v ht jvttoit tu ftsz y sixtyseventh yer no 19 acton ontario thursday november 6th i1mi eight homeprint pages five cent k halfway mark not reached in war savings acton moat more than double present figure if 11t naval gun a going to be sent bach mootav lost two weeks more to beach objective surely acton wu1 not fail for first with half b the time gone in the war savins drive for result rs acton haa not reached the half way mark of its quota the figure this week la 6 per cent af the objee- uv weve done well but not quite well enoush if we are not going to tall and it seems hard to vision that acton will have a failure in its war tfort last week t uu 18 per cent its amlnlng- in momentum and the percentage haa mad a fine increase in the week watch the big bulletin board at the post office for progress and the chart on page b of tmt fan paaaa this week canvassers in acton have started their work for the business place with only s few employees a new re cord and stamp book has been made available it will mke it easy for employees and employers to be regu lar savers every store that has the start pledged 100 per cent will re ceive an award of merit to display in their windows manufacturing es tablishments with over five employees will receive honor awards with seals designating their standing each quar ter war savings are entirely different from any other war effort jou are asked to support they are the op portunity for the u ageearner to ac cumulate a substantial saving here is a place where you can become a bondholder on the installment plan prices are high now the wise policy is to accumulate savlnc now and when price are lower have the funds available to purchase the arti you want there is no better security investment than bonds backet by the dominion of canada and the inter est is good large investors bought up more than actons quota of victory bonds now war savings are the opportun ity for the small investor make your pledge larger save all you can lo spend after victory is won lakeside chapter discuss war appeals give assistance lode makes 150 contribution to war services th regularmonthly meeting of tin dukvoy devonshire chapter io le was held at the- home of mrs ii r klllott on tuesday evening with a splendid attendance mrs k h burr the itegent presided after the usual routlni business mrs kdna stewart was hostess to i was dispensed with the chapter de- the lakeside chapter 1 od e on i elded to send a cheque for 150 00 to tuesday evening for the november business meeting authority was granted the regent to deal with urgent monetary requests for deserv ing cases it was felt that the red cross ap- mr 98lh anniversary of baptist chnrch observed sunday rev j c williamson or prestotf again guest speaker on that occasion w c mlddwiton treasurer as n contribution from the tag day held on fair day for the acton and vicinity war service league the i o d e calendars wetv to be plac ed again in the acton and rural peal for hlankets was a most pressing school also a copy of the booklet our vices lur one so money was voted for this pur- flag pose f definite plans were mad for the miss m ryder pointed out that collection of magazines and assisting there was still a shortage of fruit in the war savings campaign mrs cake tor the acton boys christmas blow reported 3 scarfs 2 helmets 7 boxes for overseas i tkull caps 1 sweater 1 turtle neck six new members suor their alleg- j j pair sleepers i seamans cap 2 lance and were welcomed to the nerlnl caps 3 pair of socks and 3 chapter mrs lydla kerr gave a quilts work done for the red cross most interesting review of topfcal i miss pearl smith and mrs e j current events the meeting closed hassard conducted a questionnaire on with the national anthem permission asked debenture bylaw the order after which the hostesses 1 for the evening served lunch and a social half hourwas spent insured workers not obliged to ss 2 esqucsingacceplany position other items of etusinefis at the monthly session of township council on monday weekly war commentary ncsrsaly wirlttott far acub fit wy byrh gordon cfcinhtuu is suff writer insured workers who lose their em ployment will not be required to ac cept any position which may be offer ed mr ii g sufflelil manager of cuelph said in an interview toda it is n common misconception among workers that they must accept nn position of fern and if such a ttositlon is refused thnt they will be deprived of their rights to the po- ment of bcnefltvuurlng the time thev are out of work theactverj definitely protects he workera gainst any attempt to- dr e j nelson assumes praetiee in royal city attonlunu generally will regret the removal of or e j no 1 win from acton to niumme a medical unl surg ical prnctltv in ouelph durjng hitt residence here of ovr twenty years dr nelson haw tuken a gtwwl citizen ship interest in everything cnlculuted for community betterment he has hie ottlh anniversary of the acton served for several years us member uapllst chuich was celebrated with of the council successfully m imaged special services sunday ami a splr- acton intermedin hockey team was organist on many occasions at the united church and served on the board of stewards for tlie past year qr so ho has iveen medical officer of health in every phase of community life ho lent n willing hand and in every phase he will ho missed all will join us in wishing htm continued success in the larger field in the royal city where he taken charge of dr l yi legged office and practice apodal services sunday and a spir itual music festival monday evening uev j c williamson of preston was ngnin guest preurher officiating for the third time at anniversary aei- estpueslng township council held their regular meeting on monday af ternoon all members present reeve w a wilson presided at the meeting a letter from mr bridge re sani tary conditions near his residence was read a letter from esqueslng womans institute enclosing a copy f fof fn d r htg ways asking for a 30mlie speed limit i forcc hlmto aceept employment nt a in stewarttown and that steps be iow slnn of wnres or thc taken to relieve the dust nuisance a uork conditions nre less favorable letter from mr lever that owing to j lhrm hom cognized by good em- a recent amendment to the ontario payors or if vacancies are due to a municipal act it will be necessary lo inbor dispute he is also under no amend the bylaw covering the audit- compulsion to accept employment ing appointment a letter from the u requires him to become mem- canadian legion georgetown j i of nny nxoc organization the treasurer was authorised paythefollowlng accounts acton public utihtles commls- from becoming a member slon crescent street ughu t act promdes turthenmore to sept 17th 15 00 whose clnlm for benefit mr williamson express apprw- latlan for the repented invitations to preach on these occasions and attend ed greetings from the proaton church looking over the congregation he noted that it was unique including beside local friends and thoso from the ulster church in georgetown uev and mrs rookie pioneers of the bap tist mission fields of bolivia and a number of his friends from weston and from preston in his introduc tion he remarked that we have a lot of religious theories but in the hum drum of every day life it doesnt seem to count for much mr williamsons addresses were very inspiring in the morning he gne messages to both the hoys and girls of the congregation and in the adults using a item ii as his bnsln for a few words tn the imvjh and girls he point ed out thnt as the lend onnhles the pencil to be of value lo ui in writing so the soul t hnt god lini given u innhlcs us to be of kcrxlce to him the strlpture rending wns found lif luke 1m 13t5 with verse 32 as his tent and the mild one to nnother did not our heort burn within u while he talked with us by the way and while lit ojicncd to ui the scrip tures remembrance day services arranged for this district or union of workers or on the other j hjufttrhtch inquires him ar refrain 778 sup- 135 30 10 500 500 500 500 bell telephone company letter shop supply co piles x m bennett revising voters hit 1941 cecil chlsholm selecting jurors a w benton seloctlng jurors w a wilson selecting jurors i m bennett selecting jurors the georgetown herald acct to date g6 75 harr robertson stamps 6 00 arthur glngras ambulance ser vice for indigent dr c k stevenson medical services i m bennett taking indigent to toronto hospital and fare to toronto for fndigent harding price 2 sheep killed 30 00 2go0 0 00 30 00 400 mail overseas christmas parcels not later this week if you havent sent your pnrtel yet for overseas delivery nt christmas the nil vice from the post office in to do it right away tlicroms no need to tell you why hut if vou want it to rench that member of the family who is overseas in the armed forces no- vemlver 10th next mondny tn thc lot el date to forward it the volume of mull going ovcrsens this venr is likely to surpnut nil re cords add to thin problem thc con- gent ed port facilities the convoyed ihtnt the blackouts disrupted deltv- er nnd a multitude or other things thnt wnr conditions linve brought nluiut nnd mi will nnlie why this enrl dnte in neceksnry remember novemlwr 10th is the intent date for chrlsrmns pnrcels to the hoys over scan mr williamson entitled hto sermon the burning heart he snid jesus makci himself known tills is a very profound thing but one ou nnd i w 111 not learn god reveals himself on all opportunities actions spenk louder than word in showing how we as human beings let common every day things shut out the things that count prise winners at halloween party acton junior farmers ii as many observers believe hit ler hopes to get through the winter with a mere holding force on the front running from leningrad down to well uhith of moscow while con centrating his main assault on the caucasus then the increasing use of soldiers of hit allies may represent sua important part in his strategy it seems at least possible that 1m- j k c lindsay valuator 2 trips portant german units have been with- george c brpwn insurance on drawn from the lines for reforming hall and fire and theft iiuur- and refitting before an allout at- ance on grader 101 00 tempt la launched to reach the cmsp- relief accounts presented by the ian sea from vv here the logical course relief officer amounting to 544 57 would be to wheel southward for a were also authorized to be paid thrust against the russian oil fields the treasurer was authorized to such t drive eentualty would run up pav post no 120 of the canadian against britains middle east and ind- legion 10 for the poppy day fund i ian forces 1 an amendment to bvlaw no 93fi nasi auim i was read and passed bv council read in this mht the berlin corn- the clerk was requested to uritej wuniquea with their almost dsllj an- the municipal board for permission to nouncemant of the ure of their troops pass a biaw reissuing of debenture of one or another of hitlers allies j for school section no 2 esquesing t are interesting t and authorized to prepare a bvlaw on one da the germans announc- ncvorriingl ed the rumanians were in occupation road sheets presented b the road pavment has been disallowed ma appeal to n board of referees mnde i up of an equal number of representa- lives of emplovers nnd employees even if the board of referees dis allow the claim there is a further right given the worker thnt he may appeal to the umpire l the act also states thnt the worker must be capable of work there is a very essential difference between j unemployment insurance and health j insurance nnd benefits cannot be pntd j from the unemployment insurance i fund if a worker is incapacitated through sickness high school dance brought 9155 to fund bijnrcfit booet is given by effort of school pupils 33910 has now been raid tns fsss pssxs fund for the londoa england sick children s hopltal got the biggest boost et when the pro ceeds of the dance arrnnged bv the pupils of acton high school was turn- ed in this week the amount was asserting thnt we hnvo too mnny theories nlrendv the spenker snld we must hnve experiences thnt hold us to fellowship with god it is-neces- inry to have the burning heart if wo nre to pnss on the gospel the only renl things we hnve in this world are our experiences the hu man being hni capabilities of knowj ing god nnd this is the supremo e- i penence actions spenk nnd if wei hnve not that inner glow of n vivid- experience of a burning henrt within us we dont show the renlltv of the love of god nnd the renlltv of the j love of jesus nnd his presence in our lives mnn things in this world nre n jo mr willinmson declnred com- pnnlnnshlp of jesus is whnt the world j is crjing for he urged his listeners to get such n vision of god thnt they i could go out on thc highway of life nnd mnke the reality of jesus known the- scripture rending for the ev- j enlng service wns the incident of mnrj hrenklng the box of nlnbavter matthew 2fi g1g the title chosen for this sermon wns the two words nils wnste from his text found in the inst pnrt of verse 8 to whnt purpose this wnste the minister felt this wns a verv significant question nt the present time as hitler sees 1 umnn life it is of little value thc need in the worlds crisis is a quickening and i awakening to the value jt tilings eternnl beiause so many people haven t a value of principles eternnl we are in the midst of war sins the regulnr meeting of the acton junior farmers wns held nt lome school in the form of n halloween pnrty prizes for the costumes were given to the following best ladys hnllow een costume isabel swnck- hnmer bent gents ilnllowettn cos- tume gordon leslie best coupie irene nnd annie aitkim best indys costume blnnche mcklnnon best gents costume henry nellie best comic melvin mccullough most ri diculous el wood johnston best dis guised mnrgnret mcphall best childs costume betty allan hownrd swltzer conducted n few gnmes which were enjoyetl by all lunch was serv ed and dnnting followed vounoest sotmajoit london cp regimental sgt mitj gordon pudney 21 of thorn ton month is believed to be the young est rsm in the british nrmy resignation of medical officer health received council accepts with regret and instructs clerk to advertise miss rennett addrksskd young people united church the twentythird psalm the iord lu my shepherd win revealed in all its great beauty und inspiration- the united church young people meeting on tuesday night miss ben nett as the guest speaker twwued this sacred uwm an the nuclfuu of her talk as one listened n wealth of lovely scenes were vartrnyed one could envision the white tdieep with their pnsiilouate and kind shepherd tut they journeyed through the green m endow- u by the cool stream along the rocky roads and by- pat hi near the treacherous freshots until they finally reached their sheltering fold this theme was furthered when marjnrle glhuon sang the same psalm nnd mrs adnmson rend it ns n strip- turnl rending members of the executive are meet ing at the home of mrs adnmson on friday night to discuss preparation for uimllnr interesting programs l a meeting for ratepayers in erin township council in for two year term and no nomination meeting to be held the municipal count 11 af the town ship of trin met nt hllluhurg on no- vemtiei ird the following munlelpnl business wns transacted a supplementary rond bydnw was paused pctltlonlngllie depl oljilgh- wnys for nn incrensed expenditure of 1004 on ronds nnd bridges in erin township ihe treasurer wns authorized to pny school money in three instal ments dec lfith 1041 march 1st and june 1st 1042 a ratepayers meeting will he held on decern lier 20th in the town hall hllluhurg in lieu qf the nomination flstqunill w cleclcd for n two year when council nnd treasurer will rektt of the years trnnsne term give tfons the following nmounts were pnld indirect relief j ib 23 charity 21 30 sheep destroyed 11s50 ronds 1104 52 miscellaneous 17 20 council ndjourned to meet at hius- burg on the stntutory dnte dec 13th 1011 nt 10 oclock n m halloween social at dlinun literary on friday night the regular meeting of the dublin literary society wns held at the school fridny evening in the form of a halloween soclnl mrs van goozen mrs g wnllace nnd miss robertson acting as judges awarded the following prizes school girl i lelen holmes school bo men ve breen indys eostumc molly cutts gent s costume mr g somervllle best couple betty burkhokter nnd jonn somcrville best comic hownrd swltzer 1m st halloween costume a specif meeting of acton count i j mrs waller llnhnm wns held inst evening to consider n i after thebusiness mr wm middle- letter of r signal ion from dr e j ton secret rtrv ot the alton wnr ser- nelson ns medltnl officer of health the following letter was rend the acton munkipnl count ii gentlemen it is with great regret thnt 1 tender mv resignation as medical officer of health for the village or acton having taken over nnother practice vices league discussed the collecting of snlvnge nnd it was decided to co operate in this matter theftpresident mr burkholder took the chair for the program the school children presented a drill betty brit- ton gave a rending a halloween mas- juerade by ihe camp fire girls and eo in aiurnaniaiu wtrr in uuiiuh iim iniuni ij mc noii hn tntlon in this life is stupendous iug innen ove nnuwier prnciiiv jjuwimi- iry mr v ujiijj run taina nnu of odaasa after weeks of fighting fol- superintendent amounting to s235 87 91 splendid return b these o ct lln a different commuaity i will be j n reading by dorothy barber was fol lowed by a russian evacuation by sea this usd followed up b a berlin claim tbt rumanian troops have cember 13th or alayd a part in crimean operations then comes the statement that di- tiwsfiuiuholue fore are w as paased for payment council adjourned to meet on de al the call of the ln helped over n trving time b their effort pupiu of the high school and reward d s unablr to con in in the knowledge that other nre be- ls of th worli otl i i llnue in office i mi nonce is to take effect immed- in his sermon mr williamson p- j latel and ttquld recommend th i pealed for the higher devotion in the m successor be appointed nt once vukmtiol atctlve on the leningrad front absorb- lag some of the blows of the russian counterattacks there italians and hungarians are men tioned in accounts of action on the donets basin plains the finns are fighting around leningrad to the north of that besieged citv kttee m tit there ls a distinct possibility that the russians imay defend moscow and leningrad successtullv throughout m roote the coming ear with its troops n morton acattfred along a front nearly j000 m holmes miles in length germany will find it j adamson htremely difficult to push offensives w corry trimlur to those that brought nasi c leuhmai rhrwlua practically to the gatestnt the two great cities winter has set in in earnest in the northern and central fronts and apart continued onnrsgreflvel acton bowlers score 21 success this weeks bowling overshadowed only by amount was home and better missionary effort be- th w tchoo lmmunlxauon work another envelope received from vwiuo in lost hurojuj-y- cflrruyro to c6ncluiionrud pconpirmation the mccutcheon bowling team de- f en ted a a p stores by a score of jl a 4 p bowled their best gasfle of have made the the season against the acton team follows and managed to win the third game with the aid of a 100 point handicap lady who wants to be known only a friend it contained a dollar to help an the cause and such help from many have brought the cause along every body doing something- sometime anonymously but it is this effort that fund now stand as the score mccutcheons xa a p storetb37 j15 lttf jv7 107 sj1 17b hi 1s4 100 97 j3j 217 7 iso 1j7 10os 97 ion 967 1045 prev louslv ncknow untged s4t rti pro iadji acton high school dance 11 a friend 1 00 371 707 31- 339 40 501 we know the mils nn minv thse th dns if you feel ou would ike to 387 add vour share just send it in to souls so mnny people are content with trivial things some are using jesus as a tine escape from hell but have vervuitle soul devotion yielded to christ for the sake of his purpose in the world evening services were withdrawn at ihe inited and preshyterinn churches in order thnt the congrega tions might join in anniversary fel lowship the holr gave splendid xerv ice spec lal music was renderjtl at both services mondav ecening the choir provided n splendid program of spir itual vocal and instrumental num- thlrds of the work is completed and there is not a great deal to finish cherishing pleasapt rocollectlon of my association with the council and mem tiers of the board i wish you one nnd all my humble best wishes for the future and that acton may main tain ihe enviable record attained in the mist most respeitfullv vours k j neison m d the resignation was nccephhl with regret nnd the account wns ordered to be paid council expressed regret that dr nelson was removing from arton and npprecintlon of the ser- lowedby a raisin eating contest which was won by mr steele lunch was served and the remain der of thejvenlng ipent lndapcng service in arton at 10jm am and latcr in krm church nasm- kawvya service at 1 pm ftutv dard time and iater in ebetv oaer churciv leirion clenry and counclk cooperate in ar ranging evenlrf one again remrmbrance day tome uround and acton and district legion have cooptratihl with coun cil und clergy in acton and nasaji- guweya nnd ernmosa towmclilps in arranging services fitting for the day novemler 11th lias hint none of its hlgnlfitauce in thin district the service in acton in the morn ing wilt commence nt 10 50 am at the soldiers memorial mill street following this brie ceremony a ser vice will lie held in knox presbyter- ian church rev ii i ilennle leg ion chaplain will he in eh urge rev j ostrom will deliver the address and rev a w fashury and rev e a brooks wilt assist in the service every resident of acton and district will lie welcome nt the services tn rock wood the service at the soldiers memorial will lie at 2 tdsl t followed by service in the united church there at 213 following the service in rock wood the jervlce in nnssngnweyn will com mence nt the soldiers memorial at 3 p m stnndnn tfme part 2 of thtv service will lw in ebenczcr church at iio pm st here the ijeglon chnplnln mr bennle will also 1m in luirge with rev r w pickerglll de livering the address rev w b irwin rev e a brooks rev j ward and rev a w fosbury will as sist in this service the kerv it en hnve lieen arranged by the leglon the printed program for acton und nnnsagnweya carry the list art tiaae- who fell in the war or 1014- 1h underthe heading 4 nam liveth forevermore verification of thnt heading should lw witnessed faith with those who fell should not be broken plan to attend the ser vice nrrangetl for your district it takes only an hour or so varied program arguiumeetlng- knox church the regular monthly meeting of the mary r moore girls guild was held nt the home of miss doris blow inez mclellnn led in prayer the strlpture was taken by mary ritchie the secretarys rciwrt was given by isobel mceod and inez mclellan took the business part of the meet ing an interesting reading was given by joyce dessereault nnd a helpful tnlk hy mrs mainprise miss doris blow gave an intelli gence est nnd a social time was en- joyedby all bers features of this program were i vices he had rendered while in office 3000 england sick children s hospital 3040 every cent subscribed goes directly to x includes 10d pins per game hanithls institution there are even no wrap hthicttonortorwardiii tux fsxx psass fund fur thti lundon duott by mr und mrs veldhlu in the tongue of their native land and mr otftrom gave a solo in swedish tim clerk was instructed to uidver tle for applications for the position councillors f davison e jones miss mary reld and hartley coles and reeve j b chalmers were pre aret connelly elsie hulmm alice vertalso soloists on this program j nt ht this meeting class at st josephs last week the following ore the children who were confirmed by tlt rev j v rvan dd bishop of hamilton at st joseph s church wednesiiay ening ottoher 20th joseph gljiovet loss bovle james golden dftnnld milton john tyers william mulr kenneth hulme gerard wilcox lome arbic kenneth mjrchment jnmej m- huvwhv william beeney michael mcgrlstall joan coles elaine arhic dena uraida meave breen june dunn joan white patricia duval halaa mclauahun ftances chew joyce pa pi lion dena francescato margaret mulr marg- meeting of womans association of united church the november meeting of the wo mans association of the united church wns held at the home qf mrs david richardson on tuesday mrs kymon presided the devotional per iod wns nlso taken by mrs symon the indies made plnns to entertain and serve ljnch to the laymen of ilnlton county who assemble in the united churrj on november 10th plnns were also mnde for the work to be varrled on during the fall and winter months after the business was disposed of mrs richardson as sisted by mrs fosbury mrs jennings nnd mrs agar u rved a very dainty lunch and a social time was spent a vole uf thank was tendered mrs richardson and assistants for her home nnd hospitality com events annoubrtmfiti sf mlisfa na crrt u olhr fvtaf uitdjf ihis kfliaft f cksrsl crsls bv lin with iinum chff lo as innuimrtmtal f hr murphy maraarri bssnry knos oiurrh mission dsnd ta rinklnc sale 1l nw 11 town hall 1fi p m 103 si alhans guild annual tea and hair or nakine svuing kir will br hrlil in saturla in ihe parish hall from 1 in f p m remfnirpranr day auction sale st balllnafail community ilsh on tuss- day movambar 11th 7 pm fruit drisd poultry ijvtork baking and many arilclss tor sal by auction thr autlonwrs dont miss this evtnt a tii