Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1942, p. 6

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page six the acton free press thursday january 1m2 canada at war no 6 field guns by c bart rice formerly tv sprincfleld time ued basutat maaluh one of the most interesting stories concerning our war effort deals with the production of 25pounder field guiul shortly after the outbreak of war linn in the province of quebec vva asked to undertake the manufacture of 23poiuvw field buns tor the brit uh n4- frehch govvrnmrnl it existing plant was inadequate and there wa no trained personnel for thla kind of work but trained wen came over from frahcv to assist new hiiwlrt vere cot unler vnay ard vdn made to start production in the ew factory during the cummer of tw khole picture was changed hoiver by the all oi franc die t after the cerran occupation of their country and the department of muni tions aiked one of the aulufnflhttc vxmpnw if it would undertake tn eel the plant into production thii automotttv company started to wwrk and many of its hlghlirtraln- drnwt-wflaken-frcra-thlr-cow- mervtal poitlont and sent to this town in quobec to assist in the new war industry today this gun fac tor is in full production producing not only 05pounder field guns hut naval sun barrels as well the plant in the- heart of quebec province consists of three large modern light airy building with a total floor space of gooooo square feet the complete gun and carrlnge 4anajenlalnt of the 2111 men employed about 75 per ceiu were recruited frdm the district immediately surrounding the plant the reit are from various large cities in the province there are also more than a hundred young women uho do inspecting of various operations in the apprentice school 375 mn are being given training in specialized work to take care of further expansion steel made in plant the steel for these guns is made right in the plant from scrnp metal the scrap pile looks like a small mountain and several thousand tons are piled up nt the present time a huge press which exerts a pressure of 2000 tons squeezes the ingot until it is brought to the dcslrelslze nnd length the ingot is then shaped on n huge forge the approximate weight of it rough barrel forging is 2470 pounds nnd the approximate weight of n finished barrel is 420 pounds the operations through which the barrel paxsosfrom the rough forging to the finished nrtlcle are mnny nnd varied following the hent treatment the barrel is tested for physical proper ties and if satisfactory is pawed by inspection a sample must be cut from the barrel and sent to the lab for testing seldom u a gun barrel cut to the desired length in one operation if the barrel were cut to length in one ojw ration and a subsequent heat treatment required another sample for t rating there would he no way of obtaining it preemou work the inside- of the harrer is tlven two ho ring operations which require 22 hours after this it i honed for 5 hours the outside diameter is then turned again taking los hours fol lowing which loth ends nre threaded for the autofreltnge lest this ncrn- tlonftlwtaklntfj hours 7- autofrettnge is in mnnv respects the most interesting part of the whole the sunday school lesson fob sunday january 4 protsmtir rtrticfcrcinnyrh-r4y- leal properties of the gun steel are raited beyond those which could be i obtained by heat treatment four gauges are placed around the hnrrcl tu onearthcbrccclend one in the middle and one at the muz2le end the size of the harrel is monsured nt these points down jo one 10-thous- nndth of an inch both ends of the barrel nre then plugged nnd through the breech end glycerine is pumped into the harrel by a high pressure pump until a pressure of 20 tons to the square inch is attained readings are then taken of the gnuges on the outside of the barrel if there is no indication o s or undue stretch the synoptic gospels- mat- thkw mark luke golden text christ jesus came into the world to save sinners 1 ttm 113 exposition 1 matthews declara tion matt 11 17 the new testament begins with a record of t he genealogy of jesus which connect him with abraham the ancestors of our lord are given so as to connect him with the long line of promises which began with ahrnham when god said to him in thee shall al families of the earth he blessed gen 12l3 the only reason for the mention of the names of the succession is the part they had in preparing the way for the coming ttedecmer of mankind the promise given to abrnhnm was renewed to tsanc gen 26 1 4 was confirmed to jacob gen 2fl14 was continued in judnh gen 10 10 and was re- ahlrmedto dnvldvfiqjsnrn tl 15 10 it proves the purpose of god as revealed in his prophetic word xttddwn thesptuiig weniy idnttln- ing the premurejlsthcn3rmiehtu to 24 tons then to 28 then to auto frettnge pressure varying between 284 and 33 tons it is impossible to use water for these tests as water freezes at pressures as grent as those used under the extreme pressure the outside of the barrel will expand by as much as 2 to 20 10- thousandths of an inch this test is important be cause it checks any weakness that might cause the barrel to expand un- 1 evenly throughout its length when the gun is being fired the carriage for the gun is built on assembly line methods each mnn does his one job and the car riage is then passed on xtr the next operator unlike the motor industry however each operation takes a great deal of time there is much work that must be done by hand and the detnll is ver exacting and often one operation requires several hours to complete the same enre and detnll that goes into the manufacture of the barrel goes into the production of all the component parts of the gun win n the gun is completed nnd checked it is sent to the proving grounds i years god wns patiently nnd merci fully preparing th uny for the com ing of his redeeming son gnl 41 r tills steadfast pur on part of god shows how he would save men rather than condemn them ac cording to their deserts 2 pet 38 9 nevertheless men are such per sistent sinners that they paid little heed as they do today to the pro phetic purpose of god thus when jesus did come they knew him not rind were not ready to receive him jno 111 12 it is impressive to observe that through all the historic changes referred to 1n v 17 gods elejainjunorejliejiltrue jnotttffw i cannda stands in line of danger on i hoth coasts i 1 whither canadas toree disposition of mailable canadian i fighting forces is doubtless being con sidered nnd this in tin fni e of pni- hnments opening in january nnd re- j cent talk of national selective sor- iue put fresh emphasis on the gov ernments attitude townrls the man power problem 4 prime miniilt r winston chun hill another possibility was that the brought to ottawa in the final days nonunion already a chief source of it 1011 a renewed spirit of dtteimini- nu r main of the commodities lion and mtian britain m eds will be nsked fni arrival fuither t mitributiops to ease the mtl t strati i on 1 ie brit i sh w i rtmn with memtwrs of the canadian cab- ononn inet in what was icgnrthd as a sequel the week al ottawa specially written for the acton j free prs by by alan harvey canadian press staff writer epochs from abraham to david from david to the carrying away into babylon from the carrying away to christ what a historic debacle for sinful rebellious israel but what un- shnkeable determination to redeem lost mankind on the part of god ii marks revelation mark 11 it 15 mnrk begins his revelation with n perfect identification of jesus with the gospel this answers the ques tion as to what is the gospel mark would say it is christ jesus the lord so would the apostle paul rom 116 the gospel is not an ism not a theology not a denom ination it is christ the gospel stnnds or fnrs on the person of our saviour he is the gqspeu for all he was nnd did nnd is nre so intimately identified wlththe person of christ that they arc forever inseparable 1 tim 3 lfi heb 7 25 81 11 8 in verses 11 i5 we rend thnt jesus tame preaching the gospel oltlie kingdom of god nnd saying the time is fulfilled repent believe how wonderful thnt he as god s medium of redemption should him self bear the nessage of hope to sin ful mankind but this was necessary since he wns not only gods incarnate son but the revelation of redeeming love to look upon jesus wns an un measured privilege and to hear him speak his message of hope must have teeh nn inspenkable blessing let us hear in mind thnt our best witness to christ is made when we allow him to so rule our lives that others can ee we are constrained b his love j cor 17 20 iii lukes unfolding ll that- the writer of this gospel and the witter of acts is the sjime person i 100 years of school history thh is the tsdrd instalment f the hssteiy af aeten schools ststher i talmestta will appear 1st futarelssnns of the itvee pveos this sketch wm compiled by me k moore for the school the first record of the present acton schools appeared at 1861 when one acre was purchased for a new school ground from sidney smith for 300 this part of the present ex tensive school plot a right of wny to the property was first allowed on the west side hut this was changed aime time inter to the present ent rance from the west the old school lane at find gates and turnstiles were provided nt both ends of the lane but with the passing of years these lecnme decay mi and wertttlip ally done ttwny with a stone structure of two rooms wan erected on tills property probably immediately after its purchase short ly afterward n third room wni added jnj892ancv four structur of brick of two stories wanbuih raring the lane nt nn expense of npproxl- tlrmtely srw0 som ye r later again a second story was ndded to the old slone structure whfch stood sturdily through the years nnd addi tional stairways added as they nre at jresent sent in in those days and many a revel of boyish nudity was celebrated on the way home from school over the roule by the dam winter ice bhie for winter bride war 52 years ago sheer wool fitted rayon and two or three sweater in trousseau nfcw york cp hero comes the new years bride of ltm2 in blue yes blue and wool at that or course its n winter ice blue and the wool is an sheer ns can he tiw heartfthnped neckline of her wedding gown is not uo new nor nre the tlireequnrter sleevei but thnt makes them smart the brides bouquet is a modern fan formed perhnjfrfl ns n timely version of a museum piece museums are lr- kplrlngthe designer thete- day pale lavender an i purple orchids fill the fan nnd cieute nn effective ins- cade of color against the blue fklrt of tile gown for travel the bride wilt take an american benuty fro k of fitted rayon to wear undrhe fut -eont- beige will he hei at cewory inlot for lhn red frock court group murdered mysterlo monk who kxereised reran power over empress of the local public libtarywiuriious- ed for some yenrs in a small room off one of the rooms of the school in ilsfll this wns moved to a room in the town hall 1801 was n marked year in the school history since a new well wns drilled for drinkingwater at an ex pense of 9524 and of even greater significance a new bell 28 inches in diameter and weighing 220 pounds was purchased nnd hung nt an ex p of leh swenters for her trousseau include a light blue sounds like a favorite color for new yenr season of the most brides since first great war days but a black one nnd a winter vhlteono gowlt holier as well for resort vvenr hev skirts contrast with the sweaters feeding 50000000 ttritains responsibilities in middle east bv ii ii cordon canadian preos tuaff writer coming at a time when the polltlcnj situation in the country wns gr lively dlmturlied by growing revolt against the secret autocracy thnt governed the russian court the murder of rasputin notorious holy mnn who wns regarded as a power liehind the throne at t rat led worldwide atten tion 2 yenrs ago slberlnnhorn gregory novik to give him his real name wns shot to d by a group hi p in russian maintained for himself a strong place in court at the same time he in curred bitter enmities members of the imperial family from time to time unsuccessfully tried to shake hi influence with emperor nicholas and the empress the group responsible for his death regarded themselves as executioners rather thnn murderers and prince- yussupov and grand duke dmitri wore exiled itasputlns body wai taken to the imperial summer palace at tsnrkoe selo and burled in a silver coffin it u sold the emprs fre quently prayed at his grave court cinjes including the young prince yussupov grand duke dmitri pavlovitch and one purlshkcvitch a conservative member of the duma the shooting occurred in mldde em ber lolfi hut did not he ome gen- crnllyknownuntll december- brltnln has made herself respon- it bin a few the b hours of to tlie washington loiiferemes tn whuh ilime mintstei m u ki iv e king participated last week canu huns gave tir ii i itisli ie ider it rousing leeeption w hi n he i eat lied ottawa 1 hey were quick to demon strate the silpihtrt wtiuh thev epvt- d he ouidtribniiinriirtirtrtreto nuniliitti of the house of commons and si nnte and to the rinailum people b rudlo mr chun hill s v imt plat d new emphasis on canada place in the nuutei plan of strategy evoked at washington which n british spokis- man summed up thin wa worldwide strntegv and world inny irtatrt w ol id w up vu- tory tw o other hnppening pointd nhnrply the need tor just uili a worldrnclrchng comept f war fare and perhaps for mime unified form of allied command the fall of hong kong after a fortnight of gal lant remittance by canadian british it id indlnn troops and the surprise seizure of the tiny french posesion of st rterfttmlquelon jutt nutth of newfoundland by fre french naval forces what role canada will tu assigned lift a result of the conferences is not clear but the presence thli week in washington of prime minister mac kenzie king navy minister mncdnn- aid defence mlnltter hauton muni tions minuter howe air minister power and staff of government of ficials leem to guarantee it will be a vital ml mr churchill told a proas conference at washington that mi inuhie apprehension fate of some who bud be canada awaitid with word of the individual j mx canadian soldiers i helping to 1 end tin far fast fortress of hong kong lost to overwhelming tnpnnee f oi ei s aftei bitter fighting jvfeme mlnisler unlstqn iesenbeii nuusliik asonilri rd of the can idi in it us pige tn th armv cavuallics among the men of tin winnipeg orenadiers and quebec hoval klfles who made up canada s two battalions in hong kong were believed henv y hut a hl was not e i i ted immeilintely t hev fought under brig t k lawxon fennd kil- uul and his ilmf nf ntnff lul pat ilennessy kllhd bv shell fne 1 he japanese sud mnnv canadians wece taken prisoner those island still another problem befote the washington itmference thi time one relating onlv to canada the inlted static and france- w as tin- quest ion ratmsi by th un 1 action of admiral fmile museller commanderinchief of vrw french naval forces in taking control tf st pierre miquelon diplomatic quarters in waxhing oi imllcated at the weekend that th question probablv will he resolved with neither canada nor the inited states hkelv tn do anv thing tn re turn the ill and to vichy control following a plebiscite rrm lucted in the islands which resulted in almost overwhelming support of the free french action shown iiv comparing these versts with ails 1 1 that the writer of the at is was the compnmon of paul upon his last journey to jerusalem inil r in lined in tomb with him dur nig tn- two yenri mtflm meiit t aisjirta anil went with him to iiomh is evident from i ireful leading of the hook of aits especially aits jo r t h la j7 1 j n l lrt lite i irlv fattier- of the churt h ngn e tliit this writei and i omp lnion of jvaul wns i vik who now ben- men tions his own nlime hut paul thrie times in ids epistles speaks of htm a4tlm4luiiluleli the fathcis nlso reenni that p lul was lukes instructor in the prepara tion of his gospel aid g his np prov al w ben finished some h iv t conjectqnsl that luke wns one of the two disitples to whom chrut appar eil on tin w a to fmmaus il like h1m laikes gospel is written for the creek entile worltl an i in the j arts t dillu of all the four gospels worll as the son of man the friend of sinners the unwerxat saviour i lohn s lestimonv l- i he former treatise 1 tile gospet of i uke i he iubjei t was w tut jesus iwgnn to do and teach lhe mthjeet of the nhik of aits is w hat jetii tiudiniiinl to do nnd tiaih mfter his ascension just vfore the se n- mon he had given the disciples com mandments matt 2s 10 11 k lb n pi luke j ts h he had given these lommnndmentt after his nur rtition in the ixiuit of the hok spirit what an honor thi put upim 11 i holv spirit and how it emph i- sizen the importance of his work tl cor 2 4 1 the 1 i mis wr taken up into heaven luke f rl 1 tr t 22 the allsuffn lent proof that jvius rose was that he wns seen through fortv davjj after his sufferings and death he showed 1 hitumdf ultveby many proofs i in 1802 when the school had be come overcrowded n room in the town hall to serve the prlmnry grades wns utilized beginning in 1912 the old baptist church on elgin street was similarly used for some time provision wns first mnde for the writing of the entrance examina tions in acton in 1901 the same year continuation classes for the begin ning of high school work were in augurated the foes for the con tinuation school were set then at 55 for resident nnd 57 for nonresident pupils from time to time as the demnnd tor additional playground space be came acute various sections of the sidney smith property were purchas ed in the course or enrsthe smith estate with its fine stone residence and extensive grounds with the stream coursing through the south i side had been transformed into per haps the finest residence property acton has known with tho death of the father nnd mother and the re moval of the sons to other places the house finnllv became vacant for some time there had been a demand for more extensive high school puv- ileges m acton and hence it seem ed an advisable tourse to purchase the remainder of the smith property including the residence and to n- build the latter into a high school tho property and expense of changes in the house wns cohered by some s28 00ox notablv the addition of the new section of property provided n splendid and convenient new entrance from the south to the school grounds ising tills new entrance the othei dn the writer remembered v iv idlv the strong temptation there was h n k in the nineties w lien a fence and also a hedge protected the smith piopertv along the si hool lane with gnes at t cairrige entnnce from the lane to tut through the gates and the pi iv it proper v making i dash down he burfwwlul itli mnj t lp ip tul people in the mlldloknst supplying them from various sources- with in dustrial taw materials conl and oil for transport and public utilities fer tilizers for crops nnd foodstuffs 100- 000 tons of cereals nre now on their wny there the work is carried out by the middle east supply centre which with headquarters at cairo serves nn aren of 2500000 square miles twenty- five times the size of britain herself the centre coordinates the supply of all goods nnd makes the best pos sible use of shipping facilities it works u close oopt intion with the united kingdom commercial corpora tion which has branches in ten coun tries turkey persia iraq syria palestine egvpt and the sudan ns well as m spain portugal and ic land the corporation has a repre sentative on the middle list supply cent ie whuh in tui n maintain llowr- toiuh willi mi oluei lv hel ton ministel of state in the m ddle fast nnd wilhthe intendnnm u nernl oft1it british armies in hint legion agents of the vkcc in ivvpt imq svria pnloiliiie and south africa have ret nllv met in cairo under the ehau inanship of lonl car lisle to thsi uss he important qui s- tinns of tuinsport and oordmation bkiixik srrm ti rks auf long and high as n youth novlk appears tcnmve been thoroughly disreputable nnd the name hauputln ilternnv tiiti vnnpf was given him hy neighbors this stuck with him but inter in his hf ids peculiar and objectionable hnblts weie tnken as attributes of holiness possessed f hereditary hy power rasputin gradually wormed his way into influential quarters after devoting himself to religious exercise a veneer of piety at this time covered the hnhlts which he had acquired in his youth nnd he exploited lo the fullest extent his strnnge mnrnetlc power the influence of which wns ad mitted by even his bitterest oppon ents in russian court it was in 1907 thnt he gained an introduction to the russian court through the archimandrite feofnn he sure earned his be medal london icp a young airman sgt clarence wilkinson who save nn it a f bombers crew when it came dow n in t lie nort h ken has iwen awarded the british empire medal for bravery after the ttnmber hit the water wilkinson sent out nn sos unstrapped the captain and helped him through n hntch dragged out an unconscious navigator jumped into the sens and helped t he tvar g launch th dinghvr righted the dinghy whenit turned upside chwn nnd then helped ll ntl f nf tin i p p i he txml eim cayional tt0s7nnllbritlkhhoyrvrpre gaz ing nt the shop windows decorated for c hristmas presently they came to a butchers shop and one of hem pointed to n number of hnmshnnglng from n large holly branch look lorn he said iook at them ams ngrnwing up there cet away said the other nms dont grow well thnts all you know nltout it said the first scornfully aint you ever e a rector of the theological academy nnd confessor to empress alexandra kcodorovnn tliere hnsputln who had become known ns n monk found a sterile field for his peculiar powers the empress influenced by mystic ism wns in constant fear for the health of the young tsnrevitch who suffered from hemophilia rasputin presumably by virtue of his hypotic power npparentlv had some part in the lads improved health at the time and this gave him a commanding in fluence over the empress stories of wild orgies nnd dehnueh- orv in high circles were commin chnlter in nil lasses of rus lan so- citty hut through it all knsputin t oil enten m vcle n ihiea of disioverv of chuhg thing strtitlv fnrhidih n adding e to the adv ilit ore hi tsion illv il th leiupt itlon h id he n v leld d sti el and wooden bridges arid trestles serving canadian national rallwavs joined together woul i pro vide i iiossing 1j miles m length and cmpieid of i iwl s par ie si uc- turt v not him undei in is fo t op lltng is i issifn d as i hi idge he longest hndgt n the i an hi in na tional svstfin is tin it t i i ltjh lee lunfge v the m i aw i it e it montnnl nt t miiig i m f v ov r st i 1 h hi is tin- i i o i ilossin th f i ei plvi t whi i idg 7vt i uiot th truk ie 1 skilled in the interpolation o popular and tic oigun quentiu mikii in aftei seiving in tin hi i mu oni of i nnduu s fav i it in ma ouiini is in i mu tit 1 innda on a visit n maun it in pcifoi enc s he is it trti on organ minings n h i u llisl oi i it iiiu oil flist n at v ar 1 1 i i v t 11 s lgl n f r i i tnli dav it dui pan wt to hv enough of 1 lie hov s to mike tl trespass notu i uiq the masters ffixim f the s 1um1 would lie v isitt d hv cohuiel uilhim alhn fatlnr tif mis smith who lud in the home colon 1 allen wa n sttrp m man nf tl old s hind and he brought with him mvariahlv nn sin h oi ras ions on his shoulder in nld snider rifh whuh was iissl as i terrible threat of what might le done if any more of ou oung vilhans go through my plate i he threat was usuallv miiteruillv effettiv till the fear of disioveiv wore off another short i ut of the tluv hoiil ihit m iiiimi in linpet essfultt long w iv home via the si hoed ijine led at rosii a field of the smith prop rlv at the r ir of the setmol and ti ross the tiu on what w s linn hendersons iond now th pr p ertv f amos mason tin routi uu spei lallv hkil 1mm nise the most popu- wnmin hob of that tune w ii tir that small bav in the imnd tliieitlv iwhind the storev clov fiutorv ap- iroumtlv where mr masons two ie entlv ere td new houiv ttand it must i onfesset that on the warm davs of 1 ile tune when the hanker ing for the afternoon dip hcame urgent most of u who fotlowinl thnt route tmgsn undn mg xo soon as we gut out of the school grounds nnd bv the time wo r allied the henderwin pan rt were ufcimllv carry ing tin- two or three pie es of clothing then utilized to stow hum in a crotch of one of the apple ttyes nearby bathing tuits were not considered e-

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