nrohsday dbciblcbkr idul 1v40 the acton free press paok xanu lp 3ftrrr jlrrfla cftfyribfimtb firtanj scrooge 140 by gwendoline p clarke jfcsaftiisiia5j3hji3i3i3i3jisi5i333 w jjjjam anderson braintnjnff i f relaxed comfortably in ms v4 lounse chair drawn up beside the blazing electric fire in his study tie elt an inward nlow or aatwfoctlon at thp comfort or hla hatntr this christmas he thouuht of it am concrete evld enceophu success as a business man not only wu he known a belne pro ureuilve in business he was auo reco nld an on outstanding flaure in public life he had served his town aa mayor for nine consecutive yeara he was prritlitent of the political party now in favor he was vicepresident or the hoa pltal board honorary president or the british canadian club and founder and honorary president or the iwal lm provement society he wa an elder of his church and hi name invariably headed the list of charitable and rellul ous subscription lists ills employees were well treated each one rejpvd a bonus at christmas plus a turley in the cane of married men small wonder then that william an deraon drotntree rrvlewed his ntandlrm u a cltlaen and relaxed comfortably in hu chair mr nralntrec waa also a temperate man we waa in tact a total abatolner except for uch occasions when he waa afflicted with bad head colds at such times he had recourse to the bottle or medicinal whiskey which in case his motives mlffht be misunderstood he kept out of slant at the bock or his desk and 11 must be added mr brolnlree won a great niifferer from head colds mr bralntree was a widower a ehlldlrnn widower and employed- a housekeeper in the person or mm chap pell that wa about all people knew or him what tie did or where he lived b tore ntartlna business in newberry wba still a mystery mr nrolntree reached forward and dialed the radio ah ha dlccns christmas carol well i ffuenn it would not be christmas without it mlstrabli fellow that old scrooe deserves all the punlshmuit he ot ah chool ah chool hliss my soul an olliir cold i now whfre did i ret thnf will well nothlna hke nlpplnn thlnus in the bud an ounce of privtn hon and his eyis involuntarily travel lfd tovmrds hlh disk no doubt mrs chapptu lift a ktttlt on in lhi kllclx n hhr uluays likes ti tup of tin ulun shf tonicn in at night vn th kfttli was on and so in it llttli until wlllium andinwin bruin tnt tntolallir and phlluiithopiht was com fortubly n inxtd in bin chair iikuiii mj- pliui bin pn unlive medlt int with con wuittoub dtllb ration tlu radio con tinned tin nuirj or tin christmas carol now scroart unih whiuiik tht hojnt ut tiny ttm tin wind howled chains milled tlu spirit t tirleol t willed ihrouuh tht room mr drain trii shivered sw ailed tlu n si of hl mmu at ont milp and drew ills cbulr closir u tin warmth and comfort of hit mr aw ful w md uml 1 htar norm thlnu rattllihl must u u shutter loose somewlurc short sluliled chap that man scronu iccep tmpldyoes sulisfled that n tlu stuff result more work bitter returns thul s uood business confound that shutltr huh bcroocc miser bad business william anderson bralntree benvo ent sue ccssful all ha mr scrooge there a bis bap between jou and me ou an mistaken willlum anderson strooirt i who said thul m nuiiu not scrtwibf confound chat wind and that tursrd rudlp mukltm nu hewr out- tluit art n t tin n wlllium scroaut tht voiix it putted us u lliln shadow form prim nil took hlluu lh fort the tisluiitshed wlllium eves who art ou an jou tht ttluwu from tin christmas carol yoti huc no buatncs hen with me oo a auu huustrd mr brulnlrtt uuarll i uni not a ghost of tlu past i am not ctmi trued with tlu past 1 uni u iruardlun ot tlu prtsint a giiurdlun or tlu prtvttnt tluh uhj an you hi r m nunu if bium tree- william andinton bralntm there must br some mistake you hint no bumlneaa hert with me i tlw spirit sujhedond his high uu like an k blast chlulnu tlit room yes to tin ptsiple of nt w bcrr j ou axx william uralntrte vou art the bin vian of the- town tou ale laryelj ou would luvwc teople know jou venerom and big hearted you want to br known as a friend of tlu ixwr as a righteous oodfearlng man but to me you are srrootfc scrooge 1040 nut why spirit uhi- what luive i done have you nota mother yea but have you not a father yea but j quiet scrooge quiet nowr1tl mj turn to talk ilnd your turn to luten i would hsve you know that there is more uian on kind of meanness the flrst eorooee was guilty of one jou arc guilty of another the worst kind of meanness you hove a father yes and a mother they brought you up denied thtmsclvcs even the necessities of llf to ylvc you your chance they watched you climb rung by rung the ladder of biiccoaa until now you have reached tlu stage from which you look back and desire to hire from the world your humble beginning and you ignore the parents of whom you should be proud no they live lonely lives in a humbl- home their days are numbered and tjieir only pleasure is following your career in the papers the only thing they live and pray for is that some doy they will sec you again if only for an hour but splrlti am a busy man i can not take the time i remember them i send them w at christmas and they have the pension bah money money is not everything there are many things that money cannot buy come follow me you have a lot to learn no sooner were the words said than william bralntree had a curious sensa tion aa of being transported through space in which he saw nothing and heard nothing until the spirit sold william scrooge here you may see without being seen william looked around him and saw small sparsely furnished room cheer less indeed except for the pine stumps burning brightly on the open hearth seated in chairs either side of the fjry place were an old man and an old i woman they snt nllcntly the light from tht blazint fire fitfully lighting their lined and stoic fores on the smnke- bliicicned mantelpiece was a large from ed photograph of a pronprous took inn gintlcruan and on elthi r side many hmaller ones clipped from newspap n und pinned up on tlu wall the old lady looked up at hit big picture our william pa don i e be proud of him maybe some day perhaps some christmas we will we c again if ii din t too luu tlu old man kkthrd e be a bu y mail ma we muft not lxmci that much lwirt imrt ilminnbk don t you fret now i don t diwiim mbi r us t sena u mout y niox than wi ntid and th itfi alius th pupi n thai ull u whui i bu dtilng don t fret now ma at i uln i no call to knjmblt en i u tuid n and i do lit pr md of i him but ut chrlstmuf- and i jint rol j u uuiiklni h w id llkt lo ail t just lo umrh him and i hi ar hjs oic what was that noisi pii did u si iinii uf ntu ma i mild n ta l twus just tin h wl of lhi wind h just tht huwl uf hi wind and it iiiutlt wlllium aiultison bniintrti i vii in his ilmlr b sldt hit ilowlnk tl t trt llrt he uolttd neiiously nround whut luid happtned had lit slopt or n id in r ally rrelved a visitation a wurning ii had all btin mj reul and so trut his niothtr and falher wtn jutl a poor lonely old couple and he thtlr milt hud not nulizid their lonell ntss his mother and father to whom lie owed till his nueress and from whom lit hud inherited the dogged tenacity that had htlped him over many a hard and bitter struggle and he had been ashamed of them scroaire who the spirit had railed him well there was still time to chunut that to morrow the early train to morrow jutu a few houn away from his uus life would bring hupplntas to tht old folk watching uni uniting just watching and uurlnr patiently and uncomplalnlnulj for him to morrow tlu j shall not w ult li uln willi tun owed the sunday school lesson fob sunday dfcemnfr 22nd pick cotton with rhythm hughia ark docimb r lath tcp ncgio cotton ptcktrs hi this rich easl arkansos dtlu countrj huvt not rlrjtnni but deflnittlj j- a imastrby lustlgatln tht fcourtt of booctt woogh nini in tht centre of a bitt cotton jiatrh found tluy fame truiu a little xrtablr nidlo down lx- tuetm the furrows yasbuh when we hears dat rhythm we reallj rhythms du cotton a worker t xpktnid kuh no deterrent oreenford elujland cpl its ntvtr too- late to go to jail a 74yearold pensioner was sentenced to llxktironths inipruonmtnt for making raise eute- nionui to have j nepslon continued rook iiocitc to giaiv manchester tcpi the mun who 4n- troduied hockey into aermai 50 yeun atfp aid arnold tobbutt c d e led here aged 83 he once iiliyvd soccer fttr hampshire und was a famous skater sjlnris cluil chester icpl major j deckr chief constable of cheshire haa a new idea for a dawn patrol his aunareetera will clieek blackout offence in the early hours or the morning in cheshire towns bilandia thk sinupherds joy christmas lesson golden tekt olory to clad in th highest and on earth peace among men fn whom he is well pltascd luke 2 14 lesson text luke 2 fl30 time d o 5 place bethlehem exposition l tile king despised sevan hundred years before mlcah had propheciedthat he that was to be ruler in israel whon goings forth are from of old from vvcrlastlng was lo come out of bethlehem mlcnh 5 2 note how many decrees and deeds of men entirely unconscious of ood s purpose and prophecy worked together to fulfil ood a word and carry out ills eternal plan the saviour of the world the christ the lord began in a stable the life he was to clone upon the crosv there was no room for him in the inn there is no room for him today in the hearts of most men in the home in business in society in politics it was not that the inn was hostile it was simply preoccupied that in the trouble in men s hearts to day tl the king honored the announcement of the advt nt or the king was made to shepherds the shepherds proved their fitness to receive lhe announcement v 16 they were men or faith with a deep appreciation of spiritual truth in spite of their lowly position they seem to have been wait ing longing looking for the coming of the christ v 16 they were faithfully attending to their lowly duties when the revelation came it was not pleasant work but it was their work and while at it the angels met them cf ex 3 1 2 jud 6 it 12 1 kings 10 10 the glory that shone around them was the ancient sheklnah that betokened ood s presence the shepherds were sore afraid when they beheld this glory the supernatural by bringing ood near nl ways fills tin hrnrt of sinful man with fear rev 1 17 1 uke 5 0 isa but the aiik lie message at onet dls pelled all fear they came to aiinounci salvation not judgment they began with one of ood s most fre quint mimtugta to mui fear not it is t vld nt that god longs fr a fenrli u oplt hut tint angt is not only badi tht in i ur not but brought forward hit onlv nl cure for tear the oobim1 they brought good lldlnus of imut joy the comhm of jrsun the sin lour christ and lord is un bet news this old mn turhod ai d satan governed world ever htard but many i v n to this day do not re n ivt it us ood ttdlniis of urenl jo do you 1 hi oohm 1 tin aiikt 1 i rot hi lined i u fauvlour boltn but thul cop 1 li for us bten dt t loped into u saviour i n onl born but crutllletj fo our slits dtud burled rtst n und coming an tin 1 15 14 actt 1 11 ii wiui u slruiikt phci ut u unt to si t a klnti u burn and it w as u strung mun ui murt a biiuour which is christ tin uirxl u imbe wrupped in kwaddllnii cj uu s and ijiiik in a manger the world rtcclvis this wonderful proclamation to this day with lndifunncc but the htavenly army received it with exultant shouts of praise lo ood wtll thty might tlu word suddinly shows that ihey could hard y restrain themselves until hit mcasugl was fully delivered they ull but tnttr rupted their apokesman s proclamation with their glad chorus there wus to be a twofold result of the saviours birth gtwy to ood in the hlrhist on earth peuti among men of his good plea sure sludy out fiom the bible who the men in whom ood is well punned arc and in what senses jesus bringa them peace john 0 20 ejih i tl 7 rom 5 1 john 14 27 phil 4 6 7 iii the newborn king welcomed tlu shepherds though humble and illiterate wert wise men they allowed it by believing ood s word and going to see for themselves the glorious truth that had betii proclaimed to them of the truth of what had been told them they had not u doubt thej spoke of it as this thing toi waau which is comf to pass wise and huppj the man w ho w hi n ood ti lis him anything muiiu it donv lukt 1 45 john 20 20 tlu knew it was so hecuust the lord had made it known that to faith heb 11 1 r v see context iht- did not no to test the truth of tlu word of ood but to see what they already fully believed when ood muus any grmt tact or truth known to us wt should at once believe it and tlun go and see this woqd- which tht lord hath made known to us le enter into it cxpe rlmtntally note the cage rnss ond w holrhrartcdnr ss of tliese shepherd saints thty came with haste they came with hoate to and the christ but today men will scarce come at all and ir they docomc it is with sueh reluctance that they must be urged and reasoned with andtplead with and almost pulled to the saviours fett the shepherds were rare souls they round it all just as ood salt it would be t 16 cf v 20 rv f ch 10 32 acts 27 25 they told it out to other iv 17i hlehli- privileged though they had been they went right back to their humble occupation they alorlfled and praised ood as they ucnt xv vtlw shepherds witnessing for christ they did not keep to themselves the gotid news they told only tliat whlcli was sjioktn to them christ waa the whole subject of their testimony their testimony awakened little besides won der with most mary kept in her heart and pondered all tliese wonderful reve lations that la the way to deal with the canadian war effort a weekly review of developments along it home front december 3lhi2th 1 parliament adjourned december cul royal assent given to emergency budget to conserve foreign exchange commons reoumen february 1 7th senate march 4 th subject to earlier recall in event of emergency 3 canadian destroyer sngiienay struck by torpedo while engaging enemy submarine in eastern atlantic sag uenay reached port safely and is now undergoing repairs twenty one ratings reported missing eighteen ratings wounded and in hospital till repairs to sagucnay concluded canada s destroyer strength is reduced to 11 when war began canada had si v n destroyers 3 brhfodtcr oeneral o eric mccualg transferred from oc pelawawa camp to oc bordi n camp colonel walu r hyde montreal apikilnteel commandant at petawawa camp borden is now larglst camp u dominion 4 contracts awarded by lite depart ment of munitions and suhly durlna week ended november 20 til numbered 2 140 and totalled 77 503 431 6 november subscriptions to dominion or canada non interest bearlna certlfl ctea were 6fl0 001 to november 30th sales of non interest bearlna certificates totalled 3 407 202 0 second contlnacnt of canadians lralned under empire training scheme arrives in oreat britain some members of first contingent of canadians to graduate under empire scheme already reported in action over german held territory 7 lore n i brown deputy timber controller apailnud timber controlli r of department of munitions and supply ii h mocmtuan timber cantrolhr since tlw olflce was ntahllhhrd in june now eltvotis roll attintion to his dutlen as chairman of tin wartlmt hi julrcments ueuird n itoyul canadian air lorn revises recruiting nu thods nrw systi m wllh st ventetn rts rultluu art as will make it unm ctsmtry for oluiiurs to truvt i long distuncis to makf application 9 etonomit arlluty reothed a hlghtr leyel in canada during the first ten mortlhs of 1040 ihuii in any other pcrlikl in history dominion bureau of stalls lies lnd x of the physical volunu of business on tin has of 1010 avtrukeet 14 1 j ugulnst i jo in tht corresiiondlng ixrlod of 130 n initx of 10 4 pi r rent 10 pull in bulle r suxb under t xum liuttlan by wurtlme prices lloarel cn unit ry butle r holdings und carloads in transit on dt t mix r 1st ntcordlnu to- dominion uurt tin of suttlslii s loutl itel 4j 811 llo imunels bi lug 7 1110 1101 it ss thun ut minn dau last yt ur 1 1 jol 00 l ss than in 11111 but 4 000 000 nmn thun holdings on dt ctmbi r 1st 1ijj7 ood s word riu slit plu rds wtro true anel wise nun mity wt lue hum be lli e linpllilty ue i piomi uj tud wall for iiothluu wlun hil path of duty is tliar rtiuslua noi to alve prulst for tht irt at and wonelt rfu gift vouthsafi d us ut be uilt he m ood hindu manifest in the fltshl a western fantasy can adas vs for resi or nlav vancouver and victoria are ideal for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation warm days and cool refreshing nights excellent golf courses myriau sighn in the mountains and by the seashore ridinir tennis moron ng fishing canada evrgrh playground ofters them all in an unexcelled setting special winter rates at hotels the new hotel vancouvers spacious rooms and deligkrful sccommodi- lions will add ro the pleasure of your i stay in vancouver j attractive uah paiii a1wav1 w canad4am matmwal tiuoaanm moniy mnii -i- ixpitu tetto oshnoasarrv sahtv im mm rtt trxiti tiavit wist thi jaipii way usiho ihi alltcbnditionid conflnintat iimitid canadian national on chrlstmus nlitht at 1000 lo 10 10 pm iftisti i i wlniilptr stuiilts of tm cbc will lvr a new cunadl an works lu riellr pre mil i a womcru fuutsy i i s t i ml t intislt is wrilltn li jiilm kannawni formir prtwlut t r in cdci ronmto si a if and nine jtttiu j sliiliind ii winnlki win re hr ins just tfcvw amhttntod rrprimntulut of th pi ilili nk tlw funtiiny which lits bein hveii ms minlcul tt iiik ij iiiifn paneroft well known wmiiri ceimiwser and nrpantst wan inspind by the author first glimpse nt on of the wstn most fiyplcal nrenrn tint of a young immirrant ulrl nlaudlntt in fit lei of di n ktulii pit tun d above are john kinnjwln author of a wislirn finlasy and thorn who will lx associated with him in lis production on christmas night 1 ft to rlshl top itulph itolwrls tenerr oeoftrey wadding ton who wuj conduct the uugnu n rtl orrh slra and choir lhuli bun roft rmioi r of the htusle mlrliun diiiinn ceintralto who will sing tlu role of tin heroine bi 1 iw left stunliy h tbun barltotir eentri- two tyiileal prairie prinomses at harvest time and rhthl john katuiawlii all speciab until dec 25 merru christillfl5 toe4u chrutmas mtsad candy x ii- 35c laings crtami anel jellies ib- 16c jslly beans or gum drops n 13c dauvar assorted candy n- x6e lsvlngs malrosa chocolates z7c doarra choc drops x5e brazil nuts 17 pecan nuts ib xi walnuts i 25 table figs ic 14 jello 2 ni 13 orange peel 27 lemon peel n 27 citron peel 3 cinnamon 2 5 mixed in hell nuts 19 looie pack mclarens olives 27 31 carroll rich old cheese 25 clarrou dandee coffee 32 lipton j brights canadian tea v lb pl i36 41 o 46 catarao dry peaches 15oz tin ioc ginger ale jj lg btu mincemeat 2 niblets corn tr peas green giant g asparagus tips ir salad fruits r poultry dressing almond icing wintergreen shelled walnuts shortening- 2 miracle wfitp walnut fruit cake cowans cocoa woo soap 4 77 navel oramcs qc l ic i0 sizfr il717r sue jdc x9c te tomato juice libb tin 7 choc grahams b 19 25 11 25 14 19fruit cake 32 dorlwt 3 25 49 24 29 puddings fruited 2s choice emperor crapes 2 25c r i im c it m1erries per ib it ki oftvn or white celery hearts 2 carrolls ij