y wht jvrtjwi jfctt ess y sixtyseventh year lo 21 acton ontario thursday november 20th 1041 eight homeprlnt pages five cenu expresses appreciation free press help legislative grants- are reduced by 400 this year supplies and equipment purchas ed for high and public schools insurance sur vey received the adjourned meeting of acton school board waa held on tuesday evening with trustees dr oakea v b rumley a a dills w clay ton and w- g mason present and chairman v s blow presided a letter from ivan s gray auditor waa read outlining the reault of their l fluid i i v wkleh were all imollm i 1 ullll poppy fund november 17th 1041 dear mr dills on behalf of the poppy day com- mlttee i wish to take thl opportunity ol expressing their moat sincere thank for the asilstnnce b ua hy the actox k pi i isuro you that it wan thoroughly appreciated you may he interested in knowing that u xahl value of wreaths anil popples soli mils enr v ill approxi mate jt70 0i1 yours faithfully a c gllay chairman poppyday ioommltt the rod cross has good start the fund to supply hlnnketa for war victims through the hed cross has made a good start in acton it does nt take much imagination at this time of year to know what comfort a good blanket can give in keeping out the cold it means a lot more audit of school books which were all in order it was recommended that a wage book be kept and some other changes in bookkeeping records the audit statement was presented a letter from the high school inspec tor gave notice that he would visit acton school in the near future a letter from arten ijhrary board notified the school board of the re- umatlon of mr nell gibbons since o htw7 an appointee of thrf school uhe your shelter is not the best board it waa requested that the vacancy tmlled in reply to a request for a survey of the insurance carried by the board the imperial office had sent a com plete survey and from another com pany which now carried the insurance a list of policies and due dates of pbllcleanow in force had been re- otved ballinafad sale realized 322 for mar relief work remembrance day event drew good hidti on 1117 offering of donated article the auction knlo held nt halllnn- fnd community unit on novembei 11 ns a decided success from vnrly in the nfternoon donations ixivd in keeping thou lu elmrge busy cheik- ing the oniric knmters mmo with i enrs full of glnhlru nml farmers wives with their arms full of home- made goodies the sale started iii good time with auctioneers krank retch itoj illnd- fley w gray and 11 jnnon in charge all gave their services frco artquscouta present program united society a letter from miss b segwlck re- here are the results of the acton red cross fund to date mrs 3 m mcdonald mrs d h undsay mr and mrs a mason iakeslde i o d e duke of devonshire i o d e mrs alex mcdonald main st bus bees nassagaweva the fund is still open satron- the need is aa nlio did the clerks ilumo currle and fred mcenery two hot dog booths uere kept busy nnd a home mnde candy corner also brought in n nice sum y business people from acton erin and geprge- town contributed to the sale and the booth requirements as did also our own very popular storekeeper milk ing the- whole sale practically expense free in the course of the evening three draws were taken on the huge three- story christmas cake which had been made and heautlfully decorated bv four of our ladies anil on which some 10 00 fiftyfive dollars worth of tickets had been sold tttplurlryttelrcrirwere held hy h- j 2 00 200 6 00 10 00 1000 200 quested an increase of salary com- vpry ure winter is just aiead mendng the first of the year this if you can n hnn n vour remit- request was made on account of to acton red cross society the higher cost of living in acton than trelwurj i mr v k graham in the town in which she had former- j mbrk your donation for the blnnkel ly taught- fund it will be gratefully recelv- ttie secretary waa instructed to re- anil acknowledged new subscriptions to magazines now coming to the high school new fast and it was decided to retain paint left cheap letters to over from interior painting of the rqys overseas school to complete the work in the school next year 0n saturday last n new fast nnd ai a requisition for supplies for the owcos mf of wnmub the originators of the high school was received and pasl h np clnmlll overseas wcnt nvased and those who contributed aed a motion was passed e into operation it is known as nlr- lo lh wno nlko nnrt vorke1 nnd these requisitions hereafter be made mrv seemed determined to make it go over in triplicate so that one copy could he j bhlfv d11 to send a ln n 1 w nm n hidden retained hy the secretary separate comimml by the airgraph ser- n1 orders were to be made for each type ur wn ohmln n tprclnl from following is n list of those who do- ofuppll w post office write a message and nnted for the sale accounts were passed follows- ful nnme bnd a ap b a mcueod painting contract m10 00 of ln tpnc pnm a bulltok blue ml in the true waller wlnchell style we present orchids again this week to mrs atlnmmm for another success ful nnd novel meeting nuo a bou quet of these same flowers we pre lum verbally to the scouts of this town for ihe interesting dluplay of their achievements at the united church young peoples union on tueuln night members of the scout troop ex plained the dlferent ranks hint could lie achieved and the hndges for which ench scout strtved mesuiiges were mushed ucroks ihe room bv signaling i ijjjjt nnd lite net urncy of this work was proven bv comparunn tests hi the ninllence we have oflen doubted the proilnlmed abilities of certain people to slnrfa fire hy ruhblng sticks together but ourilouhts wore disponed after seeing a remnrknble demonhlrntlon of firemnklng by one of ihe troop we saw them give first aid to a mnkobolleve patient as they affixed ably spllntn hnndnges tour niquet and prepared an improvised stretcher with contsnnd scoutstaffs the nutdoor setting waa nchleved in the meeting by a mock fire of branches colored paper nnd electric lights around this the audience sal and enjoyed n singsong nt the begin ning of the meeting the vnluo of this insight into scoil activities ran nol be overestlmnted nnd so it is lints off nnd congratulations to the scouts the young peo will join with power restrictions far christmas decorative lights auditing ikpartment auks pay ment of tax collccllntf account crnco jr bnrclny and mra jamtc- bon iry the mnln itio nrtlclos nom brousht bcmw prtccii nnd blddlnff was i brisk ultb lots of tun nnrt few dull i irvvt caoanv mompnts up to tlntf the proceeds aiixjn akaiifb ronllned uere j322 nnd slnre the snle operators annual sexernl rash donntlons hnve been re- indies nlfiht celved theso proceeds nro to im di vided equally between the bwvf nnd the red cross the ited cros hnlf belnc ncnln divided in hnlf for the two brnnches represented the success of the wile ins due to iden w iki hydro dparinvent hell telephone co services acton fmxk pauui ndvertlslnti vomnlvirrko7ni1lvne the nesdn nlcht for the lecture by hev vvnrd of iter k wood ttie nnnunl indles niriu of the hnlton branch of the ontnrlo nrnct op4rntorrt assoclntlon una lield in the community rinll pnlermo on tues- dn cvenlnc november 11th nnd fnr kurpnhsed nny event of its kind yet held in the life of the branch in iinn- the adon public utilities met lit n uutnt we union on tueulny eveulnu at the meetlhu were mr k k kouv und mr chits 1 kltknens it delemitlon from the vmca hoard they interviewed the commission with a view to hnvluu the public cnnimlkslon lncrcmc t hell rent piivincntu to meet the im reused cost of operntlnu the hulldliiu after homu dlucuuilou the commis sion decided to hold the matter ovei until tin nevt meeting as they would then know if be old commission would im tiiklnu their ueit s for 11 itew term of offltv if not the comnflssion felt thnt the 101 j commission should deal with the mnttor it was moved by j d chnlmera nnd seconded by m synwin hint n trnnsfer of 500 00 be mnde front the water works account to the uenernl nccotint of the corwratlon carrlwl it vvns moved by m symon nnd secondwl by j b ctinlmera and pas sed thnt the secretary he authorized to pny the following accounts mrs u ii hhorby htiix rood hhot with a kik1js i an mrm in n tintlyrmiimr and andy clarks comment fiom hit weekly newspapers oh tiimduy morulnu re minded friends hen of mrs u b mhorey now of hohcayueon thnt she had lost none or her skill for rifle marksmanship while duck hunting with mr shore she spotted n large hint that was thought nt first to be a stilt t ilowevoi mrs h limey had visions of a nice goose in her roast ing pan so she flted and hi ought the big hhd to the wnte it wmuii wild goose and hunters twoi i they aie taiely found in ihe ilndtmy dis til d ii storey trucking voles symon hardware supplies lino cable accessories line mnterlnl mncdonnld klectrlc ltd sup plies kodernl wire cnble co wire j a mcfnrlnne re holdcroft a co no le exlde bntterles of cnnndn ltd hatlerv canadlnn ceneral llectrlc co supplies sangnmo co ltd watthour meter mh 7 2h 1q80 r11 03 is 57 07 hospital fund over the 350 mark this week tiik knkk vuuh fund for the lon don kngland sick childrens hospital has this week passed the mu mark just n month ago the first i- 3v went nvers4as and soon more can lw for- unrdeil its remnrknble how ninny hnve added to mnke this amount but it is nil with the one purpose of bring ing help lo hlldren in war circum stances previously acknowledged jt10 40 a friend 1 00 four kmmns j 00 151 1 if you wont to help send in your contributing to tiik acton frier iskks- fundfbrnie london kngland sick childrens hospital ttty qunlltv nnd variety with the i las ii kearney corp line lowe bros paint guelph lumber co supplies elliott bros supplies acrow fstoc piksa supplies v b rumley secretarys ex penses nationalstationers supplies w d talbot supplies symon hardware supplies acton public utilities comm services bll telephone co sen ices d fergimon k ferguson a fish mrs peter ferguson khodn french kev a o foreman c- i race tom gibson e h criflin nnd son mrs w i fortune henrv hilti hnrrv hitchioik mrs hutchooltch george harding mrs fred huggini mr irv in mrs jnmieson john jnckson mrs basil johnson fred johnson pick johnson jns kirkw ood wm klrkuood hobt klrkwood john klrkwood archie kerr s lindsny john llghtle mrs c iongmrcet mrs r mulder cnm mcenerv 1 u provided affix the alrgrnph fee to ool james- nnllentvnc a binni the reverse side nnd hnnd the com- ly a brooke mrs burcew pleted form back to the post office c k n 10 40 thp messnge forms will be trnns- stji i- 2 i mitted by nlr to airgraph toronto 1 vhere thev will be photographed oh 2jful miniature film which will be dei- 1241 pntched b nir to the united kingdom 15 26 u photographic enlargements of the messages w ill be made 10 sb these enlargements will then be en- 0 closed in envelopes nnrt fonvnrrted to the individual nddrcisces through the ss73 89 r postnl ser ice legislative grants were received b the fee is 10 cents nnd the acton the secretnr nnrt are over 400 less post office hns the forms nnd facili ties ear than those received from ties for the fast messages to the the department in 1940 armed forces overseas if ou ennnot j r mr w h cl was appointed get our message on one sheet ou ernie mcenory hobt mcenery a s as representative or the school board max snd additional sheets at 10 cents mcener jesse mcener david mc- on the ijhrary boarft ch do not fold your message r mcener arnold mc- ttie proper committee were ask- when vou hand it in nt the post of- do mclean m mndill 1 to investigate the doorcheck and flee i j maclenn dune mcmillan w lock in the main entrance of the high i mcpherwn mrs j millar bernard school and take such action as deem- every home to i d advisable new door mat were to be secured a duplicating machine and tvpe- wrlter were submitted to the board for inspect ion thev were for the public school the cost of the dupli cator was 357 15 and the tvpewriter was s35 this equipment the machine had jlouiuwi yiv tvrritorv has tiefii di- been on trial at the srhool for jdtd into sections with chairman for couple of weeks and found very satis- i vnc nation factor it uas particutarlv syllable tnu wm tm nnxfteer tart on for school work and could 1m- used lhmr m contacting ever home either in connection with the t 7a chii tee skt4it all awit urtter or bv writing or reprtmluclng in hem ln comphaung this work and every home to be visited in township campaign arrangements for n farm tojnrm and ierson to person campaign to help esqucstng reach its war savings objective of sj000 ore now complet- it w as decided to purchase chairman arthur beaumont an- j millar mrs j mckeown mrs c mc- keown mis e mtclure mr mi- kenzie mrs d b mcklnnon mrs matthews norman mclean a mikav mrs mtlcland js mann bert mc menemv c noble gordon continued on page fuel night over 17 members nnd friends snt down to the banquet table inden with nil the good things to eat that the lndies of palermo know how to mnke the banquet w ns follow ed by n short toast program the king proposed bv our president nnd honor ed bv everjane present our indies proposed bv i it macklln burlington was responded to by mrs howard culllngham trafalgar our guests proposed h mr george dolhv milton and responded to bv mr j clarke president of 1 oronto brane h mr wm bnilev president of provincial council gave a short and interesting address mr howard moore of the toronto automobile trade association who was introduced bv mr e j wndhnm toronto was the guest speaker and gave n verv inspiring nddresn lucky- number tickets were sold on 100 lbs of sugar the net proceeds going to the british wnr victims fund which realized 20 res sloe ombe magic ian and pinno accordionist was the entertainer for the evening while hulls orchestra was in attendance for mhe dancing during the latter part of the evening which vn verv much enjoved bv nil tin committee in charge spared no effort to iiuik the evening the big success it was and are to he con gratulated for their splendid work geo mncdonnld ar co sup plies canadian telephone u a sup ply supplies inspei tion dept inspec tion fees pepi of natl revenue snles tn c n it nnd transport ex press j c matthews postnge general steel wares supplies we glimpse a fraction of the canadian army reeve und editor vuu army cuinprt trip ift no vn- urthwered queallotm at die invitation of major general f f ccmutaullne district command- ing offlmr for military district no li reeve j ii cluiimom and the edl- tot of tint fssit isiuiaj were nmoti lieadm of inuiili ipalltles ahil editor ftoin other centres at a gathering in 1 oronto last filday and mutuicluy reeve geo flit hey- of nhawagaweyu was another from this district who attended judging by the crowd at tending district no 2 takes lu quite n bit of territory with typlcnl army reticence for detail we knew little beforehand of die purtme of dm meeting hut with also typlcnl army directness wo found it tmtfully arranged nnd when the manoeuvre was fully completed it loft no questions unanswered the badge worn by delegates designated them as volunteers for victory but judging by greying and bald heads their vice was hot to be in the active forced friday afternoon there were no less than 10 addresesvby officers in c barge of the various brnm lies of the army we wore told how re cruiting wns carried on nnd what i ho recruit met in tho mmllcnl hoard that decided whether ho was fitted for any branch of the armed service wo found out why some were rejected nnd the methods used to mnke sur that only those fitted were takon into the army another speaker told about the training the training centres nnd trade training nnd others told of the pny allowances nnd pensions tho chances of advancement for the prl- vnte were explained nnd what eafch promotion meant in extra pay and al lowances arms and services form ations wns the subject of another speaker and equipment arms and i mechanization the subject of the ono i who followed then we found that the off duty time of the sold lor is two tons of seeds co to england pwo tons of vegetable seed nre to lu sent from ontnrlo to england be fore the end of the year tills report came from central fund committee ht the federnled womens instltuto of ontario and acton w i branch con tributed to tills fund the lot will include onions car rots peas nnd two varieties uf beans tomatoes orn and sunflower wed the cost including insurance nnd lp r of another very important transportation is 2000 l of u w nni iamt bu tills fund also gave 100 pair of n iplmt prolostnnt nnd roman hlnnkets estimated to cost 100 iin catholic padres told of their work fpr inst year a large amount of seed was ni nt also 2 20 hi7il actqn volunteer civil guard hold important meeting 10 00 71h s23 fij waterworks department jas gilmour supplies 7 hvdro dept power nt spring 41 ivs hydro dept october opera tion 1 17 29 die solid i hen for what the ear failed to get exhibits were in the room show ing the food supplies clothing equip ment medluil supplies guns nnd the portable dental office used in tho army we picked up n diet sheet dur ing our sightseeing its on view in tiik firs pikaa window and it up- pcarsmhe army is well fed lt col sidney iambirt was the colors the typewriter was in splen did condition and considered splendid lvalue meeting the objective j close to acton objective lft9s1 it was decided that all hills for the new vault be sent to the council for pavment and then nn adjustment would be mnde fy the commission ns to uieir stuire of the cost a letter from the ontario hdro said thnt there would be no power available for decorative lighting this ear except for the christmnsnew yenr week anothi r tetter from the ontario hvdro notified the commission that thev would carrv on the public lla- hilitv and property dnmage insurance at the snme cost as in former vcars and jet another u tter from the on tario hyd reg that the com- mission sjive the brass plates on bulbs it also notified the commission of some lines of bulbs which were being discontinued a-iutor-from-die-nudlung-depfth- members of the acton volunteer ladies guard were also present nnd took part in the study periods con sisting of map reading map making nnd poisonous gases their detection effect nnd treatment capt j m mcdonnld conducted the session the regular bimonthly meeting of the acton volunteer civil guard was i held last thursday evening in the council chamber besldet the regular speaker following dinner army men know him well and in htm nrmy men hnve a real friend his subject was bound to win during dinner no 2 district depot band gnve nsplen- dtd com ert that night we attended n military pngeant and tattoo at the maple ieaf gardens we were shown how a r- c rult went into the nrmy what he did nnd how his training fitted him after vnrlous periods we saw units of the mechanised nrmy in action bands thnt seemed to hnve lost out in this war nrf again coming back und bringing their nrtded color by way of variety we were shown how the nrmy shows nnd boxing matches etc enlivened the off hours of the arm it seemed the army had pretty well crammed ln nil one cqukl assimilate in a few hours and between city continued on page eight acton bowijsrs win in guelph league this week the mccutcheon bowling tenm de feated greg onlejs by a 21 score last night in n com men lul bow ling i i ague match i ln snilv c lclshmnn 1h1 iii 17 517 n morion j 17 a is 2 10 71j m holmih 150 151 i2 530 i adamsun jm an 17fi rkfi w corrj 1ki 1c 197 mi m culrheons 1041 wj 1030 3027 x greg daleys ovj loirt 0r0 201h x included hi pins per game hnn- j dknp 1 ment of the hvdro stated thnt the commission must charge 235 00 to j kmirili linhim dliv the corporation of acton for the col- miss m anderson d dresses- siccial meeting knox wms tho w m s of kno rrosbltlan chunh hld the annual fall tlmnk- scout mothers club elects officers for the year the november meeting of scout mothers club was held at the offering meeting on thursrtnv after- home of mr h boylton on thurs- noon nov 11th in the class room of day november 13lh the thurch during the business part of the mm orge murrav presided and meeting a letter from mr aiken mrs wm thompson nnd mrs h uu read thanking the mothers for malnptithad charge of the devo- the layette which was sent to help tions make up the bundle for bomb victims tn britain after this the election of officers took place honorar president mrs w chis- holm president mrs it speilvogel vtcepreildefit mrs- 11 boulton ec- rretar mrs r johnson treasurer mrs- k kentner flower committee mrs mass wt and mrs evans mis m e anderson win the guest svaker and delivered a verv inspir ing addnss taking n- iter- uhet j tlie kingdom of god and its char- acjenstlcs visitors wen prent from the o- c letjcs uf the cm ted anglican and baptist churches miu if v njd miss isabel amier- j 90 of obkethe pledjred but that last lot hahefit to let- ikon t wait for some one eke 1 to do your share get in now and put acton over the top mond iy night acton war savings executive kinmmittee met and heard report t froni ini parlous branc hes the fin vl ipm nls have btxn luunch- ed on all tiranches and on the re sponse to those rppcals depends the sue i ss or failui v of ton ohje tlve f a uihul gun evrv month ntionnl fuatltiuartt rs unluitc that pintv p r cent of vitoni oh- office fills in its completion is in j lection of taxes for 1940 a copy of the hands of those who chose to help iu to to coun- victurv s cause c there have been some splendid re- a discussion took place regarding ports of the workers several indus- i tf v rt install n water service on queen tries are pledged one hundred imt i street it was decided that the cent to participate in one industry j ii i council should decide whether or not the amount has been rtouh cd in this i j j w o he installed campaign and that industrv has also nttainl every emplovee participating tjl c general electric co in the plan there will not be one in- prntid prices on the installation of dustrv in acton after the campaign nn 0matic fojthe pump at that is run participating- and- new ierientages are in most cnss good the canvass of the stores and otticr business ptaces is not com twelve htons have cpja merit aw ards and now displav gatlirriii heldat s s no 9 erin coining eventa anno crrta o irmvatt of if rrttbtf cim chtir knlt utwlr ibta f chtffcnj yrr miaimuab htt for pt nni of sr spring tin in sight indicate more than ten per untagi necessnrv hus time the village ik i unit in itself f the parts of nassa gnwevn and kscjui sing township l totted here tune gone as eempl it township units and haw their pwn i tificates showing that the staff th meetlne eloseo with the mixpah son sang a duett in a most plaaslng objective i reach that means that benediction ajtd then dainty lunch manner during the social hour at the acton has its own objective to main- was served by the hostess close i slowly that chart at the post but local estimates fc mn ih wir sav complete returns of the canvass nre j not vet available and n is ikiubtrul if thev will be completed for next j week the need is urgent for evcrv one to join in if that last little bit of actons gun is to tie won what good la any khjd of gun only partly com- pleted november 11th in no 9 school erin uns largely attended the school being filled to capacity i mr bill gibson made a capable cji airman community slngtng of patriotic letter was ordored ro ua engaged in led hy mrs w l armstrong kev atton of orton delivered an address after which musical numbers were supplied b messrs boot and hall bay whaler and bill chevne all joined in sing ing o go our help in ages past pcajm 00 a flag drill bv the pupils of no 0 with miss krmabsey a accompanist was well carried out simla india cpi gjving fare- a poppy fund the proceeds of ell to his indian command on lenv- which go to the wives of the veterans firemen annual dance on friday i december 5 gibunboyd orchestra a ilemembrance day gathering of admission ttcir 212 th filed commissioner m s mon peeve j chalmers nml chairman c m nt this meet- ore nno oilier complete buf chalmers nnd chn ahfied fortlnty w iri ikhfjh tf lo back ing for the middle east gen sir claude auchlnleck said ultimate vic tory was sure and he hoped sincerely he would come back to india some day was in charge of geo gibson an ex- service man refreshments were served and the meeting closed with god sav the king welsh rflngers choir in town hall acton sunday evening proceeds for acton and vicinity war service league knox church iadla ad will how a homcmnke baking ial- and after noon tea saturda nov 22nd from 1 to 6 oclock in the counrll cham ber st alhan w a- will hold their annual bazaar nn1 afternoon lea in ihe parikh hall on saturday decem- ler fith come and choose your christmas gifts the shepherd of the hills spon sored by ikesldechapter 1 o d el at gregory theatre thursday snj friday evening nov 272k ticket for sale by members of the chapter