5hrattim3ftte8res altimmfki mv wmmm wu w w i lyfrp to wo m w bafc i mka 4fcty av m4 u mkw m ill n ana woadl i wo comcjmil bat tb i w owfetm- cwtll b flnnwwc firask arwgfe saac atd a wtttfcvoeml jtoss ff tfisoas vsm fee es iai tscxft r off oimirr at aftns tune sxostlka a be tmntwt inc cstamtanaswakt a ons ft and l plbm cor actum tshe iacnwccfts tifcat be tote after tfte war porumft and a a nasi v bbtcftab actor faur ojt tfaja- yeatf fetas passed into history and is- marked as another sjocycv not oaky from a faint off record attendance- aad gtariottb- weather bat as an agvictxtttural nt that assembled sooae of the- finest ta qualtty and quantity of livestock that has been oa any baur grottads ua coatmuntttcs here- ekwh- in th tra it tneant some hardships and it reqttured meeting some handicaps to assembler sacb a fine exhibit it also required some added planning and wort to cany on the fair under present condi tions it is therefore an added satisfaction to know that handcap were overcome and success in targe measure was achieved acton is not among the old agricultural socie ties- it was just thirty ears ago that acton fat held tts erst annual exhibition the years have seen gradual progress until today it is counted among the best rurat fairs and conseuetttty draws a fine following both in visitors and exhtbitors- thts car perhaps offered the btkgest handicap of any year to overcome- the arena las doing a war time service in storing wool the old drill halt might have been utilised if the table and equipment had been aval table there was no option but to abandon the hall exhibit this v ear and attempt to put on the arena show out-of-doors- it was carried through under difficulties beyond the control of humans but in true tradition acton show carried on its unbroken success the hope is that such a handi cap wtt not be imposed for another y v as we understand it citizens have noticed the reference in council proceedings to the post war town planning or im provement and not having heard the complete dis cussion have perhaps wondered what it is all about matter otf fact we have had the query put to us wthat does this post war plan for acton mean ivrhaps we havent the same understanding as council but well give it as we understand itsappli- catton to acton just as simply and brtekty aj poss ible up to the present time municipal councils were not empowered to raise by taxation in anyone year more than that ears expenditure and were not permitted to plan past the year in office now legislation has been passed which enables a municipality to set up a reserve fund for expendi ture on town improvement to be made after the war this fund can not be drawn from while the war con tinues and works to classify under it must have the sanction of the provincial department even alter the war ve presume these funds could be invested in approved securities and draw interest until used this is the reverse of the old plan municipali ties having no reserve borrowed and paid about double for the improvement secured for instance in lim2 interest charges on debentures in acton were 566526 and ten years before that m i52 the in terest charges m the ear is52 were slls6tl the plan briefly is to maintain present tax rates debentures are gradually being paid off and services can be maintained the fund would be added to each year while money was more plentiful for paying taxes in a period interest and principal would be accumulated to pay for needed town improvements without borrowing its something similar to our present early instalments of taxes which finances rs the expenditures are made during the year its like the thrifty individual who saves before he makes his purchases in comparison with those who buy on in ttalments and hay well for the financing aocommo dation debentures outstanding in acon now are tkeactqm fst mtcss in air assaults little guesswork tvrifcsfs most folks wixd rem at to dfcat at the be ll g3uwtiijj ot tihe war a political tmce was called- rods panties agreed to canny roati a an nonpartisan acyoperatrwe way uaiul the war ended it looks new as if the trace its ceded matter of tact it teas been ended for some tune b not npenly parties both new adtdf ohdf in oppooitwhh have spent most of thenar tune in umprevtng tffeeur political position rather than in constructive opposition ever since his ctec- toon as l leader mr john qtnt has spent has tune vtsituag vm the electorate rather titan taking his- peace t the honse of oonv- i coons and gjtving of his abifcry where it would be most effectiw at a convention we attended in august it was rather noticeablle that both jar bracken and cok deew had antple time to be present btt only one hardrwocking governawrmt offtciall could leave otta wa toft enough to make a speech mi topic was not the nice oily type that goes down easily- bat one of those with some stiff facts that folks dont rettsh even iff they know it is necessary this week we se cured a copy off a new journal called ftabhc opin ion which is- a propaganda sheet for the trogrcs- slvecbaservatives for some time there has been coming to ottr desk the official c c f organ which specialists in making mountainous the mistakes of those who attempt and carry through heavy burdens the truce gets it final signature by the announce ment that the liberals are holding a caucus- to form ulate ptaos- lor political aggressiveness ibe on tario election showed definitely that if a government is to stay in power it must divide attention between governing and visiting with perhaps- more attention to the utter we dont tike to think that last thing about our democratic system but its a weakness all must admit no the war isnt over yet again we think it would have been better iff both truces had been signed simultaneously but then we suppose it is to be expected some one will always beat the gun and the italian surrender may have been mistaken tor a partial war truce even if the fighting still rages ta italy v yo heme agam ah tugeiaw canaiits fifth victory loan will be launched on october isth and the objective will be greater than tver bv a million dollars the total cash of the forthcoming loan i the largest in history of cflwft and finance minister llsley asks that 525000000 be contributed by individuals on the occasion of the lust loan he set tht figure at 51000000 and he got 52i64t80o the special names class including business firms corporations etc will be asked to subscribe 675000000 as against the 600000000 set m the list loan in both instances the amounts are within the totals subscribed in april when the special names canvas produced 770343700 the total then was 1303895500 what canadian bus iness and canadian individuals achieved last spring they should be able to repeat the war has pro gressed since then victory has become assured but a supreme effort must vet be made it must bemade in the field and in the air and on the sea by men who arejrisking their lives they must have maxi mum support and they cannot have it if funds are lacking we should prepare now to subscribe and to the limit of our ability acton has met its objective in every one of the toans in the list loan the town subscribed 108650 and the district attached to acton 35200 a total of 233850 just s8s50 over the quota of 225000 to reach that objective 1190 applications were received it meant that evervone helped if everyone helps to the utmostakaitiinthis fiethloanactonwil not fail the bovs in the front line v 7 klltorial notes london 4cpirn mwim tabor jft tajjut rwfr 4mb sflqr air assault iwimimiic nothing brct to baaae thar- day and tbre- mnraa a otk to ta- dvtauml nuratkw ptwewvltac fyt air tmida it mittfh be tw run fir tb nazjx as ffif kuw hound out la sicily at urst fcaad are master in the- art of danptlao and camouflage the british ace jux as acttut at catrfaiag on u the outxaanr could osteoma on a briecinc seadloo tad aircrew i flare they out this would be uuite app there- are- flew details the butelflcvtkw mm cau ta and out for instance oui one- recent raid biat bombers were sent out lot dmy- bcbt b attack an airplane cactosy in e territory et encuna- passed a score or a of buimutcs but the usjbeuitfeacie was- ahb ao say bomk ttu onr aad the raid wul be looks as if the weekend dates for fairs were more in favor with the weatherman this year than the midweek show turn about seems fair enough v looks as it oni of the post war improvements m acton will have to be an addition to the town hall- fair night dance saw it packed again like many an other local function v those newt painted dressing rooms m the park were both useful and ornamental somr day a pew grandstand will become a necessity and add sone more beauty to our tine park 1 v the fifth victory loan campaign announced to start on october isth has a larger objective than jever 1200000000 theres more than fajl fairs that become bigger and better each year v seed consisting of four pieces of peeling pro duced a hill containing 21 potatoes the secret is that it took a local scot to turn the trick smiths falls recordnews that factory was the key nttiming in this partlffttjtsr industrial setup but u was weja bjddra by camouflatce ta tact the grcawi bad built a rep- lien sn considerable djstaacv away in the hope this take- baudln would at tract itrre ajpaln inteuicmce was able to say dont bomb that bui2disu youtl be able to vpot u because- of this cuuaap- of trees near- the riant hand cuctwr the jtimitf i want defctrod looks the iaiiie but it has no trees near it so the boasbers went out and canw bade then the photo- rvconaalxuuire plaiuni went out and came bade ami their futures ijiowed the buibiinig with the trwes stlu there the other it bad disappeared in the bomb mast oir the icreat danibutln raid on the feubr lat spring there were welut of secret preparation by the aircrews picked to the job- this fol lowed lunj months os experunent and tebtinc to we what could be don- to destroy these another example of detailed pre paration is the- work done prior to the great raid on the ptoeul oil instal lations in tumania august riihtswy waek traisest twentysixyearold sqdn lldr ceorce charlea barweu loaned as a irunnery expert to the american 9th bomber command went alone on the raid on his arrival in england he kajd be had never known such care before an attack ve all had every conceivable de tail available and a pleturebheiirt impreaion of the tarjjet h said ve knew beforihano such smalt de tails a hat the town atul country policemen would b dreaed in and that one carried a revolver and the other a carbine before that the- plckwl air crevn xut in it da tractbinc bombinc a fultfexzed replua of the ploeti lu- staluitiotv which uas built in the di-b- crt make rr fbt walter th cntlhian nittinlr over there sas hu soup isnt fit for a pltf manager then take it away and brine hi wm that is the week al ottawa am in rt mi j ottawa ta political ceace- htc pcuieraai has been launched here by the liberal party with a meeting this week of the party naem- berk in the senate and clause of cuajnons to- be followed next week by a general meeting ot the ittalnjl tlberal federation tt will be the nrst paeetuur of the federation since- the outbreak of war and in cauin it state secretary uclarty acting president frankly declared that other parties were mi active pouticalry that the liberals tebt it necessary to turn their atten tion to orcanixariobv time minister kinjc is presiding over the meetings this week meeting which are really a regular caucus of the liberal representation in partia- all the meeting will be private but it is expected lutnr sixnlncant announcements will follow the fed eration nretincs reorganixahon of the federations executive- and plans for an intensive rejuvenation pro- ram are expected the move follows clomly upon the sensational succettw of the cci party in the recent ontario vlctlons and defeat of icoveronwnt cmndldateh in tail federal byelections last month rvom the vtart of the war the uowraxxleat has repeatedly de clared that politks would be set aside for the duration mr tcinjr started the war period with a record breaking majority in the itoue of cununun atul be incrvamd it in tbe vuildtdy called cwneral election in muth 1310 the federation has been completely quiemtvot during the war perioil awl liberal members of the house have biiterl declared publicly that the tovernmeot was unlnjf over lack- vkard in ha nonpartuandiip meanwhile na mr mclarty said when he called the meeting the lroirriieconseirvatlve party uniler john ferackettj leadership and the ccr party have been coinir ahead steadily with partybuildinj and pol itical ufatecy lookinir touard the uevt cetieral election ttentlttbm fr tlos ftunsaes kou it would appear the tame of pouticfi b to become a matter of un- eral participation and rumors of a dominion election are beirlnrilni- to circulate it in not bxlivel houever that thu ulll come until noxt ear t doubtedlj the proctewlve-conserva- tivos would like more time to prepare for it and it is lfoportts froiu uboral circles that the government in llke to decide that us omii party needs time for injecting new life into tlio nrci nidation but the riuetlni thk wek and revt iwf recommend diftvrehtly if the report b from delegates reprewnt- inir all the prmlncee indicate u reas onable basis for hope that an election could tw uon tlib vear the prirent parliament could re main in office until the spring of 1913 nnd mv monthi more could bo taken to hold an election meanwhile there are indications that the cver is curiae atr ta the ayusitna thubsoat september 23rd ims t business directory of labor regulation and farrearhiaje moves o meet labor protests are expected ttmtfaseutaxily poiwy having to do ith the draltine of fjurtily allowan ces and rebulation of the wage freez ing ordec in rxpert to low paid fuuuee minister ludey is about to bunrii anotber vutoxy loan for au unxuetwaed suro jlacklouo- and it xraes at a tint- when canadians are wrjtlntf a kiotious but ooitly paee in the hutory of the war xamc the lakm it ti lonj- been a custom in the old couniry and in lueiuuntries i eurotm- for tfe owners of farms to lljlrm- tlkfir tie larj r uuail ittjpoxjnt jale or huiulil it is a uuv trutotn tuta in ued to oon- njovrsbly les extent hi re but oc- aiuaauy drivinje throujeh the noun- try one sees farms whlh bear names on the sate the barn or perhaps the mail bos and immediately thei tall on vpecial interest kvrje loves thiir home chv irl ksuuny of whom hv- in a tu rooms in a laru apartnteist iioum are proud of the laturs iwjnation of clarendon llalt or farkvirw manor or hifcerview xfnrulitu or muf othir such lmijlni lintl the residents move from one to the other il cannot lay t iuttntut tut bav til t ri-1- i djtlon or v iumihi i aim4jnl them ut hoirj s of tiuifor i im 4 fiimll e ililv it hjle i on th outkkii i or u i j s g lare jroirtkh in hi lty u name thlr iwjjihk u mmn tluv nnniin- tin m many of vtitt iti loronto ae i iuti uller tin hunu nf t ie ot the iiirl wltln- vlto nun d un u tut doiuuluh u1i e unt i wtnt h th old biii a iiw in sjut- diua aw nue tulud m imw flu baldu in fiuitil home v au utuaunl thetx and tald uullna aft their home n knjuiiil but rural pwtple ha unlmtundl opmrt unit let to exptvm tl4 lr hom mhthiunt h rianui whkli ar u- trlptive and individual attf u thlr troirt apart from the tielgblwiiliiir farmi on the conwviin or highway a name for our farm could wr- taluly prove an advantage and an uiiut in many iajw stranerif will soon find their way in unknown hurroundingti if namcs are umi in coikplcuou placet for advertising purpose nntixs liave a llrst iinjmirtarce etptclally for farms uhkh cater to ljuiii trad rigs nillli p4iulr uitatu cim all 1m iiiduative of juillt if tlun arc kiioun to fom from illlldale or uivcrsidj or re 110110 a the tjue inuv lie having ilect d i nimr u will find ourvdf livin- uj o it m tiiiiti notuihb v mi vtn ntt in lioiki and ptinl n huimniff nnd in ttnik and in our nun prld f own ership a well no two fat iii nr- uliti a h hav- uii iume uutstiiikl 11 ft ituif of m t- ting inv or huntion ind no pirt nf ontario has more biiiu1iful nafurnl landteiiw of river hllk and tmi zbout me prcpertie to impne iianni tc dokinate them than rijht here north iuiutli ea or w t of alton so get tojtln r as a famtlv atul name the farm one of these niie autumn evnings dbwgc kenney tsucocssar to dr j a mcxlvea office tn symon block mill strvct dr wi g cullen lmcc office hours 2tnnd 79 pnv escept wednesday and sunday mill street near frederick street rttone tta dental uk t ii wylie sftuisti taklns chare f ir- buchanans fractioe for the duration vmm tiisssit ocoos lumrm as okkice tlluiione 1u dk hugh s austin dental 8swkm mill strvel corner frederick acton office i tours 930 am t 310 pm evenings by appointment i w1u c- f leathekland b a barrister and hsilriur sobsry ruule iksuer jf marriage ljccnkts kuutrar of blrthx marrlagri deaths acton offleo 2r lbonea icesovne ifil kenneth m langdon barristrr solicitor votary fubue oflux 1 georgetown gregory thctr liulutc acion over t simcks cafe for apwjltitmentu ilione acton 65 or georgetown htt i office hour acton i u wliy and tburulay 1w pm to 4 00 p m kvenlngo on kevluet vtrtksuvattv b d young vs bvsc x4winmxy mux kno ohkw urookvllk- ontario ilun milton lwr i f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary hutkou offke atul itetldeace knov anue atton plume ltd ueai4 estatt 1 porterettes join railway war workers t vlillouguby farm agency ijilirivt mid oiikkt auiu ill culuula il ml olfkm- knit umir t11 onto jpiiruitoxv ti lliirii iitutlvit tun iium4s lhutu 4orituwa ss time tables canadian national railways tfiolng wet dillv except suwtay ill u m satunla onl j jd p m- dall etept sunda 7 itt pm moadav only lok am uill extept sunday 111 am fiver at georgetown dall etept sat and sun 13 pm klitr at gut iph dally ev- tept sat and sun 7 12 p m llnit lai dilly cl jit suiiilny ii 10 u m bally lit kuiuluy i5 a m dill tvtt kunilay 150 lm suniln ink h10 pin kljr ilnily iiorlitown 23 lira klr lllv lit culph sr pm itv in as coach 1 coach is ikavk acton s hostage of man ptmer due to en- lutraents tus compelled canuduin national radjt- rprc to employ imra o perform duties previously performed exclusively by men at the central station in montreal these women act as checkers load and un- 1oatf railway esnress cars an experi mental squad of sexen ttotnen hav tag proven satisfactory the number of woaen workers is betnjc increased as m gen rule express parcels are not heavy but occasion ally an overweight shipment is offered instruct iona to these women are to attempt nothing ewer fifty pounds they work on eight jfomr aftufts their working conditions and wages being ri to thorns can- joyed by men in the same occupations white some of these workers had employment prior to joining the can adian national railways he majority of them gave their previous occupa tion aa housewife occupations of others ranged from office workers to charwomen the porterettes now working with the canadian national express say theyare welt satisfied with the new job the platform trucks on which the women load parcel in the express rooms below the tracks are hauled by tractor up a ramp to the track level to be placed alongside the railway can into which the par cels are laden in a similar manner platform trucks loaded from the cars are sent to the lower level by tractor power there are no handdrawn trucks in the central stat ion mail express and baggage each having tts own power units to haul the heavy loads photographs show some of the new wartime porterettes at work tjst hound r n a n y i am 2 rw pm 6 2 pm ilf pm h pin utbouml iurii a in jttf p m usjw pm 7cu ii m wlh pm vll n pm a to london b sunda and lollas only v to guvlph dully to kitchener sunila and hulida to kin boner to stratford notiw to cnlilor and otiiekh in um iatur of the kstau uf trod- i erlrk uuliani llugkin late of the towiwhlp of krin in the county of ellincton i- uinrr dornsedl all parties having elalm against the estate of frdrit- william hug- lnv late of ithe toivrwhiji of erin in the count of wellington farmer deceased- uho dltil on or about the fourth day of jutv 1941 are required to sent partwufnr and proof thereof to the underfned solicitor before lh twentyfifth dav of september 1943 when the nwli will bo dis tributed nrrmng th parties legally en titled thereto hnvlnc regortl only to the claims which shall hne been filed n a foresaid pursuant to section 51 chapter 165 rso 1937 dated at acton ontario this fourth day of september 1943 c f leatherland acton ont solicitor for ellas w cheyne and ed ward oldham executors h3