as i could set thr only tuir on lhe mi et w lth a new marker i it w us too tunnj for anvtiung reall i ass tic lighted u see my old friend and believe li or not i experienced an almost uresis uble desire to get in and drive awa w lth her i wonder what her new wner would have said i daughter was supposed to be back at 1 r job twuurdu night but we telephon ed and got he r unu cxcended to earlj tundu inorntiit so ut quaru r u mvtii thjs am we were uway it wua u ruud mortuiu und i ran tell ou it was u uion than ordlnarj treat to drit uiing thr new middle road without a lousuuit mrtum of cars whiadn b i don l uilnk we saw more than u doirii u a eluur comuifc or geung eitln tie aid lo me laur hurt were about six thuuaand in uu middle of the da and tr whit i suw lust tuisilu w in i wen to toronto with u friend i tan quite betiee it vvluil slilggards wt art not u take mqct adiantage of the earlj niornit g ours tin air la so ftvli und tht driving afe u id eua yet wheti wt pun a trip w usunll watt until the dew is smothered with the dust fruro puasmg cars and lhe hlghwu ulle with wlftlj mmuig vehicles menu hints iulfm let nw unt vmt dlihw nsuibsm iim ul stobv about advcatuino pack hmiuno lunc1ieh d7 dtty barcuy buok to nchool go the children tlui tixlajr every praereulve btulneu oon aider mi appropriation far idvertlilnc u neoeury a part of the annual m- pene budget a that allotted for taxes or are iruniranoa there are retail mer chant here and elmwliere who depend upon thu adverttxlnff ot wide awake pcraon to attract purchamri to the loun nnd by n rcammnbly eftnetlvo u wi dow duplay to hare the trade thus made pomlblit but tlui number u mnall and conetantly decroaiuiitf it u an oft old aohoel lunch problem u with u onoe npmtti n lntt lmtplt ua ul more what ahall we plaee in fdei wnlre thoy bro m and in hop lltuo lunch buket thaf will produce wlun ulo bn af mile hurteod of frown when they rn umnuy u mi nt m my yi ars were roqulrtod to oon- are explored at noon if you can pack a luneh that la vlnce oven the most pnimlntnt muuuesi bodybulldlnir smile- producing coliectum lxwnu of ul vbllw of mnuinu of midday foods ywruk high on the hpmltm qnv lhll oite convinced list of qualified mothers always include fresh fruit in the school lunch orange are ideal be cause they are available the year round there was no turning back an into rest ing experience eif one of canada s beat advertisers was n llcd ly mr j v mcant leoently in his widely read they stimulate appemt and are rich oniumn n qwbo and mi jfcw in those protective elements vitamin g a nnd b as well as calcium tlie orange more than other food provides the elitnent of freshness both from appetite and health standpoints these element help prevent tooth decay nnd gum troubles particularly in the teens when the foundation for good utth is being laid nnd maintain leslstanee lo colds and other infectious duwaac and by tlve way vitamin o is one of the factors in which the avernffi dlet is quite apt to be lacking ho that oranges in the lunch box arc particular ly dnstrable ixwscn the peel or par- tally separate the segments before pack ing the oranges thiy are then easier to cit the school lunch should be bain need nnd ndequntc in nourishment milk fresh fruit and vegetables for minorals nnd an occasional egg tor the protein itid vita mirth starchy and sweet foods for energy foods should be in a form children like tlie milk curried in thermos may bv plain or in the form r soup or cocein fruils mny be tund in uads or desserts chlldnn like crisp vogc- lahlis suet- ne celery raw carrot sticks and littuee iv r starcjiy and sweet loods hi re an sandwiches light cakes cookie dried fniils puck our utile boxes witti these tin n you will have hmlllng lunches hi re are suggestions lor some d he lous sandwiches pt nnut ftutte r spread tliln k4inut imtli r with orungt juice ore um chense sandw lilies tliln ere am rhetse with onuigc julec or pn ad m side of bn ad with orange in irmaladi one u lth rrt uni cheicsc pied itper sandwiches molsun mix turc of ground dates raishis fla 1 1 urn and nuts with orange juice if hked ndd a lh 1 honey fui u r faalmon salad spread com bnu 1 cup tuna er salmon minced j up t at h of minced gret n i pper ind ci u r 1 tablesipoons lemon julre and mavemtuilm ui spread ion t oviimook iisi1 miss hazel j freeman dominion cl mrommi cxxkory expert sayi the rlemr cold wnurs of our northern likes nid rivers the salt uing of our great i u it is how it has developed especially in dciinrtme nt stores is suggested by a reminiscence of the veteran r o smith he was at that time work ing for i ho o lobe und went to timothy eoum wlutm he astounded by proposing thnt he take a dout le page advlrtlmrmmtv in the impend ing christmas olobe at a coa of imoooo my bafnn listened and then said you re crasy bob wo weiuldnt get back a cent on thn desk between them was an am lum fur catalogue on 1 mi umlth pi k ng it up sug j hat the eaum firm might devote ihi t ce to a fur advertisement hut the great tim othy insisted that he wouldn t get back a dollar then it c said have you your trading coat em this morning to which mr entm replied i have my trading coa on always tin n 1 11 make yuu this proposition said the sollclto and he said that tlie olobe would tuke a chance mbllsh the advi rtlsc- mont and charge nothing if the eaton company dldn t make man than thl original huvexitmt nt of m00 mr eaton agreed it was the n nexressary to cemvinoe the busi ness management of lhe olobe that the ditu was a fnlr one it wuh juil tui hit iel us it hnd been ui olivine mi hatoti but luiully it wiui ngrtid ui hie issut tnrrilng the utlve rllse ine ul upe ired lh north rn ontario in thursdiiy next day the eumjxmy rt ct l td telegraph oidt r for ftmr couts nvei uge price about 700 and by next tuesday tin tut lei wt rt so man uiut the olob hud us 1 400 assured and within another eight days the euton company had a small for une that of course wain a iclal etccoslon and probably to- duj for a shtlal oceiulon udvirtls ing solle horn have to make special e it u us uid pnxluce partlculiu urgu- nie nts hut the duy li fur post w he n lin y hnv to convince rttall tmrcluints that it might pu them lo idvertlse tin wekly n wspupirs now generally re girded b iiiitlonil advertisers iya the e ititttve niedluni beeuuse read i n3 apple fcxports lnxrkaslr t ight to thirteen freim halifax i is will perform a musical ride on ponits 1 in yexingicrs lvue won the lu u t uu maritime people in tlie past few mem ills by stoguig one of the bright canadian upples exujrted to ulc tet und most ooiu bits of colorful riding british market duruig tlie current tur seen on the atlantic coust their seuaen ip u october lli imoun f to spirited quick uetlng pe nir are beuutl box t bob burn u u nd 519 otj- hireoh i ij k cent u bo- i a d i per tent n mr is i mipurri with the tor responding x rl xl of utm seuson moiu- uowujts lost on tilt high c s spwtngs mas attending his first opera and was puzzled is she singing in english he whls- p red to his neighbor hd da you expect me to teu i demanded the old- timer she eoi nrano november 15 23 whats that nurse the doctor says our wife may speak to you for flvr minutes no longer mr henpeck oood old doctorl to nc spfcinc c rk he nm h rone io you want son willie just enough to reach from our dog to the fence i nov 1523 allvo ertth nsw feature new interet for everyone llio whole scope of lwetoek and arh culturo in mnuniflcbnt dlplay special emphaia on the poultry in dutry thlayonr tlie country flnnt hvetock flower end and grnln fovea nnd mink kltfht atorlou day finn to attend spicial railway fari3 to royal coliseum toronto 9osouth milt tcsorihai neaevn mom lanl nc b3znlllliilsmi23eni mm am iweamanoh at iiaroin wileh phen m miami jacksonville new orleans los angeles i9jto m w r 70 7f gray coach lines flames ravajjcd marseilles business district i idi mix r of the fu roily hud dlllu yl ne j eoriinp iiidlngly great er than those e xpe rlenced by metro- jxilltali dailu hie local shopkeciur hud his erutome rs he kne w therm p r sonallj he did not seek u attract hlw ones his comjtltor pursued the sutne cxurwe and trade continued by tlve some mtthexia ear in and year out as stated ubove there are still those who ellng uj tht old methods but they are not the men who help to build up a worthwhile business t uld lu tlie de velupnunt of u prosperous commuiiirv uns make canadian llsh e xce pll inally lu lu flivor tin becrct in cooking hsh sajs mlui freeman ilea in having the iiea w hcthe r elecxrlc gas kerosene or coal stove- hot t nough lo brail or bake them qulckl und ubove all not too i n o course the liming is up to the oook and li is uus very timing that marks the dlfltrtnce between having nsh that is eexked to perftction or suwed until tt has lost its heart und soul and that hi de scrlbable something that makes the fumll welcome fish with gusto so u tvtr um und luago ihere re ag taep un ee on the nsh when the flh b persons in every hie of busl is firm und tender when the connective nc3 llssui holding tht fibres together is gilutlnous tlintfl lhe urn- to stop fish halirax boys and gihxs havfc should be otkrfocd until the albuminous musk al iudl kk royal wintlh substance is set and no more this la i- air tht protein ttmstttucnt of tlk nsh and i when it takes on u qrtom color uic fiil uuxtiwhl uc unexampled for its albumen is set and the fish is done each uucanudian flavor and its right tothe fluke of lhe fish may be pulled apart in htart touch of human interest will tea lex tolas full of lis own flavorsome ture the horse show performance of the juices for nilets one inch or less in forthcoming roaj winter fair at tor- thickness it takes 10 minutes in a hot onto when twelve boys and girls aged oven i 0q degrees f whether the fuh from weighs one pound or five a general view of cantblere avenue in morse lies during the eusastrouji fire that ravaged tlie business district of tlw rity taking ti lives utid causing prtipt rty damage estimated at ft 00 o00 live lire onglnated in the nouvellm oalerlts largest tie purtnu nt store in marseilles und quickly spread to adjoining building an lnmic fe utu of the nr was the fact that the nouvelles oal rles hud just teen eiulpid with ail e lafoorate flre apr inkier nysu m which was to iiuve been put itiui op ration the following day oiharios youngest brule and groom rull nuiutud und uie thllelrtn are drrjtkbed in tunuri unlf rms with gu red lunics fawn exjo ed jodhpurs tile j fi through emplex huiveinenls- ui uitir fin mn lo thul would stuune mun un old une country square dance gioup u iiu sj urid of military music and bunt ng h rns all art- members of the tlie australians are vrry fond tr the halifax riding und driving club the bourne rang w hich carries its oung in inatrut tor m b zwlcker has w arkrd a bag outside its stomach out the children s act on noel iuicj a detectlvt is a man alio searches out the party will bring sixteen ponies with the mystery of things in his private them to toronto und besides b ing ac tlolhes companled by two oftlcul chaperon many uf their parents and friends are in the bl si dws coming from nova scotia lo see them p form in the very heart of dominion curpcnter tnew on the jobt oucs i horsemanship the royal horse show cant w irk hefe there s no place to t boya and girls will ride at the ark my car regular aflernoein and evening perform- bosa no vou wont do we only hire ances throughout the horse showv carpentefrs who have chaufleuxa one or the youngetn mam u be re rst red in onafno is the marriage of donald hewitt i yearold maure mstr ntt0idy hum phrey 14 ho were ed n bothw u recentiy mr and mrs fred hum phrey jjarents of the brtde consented to the nu rrtage for bigger business advertise v-

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