c the acton free press tltvosriaypaprib joui m of interest to women menu hints canadian macaroni since 1mb when canada replaced italv a the largest supplier or macaroni u the british market canadian- mode macaroni spaghetti and kindred pro ducts have been liv constant demand in several countries particularly in the british xsicm and canada during the hmten period however with the varl ous wuys in which macaroni can be used it is suitable at anj time or the year a fiw suggestions tor menus are ghen salmon au anatin 1 package noodles 1 small can salmon 3 ox grated cheese 1 cup milk u small onion siloed salt throw ulo noodles into rapidly boiling water to which salt hna bern added boll for 7 minutes tlien drain mix salmon cheese onion nnd milk together add tin boiled noodles nnd bake ten minutes before sen ing for evening en tertalnlng substitute a can of crab meat for the salmon maoaroni stuffed pkpper9 10 on macaroni cooked until tender 1 t cups old cheese grated 1 cup cooked tomatoes 6 green peppers 1 cup bread crumbu 1 teaspoon sauce salt peppir paprika remove tops and seeds from peppers and boll ave minutes in salted water mix macaroni 1 cup or the cheese toma toe and crumbu sauce nnd iicaaonlng to taste drain tile peppers and stun with macaroni mixture stand upright in a baking dish sprinkle remainder of cheese on top if desired conned toma to soup slightly diluted a lth uater may be poured around the peppers bake in n modorate oven until golden brown pijun boo noodles boll for nine minutes a package of noodles in a pint of rapidly boiling water to uhlch 3 tablespoon tuts of salt have been added if extra tenderness la doslr ed they may be boiled another one or two minutes drain thoroughly sunn plain garnished with melted butter meat gravy or sauce tills dish may bi nned to replace starchy vegetables in a dinmr menu run iieef nv grade tlu following recipe are toten from the revised household bulletin beef ilnw to choow and cook it a copy of uhlch maj be obtained free on request from the publicity and extension divi sion dominion department of agrlcul tun ottawa braised short iubs to each pound of meat allow about 3 cure wutir nnd 1 tciipoonful unit sim mer for about three hours in covered vosil turning meat at end of first hour hints on fashions dlmdlri still popular with many not outmodfd despite emphasis on other silhouettes and styles it u good to know that the drindl type or frock u still with us many women like this lln and for tlie proper figure it is charming this model is or sheer crepe in a caramel shade and tile diagonal pin stripe and dot are black the bodice buttons to tlie waist with self covered buttons slanting slit poc kets on the sltlrlt success story out of california recently came a success story which surpasses in fact anything that horatio alger might have conceived in fiction alger would prob nbly have called the story prom prisoner to police chief and it would have been a good title tor- it pretty uell tells what happened this story ulls of a man who 15 venrs ago was sentenced to a western state penltcntlorj for cmbeizlcment after strilng 11 months he nu released and went to another state to live in his new environment he inndo many friends won respect nnd eventually became chief of the local police department then one dav it una revelled to tht people of this cttj th it their police chm was nn excon wet and it appeared us if the success a tor wire about to end it is to the credit of the residents of that community unit tin past record of ulu add more water if necessary during i rni wilghed little whui cast in lht cooking to prevent moot burning at i balance with his present record of suvict the end of cooking roost of the liquid nd unquestioned honest tiny voted should be absorbed remove ribs season t that he be allowed to continue in the and brown in hot oven for about half an jxist lie filled so well hour remove some of the tut from unfortunau lj all mm who btur tht stigma of a prison term do not appear reached 30 000 000 what to be worth of such conlldcncc but from nllkl io patents as kimii um or tut houtiiehn mainh to a marked degree the bird life or extreme aoutliem saskatchewan and al bert embraces representative of an en vironment known to nattirallstj as the upper oanoran eone the peculiarity of bird lire in tills singular canadian region particularly in the are known as the couleaude missouri whore the drainage i south to the missouri wver in pointed out by the district migratory bird offic er of the department of mines and re sources who sajs it contains many alveoles unfamiliar to live average can adian ornithologist the region with an average elevation or nlvout 1000 reel is a vast sweep of treeless terrain oflmi rt llaved by prom 1 limit hilts nnd ridges two wooded plateaus known as cypress ii ills and wood mountain rise high above tlvese plains cytca hills attaining an elevation of more than 4 000 ret t ubove sea level streams have usually cut their valleys deeplj ortrn introducing fantastically sculptured badlands or swclachlar char acter much nf the country u wild and rugged sparsel settled and chiefly dp voted to ranching among tlve birds visiting this region to name only a few are burrowing owl bennetts nlghthawk bullock a oriole rock uren lark bunting dlokcluel west ern lark sparrow desert homed lark long tailed chat sage grouse mcoowan s lagnpur sage thresher inngbllled curlew arkansas kingbird many of thew specie i resort to the open shortgrass plains wlnro cover is scant or absent othciit again are attracted to tlie grcasewoad lnts or to the areas or sogobniah and car tun predominant on valloy floors benches buttes and coulees of the nm gedly eroded badlands stream margins which support a brush growth or willows cotton wood buffalobrrry and bucktliorn attract many distinctly soutlvern birds although there is a strangereglanal overlapping of numerom fiirms of bird life thnt arc ordinarily characteristic of both humid and arid environments each species adheres in its favorite local habl tat i hahj sugar time again freezing temperature at night follow ed each morning by thawing tells those wlvo have been associated with sugar making that tlie time far maple taffy has kghshb i chronicles of i ginger farriu w- wrllln hpmully if th aun frm w- j owknihmjnk 1uuoi ihn th day i wan looking through my farm dairyhouse account book for 1036 and tills is what i read march 26 lively day out in the garden raking april 13 started r building rock eiy well right now it u live middle of april and there hash t been a day y t when i could hmvfl taken much plaaslirt in raking the garden even had it been dry enough and as for building or re building a rockery ugh i shiver at tlve thought tin re is niih quite a lot or snow around lure just in the places wheie the htige drifts were plied up a few woks ngo friday i was down along the lake front nnd although there did not appear o be as much snow nlnngslda the roads then yi i there was little sign of sprlnu and the air was bleak and iiuyomulng i or a rhnuge there was not much trarf along tin middle road so i had time to nntlre that repair work was already needed on tlie jva ve mo nt small holes here and there t icing very much in evld enoe when i returned home fartni r broke the glad tidings that tlm grader had lean up nnd down our road high w ay no j eeverol times during tin nrtenioon and had backed up and gone over the road again just outside our gnie mow were wo being given special attention i wonder i i wish i could think so 1 might feel thenj that talking did some good saturday i went to an audi n sal not tiecaust i wanted anything in par llclilar or hnd uny money tn spend but because i like going to sales it u ratlu r llki opehttlg dp a surpriso packet tills sale was held indoors and it w as as bad as riding in a toronto stroet lut ar mud five tlilit at night there wire a few unusual things at the nnle and if count thi utri noon snapped up im old fathloncd cast iron mnllln pan relic of n by gone nge- i think it won kn ckod down at fifty cenln then uni alio a lovely cut li nf fern w ilh fronds toudh ing the ground trim its high jurdlnh r stand it sold lor five dollars all i brought home was a maiden hair ft rn complete with n lacquered brass bowl you women who are thrifty housi wives docs it ever worry you when you biik want a mamas some little jessie lit uuttrottx wrote to the oeneral toeotho compmnf th other day kindly wnd me some book lels and tittle sample of elaoulelty if you can spare it w are studying alkrut it in reograpby jesalm may be unreasonable yet she has the making of a rmmareji oeietiuat in her hvwklts mere talir are not enough for her only a sample will do wnneuilng that u iwaetleal person lue hersetf can study ktobably she dm not i know it but she belangs to a hard head- i ed school of philosophy known as uiglial eniplrlrum don t be frig h ten w of tlm term jessie a school whlih luu no use for anything that it cannot observe or experience and tn which such worthies i aw llortrand hiismil rfteu fhr and ntlurs eiually eminent belong in font jejude s i mpricists would have no truck i with the uuim for many a yi ar slmkly i her u u w it could not be urn under a mlcrruiioiw and luioaiise it hail to he in htrred fiom its behavior llwt logical emplrhilsu an twit as ada j maiit as they untt to be kvei though l they will nevir h the i ther sine of tlie moon tiny un willing to admit by a liiystiilous prnonss of vnrlflublllty that lime un mountain there as grand as ih mn that stand out un tlui side than we an mm in the nd tin y had to ml m it that invisible at ms not to men lion mt ill smaller ewtrdns do exist stli ly li irnson of tin ir effnets if jossle is willing to make similar concession th oi im rul klictrlo company ought to find no difficulty in satisfying her curiosity dear jtsslc uu y might reply it u unnecessary to send yuu a sample of electricity pick up a mutch a pin a imlaile anything yon phase its just a lump of elktrlclty hut so nicely put to it ether thnt it wilt not shock you when ou touch it ir we were a good deal rmartoi thnu we ar we ought to be making match rs pins pebbles out of electricity maybe we will siimn day probably this will bewilder jessie rul the theory or the convertibility or man into i m rgy and energy into moss be wild i ni phyclsts to i jessie u keeping good phllonophlc und scl ntlflc compai y new vork i lmos arrived who tliat over has inhaled sap i throw empty tin cans but with the garb vapor from tlie bolllnsdown process can forget tlutt peculiar aromatic flavor that saturates the atmosphere tlie memor of uits u always blended with the fra granco of resinous wood crackling and blazing beneath the big black bulging pots that hung over the fire in the open woods it lakes a quantity of sap to mako a pound or sugar or u dozen small potty cakes and it requires several hours of ago it does me times without num tier i have looked regretfully at a freshly lmplled can just as clean nnd shiny as if it wore new and the tliought will lenlst- is it right to throw this can awuy surd old tin might b melted down and used again and again lhu m thoughts travel back to childhood h das w hen jam jars were savtd and ovry so oflcn a man with a push cart would io thr itigh hit streets slaw cooking for the nap to thicken to a calling out to the children as he pascsd consistency that will hardon when it is ikiured on the snow it may be fancy but with miny of us maple taffy never sttnii tho right flavor unlet then la miow to tool it christian science monl tir si ci nts a utrk grav thicken and serve with the ribs swiss stkak pound as much flour as possible intq this cvperlenee society may it am one outhorlylcs such a sstcm would be fof then art 2 000 000 woikcrs in the united kingdom who pay she cents i week to provide hospital treatmcht fdr thcnuilves if and when needed the luraiur ir ear for hospitalization has blcs5tuq well as hospital round or hank steak w 1th edge of a plate or back of cleaver brown steak in amp 11 quantity of fat in hot skillet add aome canned canadian tomatoes chopped onion pepper and salt and sufficient v liter to cover over dish and simmer until tender about two hours add more water if neoeuary during cookinp and ir gravy is too thin thicken with flour before serving stkak rolls season mmoed round chuck or shoul der steak adding a small amount of fine bread crumbs worm into rolls about the slaa amall saukatfea and wrap with pastry rolled fairly uiiok and out into four inch squares moistening the edges and press lug well together bake for three- quarter or an hour in moderate oven and serve with tomato aauoe curjukd bkef wttil rice orlnd leftover beef with small amount of onion and nepper and salt to taste heat in thin white aauce with which luu been blended curr powder in propor turn of i teospoonful t eac i cup of uiice seive mirrounded with jo boiled lesson many of tliem are worthy and j this province and there is a belief that will prove it if given the chance chris j it will camo to that some daj st man science monitor catliortnes standard strang f hautm pece and war hw oinnan ice di ile nt dutulln j j who has swapped his hum tlierc to a jiwlsh fnmll in airman hi e nhange for their homi luu fuimim im desirv and has lulped a persecu l f unth lb wanted to go home tooer i many to slav thc jewish fimll want i vl to get tit how tlie biter was hnutht about jia n myster hll t ul probable that o rmam abroad arranjn n the deal with or wi hout tht help f the oft c lab tlil shows uiat racuil anlmosltlos ice few among the people inulerahee u artificially fomented boston post wlndmllla w indmllls bring your jars and gtt a windmill i the windmills win only paper wall mimr i btlllk but ut tht ighi t inutli of u xiiicr windmill in thost da 6 as ounmitt tb do of un tlectrlc train n iw nnd by lht tlm tht windmill man hud g t through tht slrttus un rt were no mm jam jars lift m the h i isi i suppvst art jars wcrt tt turned to tht factjriti and b being iued uguln tho stlllng prlct of jams wis niturull kept down wt don t ofttn stc crocctry jam inrs non but couldn t tin cans be salvug ed in much tlio sumt wu if tin cant wtre collided and mtlttd down wouldn t it be passlblt fur them to rt manufac tured at usj cost ptr can than if itw metal wert used each time thinking along tlicst lines i was glad to read lif tht globe and mall thai brldt drodcr was tlilnklng und writing with this same idea in mind referring in tier article to a 0ung man who when travelling in the united states had seen car after car loaded with old tin cans which hnd been flattened out and were on their wa to either germany or japan tin cans arc not the only things that are wasted in this country bottles sealer rings both rubber and sine car tons and containers of all kinds odd ends of chalk in schools old boots old kettles glass jars barber clippings tele phone radio and flashlight batteries papers magazines surely there must be more use for these waste products than is customary at present and if an ade quate use were discovered might it ifbt result in a lowr price for manufactured articles there is another thing dls posing of sf tins and bottles presents quite a problem tuhlutt to a dog wi have i dog he came to ui as a pup and fto w taught him the ludl mt nu of g nib manly canine conduc hut then things w have taught hln are in small tin an u re indeed to hit 1 1 ini s wt have if arned f r m that sma i lilac k dog he taught us h w to play again to throw off enre and worry in the ex httoratlon or i good rum he taught us to laugh whole hcnrtetly wl 1 it reset vatlon or cynicism much that we know of beau l has come to us because of him the 1 1 jry of an early sun its slanting rays jiul tourh ing the topi of lht tuliest ehns aid stt ting tliem on fire fhc magic g a fill moon polied m iin ntarlly between twin slceplts the gentlt growing love incsa of ioft rain n ones hair and upturned nee thcfie und a thousand other phast of tht woi id abo it us we havi f t ind btcuithc tl t re was u little black dt it iw g glng for u walk ii it tn vsl of all w have learned thi btu ity of lyalt that lu s in a pair of worhl din brown tcs chicago tri une how did tom managt to get so much of his uncles estate he married his lawyers onl daugh itr on m in funiift beca ue tht dump pile can bt quit a menace cattle and horsf n somturuus break bounds and a vlslt to the dump heap might mtan cut un i bleeding hooit and the poislble lav of un animal so if waste products c uld bt collected and tned u two fold purpose would be achieved but where should such a scheme or lglnate perhaps the suggestion would come beit from the department of mines and fisheries to manufacturers all over canada a wiuc nxiow tkw he know muehr well h not only knows that h doesit t know much but us knows enough hi keep ouir frvm knowlnif it tlbre never waa a man wi good but tlutt a gtwmt woman will make him bttr jack mhwr thk tlllbtatv ntvow ttve feryent temperance oratof stop ped irrthemldst nt his tpeeefrantf aaid impressively my rrurids if ahthe publld house wr at th btauitn of th what would b tlu tmnh ftkii ui bak of ul huint bm th loud xtilv tjiiji nt people wttnui ft drowned jt l w seen as thry arrived at fsi angela ut start a t jr or united htales are crown prince frederlk and crown prlnrejis fngld ot denmark and ireland it was their first visit lo this cjrtlnnl arl tlie rovsl rouple rxprewwd themsrlvhi as enjoying it immensely you are ptauxjfig o renotate or rtmotklyour ha iufeteittd thisfoldtrr gttortrltt hip loans 25ferw0 repayable in monihly mttalnienti e world of tomorrow 1 af the worlds fair of today sallrs sallies j amlust tlie mud and carnage of japans invasion nt china a pigeon the proverbial dove of peace perch himself on a rifle carried by japanese- soldier and xemlni1yask- liuouclailtly what a all this about paradoxically enough thfr symbols a peace are actually important factor of war they carry messages from japanese outposts to headquarter far behind the knee i new york 18 round trip mrru attn jra attractive tours in new york including yax11to moth assureb hotgl accommodation admission to fair grounds sightseeing tour of fair grounds sightseeing tour of new york and other entertainment 1050 f 13s0 9 1700 p 2400 a o a io a o 7550 m 1975 m 2600 m 3650 rurvotmi mini km tnadt at uoo a ul m odwc dttrlpliv liutr and comply lilonhil8ir0r iiarold wiues phone 58 gray coach lines rrvtimitvin j mitti iiiii mimummmm