Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1943, p. 2

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jol i he acton fhee press thuitsday maiicii llth ims hjljr artmt jfrreljmuj or fat m idtrtimml rwkd lttd j aroo of och ftditctct ot4 aia by attk 4aly icnd fcjf lb jrtir d with too adaiady aat3 i writi thmyi ant fet j uy arrow tcd la net comcin tiy th fw tta libility aiill w ud ancb protioai tlta falira oal ol atch dvtfiatil a tb pe oceu pied by tfc mj error to tba w po occupiotf by iixh 4tilai c ahlof dhjls ejito telefikwes- eaitcwial tmd aualsaaa otlio ty wrw- if theconh trad placra if they coutd trade places and be on the giving end of red cross work never doubt but that our suffering allies would turn to us with open- handed generosity be glad to help to be on the giving sido is the preferred position after all untouched by blitz canadian women have been able to spend long hours toiling and spin ning in red cross branches all across the domin ion- 20000000 articles of supplies have already been shipped overseas for the armed forces and suf fering civilians 100000 food parcels for prisoners- ofwar arc being packed each week in the five de pots over 1000000 pounds of jam and honey have been provided for british children blood serum medical supplies sailors comforts motor vehicles all these have come from the canadian people dispensed by the canadian red cross to help the sufferingxeverywhere russia greece china poland belgium jugos lavia chechoslovakia fighting french norway and holland have all been helped ted and succored by red cross gifts and those on the receiving end with so little try to say thank you in a practical way listen mrs nellie miltpn lives in a tiny flat in chelsea her boy a prisonerofwar in germany has received canadian red cross food parcels he wanted the red cross thanked for helping to keep him alive his mother wrote the marchioness of donegal in charge of the hospitality department at berkeley square i would like to be able to repay you by having one of your canadian soldiers stay here while oil- leave in london i could give him bed and brein fast although i only have two rooms in- the basement 1 would do my best to make any can adian soldier comfortable and happy during his london visits will be plenty of interest too on the bowling greens and tennis courts and aronnd the y mca and in the park acton is fortunate in having all these facili ties well established it is easy to predict too that many folks will find that the method of enjoying life in the community and getting better acquainted will surpass those days when only pleasure could be gained by burning up gasoline and covering hund- teds of miles over the weekend incidentally it is likely to be not nearly so expensive either v a caiialgn that peb wat in commenting on the splurge of liquor adver tising that appeared recently the cbeslcy enterprise makes the following comment it was an insult to canadians that the brewing industry should objectso strenuously to beer ration ing and in large advertisements in some papers which would accept that kind of advertising plead with the people to endorse their stand that they should not be rationed the campaign fell flat among canadians who are tationed in gasoline tea coffee and sugar all of which they deem to be of greater concern to them than beer even blaming narrowminded temperance watai veej asanas in addition siosotmx ha been earmarked to assist in disposing- of agricultural products rendered sur plus by the war frelcht assistance cranks for forcing ottawas hand did not register j l 7 en wilt it u considered involve very strongly with canadians who have trouble get the week at ottawa aitlsb nltlii has att free lsna bv dadauuaanen estimates of war expenditure by the federal department of agricul ture in the crimin fiscal year given the house of oonmont recently by finance minister llaley reflect the governments desire- to encourabo production so as to enable the dom inion to meet her food c to great britain the breakdown of estimated avar expenditures by the depa la the 19u4 fiscal year bcsianbul nest april t showed that pracranix to encourage output of essential war supplies under the agricultural sup plies board will involve disbursement of approximately r77j500 ling the food which they have become accustomed to and which is in short supply when one considers what the war effort has meant to all lines of business in canada it is to laugh that the brewers would even claim that they should be allowed their usual production and distri bution we should think that men could be better employed these days than in making beer using gasoline and rubber to transport it around the coun try and use valuable manpower in serving it the brewers might have made friends if they had used the advertising to state that they were 100 per cent behind the government in its war rulings and that they would appeal to their customers to do without their usual supply of beer for the duration instead of hollering about their toes being stepped upon the liquor industry is its own worst enemy its lack of decency in keeping a respectable house in setting standards of conduct by its patrons and in elevating the trade to a higher level has done booze more harm than all the temperance organizations and it didnt help the brewers among average canadians when they asked them to join in their protest against rationing beer when these same can adians are scrimping and saving to get along on the tationed amount of tea coffee sugar and gasoline v editorial notes if they could trade places lets make the most of our preferred position the canauav red cross must have 10000000 to go on with the work in 1943 acton and district is asked to contribute 3200 j give and then some human suffering is greater than ever before v more community life the announcement of further curtailment of gasoline or methods of travel means that more and more people are going to find their recreation in their own communities for communities which have developed parks recreation grounds and places lor group gatherings before the war period this time will hold no difficulties for those who have no such local centres it will be qujte a problem evidence of this getting back to community en tertainment and community interest was found local ly in the minstrel show just concluded in all about fifty people were actively engaged in presenting the show over 1 000 paid admissions to the local per formances with more time available for rehearsals the show could top many of those produced in the years when there were other attractions after the show was concluded therocwasa fur ther evidence of this desire to have local clubs or groups when it was decided to hold the present organization together with the object of making other presentations from time to time as the need arose we predict that during the spring and summer months we will see a return of the local garden parties and outdoor local entertainments there the winter of 1043 has now provided everything even to an earthquake v in st marys the chinese relief fund has a total of 248000 on its objective of 3466 v march kept in line with december january and february for delivering a good fall t snow and plenty of cold weather perhaps april will behave like a spring month v the profit of advertising is not found alone in the goods directly sold through any advertisement most of the profit comes from leading people to lorm the constant habit of visiting the advertised stores v -e- when it comes to choosing men for govern ment i believe the first essential character and what above all else the people desire in their rcpresenta- minister mackenzie kinj v there is an old saying that if you want some thing done well do it yourself that applies to home town life instead of constantly asking why some body else does not do some needed thing people should do more of these things themselves v there are many things that have been said about former provincial premier hepburn and we have contributed our share when it comes to getting out of the untenable positions he has the foresight and good judgment to remove himself by resigning and not wailing to be ousted by the general public v editor hugh templin of the fergus ncwskccord says his opinion of premier king increased upward when he heari him speak to the weekly newspaper executive meeting in ottawa a prophet is not with out honor save in his own country britain possibly thinks as highly of mr king as we do of mr churc- not many countries in the world can show an excess of males over females canada can the last census showed nearly 300 000 more males in canada than females moreover it has always been so in every one of the eight times that a census of can- ada has been taken an excess of males over females has been shown this is not due to immigration supplying uvvja m mates than females every year for many yr past more male children than female have been born craln wilt it l twisldcrl w axprnjitutw of 9aooojo0 while lhy laymen of right cent per bushc1 on westrni wheat knur cluskoly a ford for livestock will talc- 2j00u ooo th wars inftuenre upqn the etl- matrt of the acriculturr avpartirunt 1j cldinccs by an rat of 30500 for the llak rbn wufmlnut ration thlt product hail assurrusl croat lmurt once as a component in tlu manu factuiv of parachute subvention and freight allowanced upon fertilis er will involve the expenditure of apromlmately slo0ft000 administration of the bacon moard established to encoura and control the dominion output of bacon and baron product with special refer- cnv to creat urltnlns requirement will require 7100 while the dairy product board established to facili tate the shipment oversea of cheese will necessitate expenditure of 1-1- 050 advisory board an advisory committee of 12 mem ber tnctudlm representative of each province if ii ilnnnon of tor onto president of the canadian fed eration of agriculture and two other members nominated by the federa tion will be established by the covern- ment to assist a new fourman agri cultural board headed by dr c s ii barton deputy minister of api culture function of the hoard are to di rect the diversion of food product in canada fill contracts nnd aereements for export of foodstuff meet the re quirement of the armed force in canada and other priority need and at the request of the prices board arrancc for the movement of food supplies from surplus area to defic iency areas the itoard whose formation was announced by agriculture minister gardiner in the house of commons i will direct canada i04- food pro- ductloh program beside dr barton ita other mem her include a m shaw director of the marketing service nnd chairman of the acrlcultural supplies board and special products board r s homer director of the production ser vice nnd dr j f booth associate director of the marketing service ftum woitirr selective service director arthur macnnmnraa announcement that hi department will give very careful consideration to the ckcentlntlty of nny work now being performed by prnl rio worker in british columbia sod tlicre that the removal of an es timated 2000 pralrlo worker from etuentlnl industrie in british co lumbia to return to farm worjc on the prairie would disturb to some de gree the labor picture in the const province selective service mr mncnnmnfn said will not force a man to return to the nrnlrleg if he is doing vital work in a british columbia ituluktry- u kkoh if ave knfmiks in recent yenr natural cauv have hi to at leant n temjwmtry re duction of weed infestation- in placet the prevalence of grasshop per ha resulted in a marked decreiite in the growth nnd vigor of sow thistle a succession w dry season hn been followed by trouble from wild oat canada thistle oklhy because of combined insect damage nnd dry seasons has practically disappeared from areas where it was a major pet n few yenr ago however the op portunity for relnfestatlon through n change in condition is a factor thut ha to be guarded against christmas present from prison camp weuinoboitoucii england c pan expensive scent pray two diaries nnd an antique bavarian pipe were among the contents of o christ mas parcel received by joan harrl- on of this northampton town from her fiance a prisoner of war in ger many the parcel was believed to be thj firit of it kind to reach britain victory farms service clubs 1943 ambition catwjiin rtuf to hsve mat itt wahiaw riwartloa itooat uca wuch wan smeetm ctovaca ill cvl the victory farm lde which lut been operating in in for the nimuirariimui of termers who cu tbrtr palriouc co- operation o agriculture war produc tioo has been esteoded to canada t well at to the united states ceoenl- hy amotrding low unoumecnectt by klwanta baternationml here john lyudeau oi beuevilte on- ontartoquebeeuariptmm chairman of agriculture for klwanl la those area will assist local klwaala club of the province of that area in put ting the victory vmxm scheme into operation the na kay the idea involve local klwnnl dub presenting vk victory farm award to farmer in townships who irfve their patriotic cooperation to agriculture war production maid theodore ii femke of uorri minn chairman of t lie klwanl interna tional committee on agriculture kdrvtbw in fall the selection of victory farms will be made in the early fall the committee of judge will be chosen from local farm knen and women rep resenting agricultural extension nelejhhortiood grout and other farm organisations bequlrement for meriting the vf taennant are flcsihlti for meet ing local agricultural condition awards will be based on a definite measure of the tanm oantrtbution to the food production ragram es pecially as at relates to war crop and vitally needed uvestock and livloclc products victory garden will be a qualification also participation in re lated war artivitiea such as war bond purchase oooperation in salvage pstckgrama ited croa and so n in seleetlng victory karcna judges will ettsduate the cooperation of each farm good neighbor to meet social and economic rural con dition llecocnltion will be give to farms and not to the individual far mer thus honoring the family as a unit in formulating rulet of x rod enbaener of irineton indiana who deielotedthe lde said lecocnjuoo isclveo cocitributlon not only of the farmer but also thr wife boy and girl and farm help in the pro- duct ion program it u hoped the award will offer ooth eivourarenmnt to the farmer and show appreciation fo the part fvrma are playing in win ning the war ho hmkluc khaveh3 ijonikn ci uore than iiuu mnl old ramu- blade totalling about four ton were rxdlected throughout the 1 lya alrforce duilttg 1im2 and turned ivr to uilvage iuuiuh4 ltlb haivatk fjonoon oiaiku sow ik1- lard little iivin vtumi erected at entrance to alleyway ami court yard in ijimilon imve bein presented to tlie gvernntent for salvage- help the red cross salada 7fav hes well again and doing a war job i mv i1usiiands had nervous breakdown just worry he left his job n the shipyard to go into logging but his health suffered and the doctor says hes got to take a complete rcsf hue we havent any ready money how cun he rest the bank manager listened to her trouhltt sympathetically he knew the hushamf knew tilt wife both sound citizens the bank advanced the money on personal security on the good char acter of two honest hardworking people in a few weeks fred was well again and work ing in the shipyard the loan was paid hack in full because of hank accommodation he is now getting financially on his feet again and aiding canadas war effort- this true story only the name i changed illustrates how canadas chartered banks day in and day out scrve the human as well as the tnn- cial needs of canadians business directory dr w c c kenney kysstsaasdftaisai csucmmbtor to dr j a menhan offica in symon ulorfc mill sttvjat tt sirslirtf 4 sh0 dr chas d shortt tstaopaaaar t dr e j htmmt rart miibi iiaiwin offloe ilouraajfjo to c00 pm 7joo to aio inaa sundajra gr appolavtnwnt only dr avma cullen lmjcc brkybbcbsai aaal flasasmbi cwflc lloun 34 sal 7j pjn tzxrta wednesday and sunday mill street near ptederiric street rtsone l dr t ii wvl1e taking cliarae of ir nin practice for the ijuratlon le ike risssv otllre lleara sal te a imsb every nsaraftmy prmay omce teleiiione lis dh hugh s austin mill street corner frederick acton office hours 930 am to 310 prn icvenlncs by appointment ia c k leathehland b a barrister and helmter netary rll issuer 01 atarriae 1 in nn s kecistrar of uirtna uarriacea deatna aotxmm ushee xi m beaurnu is kenneth m langdon rlarrister tululur netary faille olflcea r toun civtory theatre uullda acton over t seynucks cafe for appolntmenta phone acton 6s or georgetown 88 offic hours acton tuesday and tliurulay lui pm to 400 pm cven- uitrii on re4urst vrrmunakv b d voung vs b vsc veterinary huraeea ollkm- nrookville ontario imiuue mlllon ucrl f g oakes vs bvsc veterusary ruiraeua office uml ncbluvni knok avenue acton phone 110 airtmoneebm frank petch auctioneer and epresentatlm c5an- nerelal mfe aasumjsne cs phone 391 cuartea htree russell johnson licensed auctioneer for that district ft ii 2 acton bkal efttate vvilloughby farm agency 1iilkcit and oiliest accnry in canada head office kent hide tminlo carietown keprescittntlve tom llrwson phone jearaeteksi a time tables canadian national railways tiolng kast oaily xct kuntny pally veept sunday dally fvcdpt suiufny sunday only llyrr at f4rgftiwii klyr at tlerph 2olng uvst pally excfit kundny pally ekceit sunday saturday only pally iceit sunday sunduy only cd a nv f w pm 94j am h13 pm 034 pm b55 pm lflft a m hs0 am a29 pm 721 pm 11m pm by haafclasj al msraansj haura yow cm hafs tfc war ltst i ysmsfjawn bwslnass mmd ll i hs wawlla hiwdan as aasvj vaaasai pai yatic nvsjacn si9fs paassr pssj saw vams as aar aaaasssawsai aaan nanra aaiv sa war the chartered banks ol canada gray coach lines thanoe of time table eltto ttve febaiarv ak coaches leave acton eastbeund 6 4am 9 ib am 206 pm 6 28 pm ffi pm bloi p uvtbund s 10m am y2t8 pm asoh pm a pm b928 pm xlls3 pm a to tendon i akindays and holidays only v to ouelph dally to kitchener sunday and holidays y to kitchener to slratford mvhtebv naval iieso 1xndon cpttttlchard onsow f the llovainayy wa my hero at n ric limham paice when he was decorat ed wllh the dso and two bara ho- he on them i ofnclz u lajavl i

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