i thursday octobelt20th 1012 the acton frfife press page seven oommfcnitv rpdut it called community spirit thin lovely prilmlhtnk anttit spring from hcnru of people and it nan ai if on wind in poorest village it libidos as well as tamer town wor not just by iu wealth or slio docs a place win renown it heard in the morning rreetlnn of friend ficrosa the striel jti teen at hedlde of the slrk at any mercy seat to worthy eauclt gives support for where it does abound in leu time than it tnuos to tell the neededaid is found to lonely strangers in its fold it gives a friendly hand goodfellowship works miracles through length nnd brendth ol land a man honsts long of his home town not for rlrhea in it therenon is that folks there hnve tn globe nnd mall twenty years ago vnm the imue the free press of thurwuy november i ism deer hunters went north the first of the week all halloween of 1922 pniaod off with the uaunl fun and frolic but no serious depredations mr alex klunro who with mrt munro has spent several years as an evaneellst in japan has been renew ing acquaintances in acton nnd vic inity during the week nelson township farmers were surprised the other day to see a young fawn running at large in that district it is believed to have wand ered from northern ontario acton now has a junior ball team to be proud of they easily defeated the milton aggregation in the third game of the series by 1i score of 15 to 4 marriei pilkeyortantham at the church of the ascension ilnmilton on tuesday october 10 1d22 by ven archdeacon ronlson edwin mclenn pllkey acton to cernldlne morgon daughter of mrs c t grnnthttm of hnmilton died lane in georgetown on snlurdn october 21 1922 jonnthnn h unne aged 66 jenn lonostreet at the fnmilj resi dence lot eighth line 1rin on vednesdn no ember 1 1 chrltlnn ismond wife of francis longstrcct in her 65th cnr talk about meals at spooky hours how about these consider the air force chief who tunw out in nljjhfs coldest to feed the lads from lonjr flights by frank mwe canadian pres staff writer an east coast canadian air port icptif joure a housewife who gets annoyed when hubby fnon irregulnr entlng h6ur you won t envy j he job ot 1ac tom lewis of port maltlana n5 as rook for this roal canadian air force stntlon where regulnr eat ing hours are as outmoded ns bi plane he has the job of feeding hundreds of hung men at an horn of the do or night bui this big genlnl ilf doesn 1 seem to mind thc re a great bunch of boss he av including lnuus oliiasn nnd m n i like w v i thai vf s ins i hut i lies are also possfsois of naturalh big npne- i tlics win hi d io spulnl hhnipmss b long hours of patrol inks oir at lantlr wnves on tin hunt lor submar ine hnaru at s sum first plaic tht head lor aftir n flight be it llirec in tin moinlng is the rooms kltihin w here lewis is king hits r nfti i food quantities of it nnd ii has to tie good or lsc the lief tiuir ms tlum down s thes clustit alound he nuikis up heflc and lasts sandwulies indies out brimming glnsses of iiitlk and dixs it nil ssih n good humor thnt gises hi tniprnniptu mi al tti atmns- ptiert of i mi inight in ti raid nt hoixii this is all old stuff to i wis io ser hi li iiiihhi ins iride as n sirginnl took in tlu llrst trnt u shen tu titiun nuiisltnml loin i ing flghllng 1 nnrls l sears hi did his lookiut w h i ntuil is unili r i unt line fire 1 his win in iloi sn t haw to worrs about his sins in iiik i nun 1 h i- smllplmd sli ii hut his troubles aiv just is iiumeious si imiui kt udr si nil i i vs in i lustonied to imtter food tlum thlt fit ms lad an 1 kick like st i rs it il isii i filtli toming knows the tastes but this mir lomplmi ilong thai ioint ssh n lewis is rtiiini ih range he pu knl up s ilu ible po lit ers in his art along tin nu n line nt least when a hutihe ti hie i nit ed states prior to thtw ssar 4 he tarn baik to cnnniln to join- up ngain in thounglnmorous role of cook the sunday school lesson hijndav novtbmlmm 1 ciiriktian vh5w of mawkuaflk golden text let mnrrlngo bo had in honor among nil hob 13 4 iesson text gen 2 1824 mntt 19 10 jno i 1t exposition i marriage instituted by god gen 2 1824 this s pnrt of the creation record tfod has created man n the crown of his trentorlnl work he placed him in the midst of plenty and delights bcnsla nnd fowls wore his servnnts nnirvdnm seems to have been given nuthorlty over the enrth and nil in it the purpom of this romntknblo scene svns to show thnt none ol the living creatures were on nn equal footing with man there was no link between adam nnd the rest of creation as he wns he stood alone the nnndlwork of god but it wns not god s design hint man should dwell nlone there being no crcnturc for adnm fellowship god crenlcd wo man by the peculiar formation o eve the first humnn pair beenme one flesh nnd dwell together in sinless fellowship divine love uniting them this wns gods purpose ro- gnrding the relationships between man nnd woman in marriage adam wns made in the imago of god he had great knowledge and nuthorlty he lived righteously in ida marriage relationship nnd he followed holiness in splritunl devotion and principles all of which was shnredby eve and together they enjoyed the bliss of a divine love we see w hataljihas done to so holy nn order whlchwns instituted by god nt the beginning of the his tory of the rnce all over the world fnmlly life is mnrrled sin tins cnus- ed wldesprend ignorance nnd weak ness the home has lost its righteous condition nnd mnrltal love is degrad ed to various forms of lust or pervert ed in sexunl nnd social tyrnnnv all this lends to unhnpplncss christ nlone is the one able to change such spook party continued from page su plense sit downcvoryono i hare is something i want you njuto know every one of us snt doivn on the ihnlr nenresl to us i enn tell you ns quickly ns we could rench it a i wnnt you to understand jcegnti ludlth nt the same time seating her self t frontof ub but no sooner hnd she put her hnnds on the nrms i vt1in judith volunteered of her ihnlr thnn she started to her feet nnd stood listening ns though she hnd suddenly henrd something hint shouldn t be t held my hrenth oat wntrhed her wondering whnt wns going to hnppen all nt once she darted over to some folding doors nt the hnck of the room siholnrs ludlth says i must and id do any thing in the world she nsked me to when i think of nil alio hns done for me this summer nnd njlthe pleasures she hns given up to do ii but i he mystery the mystery ihnl s whnt they wnnt to henr in- li rrupted ludlth i m lomlng lo it she turned lo nil of us here is where ou five nre going to he frightfully dlsnppolnt- elfor there isno mystery nt nil to come hery nnd help me with my work tills summer anil gunrd mo from outside interruptions nnd i nccepted her of fer i didnt renllze whnt n hard insk i wns nllowlng her to undcrtnko this is thewny our coming here i nme nhout r tench the elementary in nn institute of music in nnd pulled thenl apart just wide in- new york lisl spring n publisher ough lo look in on the wny she hnd offered me the innlrnd of ssrltlng n grnhhed up the flnshllght npnln now fourse of studios nnd exertlbes with she pointed it into hint room which oxplnnnton notes nctompnnylng wns plnln to see wns the dining roornjihom for the first two yenrs of plnno in just half a minute she started to study close the doors again lloyd jump- 1 iikr to tmcm nm j dislike wrlt- ed up to help her hut she moved so v rj muk if e most dlffl- qulekly that they met nnd she hnd tut thll w for me to do lntched them before he renchcd hoi u h rlc0 pnnn nffered aij stay where you nre for n mo- n royalties alone wns such ment she oxclnlmed in a kind of rool onp nm p mot and i exrltcd undertone nnd dnrled out into n m so muth thnt i the hnll i henrd hei snlk through the hnll and then- 1 could hear her voice in the dining room it sounded ns if she wns trying to persuade a child to do something it didnt wnnt to do i did you sec whispered lou to me i i nodded i guess we nil snw observed ann lloyd nnd eddie nodded every one of us hnd seen in thnt dining room wns a table set for n meal the flashlight had shown thnt sigped the nntrnit nlonte one of the leims in the ontrntt wns thnt the mnnuscrlpt should bo in ihe imndsjof the publishers fiythe middle of septombc r thnt mennt i must buckle down to work nnd allow mself no interruption until it wns finished i thought of this house nnd cousin adelaide blnckstone who owns it told me she would he glnd lo hnve me come here nnd do uie work this summer she said her plnno wns and at the head of thctnwehnd been stored up here nnd though she dldn t sitting the queer little bent figure of know what repair ii would be in after nn old woman nl1 lc of landing idler still i judith come back in n minute or r mnke use of it ir i wonted i twotiot a bit disturbed or uneasy id her that whnt really mattered well hnve to forget thnt inter- 1 n n kc hoard to try things out on ruption she remarked to us for she 1 rat night in the house i wns evidently certnln we hnd nil seen rnm f hnt lh that figure in hie dining room and no m wlr to m now before we stnrt i wnnt the house hut this old inmp wns at thnt instnnt there enmc the re judith wenl right out nnd sound of a thud out in the hnll of bought some oil i stnrted work he mornl anarchy nnd unhappy dlsllluajjiomethlng soft falling on the floor r w hl night fe 1 nlnrtand al hill nl kort til 1 1 lonrrfcnl into somcthlnk wjuivnlont to ca s purpose in mnrrlnre when chrut is tnken into the home know leclrt nnd undorstnndlnr incrensp nrinriples of righteousness rovern tlu tvindikl of rrinn nnd ulfo nnd divine love smutifles their fellowship ceph ii mmrioke ivfilinl h mnn mntt 1 t fi lhe phnrisees showed their mentnl pn vtupntlonthj nskinr our lord n question or to how n mnn mlcht ret rid of tils wife the did not- seem to m oncorned w ith iv lint mirht henl the henrt wounds of hithhnnds nnd wives the interpreted suth scnptures ns deul 24 1 so hrondh ns to mnke any discontent though ludfth dnrted out there nnln point- 1 filnnced t the others but onth lnkthe flnahllrht in front of her i lmtl hk w s rkc on mlss blnck- ihln time eddie jumped up mid fol- soi lowed her i htn nil ou people turn i up whnt is it f henrd him nsk is s mtlnuid with your invltntlons nmthlnk he matter nnr iu loves sot h t i know it he both tnme il hn k eddie ns hin terribly for hei to shut looked thorourhly dlsrusttd nnd lf twn ns hns one mti tucinh wns enrryinc nn old hir doll summer she hns done nil the typ- in her hnnd thnt wns whnt hnd r nnt ninrkid off nil tlu lines bton dropped down over the mlllng lu the music hml to b- written of the stnlrs see this old doll i found in n burenu drnw er t he ot her dn she nld ns ihourh once nrnin she did- nt wnnt us io nsk nny questions she set the dt ii down on the sofn nnd bernn nrnln i wnnt ltell tn ou will ro stw i f ii rim ktnn 125th milestone reached by canadas oldest bank cnnndn a oldest hnnkinr institu tion the bnnk of montreal will next luesdny observe the tompletlon of 125 onrs of servlte to the people of cnnndn founded in ih17 hnlf n t entury before confederation t he bnnk is today n nntionwlde institution with hrnnihes from const to const when the dnnk of montrenl came info being n century nnd n qunrter nio life in cnnndn wns n rnther primitive nffnlr in hum dnys trnvel wns by htareinnth nnd oxtnrt h ennoe nn 1 snil bout no ktenmshlp hnd ever trussed tin mmn nnd the vovnre by snillnr ship ncross the at- served in the lmnks museum in mon tr nt ile1l orirmnlxe tnullnjc nflid s piovldinr n medium of ex- t hnnf such ns hnd hitherto been lm kinj the bnnk nursed ntonr the fnrly i nterprlsi s of the country nnd did mudi to rtrnlrhteii out the diffl- ttdtis of internntlnnnl ns wet nsln tei tirbnn trndinr iinnrerinic hplrlt slni e t hose pioneering dnvs w lien the hunks offici rs irnvelleft from hrani h lo bin rub nt first nnfe oppor tunitv ns old records snv to the mod i n tirnis of 1d1j when tinvl by war 25year9 ago hrltuh advance on jleriisaleni flat inder way with capture of iteemheha in boiithern palestine j bv-ll-tl-ooiwon- m hoval charier of canadas oldest bank ttie kovul f barter of the bnnk of monlnnl as urnnl mnjcsty kini wiitlnm iv pn served in the bnnk s mus orirlnnl hnrtii is n pan hnx nl dm um nt of h wim s m jll ii i s bv jh inthis earh as pictured inn lb fout t nre foldi d down to dis lns the kinr sinlvtiuh made weirhlne ni nrlv ti pound is nftnt in d to tlu dot utn nl b cord and tndostd in n nu tnl lx lo pr t nt injurv cause less a ground for divorce we nit follow me up into the tower room nre grow ing more like these phnrl- i think you will find one of the ms sees in this country but our lord puts mnrrlnre on another nnd higher basis he makes a union sanctified b god tnnd only dissolved by him vs 4fi iii jesus a gueit at a wedding jno 2 15 a marriage in jesus dn and land wns nn occasion of great festlvitv it throws much light on the chnracter of jesus thnt he was bidden to such an occasion and went and ministered terlesof the haunted house cant i carrv thnt light for you inquired lloyd ns juditti stnrted out into the hnll for the third time no thank you i think i can show ou the way better perhaps those were the only words ap of us spoke ns we filed up the first flight of stnlrs from the lower haft guided onl bv thnt round uncer tain light which judith flashed on the steps from behind us when we to the festlvltv of the hour jesus rt m hed the upper hnll she gave the wns no nscetic or recluse indeed his nt mies tried to moke capital out of this sot inhilitv nnd culled him n gluttonous mnn nnd n wlnehlbher xmntt 1119v hr wnt netthnt ne presence of jesus did not detrnct nl alt from the overflowing jo fulness of the cupoln word turn to the right we groped on soon i heaid liti voice one more right again i here were some stairs cut through rhr stdewntl iknew mgut-awfty-tlilv- wcre th onovthnt led to the room in as fust as i got the mntcrinl in hnpe but the work is nil done de c hit el judith and now i am going tcj turn ttie lights on elownslairs but judith dnimtd ann be fore ou ko thnt one in the dining is ttial miss arii initio blatkstone no judith chuckled thnt per son is composed of two sofn pillows stuffed into nn old dress and the doll questioned iou dropped by phoebe nccording to instructions when she heard me go hntk into the parlor 1 and one question from me i told ludith why did ou keep our work so secret if we had known nboul it vou should not have been hotheiod with us nil lo begin with i wnsnt bothered she explained with a twinkle in her eve when i henrd the stories about the house being hnuntcd nnd when uknd sugt sti d we nit hunt for i ktiosts some night i thought lei not sppil fun nnd instead of being pokv lit in t was thump stairs i hue flo 0 hu ii mum h ii is popular nnd impart ant figure nt this base nndjhe onl on who dnres make eorny erncki about the food s his brothcrlnlhv who it on this sta- tton with him tin occasion indeed it wns his prtseiue thai saved the occasion from t nding in mortification and dis appoint m nt if we would invite lesus to alt oui socinl gnthe rings he vwmhl he ilnil to come and he woule being with him a deeper jov thnn we could povsiblv know in nnv othei ttin lesiis wc nt lo hint marriage be cause lb ws invite d hi is nl sent fiom nnv of ours because he is nem invited las a j anvone who is jilting up a pmtv of anv kind should be suie to send an unit itum to k k mis ni te in w hat sp nt lesus iittclldid ttitf enieiuim h nt to in of use and is witness to the truth n f 1 t ni in i ol li i be heed of e us us ft it lie ii lb wim i ul d in nil arlhu rnjie ttt w me jails soon t oi 1 l r it wis ttml tliil tin wine tilled foi tlw kit lelti in its lui and il is sm1 foi us va he n tie i atthlv wim fm is nr the n v e i ul tie el tif ail 1 ek uld k t t l win ol til klllk lmi it w is jrhh moiliii who thoiikbt f kmg it mis in tbii niitkmuv she eiiu w him lie tie i lb 111 uiviuu e ke iii t ll is those h i know hun lie st w ho t pu kest to ki to him mie till m v seen hun i e rfortu i tun u h u i tit she kluw lb hll i tie ip lit o inv diflu ullv an 1 eveii pe i for ni mum u if tie e ssni v to lo it te huh in btiiikng iut their true le 1 itions te i tu nintler st m d to it buff he i we do not alwiv gel imnu diute tutisfnc lion w he n we mike our net dk known to him there to vr ini il t thing asked mnrv was ninv be some mistake in our wn of not nt alt put out iv this answei nipni h thnt ll wtnjtj hiive us she simply said t the serv nnt s 1 e an tc 11 vmi piv ing ns i stnited 1n tho it t bumpc d imrdervv n i be nrd a door above our lie ads ebn n nnd i iceii light shone riow nrupon us udith snapped off her light 1- m rvone s tie re she called an 1 made lur wav up hctwtn us win re we wen all c iow led on the- small binding nt tlu hi ad of he stairs i am so glnd vou could all come sotindi d a voice from inside the room i reeognired it nt once as miss black stoiu s atil t title she wns nt tit door we ill crowded into the tilth room till the was mod itm k to a phut a l llllsl the w ill i he re- she stooei hv a l title on wbiib had been pirn c d in ol 1 f ishiom d keioseiie lamp witti n hug burner with i round kre i u glass kh t ou i it fell a sh hie miss bin ketone shook hands i h r us in t told i lovil rdch in t nn ttuit wlule she hlid ill tin in si f it as if she ii in fie m be aruik tit l le 11 the ni ft i ll it sh loik i l turn io i e kin i ts if the tonipin iiki hits i i sit on 1 tie loom wis ihkiiwitb s ti i etpl lii it t i hesiri s it tahh in i 1 hookellhe ttele w s hi oil siunr i i mo lb it i ii l ill tin s i i ion t like lo ii i mh ilfusiems mis ul it i st n s iuj nnd suv ing i ri haveto wttrk c rv time nnv ttung was going on i d bi mstt nous nnd h t whntev c r vou nnd n thmigtit te nd up to the spook paitv i onlv felt like hn imposter tint night when i sinrti i calling cousin phot lit to stop woik nnd come on down nnd go to bed nnd vou t hotikht sonic t hlng te rrlbh w ns hap pi ning lanlh ivin uneli r favorable eumli turns oftm took three months to n complish i litre tit no rnilwnvs unci ehctriyity nd tin telegiaph we r unkdffjwn in 1h1y cnnndn ns stub did not i e ist t be count rv e insist e d of a few ihlnlv settled colonics w bos populalion totnlbd something less thnn kmmhm montn it the hi- f trading centn hnd n opulntion f less thnn itmh tuutdavw i- 1 net renl mnncj at ttiat time cnnndn hnd nn cur renc of its own and nnt only ann i i enn british nnd french but spanish nnel portugese monev wns in tire u- latlon nnturnlly the ratios of ex change into colonial money of at count were subject to frequent vnria tons and as n constcuitnce domes tic trade was mrrkd on prlnclpullv by barter nnd international busine ss wns on n ver unstnhle bnsis it wns in an endeavor to overconu thepse dinotic eondiltons thnt mm montn nl men bants bunded them selves together to e slnhlish t tic bank of montreal opening its doors on november i 1s17 tin voting bank mime hate lv set ah ut 11 i business of hivingsun l snuulnnli at qlgnii lion to ttit finunt lal life of he conn ti v nnd its first task w its the issim of pnpt i cuirencv i hit is the bnnk s ow n bills in small de tiniiiinulions and inter coppi r coins specimens of tins cuntnev wim ti was in nnhtv tlu first t anadian mepn art pre piwis rtaff writer beershebn one of pntest ne s holy plates nnd nmonglbe most nnc lent in biblical history fell to british forces venrs ngn in the first rent war ihe attack the beginning of i en ir- frimunri allenbv s drive through the holv i nnd brought him to ihe gates of lerusnh m six weeks inter in llsedf the enpture of beeishetm hiennt e ompnrntivelv little but po- lititnt tonsld rations marked it out nt n most import ntit mnv e bv it t he hritlsh took the initiative in ttie inm- palgn in thnt nmi at n time when ttie lurks were making great plnn for reslorntion or the ir 4ut stlge throughout the middle fast infortunntelv for the turks polit ic ul e pediene v nnfllctc d with mili tary neeessltv ihe pun islamic pnrtv ubfive all else wanted otto- mnn influent e restored in baghdad enptured by n british mesopotaminn force earlier in the venr wiser bends argued the need of maintain ing turkish forces in pnhstlne to prevent allenhys advance up the whole length of syrin where ho would he in a position to cut off tuikirh troops in mesopotamia quirk nr i tilth mov ihe bickering gave allenby hl fhnnte and before turkish nrgnnln- tion wns completed for a campaign to drive the british hnck tettn they ivsert of slnni he struck in south ern pnlestine with lightning effi 1 1 from ana on the me dlteri anean to beershebn about 2 miles inland ttje i urkish i ommnnd hnd construct ed a e hnin of fortified positions oa oct 11 1llt alh nhv shelled nn lending the enemy to believe he in tended to ntlack in font jul four dnvs later made his main thrust nt be rshe hu while infnnliymtn stbrnu il the town from the south wivnlrv swe pt in in nn e nvi loping move me nt from tlu norllu nst p i ght ing wns slmrp hut ttrie f nnd jikx jirlsom rs were i ik u with til guns water fhlef need i li it hue kne e d mnxim about nn nrmv fighting on its stomach m nnt ninth tint it wns water rutin r than food that was tin pi iiik onslde ra tiim with those 1 1 oops and horses nt lien rshe hn i lie i urkish evmunllon hid lnn t so inline d that ttie towns famous ne wfounell mil and its own offices in i we k had nt he i n c apiage d ns much i inrion new ork bieao ami nan iinnciei hu siiwif is capital and lls xm eserves nt tiikhhhk to dnv stands ntrnst lo tin correspond d b his uni tin i asurmg p pares of was v n silk tr mi ind 111 lite r ilu eiei toiv of 1 i nsk pint of lode i nn in s in plane tins made journeys d hours when formci lv in d se ve ml dnvs ttie his e iifnkjif montreal cop i his t rati s the pmm e ring annila s hnnke rs the bunk tins bun ire ds of tlimiughoui c anidn nnel i in sh it in f iin re of a centur nnd a cuarlt r i u o when the hank began huslnt ss i with a capital r 350 km perhaps n niore grnpluc ipticatlon of the hanks 11 ow tb nnd the assistance it tias real e rt d toward the development of the tounir is the fjc t thnt it now hns mnn thnn a million deposit accounts about one in ivcij four in the pom- mum i itankv special uartiiur srror at the time of tin banks hinthon- nlv isarv in imt nnndn w is nt war j ih dav in tin hank pusses its ljith milestone mad i is again at war i i nd i ttie stnss of y ireinditions ihe institution with its resouliec it 1 v iiis i ie rl in and its nition iatininf lirpii h s tstpln y ng t its j ut in tb natic n s w ir e ffort lust is it oil us bund i ts of i nn mini s ktjil and small hi i ink is win km mill m idinn tnusitv mil iii ult ui h furnish but e nginwe rs e the dt mand and w ns tiic klv use d n cavalry hrigad mild tiardlv me ef ttu store d supply a f w dnvs later 2kk strong rode into the town with a ih hours desert thirst fortunately a new well was brought into operation and the bri gade drnnk its fill consuming 8 kyi gallons wat r diffic ulth s c onlinucl and an australian mount e d division wan forced to return for wnter to u ptint some miles to ttie south while pre- pui at ions w re being made to inn- tinue tin nttuek on other i urkish positions wkh vitk dahmasks l hll- fngland vr w lien w mien shoppers w iri taught without xfr jimskh it lhetr44tvefthl4auiliv town de spili warnings that lent wiiuhljtiwwii solrile is base i tlum store and 1 h r w us sll il inui ti el t it gas wee ping 111k i i i i atikiiik an 1 ml fin ll m mv nu i 1 1 m i n t mi i i- in with i on km w iboul ludith i in learn ind ln to heart oy there mnv whatsoever h snith unto vou tlo he some other loving reason whv it it ihe whole sen ret of a life of ble i not win for him to grant our re- ing nnd jniwer h found in tluet at oq1 thl doe not by anv word whntioever he ikiith jint means prove that it it not hli wll ou do it thrv lint darn mariiu- sorkn womon sene us cookt stewards and s on ftr roval marine but lhe draw the line somivmlhu in iniianuel 1 another strotikhold of man luh filbn it i- the iiw il matuns in w hub bundled- of tin worn n s p al nival seiviee now me serving and wihi just is much prnh in then unit as mv m iruu eei tint w i n h hi s h iv tile i t if kl be ui i hi ill ilt i if it i 1 s ul 1 well i m i hit i 1 iiin in 1 m 11 wv n tlu ii skuts in i is 1 is st 1 he in ts 1 in ir tn n in i i 1 v tb nun tn 1 mt ml i nl i ke sell il ts iii i 1 of ever ks is u suiors liv f 1 ulv ks s weirds oldill ink- hut tin in turn tht u to mniiv jobs iff ni emergent listen girls no one mod fe ar time ttie marines theniselvts nit less able ii manage for themselves on nccount tftt time fiim krai lanadian mun il r torn hv tbt ml i tlvltlt bank f iniihni ilk n l lois is hi its it tile ll i 1 3rs5 3 imh6mss yi ift- vawriflest m writ in it is hiding the g v i iiim nt bv ting v l lory loan nni nins sab of war nuvtng stamp i i tifi ui s and id nth t uir t srveet luteal nt tinitv for ti inn e ton th hunk s mi iuih ifi olt ml ii m sine 1 nh nn 1 hie ing tie i ist hi c nrs bv re a ll e i v it iw t e il i ind busiii i omniunitv the hank r n illv in the trowt i in i d w i r ndt r i t y- jto ni r bus f th i i ilia v pi tun tun hi unli v nt it 111 i w r s t s of i he t ui r jis in lustn s i r illlk ll si a m l nil i lv i mrs ink soill i hi m h lav s fifcnr s f v i ii i n t- us 1 1 t rniti it i i 1 r in i a s f ist nl- j time i bene lierl pnto ntvrr iwmfiet toe ks vvpew ln nlwitn a marine sergeant gave assurance jwirters that tfie wonun hne bemm know n to dnrn the ileal willi c ul re ne i e n m nv d 11 ii 1 ull in ilation in unli t ilii n ni sill t ihe illustr itton mi tl i s ill is l steumboats ie le nfcing to the irftnoralh t ibrr l dsou th the st i aw re nee nt the time mr motion who was ihe standing merchant of montreal in the inilv part ot th centurv was president of the uank of mitnlrenl fom f n m ii 1 k i iii 1 i 1illk r m n lh m r n sl i is tiwnin i r ti nl 1- r r llo r s nt it 1 1 m niiniik ll tl in t nut 1 ih- pi i ru v1 iur mini tt nlli mc uhirh urn h- i k a lu 1vti lironutit nt tinur- in tli timmiuilty s t u