thkacfon free press intntonav imtm mth inr vjl ffijartim3frtfb mum kw tku4y a 0 susamrnoij jwtjs-1- i firss pagsgs3rjs ksffl t w mum i c1 w advetttislnc hatkso ppllclloa j in vhoua clumn hiillng ft not rror b u th wbol p- ucb drtui- g arlof dills ejlloi telei-hones- idlloril j ilutaioalc uallnc let tw good ktoawd continue there m marked improvement ih the observ ance at the christmas holiday which it i hoped will continue over h new year holiday thlaweoit ac cldonts largely due to individuals driving cars who were in no condition to do ao have been lessened thia year it regretted that the lesson had to be learned at such a cost but it it is learned that shows an advanced step it is quitemuucni however that in the united states there are still a great number who cling to the belief that one can drive a notor car after drinking intoxicating liquors until the believers of this fallacy are eliminatedit appears there will still be accidents and lives will be lost we hope that the good record established- t christmas will not bar spoiled let everyone make sure that his merriment is shown in a sensible wn in keeping with the spirit of the season practise good will to all ontario news otlkewcelr r at aftudb mtfeumu edpq4 every caua for optimkun in the martcr of relief it would appear that acton is in a very fortunate position at the present lime the answer to the statement made at a recent meet ing of council that there were at that time only three receiving aid in the municipality can only be accounted for by the splendid condition of the manu facturing establishments in acton there is evident ly work for nearly all who arc able to mil the posi tions there is evidence too that acton having the type of manufacturing which is very necessary is due for growth anddvanccment in the months ahead not only is improvement noted now but continuance of tlwri niriirolartftnc jirliittrjp now thatut ftmrw of 0uuun uish a icrtiiluh iiuvtm liu 1 luwwwd otttouuy uw t ominlnr pumuh for th ftrt u lh nhotflmphi wtka tfor u utw mn w win wdrby to their amlllm nd thtr awmtlimrla at railway nation tern brtluh columbia to nova sooili e ioirul wa our arrana- ment of voluntary ooorhtp lhounda of cluviu in canada did not know- out any kudlrn had uft uiu oountry orjwittftuuit l uva type of oonaor- ahlp to which none objicu in wartlm nobody mu hurt k bring deprived ot ihu rt ot new when the curtain at twrwy in nn or many ilpi taken u krp away nam auumartno and bamtni ai canada youth rulwi tho ocean to enalaiul far ihu tame reason or conaarahlp tl lias not been pobktblr until now t duciua ttu demeanor or tllcso new can adian ldtrra aa uwy set uiclr face tow ant europe and what it baa in autre or them and titer was one aspect ot thi departure which woa markedly uf- frrrnt mm the canadian iwiw twenly- tt years ago tliat wu a aplrll o urtm umlrnttaiullna how atranaely in contrat waa the leavetaking this ume true there waa the aan conlldent ocarina among the youns fellows who boarded uu train as their father displayed a bncratum bc thai canadian w tlecoraud in ua hippy n ymr this is the last issue of the free press for 1030 when wo pause for o moment to reflect on the kind ness helpfulness and loyalty that have been scat tered through the days of the year that are now almost completed we would bo ungrateful indeed if we did not express our appreciation no doubt we have in the past said the same things that we will say now still that does not detract from their sincerity a like other ycars 1030 has had its depressed periods like every other institution there arc time when the going in the newspaper and printing field is not easy but in all these times it is the loyalty and kindness of friends business associates and people who in a community newspaper seem to come from every walk of life these are the influences that help to sustain in difficult times wc do not dare to be specific by naming these classes of folk but at the close of this year we want to so ttau a sincere thank you for the new year wc wish for all a full measure of all the things that make for a successful year of life this wish is not limited but extends from the editor and free press staff to everyone who rends this message happy new year arc well diversified the products have a wide dis tribution and it requires no undue optimism to see a healthy growth here in the days ahead truly we can enter 1040 with every assurance that a marked improvement and growth will be noted throughout its days editorial notes happiness and prosperity throughout year to all ihe new it will be no harm to start this week to practise writing jj 1040 a radio twuhtwt laat wk la niiifc hut t 1r m puuuott ut utt twvalobtttant of m0no whfeh haa hud lo maka war wow horribu- ymater auwiit airahltm lm- provl kjdoalwa bring a wajreloatr u uwas far away from it aa uu iiuhman tald at the mum tint canadian ott dnbr uftt were enabled lo hr a full account of oie arrival of their troop in ttagland wrough uwvaauy lmprovd medium of radio listener on thla oonllnanl wm riven a plouir of the actual arrival in port the urlfr to aklemhot by train and a tleaorlpuon of what tu troop were doln in camp aotually lieam uia voloe of tnemltera of the hrat dlvulon a meaaag dellveied by general wcnaughton chief of staff oontraal thl with uia anxloua week whlcli laped between ul arrival of canadian in lom and detailed word about them from knulaiul 111 by die voiuig jbtuns club of die toronto board of trade there hoa been a widespread movement throughout on- turlo curtail oceldeuu during tiva luulday meaaan i aw knforcrmcnt of iwers arc laklnu a more prominent mrt uu year in combating tht publla mriimt a fliieclal appeal ban been buitructcil to take away keys fnm dnmk nmlnrlmjt and iokh or uoenm and other eualtlr are to tu lmuucd on begllucnt and reckjeu driver redeatrtana arc alu bring asked to help along the good cause as it ha been ealabllahod tliat many accidents have been due to-core- leimoa on the port of people atoot chilltolotn anu 4juowu tiu modem cluld uatrairwwork and thta unt tood tw waa ui me vk rianbta of lrtawm anj f business directory 1 judging by the smiles on most faces santa claus was again faithful in his task of spreading happiness to everyone at christmas with elections still to be decided the makeup of the county council is as much an unknown quantity as the wardenship for 1040 this is the season of the year when lower taxa tion is the usual promise in municipal affairs its apparently controlled by the seasons tore but ue cheertnra of ult wnw came to see them oit wo gone fattier and mothers uncles and aunts wlio had had personal contact with the tragedies or the last war couldnt take it drave effort to appear cheerful were pitifully inadequate a tear refused to be dam med wlven uw trains finally pulled out strong men tabbed unrestrainedly here and there women collapsed one came away with the strong con viction tliat here in canada we hod really joined in tbje battl against ruth- ltu dictator with the very fullest rrallmtlon of what sacrifices are being made tilts lasl ureek we have another ex ample of heroism at home at trenton an exploded electric light bulb ignited same gasoline a young member of ui air force realised that a valuable air plane was doomed unless it wu moved so he rushed in to save it in th lost report he was said to be critically burn ed a pauent in hospital for lea than to start the kew year off on the tttt tt rt come operative designed to put a curb tin loan sharks on loans for not more than ioo tlie onat or the loon ui the borrower must be shown plainly and must not exceed 2 per cent per month for a 15monlh period on the amount actually placed in tho band of the borrower tho penalty for viola tion 1 imprisonment up to one year and and a maximum fine of 1000 or in the case of a corporation a fine ot 5000 modern war note soldiers at exhibi tion camp in toronto have been granted the use or room at farlcdale oollestate insutute twice week far the study of prrncb and german w told uu outar day by urtr tjullok junior may not but hi rather probably will apeiay u h waa brought up in the eounlry nd evan perhaps if ha rw up in a city duapparaiw of a work anvlron- mnl uva wry phr w lulv l bled a boy aom ya ago i causing clilldrwi uj grow up wluvoul ekparlaiw- ing the l of work or appreelauoii bf uva value of money lloro and school slumikt provide needed training by cliow and cratu us said not even uday full program of sporu lake urn place of work iloy wlio were boy 40 or w yeara ago eiecllly on a farm or in a oountry village remember uielr work and chore a a oy not iu guidance or iliarac- ter bulultnu of- oourw there wer lime when fishing in the creek would havo been more fun uuui luwlng corn stimcunvr loo it was hard to get out or bed at 5 om to go tor the cow in live lower pasture or to carry aim to tho hhwle island iumi hens and chickens long before brcakfaal uut when a boy look a calf or chicken or his own u uia country fulr and como luime will two blue ribbons early rising was ror- aotuii filling tlu wooil box in uie frunlv twilight wasnt really a cliore it was tlie prelude to a warm cheerful cvetliig in tlio farmhouae wllli next days lessons learned in uio glow of a kerosene lamp bealdo a big dish or pop corn or northern bpy apples fallowed by a game of dominoes wlven uve the examples or composition were fin- lulled ama 1lltnf rtr7-7-mcniven- myaialah asval hamrgaa ttld d toidw oornar avenue and ugut btrt dr ej nelson rfcywutt aiu riuri kuctro therapy muua dr wm o cullen l m c a khyuum asvtl mar seal offloa itour 14 and t- pm aunday by appobitmanl mill mreu near fredariek atrah teviphon u drs freed and stevenson castrilelxvllije phone- milton 2mr3 after 1ti pxn milton 3w onioe hour ld am 13 pm 7t qjdx sunday by appointment only legal c f leatherland b a barruur and ksllellar nstary rat4u issuer of martial uoanse itcgutrar of ulrtha marriage du acton ooino too far man wbo marrle two whats o wive dad a blbumlfit and whats one wbo marries three a ttlgamlstry way of llfo in tlvaso halcyon day even the feat of establishing effective contact between a reluctant calf and a bucket of skimmed milk was an adventure how ever unevenly the milk wo divided be- between the calf and a boy overalls picking apples on a sunny autumn sat urday when school didnt keep or carrying baskets or husked com into the comcrlb who could ever call that a chore and wasnt a boy proud when lie wu big enough to drive the big vrchrron furm team or to uuldc uie plow yes children and work still need to get acmiulntod maybe there are ways to do so today there should be llut will there rver be plcasnnlvr nije lhan thone in our simpler yesterdays christian science monitor kenneth m langdon rsrruur rauclur nsury ruuu office georgetown gregory theatr build in acton over t beynuck cat pot am flume acton w o m l the snow came and the weather was delightfully seasonable at christmas time something else there need not have been any concern about j in better setting it was pur privilege several times during the christmas rush to get a peek behind the scenes at the post office wc presume acton was just typical of many other post offices throughout the dominion at that season of the year built and equipped to carry a load for 51 other weeks in the year of not j more than a tenth of the christmas rush it is re- markable how- the post office comes through the season and maintains a service which if everything ie taken into consideration leaves little to be desir- cd wo are told that each year the service increases for instance a rough estimate would be that 5000 more cards were scntifrom acton post office this year than last it was most too busy a place prior tp christrilas to wish the staff a merry christmas when one looked at the stacks of mail about on every side some way that old greeting just didnt seem to fit but now the rush is over and we can all say to the postmaster and all the staff thank you and a happy new year the weather man has cooperated and that sport i hockey that holds such a place in the community life here will likely get under way as scheduled i shipments of gold to the royal canadian mint during the hrst ten months of tu amounted to 4042650 ounces representing more than 11000000 in new wealth the l0rne scots peel duff erin and halton regiment the dcstructivcncss ihnt some individuals ex- hibu is beyond all reason the breaking and theft of electric bulbs put out for decorative purposes at christmas was certainly not in keeping with the spirit of the season nonpermanent active m1utia is now irrpand lo accept municipal bodies in acton are ready to com mence duties aher the opening of the new year elections have yet to decide the personnel of these bodies in municipalities who adhere to the later date rumor has it that hitler is offcriub n prrze an iron cross probably to any inventive genius who can devise a zipper contrivance for the bottoms of nazi ships the purpose is obvious globe and mail tim to enjoy christmas j sometime we arc going to tokc a day or two away from the office immediately following christmas to enjoy christmas that may seem a bit twisted and put in such a way that thewrong meaning may be taken ery year we like many other folk receive a stack of cards conveying good wishes the trouble is that they come in such a flock that there isnt the opportunity for proper appreciation lying on our desk at the moment is n ungainly pile that is going to reposejnere until we do get an opportunity to more than glance at them- they are the product of much thought they convey a mes- sage from friends and put in a beautiful way too perhaps tonight but if not some night soon we will derive a lot of joy from that untidy phe to you iwhohaye sent them may we express our apprecia- jittnjr tfie we grolthe more firmly is emplant ed the thought that there must be a santa claus in the meantime we long fons free day following christmas to gat the most out of these yuleride tries- aageev the difficult adjustment as christmases come and go is not one for the young folks alone but when the children show dad how to make the most out of the christmas gifts instead of him being the in structor 4n austria recently a number were sent to intern ment camps for having radios in their possession while some others were shot in canada the only punishment for having a radio is a fine of 3 a year and the progroms porcupine advance recruits to brin the regiment up to full strength enlist now in you goiiplty regiment for home training now in progress elections are to the forefront in the adjoining townships it might appear that the feeling of the electorate was that if this is the last opportunity for the duration of the war that it will be utilized as we have said at other municipal election times it behooves every elector to weigh well the decision he or she iscalled upon to make if the selection is being made for a longer period than usual the duty of every elector is even weighted with mr responsibility actonsthursday nights ileeruiting officer lt a buchanan c col r v coiiover coiiimamling officer oft ice lloun acuin tuaidmy and thuraufty 130 pm to 4 00 pm ea- tns n requeit dkntal a j buchanxn d d s dwtit bunm orlc in iuhman block hours d m until 8 p m kvol by appointment qu lor tract ton clod wettntuiuy aticrktkin x1u- iknaa 14 l d p w pearen dd s itwui burcmat orftcc in ili flymon block phone 30 111 biimt ilockwonti oitice oprn kvry thuril atlcnuwm and even ins lie- wrtnt iart ui the car caiurit tlir moat aoctdrnui flir tlw nut thai hlda ttie wtwvl vetcitlnakv b d young vs rvsc veurinary karfmh onic ilrwikvltlt onuxlu phon ullion i4r4 f g oakes vs bvsc vdlartnarr surfmai onto and hraldrnrr kiwi ai acuu phonn 138 fkank petch aurtlnnrnr ami hprrcnlatlva rial life auunmcf co phmir llr 3 owirurunilii jkoiwiktown i o timk tables mjian n at acton standard ttme gains kwt dally rxrrpl hunday o 2 ai- dully rxcrpt sunday 9 to am dally fxcrjil sunday 1 2b pjli siirdiiy only n 10 pm plycr ul 0lrbt 441 pm olng vrl duly rxrtpt sunday h ibtm dally rxrrjil sunday 1 m pm- saturday iv 3 0 pm hatiirday inly l j in am sindny only 1 1 33 pm flyrr at cliriielmu ioo pm flrr ul clurljjt 4 48 pm ray coach links coaches ixavb acton hundartl tuo kastbound to tonanl a61 am bu m 1301 p m e30v pm 4 21 pm fl 3l pm 148 ra wthtbol nl t iawu lo33 am i13b am 331 pm cx3i pm a m3 pm 1 u pm i pm fix j pm n 1101 urn a rxcrpi un and ilol bun and hoi o fiat only d ncpi mv sun j ad lltil ri dun and lll a to kllclifhrr yto dtraltjjj sauvs sauks ctr t jjfej r-