i thursday dboeuuer 31st loa thejvcton free press 1ujl h bishop visited or a f bm ia toronto thls week mr- john ssulerfcrooi of toronto vulrf anton friends this vmk mr john uolceown of pnaton visited at uie hoot of hl utuile mr duncan mcdoucsll lsat week mr and ur alfred sjahop mad marilyn of toronto visited on sunday with my and mm atm bishop mbu uartha smith retumotl to bar home in toronto on sauuday otter visiting t tha homo of mr and bin suneui mcdoujtoll mrs chartott waterhouse announces the ttaaettent of her daughter nora to mr albert iptederlok tuck eon of mr and mrs nelson tuck aeortawn marrutf to take place early in janu ary oabd of thanks for the hslprulneea and kindly sym- pathy shown at the time of the death of the late hlluard a wluon the family are indeed appreciative oabd of thanks we wish to express our appreciation toy the many acta of kindness and nrasaiotm of ympathy and condolenosj wrtended by our morula and rulchboh durinc the recent- lllneae nd death of our beloved auter un and una o modotjoall and martha smith otyquncil george wallace clotkqes shtfp 13 yonge st toronto opport ryribirla junior farmers show appreciation of their leader tli regular ttmmjulhf oi tlio junior concludes the years business continued from p ou moved and seconded payment of tha following accounts be paid finance al josplu accounts 185006 county buildings 110131 pimum aa73 w i tmclt 1101 this resolution recommended that the public service work on highways act be amended whereby tho operation corporations will bo required to boar the entire cast of rolooatlnu any appli ances or works on municipal roads when such work is required by the road auth ority and which reverts to tho practise existing previous to the year 1036 mr robinson explained that when it la necessary to ask tho toloplione com pany to move poles bade it has bean customary for the telephone company to do tho work after which it sends a bill to the county for moving their own property mr f q thompson addressed the 1 council and asked that it be definitely established as to who snail accept re sponsibility or hospitalisation costs movtxl by mr byors aeoondejd by mr irvinu that in the caio of unmarried womans maintenance before and after hospitalisation be paid lor by the locnt municipnullpb oarried moved by mr allen seconded toy mr mcoutcheon that mr deans bocrotary of the uid age penalons and mo tilers allowance boani bu made a irrant of 9100 for efficiency and faithful service rendered to the board carried a resolution from tho county oi amy sold whereas tho present premium of 1 00- co oradua hoflb over qradcjl la too small a dlfforence bo it uioro- loru ruiolved that the premium should be j300 per hoff because of the greater cost of producing such orade a bacon till again led to uie hull oradlnff question to which mr robinson as usual woa strongly opposed why sold mr itobluson should farmers bo oblige u ell hla hogs by roll trade if ho down want to the price any way in sei by canada packerb ii la a hard job to raise u select hoe and afterwards whim doe it go across tho water thatll where mr gilbert oijroly it doesnt cost any nuw to raise select hogs mr robinson yes there is greater expense in brssdlng tlio resolution from amy county was endorsed when the main business of tlio day concluded mr jos hewson took uis chair and the following rac4uttonwg passed i moved by mr mcnlven seouiuled by mr kerns uiat the thanks of this council be tendered to mr hall for the courteous and unpartlal manner in wliich he presided over uc dellberauans of thiaocouncil and for tlie prompt at tention ewn county busitvesn during uie year individually members of uie council expressed their warm appreciation of mr halls efficient and friendly leader sldp ojki reffretted his expressed inton- uan of retirement it was hinted by several that mr halls purpose in n- urlnff was to seek hlfftier honors ui the political fieid but this rumor mr hall eniphaycjillv denied with easy and friendly eloquence mr hall acknowledf- footwear olrls low nubbers sixes ja 11 to 9 special price fc ed thrxpreasioiu of ipodutendeird him b- his oaueasjuas followina which it was moved by mr wlleoa aeooaiucl by mr davis umtcbottcll aiuount- carrled tkkovc jonk9 1 smith tpoor old jones next door lied a windfall on ohriitmas morntna brown a windfall wivy do you say poor old jonas- wblubu see lies an airman ladles low nubbers sices a 4 to s special price wc ladles motor boots black or brown fur trlmmlns no mar lining to prevent the fur maklnff rlnss the stockbia sires 4 to fl low medium and high heels iteeular 308 rio a sola price per pair tlj ladies bedroom slippers sloes 4 foo 8 a larae assortment of eqlori ftaouku- u0 raft h1b price 1 ifoc ladles pt dosy supperi ah haea colors red wine and blue sale price lqf per pair ef 5fc ladles furtrimmed juliets made of tiood quality felt leather soles with rubber heels siws 4 to b colors wine blue and brown neaular iu6 sale price per pair 98c mens leather romeo slippers somfartable slipper that every man will appreciate regu lar 1cd sale price 149 mene onebucklt jersey cloth overshoes sale price price per pair 139 mens qum rubbers blzon a to 11 sali price per pair 149 we wish you all a very merry christmas pallants clothing store mill street acton attention make money during tho pall and winter months by sclllne hardy canadian nurserystock exclusive territory for local salesman- handsome free outfit supplied largest llsl of fruit and orna mental btoqk otc crown in can ada now is the time to order for sprliut pin n ting uuitk for particulars stone wellington the old reliable fontiinx nurseries established 1d37 toronto i ontario farmers was held in lome school on december 14th after the usual busi ness discussion jim maotntyre was call ed upon as clialrman for the following program musical rrumbers by albert alton f reciwt4on by dorothy churcli and a very lndsrestlnir talk on his trip to uie world fair by jim maolntyre then mr and mrs n l davidson were called to the front laura johnston read the following address acton december 14th 1020 dear mr and mrs davidson we the members of the aoton junior farmers have appreciated your wonderfuljeadershlp and tho help which you have given each one of us in so many ways during the past years that we felt wo could not let this christmas season pass with out expressing our thanks in some small way we do hope that as you use this little gift you will reallea our very deep appreciation of what you have done and are dolna for us and now may we wish you the merriest christmas ever and the happiest and most prosperoun now vear yet signed on bohalf of the junior farmers howard flwrrzer donalda mcpirail visuma murray walter couke presented mr and mrs davidson with an electric radio lamp from the club in appreciation of their efforts as leader durlntr the past several years gregory theatre friday ducembeb mud the gorilla chlllarlouii hit with anita louuc and the mu bros musical west- em welcome crime doesnt pay think first cartoon one armed bandit chapter 4 of dick tracy returns saturday dkcembkr 3rd am niti undercover doctor uayd nolan heather aneel shine on western moon lloy rovers i fertoon dock worm fox 10ws monday dkckmbkr luk atauoee at sm the star maker with blntt crosby and m uda laurel and hardy in live abbots cartoon daffy buck and din osaur midnight show nkw ykatts kvtt at 1ssj fun and noise makers lor all asy davidson thanked the ayb4c few welloliosen words tlio jackson family eave musical numbera fallowed by solos by john poll the meetlna was oloaed by tho sinblnff of tlw national anthom lunoh was served and theremalnder of tho evening spent in danoinff appeals by the burlington gardeners are all lost in a written judgment handed down on friday after aimoat a month oi de liberation judge w n munro dutnlsssed the appeals of twontyseven durllngton market gardencrb while nareclng with them that their uancjurniontfi were too high the judao who prealdid at t court of revision hold last month and reserv ed judgment at tho conclunlon of the session ruled that despite tho high as sessments he found no injustices in the twentyseven oases placed before him when compared to the assessment of nearby properties both in the town and tho adjacent township of nolson he recommended a revision of all assessments in burlington and told the appellants that should they fall to re ceive proportionate benefits in ouch a revision he would be irepared to recon sider their appeals next year in reach intr his decision the judge stated he had taken into conaldoratiqn present markot vuluen and comparable township farm aronuunimt iuh wik1i bobby how arc you golns to keep clirlatmob day tommy dunno la there any way to tetrp it ao that il wul last till uie next oiu amies final meeting ol ulililies conim held last night rofitct expressed in imlrancnt of reeve mcculchon from pnblle ofllco reeve f mooutclieon and clialrman o hansen were present last evening when acton public utilities commission lnold tlielr final meeting for the year the secretary was by motion in structed to pay uie following accounts hydrer dparuht bell telephone co service i 400 hepc of ontario november power 351300 jtmjpc of ontario heater material 1103 ifooveroo repairs sw actow fssre ptttss printing mr7 sutliorlandschults ltd less credit 300 oausfleld bsectrical works eupplles oofl masco company ltd supplicn t cnr and transports express 415 syman hardware supplies 077 st josephs young folks honor miss e jbreen attherwr meeting of st josephs catholic vouuj organlsstlon the pres- lgtwt 263040 waterworits oeeartmeat w r lashbrook supplies 127 a letter and credit note was received from the ontario commission being n adjustment of half of the cost of the water heaters that had been paid by the commission the amount of the credit note was 51380 on retiring from the roeveship and m sent- lop tlie public utilities oommi entatlon of a lovely crucifix was made to miss eileen nrcen a brdelect of the month miss irma msrso made uie presentation and john dennis read uie following address dear eileen wedding bells will ring so mer rily kspeclally st uils time of year when the bells ring out their sea sons greeungs of cheer and liap- plness we too as members of st josephs cyo have gathered to- tfother tonight to wish you and yours eileen uie best of health wealth and happiness on you new venture on tho hlghwsy of life hero in the cyo we have gau- erod as fellow members of our club to promote friendship and catholic action among the youth of our parish many limes social activities have been ft source of making now friends among us but now you are about to leave our midst and make now frlende in the north on behalf of your fellow cyo members we ask you to accept this token as appreciation of your term as a cyo member and hope that uie image of christ on uie crucifix will always blens you with continued happiness and spiritual blessings ring out the old ring in the new best wishes tq both and we do mean you two signed carney by1wh mary dennis imwenuianked tho mrmhmt of the may the song the shepherds sung find a linppy echo in your heart on this joyful yuletidc and may health happiness and nil the blessings of success nnd prosper ity be yours through the coming yenr symon hardware fllon reeve mooutclieon tlumked uie commissioner and uie officials for the courtesy that had been shown him dur ing his tenure or office oomtnlsslonar hansen and the officials expressed regret that reeve moouteljeon was retiring and appreciation of his work on uie commission it was agreed that the first meetlna in 1040 would bo held an january 0th lunch was served and tho remainder of the evening nnent in dancing did sue mean it wife trying on christmas present of fur coat really one cannot help feel ing sorry for the poor thing that was hkinned for this husband feelingly thanks i general insurance we specialize in life fire health and aeeld- ent automobile wlndsiotmi plate glass bouer fidel ity bond farm insurance annuities and all general lines of liuarance also ocean steamship tickets leading companies excellent facilities f l wright office cooper block office 05 phones resld 102j dubmn literary honors member bridetore lost friday evening the dublin liter ary society and friends hold a mlscel- laneous shower at the home of mr and mrs breen for their daughter eileen the program opened with o canada followed toy a piano duett by wllda mc- alaughlln and dorothy barber a violin selection by douglas prank and a comical trading by mm john frank were enjoyed maune broen sang a solo and the dublin orchestra rendered n num ber betty burliholder read the follow ing addnxis dear eileen we uie membcre of dublin liter ary society and friends have met hero tonight to bpcnd a social even ing in your home before you leave us in view of your npproachuig mar riage we and pleasure in remember ing you ms a friend we uierefore take uils opportun ity to offer you our licurty conratu- liittanfl nnd to expms to your our ivppiociutlou of your friendship as u tangible expression of our hearty uoodwlll plrusc accept these gifts uccompunlid by ir ulncere good wiahcft a you leave our community to make u new home hi the north land we wish you and ralph many long yean of health wealth and happiness stewart elliot dorothy barber at tin- correct time murguret sonier- vllle and mabel llurkliolder carried in a beautifully decorated basket of gifts eileen thanked uie lltefdry and friends for their ktndnus in a few wellcliosevi words all jolntd in ulnglny for shes a jolly oood fllow tlie program ended with the national anuicni luncli was served und a wclal time tenl enjoy siqhtseeinq all the way w ly motor coach attractive return fares san diego 71 vancouver 7275 tampa 3810 tickets and infohmation at harold wiles phono 5r gray coach lines silent night an on that first occasion when a shining star announced a day of qreat rejoicing u on this aind christmas wo atve you in the same spirit of joyful ortotlng a merry mfcrry christmas oood health and happiness 1 special christmas bargains rejoice when christmus bells ring out they bring clear wish u sincere wish our wish- for a merry christmas with great good happiness to you johnstone rumley acton special train service ghristmasandjnew year- cansuti vaur nsarssl o n b tfekm asal for mu farilmsian buy tieasls la advaum avu tralaluuyt for friday and saturday ijullca fur trimmed motor lloota new awek olid slylcs block and bruwn blcuu for 0 mf imduy und saturduy menh heavy cum rublxoa onaronuhhl first quality special for prlduy nnd 8atur- d sq dny only it pnlr 314cf december 22nd 23rd ijulien fancy slippcra 49c 149 mens huiiers timto cvcritu and zlltor styles 9gc u j249 ijidkw full fiwhioncd pluinlom no sluulo silk hone a lovely christmus gift special jqr p pnir 150 actons exclusive footwear stores e nilaida prop millstreet i h micdonald mar acton 3i3saisij33ajjsisj53i5sj95i will rttltx come home fob cubhstmabt bouablv mat iwkaiw hobs so u yarn ssaa uusa tultsls baaalm atms awr ruraid am canadian national knox mission hani elects officers for year tin- rivulur rateting of the vlcturio mission iliuid was held on thursday dooembir 7th ll was in the form of a while olft christmas trcp there were two trees one was decoratod in whlto wltll the gifts for children in japanese and indian mission and the other one in christmas colors wltii the treat for the children a rjilendld white gift ser vice was conducted tiy the members ken hassard the boy president was chairman for the evening awards wwo presented to joyce dcieroult paul das- teault phyllsfc uobertson ims mc- laollan dora- hansen helen- mclflllsjl aoo ritchlf and marg siimervlue the wms junior life membership seal and pin were presented to dorothy massey youngest- mission hand member the worship service was conducted by four junior member jjmmle speilvagcl i harold smith joan soinervtlle and betty masters it included scripture readings aceompanled by appropriate christmas hymns tlie mission sand theme songwas introduced and explain ed by inez mclellan und dramatized by several senlov j3lrlfc rev mr ben- rile closed the meeting in prayer at alator date the mtoum-nand- kxecutlve held t meeuiurat uie home of mrs ooorge lutchlc the uow- mg officers were elected for 104 xtlrl president dora hansen qui vicepresident tf somsnille boy president fyfe samervtu boy vclepwldent paul pesssrsult secretary xnes iicmluan twasurermary lutchle c group xseaders qirls mildred lind say boy jtmmle 8peljvoffl pianist florence sauu ieeeee christmah mix assorted creams chooo- tates hard fruit rocks and jellle a toothsome special at per 1b 19c christmas candies whether its candy canes or ribtf creamy chooolstes youll find you want at uils candy shop ior christmas is a holiday we go limit to- ntake every candy lover sallsnsd hat the special homemade bjtoks for christmas regula price cream 20c bmllss n ohitclcw jn chruurtas wrapiitts at only 1 rr lb ouc our tobacco counter hu all kliwk of praui cliruw clnrarctti and tnuoccwi wrapped in keeping with the beamm harold wiles