Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1939, p. 3

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the acton free press tlhoiliidav jonb tfa imo v tuljf aijtatt witttvttb fuuu4 bw tkittuw art 0uu ym a cancmxatlonsw tksl i stttwvlwscko ux unto ualbim aa 111 liability shall mc a lvtz tuck ilvftuwmt a aulov dills siuiw ntlkmlonss kailavul ad builimm oac ip3r eight cent taynd the variation in the measurement there is a limit to the ability of individuals to pay whether it be in taxation or to create dividends it would appear that limit has been overstepped for the motorists if motoring is to continue to be enjoyed there will hnve to be considerable reduction in the costs to the individual of motor fuel and oils making a credit citizens generally will commend the action of the acton public utilities commission in refusing to be a party to an increase in power rates to cover up a debit in the thirteenth power bill if rates have been reduced to the municipalities to a hgure not sufll cient to cover costs why not openly announce an increased power rate to the municipality credits in the last thirteenth bills were not num erous apparently throughout the province but it is much belter to face these deficits squarely and udmit too low a rato than the present attitude democracy isn t tolerant of high handed attitudes and folks have a way of telling those in charge very ef fectivelv but lets not fool ourselves with a credit each year withjjuflctting evcrvone know that it derived from nn increased charge hovv stories grow grenvillc kleiser writer would have the gossip and scandal mongers on the the saint plane he sees little difference between thtm and wnrns against ac ceptance of stones of either he further warns apninst belief orrolunnl slums that nro ilestnu live the royal visit my b 3 dohnan ow n a uprinutlve on th it- imioir ymlti third rkaivo covering tht visit of their majesties to western canada und the pacific const nf rhr rhnrnrrrr nnri rndnriker tin npiuauon of the dteftppolntuent and vndundlnk acton as a communirv took its place on tuesday on the list ot centres where their majesties found it impossible to make an appearance as tht roval train passed through naturallv all are disappointed but it must be borne in mind that sinte av 17th our king and queen hae been having a tr strenuous tour of canada l e as canadians have almost overwhelmed them ith kindness mam there are who hae been denied thtprmkge of shoeing their lovaltv to them being two qr human beings it has been impossible to receive all the kindness en dcaored to be bestowed it was a splendid gathering at acton station on tucsdav afternoon the veterans the militia and our on band und catuen not onlv troni acton but from manv points throughout the countv and lim uhexc actcn mtght well be proud of the decorations and the croud assembledttwasatrttnrtrtotnv lovaltv and love the people of thi- district hue fur the king and queen theje was some splendid work done on tuedav b manv loval hearts but ith anv feeling of dis ippointnient we need also understanding and uhtle no uord has been re cencd of the reason for non appear ma of their majesties when passing tuyt u havt cr faith in believing it wav unavoidable the district did uell heir put and the king can do no r other fejlow to illustrate his points he tells this 5ton someone reported that a jtrgman went to a meeting which his wife attended against his will and in a rage dragged her from the hall and violently forced her to go home with him the minister offer cd this defense in the first place 1 never attempted to influence my wtfe in the second pluce inv wife did not aittcnd the meeting in question in the third place 1 did not attend the mteting mvself in the fourth plaex neither mv wife nor i had any wish to go to the meeting and lastly i haven t a wife how often has the same thing occurred in your dailv round vancouver may 30th 1030 itfiivliui winnipeg where the roodp- tum was really colatua1 the train ran into portfur exactly ou time and woi breeuvl by a huge crowdnuulaukl mount the atutlun there wtu mly u aliort itop but there was untitle evidence or the uvkbtem luyulty uliloh wo aral taw at winnipeg afur dttalc ait in wo onterwl tlie ap proach of tin cpr station at dnuuum ami hen uu uie jnost luumtndtnu ilu- plaj bl uu ntlro trip banked an a natural hill whkih sloped back to hall way avenue mere eleven thousand school children from draiulim schools and uno hundred nirul dlttiota in that portion or manitoba added to the chlldnm wore 0 000 adult from the cltj and dutrlit tin rw option platform was bullied in himxluutiu which made it a brtuht as da lh rouslnu rocoiitlon ulvcn tlio pnvm uuiii was ample evidence thut tlulr mojiatlea vmdo in for n real royal acclaim ftylh tnilns ytry mmrhxl at konma jor nlwplim but loft early next morn editorial notes on the u to hi ulna pamdnff utroiiqh waiullo mooomin vlrdai whltowood wolsouy broadview mid indian lit ad ult of uhwp iiulnth wire trntlj tie com ted tuul nth had its quota of cltluna who kuvo a splendkl account of thomsthej bj cheering at many of these points it uics quite noliceiible tlio number of aaod iknvmm alio uerc ready to irrcet tlielr kluu luid queen by moniis of wbviiib a hoc arrival in hiallia aaw uil sun bhlnifib hi all iu hpundor uu wrlur received n uilconil on uie platform from pnmhi i w j patterson and mr d ii mucruo 1 tht ulttr requutlng tliat wo no on uie rudlo for aivoral mtnutca willi a iriitllnu u uie people of our honil province to lo tlus wtrc ruahed up u the roof of tlio union station in an elevator and lliero anawered auveml queatlons put to us by mr aper of okok uu pioneer broadcobtliur atatlon of baakatohewan com inn down from the roof wo had muwd our preui oar and prepanl to unit until after tlielr majesties had or rived und left the station u a came quenco ue huumi at the main entrance to the station imt wltnejuteit om at uie una teal denuuutratloiui of loyalty of die i ntlro tour thousands lined all ap- proachm to the glatloq and every build itilx hud 1u full quota of ihiwruihh popil laet thu riwtpllon wim iui d moimtra ue tliat sevtnil mm whom wo luiow ptruinally ut bo not tuslly i teeuxl m uara hlriaiiilnu down ulilr factji ah pm mui mild to mi dm t she a uon tin ful mi nil ionian and hi ui ao outh ful it wiu indwd very dramatic to utn tin n a tl n of ultit lininttme tn wd ui tin amlhnu couutciuuim of her mujiuty and uu n suv lful kulute to uui lcinu llu retiptl u nod actlnlm oft hi cii luil cltn of 4lnn ixlindihl ui rhrlr mujivt lift nouiinu to 1m wisiiot kiynloni pnnlnti if tlu dominion took thtn liuilj hroiuhh lad und thin uobli rntlllth tkiithiniui our brlinm klnii and quetn o tht lr hi arm and ahoiilcd irltsl iiud twn mriamed uu lr uilionm wlun it iiimi tlmi u wi funui 11 ittjinliuih did it will at itiutua tlu pnsi men and uomeh k n uio uutwtn of uie city biulneiui nun u an informal rectptlon in uu bull rotuu of uu ilou 1 saslcut thtniui ind thbt uil u hi thiir wtui one or tht hlutilurhti or uu prtvut trip no far tuid that in kuylnu a lot for wi have bun royally recilvod at i very pi hit thu wrlur enjoyed almost a conipht rial duy tn riuhia for it waa hi n uiattauw m ulft and family and met scores of frluidfl uits can bo better appn dated ulun i tell you i huve bieu loinor away from inyhonie aiul nrflce on lhbi trip uian i have in uuk jt twantynv years aiwirtly after lihivtnc heftlnsv we re ceived anouier tumuiuimu freetlna when wo n aolitml moomi jaw hero another radio broadcast look place from uie roof of the station with oharlea jennlnfiu chief announcev of oiio p v dlmbello oj buo as biiaat srwvalters and aulstnt post muter ou i loyal train major paooe aa master ot oenmuonles this city wo a wonderful slflht wlui a pmfuslon of illuminations arul no end of dectiruuon and uie usual oheeiiiuj uiousamls i nal every intenuon of untuna up the foiioujnu monilna at 6 30 at swift current to unci jim oncnblut rreald i ut uf die alaska tchowan dlvuum c w n a but fatluiie was tell inn and 1 over nlept much to my reurot at bwlft curnnt a partel of uie swift ourreit tiun wus on tho train for ma and x had uivnn dlstrlliuuht throuuh the cam lu thti oimeetlou i mulhl ttientloh that the rollout tin puiwrs members of uie c w n a srul tun parcls of ulclr papora und i u h uua pluced jjnmuht ut uio pnvut tr uh coiuteruvutr ur inipuui out fclwun huir suir hwlft curronl him und aliiniedu dlitnitch more uro tit hremie no i am ailvucd culuury rxu iuiimi a wutuli rful nup u in tin lr icltiu and quivm uu city wiut in ii iu ut hi i mid ut uu point there uiw an i xleiuihi indliui iciitanipinunt uhin lliitr mujihtlih naclied uu indian unpin tlu kitkkini liututed lliut thtj u ulil inltliu hut mujisly but ililn was ii t rmllted oulnu to hu it of unin uie indiuim luiiur loppnl uie itoyal car bv thnuinu uuitujo robtw in lu pnli business directory mkm0al dr j a mcniven kiymleiaii utj hurveert offlc and itesldeju ooriur matf avenu aiul klfiln atrt dr e j nelson mtyleun and 8uru huotro ttierapy photta m dr wm g cullen l m c a rhysudau ajttd ttarfmm offlc lloura m and 70 p m simdaya by anpalntrnwit wilbur htnftl just north of mill fttt tsuplion 1m ucoal turn ted iuui tiiawr in chnrgr mu n it in xl and hint uinuia uie pula tin ijunlt uprlnuh lloul thi most bum t if ill hi u i in uu louuiiint when luxury and uriuidt ur of acrnrry 1a coiuililrrcd oumtl mid nkniuhl by uie ciuiadlun iuim itiiiluiis co it is situated at uu juni ll u if tlu famous dow lllver and 1 ilk v uutr u id loolui out over tho uow ulvir villi mr it m din ii the m ui il in tn ui i und hln cipabh nl lit uwuiuvi uu in rival of tlielr majiwtlimi intl in rted unin to uio vice itiyal milu on uu sixth tl joi biinft wim a day of reel for all comerned shortly ufu r uu urtivul of uu itiy il iarjy i in mixmj with two fih lids mr lrmsl uilshni ii tuul mr charles ji nnliih luiiji icintliuud on piuit beveiil c f leatherland b a barrister and solleller moury puul issuer of uarrlase ucumi reglbtrnr of nirtlu marrlosej dth acton offlca zs tienea ltsldeiie lit kenneth m langdon narrlster rellelur notary publu offices acum cleariktowtt over t fleynuek a cafe main ulrt por appointments pliort acton sb w oeorettown ui olttii hours alton ilirsday and i huriului 1 30 p m to 4 00 p in evcn- iiiu on rxvjurst dkmtal- a j buchanan d d s dmilaj surgeon office in irishman illock hours oam until fl p m kvanlnc by aapolhunrnt gas far ifx tractions xtiay cjosed wednesday afteritoon piuism 14s l b 3 p w rearen d d s b bswsjmm oft la ut um fifitvi dcofc ptutne u uill ai aato kocltwoed oflke open ffvry artcvuooh and leveulnsj vktlitlnahv canadian dair produelion reached n total nluc of 220 it 2 in ims an increase ot about two per eent ocr i h 1 metbmsimki memwmm the toun grader still remains in the bottom of the pond x hen we see the uork done b the eount k un tne nine occupied perhaps the old grader is doing better uork b siaing under ntn b d young vs b v sc v4rlmjry bwsms ofltc bntokvule aataxle phona uuloa 14sr4 f g oakes vs b v sc vauruurj surfaen onjee and jlesldenor icnox avaaua acton phon 13a one sometimes wonders if it uill require another war to bring on a realization tint temperaneu in the use of alcoholic beverages i necessnr if the oung m tnhoi d and uomunhood ol the coimtt i- to be kept phvsictilu ht 4prairiestatkw moiv than signs and xmbols needed the mans who hie occasi n u ih the econd nc between avton and milton realize fxill uell thtt hihua sijii posts and widened cuherts do not make a h kh4 lturxamg trathc on th s r id makes the grael surface impossible to mntnan w t understand ejigineers and suruors have been at work and welarc fulh awar that mm or the dan serous cureswill have to be ehm n itcd but bureh some more definite st irt can be made iti wifcon toward hiving a pemiancnt urficx put on the roada it is now oer two ears s ncc the oad has been taken oer b the department and become known b signs at least as highwav o 2 it is a splendid connection ith the south end of the tount and we in the northeru section ho have no other outletjailtomaintain enthusia on a road a that shakes cverv bolt in the vehicle surelv it is due for completion this yeir it his been at unfinished portion loflg enough it puv s tu advertise hal ton l iunt c ouncil nstrttd in advertisement in the h million stcninr uo il is i number md ill tht t on itv c iiticillors hid in i ppertunitv tor prtttrred sc n during the im v il in i n ham ilt ti hi 3 v e itel 11h re keetllv the d is ipj oi n title iii e er ened bv the iged and inhrm vvhi will not hive uu the r oppt i tunitv to ste their m ijesties ier sonallv it uj our pnv ile le to hl the kitil and queen at three different times while the visited in ti rontq 2k wh the most recent e ir book ot u in shous the hourl rate ot vijuci for all factor urkcrj tu havu ringed from 2d cents people should consider this fur md us effect u on wigeb in i inada and i thcr bntish countries sivs the birrie i iuniner before purchasing cheap japanese g ods harvesting methods general insurance ivl nitxiaiizk in 1 ife ilrc health and accident automobile winclhlorni ilnto lam lloiler riuclity llonds tntm inuumnlce annuities nd all ineriil mneu of liumrnncc on an stcnnuhip tickets hmhnii omianim hcluint i at ii 1t1i 1 f l wright oitio c oopr itlacl uitlr us ihonh luwiil 10sj i say nnlhintl nf tlic ui ii hmiifihi in unit tic crlwhilc army nf ti in llic yiarv not hn a utttil to taxation the goernments revenue of s4mvx less in j apnl this ear than last from the gasoline tax de monstrates ionlusieln that there is a lintt to the taxation that anv individual or group may bear the lowerhrure shows that the useof gasoline has been curtailed bv motorists no doubt many of them cannot afford to run their cars as much and hae taken the only course open to economize time and again the idea of malirlg an article more easily available at a lowei cost has been the means of making its use more generil the spread in the prices of gasoline will also beajr some scrutiny as well as the ta imposed recently while in buf- falo we purchased gasoline of standard quality jit j fraction over 13 cents per american gallon vvcj feere told by the attendant that the tax there was live cents per gallon the gasoline cost less than 0 cents per gallon the same attendant told us that a few miles out of buffalo the same- gasoline would rost eighteen cents per gallon in ontario the same grade was 27 cents which of cbursfe included the we had two disappointment tucsdav wi an itctpatcti havmracharwith mr s j dormin spec ml representative of canadian wnkh ncaspupers on the pilot train vith the fifteen minute stop here it looked like a real visit but cnquirv revealed that mr dornan had stopped off in toronto and would re join tht train again at london pll emanating from the connt couhul the sugges tion of combining the rural fairs into one big fair is to sa the least amuing public memory is not so short that it tanndt recall what attitude the countv counul took vvhena jiuggestionwas madetoiom two counties for saving in the cost seems as if i but ifswe sac it we may he accused again of bucking the countv council a huncm ut wl mill inn bushel fslif wheat increased volume uf lt4fi jrin and all threshed in lhh withmn the ailmainc of tens nf iliousunils uf turcst help fmm the i lnfr ftonc by tints does the mode of our livci unil the method of our tallint change keepnsg pace with the projjrt being made tn the kitrnrilie rngincerinji and industrial realm thevf1iiion of the combine lilli0 ntitlleonipucl model now- made available has revoluiionuiil hirvcstiu making it an easily undertaken task for the regular lit in of the farm lis production t a cost to the farmer of hut one third the prue of the earlier bigger mtulels is nn evidence of the contrihiition made by the inrplcment makepto help the farmer meet the problems with which he is ton fronted tlie lower operating costs of this mailuneand the rcdiutton it enables to he made in the turn f liarcnng saving at it dries up to men bushel for complete harvesting has meant in m ureal many instances a profit instead of a loss to the farmer power of courie la the hails of the treat meihanufjc progress of agriculture and the record of attainment in making more efficient less coxtly and lower operating cost models availahle is an achieve ment that cannot he heaten hy any other industry 1 ixday s modern streamlined high efficiency tractors make earlier models look like vrchistoric monstrosities and sell for ahout one half the price couinglcu t ain oper timk taiilks nadian nationaltflailways at acton htandajtd ttmk oelnf lul dalh ixrept rtunitnv 0 05 b4n dally enea huiiflftv 954 mn dall cxrept sunday sunday onl fl 31 pm b 10 pjo an fnilbound train not itoppws at acton la due at ouelpii t s 15 and su owrurlottti at 0 41 pm s lolluj uat d1h exrrpt bunduy h4nam dall rxrept fluniluy 7 00 pjn sunday only 1133 pja fcaiimlnj only 59 jjh a eumiuntl train nnt auipplng br u due at aoorirruiun at 105 pm and mtouriph at fi35 pm the lm ork worlds fair has done a trmen dous amount of advertising but the poaei and in hiunce ov such publicity is being materially affected bv the reports that hot dogs on the grounds are sold at 1 50 each and rates in new ork hotus have been boosted for the duration of the fan- guess well he satisfied to attend elwood hughes stupendous an nual canadian national exhibition jtt toronto where there is no advance in prices and ou can afford to take the whole family as well as pilevin a couple of the neighbors kids in the editor flivver for a real tlays outing bowmanvtllc statesman massey harris is pleased to have taken a leading part in develop ing machines whichire destined to play su important a part in making agriculture profitable tl idunl of ilia com til n and tutw ih a pouuriiy of tl small com bin has meant itrilonailri in lit ouipul n bindtr 1 vliich rocorj iliow rchd tlia lidllii m tlxir volum in ill yrars iut pflnu loth war twnblnt anadaaml ili unitvd staut rrmluftlnn in lli latur country drnppma from 21 1ha in lom tot 319lnl3t tliuilodngthf iwnff isol mai priklucnon cainad in th vvar whan th volum bpi mourning aran frpm th iremandiiutlir improved predict nnrd in il i in lr of todar which account in no imalt war f r its ruiili lncfaid pnc orr pr war vanri tl fact of the arrailv tfcrrauul vnlum nnwminufaciureil makl ih i in lrrcato i c il criini n nfvaluctotfrd hy th implcmani indutiry masseyharris company limited builders of implements that make farming more profitaile firay coach lines ooac1ies leavk acton huuttanl fltd rahthaund ito yonnl bmum lllpii ui am sin pm r 2 01 p m wfhtilounn ito kllrhfiwrrl x 0 i a m x 0 10 pm 13 21 iuii 1 noil pm x 23 pill hll3 pm a 423 pm 1 51 pm llimukh to london n dally oxcrpt sun nml hal 1 bun anil irol only o bat only d dally xccpi at sun and hnl b sat sun and ilol olily it dully oxcopt sun

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