Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1942, p. 5

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jrkursdas september srd 1u3 the acton free press pa0b1 miss jwulln cuirrl it visiting in guetph thlt wk miss row mcllray of toronto vl- itrd aeton frlrndi during the past week ft t mlu mary chalmers of toronto vltltkl her mother and father over the ueelcenrt mr herbert hamilton of toronto visited hu mother mr edith hamll- 4wi over the weekend mr and mn h e tjcalllas of north bay spent their holiday with mr and mr w waller mr and mi stanley coy and sandra anne toronto are unending holidays at the home or mr and mr g h lantz mr and mr prank glbboiu and delaine mr herb wood and mari lyn tpent last week at palrvlew cot- tage bronte beach mr and mr lawrence mason and matter howard ot kitchener visited on sunday with mr and mr j campbell currle mr and mr h campbell mr and mr n martin pianne and bobby of toronto visited on sunday with mr e e collier and family miss harel wllaon la home from toronto for a fe day holiday after completing her course at the western hospital and prior to entering her studies at the university of toronto many friends will be pleated to learn that deputy roevc g w murray uas able to return to his home on tuesda from the general hospital in guelph atl ulsh for him a continued progress touard good health mrs g a dills and james uho hae been isltlng in ulster pn re turned home on sunda friends here will regret to lenm that mrs alice mcpherson w ho planned to re turn ulth them has not been enjolng good hi nit h and all wish for her a speed convalescence geofge wallace clothes shop 112 yonge st 2nd floor toronto take the berate- and save money dont neglect your eyes e p head reg opto metrist u st qkoaava squab owlpn piiovc sis if ou are in need of glasses don t take the chance of dam- aging your eye sight t- it isnt worth the risk- when ii r a d a olah8ks can make you look and feel so much better at a mod erate cost overseas mail letters prom the local boys serving in the cause of freedom card oftiiavk mrs jnmes gibbons and tin fumlh nre deoph appreciative ot thi kind neess of friends and nelchboni nt tin i time of the denth of the btlocdi husband and father of iht home these man deeds of helpfulness nnd uordsof sympath will ever be crnte- j fullj remembered cakd of thanks i mr and mr esle murra and velma w ish to express their appre ciation of the kmdlv visits flowers and cards during mr murrav s stnv in the hospital also to everyone who so lovall assisted in harvesting and threshing the- seasons crop these kindly deeds will alwavs be gratefully remembered dublin institute will have exhibit t acton fair l the dublin woman institute held their aucust meeting t tin home of mlu m some n hu v ith tht pn si- u nt- mrs anotmxen in ttu chnlr the roll mil wax unw h nam ing food contnininc mtnmtn a l ur rvnt event wirt givt n h miis m sonn ruj mrs i f rvhmn env i a tu nion- al rat ion on nnniitk tornntoes ar rnnj n his wtrt madt for an hiblt at acton fair hi s pt niln r mint int 11 ti ik a dn t at her on ncoount or acton 1- air im in on 1- run and nnturda hi b n on r lb on tributd u tolo and joan s rmiwlw tnt an uvount of tl jirn trip to mitton v hi n instriu lion wn ktn on i nnnin difti mil t pi tables mrs a ni i u tub rvd a ote of thank li ttios who took jmrt on tht program nnd nno t iht hosttss for tht uih of in r home j in meet tnp i iomm uith iht national anthi m 1 uiu h was vtl and s w ml linn svt nt j do okpkokr wd dedication on slndo next in i inhhtiutii ii puhhsl sl on an othr t i wf mi o inal 1 urtes i mrens of tton t jt m th tht ixm nion f l nn 1 1 i n sun ia an a hi ml i of lrnr an 1 lvdu ulion in tl t tv smniiit yf t hi ft uru nr 1 it w ir 1 mi 1 wi ui i tliim m 1 lo ik t t 1 1 i im mu ui i n u ksit n ind nut t net i i i u lititn n ilion t f i ii r r n tt it l i id sun 1a i s n i m olnvr a v n ik ijrt wotiifk il bu sti o jw rpiik v y nlnt 1 i r it o ill ii 1 ui r a i itetl 1mi nturv f n t v i ntr f uft nn i h mn of mj r an mn v u1l r ha ln i m led r l the nat nnl trust minkk rikr cits iithli lonlxn op nmui metcalfe 28 mtrild miner t mho bllrvd that wock at the coal fact vm a hrt- irr mju of understand ne hts people than prrarhlnie in the pulpit has hwn awarded the d50 for rallantry dur- 1 lag the burma rrlrvat back to school shoes for bo and gi good stronk school shoes for bos in a pr ce ranee from 198 400 v sirls shoes in popular cuts and various qualities prn ed at per pair from 1 5 for footwear for tjie famtlv acton exclusive footwear store k bra1do prep aucuit 1013 mr a lmut editor t actoh ft raru acton pntario doar mr dills r perhap ou are wonulerlnc uh i haw not uhllen before 1 haxent any excuse except i haxent had any news except ordinary army life so i kept puttlnc it off first of all i uould like to thank ou for sending me my letter from home every week it really means a lot to us oxer here to ct tw pin ptess exer xrek also the war ser vices leacue of acton and vicinity is doing a crhd job of helping to make our job a little easier i know all the chaps that are with our regt from acton and vicinity really ap preciates everything the people at home are doing for us the parcels have come through and also the cig arettes are coming through regularly so to the kind friends of acton and vlclnltj we send our sincere thanks i have just come back from my liaxe uhlch i spent in oxford we had the opnortunltx of attending ox- ford college for seven days on our leaxe the course uas xer interest ing and xxe had rooms the same as the undergraduates nnd nuo ate ulth them the provided a renl interrst- program for us nnd we had n i time the closed the big gates after eleven and it is the cus tom to tip the porter a bob to open them if vou are lnte we hnd our rooms and menls nt christ church college and our lec tures nt jeius college british ijivv british oovtrnment science frimh life nnd literature fconomics were some of the subjects w e plnvcd ikinep mm tuml friends honor miss w1lma hansen iiride bp this week on monda evening the home of miss wilmn hansen young st hrb invadetl by a jolly crowd of olghty- ffe of her neighbors and friends ys came to honor her prior to her mar riage on saturday afternoon ml mnrgaret broun presided at the piano for a musical contest uhlch uas uon hv mm ihglis and mrs wm mattotks for the most interestlnb part of the evening tne hrldetobe u as conducted lo the bav u indovv s of the dining room where n stat of honor xer pretlll decorated in dnintx pink and uhlte skirt nnd cushion au altod her alwv e her dangled wedding bells nnd n pnlr of wtiterliigcans in festive array show ering streamers of pink and while on hi r head and abundantly replenished hv a cloudburst of streamers uhlch formed a background the following address was rend by mrs fred mccutcheon dear wllma as the time draws near when vou will become a hrlde vour friends nnd neighbors of this vicinity have as sembled to wish vou well as vou take this the most important step of xour life we are ver hnppv that you are the chost n hrlde of suih n fine mnn as clnrenie coles nnd vou have our earnest good wishes ns two happy hearts become one you nre cpterlng upon the closest cooperntion known to aocletx closer thnn business or should be nnd vou an going to st n lot of emh other there will bt times when hings will seem to be the opposite to what vou thought thtv wen going to be don t let this worrv ou over much be- cause it dotsnt mntter whether we nre mnrrb d or otherw ise w e all learn thai this life u one of live and take anil sonn tinu s w hen hi nn not glvtn u hnt wt ask for wt tnkt it tennis and went punting on the wui nmi to llrmlpi for thnmes then wen also dnmvs ixourwlf uhtn to put this bit of ad teas musicnles and n host of othtr xlcp in prnitlce ihlngs the people of ovford are trv t mn u 1hllt lm tlmi hrouih nice nnd we hnd n lovelv time l which vw nr nou pacing will caus vou onit worn we hope if this also one afternoon thtv hnrtt n 1 n bus to go out to visit ladv tuotds nuiir who lives nenr ovford slie stum id us nil around tht ir t stnlt nnd wt hnd lum h it was tht inst coffct i have tnsted slnie iiimint to r nj innd wt hnd our pit tun tnken with her in n group plcturt nnd thin she should us tljtir llbrnrv it dt rrul all of i ord i i edsmuir s books nre there nnd we saw his or- iginnl mnnuscrlpts of sonn of his books thev were verj kind nnd we nnllv enjoxed ourselves i will enclost n progrnm of tht course nnd once again thanks very much to the people of acton nnd vlc- inltv for everything thev nre doing for us over here i think i had better close nou ns it is getting dnrk nnd ue hnve no clectrtcit so to nil mx friends i i buses leave castbound to toronto m 0 run tifl 9lmu 11 si s m i m pm 4m pan v li pan 9 01 pan m 1 35 sum westbound to london 1018 sun xllis avjn i si pjn sy sos pan b bu pan c tss pan b 8 ss pan k in pan dylo 2s pan xll m pan b sun and n dall e sun holidays c dnllj ex slin and iiol d sat sun and hoi x to kitchener onl v to stratford onl lenstern daylight sax ing time tickets aad informational huiold wiles phone 58 gray coach lines sax cheerio and thumbs up ours sincere herbfrt taylor hnph ns t hi durnl inn w ill hi short on tin othtr hand tht profisslon of vour husband tob mn pnvint this sipnrntion whichevtr w it turns out to bi wt know that a full duty will hi dont wt hopi i hnt vou will hnvt a lift of ft w worrits nnd that vou will is w on- i nt u r gt t clost to ttu bottom of i tht hnrrtl agnin wt nssure vou of our gootl w isht s and hopt thnt from v our supplv of coles mnnv bright fire will be kindled nnd thnt vou will not be bothered with too mnnv clinkers to dendtn them clndi rs vou mny hnve and n feu nshes we hope that the cinders will be use ful nnd thnt the nshts will not be too henv to remox e fver dnv ns it comes nlong we trust will find vou full of song baptist church will mark centim of sen iee here in it tin oldi si established church at ton the baptist chun h w ill sundnv scptimbtr nth mnrk one liundnsith annvt rsnrv inv itn lions hnvi b ji t nt to form r mem tnrs and frii nds out of town nnd it s nntitif itd that ihi event will be tht ihtasion ot muth mttnt and i inrn atttndnnii at tht sj nil sr vicis in tonniction thtnwith th in hes of the congregntirin an ar ranking to suf pk n mid dnv lupiftoh ntid b mrs for th i from out of tow n on ttu i i nion hans n gregory theatre liuuai hkitemrkk i l npimshm iii slvlivs irt m uunn k u rt mont km t iuni i f vti hhml h r ttu i on nun ltnm i mu 1r i t it i i jtj i i pi k 1 1 i v ir nn stl kiii vhtvmbtk s uuiiw at 3 00 kkmkmker lkvrl hkiuir 1 i iillin itl lhn harr f i m k n meudi ue- a j v jmtkrf bat xanli kotrt 1 iu nt s vonutl itjtrmbwl t maus4 at am babes on bboadua musltjtl ullh mukr hoon- judy cariand pt iuntth bau smiths scrapbook sun1 of ttu nnnuirvin hit srflnl ilnkir lit tx prof r i mlrukin of mcmalir iniur it iiurtni tilt four dn folloume sunrfnx sri will in ht h t jirh iiiiunt uith i ikt- that lll llli i 1h nnhuunhl fur dites are innorncei kok the 1m2 elents full irnu h hm i a r- ir ntar th t daft f r nnnounct d nn t w 1 i r w ith l list in win h t ur r a i rs n iv im intt r stt tf t mi s i ii in i i 1111 t s t r v riii 1 t 11 1 or u 1lt t i t 1 u tit it m nt i- r si pt 1 is mi im ii t 1 ksv ii t alt i 4 i vn ullt s t m it n t elm urn st t t t 1 rt r ur ct 1 b ti n o t m irkl nni o t 1 1 a turf vu ot r h nn ot u good shoes kok 1ch7ng and old carrmtjy fkte4 a d rachun acton cm it i next tuesday for the publt l suiihii and that me win only two nhoppitik dns to net the bos and girls outfitted iitw tliuiv for the fintt day wo huve tried to anticipate the needs and youll find our stock complete in all the staple items we will he glad to nerve you i and ever eve when dnv is done we hope will find n victorv won and now we will ask vou to rrntlfj us bv ncctpllnc these little rifts ns a token of the est tern in which vou hnve biin ht id in ibis community nnd w trust thnt tin ncctptnnn will afford vou ns much pb asun ns it baa kivtn in tin prestntnlion mav vour tvtrv not d bt filled bv mini who knows lust just what wt shout i tiavi nnd whin wt should havi it we lu n bv affix our signatures with tht last woid thnt our thoughts w ill hi of vou oftt n iur frit nds nnd neikbbors mils t w hit ham mils iiansrn mitk r mcclix hfon i tht nppropnatt moment n hupe i it vt rl di t oratini b iskt t of utft t onstin n bri int bouqu t was pre mrs lm w hithnm nnd mrs fin h with ihl t lunl ovi rflow torn ns d nn ns innishink host of benutiful nnd uv ful nrtults afti r the inst cift hnd bt n sttminjlv unwrnptd a m pit tt stt of kitihtn utt nstls was th n pitsmted after w ilni i had txttnd ed hi r thnnks and thi irwd ha 1 stinj ii r slit s a tollv i ood ft i lov -a- htautiful lum h w as strxed a lx nut ful jut si iwhik portrnvink in i itur ml m rsi tit posihb bv t s f ilma nnd c art n fn m bnbv iimvj to old an nnd om tnttthd kit 1 t n kajk rv t nij u i from m fiv ir t n t iji uitiu h t a ti k n st tut i nti irvuti t win tht j rv artist w rk f mrs t- n i v t uf h n mis ni strut i rs mr hans n in i mrs f nhim mrs j k1jhii s is huvtkss you mkktim i mtfcu ssk i vtion it s t i irt r n ii tl w n in s s m il r i th in ld l til i ah i 1 it tf f ii ff mrs i 1 i s i i u si v t m s i h irli int ii i v i ti i t r i ua t is n t m i irk r il u it i i n m i 1 m t s 1 1 in t tt ills irt l uin n t h 1 1 i i rlfwl iv i t i iu i r t fttr tl hu n ss 11 i j s- f it er l likhtful luntl v i s rv tt t mis v t 1 11 ms asmxttd i v mrs i l vimr bnn mrs va a iobur mr i harna a vtrv tuart vote of it jinks wa kivtn to mm eldhiua for her home and hospital also her auiitanlj and the meeting dosed with the na u t tonal anthem 1 rr hoys giiod sturilj sthool shoe mudc b sis nun s priced from 225 275 boys sweaters in popular colors and with vneck and zipper stlea sues 2u lo 12 priced from 98c 198 boys school pants the kind thnt rive plenty of good sturdy wear wel made pric ed from 149 298 1txk ilttus neat uppearnik school shoes made to kive kd wear and always look well priced from 198 u socks uiul sockees in many varieties of colors und all sues priced 20c to 35c ilkus school imussses a nice assortment of dresitci to choose from size h to 14 priced from 98c 198 if its clothing it is pallants acton canada national selective service regulations effective september 1 1942 those affected one group of regulations a applies to all workora mala and femqle and their employors oxcopt any persons employed as fomale domestic servants in homes whore thero is not more than one servant employed by a provincial government as ministers priests or clergyman as profosaional engineers or scienco workers under the wartime bureau of technical porsonnel in part time subsidiary employment which is not a re occupation in agriculture hunting fishing trapping as teachers as nurses and proba tioners in casual labour as students at work alter school or on holidays other than long summer vacation the other group 6 applios to all workers the regulations croup a 1 no worker may quit his job without giving his employer seven days nolioe in writing 2 no employer may layofi or discharge any workor without seven days notice in writing 3 no employer may interview or engage any worker unless such worker has a permit to seek employment 4 permits to seek employment may be obtained from national selector service officers in selective service officoo formorly th local ofiicos ot th unemployment insurance comaussion croup b 5 a national selective service officer has the power a to order any person to report for an intonnew at the local office b to order any person who has been unemployed seven days to tak any suitable work and c to order any partially employed person to take any suitable full hint work 6 no person ordered by a national selective service officer to take a job may quit such job without permission of the officer i 7 when a worker has to travel to a distant job the national selective service officer may pay the cost ol transportation and certain otho special allow ances 8 if a worker at the request of the national selective service officer changes frthn less to more essential work he may claim re instvement in his former job when the more ossential work is finished 9 any employer employee or other person who violates nypryilpn of the regulations or anyorder made under them is liablo to a iine notexceeding 500 or a jail term of not more than 12 months or both not agricultural workers may take seasonal or temporary omploymeh outside agriculture with the consent of selective service officers when such work will not interfere with farm production and by taking such work they will not lose their nght to postponement of military service employers statu the orttanvibeotmco sattiag tvp the legii anal the explanation of national saucfivo letvice recrnlatiesu wkiels can im obtained from falaetiva service efficee employees k uaal th orslarstnconsven aottsbsj the resjmlatioau anal use waxkara hantmieav which can ha abtalne fewta saloethra sasvio offices oe otfices el teaala a elliott m little pts national ssoactfx basrios humphrey mitchell ml iisssai ot labswi

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