tbmmdar junk mth ims f some facts abdul weeds britisa morale holds i boabed layhad whitewash recipes forfaimoteilvfins a uhac an 1 a ftumft anwdl am i i mwnajl fomam that un ft tarn bfo tmaita stir n- aw wwe turnr- pmtttnfi tfca iw m at0n off ihvvn eka- ayc ttmtifl aflbetr ir bod aeeai uusej hktic sr arwnall amurs ttbwb- are few j fff laattja fttffrflp so bat mflv a aogt aff the aamallkir pjhsm tfnfl ttwoo- oftar eaa mfl amflbi coa eoptui in llotnam mhraw nr bancr aawas thafl avowtvr 0 hmv heeai wto-wft- w m wm stt samw mt amah at in jmp an 3riamw te lwnm jsmmmmw antai raaasai fl mmaiiiiariiil w ifc iimimnwv iter ormsnaois had saaar tloksfl the nteioinnctiiamn ff binfiau wtbemr a btrjihatnc haw dnssqit4 tfl b d bar these- are- essay elmm- hanre- badqy battened areas liou ffjweeir cketttiry attyoaotmth etif- lat some cases areas f haariks an ai eat while amhwn r aanttshed as if eta oat try m hang kafijir tve w told that there fee a well deflluaed jiabhauy brtaieea sjkajoi and the coast hwdsac toward germany atactic which the farads were phowgihgdl tug- fc homhs wesfca has fates eatatumsl by raaanrs who uaabac to penetrate viae- kjmoa defftmcra had tanked back and dassyped thctr ubr at random ban aprsl ims hitler canard out what t bjaun ax the bmonker so called be they soehj to pjbtcvst on 3aratr batba notwacaw took asus oaasrbur oviean iris- ualfltt al itata emahtcw norarirta iuvk voirl w sgs pmnot uued and 9i kojurvd many of the lelled tev hfwr tvvtfii ttac eaattartv e- sicsisision at onr at batfa read ac- about lw veari hair fair blue csay of teeth aavaaar afuhr aarvr cikirfa waadli m tear atreooi amgop buartci sate bramfl uhat bp tmaiill sktnrndarr 3bsfl tc tlhe aamatr fl bsibkwb aii- arid i atr vatilb aiatt rjsfti and tltae atu bajmswa atanv sflltuia w bwaffd miiqr flupoiwsiiiitti off afc mnit fhabtbffiii fivr blbr aaiafiajnrv antib ttt 6ter altffotbrai twiotpavr by kammnaii fansak oo iaff tbar atoms off tar vomf aia tu lamavtoqi tlbo mmrajw- off felbr xa btt was faatinrbbbtic ri attodty vkc actoali vffscct- wr bkuttfl that the osarats axv haa heaod off the atay bn athbth the fimmpbe had tabuna the tpaaatthtawrot tain ihenr ajailit hs titaar wnaanaee- glilalml fink teafatoft aiho a ertafcanhaaaait tvamtfives aa eaa- oast of t ate aejht btsl he was offffice hi the ffnwa emmftae to aconc tat the eaoxalmc he- ffdee aooe off ther tetlatinraw had been utjtfiaaji ttvxsa wm boaamcz tonc- hubd lb m tacht httke be fivacked arfith hw and heroines even tf they dk toot ajb thear aawraai- b fiwooff acalaslt aay hf lattbkched sfeotttl saoftu fc so kv cf ttnae ace wader ah9 six wabeir aibjwh has ttrai i aastm too- lpwoi off sau ai9 a raa offhyw w every 3s uff the mjnjibffei add a paaaat atllaii niialliiiia trftr ara aty am nreaffs fc evvvy thsee khab gradav fl t aajl ajbrfiaawatk atsui soba natibatat ft linajterla pnmatmtfm ay aaauobt tvatahty aataaav tal wtjh vuual ttyitean a beady to ujuie and ajtbr thovaaithlty a aaat off vsvaull lafthvswtaall ttaay ht aa aa- kfleod off the ityeu atudi ftjre he p athea the rolkw its to he keaat aiaite cahae ato the staler fli najdj at aa tach or two la hcht bliaaiah- stut craaxth tathy aafh to bruncid aetere the ateat cam re- fata aat nana amd thaafc fiaar jt jujid jjxdtrxfajumfl v kui ut h a caad ceaetal tnm al- ch dracmae mt r ha rhoauy lataitaaidt itaiia unto for weedx hfea caakat jm botasewweo are ata vaa feflwcie- to aceeat tatboonfd m 1 1 in itlittfa m aml tatluo bauk fc- rvflmla- ttaan tuut- vhailty toat each aage at cnapuort ksunt he slcaed hy the par wa to mbua the buoh ks daode aaav taxbs let taaeabt to ncoteet the ram aoaetr as- atetl as the amv ad the talker ici tuue acathka hla vkcku la re- ffwuaoe aceepl eoapoaa firoca a ahret off voupioai wthlrh does kaot hrar the i e aamaaabbaaobbbmf a yt aataamjtia4a erijml v4amaaamctaaafataaaamt a4aamtrateamaaaaaat a looal tolafvdjr tnm icu boeef fctfeauftffatk atnj tmae trw bwc tomttafiaa slmylfi to joa- aaaves ro j1tve the most deplorahiearciutctnral loo in balh warn the assembly rooms tbe room said to have- been the fenoss beautiful ta britain were first ogened tn 1tti and had been teftn- bhed in 19gs at a cost off nn thous and tkoundf sterttaux these rooms ovuchted diaries datfcects who made the acale fix usually accepted the hgrthsjiobe tor june it ts one off maa varfiettes of the eooonaoo tatn- peffall quartz raaaanbe in the royal ontario uutwums show that gl can be amythtnjc from drab to extremal beaut blfull wtih irregular baftdk of cojlu it is tqunte ilentlful and is not loninnaraty of er ereat vatue al- thoucb it was otwv brlaeved to ln- crrase the wearers ability to acquire rfichrs in the thearetrical airsblp off tht earrj etchteeath century laire acaknc overbead wvre expected to ca bna0oeliszn from tbe sauss ra with the- aid of kwrfu knacnu tbe would help in bltanc the khep vn- fortunatety tt dfd not work abates are still of no use as a substitute for asoune the are howrwr popu- tar as s in almost exvry tpe of iekllery fighting french plots aniionthl car patrol leader desert offensive picture shows a 2nd lieutenant leader of a anaorm ca aalt ji attached to tlsbtlac rrench flyta- calrnna under x atts hit ccjaraa before lahtag out am nfftuilai afmutloas in this fkyfcts coltnnn made up of tamte at curs aaabilecnm and auapdrtlar hv- fantry at aamvvraau parts ffha ftewch sfarocco and tha foretca liaual wautdns with a brlthm aimom brigade they jtluw full wtth urn etsnth amy 4fm t mt ontario maintains pay- as you go policy at the time of bringing down the provincial budget on march 19th 1943 it was a indicated that the figures were interim figures and that definite and final figure would be snpphed as soon as the accounting of the treasury departnientraa complete for the year s these are the final figures for the tttene months ended starch 31st 1943 certi fied correct by h a cotnam chartered accountant provincial auditor they speak for themselves coanhined surplus on ordinary and capital account 2776650472 rednction in the gross debt v 1990651985 reduction in the net debt 1168631515 raduction in contingent liabilities 25054417 reduction in the funded debt 786810000 reduction in the treasury bill debt a 650000000 a hank oreiitrafl irjl oerr from tfw prcriaum fimetd year s793j2s692 iras paid off thrrr ms added to ikm pworinciid sinking fund tae oiaa fit96mosj66 every unofoyer in every ontario rily town village and township has benefited from thd provineial corammnhs pays4yoaco poliey far as a direct result of this policy the p cial cnmaaai in has passed on the fouowing acfual finaneial benefits to ontario mnnicraalitfcf aadaartytweetaouundaolurs 1 ntlllll u i sahridy s16m41so 7 tvasians for u buad 14s80uoo m sl j y aubwas- u7z4sai ratjash in sanslona 7 m niii st fcnisnhnay zfifajuojm as arb lajsosja 4 kss biahnjl i7124is0 i8t tnlmtrng smhmis 123575 5 csantj bosol 12t94s m ajii rvurinn 7j0o7isoo total tosmjomos x cnuotm u dmwow si ims md sanatofis vmmr the province of ontario further informal ion gfoftfy supplied upon roqussf to treasury department parliament bldgs toronto hon a st claib oobooh provincial ubtlshed by authority of the government of the province- of ontario p