Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1942, p. 3

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a rti imfim the acton free press page thkim the mixing bowl ft anni alukn htfjt hh lmuttt s figiitir foods hello homomnkcrsi an n worker in the home line of dofonao isnt it your job to plan nutrlthrlft menus of course making pinna in only half the battle if you nbuno cooking principles you lose the flrht plrhtln p8od is hnkerl to con serve vitamins nnd mlnornls without chntialnc flavor or appearance given rood recipes make sure your baking fiction is rlrlh hero are bomb tips to ensure success 1 mnke ncruracy yoyr password people who consistently turn out good foods nre not lurjty they are accurate 2 good judgment is the next es sential its nice to hnve nvnllable everything you wnnt but one seldom hns nnd good judgment will mnke the best possible use of what you hnve 3 certainly that n dish is good be fore it jb served is n fine point tastes differ nnd we tire saving on sugnr so n nlbnle would satisfy you that everyone will be hnppy ap pearance is important eyeappeal food really helps keep up morale at the table nutbitimift menik ccrenl with raisins iwn muffins honey coffee or milk mock drumsticks beans browned potatoes radishes and shredded let tuce berry pudding vegetable omelette shredded greens with russian dressing cup cakes with fresh fruit bran muffins 1 cup flour 1 tsp soda 1 tsp salt 2 cups brnn 1 cup milk j cup mo- lnssph 1 egg well beaten elf desired mix nnd sift flour soda nnd salt add other ingredients bnke in but tered muffin tins 10 to 4a minutes in electric oven nt 375 degrees mnkes ih muffins i mock drumsticks j lhs meat beef or venl 2 cups cornflakes 2 eggs 1 tsp salt u cup wntrr cut meat into six or seven oblong- shnped pieces roll and fasten with skewers roll in corn f hike crumhs then into beaten eggs nndncalnln crumbs brown in melted fat in hot frying pan add cup water rover and hake in electric oven at 350 de grees for55 minutes iote bnke complete menl in the oven cutting potatoes and beans in smalt pieces place potatoes around meat use hot water for iteans and pudding so that each dish will be rooked in the given time plum and apple jam c requested i 3 qts plums fi tart green apples wnler granulated sugar wash and cut plums wash quar ter nnd peel apples combine plums and apples together and barely cover with water cook until fruit is soft measure fruit und add sugar in the proportion ot i cup of fruit to cup sugar bring to a boil witli elec tric element turned to high nnd cook for about- is minutes or until jam is jet 1 tike in consistency pour intosterlle jars and seal if plum stones are stubborn to re move leave them in until fruit is cooked they wilt come to the top utul may eiixllv be removed before sugar is added take a tip 1 remind eeryone in on household to use drugs sparlngl kcivw tops on tlghtl use encli bottle to the last drop store in a cool place place seeds or liei hs in but- ties and seal tlgbtl j meat nl as much wntei as ou tv llkel to letiilie in prevent e- ceote beat in mu kltctien nnd to mli elect riflt v i i mil ulisll illktl fiuit v l to 1v 1 iii till rtnt mini fll r a iln n lunl mk it o- i imi ft iu ul n ill vli with out n bo tiir qikstkin mi i h ii iki how inn a uftr 1h hhl lrnuiis hum it ktilll a tuvt stalrt caused bvan rm fi twine felt hnf ornament aniwei u the green drvv ih wmh- able muikm arm water let dr apongc with a weak vinegm nnd launder i iwt on a piece of team to uh if color ik fnsi if dresft i non- washable shnn w ith carbon tetra chloride the beige hnt should be taken to an expert cleaner if the inot is large iron rust soap must he purohawd and uwd according to dir-ectums- a fresh tain ma be sprinkled with salt and rubbed with lemon juice miss j ii asks how do you ugli t w t caretif tip can they he fixed answer slide them carefully and evenly after taking off a garment hnng it on n hanger nnd closetlho i sslppor when pressing n garment clpse the slide fastener they can rarely be fixed bill always take to the store nnd ask nnywny anno allan invites you to write to her care of trnr actok fm piem send in your questions on homemnk- ing problems nnd watch this column for replies delvinjpbeeply for womanpower in old britain i pofisibly 100000 girl civil serv ants may be released for more essentinl military service and war work by foster brown wnullan prw staff writer london cp the government fnced with n iresslns need for womanpower hns decided lo clip chronicles ot ginger farm ti- written specially far the aeton fra preu by t owbndoune p clarkk lain this week ns you probably know nil women in canadn with certnln exceptions must register if they oro between the ngos of twenty nnd twentyfour the purpose of this registration is to make sure thnt every employable woman of thnt ago irf given the opportunity to work nt a job for which stie is best suited in canada to take her share in the tight for freedom in vichy france women between the nges of twentyone and thirty- five are also required to register hut they must go where they ore sent must work nt whatever work is deeply into less essential services nnd th tho ln the civil service to bolster the fight- of t orir m fron0h wo- ing services nnd war factory person- mpn nrp lo bp sent to r t0 nels i the ministry of jihor announcing steps to mobilize thousands of young girls declared that no further defer ments would be granted or continued in tho 2022 nge classes the only exemptions include persons t employed on productive work in reserved in dustries nnd key women whoso withdrnwnl would result in tho clos ing down of business establishments of nntlonnl importance women engaged on productive work however will be permitted to volunteer with thelf employers sanc tion nnd in future there will bo no bnr to the ncceptnnce of other wo men as volunteers the combout nir force where every ablebodied man now doing clerical administra tive or simitar work will be placed on more net lye service their ranks will be filled hy newly cnllodup wo men temporary workers although the civil service hns not been affected hy the ministrys rul ing the government hns cstnbllshed n committee to examine employment tjhls move fojlowed suggestions thnt many cxvil servants especially those w ho joined ns temporaries when war si art ed should be released for more vital work the civil service ct eri en t associnti onrl orh nst ancerh a estimated thnt about 100000 younger workers could be released without weakening government departments strangely the governments man power problem has reached n stage where it is harder 16 find women than men thnt sounds paradoxical when there are so mnny millions of women but this is explained by the terms of the national service act which prevents the minister of labor culling up married women without children work for hitler could there pohsibly be n more striking comparison and of course the same ttdng applies to the men in canndn todny there are many worried mothers whose sons hnve been cnlled the attitude of both mothers nnd sons irj response to the cnll vnrles connldcrnbty wklcttls no more thnn one might expect in n penceloving country such nscanndn genernlly spenking hnvc raised their sons to take their places on the form in the factory or in some profession not ns nggresslve soldiers t sailors or airmen and it is hardly to he ex pected that mothers enn change their nlso will be applied to the army and attitude overnight and yet it cflti ada is to do her pnrt n change of nt- tltude is absolutely essential we who are mothers must see to it thnt we do not become hotttcnecks we hnve n pnrt to piny let us think this thing out sup posing you are a mother whose son is of military nge and ou are hoping- and praying that he will not be cal led or if he be called thnt he will not pass why do you hope t hese things there are so mnny rensops arent there quite apart from the fact thnt dad probaby needs the boy at home you are nlso worried because you feel that jim would not be happy nl hcurmy ldudanllike t he thought that tie may he sent n long j way from home perhaps to another i country he might be ill and need you or and this is a thought you i ndmit only to yourself he might not i com back wherever he goes or i whatever lie does you somehow have j the impression that his t life will he i in constant dnnger isnt thnt so a lot of your fears may be quite reasonable but yet contradictory if you take a wider view your son in the service may sometimes not al ways he in danger for the duration but if we win this war there will come a day when our son if he is spared and our entire family wil lie normally free from dnnger if we dont w in this war then remember tough for giris to salute right without smiling now how is it meats oirlioof none in shops ait impish look in their eyescanadian parmer housewife packer and dutcher in a four- sided argiimenl on war time lack of live- block products says an officer in western training camp where cwacb are work- ing- hard vermilion attn cp copt hence hnwcls of victoria officer commanding the canadian womens army corps new trnlnlhg centre here describes life in the nrmy ns glorious but it isnt nil beer nnd skittles r wo liken our organization to n machine with each girl as one of tho component pnrts she said all must conform to the rules to mnke the machine run properly i they give up an nwful lot to come into tho nrmy we feel they gain n grent deal more snld cnpt e l mollliet of calgary one of the staff they arent in tho service long before they realize they nro be ing educated to n wider outlook in a vltnl defence mpnsure but ive never yet found n woman who could snluto without smiting iter fnce may bo n grnven imnge but theres nn impisli tight in her eyes the ccn t re is si n f f ed by 1 50 o f fleers nonrommlssloned officers and privates responsible for tho mainten ance of each clnss of nr0 trainees who spend four weeks lenrning the fundamentals of army routine tho first clnss of girls came from cities nnd towns nnd villnges of the west nnd stnrted training early in august at the end of four weeks they nro sent bnck to their military districts for more ndvnncod training before being posted to military depots to re lease men for other duties in agriculture hehoni the centre is located at the former albert n school of agriculture in this town 100 miles oast of edmonton on nrrlvnl at the centre ench recruit is given a complete examination by a military physician nnd is then fit ted with uniforms nnd nccessorles valued nt more thnn 125 squad drill is conducted dally hy sgtmaj f n purkls formerly of edmonton wtio confided these gals are nil right i can get more honest willing work out of women on the parade ground in half an hour than out of men in half ji day for the trainee showing the great est efficiency and best grooming n proficiency prize is given nt the end of her training eight silver cups have been presented to tho command- j ant by vermilion merchants for inter company nnd intorplntoon compel i- hon ns well ns for personal neatness i on parade a hie girls take lonnd 12 mile route i dofln provision should be made to marches come home shower hnve toronto cp there nre cnttlo and sheep on a thousand bills throughout the land but the house wife calls a dozen butcher shops nnd gets the snme roncrnl npptogytrom nil of them sorry mnnm we hnvc- nt n hit ot fresh ment in the plnco but wo can give you some bacon or cooked- horn or sausages or some thing of a similar tine wheres tho beef venl orlnmb or even the mutton of tho good old days the butcher points to tho meat packers the packers sny the fnrmers nrent sending their livestock in all three interests in the ment produc tion industry say its the wor the feeding of the fighting men tho food for nrltnln business nbd so on menn- whlle tho canadian prairies boast the biggest boost in livestock grow ing for many years the butcher culls nttenllnn to the number of cattle bought at ceiling prices nnd sent back for- fattening nnd bints nt a black market some packers accuse the farmers of hold ing back their cattle for n higher price while farmers nrgue that gov ernment regulations leave them an insufficient margin of profit nnd threaten next years production of beef cattle case for farmer dominion agriculture minister inrdiner said the emphasis being placed on short nges of beef experi enced m city nrens vnsnof fair to tho fnrmer who wns holding his own nnd buying more cntflc to supply n lnrgor market next spring tjint meant less hoof now and more next year a policy thnt had been ndvo- cated to prevent a repetition of shortage mr gardiner pointed out thnt if more beef wns required nny time in the next two years it could be secured only by feedingcattle un til they nre six months or n year older mr gardiner declared the canad ian farmer had done a good wns job and had received less flnnnclat con sideration thnn others it wns time the insinuations thnt ho was getting too much for his produce ceased the minister said if farmers bad o rush their cattle to market nt ow weights when feed wns plentiful ttiey would suffer financially itutchrn have hay a m m unlock president of the local retailors association said some lunch nnd setout for another couple rtf hours drill to be followodbylor- tures the training puts weight on ttie thin ones and slims down the regulate the flow of cattle to market the authorities have boon saying the is nfenly of beef in the cotin- ti mr m unlock snld the only difficulty hns been in market irg on the oher hand spokesmen for itie producerprocessing industri s claim there is a shdrtnge in cnnndn of cat he rend for mnrkel they wen of the opinion thnt hronklng the price celling nnd raising the price navy gunners on freighters 20000 of them some on every corner ofjhe seas ih de fence work london cp in n big map- decorated office in londons busy west end tlienlro nnd night club dis trict british navnl officers keep dab on tho movements of nnvy and nrmy gunnery experts attached to merch ant ships snlling 5n the seven sens naval officers nnd ratings some of them from the royal cnnndlnn navy volunteer reverse nnd roynl marines 10000 strongare mem tiers of the d e- m s defensivelyequipped morchnnt ships serving with them are loooo soldiorsnllnrs members of the mnritlme regiment they nre at son months on end sometime touch ing scores of ports a rnsh of red dots over n world map in the london buren u inrtlcnhjs ports nt which of ficers jinve been stationed to visit merchant vessel when they dock ob tain reports from the masters in spect the ships guns and tin men wiio man them the number of gunners nt inched to urson your family our childrens j i hto iai11 children will nlways be in danger pap xcir lill r there would im no peace piness or safety under itltl hnp- and matter or koxcm the pnltv sketch commenting on the latest call on womanpower said totalitarian war is no respecter of persons or services and munitions grows increasingly imperative tin men who could be spared from civil inn life ha e already been taken any deficiencies may be filled b w omen from now on the financial ne s said with tho importance an the oung eenorntmn growing stringency of the men and than to us who have raised them- it woman power position the whale t is their future at stake if we allow question of adminlstrati v combout is causing some concern in stand in the way of their goinj t t industrial circles it is known that wheneyeh nod w herever they are although many authorities consider- most needed jhen we are living ed that the reservoir of labor for the under a delusion home life is no w at effoit was irtuall exhausted longer a sate lile and will not be a ttian months ago quite a substantial safe life until ilrrnmnv and japan plump ones on fine days the girls have lec tures under the tree on the lawns drill nnd lectures nre ukunlty over at 1 pm a 3fihour leave is granted once n month sunday is n day of rest nnd the cirls nre free church pnrade a vwca services canteen can serve hoo wo- hbnttlrs h men aspnclous and comfortable friwt nv sot lounge is furnished with chester- for ho w j fields chnirs und maple tables and p t equipment for table tennis and other sports i might bring out some western cattl y lull would cause no heavy onrush d the the of insuf- ir reasons strong e- the lnit- 1 states iniho first two eportper- iihis of the yenr coupled with the lack of inducement for farmers to the outcome of this war is of greater british parentfl not vbidinp bywnrtim old custom of hher wartimes misguided personnt fears ti f flow has continued it possibly more can still hf job k scientificatl and v n thirmv sailon call for watrr felt thnt lone if the sek bandl- are crushed not all men are fitted for the set- iret but fortunateh nian nin re- jietfd as medienllv unfit an still er- ffln uhle to inn and iik- htdk n iid rul w hen a box or man is tnlltd and passes a 1 surely m-th-jim- england tl i v winstons few franklin delnnos no statins nor timoshenkos how stles do change where babynnming is concerned sav walter cnmaldl who ought to know k as register for edmonton inmaldi keeps a record of the names of new halms in one of britains lai gest reg istration distnets this wai is not like iithei siys lie iiiilltng the luuy hindles that om befell unwll- jng imih when wjiis put nunv stewart brown chairman of the ontario section of the beef advisor board said the ontario members of t tie boai d w ere not in accord wil h the principle of the governments food oorpomt urns new plait to encourage sales of beef cat tle this plan provides that the cor poration will be the only cattle ex porter and will buy only when can adian prices fall below certain levels meanw bile the new y launched pro gram to ineiease sheophodings in ontario and elsewhere has resulted in thi 1ml ling hack breeding slock or lainhs oillnanl marketed trading with tlir knrinv east coast city cut off and can teen left hijrh and dry halifax cpi it wttfpiohiihlv never be duplicated so the irow xevv publication of iimis corn- wallis here had lo tell the story of how llsl buskv and lurvl sailoi- sjit nntund in a service canteen and thgged for a drink of water the north end serv ices canteen here wax the scene and rei ent failure of the itl water kupplv th en use when for dns faucets turned on in that is uld be vt nee i tti s point no p iced to st think of tt t f view wt nal i dijectkon turn oing may if i tt lnbind after tinlisl m1 1- i he pntlv hidlv alvout tliat make- it mi nun li woi finttlv koes of tiisown ace diifted it iltmsnt yiike it a for him ti know that u and ten linn this tune pin forgotten lhit k torn of pi king ninit dies from i tie beadlm no dill ing the war n t irtmnidi high distin his id wartittn pat 1 1 ffiont t te till high be- r i h- haw ling f such us sir kedvers ord rotierts voungst eiall up iinsvv ering to r and in he firt reat patriot patents called douglas hnlg and lof fiom tie i a box is us hums r- ferhnu he is fit se if be id or ih t ertfier fanulv is worrying atiout him di and night lears and fears never won a battle vet courage and n determine iherf ulness as we ia goxibe will help our fighting laddies far better than we know a cheery smile and but somehow english mother noa nn aching henrt are a combination despite thfwnr and the constant re- the north end of halifax refuscnl to hanl lo achieve hut that ii our part minder of the names of its greiiland j yield even n trickle the part of every mother u hose son famous christen in terms of holly- two hundntt sjulors eat in the leaven home to help win this wr wood crimnldfi records are scrlb- cnntin ngulnrl thrte times n day and to those who are left behind j bled nil over with mnrlcnes cretns and for tvsosuc days they existed let us be slow lo criticize quick to clark tyrone and judys on wntrr rations thnt rivalled those sympathize for to them serving on he approves nt least he thinks of the anrtrnt mariner a dairy fin- j the home front may he the h its better no to give a baby girl a ulry solved the problem luggtng wayv tttrnnf gweh to ev cry man tnnme that wrir made famous it7 water from wells to the canteen in to sere with the armed forces but i dates her he declared anyway i milk containers until city pipes once- j at home or abroad we all have a tlmoshenko brown would sound i more gushed water pat to play and a war to win funny for a girt dozens gre and bobs war fond their halm 1 fret- but somehow knglish mothi h forms an integral part of the maihtniry designed to prevent en emy count i ies frour obtaining nnv nomic or financial assistance from rttiih empire or neutral countries trrmturmnwi old chum morchnnt ihlpi vnrlot ncconllng to the size or the vessel thoro nro mnny nhonnl troopshum tho exact number u secret for seirlty reasons consters which snll the straits of dover under the challenging muzzle of lermnn constjjjljtunil ajso carry gunners rnvr gunnery offlcors havo been placed in command of gun crews on larger vessels rntingft at tached to smaller ernrt work alone but nre subject to jhe orders of merchant nnvy mnsters most of the boys like this life snld a staff officer only rarely is nn npptlcn- hon mnde for trnnsfor hnck to gen eral service with the freighters thoy hnve freedom nnd they havo provetl they can be retied upon when an emergency arises mhhnvlmhno in india indias new shipbuilding industry ls already producing corvettes nntl- mibmnrlrie trawlers patrol launches nnd smaller vessels anbfrra ct from the end of june aothkl australkin widows and lllhmi of their childrcij will receive clihhumm r712ikm a ear in pen sions make the most o your tea steep minutes km s ihl rl va im in 23 nouruhing food for school day quaker musfiets 3 p z5 ew rim to citmirns t si quick qulr oats puy 19c 25 40 and so watt ught bulbs 15c wtljubmu muda nw giant paclug quaker puffed wheat qturta i7 quaker sparkles pl 70 catsup 2 1 25c p- lie ieoi ti 27c junket 32 fly ded sardines 7 2 21c mustard ekj aylmr jumbo 30a iromar ftoffec i lb pbg 39 lo 27 13c ieo rin carroll dandaa mlb pkl tea pc 37c small willi beans 9 silrar ritbo tomato juice tc loc aylmr tatty cut asparagus cox unfuvortxl gelatine salmon frah roailarj peanuts carrolls pure dopaniubl baking pwdar 20oa tie 19c r 17c 2 l 37c k 23c 21c tin oxydol p 23 6s x for tour uoo rnmilur puppr midgets x ib xse grrpup monarch dj cubes ballard or matr ald rvf biscuits x ib xse ivory snow pi-j- x3e camay saap 9 cab if princess x4e boi btl xoc x iba xscpplyja tga hiwti shoppta bags v k fo0ai 9 bar 14 x lb x3c fjw 39c alrnria mi1 ij okancrm uoa small sllrr mhln o lb oc firhllni iimiins c cto iawr firr oraik fkiit iiihi ckijckv lirats ilunrh 4 27 10c stoke cminkii hatfriav hmtm ish lo 0 pm fruit and vegetable prieea good till saturday night only w thr- rlrlit to llmltjrjuantltlra to family rcqulramenta- a-

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