Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 23, 1941, p. 2

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i riffttwql the acton prhe prb88 tuumdav octobkr 33rd lmt 3hji artnn 3fm tttaa pumuhad bwrr fliunaay al acton oalarlo subiotimon atu p r la adaaaea usliad suit as aaatuloaal stasia eoplaa k 6kt tag i vaa wiian ekaaa ej uallxt aulas m uulllol and aaw whi ada addaaaa u raauaalail cancexlatiomsw haul that aat el our aulas aaribaaa attar mot aaaa taalr abaartallaaa lntamu1av la caa tbayiail to raasu bara aaplallaa wall aab- acttplloaa win aat bacatrlad a artaara or aa at pavtoa rat ualam at ara aotlaaa lo cacal ai ta aubacrqaar wlahaa tha aarvlo cuatlnuad advertising atss applltllooua alva althtvusa vary ataoautloa will b tafcaa id vll n tha ipraa pram bcoapta attvartlala in lla eoluataa ba tha umuafauadlatf that it will not ba llabla lot say wrror la bay adyarliaamanl publllt haaaundaa tenia a pimtl ill ten atlvafllaaaatat it taijuaalad la writing by tha ajxalluar and attuiaaj ta tha ra i bualttt naaea ilulykunhl by tba advarlihar aiwl wlllt hiutt arliir or cvrravltuaa blatnty bolad io writlnii tbrtnia ami in that eat ii aay arrtvr ao hulad u hot corraclatl by tha pra lla liability ahatt uot sataad auoh a broportlaa l tba aatlaa coll of aura advarllaaataulaa tha ipaca accuttlad by tba not airor baara li tba wbola ipaca ociiuplad by aucb aiwaallaauwut i aulov diils kjito taxkhionks- kjtlotul auj llualaaas oftua ij uaklaac ijt urea provided they aaaurc equality of aacrlfloo or aervlco for instance cause for dlamtlafactlon it readily dlacorned when the wages of tho working man are to bo frozen and the intimation la given out th the rem of those in executive position does not come under tho ruling everyone is prepared to accept measures that mean privation and inconvenience to win the strug gle and maintain freedom tho now laws will make aacriflceanecektary tho sacrifice shoumbo dis tributed equally and we reel that inequalities will be adjuatod as rapidly as they appear tho thing to do la each to aeok to become adjuatod to the changed conditions and not seek to find ways antl means of evading the restrictions tho plan is experi mental if cooperation cannot be secured to attauro its success compulsion should be applied to those who fall to live not only to the letter but in the spirit of measures that are deemed essential free dom is lost to many by those who take advantage of its wldepryilages v get your llceniie this month departmental and country general stores large hotels and soda burs manufacturers and auction eers every person and firm in canada manufactur ing or dealing in food feeds livestock poultry yarn cloth clothing or footwear must secure a licence from the wartime prices and trade board by de cember i of this year after that time no unlicensed person or firm may buy for resale handle or sell any of those com- ltnodities mors ihan 200000 businesses are affected by this vast plan to set up the machinery necessary for polic ing prices and for securing speedy reports on avail uble supplies in the event of wartime shortag in dtirlnu tlio hlnrkout ipsi ilr ii air unufflclul miinnouvru curat tanks boat bomber the days from october 20th to november 20th are a time in which every municipality is asked to check and bring up to a quota established what reguursharethavtwunicipality will assnmr in proj viding equipment for the armed forces it takes money everymonth regular income to provide the the guns tanks planes etc you are asked to lend your money it fair interest to keep this equipment going month after month to the boys overseas acton is asked to supply 3600 in regular savings every month that amount will buy one naval gun 5000 will buy a universal carrier 25000 will buy an antiaircraft gun and so on up to 600000 for a corvette every municipality will have an objective and every objective is of equal importance for in stance what is the sense of having corvettes with bells and library but without guns acton is asked lor a gun not one month but every month until hitlers force are annihilated there are no half way measures in this war winning one battle doesnt mean ultimate victory buyrngfone gun and forgetting it the next month will never finish the job acton hasaways measured up to the call every citizen has taken his or her place in a whole hearted effort and so you are asked to get into harness and with your savings buy more war savings cer tificates theyll come in mighty handy when the war is over and victory won and youll never miss the small amount put away regularly when every body helpsthe task wont he heavy lets put acton over the top agaip we cant quit until victory is won do your best in your part of the job when tti ranyatcpr ralla nn ynil news theres a saying that when a dog bites a man its not news but when a man bites a dog its news forytsrs weve attended council meetings and beard auditors issue instructions give recommenda tions and generally convey the impression that really councils had a lot to learn about municipal affairs in general and municipal finances in particular a lot of folks apparently dont consider it to their in- terest to stay too long in council to learn all the the acton area it is expectedthat over 100 persons and firms will soon be displaying on the door or window of their place of business the attractive rold and blue certificate which shows the public that they have obtained their wartime licence there is no licenceffce licence application forms have beeii distributed through the mail this moith and any businessmail who is subject to tho licensing tttder anu does not receive an application form should apply for one at his post office at the post offices copies of the complete licensing order are nlso now available to facilitate further the intro duction of the licensing plan the wartime prices and trade board is appointing nine regional licens ing directors one for each province individuals or firms who after consulting the text of the licens ing order are still not certain on all points should communicate directly with their regional licensing director licence application forms are easy to complete at the top are spaces for the filling in of the name ad dress and official position of the applicant be neath these particulars is a list of classes of busi- ues and commodities named in the licensing order all the applicant need do is place a check mark be side his type of business and the kind or kinds of commodities he buys for resale handles or sells the first licence identification card will be light blue in color and will expire on march 31 1042 it will carry the license number allotted to the appli cant in the upper right hand corner at the- left is a space for the signature of the holder this licence identification card will be mailed to each licencee along with his window certificate each licencee will receive a number which he will retain from year to year provided the name of his firm is not changed or his licence cancelled by the board after december i when any of the com- modf war 25 years ago freiiah in hiirprlaa attaujc hai- tured fart dounumnllt sjul fart atix htroiiu 1olnta near vardlllt iiy ii ii uoudon caiuullan prras huff wrltor d n i th l or ng uider are bought for resale both the sellers and the buyers licence numbers must be marked on the sales slip invoice or other document which records the sale v editorial notes things triat auditors recommendations infer should be carried out it was therefore news last council meeting when the auditors met up with veterans of municipal af fairs and the council told the auditors what should be done and how auditors should conduct themselves in relation to municipal councils when the expen diture involved was equal to well over a third of a mill on the tax rate it is fortunate that acton had men experienced in municipal affairs to meet with the situation we reserve further comment tor thetpresent but we way refer gain to the subject from another viewpoint at some later time v when fyeedaitt b abused pralom goes announcement over the weekend foretells of govcrnmenrxomrol that will affect everyone just how inclusive arid farreaching the proposed mea- kures of cqntrol will be is not definite at the time or writing this article generally they are welcomed arfliomtdjiubavmewiqttlfectivecu time spending and inflation certainly the measures are new and untried and under them the adjustment period will be difficult onja tinds little criticism of drastic control mea- it is said indian summer docs not come ifntil ufter a real touch of winter and so we may have more splendid fall weather yet v thanks1th id irnrintoirrennd help a lot in making actons streets more passablbi but one trip is scarcely sufficient until freezeup time v canadas production of pig iron in the first eight months of 1041 amounted to 833351 tons as com pared with 734438 tons in the corresponding period of 1040 v there is not an industrial dispute worth men tioning in britain yet not only are the great trade unions intact but they are stronger than ever ernest bevin british minister of labor v in this war we have no illusions about the strength of the enemy or the length of the war wc have freely made our choice and we propose to abide by the issue with all free men until the end lw brockington v an advertisement in anotherjolumngivesdetails regarding the licenses required by practically all merchants or shop owners there are few indeed who are conducting business who are not affecttjd by this order in mi apnea uf n few ilnyh 23 years nijo iyonrh troops roenptured posi tions nrouiul verdun thnl jermnny hud fought for throughout the wprlng nnd aummnr of 10hi nnd uncrifkcd hundredti of thnuimnda of uvea enrllor n thp yenr when tho ger- mnn crown prince hurled hla array nt tho big french fortrors on tho lilver meu cjpn henri petnna heroic defence nhved tho city luelf but thp enemy romnlncd in poufiosalnn of fort which formpd pnrt of its outer dofoncoa rellefcnme when the alllca htarted- their somme offensive in july thq germana being forced to withdraw sevoral dlvlalona from the aren then it waa thntgcn chnrjcfl mangln was entrusted with the taakjof putting nn end to the threat to the big fortress throughout the enrly nutumn tho french lnld careful plnnn nnd on oct 24 19j0 after intense artillery prcpnrntlonthe rttntk was launched in misty wenther tho french soldiers leaped over the pnrnncts of s ihelr trenches for the drive over n front of more thnn four miles gapturml two forts coloninl troops from morocco quickly overwhelmed the germans occupying fort dounumont on the left of the ndvnnce nfter taking tho village of the same nnme which had been cvacuntcd other forces on the rjght found more difficult obstnblos nnd it was not until nov 3 thnt fort vnux nnother strong point in the en- canadian year book for 1941 tlio purillrnlinn of llio 1041 edition of th canada ynar book publlaltr hy nutltorlzntlnn of tho hon junius a mnrkfnnon minister of trnrie ami cnmmorcn ih nnnounrcxl by tho dom inion iluronii of stntlstfcs tim cnn- mln yenr hook is tho offlnlnl stolltlcn nnnunl of tlw country and conlnlns a thoroughly uptohnto account of tho lint urn resources of i ho dominion nnd their development the history of iit vrunfeyi in li deny emy line wnn overcome recnpture of these forts rnve tho french control of the entire advanced line of defences coverlnfi verdun east of- the meuse dounumont one of the strongest fortified positions in the verdun dofence system hnd been captured by the gcrmnnu on feb 25 it wns recovered may 22 but two days later the enemy feoccupled it after a violent struggle mangins recnpture of the two forts consecrated the victory of verdun in the eyes of the whole world on von hlndenhnrp ropnrtlnp la ulu knlser nt the time admitted that his generals had keen outmanoeuvred in suspending our attacks on verdun following the opening of tht allies somme offensive we counted on our adversaries themselves adopting in this region a purely defensive atti tude our hfipe was not realized the german genernl sold red herrings profit cateh yarmouth ns cp ponl jo wasting a good herring red or other wise by drawing it across trails in this part of the country because her ring now are as good as cash in the bank hte thanks to a topsyturvy wartime world 1 once there wok a time when u her ring could bo- dragged over anything without anyone kicking but now fish ermen snare the onetime ugly duck lings of thu industry by the boatload from the gnrgailtuan sc that iypulaejthe foaslbtkis province they are brought to planfs near here where they are smoked arid cured and packgd one firm alone expects to export 23000 boxes of processed her ring this season ogrnphy t im itifrerent branches if production trnde transportation fln- nnce education etc in brief a com prehensive study within the limits of a single volume of tho soclnl nnd economic condition of the dominion tiiih new edition 1ms been thoroughly revised throughout nnd includes in nil its chapters the intent information nvnllnhle up to the dntc of going to press in 1011 cnnnda year dook extends to over 1000 pages dealing with all phases of the nntlonol ii fo and more especially with those husccptlble of statistical measurement a statistical summnry of the progress of cnnnda is included in tho introductory matter tills gives a picture in figures of the remnrknble progress thnt the country tins mnde since the first census of the dominion was taken in 1871 seventy years ago gpul article the special articles that are shown in this edition of the yenr book hnve been selected to illustrate the effect of the war on the cnnndlan economy nnd to show such changes and devel opments as hnve taken plncc to date there are eight such special articles as follows the national registration 1040 at pages 7071 some effects of the war on cnnndlan agriculture at pages 138144 the- effects of government wartime expenditures on the con struction industry at pages 16g3c8 prewar civil aviation nnd the de- whos who business directory and buyers guide for acton anddiatrict ith tub kay hiiopik koh jcoit whtlnary htantpad jooda camay varna marviaa varna boat mmaji wara miss k roszell aceniw for ijtnflfkv cfjdanehs a ijykhm a ttoolrwawtohar royal cafe flood food haodfrati trliva wk solicit vcitllt patkonafik cigars clgaratlos and mffllniui blue star one stop 8ervee station llla quality flaaalliw motor oils and jraaw urrnaiimt awl ilistlllata oil vounf ani mjii ht iminna sk taut tha diffaraflui -try- macdonalds dread cakks and pastry buhihfch directory dr ja mcniven ihyalotan and muraon offlrw nnd falijmru lliwar awmuh hhji klaflri htrt lh k j nelson ifhyaltlah ami hutgrun mwlwal offlnr nf health for art 1ilwtro tliimiiy lionk sat ln wm o cullrn lmcc iliyallan aiul kiirfcann offln hours 14 mid 70 pm munrlnya hy apklntmffnt mill hlrill llmir rrorlihrlc hlrait tlnilinn vjh dks fiafl and strvrnson amiiikiiviijk i ihono- milton ilsrl after 10 pia mmonjw offlco hours h9 am 13 pm th pm sundays hy apwjlnlmnt only dkmtai dr c nicholson dahtaj hurfaau offlco in ielahman olock hours 9 nm until fl pm evunlnjji ly apjlnlmont ihonn h uoiajl- fpnii proiiiiiiti ui pne eoseii tne wartime functions of a control bunk panes 802801 wartime con trol under the forelftn exchane control bonrd pares b33835 reoent advances in the field of eduction in cnnndn pafios 875rr3 nnd n special war chronology that appears as ap pendix i to the volume the reorganization of the labor nnd wnres chnpter begun last year has been carried n stage further new ihonic uk masales jersey dairy for quality mud ttervle ihoiw 74 drink mnkales milk your aasur nncc of satliifactlon fresh milk mnd cream ami choeo- lata milk dally our milk for sale at jlrownh fruit store nnd j w jones grocery store acton creamery beat market price for itutterfat we buy fmgh and poultry for quality im clover ttold brand crrmmery butter ihon s3 main ht acton c andersen prop entered these fields the tables provide a background for the latest study of these sources of revenue on a nation al hails persons requiring the yenr book mny obtain it from the kings printer ottawa ns long ax the supply lasts nt the price of 150 per copy this covers merely the coat of paper printing hnd binding by pclnl con cession a limited number of paper cf leatherland b a ilarrlatar and hallrltor notary public insner of mnrrlnge llcnsel iteislrnr of nirths marriages daatlul acton offlm 22 ilioiuw itsskkuaa 151 kenneth m langdon lurruter halleltac nsury iufcha offices eorttetowngregory theatre nujidg acton ouer t seynuck cmlt for appolntmonta phono acton s3 or georgetown 88 offlte hoursacton tuesday and thursday 1t0 pm to 400 pm evan- ings on request vetkrinabv b d young vs bvsc vetarliiary hutgn office brookvllle ontario ihone milton 140r4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary burgeon office nnd ilesldence knox avenue acton ihone 110 auctionekhm frank petch auctioneer abd hepresealaulvecamia- inerriaj ufa aauiranee co phone 391 charles httmt gfargatawa time tables matter on unemployment insurance itound copies hnve been set aside for lays tbe foundation for what is des- j ministers of religion bonn fide stud- lined to be a very important pnrt of ripfprns time goes on the ents and kciuhii tenchers wlu may qhlnln nrh cnpiet nt liu nmninnl prle of w cints each hut application for these ipvlnl copies should be directel to hie dominion htnliitlciun dominion tnwa bureau of slntisllcs ot- lnemployment insurance act becanr effective on july 1st 1911 nnd there fore statistic regarding its adminis tration will not appear before 1912 at the nrliest but the amendment of the bn a act under which the dom inion wns given exclusive jurisdiction in this held and the principal con ditions rntes contributions etc that have been decided on are summarized nt pages 675fitt chapter x3c1 on public flnahee is introiluced by comparative tttali nm cmnrot p g f of f all governments dom- what briton in firht for canadian nationai railways at acton standard timk galas kast daily except sunday dally except sunday dally except sunday sundiy onlv k4 yjh 4u rgh txaft flyer nt ouelph going west dally excepi sunday h 4fl mm snturuay onlv 1 20 pm flyer at fuelph 6 45 pjja dally except sundny 700 pjn sunday only 1143 pm gh4 m 049 fi28 pm- h 19 pm lltpm 9 is pm nf finance bf all government inon provincial and munldal of canada them statistics are the res- j ults of special studies that have been made of this subject by research or- ltndon icp- n nidations set up for the itoyal cira- strong in the mission on dominionprovincial lie- lationa and for the dominlon-provln- i clal conference it is expected that thu seriei will be continued nnd strengthened in later editions in nddlilon the treatment of income tax is considerably extended thu premsil ami glory of the pt thus writes fatence mirror of wartime kn gland watermeadows rich and green where herds of cattle graze noid stone bridge round which there clings a ilrenm of hygine days sirenmn where pollard willows vtoop hnd graceful iwani glide by pouli tax is of increasing importance in that hold the light and tiadows of wartime and there is a greater public the changing sky demand for particulars tvartllng its across thetlelds the minster towers application another fenture in theirlxo upas if toownu tuial prccenr elltlon is the introtluctlon of tnhles showing the application of gas- oline tax and a succession duties fremthe date of their inception since the dominion government has now old streets and houses of the little market town- this is what were fighting for for this we shall hold fast the beauty that is england and the glory of the past gray coach lines coaches leave acton hljuunl tim tuhtfforno- to ttrtsu a5m am j am 1111 am 3u pm 151 pm 551 pm 8m pm ukhtnmnd ta lua 951 nm 12 jl p m 2113 pm 423 pm ihpm h pm ji3 pm c1051 pm bllm pm a dad except sunday b saturday sunday and hoi days c- dailj except saturday sunrlny and holidays itrrs tiiiou mchiuioomti il kgapoh b 1v dl lions preventing mushjro4s bnpdris from france hav opened u brtt ish malayan nusrket for csuxned muab- rooma to trie cs hadl a n produoer askd canner 9jlv mbatitsltet

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