thdbsntfv wmamiabx tro m the acton fbee press pageskvkn an oat sttarifc dib tatlabntlt 5tsuknifl ubvdba bmbt twenty years ago i ml bum notlb to bawd tt z jtii nlartaliukl tha man- abb gw dm itow a- u oftorodfcx the sunday school lesson v jesus hkals a han bobn colita tx- on ftblna- 1 know i a taumfc bow i aaa 9u3 tax jbb tbaav octobar a- ix 2a exffaaittom bkaixtttk slajl tb gngn wbyta u man ik to hxpk in habllbb al th bank si tb acboo b eouwrtl oj tha- council caab- amuj to juaa- tor tb c ha co1ob rsshodi- caal huclbaa to mr- amk mccta bmad bjb tha- wal acalaa te mr mm b j te coat buabwu twijiw t setscebrtmbo artoo bbh3xb- cuftoi2y a jnwv universal totague to pidgin talk mnwiiht wsata- brha rreafti things may be- ejapactad to oo- ctur whm jesus piw by- the ca off thl ffl was- abaoluteky hopetasn no v slulli could touch him- bail jesufrdessed by- that changed tvty thlngv when mmik can not dot jest jesus is ever passing our way 1b these day so we may constantly expect wonderful thing to happen una ta02v itbla blind man la miyywttw ulustsatlotti off tho- unaavod siair bunt 1 cbtr 2lk h- nawar bad atan ha- was- bayond hb v 32k hia casa- was hopatesv humanly paakmc doubtaa b him- aui had kivot up all hope ol vv lyte ha- wa without human sym pathy suspactadi and dasplsad cvs 2 3k ha waa poor a btucu but all his nadt was- only vt appobtunlty fotr godta uhoumllng eraire- b chriat jesus ttoftonly passad by h saw he- avetr aeea us in our need and dla- trttaa iex 3t 63 contrast tha leftline oj jasua disciples as- thay tookad at tha- man with that of jaaus mlmseuv ithabr fealme was one- ol curiosity and contempt ilia oil deap est compassloni i ara we- likast to the- master or the disdplaat what la your caeunje as youi saze upon the poov the outca nn the unjeortunatet jesus saw in this nuuka misfortune a calk to help they saw in u only the just conse quence of t the disciples thousht all slirkness tnust be the direct con- sequence of sin jesus plainly d- tares this is not sov that there is an other purpose ol physical infirmity viz that the works off god should be made- manliest they were manifest in this mans case by his heolinnv sometime they are made fch tanifest by cooys stutslnlng srace in kalssbruw wealaiess 2 cbr 12b10 doubt- less sickness is often the direct re sult of sin ono st4 mlc 25 ar ls2a in other cases it is the indi rect result job 33tl430 but sick ness does not always arise irom this iphlt 23t 3t 2 kl x3x4k jesus did not teach by verse 3 that neither this man nor his parents had ever sinned hut that they mldt not sin as the cause of this bundnewa it plain from comparing vs 2 and 4 that jesus considered delivering men from evil far more important speculating about the origin of evil the worlds night is when jesus has gone v 5 end the darkest night for the individual soul is when jesus leaves jesus helps the man before he asksi his need was a prayer if we are to follow jesus we ought not to wait until misery comes to- us we should go to it go wash etc a test of lhh 2 kl 51014 mk 3 5 luke 1t14 slloam nen and was a type of jesus nw self v 4 jno 10 36 rom 83 gal if we wish sight for our blind eyes we should go to him and bathe 4jno b12 the man gave the best evidence of faith prompt obedience the result ne came seeing u witnessing 2s n chrlsta work always arouse discus sion and causes division the discus- sion gave an opportunity for testi mony the maa snowed his manli ness by saying 1 am tie that sat andj heggedr his frank testi mony for jesus cost him excommunu catloniv 34 but it brought him n deeper fuller knowledge of the lord vs 353sv he spoke of his deliverer as he man called jesus later in the day he said he is a prophet v 17 later stilt he recognized him as the son of codt 3338 those who heard wanted to see jesus v- 12k such is the power of testi mony he was then brought to the pharisee the recognized enemies of jesus v 22 ch 114 47 st 12 42 but the man did not dodge the issue even then his testimony creat ed division even among the pharisees cf ac 143 0how can a man that is a sinner do such signs r that la an unanswerable question for all dealera of the deity of christ for if he la not divine ha la the chief of blasphemers the man was not at all daunted by the opposition his testi mony had aroused and boldly pro claimed of jesus he is a prophet ill- worshiping 2s3 when the ruler cast this man 6ut they cast him right into the arms of jesus ik is well to ve cast out if separation from human fellowship infivftox b r no 1 tiumtbla qbfc wlnnw baa uuswd bmb playing om prattk oa yon anuthm folk balm and u thab now mnorn and dktttk 1 can qult- imwajbr juat what ll la uka- dowa tharl evan though away bam a or owr mm wtti i taoobt caacrt tha- mimhara ol thsaa 1 hahjadl ahoml toad and puih nttahi and puah ha to ahow cata or tsuefca through mow whab taamad bur- wasted aooat bn whatt tha aaoai comaa too baaaad h3ti tep tor can vtjfon juat orkcts wort owva sratemthebe in knolailu tc po to bh ikwm bat 1 no thafa o huouuob i jjt loac dmd or b cottston-rb- otbrtu and suah- from ub- its a aaateace from a kenaeta uttiewood r- sdyorkshienian who orks at a bwalttoa factory ho tssl four greu flower are heatttuul simple the- inventor thinks so- itlewood la iihort has devised a unteta of universal pidgla a sort of sbieasloa of pldglnsajtush he say foreigner can leara u in two month jfjjj an englishman la a week hi mdgin vomhulary is partly bor- owed ftota basic english y- tem which induce the english vo cabulary to about 83- simple funda- meeta words and 1 partly hi own lb in ptnnnlnff it he has studwd cnlaesev russian latin creek preach welsh and arabic he aaaahobshed all grammar and idiom and uaea no word of more than two muabata and most are monosyllables cut to the last possible vowel or con- from the simplest forms he claim hi will be possible under his system to auikd up the most intricate ideas for laslsr guerilla warfare becomes tovtakwo a telascoplne of the tuadanwata forms of the words rov- ibc attach and war and just to sake sure that he has not been west ing time be aent a rough draft of hi theory to george bernard shaw by nook or crook wrote tha play- wrlght get- it published without jtaitlag to make it better then ad- vicaae que pourra 4come what may stockholm tcp on january v swedish holiday 4a00o swedish worker remained at their lob and contributed all earnings k7800o ctoara 1sxo0 for the day to re- maf of people la nsaftheld norway covkntrt rtigland icpl sgt tjouajshcmaaw first british aaw aser tolwoaaed la the second great ww attar ha m aeiageye dog a wah aw caned -phantom- to cujkla hssa about the town then for the vest of the winter gat out the sleighs cutters and covered- la cab and drive over the top on account of such open country drift lag into such terrible banks l not usual berev except where a cut or i building happens close to the road there are no tree hedge or obstruc- jtlon along the roads here to encour age snow aswlcm and a a consequence the snow remains fairly level we have had quite- a bit of additional snow since- writing last and the- bitter cold weather stilt continue 30 be low kero- this morning at 8jjo am wife has given a great deal of at tention to n number of nice potted plants kuraalums of two oc three color cyclamens lvys fustas buby tear and others and having to rnov them out of the windows at nlht is no small job and to make sure tlwy dont freeze ive been getting up and filling- the- stoves through the night the plant are all in beautiful bloom and so nice and fresh we also have a big pot of parsley for both- beauty and garnish- wife brought home a sweet potato trimmed it and has it in a jar of water 1 dont know what it wltlturn into but will make some variety for the past few evenlngswe have had a different job on hand winter evenings are long and to be occupied one needs variety all reading writing or radio kilay out so wife decided this a good time to make a new comforter she got a fleece or two of wool a tew year ago and it has been packed away some- place since but she resurrected it and has had uju those who are willing picking lt by hand into bats for the filling and believe it is some job there ore carding brushes to be had that is said to bf- much easier and quicker but we are not fortunate in having a set so use the finger method im sure if some had a set not in use we would appreciate having them for a few weeks as two comforters ore under construction the war news the past few weeks is a great source of hope new from the many fronts in russia from tunisia from the solomon burma and china and the latest surprise at tack by paratroops trained as sabo- teurs la norway president roose velt told to hi speech that as time kerry wood of red deer alberta finds excitement in the outdoor and he has a way of turning his adven tures into stories which delight cbc listeners too he will be heard again on sunday february 7th at 10uh am etr j130 am adt in the concludlng talk of hb current series listed under the title the outdoor philosopher or foreign language is more common than english but fortunately eng lish is uernanded as a standard and most new canadians can speak same of it even though broken a bit and we can make ourwelvetf understood commenting onvone of the out standing feature of last weeks fssx pssss warden mcdonald picture with that lovely lake trout sure impressed me id like to be on one end of a copper line with n fish like that on the other end 1 get lots of thrills in the summer time back at my camp site but have never been fortunate enough yet to land anything like that but 1 still have hopes so for this time 1 am cordially your r w johnson british restive under blackout goes on more and harder attacks will be made until finally the whole nazfr of thought including war machine will be utterly broken effort just now prominent speaker such a weadeuwukte mrs roose velt and other are touring the coun try offering their service to speak and workers and contributors every where are working hard to make it a great success here in this country the movement ha gained great prom inence the big clothing stores are donating piles and pile of sweaters coats underwear of wool that is out of style etc but otherwise good and usable and money for nvedl cine surgical supplies and food is pouring in at one meeting alone held in klrk- land lake one evening last week where the audience was almost en tirely polish ukranlan and russian canadians- cash donations amounted to nearly 3s0o a- big dance was held in ktrklands most modern hotel the park lane- bingo euchre and other sources of entertainment are all being sponsored to raise more while the drive lasts and are all well latronized 1 often think when i go into places like kukland lake tunmlns rouyn etc where so may different lan guages are spoken what a terrible blunder our ancient forefather made when they attempted to build a tower up to heaven and as a consequence god babbled their sense of speech as a rebuke and sentence and man ha nlsunderstood each other ever since but this war seem to be hdtig the nation together once again to sub due a common enemy even though we cant talk with each other con veniently with one common language before coming to the north i didnt realize we had so many stranger among us any place x had ever lived or worked the -english- language was the only one used i often saw the chinese laundryman or restaur brings the fellowship of jesus and it ant keeper the italian or clclltan often does jesus lead the man on to i fruit vendor or store keeper ithe faith he had believed in t jewish pettier or the greek soda foun- who believe in no light those who aid to russia is such on lmdortani- nexttonoughl and an evar- jesus far enough to obey his bidding and go to sltoam and thus be healed he had tfeoeved in jesus as a good man and a prophet and from god v it so33 but now he is to be brought into the greet saving transforming faith that he is the son of god jesus puts to him the great question dost thou httieve on the sonot god- andwve lt a whole world of mean ing ufa and bxeasine and power in that queatioa and it tight answer tain artist but this country a babbled on the son of god you say i do but do you if you do happy are you jno 2031 1 jno sl4k this man did not as yet but he will short ly how honest and eager he uv who la he lord that x may believe on him then jesus just made him self known mad tha man cries lord x believe and he proved that he put it to yourself do x really believe really did baueva fovensatent surveys siluation while newsupers tire ttrite titatnz uv tmck btabclav caaadtaa pre mtaff writer london cp blackout blue have arrived in britain again this winter right on schedule the nights are longer than the days at this time of year and like lost win ter also a bombiess season there is general outcry for more light the ministry of home security just to appease all quarters is surveying the situation and on energetic argu ment is proceeding among the public there ore about halfadozen those growing body which want more light all around it is probably safe to predict that the blackout will stay as it u by the time official have completed in vestigations and everybody has had their say the day wilt be long and bright again and the blackout blue forgotten at least until this time next year herbert morrison minister of home security has started the blackout survey in london where its impos sible to see a foot ahead on moonless and foggy nights to make thine worse there is a general shortage of flashlight batteries it has been reported that the min ister is considering a humber of in ventions which may make street lighting brighter in the future but hasnt revealed their nature at su burban hammersmith however the local council has started to coat lamp posts with luminous paint which of ficials said would throw a glow about 60 feet kwaaar campaign some borough have adopted star lighting on main street thereby arousing the ire of antilighter in st pancras for instance persons dis trustful of too much light clamber up posts during the night and cover the lamp with paper bag and sacking better street lighting and more batteries are essential if we are all to keep fit to do a full day work de clared the star in an editorial sup porting the more light campaign we beiieve it is possible to devise street lighting which would not violate ar-p- standards it may be said that to do this would require diversion of labor and materials from essential war work the answer lthe aggregate of man hours already ios through blackout accidents travel delays and frayed work among workers- j thedallv mall carried the cam paign a stop further by denuwdlnk bettearilkhtlng in railway trains il luminated by dim shaded bulbs and return of nameplatea at stations golden sacks london cp the british sup ply ministry said in a statement that sacks are urgently needed for the carriage of food and fertilizers and issued an order that it la incumbent on all ros sacks to treat them with caxawuwir value la golden fireside s every week hundreds of readers of the acton free press bit down hy their own firesides to discuss together each others want one wants to sell some pigs two or three others want to liuy them one wants to let a house several persons want to rent it one wants to sell a babyearriage someone is anxious to buy it somebody has lost a ring someone has found it somebody lias laying bens for sale several people would like to buy them someone offers a chesterfield suite several families areiiiterested and one family after inspec tion is exactly suited with regard to style and price another offers a girls skates and boots in good condition but too small for the owner half a dozen people would like them a lady has a good winter coat for sale someone wants it isnt this opportunity to discuss together mu tual wants a wonderful service and convenience think of all the time gasoline and rubber the classi fieds save j sometimes niind you nobody wants to buy a particular article at the particular time or particular price at wliieh it is offered for sale but even so what a saving of energy and time it is to be able to find that out for 25 or 35 cents usually however with one two or three inser tions the classifieds bring together buyer and seller landlord and tenant finder and loser the rate for one insertion up to 25 words is 35 cents or only 25 cents if payment is made with inser tion order f ta- phone your classifieds to the acton free press phone acton 174 mill street