Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1942, p. 8

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ra ifiirjjfiw i tti v n paoe bum the acton free press thunhdav heptemrien 34th 1w2 motkmol wrtlua iw m bmrtad la hb ooletcm oltbaat i1 b tfaatorlaal matkam i nil i h adaltlaaal lor ewtry wmtn nsher mr and mm h plihr im franc klty1 ara happy to announce the birth their tan david mlehaal at the maternity home guelnh street acton on friday september jblh 1943 beth doing well mamuaeo corbessmacpherson at knox church manic on wednesday ev ening september 33rd 1043 doro thy jean daughter of mr and the late robert j macnheraon to pte alfred benaon corfeai aon of mr and mr m t corleu of clinton ontario dhcd draper at ingertoll general hoa- pltil on saturday september 10th 1043 rev charlea d draper be loved htuband of mr jeaale draper and father of set charle draper rcait bnnrtfordndmr john prudhomme beanwvllle campbeluat ciuelph on tueaday september 33nd 1043 jennie bry- don widow of the late william john campbell in her 73rd year the funeral waa hold thja after noon with interment at falrvlew cemetery acton in memoriam thompson in lovlnit memory of a door hushnnd onrir w thomp son who pamefl away sept jhth 1037 itnmemhrancp keep him near scull mlrscd b his wife barr in lovlnc memory of john w bnrr who pnsitod nwn september 22nd j018 to hnve to love and then to part in the rrontpst sorrow of one it hcrrt fnrewrll dear fnther thy woik in ocr thy willing hnnds will toll no more a lovink father kind nnd true no one orl enrth well find like ou ever remembered h iovino wife nnd famii y mcleod in inv inc mmwn of our i denr father henri a mcleod who pniued nwnj sept jiuth 1011 one yenr hie pnssed alnre thnt and day whon one we loved was called nwnv cod took him home it was hi will within our heart he llvcth still ever remembered by son bill daughterin1jvw irene granddaughter isabelle rev charles d draper many friend here of rev cha d draper learned with deep regret of hi audden death on saturday at alexandria hospital in inseraoll mr draper had bono to beachvlllo a former charge on september 3th to conduct the service the following sunday he was taken lit during the night and removed to ingenoll hos pital for an emergency operation which appeared successful ho con tracted pneumonia however and there earned little hone that he would re cover it was from beachvllle that rev mr draper came to acton to take the pastorate of the then methodist church in 1011 he had a very suc cessful pastorate in acton for four years and ha also had charges at walsh hamilton niagara fall fen- wlck preston milton beamivllle bartonvllle tara and new ham burg mr draper bas been living retired in benmsvllle alncc hi supernnnun- tlon hut continued n deep interest in the rwrson school of which he wnn one of the orcnnlers he was 71 enrs of ace survmnc nre his widow nnd one son set charles draper hcaf brnntford nnd mrs john prudhomme benmsvllle also two hrothers nnd three sisters burlnl was mnde in nlncarn fulls on mondn with ke s b stokes offlrlntlnr weekly war commentary spmlalty written far tb aetoh ptm kvm by fty otw ttlloadks canadian press sum writer uniformed poo pip might well think before they renrw their demands for n second front on the story thoy wero told inst week by defence minister ralston col ralston who hna been can adas defence mlnlstor twice when he was heeded revealed that losses am ong canadians at dieppe were 3350 rougtly twothirds of the 5000 men who went against the nazioccupied french port in what prime minister churchill described as a reconnals- ance in force i the penalty the canadians paid for their experiment was a large one the cost however is considered to have beon balanced by the informa tion which wan gained on the strength of the germnn continental defences must re slicepas i mrs mcculxough is host at kannockbitrn institlte meeting vgrarfw the weather is a mighty import- nnt factor in on out- ev not n single caw of pickpocket ing mu reported to the police at acton fair pretty fortunate thnt part of the new roof hnd lieon applied on the nrenn before saturdays tester the water tower nt the bcard- niore co plant is being repnlnted and has now donned the khaki color save electricity nnd with your lower light account put the amount in war savings stamps to be used when lhjht is restored a group of gypsies wljo establish ed themselves nt aclon fair wen ordered off the grounds nnd their concession closed onfrldny night the local bowling tournament with proceed in aid of war charities is planned to be run this thursday evening if the weather is fovtjrnble flense send in nn chnnges or ad ditions or the lists of those on ati t so rvicii torn acton and dia tritt it will ik republished again verv soon uannojjkhurn institute held tholr september meeting nt the home of mrs mccullough and the president miss edna russell wnn in charge fol lowing exercises roll call was answer ed by ways to keep cheerful in the business session the indies asked for a showei of articles at thejext meeting for the ditty bngs for the navy league mrs brooks gave an npprprlntedreadingrentllteet the womnn of mind the high schools reopened tuesday on fall term leal time should be regarded as high ly encouraging in the central- caucasus the ger mans were reported again dilvlng for ward through the terek river valley toward the grofcony oil fields and the caspian sea the battle for stalingrad continu ed this week with the germans sacri ficing thousands of men in the citys rubblestrewn outskirts reinforced russian defenders fought a bitter struggle as the invaders gradually filtered through the streets reports from ankada told of large new movements of rumanian troops en route to the fighting front while heavy russian guns on the east bank of the volgn shelled the german lines about stalingrad the remarkable defence put up by the red army undoubtedly has ser iously delayed germanys caucasian campaign dispatches to the german newspaper frankfurter zelttng ad mitted that the fall of stalingrad and therewith the final breaking up of the russian front has been de layed but asserted it has not been put off until winter admission was made by the italian high command this week thnt allied columns nre active far to the west of the quiet battlefield at el alnmeln striking north mechnnlzod forces moved into axisheld llbjnn terrl a second front to he siu ceuf til must be n permanent nnd winning tory renching the lcinlty of glnlo front established in western europe onsls 250 miles south east of ben- from the british isles it must be es- k according to the fascist com- tnbllsherl b an allied command which munfque the columvi retired to the is certain it will work an unsuc cessful second front would result in a lepllcn f dunkerquc nnd another dunkiroue in the light of knowledge gnlned b the germnns fiom the first south nfter fighttng1astlng five dns destroy fr ottftu- lost another cnnndinn nnvnl loss unn announced h nnv minister macdon- nld on mnncln he stnted thnt the 11 vtdron ab aaug a2010 rcnr co dems ii mc dockyards halifax n s wed sept 1043 mr a dills editor a publisher tint a fun pssss dear sir no stories this time of or from n foreign port havent got out to sea as yet in t i am spending at least the month of september in the borpltal i just went through nn op eration and i choose to face the subs and raiders any time rather than my several weeks in bed i have also received a bit of bad news but as yet am not paying much attention to it you see the doe tors have discovered that i have what they know as narcolyptus in fact last night they stuck me on a stretch er and tolled m out to n monthlv doctors meeting ns exhibit a where a lecture wns given on my case nnd its rnrlty nnd seemingly there is no known cure for it it is not dangerous nnd it does not affect ones health where nnd how i got tt i dont know nnd just what it is i do not know but they say lt means un fit medically for sea service but when i get rendy for sen ngnln i may he able to talk them into seeing thnt i am o k t did not sign up to set in the hnck lines in this wnr nnd nflei two yenrs one might will mean nn nllifd loss of destrocr ottawa hnd been torpedoed nf sr lands and plenty of exelte- the ttiu nnd sunk in the attnntic with n loss the germans it is gcncrntlj con of 111 lives ceded could hnve taken brlluln nfter he said the destroyer one of the dunkerque because they would haveisix with which the canadian nnvy been fnced by only n few thousand iwns equipped at the outbreak of war canncllnns and other troops who were i wns sunk while on escort dut rully armed but only pnrtly trained it cmdr c a rutherford of hnll- thev apparently were fogged off by fax officer commanding the ottawa the ferocity of the few raf d wns listed ns mlsslog nnd believed kll- fenders of brilnln who flew so snv- led in action seventysix of the crew ngely 15 hours a day for so mnnv including six royal nnvy ratings dnys when the nazis were trying to were rescued no disclosure wns soften up theycountry mode reg the ti of th sln they rreumnhly overestimated i ing the strength of britain s home de- on wednesday the british ad- fenoes and hesitated ionienouglttn rnutrtty announced thesn lose their chnnce next time how- in north russian ports of nnother 1m- eer if the allies had another dun- portnnt convoy of british american kerque germany probnbly would be and russian ships enrrying large smart enough not to lose another quantities of wnr materials it was ment nnd thrills and scnren why dont know how i would stand too much of the tame life nshon of course my operation is going to keep me ashore for n few months nnwn sn iii just sny nothing until i am clear of that but oftej- that well i don t know just a few more days until acton fair guess i shall hnve to miss thnt again thin yenr well i wish the nlr n good dny nnd n lnrge crowd with i good wishes to its directors nnd presl- 1 chnnce nnd russia and every other j admitted ictsses were suffered in allied country might be out of luck i heavy nttneks of enemy aircraft and the secondary schools of the prov ince opened on tuesday nnd acton school has this y ear approximately the kome enrollment as inst year 85 puplu the staff nt acton school this enr hns mr m m 141 tch as pilnclpal and mrs e c gould nnd miss pntrltui 11 ik r ns assistants the roar of a low fixing plane wvr town atmut thrm o clock 1 ues- ila morning brought mnnv folks from their teds fenrlng their homos wen being crashed vv tittle school girl kolk to the ton pnv parade on nuturduv est op- til serious accident bv toppinr for the festive seasons in spite of wnr priorities food shortages and nutrition problems housewives continue to grace their tables with attractive desserts they realize a dessert that is pleasing to the eye healthful and nutritious sets oft a meal as nothing else can and they are constnntlv searching for ome thing nnvel hnve you ever thought of varying the toppings on your favorite des- s its ns vario holidays arrlv e and holidav dishes are in ordui 1 haps vou lean tow aid ronnelfustnrdb cm account of the children or merely because you all like these healthful itulntles nnd appreciate the fact that light cold desserts- seem to be ideal nf let a heav v holidav meal as w ell a for a light hotweather luncheon or dinner make voui usual dosser using minute j either tablets or rennet powder varv when she darted in front of n wir on i voui flavors as vou wish then add mill street quick action by the toppings to fit the occasion driver resulted in not scratch and for halloween half a peach mufj sin took part in the paiadt even if i used to represent a face on your the moturtat was shaken up i hocolntc rennet c ustnrd triangular in the account ihiblished last week portions cf tlie pem h feature the ot the preentatlon to mr nnd mw uth wallacv swackhammer three items w hm1 hianksgkmg ainves vour were lnndverteauiyomttted from the j i dessert mav be program published these included wellrendered duetts bv mis mar garet thompson and mom liln spiers and guitar solps by mr sldnev splerx for a long time navy in action dent lor n very successful year i nm in a government hospital 1 j ow ro tcdbvthe de partme n t of ln tionnl health nnd pensions our pa tients nre mostly army nnvy air force and men limit navy at least in my ward thcynre tin re are three english lads who hnve been here for j i some time they belong county council asks what toes donald gordon know conllnunl from pane one square ilral whon price arvisel in any olhor business everylhlns i inuen into consideration what aaruw i there in farmers trylnp to carry nn production nt a loss it isnt reason able to expect iti t hoard a profes- or at cuelph once say that every time a farmer ships milk ha loses money i sny the farmer would be better off if ha would stand up and fluht for his rlshta whnl does don ald gortlnn know of what it costs to raise fnrm produre mr gordon ha a bankers hackaround nnt n far mers nnd what has banking been but to keep down the farmer mr hlllmer i quite nree what does donnld gordon or any of thoae lawyer down at ottawa know aliout what it cnt to raise cattle nnd i sny if the former cant ret his price then he isnt rnlnsto ralw the roods and i dont blnme him mr cleave i think it is the pack ers nnd dealers thnt are tu blnme for the present nhnrtnre tin- discussion flnnll wound up hy the follcmttii resolution lcnj passed unanimous hj the council moved t mr llilinier seconded by mr ale nenr thnt iiiih i ouncll ro on recoid iih concliinniiik the nctlon of the wartime irlcin and trnde honrcl on lllnr n cjtlnc too low n it vol on hicf c attic to the prlnmrj producer nntl thnt the vol i iirrl culture lw tnlccn into consideration in preference to hint of cnnndinn pnekcrx if the ilunrd wnnli to en coin nki the inircnwd product ion of beef entile nnd thnt ii copy of this eanlutlon im- nuwr donnld gor don cluilrmnn of the wnrtlme irlcek nnd i rncle bnnrcl cnrrled counc ii ndjournecl v wasiiintron ecll i hnusnnds of useful milk udders nre killed hy fnrmcrs nnnunlly owlni to n mlc- tnken ikliif that they uk milk from co ii iwiro nv dr goebblen major ileadarlic a sailor reienlly esrapwl from franco to join the fighting french under the leadership of general do jnulle told how rewards as high as flooo francs hnvo boen offered to in former who will reveal names of ihhiple who inrry trarts in tholr pos sesion tha ii a f deliver ijb courier de tair in french regularly over franco and tho newest meruit to the flifhtlng french navy declar ed thnt when these tracts noch you they are almost worn out or patch ed and recnped so oftnn hnve thay been rend and passed fin one story circulating was thnt a frenchman in paris went to tha rjnr- mnn military headquarters to inform and collect his reward when asked whom he saw rending nifl he mid a ferman soldier in i he underground further details describe the little air newspnhr ai being wellinform ed and wellillustrated it is set in good elinr type there are 14 pages of printed material lofsto words of newh on n tiny sheet which rolled in a i y under might pass for n cig arette j h stnndnrd size ih four pages eight inches by five with thr ilumrih to one page i his jmper dlxtrlhuted in dlffi r- ent languagi s ik desc rihed as ur oebhen ituijoi headai he tw tikfi t shop mamlmmt icp home sec- it tni moriimon siiyw never mind ex- lending slnppliig hmirs foi woiklng women rutin i glv them time off to shop because mostly theyre too tired to shop when their work dnyu done hhoes for idje cvtmfortshlf and itemjuinahly v ii 1 rachmn aclon i submarines but a grent mnjorlty of merchant nnvv nnd their ship wns the ships arrived at their destinu- torpedoed during winter wenthei 0i kak4u u arpkn ipswich icp twier tied with a star shaped bv five kei nels of corn mndv with a raisin in the middle christmas calls fr chocolate flavor topped with red anil green c bei rles iepre4nting grn leaves and red hollv tmrrlen n ear s is ideal for lifetime ma ith n whipped cream of servlcv 9tvar old ttuni lvttu nnt nu hllo valentines it frtill serving his eounirv as a senior hr rasplwrrv flavoring with nir warden he joined the rovnl heai t ot w hipped t ream urugoons wiuuv in bis teens and centered with u little red heart fought in the zulu war and in 1h- ri n hmo cherrv is jlrrt rr omrn i ho kept svrvt other variations nuiv be woikcd out for raster fourth of julv or anv holtdav tnrthdav or hixc ial event our fnmllv and vour guests will ap- preuue the slight effort nrcnaiy to pjnet smh novilties thfore them and vou will find that evi appeal w an tmpoitnnt item m tie prepara tion of deawrm it- britain s voung women knovc hov to keep a secret too for wevks before the storv of the rajtnrd ills new massprod ueed 8 sten subl machine gun was made public au london icp lopl charles tllar territorial serice privates platten of wells englond who margaret kichlngs and violet clark tramped j30 miles iroj the twelter- both 19 were engaged in packing the tng desert for 35 davs after the fall guns at n ordnance depot i of bengasi has ben awarded the d they handled thousands of them they were told they were engagsd in they never babbled c m he was helped by the arabs and brought back information about enemy positional in addition to mr rnlstons state- ment on dieppe announcements bv nnvv minister macdonnld sept 78 fui ther emphasize d conndn s role in the war he told of the loss of the corvette chnrlottetown hut on the credit side of the ledgei reported the destruction of m ormnn submarine in a blazing closerange battle bv the cnnndinn destroyer asslnlholne the chnrlottetown went down in n heavy fog torpedoed bv n german submniine lost with the sturdy crnft was her commander lt cmdr john w bonner of hnllfnx five rat ings nre missing and believed killed three others died of injuries nnd one officer nnd 13 ratings were injun d four officers and 35 lutings wc re n s- cuod chnslng n uboat in nnd out of fog the asslniboine flnnllv rammed the ruhrmrsihle after a shell hnd torn a hole in her bow the german com- mnnder was killed in the gun battle that preceded the ramming hupsev- ernl members of his crew were inter taken prisoner desirlbed as one of the most spirited actions of tht wnr the lime nnd place of the sinking was not disclosed the assinibolne wns commanded bv i t cmdr j h stubhs n native of kalso b c one canadian sea mangunner was killed and 11 others wounded in the far rast japanese forct s in new ulma were reporttrd t live- weekend to have reached a point about 1j miles from port moreshy 1 hev had cros sed high points in the owen stanley mountains hut dispute lies broadcast bv the aiimtiahan rndlo indicated thnt undue importance should not he at- tnc bed to theli latt st movements as the fighting was sc ottered nnd c nr rted on btwe n loose 1 i onnet ted groups of men in the meantime em mv bases at salamausa le and buna in new ulnea and knbaul new britain were under frequent ataek bv ntt- id nnt tons lienvv bomlhrs and fight- eis huge fires vi ere reported continuing the diive thiough mada gascar bntlsh forces were wild to be within miles of tannnanve capl- tat of tin vchv colony hut ing the week landings were mnde at two more ports on the enst i ontt of the tivto mile long island heroic rutmlan ivfemv bolstered bv fresh reserves tramd in siberia russian defender of stal ingrad nt tht vteekend threw bn k tank led t ernmn drives against the great olga industrial 1 1 ntie a intitnl ftvthemr battle xur a lull etimmnnding the heart of the c itv went in favor of red armv fonts while two assaults in the northwest ern suburbs earlier in the week were repulsed in handtohand fighting german field hradquurters report ed that a diversionary attack by soviet tankled infantrv north of stalingrad had collapsed in anv case the fact that marshal semeon ttmoahenko was able to undertake a flanking movement at such a crlt- t ions at n conference of the shlp-huild- ing industry in britnln prime min ister churchill exhorted the builders to strive vour utmost for onlv thus can you compel victory mr churc hill snld although the shipping posi tion of the united notions hnd im proved recently it still is grave- and we ore in urgent need of every ship that can be built resistance of the vichy troops in mndngasc nr stiffened ns british col umns nenred tananarive the capital but it was unofficially announced wedneslnv thnt the british had en tered and occupicul the town britains pen nib makers wm1 of inn trvretitnitji nr one big tune between mum but wish vou pe ople f mild see and hear them happv ns the etny is long seem ingly not n worrv or n care in the world ii would do a lot of you in- x jandc is good to see the spirit of british in all tin servlc t s hev would im sui prise cl i am enclosing n c ouple of he ms from the halifax papii for vou and now i must lose for now saying good lui k acton fair j yours slmercdy r- ii v dkon ab aa1 mother proutt of sailor saii take a hand in the 1000 bomber raidh germans made shield of hw iy jumax but john came through avith b e medal components for tanks unci aire raft have joined millions of pen nibs flowing in a steady stieam from under the same factory roof in brit- nln the pen nibs continue to plav their humble vet essential part in the war nlthougjitht different kinds now to i be had has been reduced from 4 fit to f4 t i hev go to munition works nnd government departments mil to mention bunks nnd se bools mapping i pebs without which charts and maps i ould not be mnde are also be ing turned out in impressive ejunntittes for the rovnl ordnance survev dt partment a h n nib is made- fmm special steel and 14 single opeiutlons hnve to be carried out before it is nt lust re adv ftr tin inkpol i he skill demanded of the workeis i u big nsse t til their new job some of w hit h ree ui re dead ncurniv to the thousandth part of an inch nine in tn of bntains ten makers are now em munitions fine of the n prodm is b gun part us i in th 1 ikxi hnnlm r raids ont vutrlti who has turn i uvti from i n mhs to aire raft work is an old lnd i s5 who has spt nt m st r be r life in this faetoiv sb i- me of a gioup of old ladle w hot nv r l u ii j jam stkuakt nmdisji ireu staif urltrr tfknmouih england ii mrs hobson is awfully proud of her boy john who i ft school to get into the war he s only 19 but the king hns give n him the- british fnipm medal it s ems savs mrs ijohson that john was in his pyjamas but mrs uobson is abend of the story when john left shrewsbury se hoed be jeilrie d the me re bant nnvy tin n was altaibed to the royal nnvy ih u e ade t nnd was st nt to crete jtdin was takt n with appendicitis nnd sent to a n tan hospital i he nazis inim and captured the hospital i hey use el john and 40 other patients io a hied against advuni ing australians if vou ii down er signal tin au trabaiis w ii shoot you said tin innians i hat s wlure johns py jamas unit in snvfmrs ielwin leihn was still in pv jamas when tht nqis turiud him eut ejf tht hospital he still miiri them w mn the tr mans w re hiding bt hind him john estnit 1 during a bavontt ehnii ir i joint tl a ariv ef new aliindis 4t some khaki teihn nn ke 1 up iomi khaki fmm the i in i fit id and i ft his pvjeemns tht i as li m tion lb i ad w rniltm hi ieifoffh jimrnt t ltcal iiarvey stkekmt akts uitii 1aiikot t lt it wus 111 a riot mis i mani iifsim tallv a arat uallis luxkl from her front nllotmnl around tht tarred was in in torat koll ring she hud lot foui ve til s ag saki rkom hhait pnnhuiod vaes tcpi four- earol1 wendy williams spernt is hours at the bottom of a narrow js feet cjeepshiif in a nearby mountain side lw being rrscued by a miner lowered head first pulling her to safety made i in ll l hut p ket ii harce off t wi dn iis iifid mm it hue k 1 n an 1 tr ngi e el u sails bur found und ii meebteri an an the paitv mrs j1 int i gmhl trt vcim inlii 1 n and i i n ut an i d ev n vc il n r iv ilt hlnnki ts 1 1 i s t mill a r h 1 he ont s i r in eihsori i jed n to k rharge hal sturvel ani tx ousted they arrlv ei1 ut s dl en r ram then gur rlsoned by brit lib troops johns hlhtmas affetted by the in jurta he suffered and he been dt ohsrged hy thr navy but savs mrs dobson tjiares no other boy like her son john i c commissioner if international 0 mtum w hh n at cren v ii ontario anuarv 1kh r t wui tvlut ntrd at van loha 1 ni vriiv and jjnitoia i nvtruiv ijiw s hml iv nhitej in tn nitg n july 015 ami went ove rseai u prjte lie u i lommii inned lieutrnrnt in 1jim on drmohihjitnm h transferred to it lestrve or uffiien he was promote mateir m liv and lieu tenant e ol nel in 91x tn neptrmber lhu he v u apointeikt x- sotint udge dvoeate c eneral military iutr el nj in winnipeg wt the rank nf tsptain in tht canadian active erviieorre and horil afterwards was piomoied major xi be i a tiointmvnt urtil he was a poi riled eomnj ssioner of internment operations in plarrmw he u a lawyer wlthan e tensive prattler in winnipeg and lectures in th university of man i toia uaw shckl

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