ffrssyfgg i uv vags six the acton iree press thursday july gnd 1942 alloitvmeiiibcr gives his views on conscription tctontlnw from isst wwk did he tell them that hf had always rwsen in tfvor of conscription for over seas rvkf no instead of that what did h tell them he said he was not aur that public opinion was ready then later in the year he spoke tn toronto aealn to a group of his own support rrs the albany cluht he li quoted in the toronto telegram and 1 hope he uhi not ac cuse the telegram of misquoting him of october 2 inst what did he say this hon- gentlemnn who now say we ennnot have ah nilout war effort without conscription nnd that he has always supported conscription for overwns here in whnt he told his own supporters at that time i hnve wri urjred to declare for conscription of manpower whnt would happen if t did immedlate- ly the conservative nnrty in parlia ment nniled conscription to its mnst- hendwcd consolldnte nil those forces thnt hnvc been opposed to us they wouli be mnrshnlted nsrninst us some will disagree with this view x have studied it from every nngle if it were put to n plebiscite i dont know whnt would happen i wish you could see the letters i hnve re ceived jetters from mothers who didnt rnlse their boy to be a soldier here we have the nntlonnl lender rt of the conservative party who last wetmesday expressed in this house the views4 hnve quoted speaking to his own supporters in the city of toronto less thnn eight months ago did he tell them we must have conscription did he tell them we cannot have a total war effort with out conscription no he told them it would not be politically wise he told them he had received letters irommotkeriwhodl nu m ll boys to be soldiers but t want to be fair to the lion gentleman it is quite within the realm or possibility that he did not compose that written speech that was read to the house if th speech was inspired by torupjluii onto i beg of him to tell those gen tlemen in toronto the next time he gets advice from them to get them selves elected hy populnr vote and then come to this house nnd make their own speeches there nre two constituencies vacant right now one of which is winnipeg north centre nnd the other chnrlevolxsaguenay mr harris danforth i do not think the hon member has n right to assume that this message came from toronto and then to quote from t he message ns having come from toronto mrctnr 1 j mrrp bmr surprised if the bon member for pnnforih hiirl hot objected how ever 1 shall have a little of some- thlhp for him in a moment or two and every other conservative mem- tm tmrmtotdid theeebw members contribute their share of the 400 or wk to publish those ad vert liements tn the toronto tele- tram telling the people of that city that they were opposed to conscrip tion did they do that just to ap pease quebec mr harris danforth if the hon member wishes an answer as to who paid i can give it it is a simple one of only two or three words it is none of your business mr cleaver i thank the han member for danforth and i agree that is the only answer he could give me that promise was made on prac tically every political pis t form across cannda it was not mnde solely to please or appease quebec it was mnde because we all believed that this country would mnke a better wnr ef fort would raise a bcitoiv army per haps under the voluntary system thnn we could ever hnve raised under conscription besides that we hndj had a very unsatisfactory and bitter experience with conscription nt the time of the inst wnr the hill now before us for second rending hns for its iiurnoso the re- moval of terrilorinl restrictions in connection with the services render ed hy men raised under the national resources mobilization act the plebiscite vote was called to permit the people of cannda to release not only the government hut every hon meniher lnihe house from promises which most of us had given to the effect that conscription would never be enforced for service overseas everyone now realizes thatthe pres ent wnr may be a very long one events move rapidly the time may come when voluntaryteeruiting will dry up- mo one knows whnt will happen it is only a matter of good business judgment to come tsfick to the people and in the light of exist ing rimifflmnnrrs jinnee from th pledge during the debate in the house on the plebiscite and throughout the campaign in the country the pledge was given by the leader of the opposl iojjyotej6jrcojt srrlptlon i read now an extract from his speech delivered over the national radio network on april 30 in the final solution of the problem in that if has clearly indicated just what lsyrtir problem whether we ilka- it or not irrespective of who is to bhjme for the feeling irrespective of the caose we in canada are faced today with the fact that ro per cent of our frenchcan ndtfirt pobu- ibtlonstre bitterly opposed to con scription f overseas service until it can be demonstrated to them that it is necessary- this being so it is quite apparent to me that nothing hut harm could ensue to canadas war effort were we to attempt to im pose conscription at the present time before it is necessary up to dnte french canada hns come along the full mile with us on n voluntnry basis we hnve- had over 70000 recruits from quebec for service anywhere in the world que- lec hns gone over the top with the ued cross campaigns the victory loan campaigns the avar service nnd every other wnr enmpnigh thnt has been put on- on top of lhat the pro duction of war equipment nnd wnr supplies in quebec is equal to the production of any province in th country if nny hon member doubts thnt statement i ask tiimto visit the gun plant nt sorel the nircrnft plants nt montreal and the great shipbuilding plants in the province in the light of all this is it wise to imperil all this voluntnry effort on the part of onequnrler of our popu lation by imposing conscription be fore the need for it actually exists iet us analyze for a moment the one nnd only reason which is ad vanced by anyone in favor of cdtv scriptlon i hnve yet to jiear nny member of the house assert that the voluntary system is not raising the men required for our military pro gram i have yet to hear any serious criticism of canadas military pro- griimr no one knows better thnn the minister of natlonnl defence mr ralston what thnt program should bo on february 10 of this year the minister outlined canadas require ments for the following fifteen months he told us thnt we would need 70000 to 80000 men for the air force 13000 men for the nnvy and fromoqooqto 100000 men for t ho- army those were therequlrements for the period janunry 1 1im2 to mnrch 31 1jm3 we hnve raised al- ready by voluntary enlistment over it is quite ob- this plebiscite is simply to give the government and mr king release cqo of those men from a commitment not to enlist men v m for overseas service by compulsory therefore thnt our militnry re- methods that primarily is the only quirements will be met by volun- issue jnvolvwt emphatically it is not in this specific vote an issue for or against compulsory service for over seas it ts merely a vote to release or refuse to release mr king from a preelection pledge concluding the speech he said you nre not called upon by this plebiscite to declare for or iigninst conscription for overseas service trtmt mn come- it dnet not follow probably he will then get up and swer m from this plehiscitt note those words it does not fol- low from tills piibfsvhet let us now analyze the vote there were lf12v who voted ves nnd lfiosfioo who voted no at page tary enlistments months before we need them even the globe and mail in n recent cdltorinl ndmitted that voluntnry recruiting is taking care of our military program it said the rent gravamen of the indict ment ngnlnst the voluntary tystem lies in the unfairness of its incidence it is rol thnt there is nnv shortage y27of hansard the leader of the opposition is reported in these words we labored unitedly to achieve an mr hanson yorksudbury mr affirmative result spenker on a question of privilese t and again denv absolutely thnt linvhodv butt and i believe we enntrtbut mikhtih to jh thnt niyslf wrote thnt speech or thnt it was inspired from any quarter th ynunc man now shnkinc is drawing i lft on his imnginntioji one whirh is much loo fertile whnt he has said should be withdrawn mr cleaver i accept the hon members explnnatlnn i should like now to denl with another point i object strenuously to the organized effort being made in this country to misrepresent the whole situation and to light racial fires in three edi torials this year the toronto olobe and mail hns stated that the promise mnde by liberals nnd conservatives alike in the 1010 election was made purely to nppeaxe quebec fortun ately through our newtpners we linve n record of what hupihnel in the past as we know before the election the polltitul parties adver tised their platform and they stated in advertisements what the stood for those statements were marfe to attract votes i hold in ihy hand a full page advertisement appearing in the toronto telegram the iny- ih- fore the election yote this adver tlsenient was smmsond by the na tlonnl government headquarters 1 emit up up to this there wen three leaser advertisements little five- column displnys to attract the atten tion of the jhhipu so that they would fiunlly see the rnl advertisement 1 j shall read the one of these leaser advertisements wjiich nppenrcd on march vote for these national govern- menl eaudldates in toronto ridings farkdate ihtor herlert a itruce onvenhtrl john u mncnlcol hnrndviimk- t i church danforth j 11 harris the hon member who interrupted n moment ago then follows a com plete list of ever natlonnl govefn of voluntarj enlistments it is that attvjliavo not equality of pervioe -i- do not believe that the present cam paign for conscription was instituted by those who honestly believe in con scription i believe it is purely po litical in its character i ennnot lose sight of some of the sources from which the present campaign stnrtfml you- cannot collect 4 stfioooooooo by moans of thejhcomdtajcjui we have done in twelva monthi without trend- ins on someones toes during the last war less- than 10000000 in in come tax was collected under the national government why would they hot want national- government the only way to net national govern ment is to advocatjicopwrlptlon tti err arc some diigruntled politic- inns in thli country who would sat hot age canadas war effort do anything to gain their own selfuh emls if anyone could convince mo thnt conscription would tend to qual ity of- service i would gladly revise my views i think one example in enough to prove how illusory the term equality of service li dur ing the last week an air force officer a boy from my community was re ported missing after a rnld over ger many he wa a bright henltliy clean living hoy who had been n lender in sports nt high school nnd who hnd graduated in agriculture from j he guhph agricultural college he enlisted in the nlr force qualified as a pilot and went overmans n few months ago last week tim was jtosted as mlsslnfi i ask you to place the sacrifice of this young mnn in the scales on one side nf the bnlance then mr the other side pile on thi contribution mnde by hit chum in cnnndn i do not enro if he works twenty hours n flay in a factory i do not care if he gives all his surplus wages for war purposes i do not can what he does hlitsacrlflcc is not comparabte to the sacrifice of the younir lad who gnve his life there are superloyalists who drum up equality of service as an argument in order to try to divert french can ada from the wnr effort i say to them forget about equality of ser vice there is no such thing ijinve heard other people say let us slough off french canada and get on with the wnr did you ever hear such a reckless statement did you ever hear of a hockey team winning a game with 25 per cent of its team in the penalty box again i admit at once thnt french canad ians are one step behind those of englishspeaking canada with regard to conscription and why should they not be blood tics ore stronger than nny other ties but what would you think of n cruiser convoy thnt would- steam nwny from 25 per cent of its merchant ships simply because they were one knot an hour slower than the other ships in the convoy there is another point on which i should like to touch before i con clude the fact thnt this whole con scription issue hns heen magnified far beyond its true import is nrtother proof that it is politically inspired it does not nffect the nlr for nnr rinc resnlt the government did likewise the government gave a similar assurance prople that ihtawa not vote of conscription tin prime i minister coupled with that the def inite assurance thnt conscription would not be enforced until it could l he demonstrated that it was neces- snry on top of that practically i every private member of this house i campaigned tils own riding for a yes vote i spoke at eight meet ings in my rifling nnd 1 sent again conscription does not affect the gift to qrltftliipf- one billion dol lars worth of planon tanks guns and foodstuff which in dollar value is three times the total effort of th country in the peak year of tho inst war in 1018 this country spent for nintswnr purposes only 341000000 nnd inflated dollars nt that con scrlptlon does not affect our war production of foodstuffs conicrlp tlon does not atfect our industrial production of plnnes tanks guns concluded on page seven cut coam9m mar 7w mw old chum cur hum ptm aefmmms it affect the navy grent britain notwithstanding- the- fact- 1 hat-she- is under constant threat of invasion still holds to the voluntary system for both the air force nnd the nnvy this fact speaks much more elo quently than nny words of mine could speak in favor of the voluntary svstem hints off to our soltjier lads i th backbone of canada forem r whom araf day li yt lo com whou might will b ncadad to bear th brunt of th itruggl iwhoi strength will anally weight th icalw of victory the army of hydro workers honoursthe army in khaki hydro nvpr parformad iuch important indltpcniabl mrvlc ai now it a warwinning tervicd whtn a man joint th army hydro begin to help him hydro supplies th power to ontario inniittrlei to produce themiinhlniw andtuppliesthatmak strong you on th horn front can help the army too save hydro by using fewer lights by using it economically in the kitchen basement everywhere in th hous by turning off the currant the moment it nas served its purpose ih electricity you- 4 14 out 1 time lhat tender advertisement np- iard in the issues of munh s nnd j then followett the grand fttuile 1 hflye made inquiries and i find thyit this advertisement would eost national government headquar ter leen 400 uiul nm so that they were not fooling they rvully meant it tins adfrtimmeat ugin wtlh the word maitton theman ntl con tinuev national government or liberal party which does canada want then follow the planks of thejilal- forrn one of which reads against conscription i ask the member for danforth mr harris who interrupted a few mocnents ago ciiviilnr letters signed not only by myself but by the defeated conser- j vntive candidate which nsketl the 0ter3 to vote yes and which as sured them that they were not voting for conscription if tn ttic liniu analysis the total j effect of all lhat the total weight of the conservative party the tital weight of the liberal party and the ntsoniil inlluetue of all members of j this house if that combined effort caused only 7lkt00 voters to vote yes who would otherwise havp notetl no then th plebiscite vvoufil have been defeated had it not been ltr the nssuruntv which wns given so l say to thascwho would lightly brush aside t his assurance think well infure talking i that way nny t more i could hardly indieveiny ears when i heard the leader of the op- jhisttion nt page 3527 state in the i house last wednesdny any effort to make it nptoar thnethe affiiniaj tive vote was nothing more than a ieleae of the government and of parliament is not faring the facts f onyvprll m he ls said that- it was i merely a vote to release the prime minister from his preelection pumge and on june 10 leas than two monthr afterwards he ald if you consider le anything more than a re lease you are not facing the facts pal you ever see such a right about face in lens than two months i sug gest to my hon friend that the out standing renson why the conserva- te party dies not hold the publu ctmfiuenukftolay is ttint they do not keep their promises further i si that this last eptkie proves eonclu- sivel to mo that they do not even intend to keep their promises when they make them coming to my own views on con- script ion i wish to admit rankly that the vole in quebv was a great sugar rationing by coupon is now in effect do not use these coupons until told to do so am urirw and a hittrr diupoinlmnl hm id mr nrvrrthelms th takmn of i tlw ptpblacllr ruu tenmt useful pur- duw and ruu twra of treat astistanc dominiqw canada temporary war ration card rattonnement e guerre carte temporalr some important points about your ration card gooi jstr 1 sad htftttw she mbovr is facsimile only haf emmmoi b mjw 1 a ration card is required ioi each individual porson reqardloss ox ago 2- each numbered coupon is good ioi a two woolcs ration ot 1 lb of sugar 3 coupon no 1 is good july 1st coupon cjo 2 july 13th coupon no 3 july 27ih coupon no 4 august 10th coupon no 5 august 24th 4 coupons cannot be usod before the specified dates but may be used any lime afterwards 5 only coupons 1 2 3 4 and s can be usod for sugar buying t dot not use coupons a b c d and e unless instructions aro issued by thp wartime ibices and trade board do nol detach them i 7 coupons must be detached in ths preeenco of your retailer he will not accept joose detached coupons 9 if you do the buying for your home or lor a number of people you may purchase sugar for j hem by taking theit ration cards with you to the store 9 if you order by telephone coupons must be detached in the presence of ot by the delivery man 10 retailers may hold customers ration cards and detach coupons lor them in cases where customers are not ordinarily at home to take debvsty or in the caee of summer cottagsrs having deliveries modo by mail or spress it u you qo visiting for a fk or more you should take your ration card with you for your host to use 12 it you aio a rogular boardnr in a house you should turn your ration card ovor to your landlady so sho may socuro your sugar allowance 13 you do not uso coupuntt foi tho purchaso of sugar for prosorving can ning jam or jelly making additional quantities are allowed for these pur poses for which you sign u special sugar purchase voucher which your grocer will give you 14 yftu do not requite coupons lot sugar that you consume in reslauranls or public eating places those places are rationed and can only erve limited quantities to their customers 15 misuscof ration coupons is il legal und offenders arc liable to prosecution lfl report to the nearest wartime prices and trade toard ttficc a if vou lose your card hi if vou change your name or address 17j if additional ration cards arc netdtd for new babies or ncu can adian residents write to the nearest wartime price and trade toard of fice- thfc wartime prices and trade board it 4 r