iuh in the acton free pres9 pacumjrvkm cbabih uo aoo bmtanim w mieu atma ktarui wltti hkfcrlm vula loos ruddy clow sums marry tow loos yasw ao in swlnnv et hue wm hall tu matfe mlatlatoe was there and liaath it often u enticed a uusiuu mala or matron fair a jopmm aw or on and all dear mauds and happy lovers met who harp and viol w beat time for uvery mbpua feet ilia holly red and evergreen war haodnc faatooned en the wmu and oood eld faahumed ohrubaiaa ehsir was aervsd in spacious banquet hall and bessy haarttr oarota made me treat old eafcen rafter rlnc may aaac of christ of betwehem andvcnodly hailed him ae their kins and quietly aped the aolden houra in twr romantic 5j of old whan ohrletmae aa a isstlv and hearta beat faithfully and bold caroline deanor wllkuuon twenty years ago praaa uia lane at the free press tharaday deeembw 19th ims lliirsn nobt uepheraon robt soott and j r ramshaw are uie retlrlna members of uie board of education waller readhead of unmue was a successful exhibitor of hereford cattle at the ouelph winter pair he donated a fat ateer to the milton red croat and daughters of the empire at auction it brought assft 00 amotur the workers for the red cros who has done splendid service u mrs james henderson maria street mrs henderson has knit to pairs of sock 10 pairs or wristlets made lot hosi tol suits and 17 pain of bed sock the receipts for the ypax of the aaron kydrooectrlc system will agnmeate about 12jo00 wlcn it was installed tbere were only about 100 metro to m day there are about 400 consumers j m01 mr tved h hoss mode a hrier vwt boy and bill wulturu had stocks of lived narw uu street got a bunch of ookred shatters that brlffhteied up tba match and went over to uv barn to uple line kuy broa la thoae daya pay with uiem he built a utue bonflro would rnatoft you a suit of clothe and car the barn and unu so delighted with aeaept butter and m in part payment it that be heaped more atraw and ahav- yea ultra was christmas ahoitnlnff to inoa on the fire it leaped up a euat be done in utoae days but it waant any of wind fanned it against the barn ond he jofe like it aeema to be today in a jtfty the barn waa on fire being the chhbtma home comings werent very dry and containing a quantttyof ao hurried either it was quite a trip t straw and hay the build inn was aoon a from acton to toronto winters were a mass of flames the newtyoritanleed btt ajdfaahioiwd and trains ran anywhere tram one hour to five hours late flo when one arrived it was not necessary to hurry away again rm not one to argue for the good old time again but i do maintain the folia then enjoyed tthrlstmiu just as much as those in present day clrcumstanoes l christmas candtea werent quite ao tooth some but they were isatlng nuts wvre not quite so fresh but they were relished when they weren t too wormy yvwel la no better today than hi those other days but it a many umca more expensive why a flntlassgoose was a half dollar and good chickens went for a quarter mptece i dont think i ever paid more than seventyfive cents for the boose for our christmas dinner and ducks were 35c to 50c for a pair don t recall buying them singly at that time the christmas dinner then was just as good as it la today when i got through firs brigade confined the fire to the building and it burned itself out in a remarkably short time the robson laddie was the most frightened person at the fine he had no thought that his little match could cause so much damage and nearly cried hlnuelf into lts ovtr the oatastrophy the bsin was never rebuilt the adjotnlug lot was vacant for many years when messrs ktnnojrd brothers ho had lived on the form at dublin school where donald waldle now re sides decided to give up hard work they bought this lot and had the comfortable home which stands there today built tor them wlicn they passed away the property came into the hands of boher mill their niece who llykd faithfully car ed for and nursed them during their ailing days and feebleness henry aw- rcy who was then in charge of nobles grain elevator in acton concluded that bewajef tub doq the plum pudding and mmce pie that he and miss hill could manage mutch mary had prepared i usually had no better if they were married and eslabush appetite for any of the fancy fixings that a home and the year have proven that often adorn the tables of today bth of their judgment were correct and but i never intended to ramble along like this about christmas perhaps 111 have more to say next week on ttlc morning of cinusts nativity to his boyhood home here mr ross is the cleat son of the late john ross who vas principal of the public school after the resignation of robert utile mr nell patterson who has conducted a successful meat bustnewt for the past eighteen year has sold to messrs mc briery and evans mr and mrs walter lamb were pre- morn wherein the son of heavens eternal klag of wedded mold and virgin mother born our great redemption from above did bring for so the holy sages once did sing that he our deadly forfeit should re lease and with his father work us a pcr- reulal peace that glorious form able that light unsuffer seated with a mantle clock and other and that far beaming blase of majesty presents by their neighbors prior to re moving from their farm at creadon corner to acton seasons of canadian apples every vaxletj of canadian apple lor eating or cooking has a definite season when it is at its nneata period when its flavor ls perfect oravenstelns and wealthy in september october and november mcintosh fomeuse snow wolf juvcr and ribston in october november december and january king november december and january bold- win wagner delicious greening r l and stark november december janu ary and february stark is still fine in march northern spy rome beauty and oolden russet december january february and march ben davis oano and wlneaap december january feb ruary march april and ma undnr wherewilh he went at heaven s high council table to alt the midst of trtnal unit he laid aside and here with us to be forsook the courts of everlasting day and chose with us a darksome house of mortal clay say heavenly muse shall not thy sacred vein afford a present to the infant ood hast thou no veme or hymn or solemn strain to welcome him to his new abode now while the heaven by the suns team unirod hath look np print of the approaching light ahd all the apanglrd host krrp watch in squadrons bright s htm from far upon the eastern re ad the fttur led wtnrxis haste ilh odors sweet oh run pement them alth thy humble ode and lay it lowt at his blesned feet have thou the honor nrst lhy lord to greet and join thj voice unto the angel quire resuming our recollections of church street in the earlier days a little over ninety years ago samuel speight brother of john and mike bought the lot across willow steet on church from the rear of mrs symona garden and built there the home neat for himself and elisabeth vanvtacfc his bride whom he had just married sam was in partnership with john and mike he was on expert car rlage painter and ran the paint shop on agnes street where the speight uaguns and buggies were painted samuel was th soul of honor but pessimistic and unfortunate he was chronically dla peptic and perhaps that accounts for ii tulngs were never quite right in his judgment in the shop in the home or in the community when he cnt homt to his meals they often weren t ready and if uity were he dldn t like them he wns quite considerate of his eliza both however ifi he hurt his finger st the shop he d go up to john s house and have johns wife dress it because you know elizabeth would faint at the sight thu has been their home for twenty oars or more and it a happy one has beon m awrey devotes quite a time to the work of knox church and im told his only other hobby thc days is to get down to mackenzie s mill and meet some of his cronies and discuss affairs of town and nation well i must close for this week recently in kings county california a man noticed that one of his oows was having trouble in swallowing to aid the cow he placed his hand in the- sn- lmals mouth and received abrasions on his knuckles tm cow died shortly after and a postmortem sw revealed the fact that she had rabies that is hydrophobuv treatment was in stituted for the man in a few days he had diminished reflexes stiff neck and was dull and lethargic notwithstand ing the fact that he had been given at least 1 doses of antlmblc vaccine the man died and postmortem showed that he too had died of rabies such a history is most unusual after infection with the poison of rabies the lnrtdbatlon period usually varies from a month to five or six months according to the port of the body which has re ceived the lnfectln if about the foe the infection shows itself very early then it is incurbale the important thing about the control of rabies is that the person bitten is promptly vaccinated against the infec tion if the dog or other animal re sponsible for the bite can bo secured re should be kept under close obturvatlon for ten daya if at the end of that tune the animal is alive and well the victim of the bite need have no fear of rubles he haa nut been infected if the dog or other anlnal dies in the period men tioned the brain should be examined fur ncgrl bodies thtsc oval or round bodies disc ve red in 1003 b ncgl an italian physic ran are seen in the protoilamn and sometimes in the proccssch of nerve cells of animals dead of hydro phobia their presenee is considered eon- elusive prodr ol rabies the preventive treaiinent of rabies consists of dally injections for 21 days or anurablo vaccine this treatment if promptly administered is almost al ways swwessful of lives have been saved by its use john w 8 mcouuough m d tiib6k bid prohfeb cheats never ptospef runs an old saying but two colored porters op a c p r western train have reason to believe that there is an exception to every rule recenly and apaarently no one but this columnist discovered it bette davis the largej cd movie star paid a visit to canada she told every official on the train that she wanted to avoid pub licity and strange but true really meant it so when other passengers armed with autograph books asked the porters isn i tha betty davis in the car aliead the ansuor was nosir it cer tainly alntt they cheated th puollc but did tbeyi fall lo prosrw rte answer la in the negative muts davis tipped them in hollywood fashion as a reward for their mendacity i rwjtfr turkey in kmoiiakd tradition has it thai che first ttvltey wss taken to england by one of sebas tian oabos chlsr lieutenants this is supported by the fact thai william strickland who accompanied cabot on several of his voyages adopted ulrfca rampant as his crest on bln granted arms in 1551 at any rate th popular ity of the turkey as the prtnotnal item in the christmas dinner menu has lasted well over s00 years but if you think that the title turkey has anything to do with the country of that name you arc mistaken the bird is native of north america where it was discovered by the early spanish navigators exact ly luiw it gdt lis name is a mystery boms authorities suggest that the bird chris tened itself by its constant reiteration of a sound that resembles turkturfc- tu k when you are tackling your turkey on christmas day you msy like to remind the company that the blnda succulent meat was so highly esteemed by sixteenth century churchmrfn that by archbishop cronmcrs orders only one dish of turkey cocks was permit ted at feasts and banquets anothfb doubter swaying sliahtly he halted in frorfc of an enormous stuitlf d tarjkjn in a glass case he star d at it tor a mlnult or two in silence then he inwl rhsj ella wlio caught hie that ilsh is a hit ma llow much pert tommy surveyed the new baby with a decidedly critical eye well dad he said how much a month do we have to pay on that you don t like my pastry why i was making pastry befo e you were uorn mo j be you were but why serve lb no travis canada pilot1 mhrr men standards when dots that plane come from a woman oked the other day tit thr winnipeg airport vancouver fcht uns told oh said she thiit accounts tor ill th navy men she as neferrlnx to lhr truiw can ada air lines pilots who look very much like the ivavy in thitr smart blue unl farms and peaked caps transcanada li us strict as the navy in details of dress th- flying officers must always be trim of blood elisabeth had a penchant even when on service never a button undone in thoae early daya for bargains she never in shirt sleeves not even a pencil would go to ouelphfor a supply of family showing they must wear white shirts and needs and if the storekeepers there black uce black socks and shoes the blue service drtss is worn from september 14th to may 14th in thi summer he men go into grey following the practice of the imperial john hogg or william stewart or a o bucham could be persuaded to deduct the price a few cents per yard on gooas shed buy lavishly often more than tht family would need for months ai pcrhais airuavs the pan american alrua- und i years shi was a skilful milliner but in buvlng materials for bonnets and hats sht would la m such quantities that the cost would far uvorreach the prioe of all the haidrca needed for the four girls at the home and herself most if not all the members of the family were born in this home mar tha tiw eldest married jobe smith the sawyer right whllt they lived then or proper storage conditions some arleues from out his seen t altar touch d with short lht mmed out to the farm un butums cah be kept in good condition longer thun the months specified other npnventtttlve british and amerlc an companies the tc a lias changed tht designation pilot und second pilot 3 captain und fnt officer nn captain is recognized by two riitc of gold braid on his cuff and the first oftlctr by oni ring the suindiutl roal naval half inch braid is used both of flctrs wear the tca insignia maple it af und bird shape as cap badges and hallow d art milton would cattle markets what can i writr about chrisknas more than has been written and yet wnat a difference in christmas now than intctnauonal trade in live cattle is buk miy forty o flfty y fia iwcondary to that in beef markets for christmas is just the same tha same cattle ore distinctly locallaed and for the taring fjpirit but what a change folks most part iioncornpetltlvr states the haw m observing it imperial bkxmomio committee the when i go book forty or fifty years united kingdom tekea practically all the ago i come well within the memory of export from eire and the united states i m of the folks of today certainly by far the largest share of canadian exports uie remainder going mainly to the united lungdonv which was the chief market for canadian cattle in 1b3s and 10m cnnny and belgium absorb the bulk of danish exports and those from hungary are sent to ncigliboring countries argtsntlna exports consider able numbers of live cattle to paraguay and chile an urgent question important declarations have been made by leodrrs of all thrve political parties in canada regarding the question of canadas railways oil three seem to bt of the one opinion and that is o allow thr railway problem to slide in the hoprs that it m some day slme into a hole where a solution to the great problem may be found in the meantime u3 taxpayers of canada have to provide about 1 000 000 each week of each year to meet the deficit of the railways own j i by the people of cajswla at this price it is an expensive top we are ploying with there has been only one really cdsutrucuve suggestion made to solve this bbx problem and that hasbeen mode and remade time and tune again by sir iktwsxd baotty president of the can- i adssn pacific railway co of course the dispatch is aware that there are j many people in canada who like the winnipeg free press sees red when sir bdward bratty mentions this subject i however this disunguished canadian has been tearless in his advocacy of his solu tion and it would appear aa fit and i proper hot the question be submitted to use s of canada by way of a pasbteclte the reason canada has such a problem on lte hands today is due to th loose msriageroent this railway bojnvf- doss was given when the public there were plenty of gift attractions why there was oeorge hynda window that was never frosted over because the crowd outside kept it just warm enough to keep it clear then there was pearson s window too that was btg and had plenty of display in chinbiwan and hardware and bui stark who had a part of charlie speight s shop used to stock a few toys that were a delight to all the youngsters in town of course the henderson boys hod the big store full of christmas gro ceries and staples and the kenney picobac f tobacco for a mild cool smoke now owned b mr darwin crlppa marthu liked uu old home so well that when she and jabe wire married the settled there well nigh slxtj years ago the farm ww bought and mr and mrs speight and family moved there here in the course of time both died and ftnallj the family became scattered councillor arthur speight of georgetown is a grandson a good many cltieens had this spclgh latest stutlstlcs show thul the tca hus 34 pilots among its more than 300 t mployee nineteen are captains and 15 first officers dress is of course a minor matter but according lo trans canada execu tlvt it is an example of the high ston durds of discipline and efllcienc dt manded of the men before they an engaged the have to pass strict physical examinations based on flank s physical home on willow and church streets for efficiency index as followed by tht cvll their home when charlie vanallan the tailor moved from oeorge town he leased this place and conducted his tailoring business in the polor the late john moore lived there for several years this was the home of john forbes for a long time for a number of years it was the honc of john brown and his family the present owner is w j aklns who when he grew tired of running a farm in nasaagaeya decided to comt to acton to retire but thej made him secrelurj the fair and kept him so aviation division of the departmrnt of transport and the rool canadian air force while they are in service they must present themselves regularly for examination by company doctors as well as fulfil the requirements of the depart ment af transport their character must also be of the highest before he takes control of a plane or sits in the first oficer s seat a tca pilot goes through the most rigorous training course lasting many months not a detail is left unstudied not a is s grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to snap up a bargain but youu recognize these bargain offers without her years of ex perience you save real money you get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of our newspaper thats what we call a break for you readers no wonder grandma says youve got something there i allfamily offer this newspaper 1 year amd any three magazines please check three magazines desired o macuan magazlns 24 luusi i yor o national hams monthly i ysa g canadian magaxins i ysar a cnatslalm i yar g pictorial rovlow i ysar q canadian horilculhjr and hsbm op road for soyt i ysar magarln i ysar q rod and gun i ysar g sil s i ysar q amortcan frirlt growor i ysor g parsnh mm g amorican boy t mot g chtlillon hrold a mot all four only supervalue offer this newspaper 1 year and three big magazines group a select i n nanwssa 4 mas q tro stary i vs q sorssinasrl i ys 5 judas i yr d mecalta i ys bmagarfs dlgsat 4 kiss parssw i yr d carmas hafau i ys wonaas has cisaipaajaa i yr d canals i yr d assarlaas lay yr caahlslsa group b select 2 q maslsaas magols m i yr nadssal haaw maatuy i ya caaasvaa masola i ys a lvr i yr wtorui kavtw ys arssr pratt osasja i ys 3caaaa1aa harhaatran 4 maaaataa i yr a oaaa raad par lay i vs all four only 3 50 busy thai he decided he would get back sfble experten x but la met in advance to nassaguea as often as he could he and mrs aklns and miu annie hcte a very happj home here but mr a ins still llkr to get back on the arm in nassagua c u to help his sun cecil i where the smaller house of mr fred he is checked over perlodlcall while in the air and he returns regularly to tht lalnk tvalner in ahich he flies while still on the ground the tcs pilot is pnepored tor great reaponslbulty every flight he makes jigglns a ands on the south east corner carefully planned with the cooperatioi of the lot there was once a frame bam one summer da a good many years ago the little son of mrs robinson wtio of dispatcher and meteorologist and 11 is the pilot who has the last word as to i hethr the plane shall go up or not the acton free press muggs and skeeter pssbts inn sseurs um public viibout raaort to political id- by wally bishop