thtmsnay jtjfcy sjl104ir the acton free press paob tiirut jjyiwnah mum m garvin 1 holidaying at bauble beaoh xuu etta xm1u vulted in toronto over the weekend mr diarlm landsborough spent sun- day and monday at orlllla afliaea laura tuad and nellie younr are spending two weeks in orlllla mr lloyd clifford spent sunday in preston lome maaalea ipent a holiday at the cottage of mr h ft farmer on lake filmooe frances and james diui are holiday ing m toronto with mr and mrs s- drowning miss annie lasby la holidaying with her friend mlu myrtle weua at ptckar- ing beach mr and mrs j h reed left last week for a trip to montreal ottawa and eastern points mrs win bwackhamer of toronto vulted over the weekend with mrs r 31 wansbrough mr t xi taylor and master gordon of buffalo vulted at mrs w a mur ray s on saturday miss bessi boss of toronto spent last week at the home of mr and mr chas landsborough un and mm l o johnston spent sujbayevening at uie home of mr and mrs win maxwell ouelph mr and mrs e h vincent and bill vulted at the home of mr and mrs wm maxwell ouelph un uundny mus blanche prentice and mr fred x young are h udaylng with mr and mr albc i ounff and family mr and mm harry nuol and dor uiy of thnrnld spent the wtek ind wlth mr and mrs 0 w masule mr amt mr w si crosby und laugh tor pturl ul orlmsby wore sunday v in torn wltli mrs jiatuo swackhamor mr and mrs will lam kelly or new york an holidaying with mr and mrs frank krllj and family main strict mm a t brown spent aoveral dnyn in toronto last week being joined there durlntl thr wrck end by mr breton mm fogurly and aon of new york city are holidaying at the homo of her parents mr and mrs frank kelly main street messrs roy harold and master rob bie wansbrough or toronto spent tuesday with their mother mra r h wansbrough mrs t k mccallum of ounkuloon bank arrived rrum uu went lust week lu apiikl aohm time with her m thci mra a e nllktlil mlu hun memillun underwent an i operation for nnioval or lomlln on mon day frit tuu arr plcaned lu know slu u recovirlug favorably george wallace clotedes shop 123 yonge st toronto the column defective eyes solence definitely proves that defective vision u detrimental to ones health why not find out for yourself if your eyesight u at fault if it la you can have it corrected easily if you consult head optical parlors u st oaetgwvffmntara thos patterson plumbing heating we liujtal vapor hot water heat ing and also plumbing btoumatos given on your plumbing or floating problems rroe located at acton united church bctwrt n d a m and 6 pm tor the next ten day home address hornby ontario thw first tesu were taken on friday in the ymoa learn to swim cam paign at acton park the test for those who have taken the lessons u to be able to swim bo feet three boys succeeded in completing the distance they were jack oyelgh- lon jack macdonald and kenneth adamson koch boy received a ribbon tesu for girls were taken on monday and fifteen proved that thay had learned to swim by completing the 30 foot dis tance their names are frances chew joan pargeter lena lawson barbara lawson margaret mowat maureta rowtes mar anderson shirley wilfong jean wilds fabry chew ethel iiunter dena franceaoato beatrice lambert shirley sutcufte claire markey there are a great number yet who cannot swim and these are urged to see w j benson for instruction many who were formerly in the das have dropped out parents who are concerned about the safety of their children who cannot i cannot pi swim are urged to nave their children- 4jrjultlp8es ol take advantage of the instruction per lods remember the ability to swim u about the best life insurance there u keihrtki killed flying officer william a ulddlebro native of owen sound ont who com posed the war aong or the moth air squadron u reported to have been killed in a flying accident in england mr and mra arthur lain and mian norma ol loronto und mrs robert luit of unit house v tolled v lib mrn wm hall during ilu week end mrs wm johnston who has bun hulldalnt with mrn v u rumlej and children ut uuir summer eottogt mar oak villi ri turned lioiui oiv pueaday dr and ln p w peart n und bob accompanied bj mrs i iharen or lor onto anil mis oruet hitthmugum ot bruoibridki are visiting una t ok utthl trieniln in ottawa ayltnrr etbt tuul montreal quebec i tin engagement in announced of jaiut mooee daughter of mr und mrs j cratb of vi lutecium h ontario to john robert hall son of mrt hull and tht late wm hall of acton the wedding to take place earl in august mrs f mtuorll clinton atmouncta ihr engagemem of her elder daughter haiti ciimuna to mr frank murra mckuan second son of mr and mrs turm mcewoiu clinton the murrlage will take place tltr latter part or july mr and mti c k way whte clmpleou annoimor thr rnogement of their dautfhvr charlotte r n to dr alexander o m bruyns youngest soi of mr and mra a o m bruyns george town uw ueddinu to tukt platt qulttly at gevtrgiown julv 31th general insurance ld7e fire automobile and all cuisbcs of insurance f l wright oniea coeiur bujr rbaiw 9 vree uk tun tree medicine show aruuunx of music sonsv und jokes step dancing and comedy rarer act in acton pvrk from jula 25th to 30th lventngs froll r 30 to 10 so iopular contest prise given away reiuxiv witlire at reor thevtrt on momiv nuht with laurent e ouwr and jian foil- tatne heodiuh a cast of outstanding pluy ers and wlih a ur niled atth drama mnp and mstrn dald o tfeut nick a latent production rebeccou the frtffigtcnuuwi at thr on gory thrtrethjun on monda night the ftun u bnuianu directed u alfred ltjtchcock knoan internationally- as a master of intrigu crime and mjstery on thr scrern rebecca u the nlm erslon of the bestselling novel of the same name by daphne du maurier tt was prepared for ttte awsen by robert sherwood and joan harrison and retains all the gripping drama of the original book gregory theatre friday july mlh charlie mccarthy detective deriren mccarthy and mort snerd uiulcal one for thr book suunqer than ftcuuh oiruo earl worm oct ttv jjlrd chaptlr 5- ilicjc tto- 9 o mrn xvm khay jlly sjth oui nuk m vin street lwyer aluu luue southward ho ro rotter yux kw s movday jlly lh rebecca you lowd tile novel ou 11 live the picture with laurence oliv ier joan fontaine cartoon sup rati lion bjoy companies organized by government will operate new plants mlnuter s says in ouulnlng need far new powers hon c d howe mlnuter of muni tlons and supply introducing an amend ment to the munitions and supply act raid the purpose was first to cnabk the di partmrnt to lake ovit from liu war supi ly board its pndcciwr alui nit interruption at cond to enlarge the wwers of uil rxiiartmcnt and ret liu un pnccdun under thl act primarily for the purpose or permitting a coiutldi r ublc d urei of diccntrullzau m of aork the act tlvat certain ov rn mint owned and controlled coinpnnlts shall be stabllfilied and headed by buii m sa men chontn by uu oot i ruminl who wilt be nble to carry on oieratlnns ob companies rulhi r than as port of a deiarlmental stuit the powcru mild 11m mlnjuur arc taken to mobilize industry fully for tl- pmaccutlon or the war the extent to uhlch they arc used- is a jirogreaslve matter wt have already availed our selves of these powers to a conslderabli extent in some instances we have built government plants to manufacture munitions of war of types which have no poace time countenart during thl laur dlscushlou tlie mill liter said we have used the powers indicated in the bill to dictate the prlns at a hjch people ahull undertake ork we have earn into a plant and fluid we want thbi urtirlc the prici li bo much you musi manufacture that article if ou are not sutlilled alth that price jou can tukc jour case to the txehequir curt we lum dont tluit in u fia occlslpn iu uit need grows mort urgtnt ulll ust llib ptmir erj lx u naively we ore getting to the point where it a munufucturtr has u thnij w hlch tht wove mmtnt needs w e pre tiupt it wt pnj hun what wl think i fulr prtte and if he does not think he has us i have mild un upptul to the court in muni uislumts wi hai 1m pom d our prion we havl organized comiunlt i for itrluln purpotii wt hute u coriwru hon twuibllnlied fpr the purpose of en surlng a aupplj of ci rtaln ruw materlnb which comt from ubrond from sources liable to inurruptlon it la liu dut of una company to ktep a nuffkunt amount o uioar supplies on imnd ao uiat- if uu aourw lu cut off ac would atlll be able to carry on war iictlvltica which depetid on that product the company u coniostd of three or tour busluesa men of lde experience and high tntegtlt i think they would all dtimmtnd uirmselves to tin committee thr companj hoi an experienced man jiger and lias certain capital allocated to it by the government it makes per iodical report to the government of its operations it undrrstanda its job and does it j we hate anothrr company which is uurchuslng machine toou which are the boturneck of most of the war aupply induatrles tlus company buys machine toou from ounadlon sources u far as it can from united states sources as it cun as it takes delivery or these toou it has uiem installed in planu that are moat suitable thr intention belns to anticipate needs and shorten the time required to tool up when a certain type of production u called for ii has per formed a ver useful aenlce it i man aged b first class business men who undemtand that particular work recrntlv we hae incorporated a third comiamy as i have mentnnrd arvrral unit to be resionalble for the managrmmt and co ordlnatjin of the government nwnrjl and operated plants that are making munitions and to be responsible for the bualness monagemrut of those plants parliament continued rrom page one strongly supporting the measure yel it is a matter of regret to me that no attempt u being made to take care of the problem of those who only have casual or seasonal employment tnli problem will eventually have to be tack led as on aocount of our climate seasonal unemployment u much more prevalent here than in many other countrlen during thn week the many farm prob lemn were dlscuawd when the estimate of the deiturtmrnt of agriculture wl re being considered with u surplus now of about 2so million busheln of wheat and the prohprcls of n crip thin ytnr reach intf 4o0 million himheu it lt apiian nt that our ntornn fiulllutfi will be taxed to mpncily uik full thi soft nhm in ork irietn will not i rico ir ik any fir uu r t xpunslon f thlt uut but cutlt prlren iirt now mon tillrtrtlvi und thu part of thi indiiatrv tll d nibtltws tx imtid tht dt t rinlnisl i irt u the purl or tin oovirnmcnt u prt vent ex cihs profits in inilustry and t prttnt un milmtutitlul lorn ts in un rust of uvlnu will mi un unit d irlii ihbi war f irmi ri will not lniki tin r un u tilth ihty mudt durliil un last wur but tl will nlso meun uiat agrtcultun will not mifttr the 1oh which it unstained in tlu vturi follow init tlu lest w ir a abort study or the figures shows how impor lant lt ls to prevent any aiituituntlul in rnujit in the coat of living diritu thi lust wur living coats jm r family in ciui uda increased on the avoratn u little over 1 00 prwrek take a pencil muluply thin 7 00 turure by fifty two weeks tn the j cur and then multiply it by three million families in canada und vou will hive a total grruter than tin annual amount we art npendlnn on uw wur tile fxrew prollln tax act was ntvtii tlrst feuding this- week under thk ad we take in taxation 76 nr cent of nil or the excean proflls of the industry in addition to thin tht business lax of ib pt r cent li maintained und a further tax la uvltd brink ln thi busintsh tax up to 32 pt r ctnt with rtniwct to iiuluslriti which do not earn txcina proilui tlw ccv nitmbern or tht house have con i knded that we should lake 110 per ctnt of die xtrtas profits ui ls d n iii grtiil britain but in ort at britain tht n lt n olht r tnialni mi tux such as we have md wt bellevt tlvat more mont v will be i r lined in canada thtourh our basin of t ixutlon than would bt ralaed und r u 1o0 pt r ctnt excins prollta tax und u has tlu added advunuuu f klvtng fin ancinl encounurenu nt to the efficient munurfmt nl of business oakville a large number of enthusiastic people attended the annual garden party of thj ookvlllo and outrlct liberal association held in victoria park an saturday night for several days now a sang of work men under town foreman james jack son have been improving tlie internee hon at reynolds and colbome streets the w j johnston farm of 138 acres has been sold thu property owned by the johnston family for two decodei was the former county estate of mrs man ning thw local ball club was defeated by the columbus orada a toronto team on saturday to the tune of 13 to 3 perfect baseball weather favored tlie game but the team dldnt have any more support in the stands than if they had played in the rain recordstar it makes ci nicer cool drink salada erin workmen are making extensive altera tions to uia united church paraonsge and when completed the residence will be much more convenient and comfort able the board of trustees of erin ceme tery wuh to announce the appointment of george aingrtck as secreuury-treasur- er to nil the vacancy made by tlie re moval of w a ramesbottom the church of christ disciples sun day school and the cedarvllle sunday school held their annual plcknio at for kaof credit on wednesday aftemoon- when an enjoyable time was spent by all mra h swtnton had a small bone in iter ankle broken and uie ugamenu torn in the other in a fall at her home lost week mrs swtnton washust recovering rmrn injuries received in iter home last november when she fell down two steps and broke her should r and hip adv cate burlington mim m n v all lsl hint i hid i r i i run t wh liit ihurndij hi ht uvy nil nn d irllm uu ii it ls tallmiled tlmt uu 111 in o r ent of what m th 1 iwn it in r ii in and br ik in r mm owlim it tit nhiim m i- clu rr r ip it wus lit y ir hyla nl nt w iuu txtu appihiled chair man f r ii ill m pet i york and otiltiiio f tr llu tllstrli i t pr m u the ali t wur sivliikt atuipiw at i nu t linn of th wt ifare board lant nlht accounts r ir tlu month of juiu wtre t tuy i it ailed 431 a drop horn 1 374 hi in juni of 1030 which indlcnua iheiwlter conditions amt- times thla ytar over lust colont i ctinover and major pt acock of uu lomt scottish rlflen were in bur mutton taterduy and to day iwednea duj completing arrangements to take o er t ht local art na and recruit two platoons un a non iwrmonenl mlllllu of the lomt scottish ulflta edmund holtby secretary of uie hliih sclmol board rtpirtd to the police on mmduv venlnit that lls automobllo irid titnii ntolen lr holtby had parked the car on hts driveway along sldo hu rmldeiice in watt r strut and when he wtnf out aroiuul nltu oclotk to tlrlvt it in hln kirigt f r tlu nltilrt it had dls ired oazt tu notice we itave decided to discontinue giving utility coupons on and after july 30th 1040 but will redeem all coupons up to arid including auguat 34th 1040 huv was ravings certificates a coupon given with every 35o purchase wlilch enutlmi you to a clrance of winning a war savings certificate acton exclusive footwear store miii e hralda prop k ii macdonald mfrr street acton ontario si sri ioi clt ni i nu mi 1 that h 1 pocket lhaiikn 11 did i i kn n uu n um ox dear mr d11u i am sendinit oi u couple if phottin i auppnst you w 111 know w tio they are the arr from lefl to right baek row our tm kjcul bus nuoi w c j men msclf i eddie jamison and jack hen drraon i auppose the folks arr netting a itltlr cured jack home well mr dtlu ocrmuiiy will never wm because england will nght to the last man and cartridge and uu uir last house u left in eng land wr are ready for him here too if he htm a canadian christmas reccp tlon with 303 and some hp sauce an top of it auo some shrlu with ts of love to hitler from canada on it but tl is going to be a struggle still we are prepared to meet him and beat him at his own gumr i atlll say that nne brltmvtommv tn aa good ft three or m ins whrn it comes down to thr fighting part of it and we atlll can thank thr lord that wr woke up in time w will win in the end mr d1u an vhvrrio and krep the home flrea burning till we gel home w- from cnr eddie jtmion o it tssm ritoiits in si pruts h m r d iliac mmittttr t muni tl ins uu suppl shaking in the houve f cornjpions oiluwu juno ith 1 may i tint all lie supplies tlu dtparlincnl if iimltiona und subtly liave punhustdl miu uu u tr b gan huvt been produced at i print which t am sure does not t xceed five per tent r help arrange the great victory parade b a r r s q u a l ii t y g r o c e r y annmindnir nlw altltlvaus peekfrean english biscuits i iiinnus i imily sweet as irttiitii t 2 t i c hniet assented shlipes shorttake t i i seedless uosphcrr walllts 0c i i lemon 1ult ream siuidwith 17c tops in till- it is u it un otiiijt itltltish lines worth buyinc ktillcr s dund l styk marnmlujc 25c c u herriiik inlomoto baua ihc 29c itklgwuy s i amous 5 o llotk 1 ca ih pkj 17c rijjwjiys chuitl o plilul tlu ifc pk 2x bprnts enrhsh mixed ooj 0ula ihc ja1in vauiiis madk in canada 25c l jar lub houbt rcttnut butur i lk jar c hucolatt nut bprtad rcc 2pkkb killikk all wiiliii i hike- i colored lass bowl fki i lniri piukail oxydol 1owdir 3 2 cakts i soup i 11 i unl ik hiats all bkaui 25c 25c 25c co c t to s- o o to e d vi to stoi have you heard about our hrce war stamp llun staitt hu inn and siiviiik uikiii now wl iiaf a ahiiiliaiit kl it n ii mll vllir eveity wau stami saved heijijyollh t olintoy tlie british navy w ins rovv from hivis kestral tnian navy cpttiurs itujan ship in tlu ii nu act of wur in canadian waters alitor the start of u present conflict the hjtfcs bras d or royal canadian navy minesweeper captured the italian ship cupo noll and made prisoners of the italian crew the cak noll waa run aground and set afire tty her crew in an attempt to scuttle her off olc island tn the bt lawrence illver orkfsponot nci jgolftmes for troops tkemjt a no ftfuek jbsacce just like old chum according to lt gil wilfrid bowv aiinnal cluurnian of ihe educau m division of the canadian legion war services present plsiu indicate utjit cor- reapondenop couresln technical voca- 7 clonal elementary hlgh school and academic subjects will be available for troops in training in canada in early autumn i special train service toronto civic holiday train times eastern standard sti rday ol ht 3rd turnnto acton ouelph fal- msrstan owm sound ilauthsmp- ton kincardine leave toronto 3 st pm acton 7 m p m arrive cioelph 1s pm continu ing on rra se to points north orfsjmrcm e hsndbttu for lntibedlat stop all regular trains will carry astra equipment ana aadltlsnal myons ulll be operated whsrs reulrsd attractiyf iioiiiy hult fni farf4 canadian national despite their naval dreas these men are airmen and deaplte the name of th place uju kaitral they are working nn an aerodrome which la a training ground of live fleet air arm of uut drltlah navy