Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 17, 1941, p. 3

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i thursday april 17th 1941 the acton free press page threm admih stflekt looters drab ns pftti lyons came down tho sidewalk early thnt spring mnrnbik to open up the store for tho day people emed oitt of imtheol i -frtathftlmttt-tflmwlrtdclh- on the corner totho wllklns boys playing marbles in the middle o the wnlk i know thlk im going to ive some day peter sighed to hlmkcir the bin slcn lyons son jn front of the big paint utoro or the corner fnlled to rouse hi pride this morning he looked from it to the step and saw mrs sobony buddled there in hor jinp were the throe can of rod ruilnl grandfather lyons had sold her yesterday at sight of peter she began to chatter in her hroken english the old man had been nil wrong and peter had been nil right my old mnn mike he say rod barn pnlnt no goot for garages she finished peter unlocked the door and she followed him into the store he talked knowing very well that all the eavly morning customer ex pected conversation as well as paint but it really was mnrdine who turned thumbs down on the red paint and wants green he laughed shes studying colors at the tech high school and doing grand now isnt she mrs sobony quickly he pushed the ladder over to the house palrtt shelves ran up it and brought down three cans of dull green paint for the sobony garage had it not been for the nurky morning he would have- laughed merrily over grandfathers constant advice to paint garages red hike sensible barns always have been painted with mrs sobony gone peter he 1 h m wlnslow told the ronton for hli vliilt ho wai on his way home rrom a hearing on freight rata on glass it chicago he wan vkljlng he homes of members of inst v ears ban to chock off ordpro for-jorry- pood radio station thanks moreto- west side to the mlulon whorotho lawrence to deliver ns soon ai he arrived araxny daj might give painters a holiday hut it mennt a builetoneott hestore people who came to buy lingered to study ask questions nnd look at the cans of pnlnt on the top shelves he had just finished checking off yesterdays orders when winslow huntwalked into the store forjme minute peter did not recognize tho trim tnll young mnn who had been center on the regular football tenm when he was guard nt the state uni versity for three perfect vears the two went jntoa hiunllo im mediately shaking hands until they hurt asking how the other was im pressing delight over neeine him finally peter asked in n humorous manner how did ou hnppt n to discover the trains ran w est w ni d wlndv i drove wlnslows answer uns cordial though clipped nnd business like to the core plnnned to he here last evening but somet hlng went wrong with the engine nt a ijm to do tho road nnd i was marooned there nil night retter led tho- way to the corner lor4he store termed the office in l courtesy to the desks grouped then and seated the visitor in fathers easychair he dropped into another himself hope jerrv gets here early this morning ho buckled otherwise youll learn thnt pnint business is rushing on an april morning jerry was late and the tutomtrs were numerous while peter hunt ed out odd cans of linoleum paint floor stain and a dozen varieties of varnish the vbtltor wnt hod vv ith wondering eves puring the lull in trade winslow ontured into t on- versatlon its thnt ladder thnt gets mo peter lie said iiow on earth do ou mnnngo to skip up nnd dow n it so easilv and nun ing it while oure on it seenv r nl nrt to me it s hotter than tin minn the were lough inc over fungous tmkles of the tenm w hen pi ti i s father h lons the second forthgpnckret stations and stn 1 h strikers to the very mut- hlg reunion the boys had planned for commencement time lots see youre in the chamber of commerce nt northton fathers tone congratulated winslow yn ids jioritlon transportation depart ment if i remember fathers a vice president of the chamber here peters voice was proud the other memlw rs wanted him to be presidnt but the pnlnt business in too strenu- oul fop thnt the older mnn ehutkl- ed in his own diver way he stet nd tho eonversnllon from his work grent iden these reunions he ap proved you ii understand what a real reunion is twentyfive or thirty years from now bald heads nnd white hair will be nt your table but the old spirit of pride for school will still hold on why when we got together ves urns tent inlwnvs insists upon boasting of his batting average and george cotton sings cnsey jones whether or not the crowd listens the- fellows of inst yonrs claw winslow snw it would want to talk nbout their jobs joe grant the team center wan now sport writer on the biggest new spnper in the cnpltal keith harmon wns conch nt brlstnn nnd bones lomax wns studying medicine finally he said in words too care fully measured to escape peter boots burton is w ith his father like you nre jerry and from whnt i henr theyre building up n pretty that day he would receive ap- plaumt nevor riven itr when he accompanied his father the afternoon trndo wns nt his best when father returned hnrdly had the older man told ivter to take the rent of the day off to tdtow his guest the town whin the tele gram arrived summoning the older mml4tlie cnpltnl for a met ting with the governor rein live to the home building committee murmuring a hurried nivnlogy for having to recall his pormlfcslnn for a vacation peters father handed his koh his memorandum tuvnk as he left the store to drive t t aloud peter rend the lint of tanks he wns to do seethe countv lommlsiioners atout ihejpaint job rft thf ititttfrfary dinner with the other trusties of tin hospital the west side court of the sunday school lesson ok honoav aptulj so boots father than o boots well woro holding our own in the pnint business the elder ivons boasted ittwas juit nrtytou years ago this coming may the pnlnt store opened on this corner with my father as a young man in charge for a few min utes ho reminisced only to remem berhe uns host he put carefully selected questions to winslow about his work in the traffic department of chamber of commerce nnd the convention he hnd recently nt tend ed this brought n monologue from t he guest aboutf reighttntes inter rupted only when a call came from the store for peters father youre staging with us a dn or two winslow- he invited ns he rose jerr will toke ou down to the house so motjier enn fix ou up with a room id let pete off but the park board holds ft caucus this morning to open bids for paint lum peters going tobe there you see hes earning his title of ds the visitors myatlftiid look mnde father chuckle dads substitute peter himself explained grand father gave that title to father until he took him in partnership i m bearing it now until i get into the firm back nt the store peter tried to forget the chuckle winslow hnd given over the title 1s the wnv he hnd said sort of an apprentice nt the paint business but still it ir ritated him until he wished the other outh hnd not stopped that morning selling mint seems rather n humble mtupntlon to the assistant trafficmanager of a chambt r of common e he murmured all through the morning the chuikle of the former tnptnin of the uiilv txaitj football team irritated him fen while he was nt the park hourd session he pictured in con- trust to that scene the confermie of trnffu managers in chit ago hile he had be n at the sohom home honor tonight winslow leaned forward nnd al most upset grandfather chair in his engernokk to eo the list while peter helped i he two clerks with the trade measuring out gallons of linseed oil and turpentine pniklitu nns of pnlnt nnd w hlto tend he studied the list sometimes he look ed from it to the customers who rnnged from the mhvovto tho smal lest bnrusky hoy w ho w nnted i w o cents worth of putty to put n win dow in hlsdog house i see you have strike troubles in your town too winslow remnrkid as the two of them ate dinner at the rent oil rant across the street because the hospital bonnl mooting hnd been called off didnt menn to env es- drop but i heard the mnyor sn something nbout your father being appointed to serve on n arbitration committee father often sekves on commit tees like thnt hes been in busi ness longer thnn any other mnn n town he knows everybody nnd wellou know whnt it is before he could go more into de- tail about the strike the pnrk super intendont wjho hnppened to be pas sing the restaurant came jn tell peter the contract for the pnlnt work wns to go to their firm be cause of the high grade of pnlnt of fered lie nccepte p invj tac tion to eat at their tnhle and the conversation turned to the improve ments to be made nt the parks inter the two youths walked through tho shnbh streets of tlu court of honor was to be held there peter introduced scouts their pnrerits and loaders alike to his gue about thnt time mike sobony ca pcr from the room to te him the box factory strikers were planning to rush the building in less thnn nn hours time if our fnther could go down there hr might stop them he mourned i wns hopin he d be here fathers on the nrbltrntlon bwrd the naor nnmed today peter hesitated looking nt winslow who hadfoilowed him from the room i guess ill have to leave ou again to go down there nnd tell them theyll listen to me after i nn- nounee thnt im going along the football enptnin went into action striding along beside his erstw hlle guard he kept step with rapid peter through groups of worried workers terlng and threatening who want ed to rush the building becnuse the board at first named did not meet their committee winslo st be peter while he talked to the men in a firm un afraid and jet friendly voice telling them about the new committee of which his father was chairman usinll witnessing powhlt galdentettlhey wet tlty fllfrd with the holy spirit and they spake the wofd of god with hnldnohs ads i 11 lwvnii iet aits j 1 1 l pi lilt at is j 11 i hjo time x n an plne jorusnli in rwisltlon 1 i he disi iph s fllhd j th the hoh spirit 11 lhe dkllpjehjjijlhcil hlddi n iml to depart from jwuuilom lull 1 wnll forthe promise of the fnther the impilknt with ihe holy spirit di it 1 lhe hnd fnllliftitlv oimvi il this inmmnnd aftr tin ns- ension of jesus t hey hnd i el in m l nt onto to jcrusnlf m 112 to wall god t inn nnd god n hh sslng l hough they f ontlnued stendfnst- ly in prnor 1 11 the entire time vi ns not spent in prayer 1 1 152fi kuke 21 m there wns nhsnlule unity in their prnjer it vins with one n cord their mlnils w ere nil united in one thing the promise of the fnther the hnptinm with the holy spirit luke ii 13 actn 431 ft 11j7 they did not regnrd the positive promise of christ i i ns relieving them from the necessity of prnjer hut ns nnlm eiitlvo to nnd foundation for prnyer tho women were there ns well as tho men i 1 1 ten days passed without nn nnswor tho day of pentecost tho day of first fruits the gathering of the church iev 211121 came nt inst tho blessing enme suddenly 10 25 2fi mnl 1 i luke 2 ii there wns not n moments warning there wns n roar as of n hurrlcnne km- phnsis is laid upon the fact this sound enme from heaven there wns not only vv ind from heaven but fire ns well mntt 1 11 isn 44 jer 2120 the fire wns in the form of tongues tho new lower was to manifest itself in a tongue of fire granted to them v 4 the tongues parted nsunder or portioned themselves out to eat h one of them 1 he rested upon the women ns well ns on the men vs 17 1bl tjiejtlebhngvaajiottothe church ns n lody hut to each one of them as individuals this is a fulfillment or ch i 5 so the ex- presiontt- nnd baptized with tho spirit are pnu- t ically s nonv mous the expression usimi here brings out the thought that the holy spirit tnkes lompleto poss sslon of tho faculties the immedinte result wns t lint i lie he- gnn to spenk with other tongut s 10 ifi 10 g the bnptlsm with the spirit did nofalwnys mnnlfest itself in this particular gift hut nl wns in new power for christ tl cor 1j 610 11 ac 4 31 91722 ii peters urst answer to the sanhedrin 12 hie jew ish sanhedrin w ns i he groat court of jewish law composed of seventyone lending mi n of the nation calaphas jtho nominal high priest b roman appointment annas the real high priest accord ing to the jewish way were both there it was a very august as sembly composed for the most part of sadducees peter nnd johns be ing brought before it and their treatment by it wns nn exnet literal fulfilbnentofthepredlctlonofjesus mntt 10 17 their attempt to hinder the preaching of the gospel renlly gave it wings peter hnd seen this body together lonce before this is the time for nrbitrnlion notj j was tried nnd condemn- violence jerrv he talked to the on thnt occnslon he was thor- burllest man in the crowd tell oughly frightened nnd played the vour bo vs ton that four sons j poltroon hut now he is calm nnd scoutmnster is on the arbitration tearless the nsurrectlon of jesus board and you erik talk to the felv from the dead nnd his own bnptlsm lows vou know best with the spirit has wrought this j great change the jewish nnd other for a time i thought that mm workers were nttustomed were going to rush us winslow to p rfnrm their mnruli by the confessed near midnight ns the two powtr of some name tli the nimi of them aain sal nt the whilecov solomon or the unspenkahle ered tables at aunt ilhodv s tn name of jehovah so the inunt 11 room ating flnpjncks nnd sirup ml nalurnllv nskd peter and the mot healthv manm r jhn in whnt mrne thev hnd h al- suddenfv his hnnd shot out nmh th inme man gripes petis oui n ral job p t r s answir is skilful but its old ft how a bigger one thnn any of the fellows of the old team i know some thn ou 11 on of thus n r k w p ter i nt wlsilom was due to the spirit loft to hlmsolf peter was n blunderer peter wns deferential and tourteous the holy spirit does ndt mnke tho men he controls rude tuid ov r- btnrlng hut gentle n tt22 23 jude h yet peter was bold frnnky ft mrlim nnd uiy mimlitn them was no toipproniimliik of the truth llo gliikslug ovei orthell guilt i he i ouni ii hail hpiiuen ovnnlvely nf the thing done li mils it is a keen and dlstomfartlni thrud of petei in his replv to wi if vou refit to a good dei d done to n st length ss man i inn 10 12 ihn without hesita tion imei ihi that it uim in he luinn of testis chtisl ihe one ihey hint 1 1 tit i fled the oiie whom god hnd raised from the dend i he m oifo has iluiui p t i tin n i us ed hns liidimc the nei user tin i oiln il has h omo tin- ulpi it fxilluwu upjiit udvimtjik nl- drlvei his fltniit home with n blow of god s hnmiuoi mm stlpluns i 11 jer j1 2l ps lti 22 peter loses vv hli nn np ul i iji iii i lie coundl u t in n di lemma i l j ihey mnrvtted nt the fenrh sn frnnkni ss of nun who hnd never cn- jommi tlio ten hlng of the rnbhlnlnil si bonis mid would ho overawed in s nugust nnd i arm l mi n sembly ns theli own ilnlv host boldness in untutored men is nhvny s a pei- plexlty to mere si holastles peters sermon anil b nring iirohnlily u t iiltnmti ly to the lonwiflon of some of his h nrers h b 7 mfqik rok- ciik hrtkr london cp following his marriage retontly inls complon noted i i ki torfmtballer wns pre sented willi a liquo by sir pelham warm i on hi half of middlesex county yhkot club itkiut wi1kiik dtk hlniyn ohio tcp killer of ii gray fox s sulppy ritelved nn honnrnrv dog litonse from the law rem o county oust rvatlon asroi in- tlnn wliin the members lemmd the little fox t rihr shnnd their n- mlty foi hh kin killers ancient farms change dukk port land aht u ievormhire hut slill owiw mere 1k1000 acred or ko iondon l pi i lie duke of poitlaiul out of ihltahih blegi landowiieis 14 silling i mhi inns of his omnti h in d ihyshlre mid not llnilimiiihliin to the duke oldlvui shlie ihe leal i stale denl lielwi n two holders of ontutlis old litls is oiietf hie imgihl iii jllls oirmf slnie the win bejiu i hi pun hnse piii o is nut dlsi lor d i ho pinpf i iv nttlv purl of tin- porllnnd i stnls in the ill trie i in hull j ii fjirms ntiiiii il in the dom s ii llook 22 innllholilipg ntul jmi iicii i nf itn77mjtti onw if hit fill ins him in i li in the pnssi sslon of i u lrs of im i hind for nuinv miits it wax planned originally to nuctlon the projmtty hut the dukn of devoir- shire made nn offer whl h was nc- tepted i lie duke of porllnnd who va must i r of the house twi e during the relgus of qtieen vic tin in nnd king fdwnrd vrl owns nl toother iibmit iki1km ncttw he has a resl- fliin in kondofi nnd nuoth in iler- hi dale nithonesshlre hit duke of devonshire son of h foi mi r gov i nor g nernl of cnnndn is put ihiinentiit under n tnry of stnti nt lh india offue mnl- ijntr- rnim of the overmen si ttli nulnt monrd ho is n vettrnrt of the first i n nl wai nnd was- mp for di rhy- shin uist i pi sa oldn li ihe war hh lilnliiiild piinildillv tin i itlr fl of smtirrld opium lo am- i ns iiiln itildns fi iuhihoinii 7ii tttt dt rnrtiiin it ithng to lis offlii itoy r in when you entertain drink salada ten vr yin viavhr quick or regular rolled oats heinx baby foods 3 tt zse wacsuffat strawberry jam e tht s hi- wn m h tleitk klinking our tils rmiuont hi fm he notit ett the visitor hefore he touhl n null winslow- hand leirv the dehveiv bov luid sllppttl in he uiot noltik filling qnlen with th evident inttntioii or making vervone think he had been in the store n long time father remembered inslnw wi 11 wljt n the unive rstiv tenm nn t 1ur- dut ht luul lutn in the grand stand tlunk vou snt n t to m nt the alumni banquet last year the older man talked on i hat s bn ten months agor how time does fh he suddenlv nmembensj to play th genial host winslow i brenkrast in a little countrv town made him chut kle he nachel fuf his ow n b a pu th ookmg at the wall pop r to give ntl- l haps ubou home tht v sjtv ht having lo give up sonu of hi o ihwipv dns i one ard peter kept for rnlnv him jerry van wntih the store until clark comes he said im taking you boys across the street for some of aunt khodys famous flapjacks while thev ate the famous flap jacks soaked in thick maple sirup ut about paint for the woodwoik vumtmng the weatherboarding of the garngt nt tht o kourke horn to ttli dan how muth hnsood oil to us- in nuxjng hu ow n pnint inslow hnd ut n at em h mthttng kvtr slntx pott r had bit n a smalt bov he had plunnod to follow in his father fotitstep he hnd run nwnv from home mnnv times to si i in the paint ton when he hnd de- v idtsl to attt nd the state umversilv inxteatl of a technual school he tad done so ttetnum of the fine com merce fours it offered lykinv he became dist our igst with his work bavk nl the store after he had heard the park board refer the matter of awnnhng the paint contra t to the park mperm- nt he scowled ot jerry and sjmike sharplv to um about tate d- jivoriei others note on the detk ml ing him that he was taking winm low to the notary club luncheon did not lift hts spirits to himself he pictured the mem bers applauding when winslow was introduced with the other visitors landing oii jtis fathers should rs in congn ss tr lh sennti st nt bv the fillovks to whom vou talk ti tt night and those rotarlans at noon thm i ii im telling th hns ilnuit this ilnv when vou muisuiul turpentine without spillirrg it diop nntl rushril that lidder bett r ti in voii t r did the opposing team on the football fit id and then ns now iii in onvving vou betause i hnvtnt a falhti to whom i un lo a ds the girt i nme w itn a fresh stuk of w heat akes for t fie iwo v oung men the nsketl some nntovs quea tions nbout tht strike hr fath r worketl at tie factorv she said and th fimily t ould not afford to hive him without work for a time while the visitor rolij pbout tht plans id hi ihis i itlii r if jerrv win into in tht morning ht would have to sw eep out if miki sobonv 1 1 tl iut h ipp n to l in i mood for ir n punt for th karage mrs ohonv would again be vailug on t stl ps willi tn of iuint in r kip i tt r km w hi w ould prohnll stumble ovt r m irhl h if th i hildri n insisted upon plaving on the sid walk he would not mow 1 it fh m father laughoit ou r sui h things is that and th t hildn n tim to him for ndv in ii wns t nr rv int an invittl titli lb km w now that hi had to makt gooi n pt ti r vons dn mtwting of the evening peter look ed through the window at the paint ston at ross the stnvt klectru- hghts wtte lashing off and on blaz ing the name lyons jt son to ill who might come that wa iather yvould haye other com mittee meetings tomorrow and he i might have to luustitute at them 1 bfwwifrt 0gdens ci car errs tobacco wilt rmla jar x5c domestic shortening ut 47c cooking pigs p i4e asparagus tips ayfaur ise rcap biscuits lb- 17c christies ritz ii 14e chocolate tiolls christies donuts lemon pie hu- a fruit pupdtng heinz ketchup doa ltt ase a lil 3 lynn valuy sweet mrtej pickles 27oa jar clarks soup etabb broth 6c tomato vcgatabk and scotch broth -10-w- t clarka potted meats x tin isc woodburys facial soap 4 cakh s4e special offer i viuk l ban iinkmile special heinz spaghetti mushroom soup a uu ass a u ass oxydol pkx- she aae 9e lux flakes ok 9c aae surprise soap a br 9 pecjjalbtmaioal7 iaw old dutch cleanser a 19c poljflor fltmr was tin x9 49c kirks castile soap 3 cav i nu black shoe polish tin 10c 21 hiesh trisi hevd uttlce lflrjje buncbem 19c fresh beets bunrheh 13c ike jric oltnes ivin 39c a1m l cu tmil tmnatmw ca ryuit ard vegetable prices until saturday night only carrolls

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