page six the acton free prfss titimflpay wcnnoahy ioui imo of interest to women menu hints smibm fer new n scfum this months sta tteolpk by betty barclay these are cake day cool weather makes baking a pleasure rauier than a task a particularly delicious orange sponge cake with a flavorou fining becomoi the mnr recipe for ue month xf you want to assure yourself and your tumta uiat it is entitled to such an honor try uie following recipe and if you know of i better cake recipe let me have it perhaps it loo will become a star orange sponge cakt 5 egg yolks 1 cup sugar j nip orange juice j cup water 3 cups cake flour 2 teaspoons baklnu powder h teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon orated orange peel i ut white stiffly beaten bra ty y for 10 minute with a rotary hand or much in l beater add water and beat 3 mlnuteo add flntir sifted with baklnu powder and salt heat about 1 minute or onlv until the dry inaredlenu have lit en quickly nut thoroughly blended into the mixture fold tn the grated peel nnd then the ess whites which have been stiffly baten but not dry bake in a 0 inch tube pan in modern te ovtn j0 degrees p for 70 minute for the ailing tako 4 erg yolks l cup sugar 1 cup orange juice i tablespoon gelatine teaspo grated oraiiue peel hints on fashions harbinger of spring lal chronicles oh j ginger farm lwim wrltum spmljuly ur tha aeltn vtt preu owenitolink r cuuuck i cup sugar mix egg yolk cup bugur and orange juice and cook in double boiler when thick add the gela in and orange peel cool bent egg white mixture into orange custard spread on coke and sprlnkh wiui coconut chill in refrlgtr ntor this weeks chronicle was just about ready to malt when suddenly and un expectedly came the news of lord twrcdamulr s death i say suddenly because death whenever it comes wheth vr without warning or after a prolonged illness always has in it a quality of suddenness and unexpectedly because although one could not help but realise the seriousness of the governorgenerals illness yet such is ones faith in tin marvellous skill of presentday surgeons that one instlncllvelv hod the fed l nit that somehow the doctors would mrnnl in bringing their patlint through dhl it was not to be lord iwnd imilr so near uw complitlon of it full h fill nnd momentous ti mi of oftlrehas been railed homo- nnd our country lows a ninn who in hui quiet dignified way had end cured himself to people through outkisl- in fact we suffer a double loss in mime john huchnn has gone from us too- ind we wero looking forward to the books with a canndlni background which we hud hoped the novelist would write in the quiet rentfulneiui of his country homi whiuce ue know he had hoped to retire after his strenuous years of public life sometlnu a i wonder how far uie re spoils ibil i ties of public life tend to short tailored suit with novel striking mw pn tne yt of ft man ufe tak ot designs like this model art to b- i ishion- y mundonnld and think loo of able brack wool li paired with blight uwl rrlml minkt chamberlain must royal blue woollen the latter urd f r through the nervous itraln re- the plastron front of the ifnf tly hied bulung from meh unprecedented responsl jacket tlu low square neck permit a bniuffjl mmi tremendous burden ui view of tin black draped silk jtrjy ctwulont man and vet how qulck wouw -the-elghtrgorrd-sklrt-haa-well-rt- crlttrlewhleveru done by defined fullness the bright blue felt bat immo ln n office doosn t it almost la trimmed alth navy sun ribbon mnu yoil n omellme to think of it not that ixjrd tweedsrmilr was criticized in fact i cannot think of anyone at whom less criticism has been i ilvcled but wo know there aro other the advance model of spring reveal the suit as popular us tver the softly your hui lb nkh1m all uus week citizen throughout can ada arc being asked to contribute to the canadian legion war services appeal for 500 000 an examination of this non pront mak lng orgunlrauon u subsidiary of tin canadian legion itself immediately 1m presses one wiui uie necessity of enabling it to carry on its vitally imponanl oc uvlues not only in canada but auo in england and franc j readers of this newspaper who are i aware ot uie legions effort ln providing education facutue for the men so uiat they may continue their studies while on active service and thus equip them selves for their return to civil life who have read of the splendid work behir done tn maintaining morale and esprit decorps by means ot entertainment and who know of liu addict nnd guidance that tht legion is giving the men on all problems arising from war duty must kutcu be rncouraged in maklnu their donation gemrouly and without delay wi m canada who tin so fur u movrd from war umen ilre jm rhuiw tn nuenced to mim ext it b a falsi per spwtlve of the fltrurglc that ui uheud we fall to gri tin full u ni fleam f tlw sacrlftre out fwhiu b nttn will lw culled ukm to nuiicr ti put it bl ml we lack a war spirit it will take but one catastrophe tnvohtng our forces u moke ut reallri tliat wt ire at waru war unit from ul tiultmll ns is going to be the most hmrlble in alt hutory hit wtlfarr netnts of our fighting nun will b many and it would be unfair of us t t xpect that the military author tlis khould assume the added njiponsi blllty of providing for tliee needs thu rtwiwiuclblllly can be carried out most satliifactorlly by organ ired and ofttrlalu endorsed bodies such as the csinidi m legion war service imbued with the conviction that its koru must primarily be directed in siuh a w as tc contribute to mllltan ef iklcncy and alius help to wm this war oh sjwedify as possible the lrglqii is abi lookuu to that da when peucrr u de lannl and our men return to resume their places as cltleeni with that in mind the legion has under way tlu m wt ivmarkable education scheme iver design ivt for canadians under wartime cundl tloils at ud led from all angle the ten lie 1 neina rendered by thu organisation can not tall u maite a great contribution to canada war effort and the rehabilita tion of nur men when the war is over and if we are preoeeupled with mxlons of what u taking place today it would b well to pr a little farther into the i future and makn our prenarallonji now i for the new peace that is to follow investment i the canadian legion i war services u sound investment in f deihocraoy a tihuiiculosik contuoi oojilctivi- if oni province of canada can reduci its uibffixulosti death rati so that it is 47 per cent less than that for the coun try as a whole it is safe to take the low est rati as an objoctlve in tuberculosis control even assuming that snakntche mail climate may be more favorable to the keeping down of the tuberculosis mortality the difference ln the death rate is so marked that thoao who are working to conquer this disease may well 3b b deaths from tuberculosis per 100 000 people canada s average was 54 q tills of course is a splendid improvement ln l he last dtcade ten years ago there oelng over bo deaths per 100 000 people if the low rate for saskatchewan had applied to all canada in 1038 there would hate been only 3 333 deaths in stead of the actual number of a 123 when it is considered that the can prominent public servants living in can ada to day who are even now beirlng the full barrage of public criticism but should they die how differently wt should speak of thim what a pltv they nro not allowed tht privilege of rending tin ir wn obituaries i suppasi we all criticize too quickly and unthinkingly perhaps if we gave more thought to the dlfflcultien confront ing men in public office we might have less to say or again we might form a be encouraged jjiabit of giving people uie benefit of uie dominion government figures for h3bjjv nnd gve ulem cnvdlt for anlnk credit saskatchewan with mlngonly tliv bst they run accortllng to lh lr way of looking at things glancing buck oir the wetlc leant think of anything out of the ordinary that ha1 happened right here at ginger parm excipt that partner hns taktn lo knitting night after night he has watched me at my knitting first a scarf nnd then a sleeveless sweater i u bet i could knit a scarf if i tried ndlan rate is only one quarter of whnt t du1 en knitting it was at ue turn of the century an wh wcul noflplull dlir tnr hut achievement of which uils country mnv uftr m thorp ls no rcumn tt t ah t h proud those who arc sixclnlbdng in i b rtbl t do qmln the fight against tuberculosis may well thlu ubs that night tlu foel jusufled ln working toward the ob i jccthe of securing a dominion average equal to saskatchewan tills would naturally tnetin that some provinces might even t col suskatche v on b record perhnps saskntclvewnn i itself and to prove that even this ls pnxslbli it is pointed out that ln some next t veiling partner was watching me ugnln haw you got wnv sim medus hi asked suddenly i nodded w 11 then ut t me up somi knitting iiild partner 1 11 have a shot at it am wu i oit r went for varn and needles and little while then was partner knit canadian cities there ore now onlv l nun ttlt nlcr u piflua of deaths per 100 000 iwpulation from tminv lt te onl ft wnrf m mamm luberculosls b u gljl thppp nr nn mlstftkofl ftnd nq pdmpped stitches and hi has done nbout tin inchpw u1x pi t a long haired youth inured a in imi hibllshers oftloe carrying undi r hk unn a small nii of paper good afternoon said the publish 1 1 well er i hae a song here iip besan and i w as wondering if v oil would publish it er shall i slug it oh yc lets hear lt said the pub usher nnd the youth burst forth vlmi asked the voung man what do rtet for if oh replied the other with an air if rtsunatlou i m a publisher not a magistrate sall s bauies i fee i ssi xstv b j ml hit 6or 7 idttk to w do you likt readlni surlts of curl gerrmiiny if you do then escape by bthel vance is one book you ahouldn t miss it is a wonderful ntory of its tyjie and holds your interest to the verv laat word it is the story of a german born american who has property in oermany nnd tries to sell it she meets with soine difficulty and gms to germany to straighten things out it is against the nazi h to sind money out to the coim- try and so this woman who hod unfor- umuuk omitted to take opt american citizenship papers is arrested tried and sentenced to death what she and those who canlve at her cc endure is just about hair rats ig fntcoihy as it does i not vuind nt all farfetched knowing what we do of present d german atrocities some frleuds of mine have invited me to go with them to a performance of gone with uie wind if and when they go and litres hoping they decide to go and ulat thev can managi to ob- j tain tlekets i it au7dkpfcnnfl the duke or windsor when ha first visited high river where the k p ranch i located is quoted as having said uist the difference between ft farmer and an agriculturist is that the farmer makes his money in the country and wasteu lt in the city and an agriculturalist makes hi noney in uie city and wantwult in mu country naturally the sally whlfch was mil original met with loud laughter from the roomful of farmer and ranchers at the luncheon at which hrh spoke no matter wiio said it first the saylnc has a great deal of truth in it i am neither farmer nor agriculturalist ul though i live in the oduntry but i am rapidly becoming philosopher enough to real i w that without the ingrained know- ledgi of living things uiat comes from growing up with uiem a city man is just ino pounds of inexpert weight and i haven i even the satisfaction of thinking that a lawyer in my job would 1e as helpless as i would be ln ills it always seems to mi that anyone who has passed out of grade seven or senior fourth is capable of wrltlnu down what he sees and does and thinks to get back to the subject of weight last saturday wo felled a tree it wait an elm a lovely majestle tne a cm tnrv ind a quarter old of course it was it shanu to cut tho tree down but the re wuf a reason i nrty or fifty yearn iih a high wind or a flash of llghtnlnu tore n nig branch from tin nhn und rlpimtl liienitjugash down the trunk v r n louu time that dldn t matter to any one except tho tree and it bravely mak lng the best of things grew thlekor and lalli r and spriad its hnfy hrnnchrs wld a w ilnfwhwatoly ths- lhlcktr tin trunk grew the wider and d per gri w the wound in its trunk until at last there was danger thnt the next high wind would blow tho tree down tin i c was only one thing to be done just us a decayed too must come out for the good of the rest of the body or a dictator infested people munt be dh lnfoctelfor tlu good of the rest of tlx world the tree hud to come down in its century and a quarter of life that elm had grown to a great h ighl and had spread its branches over such an area that uie problem was to get it down w ithout breaking nearby trees or lnjurylng thi house i wroti we fi lied u tree iih a mat ler of fact i felkd it nut only beraus j weigh i no kiundanat because i mn u woodsman a frluid of mine who is as good a stone mason as ever built a chimney as mighty a hunter us ever pent two weeks in the bush and enmo linmu with an alibi and as good a logger ua ever topped a b c flr togeuicr with n fi how sawyer undertook tho job on i of the two huge main branchc they lopped off on the friday while i wan at work the other was cut nenily through when i arrived on the scene on saturday uftcnioon high above the cut an end of a 150 foot rope was tied the other end of the rope was anchored to a sturdy trunk 100 feet away as i watched thty cut through as far as was safe then becausi the big limb had been inclined by decodes of prevailing westerly winds in the wrong direction they put a strain upon uil rope to start the fall towards the clear space thoy strained and took up the a ick of the rope and strained again the tree swayed towards them yet each time it reached a certain twlnt tho long v kufmltmlmumktl a hit mix en habit of years asserud itself and uie massive limb straightened again nd cllued to tm past so i volunteered volunteered with all tho diffidence of the untried amateur can you um mow welghtf my friend looloed mn over not as you would look oyer tho man wlio is paying you for tin job more as you would look mi r a luifir or a slum l at the count fair i hi tore making an offer i think your weight will just about do it he said pullwhen x tell you to mid when ie starts to go run bock to wards the lioiue with my added uilght ubout the fourth pull ntaited the fall but i dldn t run uiwardu the house neither did the two i xpert we all felt on our backs tn uie snow und watched the big branch crash down it ditn t full just where we wanted it hut our olttjts were sufficient to keep lt from doing any great damage and the moral t well there isn t much of u moial unliss it bt that just a little hit of nddlttnnal weight added to the pnu used wok til uie exjiert will some time do a job that could not be accom plished without the eo operation mxtv ypaks l somitiiinu li i h st p foi it m iniont into tho world of inilo suggests u c rtaln vi ry progrcn nivi canudlan corporation in a newspaper ntuu nu nt which gois on to mention wlui i l inch of humor the sluffy purl ir of sixty yiais ago tlu gloomy dro erl s tin what not with it s u s hi lis and llliiss i nclmtod flowers in n ln the dim light of the prlsmcd bunging lump tin n along runic progress tlu stall ment eon limns and the victorian household they make veliciotis tea salada a bags iitirarv ivvvning not long ago admirers or canada oldest living poet gathered to celebrate his olghtleth blruiday tho occasion broughl toirellvcr not only reader but also writers who wire glad to allow by their presence the respect in which thoy hold the dean of their profession in fact admirers were so numerous that tlu small lull where they met was uncomfortably crowded when uie guest of honor rose to acknowledge the tributes that had been paid to him and to read name selection from hi own work thos at the rear of the hall laid feme dlifl- cuty in hearing hi valco above ui nois of passing streetcars it wo observed uiat a younger poet mr ninnk took this annoyanoe phllo snptmully 1l drew from his poflkst a slleutler im k of ium iiu and began to nnd thim a in ighhor also finding it dlffuult to following ujij reading looked over mr blanks uhoulder but dlsoovered thut uie iwkik did not assist him it was hit intent mid only publication of mr lllank hlnimlf ilm irlnuv1 word 1114 pun at wlifch life moved began in speed up a new era hud begun rhnre will 1m a great many people in thbi nnintry who will look with nostalgic interost upon tho invitation to step back into the world of lflflo thoy will a preclau that to lo so would bi u give up tn mrndoun advantages but ln those days they will at least pau tn r that thy cannot also have uie ndvant iihitt of 1880 to go bai k would mean to low tin ir automobile teltphone radio electric tight most of tlu ir plumbing and beat lng appliances and all their chance of st lng omit with tho wind in the movies fr a factory worker it would i tin an lowxr wages and worse working i conditions for sick ixpjpers lt would mean that anachronism the poturs field ror a large part of the imputation it i would mean less schooling but p rhaps i nibre horse sense becausi tho horse was more important then for everyone u would mi nn mud nnd a startling amount of filth in food nnd else when and there u ould tie no jook organs i yet tht invitation to step back into that less harried i ra has its attraction indication of this longing may perhups 1m seen in tlu current old fashioned i styliji of women s clothes evi n after tho good old days have bei n thor oiighly dobunked there still remains the fact that in this country at least we could in thosi tlimvi achlive somt mea j sure of sociological and economic free dom by dcbaui and vote now frcodt m i balancet in uie valor of our amis and of i our alllii arms all our vaunted pro kress has to bt used to defi nd life itself tlw victorian parlor may imvi been a bit dull but it was not so ilki ly to pet bombed the printed word how is the time togulf registered i ocsaittmknt os aqfucuutuwc nioductioh ib vic plant mioductt m fuut t m sum cv f tfit lun cmiis n i i ik ihjiu 4 cm attn i ohhiiiim clfpliis of itcglitcrccl seed are rapidly gruwlng less ihrough tcadinh and sale tlirougli tho grain trade particularly rust reslitunt varieties of wheal and uati order supplies now for prink planting registered seed is pure as tu variety it therefore rives lcier returns in yield ipiality und grade it require no cleaning regis icrcd seed is told only in tied cottlaimrt gornm0ht tdggtrf and fcotvrrjhimt impeded lluy ucgutcrcd seed lor information regarding mturtci of supply of approved varieties write to the district supervisor plant products division of the dominion department of agriculture for your district the nearcat dominion ixpcnmcntal i arm the provincial department of agriculture or the nearest agricultural college fatd tuppliei an important in xtartimr hit ytar plant and ralti only the httlf agricultural supplimm board dominion dl par i ml nt of agkicultukf ot1awa hdnourahi jamtt i oautintr mmitmr cam onr watrlnvonl on iloinr front i am so glad to see so many ntjw faces here thas evemtng asd the vicar and after the meeting i ahould like to shake hand with then ouns und grain metal meat and machmery agriculture and alrorali canada is carrying on at home with a gigantic up- swing in production in all kind war effort is readily recognized as three young airmen study a recon naissance map upper right and as majoroeneraucktoughton commanding the first division cabf discusses opemuons with ueutool lee camp commandant cjje barrack tjoronto but behind uie scene the blast fumade and forge call tho expert metal workers to the colors centre and armed only with a dinner pall canada army of worker march to win this war uirough their power to produce upper left the cbc feature production start uiree of whom are ahown lower lattr including samuel kersenhoiyn musical director harold syw sound otfeet operator and j prank willis producer will give canadian listener eaeh wsok a gumpse behind the scene of canadas great war effort on the homervosil cbc mobile unit will visit munition plants and gronarlee machine gum factories abattoirs and shipping depot tlie mo featwe department u working tn dose cooperation with the office of the director a the department of pubue fin formation to bring to mauonal network audiences each sunday evening an uptothmtnute survey of canadas war effort in all it aapeet the first broadcast of carry on win be produced from toronto guiaday lbruary ith 040 to b 0 pjn wai tr i iv i sis aiwjrwj0