f aikii thurdav aydostjmth 12 the acton free pfctess mr s paob thrjri of interest to women new 1942 crop the mixing bowl fry annf a11an hree mama tuoetilm makino thk most of your tea and coffee quota hello homemakors the rulo of thumb hn been abandoned with the rationing of ton and coffee every tea leaf and every ground of coffee mutt now be made to count the new regulations of the wartime prices and trade board allow ono ounce pf tea or four ouncea of coffee- not both per person per week for thoae over 12 ycara of age the tea quota allows enough for 12 cupi and the coffer quota for 30 cup during the week in the cam of coffee con centrate or substitutes your ration coupon will allow the purchaae of i quantity aufflclent to make 12 cupa there are several factors that may make a great difference in stretching out your allowance the blend the grind or grade the pot the measure ments the temperature of water the ateeplng and storage method general directions 1 buy freshly ground coffee ask your grocer to grind it medium coarse for boiled coffee fine for the percolator and extra one for the drip or vabuum glass vacuum coffee- makers require a very finely ground coffee so that all the flavor la drawn out- 2 store in an absolutely clean container with a tlghtflttlng lid pre ferably a glass jar exposure to air causes loss of flavor 3 keep coffee in the lower part of the electric refrigerator ground coffee will keep its flavor longer in a cold atmosphere keep tea in- a dry placej 4 measure water and tea or cof fee accurately with a measuring spoon and on eightounce measuring cup bring the water to a boil as actively boiling water releases the best coffee flavor 5 make only as much tea or cof fee as you wish to servejh at any time you do have some teaor coffee left over store it in a covered jar uidplacelntheelectrtcrewgerator to serve as an iced drink or flavoring for a milk shake punch or dessert csteep tea or coffee at least 5 minutes instead of the usual 2 min utes using a glass coffee maker steeping is done by allowing the cof- iwstmi water to remain in the upper bowv for 5 minutes by leaving on the warm element this extra steeping will gixr you good results from less coffee 7 never fallto wash the inside of the coffee maker or teapot scrupu lously clean with baking soda and water using a brush br the spouts any used filter bag must be thor oughly washed r coffee bag with the remains of former coffee makings will ruin the fresh coffee flavor balled coffee measure coffee into a fine cheese cloth bag double thickness use ono level tablespoon for each standard cup of water place bag in kettle or coffee pot containing the required amount o boiling water cover and simmer 8 or 10 minutes serve at once oaftachllfc while coffee is being prepared scald an equal amount of milk pour the coffee and hot milk together into the cups in equal amounts one pot in each hancl fweatatsd gaff measure water into a clean scalded percolator place basket in pot and measure coffee into it cover and attach electric corot allow water to percolate over coffee for 10 minutes criming should begin when a slight color appears in water seen in glass tqp drip coffee scald the coffee pot mkatur- cotfee into the upper part pour fresh briskly boiling water over coffee cover and let stantt on the small electric element turned to low or simmer so eofieuttrs nojt boll but the steam makul4tif ilitfee steep longer take a tip 1 1 you use both tea and coffee and have l ration cards in your home use one card for tea and one for i-of- fee 2lllitik tea l made from fer menting the tender ten lenves green tea i unfermcnlcd ten ornruee pekoe jrwem to the hire of the leaf not n itrtuulnr flavor or grade the qlemtjon box mi a asks if corn iyru ran be uwl in tomato uimlwuh filling and in what proiiortloh tunwto ttendnteh fullns vj n- tomatiev 3 onion l iup corn syrup a red aweel epief 1 green sweet lepper 6 lp mutnrd lj cups flour 1 cup grnnulated sugar 1 cup vinegar cook tomatoes and onions until sofv put through a slevej add salt sugar syrup and vinegar and chop- jjv55nj ramuki ilersenhoren when the toronto philharmonic orchestra resumes its series of cbc natlonnl network programs in the prom concert preferences from var- vlty arena toronto thumdny august 27 samuel hersonhoren nbove will be guest conductor jean dickenson will be the soloist nnd be sides works by mendelssoln elgar and rlfnskykorsnkoff mr hersen- horen will conduct the orchestra in enchanted hill by the canadian composer john weinzwcig s the broadcast portion of the program will be heard at 1015 pm edt 1115 adt chronicles ol ginger farm tityvj written specially for the aeteufree press by gwendoline p clarke- ms nmi royal farmland pedigreed stock link war effort kings acjrefl flowed and sown to nations needs famous windsor deer herd decimated by foster barc1lay oftnadlftn prmr staff writer windsor enrland cp a new page has been turned in the history of royal windsor the rolling mea dows of the kings fertile farm and adjoining great park have been harnessed to britains war effort symbolic of the vast farm effort to stock the nations larder nearly throefifths of the ml acres of the farm have been plowed and sown while the large tract of the park has b a to corn the crops including wheat oatjs bar ley and potatoes are ranked among the best- in the country the kings two famous dairy herds pedigree jerseys and shorthorns have been maintained at full strengttt and the wartime need of more win ter milk is being met by the late autumn calving of many of the cows shortage jf feeding stuffs however has necessitated reduction of the beef herd to a nucleus of breeding stock essential stock the pedigree herd of lorge white pigs also has been culled because kitchen waste from the castle source of maintenance has not been suffic ient due to rigid foodsaving mea sures sheep now on land due to be planted with wheat may be reduced next year and the poultry stock is a mere shadow of its peacetime strength the king like other brit ish farmers is adhering to the na tional food policy and concentrating only on essential stock besides the large area of corn in great park the quantity of food be ing raised includes 330 acres of wheat 147 acres of oats and blocks of barley potatoes and close seed it is hoped that by next year the parks unrival led beauty will provide the setting for farm of 1500 acres two- thirds of which will be under arable crops essential to the new development has been drastic curtailment of the liberties of windsor deer the herd possibly the moat famous in the world has been reduced by his ma jesty from 1000 headto 100 includ ing fallsw and red deer the binder is away in the driving shed our twisted tangled and flat tened spring crop is cut nt inst and am i singing a te deumrto say noth ing of what partner is doing i hope we shall not have another crop like this on for years and years toadd to the excitement there has beer a regular epidemic of threshing in the neighborhood not just one machine but several in fact there were three threshing outfits in six iota all at the same time partner and young john were at two separate threshings last tuesday and then came an sos from the farm where john whs threshing could we send a team somebody or other couldnt come so the messen ger took john up to where partner was working and brought partner book to get his team and rack while i was getting a hurryup meal on the table partner went out to catch the horses and found that onepof them had cut his leg on some barbed wire not badly but bad enough that it had to be doctored then there was thewajrojito unload just a fewfenge rails and other summer wood and after that we had the rack to put on partner finally got away it was eight oclock before either of them arrived home thnt is once when daylight saving time lsnt so good at least not when we are on it and the threshers are not the next day john was away threshing agnin that was the day when partner started in to cut the oats and so as he was it was up to me to gnalong what i could to help alone and do hair- dos take too much time british leader says that count for absentees in war work to help it is years since i helped assemble a binder ready for cutting and i had completely forgotten where this went and where that went but by the time we were through it was beginning to come back to me then there was the job of following the binder on its flr r and throwing the sheaves olirsnhe roadaothatthey would not be infheway on the second round tfid isay throw them i should have said drag them that was as much as i could do after that one round i was glad to i get back to the house there is more than the old grey mare that aint what she used to be it is funny the way things go some times on tuesday whett i thought both men would be safely away i thought it would be a grand- oppor tunity to get a good big washing done there wasnt much to cat in the house but that didnt matter when -i-had- only myself to feed i have already told you part of what happened that day in addition i had th separat callers and endless telephone calls and of course partner was home to both dinner and supper my washing never got done at all and it isnt done yet but hall rain or shine ill be at it on monday if i dont the sanitary authorities will be on my trail for sure thursday just to liven things up a bit the welldrilling machine came back the driller has a sixwheeled truck loaded with gravel to pull the machine wherever he wants it to go on this farmtt ties to go through a gap in the fence to the pasture field and in wet weather this gap gets to be a regular mudhole the truck- driver looked the situation over and decided he could get through sohe tried it and oh boy did he ever get stuck a partner was out in the field i thought it was up to be to be aroundyou never know when a stranger is going to leave a gate or a gap open and give the cows a ch to get wher they shouldnt ac- i be but after awhile that is after the truck got stuck i decided it was no place or a lady so i retired and kept watch from the house the truck finally got through work on the wen will not begin until next week v the strangest its salvage unique yield in tftouuttda of 2iwmns untold am to canadas war effort and source are far from depleted hv ii dent 1ioik1kon canadian pew staff writer winnipeg cpwestem far mers preparing to reap what may be the largest grain crop in prairie his tory hnve already this year- gono a long way toward lintvesting also the strangest crop the west ever produc ed this unique yield is the motley product of a salvage drive reaching into the remote farmlands of the plains where untold thousands pf tons of scrap long discarded by far mersas worthless were found old stoves and plowshares obso lete nnd wornout tractors engines harvesting machines and threshing outfits steel copper brass aluminum or iron are all part of the haul be ing made by western elevator com panies as agents of the dominion sal vage cam pin gn rubber and old bones are alto being gleaned in large quantities from the prairies fwm small centres most of the scrap comes from the small centres scattered across the western provinces where it is col lected by patriotic salvage corps and other local organizations it is ship ped to larger centres where it is piled up to await shipment to rolling mills nnd foundry furnaces at calgary winnipeg and in ontario one winnipeg firm said it has handled a total of 967 freight cars of scrap metal nearly 40000 ton dur ing the past year it reported the re sponse from rural districts had been uniformly good and intimated that junk resources in the west are far from depleted we are just getting into the swing of it said one official large shipments are coming in con tinually government- imposed price ceil ings hnve been placed on all classes of scrap and these vary depending on the point of delivery for example the maximum perm usable price on low points chlied cost iron and white iron is 10 a ton at edmonton kind- ersley moose jaw regtna and saska toon 913 at winnipeg and 11 at cal gary in many cases the elevator com panies take charge of the shipping themselves after locating odd trac tors and threshing outfits too large rorshipmenl jn one pecet hey send out crews armed with acetylene torches and breakee derricks to smash and sort the material for ship ment bones big item at times the drive turns up queer specimens take for example the 22ton twocylinder steam engine brought into a southern saskatche wan town relent iy valued at 13000 when new the antique drew a large crowd of spectators when it was fin ally towed into town newest salvage item on the prairies is bones a california glue firm be gan the drive a- month ago after it received permission from the canad ian government to stage a prairie d rl ve to o f skeleto of animals british letters willi polish stamps warsaw devastation ir recorded in a unique tame letters are being received in the empire from britain hearing polish postage stamps they nre the corres pondence of polish soldiers sailors and ajrmen ntntjoned in britain who by n special arrangement wlththe british government nre sending their moll by polish ships as these ships themselves nre regarded as polish territory letters posted on board mny also be franked with polish stamps to mnrk this novel depnrture in postal convention the polish ministry of finance hnve ordered more than million slnrnps of the first polish issue to he printed in britain of the eight 1 on ornj nation the 5 grosaty stamp shows j the hnttered ruins of the united states embassy in warsaw nnd the 10 groszy the facade of the building of the wnrsaw ministry of ffnnnce the columns remnlh hut the building itseir is bow n heap of rubble the 25 groszy stamp portrays the demolition by the germnns of the monument of the famous poet mlc- klewlcz in cracow there is n beau tiful 55 groszy stamp showing castle square in framed by the highest class or thovlrtutt military cross equivalent to the british vic toria cross which was awarded to the the city of warsaw for its heroic resistance to the enemy the four higher denominations show the present war effort of the polish forces on the 75 groszy polish infantry is represented by n picture of n guri post the 80 groszy portrays mechnnlzed forcesn med iumsized tank on the move polish avlntlon is depicted on the 1 zloty a wellington nnd hurricane with brit ish nnd palish markings perhaps the most interesting subject is shown on the highest denomination 1 zloty 50 groszy there the polish njavy is represented by a picture of the fam ous submarine i orzel which es caped from the baltic sen without nnvlgntlng instruments or maps and later with other units of the polish navy fought gnllnntly against the common enemy makeup manners given checkup l how do theftc qucfluona hit you therevs reason that used to roam the plains have al ready been shipped across the border to be converted into glue eggs are important on slimmer diets hufhty nutritive ami easy to digeat because eggs are highly nutritive and easy to digest they should play an important role in the summer diet eggs contain valuable food ele ments necessary to health protein fat iron phosphorus- calcium and vitamin a and d according to con sumer section department of agri culture when boiling or bakng eggs use slow heat so that the whites will not become tough and unpalatable to bollavewateratbollig point when london icti clmmg op of many hairdressing establishments was blamed by mrs ilordon knicland hnlrnian of the engineers industries anuvriattori for much of the absen- teism nmonu uoniin industrial uorkt she ife i1 thty had to tnk- too much time off to find he kind of 1iiir dressing job lhi- uuiit1 done pm ephtk hat tin- mixture an1 ndt mustard then add the flour thut tins lieen mixed unit ltvkr to make a paste ok on elertrlc ele ment turrwtl lm stir frequently pour in lenlized jitr rtd cover with paraffin yitm t pints anne allah invites you to write to her care of tws arrow fun isss send lp your question on homemak- ing problems and watch tnis column for replies ixing distance calls have a way of i giving one the jittrrs these days we i are expevtlng son may get moved i any time- now exactly when ojh where is nny bodys guess so the other day when the oterator wld long distance was raufng i waited in tl tat hies utmne was i relieved wuen i found it is daughter ratltm from toronto ye i was relieved that time but still that call u till ahead of u sometime imew hen w ho crin have iiu noticed it r i it nj fancy that hi manyieopte are lwk- ing gre and old thew dsy an it be that complacency has gtven to nervousness nnd worr certainly we dont want complacency but rither da we want nervous w recks either ay endangers our war effort so lets be on our euaard and try to choose the middle course 1 k p m then lower heat or remove from the hotter part of the stqve for a main course summer dish serve omelet its good plain or with tart jelly spanish sauce mushrooms grated cheese creamed chicken or ham try a chee souffle or instead of cheese add finely chopped cooked vegetables flake fish or minced chicken another welcome dish con sists of eggs baked in tiets of cream ed potato en casserole kt yolks if unhriikim maj be preserxed h covering with cold water and keeping in a cool dace if broken the ma le beaten together and cov ered tightly wit hour the addition of walir kgg whites if covered and t hilled will keep for ionif time mixi0ii vauktr lull knguind ci war makes strange bedfellows even in the ani mal kingdom a stray dogs home also houses a monkey a goat parrots budgertgar rhjekens- rabbits and a ifbldflsh made homeless by rads f uncle hy says a friend thnt i knew had tackle colore and he added each day to his valuable store and he talked much of fishing for he knew it all right but he never sot fishing try as he might he was always too busy at least so he said but hell never go how he passed in his bed i knew a blight woman who lived a full life she hnd been to far places as spinster and wife she talked of a book that some day she would write it was all in her mind and the plot wasnt trite but no book did that wo man ever live to create- nil she did was to talk and soon twas too late and there was the man who would build him a house he said she deserv ed it she was such a rood spouse but no house did he build not even a hut he never got at it the poor foolish mutt they buried him wed nesday and he left lots of kale and n widow who lives in a shack by the swale rcou1d ro on and on and add to this verse of the true procrastlna- tors could there ever be worse theyre rofritto do this and theyre rolnr to do that but all that they do is to sit l round and chat they never build houses they never write books they never catch fish from the flshteemlng brooks they just sit round and dream as the moments go by and after a while they lay down and die his will depends on bread prices f7tnff officer looked ahead to 50 cents for fvurpound loaf new york cp how nre your mnketip mnnners nsks n writer on common courtesy everybody knows thnt the illy nhoqldqt be rtilldcd in public if it can fin avoided but there in more to the matter than thnt do you lenve lipstick imprints on your friends nnpklnn glnnse nnd cups making n lot of extra work for them when you hnve rono is it impossible for you lo pass n mirror without becoming so absorbed in your own reflection thnt ynu ig nore your friends conversation for the next five minutes if you use a powder rnmpnct r in public do ymf drip jtowrter over your mothers rur or your beaus sleeve- hnve you the habit of removing your mnkeup with n towel leaving your suntnn hnd n lot of trouhte for the housekeeper- on the linen if you do your mnkeup manners lenve n lot to be desired old age at 20 caused death enghflh youth wan uue a man of three score yearn doctors said oldham england cpoid nga en used the death of n 20ynnrold boy it was disclosed flt nn inquest here the lads skin was withered nnd dry his nnlls brittle nnd conrso nnd his client sunk in nnd medlcnl ntithorltloa testified there was nothing medical science could do to help his fea tures were thosn of an old mnn said n doctor who had been identified with the enso uo wnlked with the gait of hn aged person nnd when ho wni in yenrs old the hoy was physically like n person of ul boy theviik frank liondon c p or stella churchill nnd mrs c m hnmblln platoon commander in the auxilinry territorial services sny modern brit ish girls hnve a slovenly slouch they said of tip girls nppenring lieforo them ns recruits only one stood cor rectly belfast northern ireland cp the price of bread governed condl tlpns of the will of flying officer peter holmes who died onw err vice he bequeathed certain prop erty to his wife and the residue ws to br placed on trust for her but lfj the price of a fourpound t loaf of bread reached more than 50 cents she was to receive the entire estate sinci the start of the air the prlc of a fourpound loaf has been peg ged at ls cents i battijcsjiii- for rabv lonlx ih marks mother told her n bihy would cost too much- in wartime mi the little irnidm girl who sjtved farthings iitmyiiiji to buy a hah min sent the money to wiirnhlp week fund ndeid lo hu n battleship men women over 40 feel weak wora0w wmhanulptawfavltathyt sss jtpummtmix iwrt outstandingly good salada tea i carrolls carrolls own soap flakes cleanser carrolls ova tla fc ho powdered ammonia 5c mapklaal- soap flakes 18 65 a f sh domestic 19c dew kbtcfaoiea tomatoes red rosa kate salmon no 3m ml lias ini ipeas wli kssamlrmsk fwrj taadil asserted fish pastes an- 9e lajtf ss7c midobti s tw se aybswrsuw foods n- 7e crass ss naakwatta sauck m sx surruts fkutt puddino at surruts olaer bj ulnae sse 1 55s 3 cmtftttukm s lsc 3c quaker peter pan remarkable vain sot package jtummxsit 25c 28cj jellies ckristlas ckmlllu aoua cmll baking rowdsa sie sic cevautareb pw lie ven n4 no coeei i korrsua sic rieese cheese kkxsk jdr makee skf sfe me spealmiti er ma caroni x m rw cos r tip tea rs- 4e qsk nslwiml sian pt as jlltv vvikwia oknr rkkhh brirth q special acjc ilium 3i- 1 ft- s a c tilmlm 1uc tlkapkrmi it 1 eaoc mnr our irttva on hearers llum tontsilam amln fruh anaveffuble pricoa good till satunur nurhl only w rrsrryr rhr rlkhltn tlfnlt quantities to family requirement