iltmtsday may lui 1039 the acton free press timothys vluttamuttkh jl jitkxllfv a ball and a amall runty key blk marble a whuue a ahcll fmnrthr mi a hjufdvurml uckr a pesnny a lop thi isnt h llt of iwuurm in b fchop jl blrdwlnsr a pencil a ailritjahot cohui a wind of bottlrtop pevbttlm that jthlne a homod toad a cooky a tiny hrau locket th teamir came out of aur ttm- quiy poekl twenty years ago lfretent ol isiau of th fye pr f thuntjay may ui 1910 several trout fuhernuin report nurjceta at their- favorite pastime durlnu llu m william mcnabo ha imld his brick liouaou bower avenue- to mr- rrral n itenny the qeoraeinwn presbyterian church paid knox church amid a fraternal visit on monday evening a splendid moctliiq of cltlnens wtu ad dreucd by major nlven and hecretary turley wlwn they told of the alms of the oreat war veterans association captain torrance ucurdmnn occupied th chair at the election of oftloeni of tlu women a institute mrs acorjre havlll ho has iteld thr office of prei idem for five yearn wtu again elected other of ficers are 11 vice president mrs w v collier jnd vice presidrnl mra oeoriro jl affiirw sccrtlur treiuurer mlu clara ebbaao tile fown in both siberia and ejjypl lire belna demobtlleel we may there fore expect our arlou mm col warren captain kimuy luid t rut burr hornet wry shortly i a conttnl mtiyttim was it inti nd pic i charles mortem up n his urrlvnl homi muster bloss em h dotf tint no one f tneuii morninii nilll u n acton has been finite iin importunt ni u uiu hand i milppjiii point for potaloo 11 we ll u- r tiiml for past m imin ova 4 000 buui l au r n uu inmiiili if notauica ltuit bttn shlppinl tun most 1 for u hi its i estates mints a iltavhl ion imhs in i it i multlll down mn yountl at th familj n mdi iilp 1j sex nnd uiie frln on lyiday jnd 1ui0 hubert younit m his yeav l suinu i hntjiii pup i sllukji with t n mi ac nf up i ttuti i pit j rpnd ill d i ilni slop indinis ill tilths 11 it i mitiriui ions llnl mer ful tin un in r ftutch tin u- iiiu i pt b lnikl hint iro ti i imidi ful and in m i in llu ir 11 rtiilintl iniliit jiuit u mid i utii h from ux ut t niitn hannino riuwiuss in canaiia dlrd bandtiin in onnvidn contuniifl to expand durlnu 10311 when 3j j2b nvont- of nrly bandrd blnb wtr added to tin offleial bird bandlnr rettuxlh of thr d partmenl of ulnea uul u oitrcca ol tauu in addition itn lnt ujtlnu mid uluable rrcord1 nl bandeil liru rih ered were indexed in drtnll and added to the p nnanent nvtin hie rompilii tlon of bird bandlnu iteorls lius been i mvmnu nt icull in canada 1023 and to dote more uuin 300 lion j suu ut i johnnlt hed in blrdn liavt lnn bandml in thr dominion v lul1 w on lids hit i think h and upproxltnalelv i00o neflll notr kl tw n i it a stiuill stable mood records huvi bit n obt lined i ll ulh wi si ttiiur of tlu lot nn t lllust4 11 i luid tiy and int llu m ml not ttnuth w 11 how u i s o uliiii a utlli tutthir in mi cimnh mrttl rtirlra llu flnt person who lived on lh lot ntt next to tin oil vurcliusttl bj llu canu wti tm umt i can ntnimbcr wiu h liniiu mrko i don i knetw ulun ijihnnu cjuiu fnun but i n member thai sit mm uu johnnit ki ii thought i 1 t nt i ik n uiul tot pre tt tlu f until is if thls att stiilllon uiuih lu travtllcii tht slul 11 ucquuhitixl ultli nt tlon not loni toiuliik t acton ii mi km wld slikllii u ii i bll pric ir nil did a lie hud tiuim rvcovc rr riorrts cuntaln t a information nlnllni ti uild bird study uhtth hi lt lc tliu mlknuion imiun roneem rut ion pollila luiirtulllj rat ro ntre uiwnlnit imi n pn rilii lutuudjl lluen and to miu other l hiwca of bird lift inrhidinii t ohm iutitm and con tiol problenv niituriill thi vnliic ami iwfulniss or tlu bird imiulmi monis m tlu ccntrul burtuu an imrtusiut iu- llu lmtvtliat ton in caiuuu rmiiiiuts to expand and prucrtij ibvaiust birds an mtt mallonal bir i bandtnu mul tw lntt nuitlon il ui its cm and u u in cindmud in full co jipt ration utueeu tin null nal parks bureau of uu dt part mi nt of mliun and ilcmmtvim otluttu ild ule ulllutl sutles bun ait of illoloiitrnl surt ui wajshiiuj ton be banding in canada ls uiu b mime two hundnsi oluntar iuiiis ftho oixratt und r bird butidlutt ikimiti wsimxl undir uu authorltj or tht mlum tory inrtu commtiim act tlu nutmil bt1w i hlnclcsmiui had ul tor jaum if tliu lmimrtnnt uork d u nds lart llnu ultl of lllt llt nuwlt a tailor shop on the coopmitlon of prunu titixriwl but uu brt laid plans of mlcx and in txixirtlnr to uu rentrul bun mi in mm of u n mun aft aklic tlu uiaht oanudu or tht uniuxl wutis am baiutttl tin lurraoka tlu bin bulldluc alonu bmla whuh tome to tlu ir ntlintion i mdc bunntl a n lohnnii s st m wen otncitu bonds an of aluniluum and too lit hudu i much tnsuruice and tin iiiatrlusd wiih n m rlt v clviniition lwn ll iiiuic to s mint with histmtu and a w rial number lliunmumc uu one lu u us a i mhi dial short and h a bird an indnidualu which makes it mod an nxitnimiu unit us uu uu inhibit to trun accurau l thi llfi hls tor of that w r bint jiust as tin polux tract a motor car bv lis verial number lie port or banded birds found in cuniuia nun b mulled inisiak f ix i to th de lurumiu uf mini und kvotircek ot- twvu if oitkvsed in tnepvii mnrkixl o h vty an i itn n rrixirtuii u tvanthhl bird is adlsexl cone ruhik lu compute bandlnu hlstoi with tlu in lu ihius si i um d in minted stort pint in u bulldliit which stood when ivc nni hros sihh me rt stood on main slut l i oi vt iu s and ls now a at ant lot mum ftrr akaill dim ruled the bulldmi tlu n m rtceiil jtant jol rushliu business fiom uu start pntt litail tirlluoi m stoik hi tixklv ilothlni h irdwar urottrlts ui i und drj tluwi win uu dins when our itiuiliui mores kept wtl kroctries until r a shop hit use and the tradti lu whiskej hiandj iiln and rum was a nr consul i ruble item of thi stock in trade johnnlt had a wu with him and i hi business triw ih hkik in t daelluib house at tlu side of tlu mtop where tommj atb ot johnnie mckfi t ntorekeeplnrf in acton in the nuuntlmo lie had murrkd nellie deniui one of the nlrratlnnk litu and miutt pomilar bhbi in acton tliej lliwl hi thi niuiiintrutrttit wmtt nf mill and tolm illrei t wilvrm mr tihb had hied and where he died where tin mum marshall lived and made boou und ihoe4 ut order johnnie and nellie hied there aiwml thu time the potato huus lu iio to uppe nr and commit uielr r ii vanes johnnlt took time by thn fore lock and xuiipoiiudcsl a uilato huu i x terminator f pa irreen nnd flour or whit in p he void tlutimuuiu of paokitues at 2v which hi und a couple of uoyjt mhnl up in tlu old barn at the lulthy place i think mr mekee went to iarry fteiuud fninr at ton and i don i renumber that he e i r nunc out k to me ha und ll 7 utl uiij mt tnrs ilrrrc lu kit lere after john mckee left the place on church htrett i lhlnk iii hard burrows i urchusefl tlu hare and he and mm burrow i and hannah lived uu ix mr rur ha q simp on main otriel he was n very ploiut loun und would ship the boys and ulrls on uu sin et when they were comlnu home from school and read itortlonn of scripture lo them but ulchard hud a umier of his own too and some uiiua it would uot tlui better of him one day he hud an ujlju mnnt wlui lltll ionen a clriructlr nboul town and raricl his face with u chine 1 lea vt llu a sear wide h jimut carrutl as kmu oh he lved ltie old man died inn and mrs dm town and hannah llvid in tlu ileum on chureh ainel for t nuni ber uf ieurs und then moieel to at rex u i uu i thllik i uiis maluu w ic nued and family made this their houu for ivllini and then mrs jerenduh wordtu iuici her fiinlily rraltled llure lllruin win dm ubu lived then ufte r la niarrliue mid thb was the hnnn of mr wlllltoil wiles until hts eli nth hinolil mid his molln r and mbui t mil n i multkil m uili luun until tlu ii in nil to uu lomrorhihb iiputnuiit i ui tin ii n i iiirnni prope rt on mill mmi mi met mi lluarel n stilt lieu win ii willi in 1 w leie n in ii ntiiii y t i th nilii lux bin k alto it ho- il i ii iil in act n hr iiad i i uu il li i ii this 1 i and llu s w tht tiis or i in up tn 1 1 i re uu nil i i i n inn 1 nih luui william ih it at tin i ii ns mud an i p iir of c hi kins 1 i iimi it e piarter i luni hum tin earpintn umiimii hk ih st tortui hi had qnlli a rainll and lluj wire inilte a llel lot u llien wi 1 1 miouiic uid he r slsur lumm 0 lioniilmtu was luq ieal name and ileon uid ah x nnd two or thru jeiiliu i r uirls i he y moved to milt n our hull a cenlur aico tom wili uu iurt i annul i but lu ofun inruot his i nituiti iui nts and obliiiatlomt tlu fumll wiu tiliictl u uu me naukhuuis und tht lluiiu down uu tetond lino bjuw tin mountain oioriti was u nnorlle with his htuixlmollur down dure when sin dhxl sin ii f him i line gunny proper v whiih fi i jiurs had iiilelid bit numin cle nie uorkixl il foi it while uien we nt 1 lo wlnnipik t si the world a fi w month inter he i t i it nlull sli h hint si u i ut hi maniiohu i hls lupini i uu had gintc a nunilu t l ten nits n and mis aiuum blullu hied iheif it t al main juers llolli win uikui to nnriuw t m u rv from uu4iu main features from i he llutlgel presented tues ijetlnmled imicit of mumhii0 for eni hcnioviil f 1 r cent kxcihc ln is how lift an hluiilluhls of the luulitt i tiut eh eli liieud by 1 in iim mlnlste i ihinnliiii on hiimlu a etc flea of 10 tum ion tstiiiiitiiil r i llu lurftl year uullnii muith list i1u0 without irnildiiu idi further uluni uiiu kellnu lossef income tux duhntiint lm all 11 rim priuxedliiu wltll e c in true ion plan extui slim within the n xi iui cguiil lo id nr unt ol llu amount of canilal ih i iuiihi h a rurllur exeliihim of thru yiars up injxiint lux i xuitptlons foi mw uu lallk mine de le lojfni itri roiuluic into produc ion fumoiul or llu j ie r 1 1 ut excise lax u all imports other lliutt then r utlerilm lunula until r uu iieiuiul tariff i xt 1st dull on lriu usexl in nutuu ac luiinit vine nr uu ii luiel linn 7 l l ll ee nt a i iillun to uieoiinun iij aniiilluti mild dil j i i oils initpi i t llslollls dirrii t i il el v ill i iii 1uium el on i i ueli i nhln uul pi una limns if tin in inh iinidiiiti and mikmi tin llli duths ti mt ii d im in muhicdin o niello lulus it in il n iinnn ml i u in i lin inilll ilotid mi ihinuliik sin io iiaon rr anj h u lo in natloi ii iliuie but une busim unit linaitt lal imdiin to i pu d pii j i ll n i tnpl yine ill ami iii cornea in nold nrrewilty of uovemment si udliiu chimin in iu ve nt e hl tar i ii item lartti 1 coullrmlns onccwdoiut in can uilu uuiickj illuum trade mjreomi nt un ready uppwivcd no ehiini in ah n tux or in schedule or ixiniplimin and no e luinued in mlu tilliim us excise laxev as kin walrhrd ivlimie italtle ii alton hoistkin ihtiiikits n stak oint snow hulion hlmiin himdent club has lal en another rorwuid ste i in eimure u m i tx iirtviitiutlii i lithll of tjirlr nl tie nt he milton pull fair tile e x- i it t i will lw confined entirely to ilalton c unh ttttlt and at a ntenl mutlnu f uu club those pn sent itun wur uu i uu ulllii rs and directors of i uu ilalton aurlt ulliiritl hen it ty that i tin i will mai llu hud xhlhlt if hoi ste ins in in htstori of tlu show n me nsm iri list litj alii ud lieen i dtnntii uiul township romnuiwis nil j ihilnleil lo i out a leltescntutlve ex hlbil mm em it township ltyron le n v wislrn oiitaili kit idnutii in uel i tin iiik u inieiini loi k as hi siiiii i a line htm ill i nun loi million mil t dm lilt lit a lehc jvm ml h nviy cnh n ill led ivsliluil mniliv wlluoii bod in i how iltlctrs n tin thrlvlm conclitii n of llu ilalton club nnd lis iki siaiidlm iiinouitst tin le aelltik llof le ii ml llu silim llttnl it he ion t n e i oil hut illlli lo klii leone plelurul lu n lookluu uiriuiun imiouiiuni win an hit- utstid sjuitihn of a inlmli lullli iluipd fi i hliil al aldinliot durlnif hi it u ill loltl it in m i iu n of llu alili it lint piouiik i 1 iiiuls lllei iiitft- mod iii milium nh h w i wtn di pi nd f i tie kim who i ui ml d i qin n i llllji ih mi nil i i i i t i in i i nilnlw ilnhifi int i di i w on wiimrrnl josrili t llaik tropin roms nl llaiholf v rcite headed the ht of wiles of cul flwpra and biven uroun indmirx in canada durimr tin nar enikvi mm ant 1039 and cludloll topied ue sales of cul flawera irruwn outdoors cut root num- herejl 12 133 824 sale with a lalue of 744 518 out or a total of 48 405 43 in door urowii flowir sul aluetl at 1 b40 702 jhe kalcw of ejlndmh numbered i 04 775 out of a total of 3 s88 313 out doorcrown cut flower kim lalued at t n the teitui inhie of florlbultural biui ornamental nuraerj uvk reperted o told in canada during ie ea was m 07fl 040 s jii0st uke that iwcher now jtenry can iini alie tn eaialeon naunnaltt v llu pit uit i tut i mr hums mai kit has in tl impiivd the plan und it is iui i inlortablt honu lor htmsilf and tfi und tluir kriwniip son and twi ua uu 1 1 lent and tin uais us to i llfiii fatrut tn tlu noith side if churilt next week we 11 no back te john stree t and try mid txvall somi thinks about uu south side l uu strtel knrw ll aiu1 t it a urtini or chronic bronchitis ralleet t n t dneteir tt be exumlneel tlu doctor i ufte r t ire ful giustlouinii assurod tlu xitient umt tlu uilminl would n spntid n udili lo tixitnu tit i sui ihisi nod milst hine had n trtal deal f xinrlcncx with this duaiti tit th stifle rer tlu i i r smiled lili and n pin win mi dt ur sir in had tin lit hi tit uisi ll n llflie u n nts mkiit hup aruaiui miur winn 1 spit i k i teirv1t in tits wti it cm i d t in sh i unit sliu ink tnidiir m m illiiii ci hon in lour ems top uf jose i h f clark lute ldiu r of the toronto uiili shu in nolali si ti of uu pre pi n l ir c t tin motilfillli ivlbun- ihe w miiliik n w ssnn r uhoi4 honor thi tmp n ls ninul mr clark was once eeilite r f uu pii ki rim is mui rl viui t turm iimli his luthirs dlntti n ifciltun hntit a mi ws and urn r lost his inte it si in in wee k i iu w juitrs a huh lu tunsidiri il uminl ll f tl pi it t w lie r tin st niitn u itib no a mi uik pin r u tho a iiihiihle uuxlium il p ihh i jtini i lo kihi lnioii cltik s n tf uu fonlisi in uu lw si ull uiiiel n il i w n dl i wspu i in ontario or lad joseph i c m li r i m tin tropin ls n iniwl and i ntwspupei ft a tun i qui iv l j iblisheel writer in his in iiiiih is s n liuldlni tin troph bottom ieft hurh s muggs and skeethr tvmluir vm tht u correct bywally bishop rr