Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1942, p. 3

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lit thursday august 13th 1942 the acton jree press pace 1 lmejhenajiece the mixing bowl by anm allam jam jaks on thi asskmbly unc hollo homomakers now is- the time when thou who hove fruit in tholr own gardens or who buy it in large quantities will bo thinking about co norv i ne it by making it into jam you con make use of tho fully ripened fruit and put your jam into odd jars without tops since you will bo wing the inexpemlue method of covorlns with melted wax to prepare the fruit just pick the jrult over thon wash it weigh tho sugar to draw the juice out of tho berries cover them with the sugar and allow to stand overnight when heated in this sugarjuice mixture until a syrup is formed j the ber ties arc not through they absorb the yrup and tend to plump up that is what ypu want then leave your berries in the syrup to cool to holp this process the mass can then be ooked or slowly concentrated in nn electric oven set at a temperature of 250 to 275 degrees a quick method of making jam is the following prepare fruit weigh then crush with a wooden potato masher blueberries and hard ber ries may be run through l the food chopper a short cooking with- the addition of n small quantity of water before the sugar is ndded helps extract the pectin from the fruit add -urar- lb to 1 lb fruit or sub stitute 3 cups light corn syrup or two of the cups of sugar stirring lito the hailing mixture and cooking until n good jelly test is obtained if the fruit does not contain pectin or ncid either mny be added ns in jolly or preserves commercial pectin directions ore easy to follow nnd this method saves both time nnd cost of fuel rroipbfl damson plum jam u requested wash 1 lbs plums nnd cut in half removing the pits brenk a few pits nd nddkernelstothefrult pour-v- cup water over every 1 lb plums nnd heat slowly to boiling point cook gently for one half hour measure nnd add nn equnl quantity of sugar simmer one hour and pour into sterilized containers sen nt once ripe floasobarry jam 1 qt ripe gooseberries ft cups sugar 1 cup cold water wash gooseberries nnd remove stems and blossom ends add water and cook until skins are soft add sugar nnd cook rnpldly until thick nnd clenr pour into sterilized con tainers nnd senl when cold pcwr marmalade to every pound of peeled nnd cored penrs which hnvjobeen sliced very thin ndd pound of sugnr si ounce of green ginger root scraped or grat ed nnd linlf n inrge lemon place the pears in the preserving kettle in layers sprinkling each with sugar lemon juice nnd grated ginger root rtrtfow to stnnri l or 3 hours then hent slowk to the bailing point cook until clenr nnd thick if pre ferred the ginger root may be crushed and plnced in n little bag which enn be removed from the mix ture before pouring into glasses take a tip 1 becnuso of the chemical nature of honey syrups tend to troth easily ntboiltng point there ore uspn inrge saucepan 2roruss stains mny bu removed by rubbing in thick hot soapsuds if a stain remains blench with jnvelle water or hydrogen peroxide if the material h not wash ah k sponge with wood alcohol 3ftnrfiee mlltlau pm he repw onjdwtv in britain alexnndor john mcdonald laicc has arrived safely in britain to work with the ajtbortyicmbors of the cbc overseas unit alec graduated from queens university in 1036 worked at the university radio station for two- years before joining the cbc he was in charge of recorded fea tures during 1930 and was supervisor of recorded programs at cbc tor onto studios until he left for overseas having booked fruit too long before straining off the juice and the light particles or the skin would he float ing in the liquid made from the top liquid stimiquld constantly while making jolly on your electric range anne allan invites you to write to her care of tm actoh f puss send in your questions on homemnk- ing problems nnd watch this column for replies field widening for farmerette in 1943 setup girlh on the land a popular suc cess this year and offidnlfl planning for rigger things in future seaflons chronicles ot r ginger farm written spatially far tfc a4attje pmh by 10wmndoline b olajuck mll by hazel dean canadian press staff writer toronto c p nineteen- cheap nourishing and well weve got the tea and coffee problem licked and we arc quite in line with the government too that is insofar as toa and coffee rations ore concerned directly rationing was announced we weighed out our three ounces from the- half pound of tea which we were already using and thought it looked as if it might do us a week without too much trouble but pretty soon i could see it would ntnot in harvest time anyway you see as i may have mentioned be fore our men always like a good drink of hot tea taken out to the field in 2hc afternoon or to the barn if they are drawing in and that tea takes more from the tea caddy than what we use at the table the men nre hot tired and thirsty and partner says the tea puts new life into them so obviously that was one time whon it couldnt be cut out dear knows harvest work is hard enough th is year and if there is anything that will help make it easier we want to sec that the men have it so i started to shop around there is one sort of cereal drink that comes in n tin which we have never cared very much for hut there is also oh- othcr grain product which is put up in one pound cartons which has been advertised as a good substitute for coffee so i took a pound of thnt home to experiment with and do you know it is grand we use it nf breakfast nnd in the afternoon i make ft just as i would coffee in n mrcolator using only three tea- spoonsful for break fast nnd four in the afternoon we like it heat with milk but without sugar when it is hot cold it makes nn idenl drink served clear and very little different from coffee so inu do you ee why i suy we have got this tea nnd coffee problem licked our new beverage is requires no coupons if thetiraocomoswhenwe we shall noi v ed with jnvelle water lvepl grown mildew i ulmimt impossible to re move tr sou king garment in soured milk nnd spread on green cross out in the sun m if he material is not washable apply potnsstum permnn- ganntc until mildew is removed and then appiv onllr acid the qlemtion box mrs it t asks wh cannot hone be used to can rnspherrles and l hur ries is it possible to uae atl houe to can peaches answer hone has the lendeiicx to take ojil the lor in these fruits and make them slight l tart ksperi- tiiepfs prove that most mopu prefer to aubstltute i i up hone foi i cup of ecr tour rups of sugnr lequired mrs s muk what will remove sticks fl taper from n rug answer- serujie off us much an h- sible rub with kerosene or inrlion tetrachloride then sponge with a cloth wrung out of warm water mm j h say jell which was made frum jutoe thnt itnd been dl- vlded and put into two kettles turn- a ed cloudy from the liquid mude of the first batch answer cloudiness may he due to cannot get ten- at nil find it too great a hardship how is the harvest coming lust about as welt as it cnn considering the weather- partner was two dnys rutting eight acres of mied grain even with lifters he could cut only nlnng one side on each round there ls still n field of flattened mils to cut and thenr and then glory te we shall be through with the hinder for this year but not through with the harvest by nn means twothirds of fortytwo is farmerette year in crnicnrtnrilnrr provinces nnd 1913 promises to be more so schoolgirls especially have strengthened the forces of women on the land through out cnnndn and plnns are being made for nn even greater extension of this line of effort next yenr in ontnrlo 1hk girls in farm ser vice camps have set u high standard of achievement farmers are agreed their young helpers do mighty fine work in the harvest fields ns well as in tending the fruit nnd vegetable crops nnd other socalled mens jobs farm service force officials have nn eye on the future their motto is bigger nnd better service camps they fully expect to plnce 2500 girls in camps throughout ontario next year nearly twice the nunder serving this summer in order to relieve the strain on crowded governmentcontrolled ser vice camps during rush seasons far mers have been encouraged to build private camps these are built nnd maintained by the farmer who em ploys n superintendent to direct his community of helpers supervisors nre supplied by the canadian red cross through the furjn service force plans for 1013 directors of 17 fnrm service force enmps in southern ontnrlo nre al ready planning for 1943 improvwnnotr-wnn- ments next summer will depend on detailed records kept this season of camp life discipline wnges labor distribution careful recording by camp secret nrlesof the detnlls of camp life woslnlrtkluced for the first time this yenr unemployment insurants- fo far britons quota for egg supply eggs are eftgb in old land even though in- ns and food supplies for pouluy quite a problem bv autn randal canadian ptwm staff writer london cp britain is in a muddle over eggs which in wartime nre a sort of socond cousin to a goli nugget so ratjas demand goes every body is going to be able to get one tin of a dozen dried eggs a month they nre coming in quantity from canada and the united states but it ls shell eggs which caused the prob lem l up to now anybody having more than 25 hens was looked on officially as a commercial egg producer and had to sell the output to the food ministry smaller producers hack- ard poultry raisers could do as they wished with their eggs now however because of the shortage of supplies feed meal for backyard poultry ls to be limited on oct 1 to sufficient for one hen for ench member of the household but to be assured of this amount of feed the producer must surrender the food ministrys shellegg ration registra tion by july 25 that means an end to the poultry keeper obtaining shell eggs from the grocer when and if he has any kffdoae flack also it means virtually no other course for most small poultry raisers thnn to reduce their flocks to speci fied size unless they have neighbors who would like to take from them nnd are willing to surrender their shpll egg registration and supply the poultry keeper with kitchen food scraps for each such neighbor the poultry rnlscr may keep one hen this then raises the question of eggs for tne neighbor from july 25 until the chickenfood ration reduc tion is effective oct 1 the neighbor cant get eggs from the store nnd of- ficlnlly the poultry raisers flock is not operating on the neighbors shell egg registration until october 1 so mnny questions nre being asked about pggs and chickens nnd neigh bors and the sire of households thnt the agriculture ministry says it hopes to produce n booklet shortly answer ing most of the queries being raised by poultry keepers and wouldbe hen raisers 0eggb jet under the food mlnlstrjs ration scheme 40 eggs jietrpduu n year is considered anoptlmisuc figure thus it worksautthnt nny backyard poul try man who figures hi can supply one egg a week to ills neighbor should not find neiglmors hnckward in coming forward to help him retain in his flocks one hen per neighbor over nnd nhove his family total the new regulaakmik brought a florid of letters to i g people ho have no hens flavored them see the wheat is yet to come in after ln thc ncw n n mouns p that we shntl have to thresh before we can put in spring grain but there its nil in the dns work we shall get through some time i havent ndouht this district has been nil agog with n mild sort of excitement the lost few days two prisoners escnped from thc county- gnol nnd nre still at inrge iost time there was a gaolbreak everyone w ns ver exrlted nbout it but this time well nrter get ting used to the occasional german prisoner getting loose the civilian tpe doesnt seem much to worry about and of course the will soon have them rounded up and back inhind bars it was rattier funn the night following the escape of the pris oners i hod occasion to make a call near speyslde coming home it was very dark and my only companion the road was winding and a dense growth of trees and bush on atuav side of the roar wasnt too comforting humph i said pleasantly this would make n dandy hideout for those mtcaped prisoners oh my friend exclaimed so vou havthoughtofthnttno awttttieit venting luxury egg eating bv fam- lies otontor tvpavho keep upwards a dozen he but the poultry raisers asked what price guarantee would they get would the government recognize the i iglit of the smnll operator to n profit and whnt arrangement was to he mnde for wear nnd tear nnd re placement in flocks which mny suffer from disease neither the food minlstr nor the agriculture minis try hntlsnid anything about these points yet t the sailor got home before this letter arrived the following letter from gun layer herb dron arrived after thlfl acton sailor had landed in acton but had so much of interest that we know readers will enjoy it ns wc have july 1w2 atlantic ocean mr a dills editor and publisher tmt actoh fan psss dear sir at last after ten jays stationed at the dems pool in liverpool england i am homeward bound and not a bit sorry ot that it is just fourteen months since x left homo last liverpool certainly did get a very severe bombing as i noticed during my stay there but like the rest of england they seem to be able to take it one plnce in particular lewiss one of liverpools inrgest and best known department stores which was pnrtly demolished by bombing nre still carrying on in whnt parts of the building was not dam aged it is about as large as t en tons in toronto while they are repairing thc parts and rebuilding what was bombed business as usunl well we had a very exciting trip this time of course my ship was only one of a convoy of ships when over holf way across signals flew from thc halyards submarine pack in vic inity but just where they could not discover thnt was about five or six oclock in the evening the convoy stopped for awhile or almost i should soy then we chnnged course and continued on at full speed with our tonal i nnvnl escort about 10 pm i thought i heard gun fire but as no alarm wan sounded aboard i pnld no attention to it nt 1100 pm one of the gunners came down with orders guns crew close up subs nre at tacking us nnd it seemed by the gun fire nnd the parachute flares put up that we were completely surrounded by subs except deadnhead our position in i he convoy was second ship on the outside or starboard side but the attack was concentrated on the stern of our convoy just whnt damage or rnsualties i cannot say not knowing definitely but i do know that one ship got n tin fish was the second ship behind us in our lint ashore i believe i could walk up thew1lsrand ldowcknow ho 1 ever get to sleep not after having been rocked nnd at times none too gently at that to sleep at sen for over a yearr but i guess i manage some how anyway i expect to see you shortly nfter you receive this if my luck holds out for the next couple 6nlghu yours sincerely h v dtion no menf widow with weddings enjrliflh rector will not allow popular melody in hin church stoke enklnnd cp you hnvo to draw the lino somewhere no rev e j mnrtln rector of stoke drew it when n hrldnl couple wnnted the merry widow to he plnyed for their weddlnu mr mnrtln snld no not in hl church he admitted allowing n rendition of hc swing tunos theres n unnd of begin again nnd ill walk beside vou at a funeral but said tm not going to do it nny more otaimai thrtuou mwr nottingham england ci fltit denys horner 27 who cant sit in oneposltlon for more than two hours because of a splhb injury has won the dfc ns a bomber pilot and hewm described officially as th nost experienced and skilful pilot lit his squadron the railway and the war ttiurstsn tophsmn series of twelve drswrngt illustrating the pan played by the narional rail way in canada war fffort wdl be puhliihed in booklet form price tex cents proceeds to canadian national railways employees war services association to provide comforts for members of the fighting services to secure a copy send ten onts in stamps to city ticket agent canadian national rail ways cor king and yonge streets toronto ont for distinctive service- at m mm a tea bags vr jf fv rl vr hm mm z2l the bagpipes skirl in germany sahrenachfl supply sets to british war office rncnvrtttrnthwetophtent farmers s mdprt t nnrm pn into t camp fund 10 cents dully for onch ctrl employed tho money is used to help fhrtnerette through wilnj dnw when they nre unnblo to earn enoukh to pay their weekl j hoard thin atini has nrowd sue- 1 cetkful and officials say uuill con- tlnue next pmmer look theres a queer lirht down there what is it i laughed looks like cnta e es to me and it was we went n little further presently i exclnlmed for the loveof pete and swerv- d the car suddenly to one side whats tle matter what did ou see asked my friend in- alarm they sure ukr h roy oh boy whnt did i see farmeretien describe camp life as t sontblnk worse than an escape slmph super and nre eager to re- prwoner im telllnc you stands scotland where she did today london is- mnklnn bagpipes for the proud reciments of caledonia it is indeed an old story although probably the scots guards have never heard of it for ns lone as 28 ears the 1st 2nd nnd 3rd battn- ulonsoxuiat repim hjnehnd thrir pihs made up kentish town the whole convoy wns keeping in j their line hut chnnged course nnd continued nt full speed next morn ing i counted ships out of anywn their attack wns not ns suc- rcssful ns il couldo b the f lowlng morning ns we were speeding along on my watch the graveyard suft n terrific explosion wns heard then down went depth chnrges and up went flares nnd the ship directly ahead of us hnd been torpedoed nnd she pulled out of line find hove to phe wns still afloat two hours later hut if she sank inter on or not t do not know she was the only jhip torpedoed our naval escortwent on a sub hunt then while two of them stood b the dnmnged ship well nf ter thnt attack i thought well i feel like having a decent sleep nnd i think we nre safe for the rest of the dn nnywn so i undressed and turn ed in to be rudely nwnkened n couple of hours inter on by guns crew close up energy sub sighted nnd our es cort wns not in sight well i thought for sure we would get it this time incidental we hnd taken up the po sition in lend ofdur line in plnce of the ship thnt had been torpedoed our luck held no nttnek took plnce nnd nbout nn hour inter one of our destroyers enme speeding up and be lieve me mr dills i wish to say it wns a very welcome sight nny way it broke my good sleep hnd i havent undressed since it doesnt always pay most subs work in packs and they remind me n lot of tiorthero timber wolves attack in packs kreplng sub merged nil the time and then turn ing tail nnd running but they dont always run fast enough most merch ant ships are armed with 4inch and 12 pound guns nowadays but they are i of no use for firing at anything under the wnter and subs have not any desire to come up top and fight it out w ith a merchant mnn for they lnttttttygn 3 nourishing food for vacation day quaker muffets 3 pe 25 koft aim i instant pswttiai ti- sxe sic qlel 20 tia aylmr paey 18oa ti lox jar puddings orange juice c jumbo peas sto pickle uk mustard cornstarch mumps coffee m9ii cowans cocoa 14c ow jar pic lie 18c 13c 19c ioc ioc 51c 24c turn next nr the food is wondei- ftil said one oung woman in over alls i gamed six pounds in two w tmks tin girls like their camp hwng iiuartcr the find the anet pro vided h former tourist inns fltted- uj barn farm muxes ami tents high- l exciting bnrnx are favorite bunkl houses manx a fatmerette prefers a barn dnrniltpry to indoors quarters girls make- such dwellings habltnhle by pusting magazine illumtrations over whitewashed nls hanging curtains over screened windows kenll barns nre swell places to sleep- once well whnt wns if i laughed now that the danger was past it was just one or tho nice friendk little nnimnh common- 1 known as n skunk he was cross ing the rtmd and b wering the car i jusjl niannged lii avoid a collision we were very glad to come to open count r and home w tthout further wkenture kl in cratfjo uouknkmoltm england- ici craters- left h ermnn tombs bournemouth ctntml pleasure gnr ou net the cows out said one soung dens an ling converte into to farmerette boat and paddling ponds far children i no fewer than 20 set have r- centl gone to the warn office for 1 issue to scottish regiments tlie ivory usel for the fitting cost 500 i the sheep of the scottish highlands supplied the skins for the bags rind later in their appropriate tartan th tood for the drones and 1 w hich send out the pipes melancholy notes comes from darkest africn african hlackwood arriving as rough logs to cut up in kentish town the reeds are from spnnish cane the makers made their first set of bagpipes for queen victorias plier in a london hack room sixty veai ago their founders son startett the pipe hand of the london irish they he suppllef bagpipes for the ko nl irish innisklhrrgs they make flutes for the grenadier guards for the young women of the ats for the jtm cadets nnd the lads nf the air training corjm and their bagpipes nre een now skirling among the nazis they have sent 12 sets into the heart of ger- many through the ked cross t to prisoner of war of themselves and nearly all merch ant ships luie one to three nnd some more nnvnl gunners nboartf they art what is known ns dems rat ings and are a separate branch from whnt is known as general service of the mn the british navy has d e m s poojs in nearly every big chanters shipping centre jn the world and wild and there must be nt least twenty thous and oems rating in thnt service we hih had weather nearly all the trip foft rain and cold wind and just after our first sub attack we rnn into a hurricane hut even that was better than the subs and todu al though there is nn tug seas our ship being light is tolling on nn anfele of nenrh 30 degrees in fart when i get men women over 40 fed weak worn old wart kraal pep mn vttabty 7 uu ml trruhnl cwialm fmml tatimauaiuiulu jtm mmm4 thw w r aaupflmt inn iaotlua ptoosntaevw vtunial s scrsr ismrysl lm 1e sal 4 esu s4e i kirks x k oxydol oc 23c 65c old dutch cteaamr ioc princess flakes x 24c guest ivory soap 3 w 14c ivory snow rua 23c palmollve soap 2 lie noodle soup 3thorr pka 1x ckriui cou rommi cake ck m ckrtiti raui cuf casks lor it qulur por4 rice k 9 she su bacon kn ze xxx vinkoam ui lis oraltljm ti cebto ml xse swl jams ju wia masmfm ssal pas bags mek m lsrr stabch owna ixa flyco sfbat w t cmtr baking vowdsb if iisia toodt ti xs 49 iiuir sizk ijmns dos- 35c jl 11 vaikntm a okaxirx lo jifc see ocr prices on tomato itarhm- c uart 1lumn apploi d ijaskrl aimi frrslt milon lvr inmirtt jrr spxri1 prtrfi fruit and vrgeublc pricra gbod till saturday night ool reare thr likht to limit quantltli to family rqulrments

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